HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1910-02-24, Page 5�4 r 1' TL' `^ 'r," i �.. ....-.� -.. . •Q __..._ - . Ftb—-17-til.all9WO A SparklO Bu rst • or a `burst" of sparklrs is the only way to freely describe t he beautiful gems to be seen at this store. Do You Want a Pure wader Diamond P If that's your desire, Gall and see us, and we will fit you out. We guaran- tee each stone sold at this jewelry store. Our Diamonds are Gems but they're reasonable. WI.aud_see bem. _._ yy W,H He11 A,r • J.eweler•and Optician. • Kitchen. Girl Wanted f Good wages. Apply Joe' Batterbury ttenbur House; Ra p S 4s4"w4"N1MN*0"0 0 @ 0 "" I WANTED 40 ,t• 'i IR ,� The Sinton Now ___ « - --- —_ I girths ardam a Dea,tlis ........................ I +mv .l. I � � . � � &.1 I non;N RUBEIt1'�SUI�i- Tit East Waw,anosh, + ,,. _ P.ASSEI G5, , R8 �0R, Feb, l3tn, to Mr Anil Mrs: Adam Rab s Manitoba, " ertsont a sots. ,SASE -In Montreal, on Fab 11th, to , y . j• ' • ' + t 11 Saskatchewan, Mr and Mrs T U .b' ease, forruerly of Sea furtb, . son, ` ,+ , both confined to bed this week on etc- count of illness. Alberta ADAMS -- in Seatortb, on Feb 12th, ,� � Mrs. Legg, of Elgin Oaunty, is this the home her #abler, Mr. to 440 and Mrs Fred Adams, a Son. � $ USE T$E GRAA'D TRUNK SARARAS-»At7,urich, an the 14th, + . RAILW4Y $$TEM inst., to Mr and Mrs Noah $ararus, a daughter. + We are Dory settled.in sur riew "i' Via at. Clair Tunnel a11d Choice of GIBBON -In Fordwich; on Feb 2nd, to :r bars It J Gtfoeon, a daughter •E• '1' ,i, store: one door south' of our old •I• d. stand, and with the increased routes from there, JNearly ail double track colltribating to safety -speed and I and + b CO I q3C-.lu HQwick4 Ap T'eb tit , 'I' allow case. room' ore hetter pro. + to display our large &'QCk .g, ooalfort, Passes_ through principal Oana- d1aA and United. S6A4aq Fitiee, No ►3iAno- 1 Mr +tad Mrs, Trios, Mayon daughter, pared .1, of . • •t. tony . f OWERY••�-At Medicine H�t,MAI• I 1. 809E'Mrs r McQuade, of M oNlRop, aged Send In 'Your Caume» `.t'he hockey seASOn Is just opening and will be in full :awing i13 a week or two There are many young teams in the fawn deserving of notice and credit Send fn your games. to Tipu NEw BRA. Be sure and give the score and line-up Of each team. To ensure publiox- ti on However, the repports must be in the hands of 1tbe Editor by Wednesday evening, 01317 report of. Wednesday's game will he accepted Tharsda7 morning. A!1' reports, 110-ma o mat - hew sen-zll the playerq, will re- ceive due tat t e, a, on Feb, 20th, to lkklr ail t rs Chris. Lowery, ason,i i 01FatieitCs,. Jewe.ry ,i,. ,g.. •i• Modern Equipment !tlMwvww•r>.�•+�•r►rr � ""` - DIEDI Silverware +h � • - 7:.:,,,- __._...,.,,_..... ­ _ •j WATSON,--In Wingbam, Feb 14th, I James Watson in hfs 7lird' year, + Gloelts toad , Fancy China `i' '� Seoare ticlieie and farther Information Stanley Mr. John Batebart and his wife are L1TTi,E� In Turnberry, Feb 14tbt 't` Will be leased to have all our 't' p '1' call at from '- John Rspsfprd, pgefit A O PattiSoa, De of agent 1?, , both confined to bed this week on etc- count of illness. Mary Eiizabeth Smith, beloved wife of bfir,,lohu,l,ittle iu her 53rd year. I.PUTT.AND .l. friends and customers d. any time, *1• M ,-•.-•-. .... --- .....--- .