HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1910-02-24, Page 10• 1$ The Baton New Era For Bilious Attacks leie.is help, for you. Your bilious attacks may be both prevented.' and relieved, but prevention la better than cure. The means are at your hand. When a dull headache, furred tongue, yellow cast " to the eyes, inactive bowels, dizziness, or a sick stomach, warn you of a coming bilious attack,resort at once to BEEOHA'M'$ PILLS which act almost instantly on the liver and bowels, and quickly regulate the flow of bile. A few doses of Beecham's Pills will " correct the stomach, put the blood in order, relieve headache and tone the entire system. For over sixty years, on land and sea, Beecham's Pills,by their safe and thorough action on the stomach, bile and bowels, have maintained their world-wide reputation as. 1 The Best Bile Medicine Ptepared only by Thomas Beecham. St. Helens, Lancashire. England. Sold eyerywhere in Canada„ and U. S. America. In boxes 25 cents. MANAGING THE BULL. Good Method of Curing One That Has i Vicious Habits. According to u breeder who has had much experience with bulls, the wisest way of hundliug a bull that is inclined to be vicious is to hand him over to the butcher, as an anitual of this eluss Is never safe to trust. If he be one that has proved to be an extra good sire and it is deemed desirable to re- tain him for service the safest and simplest means of handling him is to blindfold him. He may be managed by ropes and pulleys, giving him room to move out of his stall when required and bringing him back to his place, but it is a cumbersome method. Blindfolding quietly takes' all the_, conceit out of a blusterer, Q broad :1 A PRIZE HEREFORD BULL. bandage of double sacking securely fastened over his eyes may serve the The ordinarily in the stable. device may be used to good advantage in handling a nervous or excitable beast while being led to market or drawn in a wagon to be shipped on a train. I remember the case of a =heifer re- ceived on the train being so wildly excited that she would jump at a per- son approaching her to untie her hal- -ter, but by throwing a blanket over - • her- bead and afterward tying a sack over her eyes she was quietly unloaded and tied behind a wagon, which she followed as meekly as one could. de- sire. Mismanagement or lack of thought makes a good deal of trouble In the handling of stock. How often do we see men chasing pigs all over the place in the vain effort to get them into a pen, the porkers always going in the direction contrary to the one `they are desired to go, 'While by hav- ing a pair of low, light hurdles hinged together, forming a V shaped guide, the animals can be handled quickly and without unseemly words. Vicious bulls are generally made so by unwise treatment when they are young, giving them too much liberty Lor using them cruelly. It is well to use them kindly, but they should be trusted no more than is necessary, for irsometimes happens that a bull that has been quiet soddenly and unex- pectedly becomes vicious and maims a man for life Or gores, him' to death. It is the part of wisdom to handle •a bull with a strong staff and a safe connection with his nose ring, no mat- ter how quiet he may be. Rid the Pigs of Lice. If the lice are unchecked they will Reliable Profits In Dairy. Dairy products fluctuate less In price Hum probably any other product of the farm. Wheat and cotton and other crops may :rapidly ascend or descend the scale of prices, but the dairyman knows that his products will sell at a fair margin Of profit every month in the :peau', • How Pasteurized Cream Keeps. Pasteurized eream keeps so well that it gives trouble in winter to churn it. To obviate this it should be well rip- ened for tsveive to twenty ,hours bel fore churning. If sour milk or cream be put in it the bacteria it contains will impregnate and ripen it if kept at OS to 70 degrees. Sour milk or cream of choice flavor only is to be chosen, as the flavor of ,the butter is made or marred by the flavor of the starter, as it is caned. ser ". ,..t .. _ .:• A Lamb Club. About thirty. yeaes 'ago In a little town fifteen miles unrtb of I+ashvWe there was organized the Gondlettsville Lamb and Wool club, whitb has been• In active operatieu ever since, The club has fifty member, and