HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1910-02-24, Page 3rtb. lyth itstto 0 11 Winds up our Big Dissolution Sale, and Saturday should see a RECORD BREAKER. Those who have not yet taken advantage of the many Bargains ofTered,.will have an opportunity of doing so Friday and Saturday of this week. Everything marked in Red Tickets, and every ,article in the store reduced. NO RESERVE. Remember these are GENUINE BARGAINS. Our DISSOLUTION SALE is the BIGGEST and BEST opportunity and get good goods that has ever been offered in Clinton A Big Snap in 1Vien's Working Pants ID dozen Men's Working, Pants, untearable Cotton Tweed, double stitched, high in waist, cheaper than you can buy the 'Walla' over the counter. SPECIAL PRICE FOR THIS SALE • • We limit the quantity to three pairs to a customer.: . Only 69 Cents 1' Clothes for Little Men: We want every=otber to inmect our Boy' depart- ment. We will touch your pocket -books as lightly as possible. Boys 3.50 and 3.75 2 piece suits for $2.90 Boys 5.00 -and 5.50 2 piece suits for • 3 90 Boys 3.2.5 3 piece suits for., . . .. . . , .... . , 2.49 Boys 4 508 piece suits for 335 Boys 6 50 plain or bloomer knickers.... ..... . .... 4.25 Boys 7.50 all wool Hewson's . 5 75 Boys 8,50 to 9.00 all wool. Hewson's....... 6.75 15 Boys' single-breasted 3 -piece Suits reg. $5 and $6, for $210 • Boys' Fancy Suits, t4.50 and $5, $2.50 'Boys' Fancy Suits, $6 and $6.5o, $8',50 1 sommoseemoomesem smog •••••••••••••••••••••••• pRiNG SUITINGS: .._____Now-ge-your-opperturtity-te-save-moneren-your-Spring • Suite We' have several pieces of black, blue and grey Wor- : steds a,ncl• Serge Suitings very suitable for Ladies' wear, : something different from the Suitings shown in the Dress * IGoods Departments. • Blue Serge, Cheviot finish, regular $4,00, for. $8 10 • • Blue Serge, Cheviot gnish, regular 3.25, for • 2 50 I fine Blue Serge, fine twill finish, reg. 3,00,. for Black Serge, twill finish, reg. 3.75, for 2 15 2 50 • Black Serge, heavy twill finish, reg. 2.25, for 1 65 :Black Serge, regular 1.75, for . " 1 25 • Grey Worsteds, small patterns, regular $2.25,••foi 4. 1 65 • Grey Worsteds, basket weave, regular $3 75, for 2 85 'J Collars Gloves, Etc • • • • If you appreciate good collars you'll like the W, G. • and R. Brand. „„• Men's 15c W, G. & R. Brand 10c. foor25 r 25c g ' Men's 20c W. & R. Brand 15c f ,---.--Meir's-2,50--Rubber--W-.--Gritnd-Rri-Brand--for-- 19e-- • • • • • • • •• • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • 5o Linen Collars, odd sizes, slightly soiled, regular 15c and 20c, - - For 5e each, or 6 for 2e. • a MEN'S.AND BOYSGLOVES, ETC. Men's 50o wool gloves ,39 Men's 75o wool gloves. • 55. 79. Men's 1.25 kid gloves 95 Men's 350 Buck kid gloves..... .. . ......... . .. ....'..250 Men's 75e white kid gloves' 55 • Men's -1.00 white kid gloves ' .79 en's 1,50 gauntlets .• .. .L15 Men's 1.00 kid gloves BOYS' SWEATERS Boy's .50 Sweaters ......39 .39 Boy's .75 Sweaters .59 Boy's 1.00 Sweaters • .79 Boy's 1 25 Sweaters 89 Boy's Sweaters 1.15 Men's1.50 Sweaters 1.15 Men'e 3.25 Sweaters ,2 50 CARDIGAN JACKETS Men's 1.00 Cardigans.79 Men's L75 Cardigans.., 1 2.5 Men's 2.25 Cardigans. , 1.59 Wise Smocks and Overalls An Opportunity Which is , Worth Embracing. Men's 25c Suspenders • 19c Men's 10 doz. men's Suspenders, swell patterns, regular 35c and 50c, while they last 25c Men's Ties and Scarfs Men's 25e Ties, for . Men's 50c Ties, for Men's 35c Ties, for 6 doz. Odd Ties, reg. 25c and 50c, to clear at Men's 75c Silk Scarfs, at Men's $1 Silk Scarfs, at Men's $1.50 Silk Scarfs, at Men's $2.50 Silk Scarfs 19C 390 25e 10e 50e 75e $1.15 1.75 Buyers Will uy Now. Men's 81 Overalls, and &weird.. 790 - Men's $1.25 " • .. 95c Men's " ..81.25 Men's 750 . • " 59c Leather Coats - 1 only at:reg. 33.75, for $2.90 1. only at reg. $7.50, for • 5,75 2 only Leather Coats, reg. $6.50, for . $4.90 2 only whip cord coats, cordurdy lined, reg. $4, for . . . .....2.90 4 only Fish Brand Oilea ....... reg. $3.: for . • . 2.49 2 only•Figh Brand Oiled 'Coats, • reg. $4.25, for .,. . ........:2.90 • . The Peop10's:Fiat:*ore. Hats to fit any head, young or old,..,lar0 'or small. You can find a right Hat for any requirement. - eirreeige...aoLits for the KING' Hat" the BORSELINO •Hat, the IPITWEILL:Hric.