HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1910-03-10, Page 1L VOL 4GYIO, 08 THE oyal Bar* QF CANADA BEAD OFFICE, - MONTREAL, Capital , . $5,0 o o, 0 0 0 Reserve . . . $5,700,000 Assets . , . $67,000,000 125 Branches, and Correspondents throughout the world. Every facility for the transx,ction of Banking in all its branches, Interest allowed on Savings accounts at highest current rates. Courteous treatment accorded to all customers. R. E. MANNING, Mgr, CLINTON BRANCH A SUPERIOR SCHOOL TORONTO, ONT. Open all year. Enter any time. WRITE FOR HANDSOME OATALQGUE, Kippen Miss Josie Young spent a pleasant visit with her aunt, Mrs. Randall at Plathsville. Mr. Richardson has returned to his home in Essex after a two weeks visit •in the home of his uncle, Mr. Buchan- an. Arthur Logan has returned from Moosejaw where he delivered a car- load of horses to a western- buyer from Mr. McCartney of Brucefield. He reports the demand for horses as very greet. Money appears to be plentiful and the Farmers sanguine, many . of whom are still holding thousands of bushels of grain. Mr. Alfred Furry was visiting his mother and other friends in Norfolk recently. before going west. He is to ha a his sale the1 G inst v 0 h and his son Roy will leave with their car .about the 20th. They intend going to the Eagle Lake District where his eon Harry has a homestead and where I they intend tosecure-two more. Mr. ry •pFALL TERM • iI E . i • Be ins on '.. la old -established an I e 8e t, t. Our o d seta ed d p • Y► eliabie school offers rue best facilities for 1 teecuring a sound business and shorthand { .) training. Write for catalogue: it pays to £ :4 investigate.£ .3 British AmericanBeslects College Yonne and McGill Ste., Toronto. Hugh McDonnell and son Clarence will accompany Mr. and Mrs, .Furry and they also intend to homestead Mrs. Furry and the rest of the fault y will go. ate,. These people le will be greatly missed in this, vicinity but es• pecially in theMethodist church where they have been loyaland faithful mem- bers, All wish them boundless success in their new homes. ScnOOL REPORT: -The following is the February monthly report of S. S. No. 14, Stanley, Names are in order of merit. 5th class -J. W. Kohl, P. A. Petrie, 0 E McBeath. 4th -H. C. Kehl, 11,A Fisher, It A Jones. Sr. 3rd =A M Hood, .1 M Collins, W O Mc. Breath. Jr. 3rd -L E Waeman, Jessie M Collins, A McMurtrie, G G Ross A. L Fisher, W 0' B Johnston. 2nd McKay, W It Cooper. Pt 2nd -B Col, line, M A Cooper, W R Parsons, .Pt 1st -N Hood. ...The best spellers in the monthly spelling matches were :. 5th- Arnold Petrie. 4th -Lulu Rathwell, Sr. 3rd -Anna Hood, Jr 3rd -Jessie Col- lins. Jr3rd -Gertie Ross. 2nd -Glad- stone MacKay, Pt 2nd --May Collins, W H Johuston, Teacher. aeaiorth Alex. McLennan, of the. Commercial. Hotel, left this week on a business tiip to Winnipeg. A portion of the sheds at theQueen's Hotel has given away under the weight of snow. The mild spell • has also caused a number of roofs to leak. At a meeting of the Consernatives of Seafarth. W. R, Veale and John McLennan were selected as delegates to the big Conservative ,convention to be held in Ottawa in June, Wm. Morrison, senior, of Mclilloo, has purchased John O'Keefe's resi- dence• in town, and will move his fam. ilyto town about April 1. Mr.O'Keefe a who is a cattle buyer on n.extensive scale, intends going to Toronto to re- side. At a regular meeting of theeFidelity Lodge, No. 55, I. Q. O. F., held on WecHiesday evening of last week: Bro. James Beattie, who has been a mem- ber of the lodge for 36 years,was made the recipient of a handsome easy chair, Mr. Beattie has been secretary of the lodge for 30 years, and as he is now retiring from the position, the lodge took this means of showing their appreciation of his longand faithful services. Goderich Rev. F. J. Oaten, M. A. has accepted an invitation to the pastorate of Vic- toria Street Methodist Church, sub- ject,. of course, to the action of the stationing committee of conference. Rev. James A. Anderson, pastor of Knox Church, has received the an- nouncement that the faculty of Mon- treal College intend conferring on him the degree-of1);---D.a-Mr Adderson- will leave