•-••••w- Mrs. Legg, of Elgin Oaunty, is this the home her #abler, Mr. -la Wroxeter, Feb Stb, THRs T:4 Putland, in his 57th year.. + • + _ . _ + Followingg' was the program given in Willis Church Monday evening by week at -of John Butchart, Mils Edith Sparks entertained .RANSOM. -•In Ethel, Feb- 10 . An , Barker, beloved wife of Robert liana •l4 „ ,l. + " r go . the oung children:-- . y Piano Solo -Bessie Ross, Show little Mar e number of her friends and .Dei hbors Oi} Monday evening OE flits wee. -sons, aged 85 years, . ! 4 +++ Doll -Seven girls, y Mr. Wm, Taylor spent a few days - O'ROURKE•- In StMicbael's Hcllpdtal ; d•Cllldley.Hatiie + Jeweler and Optician. • + Gxegg.Helen Forrester Agnes Pair, Bertha Gunn, Kathleen last week visiting friends and ao- quaintances in and around White* Toronto, on Feb, 19th, Patrick Joseph O'Rourke, formerly oft BlytO and sis- ,l, .t. �. Yss>t er of MA>r'riage Licelnsell ,1• Dowzee and Bowle.Cbown, Duet ' Hattie Gregg and Agnes cliiircb, 1. 809E'Mrs r McQuade, of M oNlRop, aged . + "t' 3-•1••II••l��l••II•+1••l••1••1•• •1•�:,+t• r ,l„b,�,��;,�, ,l,,l„t Fair. 440an ,ori make a loaf of Rlead' Operetta- yf>oeslps, Mwrion Gunn, PIt1NFBR OONE -There passed peace fully" away at his home on the UdConn tit the o€ John Butebart, aged f3INCL�t1R�Tn Brussels, Feb I4th, Cbristena, daughter of Mrs Jno Sin- diets, aged 41 Vaasa.. tt -^- Mr 3 Wasman spent Sunday at ML: Bessie Ross, Viola Hearn,Jean Morris . Sara Agnew and Abbie Glenn. Reading-Tobogaaning,Vlola Hearn person 89 years and 9 months, Deceased hes only basil ill with la grlppefnr a week. F� ISTRETTON•�-In ort William, Feb. L H Bowman's and other friends in W inghom over Sunday. Olzorns-'O'Oelnada girle',Pe�gggq Me- '1'a art Mamie Tull and Florence lrg He was born ill Dundee, Sootlat.d,and came to Canada with his parents 15th, Capt Jas Stretton, foriperty of Brussels aged 82 years. Mr, Morley Coupterhas been n ek I. Martiin, when but a child, The'family settled ! 'Y k Co nems Toronto 41 years ... Clothing Pricey , Almost flout n Half Hui dreds of Men's and Boy's Suits and Overcoats in odd lines arid, broken sizes that must be ,clear- ed out during February. Neu'% $5.50 And $6 Op Suite'Fe'brua,ry Sale Price .... • • $3 95 44 700 and 8.110'suita 44 44 4, . a ......... 495 p" 9.00 • Overcuars. „ .4 4 . ............ 5,93 f4 2(MlHeavy Work Pants- 4f 4. ..a.. ,. 1.19 i4 -. I.M. a.nd 1,10r 44 ,4 44 • 40 4. ..,....... 7Q All other lines of Clothingetlualiy reduced in price. SHE OUR -•-Men's workingshirts At We- . " 25o wool sox -.,•. " 190 Women's 35e wool hose f4 23c . e4 2�5�/0� . ,4 •te 44 190 .4 100.. - 44 $4 4t 600 La�die9 and. ChildIen's Mantles . at less' than hall price 10 Lildles' Mantles to clear At $4.50 , 12 Chil4irens,,,,.,,,,," 46 `4• " 1,98 •• Special prices on all lines of Boots„ Shoes and Rubbers. .. " • . . i on't'buy before getting aur prices . Plumsteel1ras smaller profits And more- Business CaIRAHAIYi •-Zn t4oderi�eb, Feb, 14th ed to the house during elle pas w Sermonette - Dr Stewart. _ . 4- or with the prevailinK cold• ago he went to l,lgin Co. tW live r and . Mary.G Graham. aged 86 yeats.. CAMYBELT. -113 Goderioh, Feb 11, ' _�Mr.