HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1910-02-24, Page 121
Tim 01
sorest to Fire
A Glimpse of the Limits
The Lumbering Shanty
Mills in the Distance
10 Barking the Wood
A Picture Story at the Manufacture of Paper, by
2 fluting' and Pvt.ling Logs
Running Logs from Limit.
The 'Canada PaperLimited.
Full ,View of &lift •
Measuring ogs,
4 Jam on the Hiver
, 4.•40•
• 017.4sif "
At the Milis
An Old Saying Amended.
Man—Wont you marry me,
then? Bachelor Girl—Certainly not!
When singleness Is bliss 'tis •folly to
oe wires.--411ustrated Bits.
A man must be excessively stupid
as well as uncharitable who believes
,there is no virtue'but on his own side.
Making It Pleasant For Her.'
• Mrs. GOodsole (removing' her wraps),
—I've owed you a call for a /Ong time,
S-ou know. I hate to be in debt, and
1 just felt that I couldn't rest easy.
until 1 had discharged my obligations.
by coming to see you. Mrs': Sliptung
I—Why, my dear Mrs. GOodsole, you
shouldn't have felt that . way 'at all:—
L ago Tribune.
77 ";:r71, ;:o.v"kyrt;;;;;Pr.qe. -;*-',.;•.:1A22.:47,7-160.77!',1Pretrtl.r,,VS7.41TIM.:41,` .• •
,• • ,,,,,,,",:,1,10”1".1.,I'l•II:.71111.1tWiwt,.10,00....•
M14.,,,,,M,,,,,.'...M.jL.Alatil”.....0.1,1,',11111 V0101110110
I P.
simiiating thefood and Rcg dia-
ling the Stomachs andEioweis of
; !
'ness and Res t.Con tal ns neither
Opium,Morphine nor lifinefal.
ifret:ve at Old IISTIMIMPI7=11
.Rocetelle Sols -
'elitist Seal
azrOcsiat$0ilis •
iron hl'ceil -
fl nfiti lin,49/7 •
A perfect Remedy for Constipa-
tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoes.
ness arid Loss OF SLEEP.
FseSimile Signature of
35 DosEt,:•-3scr.vts,
EXACT COPY Of wrzApvta.
For Infants and Children.
The KW You Have
Al ays Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
lento:ream comNhati. snwrorat ern,.
,13arring-Out• Day Was •General Treat
• • '• For Vi;l4go.
fan ou Barring,aut (lay Wad
ncit always teacher ut
I,cnolars only,StiZ,1*, 1,41 • old toneinn. ul
.13ruce Quality (11.,q boys
i.d< at least, the sympathy of • Ulu
.,rowiu,.up'olles.of tht •ylliv,go and sinife-
.imes this sympathy was' very activ.'
• ginist the tactics of the tolielier to
gain admissimi t( the .seltool. • Se it
happened. that the poor
lighting -the houles within; was
surroUnded • by enemies alto traitors
On ono beenslon, after diArnissi Ug
'OO.,, and as I was !bolting out ot
Ono .of the windows., -01).it.rvpd. that.
it was, futened down securely. - :In.
•v...tstigation revealed the fact that the
other windows,- I observed that it.
was f4.stt-ned down securely, luvesti
gation revealed Jim:fact. that the oth-
er indbws laid b.,X.in siniiiariv tr:•ta-
.,a, -1 fl,L5 ovidoiniy had 'bveli .,done
• Vas abs:•tit at my 'noon -day
01 -al,- and • it revealed the plot of .4
1,..rious 'Mutiny neilt morning. -
Next morning 1 was in the school.
Iv/use very early, • buil 710t, MUCH (1R.1.
tit • r I halt thr first couts, consisting
o four or live of, Vi g.r. boys, who.
ea,rie, not. .eant iously looking.: tor :or
..oxp:.cting the eninny,,lidt running at
Lti.i NJ, vd, and,
and: evidnittiy thinning !bat ,som,• 7el
their ct.inrados luta gut there Iptore
tix.m, they rushed into the school, 1
taint 1 was not Comicitale ol
Weir presi.mee or • of their coninoion
disappointment wlo..n, they saw
ine trading a'book at my desk. Their
nombers ittc,reased rapidly and acoun.
eil of war was held in the school yard.
Ali41" due delibilttions a little boy
6 WW1 rod hair, afterwards a,...tiotal.ath.
late.• and bank 111an:04er, was sent in
'to tail int: thatthfi village blacksmith
wished to see me. I. expressed aur -
pre.: 1 had boon talking to him that
lo0rIling, but, asked the boy to return -
and tell the blacksmith 1 could not
go just then, but would call on him
at noon.