town on Monday to receive the distinguished honor, which • comes I to hili wholly unexpectedly. While away he will also attend the meeting of the board of French -evangelization. Goderich is undertaking to enforce the regulations. as to the muzzling of do s: A. short time.ah o a constable g dogs that was instructed to shoot all were found without muzzles. ut as this was thought too severe a measure by many,- : the constables have now been instructed to have owners of doge without muzzles brought up in court. Andrew I ougvie; of Sarnia. has • ♦ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• e e • • The Morrish Clothing Co-. e ORDERED CLOTHING READY-MADE CLOTII(ING • 2.. •• ate♦ ote♦000eos♦e ♦s .00 • • • I i•♦♦tie '•• YOURSELF1 ` CLINTON, ONTARIO THURSDAY MARCF 0, 1910 W. I-1,Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers. been inGoderich and vicinity for some days in connection with a company, which is organizing in Philadelphia, securing options on a number of farm') n in townships, The inthe su o rr u Q fx ides, of thecompany is to plant the farms to orchard, with the idea of in. creasing the value of the property,and reaping the profit, The scheme, how. ever, is all on paper as yet, The com- pany will operate both in Canada and the United States. The death took place Friday of an old Goderich resident in the person of James Watson, who for a great many years was in the baking business in Goderich. Mr. Watson was spier 90 Scot- land. .t age For the pad st ten years he haas a native of d lived retired, his advancing years pre- venting him continuing his occupa- tion. ccupation. Ile h: d a large fam ly, the, sur- viving memners of whim are Mrs. Peter „MacFarlane, Mrs. J. Straiten, Miss Kate, Miss Madge and Miss Tive and Charles (New York) and George (Goderich). The funeral rakes place on Sunday from the family residence, Montreal street,.which, by the way, is one of the old landmarks of Goderich. The town of Goderich is making an agitation for the erection of an armory here, and at the meeting of the town council a resolution was passed grant- ing a site at Victoria Park to the Gov- ernment for the purpose if the Govern- went can be induced to erect a build- ing. The mayor is going to Ottawa in a few days to interview the Clover ns moot on other matters,, and white there will endeavor to forward the proposal for the erection' of an armory here. The park seems an ideal location for the purpose, as there is ample room for a good parade ground. Another matter which the mayor will press up- on the Government is the . straighter.. ing out of the face of the Government dock at the harbor, this being a fea- ture of the proposed plans for the im- provement of Goderich Harbor. At lresent the curve in the dock prevents ong boats lying up close to the dock near the elevator of the Western Can- ada Flour Mill Company. Constance Dame Rumor states that Wedding Bells will ring in our village soon. Miss Kate McMann, of Walton, is at. present the guest of Mrs.Thos.Pollard. Peter Lindsay bought a; driving horse from J. Elliott, of Clinton, re- cently. Mr.• John Medd left for British Col- umbia on Saturday, after spending the Winter, with his parents and oth- her friends. Owing to the bad condition of the roads, Rev. Curry was unable to get to Constance appointment. R. Clarke' contractsd the service. Elliott Spooner started Tuesdayof this week- for Sask., :- where' he will. commence farming. We wish him every suecess in his underrtaknng•; •._ s uietl marled' y ma ohn Rice Jr,, ya to' Miss Wright, ofSea- forth. Wednesday ell Wed y g , forth.. Congratulations. They will take up house -keeping soon in Mr. T. Pollard's House. A young son sof Owen Flynn had the misfortune on' Monday of this week to f all and break his arm. Dr. for was at huts phoned for and un- der his care we hope he will soon im- prove. Mr. and. Mrs. Samuel and family' move to their new farm which they recently bought from Samuel Cade, of the 13th Con.. Hullett. While we re- gret their departure our midst and the loss we sustain thereby will. be gain to those in the neighborhood; where they are about to reside. t Before selecting your SPRING SUIT, OVCOAT,. HAT TOGGERY and