markets about 2.300 lambs each year. In 1907 the first draft of iambs was dofivered June 20 at Wie cents per .pound. while lo 190a the delivery was tna(tP Slay 2(i at 7 cents per pound. '!:'hese prices are • at least oue-half cent higner•than those obtelined by fanners in adjoining eamujteitiee who are outside of the. duff _ • Jelection 'of Sheep. - erect et'e-ftaetiug-ln ttie._tiree.di'lg of sheep the farmer. should have a defi- nite fl>`ject in viewand make a rates- ful sei,r.'ion • cif the foundation stock. If it is intended to. produce wool, the Merino should be chosen, If mutton is the chief objeer oue of thl •large/• breeds would lie hest.'. If it is.desired to produce `bath wool and roatton a ..judie}ous crossbreds or .grade may be sieeeted. But • in any 'case the. start c and small. ,rule d1 t ont should be b e g ut _•nntiously proeeerletl: with. Iietc a f<�, _pl'tiun that the. "lam is nett of the noel-: ' POIJLThY. NOTES BY C,11.1 .APATITZ RW RS1DE CORX'FSPONDENCE SOLICirEA L.ACK 1 .These articles and illustrations must not be reprinted without special permis• stood PLAN FOR A GOOD TRAP NEST. Most of the trap nests for sale are too complicated in construction. They get out of order easily, are not sure in action and require too• much time to reset. Here is a simple plan for a nest that works. The pictures tell the story. Just take a box thirty inches long. fifteen inches deep,•fifteen inches wide NEST OPEN. Inside measure. Divide •equally, hav- ing the nest In rear and trapping con- trivance in front. The latter hinged to the division board is simply the door and movable floor hinged together and so balanced • that when a ben steps onthe block on the front of floor down goes the floor and up goes the door. • After laying the hen steps to the front for you to release her. You.place her band number on record,' remove NEST CLOSED, egg and stamp it if it is to be set or tested for fertility and then reset the. nest. , Ten nests are enough for twenty-five hens, and they should be just large enough for one hen, as two entering . will interfere with .the individual rec- ord. A.single, compartment nest results in broken eggs and egg eating. A few minutes delay in • treating some cases of, croup, even the length of time it takes to go for a doctor often proves, dangerous..: The safest way is to keep Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the hodse,and,at the first indication l' of croup give the child a dose. 'Pleas- ant to -take and always cures. Sold, hy,, all dealers Warts on the Horse. A good way to rid thetIorse of warts is to treat them with strong nitric acid or strong acetic -acid, using a small. brush or end of feather .to apply it,. being careful to apply only to warts. One or two applieations of either. acid . will remove them. • To Cure Sore on Udder: Try using a wash composed of an ounce each of sulphate of zinc and boric acid dissolved in one quart of boiling water. • '.Chis can. be kept and used daily until used up. lit ease °yon' see no improvement after a week, use' citrine ointment on it daily. Any drug- gist will prepare this for you. A Good Way to, Heal Sore Legs. • 13btthe. the horse's legs every night with' water as hot .tis your hands'will bear. Rub quite dry. Then saturate cotton with a mixture of carbolic acid one ounce, glycerin three ounces, pure raw linseed oil seven .ounces and lay' over the ailing parts and- then 'apply' a light ,bandage over. all. Uive him daily erereise and before taking hlm' out to drive remove Abe bandage and apply some oxide otosinc ointment. I. take about as much flesh off the pigs '. ` as you can put on them by generous feeding. Get rid of the lice if you want to make a profit. DAIRY NOTES An odor will be observed in the milk if silage is fed to cows a short time before milking, but if given shortly after milking the silage smell cannot be detected. Use Modern Methods. Does every cow in your herd return you a profit? You cannot know unless you test the .milk and keep a record of the yield. Use the best modern method and be assured of results. Cow Stables Should Be Comfortable, Make everything snug and comfort- able about the cow stables. Cows con- fined day and night in drafty plaiees, line up most of their feed energy in repnlring the loss of animal heat. That is wasteful - Handling Cream For Butter. It is not the way cream is Sepa- rated from milk but the way it is handled after being separated winch determines the gaality of the butter it Will snake. If kept until it ferments it will male },bili butter. "I Find Them Marvellous This is Mrs. Chas. Brooks' Opinion • of "Little Digesters" dere is a short but very convincing letter which we received reeently: THE COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., I have been using "Little Digesters'" for some time. I still use them and find them marvellous. 