HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1910-02-17, Page 11* I .� - . -�_' ., ­,"". .-11-11'.. 4",_-M ­_ . � . I . ' The 0110ten Now Zra, . o 0 . I � . It. . I � � ., � 11 - ­_ I 1. . ­­_ ­ 11, according to what is known a; tbo 'The duz,l fills these 4oles. and they die - . I � � government formula, as follows; , ,Fifteen Yearod Agony of suftocation. A -little turpentine .add- I I I ___ i . 1. j J$laek half aibushel df lime In boll�, . ell to the dust bath makes it more ef. I 0 Making Money . I .. ; � ,. . . . lug Water. - StraAn and add a peel; o , I "Truit-a-tivesil Promptly'Cured fective. .. I I salt that has been dissolved . The dust treatment U usually all that ; . 4ft . , , In warm I . I water, tbre unds of - gro nd rice Him After Doctors Had Is required to keep the flee In cbeel, 0 1 . � M � . I ,� 'boiled to a kpopaste, .one-half pound Failed To Give Relief. Where they get unusually bad-pyro. - ­_ . � I I .1. out 0, f Poultry powdered Spanish whiting, one pound thrum or tobacco dust blowli fullmorig . I - � ,7 - � ___l`l`1 I I o, . I I of glue dissolved in warm water, Mix- , . the feathers Is effective. This plan *1 I ­.- � . � ,1 these well and then let the mixture ­, takes too long to be used extensively. . ..... ��., 1"... 1`0110wing Artie . . .- .­, 11 I . les.'Previonsly Appeared.f.it The Now Erf.4 ftt We stand .;,�, � ,. 11 . I %;-.'k I I for several days. Heat ,before , . �.­ I , I - I Wave Peen AsJkOd (4 Re-Prodile Th .1 ,� however. Lice fre(luently make their 'Worth '.1 . . 0 . emo usIna'and apply hot. -.`..IIWTT��:iil:i. way fr6w the ben'to the chIckq at, I tee long � 1�_ , f:"`,, " '� '11111 � I .11-�11 '­­., .:, .. I we're toon. in 4 ;, I - :i 1. _ ., 1, .1 .. � lt-"�­­ . �:'. ;, .. � I I IMPOrtahce of Pure. Water. � 14r hatching time and often Cause the mosiths 1, was .;: .x . I I—.: LIERE are breeds, varieties and most common of these, are large, the :vql V`,,;-��:�: ��?" I I I . . 1* foul Condition,and . 1. I W41e Weighing eleven, to tw One Important means of keep ..1:,r.,::�r;;::,.,:-:.::; death of many of them. The best way xiot abl 0 I %. ��, I strains of .poultry almost wlth-v, elve pounds I lug ..I.i��:�������,-'�iii�;����"-".:�:����,�:;�� . e to at. ­ . . my finger nails, � , fOWI1s healthy and orietbat loi often : �i�:���:�i:�:�:' to. prevent tlyls, of course, Is. to see ,�'. . 1". 1. I � 41.-�`�` . Y_ all except tw out end. To the beginner n t arid a half to alue tend to my own -11., . : , , o, felf .� � .11 . , 1-1 , . T neglected Is giving, them a constant �'_,�i��,:i,i, . that tile bens tire free from lice be , 1, . . . . � I and a bait, . . ,i�:�::i��] .11 needs; and �` ,- AL � I . ,� 0 ' . . Poultry culture the question of This, large size is one of ' ' �?. Core the chickens batch. One of tbe , for . �,.�, ,x '4 ff, Puring the ", .1 supply of -pure water. 'Because fow .-�.11-.i, - , which one to select Is 4 puzzling orte the, chief points, in favor �of : , Is ..;7.W1 .1 three Weeks the A)r , : !:::::: 1 diffefeiit stages of � the "ril.b' do not require water In as large quit.n. ..,.­ - .1c... best remedies Is to dust the cbfcj�s . I ��-��.� �M! , , '' . �, ,I. �,,, � , :,, . fp and the older poultilymen often won- Was- They are slow maturing,. and It I .,.:::.,,. with insect powder Or Paint tbeiii eczema on MY . , MY trouble, ' I I , title$ as other animals It. is. often :,;:::; I , : ­ .. I . . � ,.::,� , der if they would not do better bell, thou . .:: 1-1.,.