other O'UTFITTINGS for this season, " what store in this locality has a well estab- •• lished reputation for furnishing its patrons with o •. i o oIWeorIes?t'TheIIesI " ASK YOURSELF " what store 'deals out. -the ful- lest measures of value and satisfaction at any given price, insuring you against any form of disappointment. We say " ASK YOURSELF " these questions, feel= t ing confident that you will be able to settle the matter t in your own mind very easily,and that when ready for your SPRING OUTFITTINGS you will at once turn s your steps toward this Store of the BEST THINGS e i TO WEAR and " A SQUARE DEAL FOR Stirling an offer of a good increase of salary to remain another year. Mr. Percy Cole has dispoped of part of his bush to William Mustard ofBay. field. Good timber is Worth some- thing by the good prices that are offer- el.Messrs. Whitmore and ,Miller. who took a large contract from Mr. George Middletcn of cutting wood will be hereafter known as expert bush whak- ers. Mr. Harry Steepe had contemplated going to the West this'spring, but we earn that he has decided to remain here andsee what Providence has yet in store for him. Mr. John Middleton Jr.. has secured the services of Mr, Norman. Welsh for the summer months. The Wein does- not•appear to have any inducement for Norman. DEATIr - On Tuesday of this week,. Robert -Elliott passed away at bin home at'lot 31, con. 8, at the age of 62 years, Il months and IO days. . The funeral was held to -day, interment be- ing made at the Bayfield eemetery. The many friends of ittrs. G. Stir- ling will be pleased to heat she is still continuing in fairly good health, as well as can be expected owing to the nature of the disease and the long con- tinued illness. We would wish to see her fully restored. to perfect health again. Walkerburr Mrs. Roberton and daughter Iva, of Londesboro are`visitin friends here. Oliver Hunking left Tuesday morn- ing for the West. Will Archambault and4ohn Teak - son left Tuesday morning tor the West. where they will go -onto their home- steads near Bow Island, We wish them every success. - Summerhill ' Norman Ball had a wood bee on Tuesday afternoon. Wm Rath has moved to; the farm owned by Mr Archer,for this summer. On Friday evening a soetiabls even= ing was spent at the home .of Thos Mason. Mr Jarvis - has taken possession of his farm on the Base Line, lately pur- chased from Eph Butt, John Hill left on Monday morning. for Tabor, Alberta, after. 9pendirlg the most of the winter here.. The following is the report for S. S. No 12. Goderich andfullett. Sr, .IV- - Examined in Literature, Uomposition. Lendesboro Wednesday was hog shipping 'day tise week andthe• price was h9. . James Hill ison the fist this week withinflammatory rheu ati m. Mr, Hamm has comenced to do some repairs to the hotel previous to moving into it. Owing to the poor condition of the roads last Sunday the church attend- ance was small. Samuel Lee has moved from Palm. ereton to hie fathers house an Oa Cole farm west of this place. Rev. Mr. Martinson London, supplied - the Presbyterian pulpits and expecte to do so again next Sunday. Mrs. J. R. Riley has given up house- keeping on her own account and is going to assist a family near Sarnia, Mrs James A Webster and sister Mrs McBueuey and Frank visited friends in Mitchell ono daylast week. Rev. Mr. Currie found it was too hard, work going to Constance so turn- ed round and came home arter going a coupleof mites. ellolmesville' ;Mr Henry and Mies Clarice Bedard of Courtright and their cousin are visiting at .Charlie Bedard's on the Maitland, On .account of the condition of the roads last Sabbath, Rey Snowdon did net get to his outside appointments and Mrs W 5 R Holmes, Clinton, who was to have preached here in the even ingdid not get here either. - he W omen's Institute will meet on Thursday, March 17th, at Mrs Mulhol- land's at 2.30 p. m. subjects for dis- cussion (1) Good form in public places. (2) Courtesy • in home. Eyerybody welcome. The Ladies' Aid of Methodist churrh met last Wednesday, it being election of officers. The following were elect- ed: -President, Mrs Geo Tebbutt; vice President, Miss Effie Snowdon; Secre tary,Miss D A Holmes; Treasurer,Miss