-Bny your .8pthirlIarKOW. .Men's $1 and 3125 Soft H' its, Dissolution Sale price ' ;79 Men's 1.50 Soft .Hats " " . • 119 • 1.29 1.69 1.49 '2.49 Men's 175 soft Hats • •Men's 2.50 stiff Hate -r " Men's 2,25 Tweed Hats Men's 3.50 Botsalino, hard or soft" Ladies' 50c Hats " Men's • 1.50 Winter Caps, Men's 1.25 Winter 0a,ps, • " Men's 1.00 Whiter Caps, •44 Men's, 75c Winter Caps, • • " Men's 50c Winter Caps,. • 64 44 61 66 . . ... 1.19 ..... 4 • •••• Goa • '79 .49 • ;39 , Men's .$hiftS: 'There will be no •better time- than right NOW for a man to select his Spring Shirts• , Men's 75c Shirts, for.......:590 Men's $1 Shirts. for ............ 79e Men's $L25 -Shirts Men's 81 $1 50 Shirts, for *1.19 Men's full.dress Shirts, laundered and unlaundered, some slight- • ly soiled. reg. $1.25, tor. 50c 15 white Shirts, odd •sizes, reg. • • 75c and' 50c, •for. .... • • WORKING SHIRTS. • Men's 50c Working•Shirte, assort- . • ed Patterns, at.... .. . . ...... 89c Men's 75c Working Shirts for.... 59c • Men's 85c Working Shirts 65c Meu's.$1 Working Shirts for.... .79c Men's $1.25 Working Shirts for.. 85c Our -Underwear Prices Tell a Story of Saving. • Man's fleece -lined. reg. 50c, for • 39c Men's ail wool, reg. B5f*, for 58c Men's Stanfield's, reg. 31.25, for • 95e -34.en's-Hewsron'szreg11.25, ... 05e Men's Woolseley's,'reg 3250, for...... 1.75 Men's Union Underwear, reg. 75c, for 42c Men's Balbriggan, reg. 50c, for • 89c , . Boys' Underwear • Boy's fleece lined Underwear, reg. 25c,, for.. 19e Boy's fleepelined underwear,reg 35c, for .. 25c Boy's wool lined Underwear, reg. 50c, for... 89c Boy's wool Underwear, reg. 750 and 85c. ..., 59c • Boy's Oltdenivear. in. small' sizes, mostly Drawers, in odd sizes, to clear 15e 4 IL Sale FuJi of leasitiSurprises "iCkg,AlirrYl° • It Will Pav You tej Buy an Overcoat. for Next Winter • Men's $8.5o and $9.00 Overcoats, . • Dissolution Sale price. . .. . . . . ..-..,...$4.90 $10 and $1.2 Overcoats, for • 7:25 $i Overcoats at 10.25 $17 Overcoats at x z .90 $22 Overcoats at 15.00 $24 Overcoats at . , . 17.90 4 4 Boys' Overcoats • Boys' $8. Overcoats,'Dissolution. • Sale price: $9 Overcoats; at $6 Overcoats, at . •3 oo •$5 Overcoats,. at ...... 2.59 6 only Boytii". rancy. Overcoatsiregular $5.,00 and $6.00, Dissolution • Sale 'price.' $3.90 • 4:50 + • $3.50 ere lothin Dcpartmcnt Now is your opportunity to save money on a Suit, Overcoat, or odd Trousers. Men's $20.00 Suits, Dissolution Sale price $1.90 . $22• Suits, " " " 17,60 $25 Suits, " " " 20.00 $28 Suits, " " 22.50 • $34 Suitsi. • " " • ". 28.00 $25 Overcoats, " " .... 19.50 .ta • it 4. $28 " • $1• " •••P 21.75 CS $32 di di id tt .... 25.00 $5 00 Odd Trousers" 44 3.90 " $7.00 " " 5.25 " $8,5o " " .... • 6.75 Men's. Rain Coats • ivien'e $10 Raincoats for Men's $7.50 Raincoats for 4.90 Men's $5.00 Raincoats for Po 2.9C . Men's $4.00 Raincoats for 1.90 $6.90 Children s Toques and Tams Children's 25c Toques and Tams, for .i9c Children's 5oc Toques and Tams, for Children's 60c Tams, for 45c Children's 75c Tams, for • • .. 55c du. Now, is the Clothing. : Buyer's Ilarvest. Come anci*See! • And see what a look will save you Men's $7.5o Suits, Dissolution Sale price 5.90 $io and $12 Suits for 7.90 $18 Suits at - 3,90 •$2o 8uits for • 5.90 15 Men's Suits, inoilly small sizes, in broken lines, regular price from $9.00 to $14. You can - have your choice of the lot for $4.90 6 only Men's black Morning Coats, tailor made, at less than tog of:' • making:Your choice for............$2.90 .and $9 Suits for Bouse Coais. 7:7 4 brilY House Coats, reg. $6, .for $4.5o 1 only House Coats, reg. $9, for 5.90 1 only House Coats, reg.. $4,foi•-• 2,90 2 only House Coats,. reg. $7.5o, for 4.90 1 only House Coats, reg. $io, for 7.5o NO GOODS SENT OUT ON APPROVAL. EVERYTHING CASH. Money 'Refurt.ded if Not Satisfa.Ctory..- REmEmBnu THE DATE-Oommencing A.TURDAY, February 5th, and ending A. TURDAY, February 20th. 4*+ +• • 5 3 prs Kniekers, reg. 50c and 66c, 356 + 40 prs Knickers, reg, 75c ... ....... ......55e ..r, .1. 4. 63 prs Knickers, reg. $1 and 1.25....790 ÷ + + . 4. 4. •• 421111111ammamimmisimmummiasummam •-•4414iimiania•VAimii''*C lar••••441444 %man' ‘it Crooks, "A SQUARE DEAL FOR EVEIZY MAN." lealb . ' • a--