'I recommend thein sincerely. • MRS. CHAS, BROOKS,. Low, Wright Co., Que. Here is another letter, dated Nov. 9th, 1909, almost equally brief and to the point: COLEMAN MEDICINE Co., 'Would say that the box of "Little Digesters" has done No a lot of good. Y think they are all right for any Stomaeh Trouble. ANTHONY FISI1EI%, Trout Creek P.O., Parry Se. Dist., Ont. Letters like these are the best pos- sible proof that "Little Digesters' do exactly wliat we elaint—telieve and euro Indigestion, Dyspepsia awl all forms. of Stomaeh Troubles. We are so sure that "Little Digesters will cure that we offer to hand your ,money back witheut'hesi- tation if they fail. Put up in dainty little red boxes - 25e. at your druggists or by mail from Coleman Medicine Co,, Toronte. 37, DON'TS. Don't make a sloppy mash. .It brings bowel trouble, and the liens will :sot 'relish the thin paste. s)on't keep more than one male bird. ln a small flock pules you have some separately confined. Warring cocks knock the egg record. Don't forget that excitement in the laying room creates • room in .the egg :casket. Don't change feed suddenly.. A new ration feel point blank brings sorrow.to the ohickeu .etauk. ,Don't lose your temper evhen• writ- ing 'to a complaining .customer. The ratan, with cool and level headseldom regrets what he has said. Don't join the pessimists. They are a cross, of fool, fossil. knocker, blocker, jerker and shirker. • \\ Ith all their the whb 1S of progress,.. llrophee)- of iii•.. spin mound still. Don't ex.peet eggs in in cold weather. if you do not house and 'feed -your hens properly. A frozen 'ben with -hungry look cant swell the, cash to your bank- book.. k.. • Don't breed, pigeons in molting sea- son. .They need all their .blood for feathers. Such squabs are worthless. Don't be so foolish as to buy 'pouf try secrets." It's a secret plan to rob the poultryman. .. Don't set the brooder on last year's. ;ocntion, and place it high and dry. Don't keep chicks long in the _incu- bator' after hatch is over, andidlust and clean well before you start to batch auother batch. Don't forget to calculate the number of chicks you cad just, .raise right, hatch 'eui, then blow out the incubator Ftgiit. • Don't let litter stand in the water , vessels and rot. Think of such.drinitl • HOW TO PRODUCE WINTER EGGS. 'There's no, secret' in getting winter eggs. ' . . You don't need to call in the charm doctor. • You must just press the button, and Biddy does the rest. You have done everything and .fail- ed? Maybe you just missed thebutton by an inch. You may have left out ben calis- thenics or food. variety, greens or meat products, These will bring 'em if your cacklers are not corpulent, are not louse racks, °are housed decently . and come from laying ancestry. J',00k At the picture and know that our, hens are busy laying because they are kept busy scratching for their feed. A lazy lien is just good for greasy noodle soup, but not good to sell to keep custom. Exercise for antlfat in the coop brings fine eggs and prevents roup. Rig up a scratching .place, cover it with -deep dry litter, get the blood to capering around your cecklers' egg capacity, make the Biddies sing, and when you get a nest full like the pie - You don't have to mix Black Knight'' Stove Polish, There is no black watery liquid to stain your hands or dirty the floor. There is no ''hard brick" to scrape—no trouble—no. waste—no hard rubbing. 