Susan Acheson. T'heamount of money raised last year amounted to over $165 ACCIDENT -•;- On Thursday of last .week while Eldie Yeo was disc harrow ing the Outline near the village, with two team, the train happened to come along and frighteneu his horses up. setting the dice and breaking the tongue and causing him to have his' foot hurt. The horses did not''get away but had they turned theopposite way to What they did it might have proved fatal to him. We hope to see him able to ,be around again soon. Tackersm Ith The ,Council •will meet in Seaforth on Saturday of this week. - Memorization, Grammer; Arithmetic, •, History, Geography,• ~Spelling,• Total ' 600, Eddie Miller 492, Katie Govier 462, Lynn Mair 360; Etta Mettrien 23T. Jr. IV -Edith Harvey 365, Willie Towns- end 321, Harold Biggin-300, Jim -Lovett 290. Sr. III .Alvin - Townsend 451'8, i Jennie Miller 416, Secord Mc Brien.348 , III Bart r:.a• Floreuee .Beacom '7 J Lawson 403, Fanny Lovett- 362` -Oalvin' Lovett. 380, Mabel Harvey 331.% Sr. II -Examined in Composition. -Arith- nwtic, Literature, Spelling : Tota] 4.50. Olive Wright, 3114, Edna Mair 322Jean Lindsay 281, May Saville 368, Jr II - Flossie Gibbings 371, FredtJohnson270, Flora, 163 285 FlocMiller. Jim Johnson , Cora Miller 138. Class I -Bessie, Lind- say, Willie~Miller; Mary Wright,Amy McBrien.--Jennie Rands, Teacher. • Porter's HHl Miss, Fisher, of Leamington, is visit, pie at Edward Jordan's. ' Mise McManus, of Oolborne, spent a few days at Mrs. But -Warta, George, Vanderburgh jel St. Catharines on Tuesday morning as delegate to the Orange Convention. .Albert Rutledge, who has been visit- ing his parents for a couple of weeks, returned to St. Mary's, on Saturday. Notwithstanding• the unpleasant state of the roads, quite a number turned out Friday night to hear the debate on.the subject, "Resolved that. woman is of more imp.ntante than: man," and all .seemed to be well pleas- ed with the evening's entertainment. The judges on the debate were: John Cox, John Torrance and GeorgeVan- derbilrgh, while Rey. Fortneracted as critic. The affirmative won the de - hate so it is understood at least around Porter's Hill that the women are of more importance than them -en. East Waw.anosh Mr. 1. E. Ellis has purchased from J, and W. Gray" of 1-lullett, their Cly- desdale Stallion' "Signalman [8970]. .It is a roan chestnut,.2 years old, and is a smooth, big flashy colt, with fault- less underpinning,' through whose veins courses the blood royal of Lord of the Manor and Andrew Lammie, EVERY MAN," a two of the greatest breeding horses, •e ever imported to Huron.. His grand- • dam is Jess of Airdrie, a draft mare • selected and purchased by Jas. Snell e TAILORIN‘ ♦ of Hullett in the land ofthe heather. This is an ext ptionall e ewell-bred colty, • and Mr. Ellis is to be congratulated on • Whenever you say the word, our Tailors will get busy -to securing him. • on your new SPRING GARMENTS. • - • •• Stanley Miss Edith Sparks" who spent the Winter•under the parental roof left on teaching in Sask. -cs Tuesday' to .resume, to g ` wan- _ . _ h 1r DCampbell has returned from • visiting in Buffalo and other parts of ;the United States. !• Auburn - - , will reap Rev T W Charlesworth 7 h. at tbe Baptist Churchch next Sunday subject, "The glorious hope 6f the church." The Lord's supper will be observed after the service, : We point with pride to our - reputation for doing the BEST TAILORING in this locality, and on the °: • strength of this, we solicit your order for ..the coming i • - • season. T ♦ We have a beautiful showing of NEW SPRING e 'WOOLENS, from - FOREIGN and DOMESTIC •• looms. The fabrics are better and neater this season Z than ever before. • ♦ ♦ e Z / Suits to Order from $Y7 to $3o Trousers " " $3 50 to $8 s i Make your choice NOW, while the , assortment is at its best. •• • ,tt♦♦♦♦t♦♦*♦♦♦t♦tN♦oto♦t♦♦••♦° t♦••♦•,o•♦♦t♦♦♦♦t• Z Z ••• Z The Morrish . Clothing Co. i " A Square beat For Every pian" A S Vote to be taken to raise $io,000 for Good Roads treet Committee intend to purchase a team for Municipal work. -Agreement between Town and Electric Light Company .brought up. ; tem a franchise be given to this com- pany for ten years but with the option of breaking this contract at any time should the .townwish to purchase this 'plant for municipal ownership. . 