-_Cllr%rd......Tierney,--a---telegraph-• Mrs a R McTd art. of Blyth, spent g P a couple.of -days this weekz -the-' guest SALVATION ARMS W -At the -Barracks on '9�'edveaday 2tsd y - Ll'hoertlampbelfi~aged-81 `years:• "'- - • HAACKE-- In Goderieb Tp., Feb. of oUpinother Mrs s week son. Mrs Samuel Lee, of Palmerston;waa next,. Officers and soldieis of Seaforth and ,Goderlch will visit Clinton, and a .a 12th, Qilm Haaeke aged 69 ears.. I y g e 'n the ' i town n Wednesday. n o attandl w y g m e i , The w 1 co bet a musical e n i l fidt g 'i n Every.' h S Jin an will be the front. t. t B w er g Band, BEACuM In Clinton. Feb ..2Uth, ne f the ate Mrs Thos Lee. funeral o t 1 T one is invited to come anti spend n 1 Catharine Sheppard, beloved wife of . Mr May left Monday for his hones enjoyable hour,= -Capt. L 1' Mortimolre ' Mr David Beacom, aged 81 years,.. ill Montana aftertia months pleasant . ..._, ��,. - - - � . -LEE}-In Clinton, Feb. 21st, Lillian Mary Reid, wife of Mr Thos Lee, aged visit here with his Old friends. Mrs -Wilbur Manning and daughter, #+#+"t►+••�A•��•t•*+#4..4+++#+#+ i 20 years, 7 months and 20 days. • Miss Harriet, visited .the formers moth I MANAGHAN--Ia .Toledo, Ohio, on. Feb. l6th,samael Managhan, foiWerly er. Mrs, A. Tavlor,.over•. Sunday., Mr, Frank OWeiland family are get- ' tvx. �` 4 d • d 9 'n 'din h a e recent- •b, , t ed rs a n o the. int n a ea m a of01 . n , y a their new m n- ti Gtt s e purchased Mr, Roht:'Holmes. '.4T11+ Mrs. Clen]entine Fessenden mateli ' and the medal the "Fes en, .. 'i' . $'UTCHART-In Stanley, on Feb. :ly froial _'The I * 23rd; John Butchart, aged 89 years and Zurlch Herald of last week said 9 months.. Funeral • Saturday, Feb. 26th at -2 m. P •:-Miss Flossie Hartlleb visited her 'sister, Mise Elle pore at Clinton R ' WESL1t7Y trey, lits. Jolliffe's stn jects next Sun- obs,n a of patterns will be thkeu by' Mrs �efferst• ' .1 � OLE- In S on Feb. 15th .over S da�. , '. - i wllicli renters It* unsiwly attractive. .. r 1' . A visit to our wareroonA 'will please ` 11 Jacob A Wrestler" the fpuz th sol.- in the Life anti Character. of Jii- ber.friends here for about six months :starts for her home in Manitoba•f isl W t y,ents a131e Catharine Wolf, of Brucelield, aged : - yr !._ •-1___-__-___-______ ____.._.._-.___� married • while living there,_ 38_ _1. � __ . -_.._ -; ___.... _.._ _... eura,-&, ti,Butch� "ani faaPwi9 newspaperUp.is the indispensable moped Owing Ellen Dr Medical Ohina; and ghureb, he A her Tonto from est . d .- - A' letter received in Toronto from ' to btanley, Tp, besides his gbd.,partner, who ie now ill, he leaves backbone of any advertising cam- P ni g nap.. A man bugs a newspaper per be- rite honorary secretary of the Lord .11 Poberts' Imperial Cadets, Dr- R. J. G. 1 ever n will hzi ren who ! of6c d fam 1 . y aLes- eCol.. s k b e kind olds o n odd hr, the k w Y 1 e P . , it It s a necessity. s .h wants A cause a t y. c ew e r tt ea ential " e b a e s azin may a y y P permission t a ' m s t c 'timate h Hanson, In P H a . Mired through. secured Itis c°ail s. b father. The children are -Mrs g. luxury, but it can Hardly be termed a card, itdjntant-general of Canadian McDougal! and John at home; necessity, .. militia, from Mrs. Clementine Fessen. . T. It, at Red Oak, Iowa; Dr James Missionary At ° Lu. Chou Fu•, annual meetin of the • erEh CouTREnty, nn u. t an et of, 1'0 l ry d. Ass- dell' of: Hamilton, Ont„ to name a. rifle mcostpe'tition and gold medal after her Mrs C Legg, of Lvope, Unt., Rev. F. D., Minister of Aetna St., Qounty' a ell un- oc►anon was held In h Mitch iii rt cognition of the fact tllaG she was the of and sponsor for" 1Jm Cleveland. The funeralwall he Saturday of this week and ni ^It chamber last Wednesday evening.