'Black Knight' is a firm paste—ready to use—. quickly applied—and shines quick as a wink. . It's as simple and easy to use as shoe polish, and a big stove can be shined with it almost as easily. Perhaps your dealer does not handle "Black Knight" Stove Polish. If so, send toe. for a -big can, free postpaid, THE F.F. DALLEY CO. LIMITED, Hamilton, Ont. 25 Mahn of the famous "21117" 811•• Polhb Feb. 4th, 1910. ture call in the neighbors and tell them they must read this paper to get the know hew. To bring eggs your ration must have variety. • Equal parts wheat, oats and buck- wheat mixed is a fine ration. - •. Only feed 20 per cent'corn and use. that on very cold nights or in moist mash, We believe in a crumbly mash. ' • Equal parts bran, raids, corn chop and 10 per cent beef scrap is a good one. Green food, such as cabbage, beets, fine cut clover or. alfalfa,should be kept before the, fowls. • Cut green bone, if obtainable, should be fed three times a .week, about ten pounds to every twenty-five hens. Just alternate this ration and you'll, get there., .,,,Throw a Rood handful at '.Y tY /FfifAS2 ! 4 ,ter a•�q'••''• THE,wAY`Olin$ LAY. . who buy up a lot of girt eulltl, esipe- cially rare varieties, and travel from fair to fair, and then fanciers are tired of paying more express than the pre- mium ou a winner. It is n wise move when the fair as- soelations restrict poultry entries to the surrounding district."' l3y doing this they get a smaller but more select entry and can offer better awards. They should all do this and also com- bine in a big kick at the excessive ex, press rates. When a poultry raiser congratulates himself that he hasn't a sick fowl on the place it is often the next minute he discovers a sick bird. Everything about the place may be perfect for health, but the grain may have been shipped n thousand miles from a farm where a contagious poultry disease was raging.. Every poultry raiser, great or small, should know the symptoms of fowl ailments and their cure. The first consideration is the protection of the family and the customer that they use no diseased meat. Then comes the lots, While you should keep some drugs in stock, prevention only saves the flock. ,.If you wash birds for show right after using a tobacco louse powder they will look like that lady's white dress who passed the sharpshooters on the street corner, , When the cock you are training for the show is difficult to train' and will not learn to pose to show off his good points place a coop with a ben in it on top of his coop and watch him strut. It's the same with humans. In 'catching pigeons in the band net take them as they are flying from you, otherwise you cripple the, pretty pets. By placing burlap under the nesting material you prevent pigeon eggs from being chilled against 'earthenware bowls, and by regular whitewashing and keeping ]Persian insect powder in and around the nest you destroy the Hee. Drde Van's French Female Pills theWife's Friend A reliable regalator; never fails While, these pills rre exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative portion of the female system, they are. strictly safe to use. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr de Van's are sold at $5 abox,or three for $10. Mailed to any address. The Scobell Drug Co. St. Catherines,. Ont..' DIFFERENCE. IN COWS. Distinction Found by Weighing and Testing Milan. in,discussing cow testing associa- tions in a meeting,ut Cauadiaut dairy- men a,speaker.satid: • . ' 1 went to a factory and attended grain for every.. hen into the litter in • the morning early and scatter grit. At noon feed all. the mash they will clean' up in twenty minutes. At eight give them enough grain to fiI1 their crops well. Green' bone should take the place of the.noon. meal, •and on the day it is fed scrap should be omitted. . Switch this ration around to -'suit yourself. It will certainly suit the hens and bring eggs, t CO CURED �, N IN24.HoURS You can liatnlessly remove • ally cord, either hard, soft or bleeding, by applying Putnam's Corn Extractor. it iievor-burns,1oaves no scar, contains no acids l Is harmless because composed only of healing feting and balms. Fifty years in use. Cure guaranteed. Sold, by all druggists. 