4, that the details for a contract such as the number of lights, placing the same, hours of burning, be left to the Pro- perty Conrxnittee. 5, That in. order that a new system may be installed this summer a vote be taken by the people at an early date for their en- dorsation, ;'tioved by Coun Jackson seconded by Coun Beacom, that the repert of the Property andElectrio Light committee be adopted. Adopted on division,Coun, Cooper voting nay. d Park committee brought in the fol- lowing report and recommended: -.1, That the dirt from the excavation of the reservoir be placed in the West end of the park and levelled off so that it can be made use of by the patrons of the park. 2, That a number of trees he bought and planted in the Park at the proper time, say Arbor day, the same tobe left in the hands of thePark Committee, Report adopted on motion of Couns. Jackson and Beacom. The usual bills and accounts were passed, Council then adjourned. Bayfield The Rev Sir Thomson, Palmerston, preached to St Andrews on Sunday. last. Mrs Park who has been a long time respected resident of this place died very suddenly last week. The sudden illness of Dr Stanhury has become very serious but hopes are being entertained for bis recovery. The Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church held a very successful enter - hall one evening in the town of last week, The meeting of the .congregation of St Andrews for the purpose of extend- ing a call to the preacher most ap- proved of will be held in the church on March 14: As mentioned last week the Irish. Social will be held on St Patricks night in the basement of the Presby- terian church. A splendid program will be rendered, - lunch served and a pleasant time promised everyone. We are very sorry to record the death of Mrs Alex Grainger, whose maiden name was Annie Mc0ulay spent all her young years and most of :her married life in our village: Her numerous friends who now hearing of her sudden departure can only speak of her in loving memories of the past. The remains were interred in this cem- etery on Tuesday last. • . Mullett. Master John Garbutt has taken a position .with Joseph Carter. Wm. and Jos. Gray shipped ed twent - seven-fne• steers-at`Londesboro. ,._. y Samuel Lee has moved to hie farm on the llth' Concession. He comes from Palmerston. Miss Annie Lawson has returned home, after spending a week with friends in Mitchell. ' • Thomas Cole and family have. . mov- ed tot the farm on the IOth con. Suc- cess with you Tom. Joseph Stevens is recoverei' from 1 his recent ilness and his. many friends• wish him many ' more happy years and•hope to see him enjoy- his 90th birthday. One of the early settlersof this dis- trict •passed• away on Monday in the person of Wm,•- Wilson, senior, of the fourth concession of Hullett. Mr. Wil- son was born in Berrickshire, Scot- land, $8 years ago, and is survived by two sons and one daughter -John M., of Seaforth William and Mrs. Stew- l art. on the homestead. Following. is. the School .Report of. S. S. No. 9, Hullett for February. V Sebert . Henrys Murray Fingland: P•. IV -Roy Roberton, Ernest Patterson, Ella Wagner, Lavern Robinson, SrIII,I --Flora ` Fingland, Edna Robinson, Margaret McLeod, Dora Mo ridge, Wilde Good. Jr- 111 -Katie Wgagner, Gladys Roberton, Janet Govier.. Willie Wagner. Sr. 11 -Eddie Good, Henry Hunking, Leslie Ball, Archie Robin• son. Minnie, Wagner, Jr 11 -Dare Mc- Leod, Nelson Patterson, Pt 11 -Mamie Wagner, Edie Mogridge. Average at: tendance 28 Freda C. Hes3, Teacher. Last Monday evening at the regular Moved by Gibliings seconded by W. Council meeting several very impar. Paisley :-That it is reported that the tont items were aimott ion askinReeve the Mrs. Connells ssing Townsend ppr pe property is inSt. aback bad Smyth brought i the matter be referred ratepayers to give their answer in re- •state of repair, garde to permanent good roads. (to the street committee for report at. The street committee are intending , next meeting. • seconded y Smyth`sec b Reeve Movedby to purchase a workingteam of'horses ; y, to be used for Municial work and also i Coun Jackson that a by-law be sub - for to draw the fire engine or mitted to the qualifiedl-electors author - hose wagon as the ease °may be. No I ing the borrowing of $10,000 • to be doubt objections will be raised to this, but in our minds the town will be mon ey ahead by the end of the year. Coun Paisley has been busy figuring out the cost etc., so will be able to quote facts and figures to the ratepayers. - - Coun Jackson, who is chairman of Goderich Township. Mr. James Switzer is able to be out again after a severe illness. • We understand Mr. Reuben Grigg, of the 9th concession is afflicted with throat trouble.. Asseesor Thompson hae nearly com- pleted his rounds for another year,the and roads making it very difficult for his work. Pie Misses Ethel and Mary Smith,of the 36th con., visited at the home of their uncle, Mr. J. H, Worsell'of God, erich the past week. Rev. Mr. Fortner intends as soon as the roads are good organizing an adult Bible Class for a week night meeting at the Cole's appointment, - tor. We understand the trustees of S. S. Moved by Court Cooper seconded No. 9 have recently made Miss LottieMoved Coun Gibbings, that request of the expended on permanent good roads. Debentures to be twenty equal instal- ments of principal and interest. Car- ried. Street Committee To. the Mayor. and Council :- Gentleman -Your street committee the property .committee brought in recommend that that the Council pur- what he thought would be an up -to- chase a 2 horse street sprinkler,wagon, date arrangement for street lighting sleigh and plow ata, cost not to exceed and an, agreement that if the' people $900 and hire a man to be employed accept it, and a vote will be taken at constantly by the town. The cost of the time the Good Roads question will outfit to be taken out of cash on hand be brought up, it would be made with we calculate that the costlier year in - the Electric Light Co, Coun Cooper eluding $150 for depreciation would be objected and .brought out many argil. about $855 and by doing one's own E ments but on a vote being taken Coun street watering and teaming a caving Jackson's report was carried, will be effected over the cost. We Mayor Taylor, Reeve Smith,, Coun- , have purchased about 15 cords of field cillors Gibbings, Paisley, Cooper, Bea- stone from the sl rests. coin and Jackson present, Councillor 1 THOS. BEACOM, Chairman Mason absent. This motion was adopted by Council - Minutes of . past meeting read by i tors Beacom, Jackson and Committee Clerk Macpherson, and confirmed. , report to Council. Communications Moved by Coun Cooper seconded by From Division Court Clerk, re Twit- Coun Paisley, your Waterworks Coin- cbell ds. Town for damages on account 1 mittee are pleased to report that the of drain. 'deep well in connection with the aye. From Spring Show asking for free tem has been cleaned and"a five inch use of hall and for a grant of $60,00. !Pump placed in position and on being From W. Brydone re Powell drain tested yielded about 5000 gallons per' passed to -Property Committee, i hour -as soon as the proper coal arriv- From Principal. Gundry of C. C. I. : es the machinery will be further tested In accordance with instructions receiv- In the meantime all work at the power ed from Clinton Collegiate Institute, 1 house is discontinued, beg leave to hereby apply to the muni- Moved by Reeve Smith seconded by cipal council of the town ofClinton.for W J Paisley. that no member of this an interim grant of $1000 for the main- council shall order any work to be done tenance of said Collegiate Institute, without the consent of the whoieCoun this grant to constitute a part of the til, Any committee to be authorized annual municipal grant to said Inspec. to make expenditures not exceeding $10 between Council meetings. When Buying an Article Ms only human nature to ex- pect and want value received for their money. CMLINF For chappREAed hanOds or harsh^ nese of the skin. KOFF KURE For epughs, colds, bronchitis, lung trouble, etc.. 'Are Both .Good Buys A purchase of either represents a Quarter well spent. W. A. McConnell Phin.""B. C.P.R.