But time passed rapidly, 9 o'clock
arrived, school WAS ,e..alled, and the
plot, was foiled. The boys took their
many a thou without the4r
bdoks, and commenced work in about
tun alone humor they would be in il
tirey, were sent to split and curry in
wood when they expected to go fish-
Th- lesson assi;sned to tla• fourth
class that day was "Pontiae's At.
t.nipt to Capture Fort Detroit" At
the close the soene when Pottiao tUi.0
his followers rushed through the gate
and found the soldiers within ready to
eeive them, and, after 'allowing the
buys thin: to ineditats, 1 told them 1
could an a, striking likeness between
thime baffled Indians then and them. /GUC010:1H1t4ADACIVI
:J UQ.wneu idloy iourict 'AFTER ,THE u0LLISiol\t•
•• 4on.;4-...ready
. t 1.0 jUkd
(!, irLd they would,
c..ivo!1 wit h • 'envy • .0.1
To or t h.rty ,••••s d ard s, 'but at
ex]) ,: 9.4 g early enough to.
-g•.'q. poss. Issitut. ;M.:13.0.01 beture
- •• ' •
o thed Ivrys are now -honor,
t. .,ei.ty and holding
tu.,1 .1sitions,..• andit,
• 'Itenl<t . is. it v,,ore riot s, be.
the v It, Cf.- • tttivantage 'of Um.
• heredity ...I...parents who' did not fail
t() give :pr mluodtion *and
Ki•iidt1 tram...Log, both- by .prt=o,Tt and
pliai.uplo-. • . • •
Paid Flim' Back.
tthe:Mean Tbing:—You're So conceit.
ed, Connie. that I helleVe• when. you
get into heaven the first ipiestIon you'll
ask will, be, "Are - my wings on
straight?" ' Connie—Yes, dear. and I
shall be sorry that you won't be there
to tell rec.—Illustrated Bits. ° "
• • Carter's
Little Liras PHU
)1 0
Suet Bear Sdfignatuittof
ISOitligatalte Wrapper Below. '
Very email kumuttisipar
lit Mika liftvgg04
FOR torlem
FOR ali101311dStg
I paco faxactwust
om cI&AUi1f.
ant Ifeaddi$14koVk>sifolooit44
&I -tents .U.poti theNerves Of Wrecke:
• • •
Upon the Rails. • •
. • • ..
wreck".sometimes Upsets crtni the.
• Mast trin. net once the wreck
• master oil his jirrivel. noticed n bare_
headed Man in oreralis. coVered With
; .
eoal dust: and:blood, sitting beside bi!
engine with . tears running down 'his
face. He recognised brim 'tile.
Irineert who had been hauled out a feW.
• minutes before from under the mass
or- twisted, battered steel, that had
once 'been locotnotiVe, ShigularlY
enough. beyond few ents and bruises.
be was Unhurt. UP. 'was .erying be
cauSe he could not find bis -Cap 'that
be lard bought new that day and beg-
ged the wreek master to help nim•
hunt for it • .
A • passenger Conductor of train
• that ,was derailed and bad plunged
down am' embankment crawled Out of
the .cOuftision and rendered cool and
•clilcient heti) during •the lialf hour be-
fore the wreck train arrived. • 4 little
the wreck master. chancedto
look around 'and saw the condiictor
Standing beside him holding•a• Match-
box to his ear. and shaking li.•
ently be put it back in his pocket, but
took it out again in a Moment and
repeated his action, •
"What's the Metter with your'
Oka! the Wreck master. .
"My watch hes stiippecl. 1 can't get
it to going, and 1 don't know what
time it is," answered the conductor,
still listening to his matchbox.
The Wreck roaster took the conduct.
or by the shoulders and Shook him
roughly.. Theis he "came to,"—Thad.
dens S. Dayton in lEtarper's Weekly.
New They Don't Speak.
13elle—flow silly Men act 'when they
propose! WhY; my husband acted like
a Perfect tool. Ilene—Times what
everybody !bought when your engage.
nient Was announced,—cieveland Lead'
Might Help.
The reputable American neWSpapertl
tiaVe begun an, agitation against yellow
journalisin, liOnto• Canadian journals
mild help t1: must, abcli-litn!,
their colored midiiientents.-- Londm
Arulte,e's Ca;loon Found.
It is rpportod. that the balloon of
.,ki:tiret'l has boct,
liutni itt th Aretit! 000 iztij
aural. of I'rince ;Open, 6ask,,
- • •
The Paper 'Machine
To Over its 1u
11.1., • • . On- V3 ata Lent a Day...••-
. ..