210. bottles, Refuse substdtutee. At P,GORN EXTRACTOR s FEATHERS AND EGGSHELLS. Many of the fall fairs did not have so large a poultry entry as last year. `.there are two reasons. A number of associations have cut out the hucksters ,n1.s..wam.s8111..s Had a Bad Cough FOR A NUMBER OF YEARS. ' WAS AFRAID IT WOULD TURN •INT® Consumption. Too much, stress cannot be laid on the fact that when a person. catches cold it must be attended to• immediately or serious results may follow.. . Thousands have filled a consumptive grave through neglect. • • Never Neglect a Cough or Cold, it can have but one result. It leaves the throat or lungs, or both, affected, Mrs. A. E.Brown, + • + Ottawa, Ont., } Afraid. , + writes:--" have • of + bad a very bad 4- 'Consumption. ± cough every winter • - • $ for a number of . -+-4-4-4--O-4-44-4- years which 1 was afraid would turn into consti!npti0n. 1 tried a great many remedies but only received temporary re- lief until I got a bottle of 1)r. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup andafter taking two bottles my cough was cured, I am never withoat a bottle of Norway Pine Syrup." • Dr, Wood's NCmay Pirie Syrup is the medicine you need. It ratlike:; at the foundation of all throat and lung com- plaints, relieving or curing all Cough. , Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Croup, Sore Throat, etc., and preventing Pneumonia and Consumption. So great has been the success of Ibis wonderful remedy, it is only natural that numerous persons have tried to imitate it. Don't be imposed upon. by taking anything but ' rDr. .Woods. Put up in a yellow wrapper; three pine trees the trade mark; priee 2ti cents. Manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, 'Toronto, Mit. guaranteed Full Weight "SALADAtr Tea is weighed by electric weighing machines: The net weight is printed on every package. We absolutely guarantee it to contain full weight without the lead covering. Have your grocer empty a package and weigh it for you. 11 Sealed " SALADA" Packets guarantee full weight and tea unequalled for goodness,. freshness and fine flavour. Don't Issue Another eatalogue ! 1 Until you have carefully examined and -liaveasked us to quote our prices upon samples of this class of work which we have just recently completed. • Our plant specializes on Catalogue and Magazine work. We give you the benefit of the latest and best ideas in catalogue designing, together with work of an unexcelled quality --at prices than are no more . than you pay. elsewhere for' inferior work. - No Job too small to go atter '‘-- None too large to bring. Backs The New Era Print Shop P RINTING AND PUBLISHING CLINTON ONTARIO their oyster sppper. Alter it wus over• -1 looked over their boons. 1 went to the'tnan that hid tUe best'yin-1.1 pei cow' in the ractut t, arid toeu 7i got the second best man 1 uiatty• 1.. went to the swaltest .utan in the to tory and asked bite what..1i ideas were. Ile was getting only yip or X17 per cow, alt 1 said to luau. "t-i0W is buaf- ness this year; Ile•sald. •'ice are, getting tine prices.'! Inc messed fel- low was not getting enriugh to pay tor the teed 01pis cuts, y'et u. was Happy 011- account' ot the price' ovilig nigtl. 1V e. Ptit these three inett's Tian e.4 a • the blaekbiarri. line was g.•ttIU 511 Per Coif, tile' other 54e,ape. tat; •at:+:.•. .`,+l7;' at)lt .toot was a assent tri :tib people 01 tnttt .du ti'1('t. it,'plilslia'ee; out the town, ut�pruntt Me colt''{ tad . Keep., gond Ones. •anti the e11;v' wee 10, d10 It is by wel ruing :eve testing their • Horse Tal'a. The toning .volt •'uontri be t•tn ght bi'tot•e • weiiuiug time "to eat grain •ayith its dam, When this is done Inc. wearing cau be aceowpltshed wtrb •. greater ease and more sulety • The most irnportant matter- in the inauagemeut ot the `colt is to beep it growiug. . • Thousands of colts every' year. are 'doomed to the "Misfit class" acid to uecome of no special value bec•aitse of underfeeding. Complete devtlole" meat can oniy. ,come from generous teeding: ' There must always be a -proper coni. - biliatiou of concentratedand bulky . tam. • The colt should be weaned at from five to seven months, according :to -rir- cumtances. - boiled flaxseed in small quantities is a sure remedy for constipation. Flaxseed fed carefully -evil! keep ,the colt's coat in fine condition, bowels tree and will promote an even develop- ment teethe muscles of the legs and the whole body. .