• when the follavlring 4aflicers were elect- •"founder Pire , lluy as celebrated in ail the dominions. The letter re- he services will be conducted by Rev services ed for the ensuing year : Hon. resi. g y pto dent, Jas.. Dougherty ; president. A. Briti:5h . I miirl;s, "aur boys will be keen mos Towell, . of Guelph; nephew of deceased.. Mr Butohait was a mem Goebel; vice •president. J, Crawford- n. Col"Pete and so `i0ire niorate' Can. in Empire Day CeIebra- a hristiau Chureb, .a life of the C To. secretary -treasurer, Win.. Martyn ; executive committee, (x. Diegel,, Brod- , arta slead tion,. 1'.he.•- match -will be palled' ' Ong Liberal and a. reader, of the Globe and - Montreal Witness $ev.. Mr. Grose, Sebringgvill� ; hagen *P lk Jacobs. Win, Casey, Wm. Timms '.4T11+ Mrs. Clen]entine Fessenden mateli ' and the medal the "Fes en, boyhood.. He took great intet. . boyhood. final and-Waltpr Edwards, Miishell ;• aud•. den Gold- Medal." quee�ioli B S b i !tars D. L. McSeand and W. tl. Bar= . . Girls wanted for newe.t. brightest, ._ __._...__,...__... waest and most up-to-date Blouse end o7 years' - operator On .the G �? R whose home tis ..li*.¢4►.l!4�.1•�•l• ►!�,��•1•�'j•�,�•�'i'#'�'*'i'#' served a9 trustee tyt t e e,ir c oo + tewear factory in Clanada, Work in $l th, was visitin' in town fora g ley. It .was decided t hold the next y g fora rent many gears. show on Jan. 10th, 11th and 12th. Thorn and the .Rase. consists of sewing Ladies' waists. flirts few days. Miss Bessie Walker entertained last Mrs, Tempertgn�T`ve •gilt the deet- , experienced on power machines prefer- = Mrs S Crich wishes. for thank her Friday night. est old darling of a husba,t • that -ever. . �a' but beginners will be taught, Com- 8rncefield 1Cortahis quarters. Steady work. Roca ;rX. ** �+++'�!!�F4�P' k"�t_@__@__#__s__@_ !"�,'�•s very many kind friends for their lov. Mise Hattie Middle'toto entertained Happened: H'e has an awful temper;, wage• T8E BTLIi wAITEw., R Mss CO. ,. + Ing sympathy.and 'beautiful flowers, The concert in, the Presbyterian _ last Wednesday, and about once a month he gets mad Berlin, Ont. church takes place.I+riday evening.. Told Often Enough. I Persona/ • N o t e s * she received during her illness. Miss Maud Torrance entertained a WissMaggie Aikenhead has returned. ' and tears up my best hat. Miss Sin- 4is,�oNNONo1r+.'bN�#40" "'t` Mr and Mrs Jas Mahaff , of Clinton, number of her friends last Monday 'o1 ought to know what is rlgl�t and Metal— Mild; you call him a: dear o1rJ If those having xelatives,or friends y from visiting relatives In London* n „ visiting is town or, going away were the guests of their.son in•law night:. Mies May Gibson entertained .nam+ proper. darling after that? , ,you can you3 notify us of the fact each, week we and daughter Mr and 'We William Evelyn Cluff entertained about fifty her of her friends on Friday evening of .. "So?'. . Mrs. Tem'perton-'GGeil,: you, see, h'e,al. Clinton Market Re ort. y . p woWd announoa it in the Nlaw Etre. *� Sparks o Stanley, during the past of her, yau.ng friends+last Friday night last week. "Yes; I've three grownup �Isukhters ays has'La fit of remorse next dev � 446week, Lom 7 to 10. r.1. The Uddfellows of our wiilage bold a ,ui. home to tell me:' --=Detroit ,'Free sl buys me Oorrected every Thursday afternoon a ,4�4w�,t�41�1.