• Telegraph Agency - 206/8410101,111011101101110 Of Course you're not sick ! but still, you 'have that lazy, don't - care kind of feeling .that always comes after winter is over, so you better rslip down to Holmtae and gget, a bottle of Nyal's Spring Tonic It will -just transform you into a bundle of Energy,. Vim and Vigor. R. • W.S.R. Holmes Phm B. VA ... : vi Manufacturing Chemist, 5, "liewil"lare/s4w4we,gra Collegiate Institute Board for $1000 NOTICE miormlimal Hereafter no s itetne will news be granted on condition that estimates from the Board will be presented be- fore any further sum io passed, --Car. ried. Moved by T, Jackson seconded by T. Beacom, that the Huron County Stock Brnceffeld from the btion this shipped beats terson 1lrs. station this week. • este, Jas. Patterson, Mrs. Petrie has returned from Olin- Diehl ; full grown onions, R. ton Hospital where she has been tor son' some time. Notwithstanding the bad roads the - Goon Evening 1 Do you think the Seed Show on Friday last was fairly G. T. R will build a new depot in well attended. Clintoirin 19101 On Sabbath next the Sacrament of the Lords Snpper will be held in the Presbyterian church. Mrs. Elliott and family of the Lon don Road has moved into the house, formerly owned by the late Miss WA IF. Charles Powell and family has mov- ed into B. R. Wiggins house in Stan- ley, he will work for him during the Summer. Miss Anna Ross,of Strasburgh, Sask, formerly of this place will give an al - dress on Wednesday afternoon and evening of next week y in the . Presby- terian Church. Her many friends will be glad to see her again. SEED Saw -Following are the prize winners at the Seed Show held here fast Friday ;-White oats,ilt. 13. Mode land, W. R. Smillie, A. 1"icoat ; six rowed barley, A. Elcoat, B. R. dig - gins, Geo. 'Brock ; two rowed barley, W. R. Smillie ; field peas, Jas Ross, beans, Geo. Hill, Robt. Watson, Jas. Ross. corn fn ear, W. R. Smilliea, tirn- othy seed, Roht. Morrison, Hug Mc- ' Gregor,B, 1t. Biggins ; early potatoes, Mrs Martha . Diehl, Jas. Patterson ; potatoes for .general crop, Jas, Ross, Cgt litgairactry Specials for Fr . Saturday Friday t rdd • - March 11th and 12th: Quart Jar Baking Powder for. 20e 4 bottles Vanilla Ex't.....25c 4 bottles Lemon ...25c Reg. 18c Salmon for 13c Reg. 40c Black Tea25c 13 Bars Sunlight Soap for .:. 25e Get these values ;while they are on; and the following weeks will have other lines of equal value. We Pay Ilighes't Price for all Kinds of Produce. B. A McEWAN Martha Morri- The Property •and Electric Light' Committee begs to report and recom- mends as follows :-1, That in view of the fact that the contract existing be. tween the town of Clinton and the Clinton Metric Light Co., expires in Oetbber next, an improved system be installed. 2,Tlrat th e lun stenham System of about one -hundreds Ind -ten ke published unless signed by Show to ranted lift dollars and the per the person writing item, unless g y ., lights, which will cost $12,20 ii than his mber be ofthe Commit U f more tha t nu r handed free use c Chamber on m or 'Mill at kindly see to the day of the Show. Carried, er instilled to cost t1.0 per lamp over the this, and oblige. Moved by Coun Gibbings seconded 110, would be at a cost of $118 more • The Editor. by 'Allem Jackson, that the suit of ,las. than the town now pays and would be Twitchell be left in the Mayor's hands a big improvement neer the 18 are light lessieleeta/eteemageresialeseeeestas to defend. Carried. now used, 3, That for a first class sys. • Baking Powder It does not buy to experi- ment with doubtful brands of Baking Powder, when you can get our baking powder made with pure Cream of Tartar at 25cts per lb. It gives per- fect satisfaction - and best results. * If you have not '.tried it ask for a sample. • . R. `imilie, Wm. Murdoch ; Dutch to HUV30Y Dispensing Chemist- e Molsons Bank Incorporated 15511 , capital, SAID trr $3,500,000 Rest Fund,' • $3,50Z,000 Has 73 Branches in Canada, and Agents and orrespondents inall the Prineipal Cities in the .World. A -GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS:TRANSACTED. SAVINGS SANK DEPARTMENT" at all Branches. Intertest allowed at highest current rate. Clinton Branch.. - - .0 E: DOWDING. Manager