• A skillful feeder wild` study a. com- bination of -totals as•well•.as a cbatige of food. 1t a feeder has never tried. it he will be surprised to find how ' eager a horse is for a change ot food. The colt should lie handled troni.tbe first week of its life, but there should ne no roughness in 'handling it. There is much to be gained by con- trolling the Colt from day today.. \Y hen it' has learned :to have tanplir•ii confidence in man the foundation is ,alcf for the development ot a safe aid c,setui animal. ' it horses could speak, how.. •they would Deg fot a drop M. Water these tong, not Clays: £'hey Can't, So, we beg for them. Many kinds of unsoundness we May cure by care, but the unsoundness witch is born in a .horse is hard to wrestle with. Handling Lambs In England. Writing of the methods of caring for Sheep in u ngland, a breedet says: 1't1P ll.ampshires are kept in large tiocbs, many breeders keeping from i,uul to 2,000 breeding ewes. and they are hurdled on tares, vetches, kine, etc„ and the Iambs run a day .mead of the ewes ---that is, tine plot that the ewes are running on adjoins another in which the iambs may go through a ereep,'and they certainly take advan- tage of it, and the way they thrive is ample proof of the good points at this method. The hurdles 4 4 M NEWS KEEP POSTED ON 1�'AR -. The Canadian. Farrn - and the Clinton New_ Era o For $1.50 kl TI•I>rCANADIAN 1'e1RJI, published in Toronto, is the National Weekly Agricultural Paper of the Dominion. The'worlc and • money spent on its production makes it incomparably superior to anything' of the kind.; :'Special writers for special depart- ments, a p g' t i ments..;',All;oscl�>;nai mater in'ever}. Issue. Splendid arid,. reliable' crop and markt reports. Everything .up-toedate. p:. Finely illustrated. • Choice 'and instructive reading for the K .. farmer and his family:. No farmer can afford' to be without - it. Every farmer will make more money who reads it. Q All subscribes get The Canadian Farm from now -to'• the 1st 'of Jan., 1911.. . ,Our Clubbing rate is $1.50 for the' two papers. Subscribe at once and get the benefit of the :full.terin. . . Sample Copies of The Canadian Farm to be seen at this office. 4444lJ'Ott'®O'©®.arae'4$''411.7 .r2'4 tsar cue tannin are uu a pew plot every .dayn ouuet thio .wanat-Pment the old .ewes are In good tfesh even wben nursing the lamb-. 1ne Uamp- whire lambs are droPped In January and • r ehI'uary.... Fat Stock at County Pairs.- This :airs.This yea: a tett county lairs areof tering, prizes for fat stock as well is tor breeding ovinias. the boys ' 4nouid spot tnese tairs awl .have siolne- Children Cry °hircg reaoy to show. id course, it is FOR FLETCHER'S 1 ant uot.ton'into to _'r Iambs and pigs C AS 1 A • eutiy IT tney are in . goon nest now, arid the fair is not held too early. The Fair associations should not be dis- :ouraged it their first offer ot prizes' lees notattract a large show. 1f they will repeat it for a tew years they will. have a show which will be worth see- ing and which will help their fairs by, Interesting more neonle in them. 'other. mite now to tit cattle tor them: PIMPLES, BLACKHEADS, ECZEMA► SALT RHEUM These disfiguring skin diseases are caused by impure blood, which becomes disordered through Imperfect Digestion, Torpid.. Liver, or Inactive Kidneys. The pores of the skin close up, poison- ous accumulations -which should be eliminated are retained, and ' weaken and putrefy the blood. Ferrozone has a specific action on s. For five years my face was disfigured by raw.- blood impurities and drives bleeding eruptions, that resisted all treatment, them quickly from the system. Three Kingston doctors did their beat for me, but failed. I used Ferrozone and was perfectly cut ed." . It stimulates the Kidneys and Mary Shanty, Pittsburg, Ont• Liver to healthy' action, neut- ralizes Uric acid, keeps the pores of the skin open; and destroys germs. Ferrozone is a specific for every form of skin disease, and is used with astonishing success the world over.. It acts directly on the blood, freeing it of the foul matter that breaks out in such, painful and distressing blcnl. ishes. There are no unpleasantFERROZONE after - effects from. Fcllozonc, - 51 which docs _Dot depress the heart, and is free from Mercury, Potash, CU RES and harmful drugs. By using Ferrozone you have the BEST treatment for Slain Diseases and Blood Disorders. l•To doctor can prescribe anything better, pro- bably nothing soi good. Price 5o cents per box, or six boxes for $2.50. Sold everywhere by druggists.