�t�J�,J�,., „i�,J�,J�.�.J�,J��J�►,i�.', ' . Rev. Isaac Couch,. of. Hamilton, has Mr. 'and Mrs. L. G.- Fleming enter- ve pleasant At -Home in•thelr rooms . rryy ,'Press. Wheat, (new)........ 1 02 to 1 04 .. received a unanimous invitation to the talne'd on Tuesday .of this., week and on Friday -lost, . id a e . one 1. Oats, (old) ............. 0 40 to 0 40 Mr. Tozer was In 7.oronto last week. - Seventeen of ' 'bur' boys" went .to pastorate of Gdorge'St. Oblirch, Peter, again to -night.. vats, (new) ........... 0 35 to C 36 , Mr., Scott was in Hamilton last week' . boro: ,13e is a brother of the late Ar Mrs g. West_• M_q=,,.elitezt,i,lned-, a. Gude n-Fridag-.ta: -witness :the.'_. -, . _. - Barley ............... 0 48 to 060 Rev. Mr GFuttatle haa.baan:.nmthe eiC thur Couch,, -of Clinton: .-.----�--�--•~ "'_, `_'q, ameof.Hockey between London and Peas .:.......-° r.,., •.-0-80-to-0 80- - . , number of her lady'frlends to a tl im- Goderirh playRwrs . . I . 1.Me ' - This week Mr and Mre W Sparks, .ble tea on Wednesday of•this weeki peas, .................027 to 0 18 Rev E H Sewers preached the -An- . By0 . ' L % . . � atgter .. • • • • . • - • • • • • • U 21 to 022 ff7harlie Tial! spent Sunday zn .Sea bta13ley, were cISIGIng with Mr and llitsa Mada Cooper entertained a nlversary. sermons• !n the Methodist • .......... 7 6U to 7 b0 forth. Mrs Jas. Mahafty. Owing. to Mr •number of her pang friends to a:birth ChursAry Weatminister on Sunday . Aoga .....0 , Sparks numerous duties. od. the faran qq Potatoes... • • • • • • , , , • 0 30 to 030 Mrs. W. Ross was'. in Toronto . last day.party'ruesday evening from seven last. It was the first apniveraary in . , . '4 their visit in town could not be an ex= i week. , to ten. their new'churcll: tended. one:D' I .: . 11Irs: _. H. Pugh was in.London'last Mrs.. James.Southcombe and bei s!s- - On Tuesday last Mlse Wolf t on;. . Wanted. week, Mra. Blackstock, widow of the laats . ter, Miss .. W ashiilgton, entertained a Village d. -peacefully away at the11 . , . — ` 'n in Rev: W, -S;. Blackstock, a forme p number of frielida Thursday evening] . home of her sister, 1V1rs,r�Vm; Forrest; of I Mies Kathleen Gunne is visiting • , for of ttie Rattenbury :St. ,1Vletbodlst y, -She has be Pant maker, ono that can make vests Toronto. Church, died in ttenbury .S ., Thursday. echosi at the home of the latter. These two of Stanley, en ill for some 1.16 all .round -Tozer 4t acicstock . ladies are capital entertaiiiers..and all weeka,eo that death wIl(s not iznexpect• prefered price.$ Miss •Butler, .of Goderich, !s vlstfiig 'She was the mother of C T B, , Brown. present, spent a. most delightful evfn` ed, • .Her death"was but a oletory, for Miss Ross Lavin. the well known Criminal lawyer at` ing. she had• Ions: trusted fiI a Sagiour who a C Mr. and Mrs. J, Leslie herr 'spent• a Toronto.h ' .. . - _-T_=- --•---- ' • is -both and able;to sieve to the Girl Wanted. few'days in Eruoseta, - Mrs. F. W, Watts returned home uttermost, She was.a consistent Diem• � --- iVlisa E I i, Lavis is visiting with yesterday after having attended 9, .