Noodyvver heard of '.'stoch food" •ettring the hoi,t PI: C,,lie. nitri.lilg
te. ' 'hens:lay in winter, iticreasiag•the Yield Ohnilk flh 01,01.1114$ p.str-coW a (.....Y,
104, or. restoring run-down animal's to plairnim,..ss ami vitaw• -
- 1,Vhen yottfeed 7stock feed" to your cow, horse, swine or Pout' ry,
1; ;:':"Sp!. eirciett tr., i'ruple ' tt 11 Iltrig sL.1 P
2:ty,4 • -,41,- . and:stay fat all year round.; also to Prevent ht.eaSe, core ad:: act:cesa.iTlikt.:41
\ you are Merely _feeding them what p..ns are growing on-VOUV own tarin.
".1 "tttE . t .. pp ....• vnar animals dc& need riot more . feed; h,,t suiriething to WO Int ir ,
113,.. • • ;" bodwg!get all•the good out of the feed YOU give thent.so .t,hiet:dc:anugeo.1%.f::
tiMVAt.t1EITPlilcraitit SrACTVIlk fwd"
Plot a "Stockfood" But a ;` Conditioner"
.0.,1•01IMIIIIM4m...••••••••••••• :
ROYAL.PURPLE STOCK SFE.ciFic contains no grain. floe I' arm • products. It incr41r,es -
yi*1,1 (if milk Cram three to five pounds per co* 1)4r. day W -fort: the 8Pec-ific intS•been uscd tw u• •
hh...m/cs. It mattes the milk richer and adds flesh fd.ter.t an ary other preparation `Icnowt.,
fed with ordinary materials •at ten.- weeks. • - -
Yong calvcs.fed with Roy.AL puRpt.u. are as Liebe at s14.-irect.s.tdd as they would bewhi.a
ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC builds apron -down anitnals'and restores them LI
' PfumptiesS ahnost magically, , Cures hots, colic, worms. Mon diseases and debility_permanent 13%
Pan itifeEwan, the horseman, says: "I 'have Lanai ROYAL P U RPLE STOCK.: PLC.11;.0
. • 191S. and 'Henry Winters,' 2.001, brothel.- of • Allen Winters,' winner of $20,500 111tistalms
',. Specific alinost a year ago, and I Will always have it in my stables,
-in 1900, These horses have 'never been off their feed' -since 1 commenced -using Royal Purple
11,;ntly in the feeding of 7rhe.E01,' 2,04.. largest winner. of any srac6s 011 .Grand circuit' in
;;" 4,0
., , ....,, 1 , • . , . •
. •
One 50c. package of ROYAL PURPLB STOCIt SPE OM wilt last one animal seventy
days, which is a littleTiver twO•thirdS of a cent a day. Most stock foods in cent Paeltages
lase but fifty days and aro given three timma day. ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC
iA given hut once a day, and lasts half again as long. kei.so pail containing four times the
amount of tho fifty cent naeltage Will last 280days. ROYAL PURPLE will merease,the Valve
of your stock 2554 It is an •astonishingly quick fattener, Stimulating the appetite and the
relish for food, assisting nature to dkgest and turn feed into flesh. Asa hog fattener it 15 .4 leader.
It wilt save -many times itscost in veterinary hills, ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY SPECI-
FIC is•Ottr othet. Specific for poultry, not for stock. One 50 cent Package wilt task twenty.five
tizns 70 days, ora pail costing $150 will last twenty -eve hens 280 days. which is four times more
material for only three times the cost.. It makes a "laying Ratchine" out of your hens.
Santmer and winter„prevents fowls losing flesh at Moulting time, and ettns rrailtry disra.cs.
guaranteed. •
Just use ROYAL PURPLR on 0ne of your animals and any other veto:nation on another
animal in the stone conditinni after comparing results You will sayROYAL PURPLE. has
them all beat to death, or else backtomes your money, FREE—Ask
• your merchant or write us for our Valuable sz.pago booklet en cattle
and ,poultry diseases, containing also
oong receines and full particulars about
If you cannot get Royal Purple -
Specifies from merchants or agents, we
will supply.yon direct, express prepaid,
on receipt Of SI.50 a pail for either Poultry
or Stook Specifics,
Make money acting as Our agent -V"' 4
year district, Write for terms. 1 11i;
For sale by all up4o•date nierchents.
L Jenkins witg, co., Loam, Can.
Royal Purple Stack and Pal:try ineeifies and Free Illooltlqi are
kept instoca CF a it Holmes.
•Children Cry
stooped in 20 minutes,
sure with Dr, Shoop's
'Croup Remedy, On.„
test will; surely 'atom.
No vomiting, no Als,
treSs. 4. sato and pleasiagsYrey—tioe, •orusalsts.