` CIODERIC.H HARBOR ber'of the Presbyteden church of our 9. elan es and friends tri Brussels, most successful series of 'farmers . In- - - - • •. village. The funeral was. held. from . Goon girl wanton, for geneiel housework. r v stitute meetings in.' East Huron and ENCE "1►'ITII GU 'ERN 'her home•in the village to Baicds deme- .. � ' . L' . .1 . Apply to SIRS. T JACKSON, Jr., sigh st. Mr and Dfrs S. H Gidley, of Blyth, {iONI�'ER _- _. _ _ , North Essex, DIre: Watts tery. on Friday. �' ; ti an physician were in -town ori Tuesday of thea week 1110ENT lE4NGINEEIL LAi�[B, , :', . I 77• NewDiscaveries y p y was *61tkeceived and her addresses' . iY1...111[..'.1.% Cj, N. c. N. Tablets for internal use, c. N A Miss Isabeira Webster, of L,o>ides- .much appreciated at eaeh,place;, many local. nourisher for external, use. .+ re Ed S v- expressing the .wish C• .P, a. ,and. Mumeipal Represents- � --- AND -both urea In conjunct. boro,.visited her sister,, M, , e who; heard. tier expr•ssi g The twoaces ore lite th18 ser. . L. 'A .. � , 9 + . tl ion at the same tiwe prod in w that she would L•e-visit their! - =1n the ti hes, Disetiss the Requirements of .r#l_fl R � SisS I.. . • N, A, vi linin and re]uvenat_ : _ Y IL. to Build 1+'rei tit •. .. �. 1pvi orating. to g • - ..I t Miss Ida Cornish of the Normal naris future. the .Port C. ig. S i„gefects then has ever before beenol%rg4i. Sufi- . ^x:- r fromvital weakness I . a - . , and lost viggr;.that ,school, LOndan, spent 6undaV with 'The �Jodericl� Signal had the follow , .._' Shed i£ ''$reakwater, is Yhlproved. QlANA•DIRN ares% 9 . . . .. .­ . of each - i efers to a brother' saps the pleasures of life, find one her parents here . mg, personal wh eh z _T g p ,°,a,, N S N4J'TES dud won erful invigoiatlug, enlarging and n of Clinton. M. A lrieetin of the Canailfan ? aci£iC. . Yn . .. pro es d Mrs. Blake Who has- been for some of Mr B A McEwa lasting results, Free Trial Sample mailed in 'time about Clinton,, lfn on returned t6 -.Ed- McE}ven; of St. t�eor e, is in town Marine and l�i.uuicipal representatives I d s plain package on receipt of this advertisment and t '. visiting his brothers, I J .and W C' : way summoned Tuesday morning 't0 ���� �i���j��j l� six cents postage. Address=THE NERVINi~ CO. mouton last Tuesday. g confer with the Government LnQiueer %7IYl l�il►1N1 � r�” A 1 4 Z'ICTasie AVE., WINDSOR, oNa., CANeDA McEwen; tie ,has 'sold, his; business " cause we cO rrY the largest assortment, the best at Si George and in the spring "Tie and Lambe of the Public Works Depart- LoxlaoN entered`a protest againi t Qwest :pricef3, Be Dods anti the l — - . his. brother W 0 bitend taking• a trip• meat in discussion of the Improve: the. GoAerieb Mtitch, claiming McUart- ,' . �.. . �..,,,....................•..•,.•..•,..•,.,,..,.,..........,,•...,,•..., I to the Wept; with a view to locating.• ments•neeessary to Goderidh harbor by was a professional, . . At Edmonton or Calgary: and breakwater for which an aggres- A Car load of ghee went to Toronto • While.the Lditor.was hiskin -a tri sive moVement has been instituted bq p . _ g p .Mayor Cameron, The Canadian on Saturday last: Mr. Jno. Hunter - Winter Ter M. to Brussels 9atiirday evening, ha sues making the ship -meat. -meat. -�fi . :� � ` indeed sur rased to discover -Mr. Sym- Pacific Railway :was represented by & P VVe a15CsD; haus large !tileaInS Of 1.Cash $ar a��GfooV .lu erintendent Oborne ane Assistant MR, JAa•1E t VANi+ aDioNla has recent: , 1 in ton, who supplied lied at Willis church Suit. McNeiliie, General Freight y fronx.11lr. C. Iioarea line • OPENS ^---� 'L for two' months the past sump 1. purchased . ? p mer, ,on the train, and be wits bound Agent Kirkpatrick, Mrs Savage, with upright Grali'tI Cabinet Plano. , . ... I , T e regched two their, engineer, and they expressed• Inz snow shovel! s a very etlective • e . s. eClals °.40�" for l3ruasels where 11 p a desire to proceed• inimediately with n p excellent sermons in the Interests of weapon. for the killing of .enthueiasni . i Home islona, He wished to be re'- tile. erection of extensive • package over an old-fashioned winter." ' W hick• • excell .all. ' others; fol' quality a d' prices: J 1 Cl t1�ry 43r ( ,{ tiered to his man friends in this town freight sheds providing the Gover• LAST Monday . evening Jaeksoii'a �f lt�i� eSta rdd y ment would provide ads uate break•. _ , y J and we take. this way of doin so, o hockey teaux defeated the Bankers in A.. .. J _ g waterprotection to enable their vessels Feb.. 2iith and 2GtTr: �:. -- to load in any stress of weather. To the•town League by, a score o£ 5 0. p ill . e urged Done with leather. muzzles are liable ' " u N 1 1. 1 . an da of i' 1,•'jr%,*,% %V W%N%�+wv&".4W- . this. end the Goverment w b g _ • . . Students may enter y y. j lbw best Oatmeal...: z5h ► a - ' # or a breakwater already Commenced..°to be shot, ' Nothing but. wire is re- (�'�+ co nfz .d b the overnment proclama �� the school year. C�IM�t'Cil 1�i11tY1�ES' t g j 1 Our ? 3 pkgs_Corn Flakes.,.. 25Cr�►•v�r%w w�w�►r. . ealforo Ion. s a Individual instruction. U u ; ` bars Ci33rifOrt Soap %rOf L'ond Tr�l� minute Etat you learn that graduates get the best ; fi"" ; 13ew ]lrsss daces at hoc ane 76e..I,Or vara, in y leave, you Uel 1 positions. z Re . oc Black - Tea..:, ••ONTAR .0 STREET . our tenant is' to 1 . p c 3 2 c dress lengths, all shades and no two aUlte; naw, have your CO fora "To Let ad on 'With' stone sett' ngst ValUf: I Loop . e l • , F E', Ma1'ott B. A. B. D.; .of Prints at 1240. absolutely faast Cloth affe Oil !Cs W y to this copy for ,. ,,.,, , ,.,. .,.. . ., : in more " Re . oc Mixed `sea..•. fxe Rei: F. . Prints at 100 Iron clad Galatea for (-f/v-..�■J Mail Courses. We tree g i g..3 Colborne Street Ohur�h, London will, +� young people than any other • all a reach Missionary sermons next Sun- 'brown. wags (strongest sloth msec, y blue ani Zltl. Listowel Poultry Association g a = l Special gala Or g S.••. t`36C P y brown, with whitestrines,2tle per yard. SAT - management to Caned day, Mr.Malottzs an excellent preach= URDAit SPTuOYALS—a lbs Rolled Oats, 260; 8 are holding theft iinnuall?oultry Sbow •, bottles.lemon or vanilla, 25c; Corn Starch, 8a to -day, Geo. Roberton of St_. Gotha- 1.: = Get these va ijr. S ecial music Will furnished by prep: at LOUNSBURY's, tho nig store with rfnes, will act as .judge and in the ill APRliated with Commercial Edy 3 �• 111eS While they p -caI1+c -f -:l ecX Gators' Association of = are On, And' the follOwing the alaoli!. A!1 are welcome. Little prices. . . Canada. ? . At the Vpednesdaq. evening meeting I Hutton received a Carload of Mani- evening he will deliver a lecture _ .' _. . c weeks will 'have other litres. robe wheat this week. , �"'� '�•�-� this week in Ontario Street Church, 10 S ith 'butcher Is busy getting in i i1 of equal Value. = F 4 Rev. J .Greene delivered a splendid Misaionory address and 11,rra: B• J. n► �- .his supply of ice for the ioMon, `1. CLINTON = We Pay Rigriest Price far .all ' !. G�bbinga'and Miss Mand Wiltae cent' trlbuted choice, solos, The pastor pre. Miss foaie Risley entertained a few ofRher friends on �aatdurd last' Kinds off >hrodrtCe+ -BUSINESS COLLEGE 3 i sided. will the Rev r Lockhea wI occupy 'Presbyterian pulpits neat 3unda9, EPwoxTu LUAatraJ Miss Minnie %yon entertained a fevt I t �' Bi 1. The members of the Ontario Street Junicr "League'., will be treated to a o r friends on Tuesday. evening, of Alice Yuungkilut, of Blyth as t r�+•r% Guo, SPOTTGN, Principal. t 1 ` sleigh -ride on, rriday aftelrnoon.. The at 4,30. Re- the guest of Miss Utile Lyon over Sun- : ! , • " rigs will leave the church freshments will be served in the base- day. -Win manning of lllanit4Ua after a ' -,••.,•,M 4.•M•.,•..M.•,...A,NMw ...•.....,..."....u•.i••..�. went at o'clock. few months visiting here star te9 for . ' .0 Ontario Street Leagne purpose hold- his hoii>e on. Monday. • Ing a Social next Monday evening, to John Jamieson of Madoc gold fields which you *111 be eordiailq welcomed. after a few days visit to his brother _ '-"�'= .. •_ • �''��. //�� �7 k - �a 'Back cif our Fn lr>niture The Newspaper.m will p Each Depae in the m of a 1 menti of an ordinarynews a ek will be well eturned On Monday. and fa tlilaytrrhad a misFortune of a James Hill t� 'break down with his engine and had � o c 1 represented Editorials b Messrs to filar Ip. to BeAfTi to get the ' ,. W - is out guarantee;and tbab of the maker 'l w^ ^. " r ,- t Holmes. Bartley, and Treleaven-, Car- toon by Miss Wilson;, also Personals, necessary repairs, . The regular monthly meeting of the, It&• S li iii E >p lit IV T T U R >S P ``i, Home DepAtUhOnt, Musical Page, Wants,,Dlsplay ads, etc, -=- Women's Institute will be held on Thursday, March 3rd at 2 36 p;' m. • t' ? .rhe subject of spring sewing andinter : --.- -- M is put together merely to sail. Curs is ; , :' made b experts for and eatistaot- Y p g R ' WESL1t7Y trey, lits. Jolliffe's stn jects next Sun- obs,n a of patterns will be thkeu by' Mrs �efferst• ' ..4v ,,1^�yJ , : dry use. And this serviceableness is ,', fi���r�. ,M,� , combined with an artiatio appearance dal, will be in the mo nick, ":A. burn- ing fund shining light." fit the eVenii q Miss Snell (only daughter of the late i+:dward Snell) Who has been visiting , '. - i wllicli renters It* unsiwly attractive. .. r 1' . A visit to our wareroonA 'will please ` 11 Jacob A Wrestler" the fpuz th sol.- in the Life anti Character. of Jii- ber.friends here for about six months :starts for her home in Manitoba•f isl . y+ouraelf and ue. M g l both 4• .1 mon cob, All are welcome. week. She is 'a school teacher and Commands a very odd salary, lgast week .__. BAPTIST The paragraph regarding _ �� .. .-, 7 he Cheapest Spot in Huron tbha y all klAd�s of Parnitute. fiervlt es as ogee! nese Sunday, the Stor will preach subjects. morning, dogs bvad pfluted as running shout t'ead mwuzvl and at should Have • • �y'�r` t,'r It BALL+`ti7.if,_- - A. kr.�AKIN V Y vtr► Castaways," 0vening, "`rhe 11'ictory oP h'aith. „ read with muzzles. with The reason some are so annoyed is that adjbining Ialars allow tilt use ►GIt WILLIS of the muzzlal . • . I . 0 . I � .