�.:��5, �:. to takes considerable feeding to get t ,, : rt�� 1, . t that they can. get along wAtil. ::: , al ound .the. neck and under the wing,,z hands was so bad -:.I - � �; sought the advice ,. gh, . . , I change breeds. The purpose for wtllc4 large frames thickly enough covermi �!� �.�� w - _.;��,;'­': �, ... I � . . I � out any except W, hat they get In .pud- � Itl) it sulphur and lard - mixture. �Y�. ` . . . lot three different ; : .. ...... that I wis unable ,;: �,:,� - chickens are ....:;:.. � �. :: . , . 11 . kept will determine with went to be to good ma�ket coudi, dies In the barnyard. They will drink ,­;; . Alites are much. worse posts thall ­ 1. ��, I I !.. which class ,of fowls Is best. As -t , tion, Like all feathered legged br . ,.._.,e: to fecd Myself; I , , .- I doctorSand Xeceiv. I 0 ev.ds,, .­ ...... , -�. ­. . such water It they can get no otheri . .. 1.1; .::.... - lice. They live In the. crevices In thv .,�,; , I � I e I the varieties within that class. It Is. tbo.'Brahma 'is clumsy ,and for this I.,. .... . ..., wUlIS and roosts. attacking the fowl,., had to be fed as 1. Ix I .1 � I coltrcatment,b4t � , but it Is Just as bad for their health �. '.::;., .. ­ I although get. I . , ", I . . . .. largely a matter of Individual prefer- reason does not wake 4. first clil,�K .­�� :.:,:_:*:_. ': . one., feeds .. , Rs It would be for yours. This is a 11 ­� ­ �:. at'night. .They do not pat tile SUIll, a baby� I ' : ., .:i:. I �. . -ting slight relief , . N are. too slow Ili ,:_� .;,�,:. - but'bore through It and stick the blood ,,cause I could, not : ... ;, __� . ' ence. A brief description of some of 1110ther., The Valle . � be . .., ", � matter * ` , . - I .hich Is t o often Overlooked, .. ..... :; ;i � ... .�� � ", , I �;- : ... i :;; �.. Mites are so small , if first, thite I �. , the leading varieties may be of help maturing to lay ninny eggs the first and'Poultry ralsino for profit becomes 7,;. � that they call hold knifej fork,, (Photo of Miss 2foSorloy), was no I 11 ..... . . , Cure. , � in making a selection. wititen 4ven when mutart,d they urV impossible on that account. ._:., .,.,: hardly be seen With tile naked eye, but spoon or cup-,, . - - . A;4utationwas . .. V . The General Purpo�e Breeds, not heavy lkyers. though they do.mosi o'peii troughs s' :� . . I . �� . the damage ,they do is not measured . . eir laying In the " . Water put opt In OOIL '.1 . 11 i . 1. their . size, Half the so called (1,1.s. SO saYS MISS Vlolet,McSor . . Chickens may be grouped Into. four of th w7uter, wile" cgg"� becomes warm and dirty, and if t ere , . . lei; at one time thought necessary, ;q general classes: (1) General purpo�e ate high.' 11 . eases to which poultry tire slibject ar,l of *75 Gore Streetp Sault Ste, but the tim I J roduct on of : , �. Tlr18 is, largelY bO."ause'thell shoula happen to be a contagious dis. CHARL96 BARRrIl"T, lEsa. I . . e. y nt . i . . P breeds; (2) meat breeds; (3) laying )urge size and heavy feuillprilig-malip ease, In'the flock it.will be rapidly ... I . I .Caused by mites. - Wbvu,fowl,,, slekf,�jl , Marlet in telUng how Zam-Buk Zam.-Buk prevent . . I I- Harbor an Boue'lle, I . , ed this fearful i . and (lie without any apparelit (,all%(. IL cured her of ending. - , ,4 eczema. She Adds. - .1 producers tile Brallinas are nboul. 11 Ill 11 l I "Zarn-Buk was".tecommended �., � breeds; (4) ornamental- breeds. The them, less suseeptaile to cold. .A,s melil spread through the Water. A common Antigonish Co., N,S.,,March 24, 1909- -is time to fool; for inite* -fial t g t ( 44T -T aim of the breeders of genergr purpose I . hok waterer attaelwol to a'barrel on ' "I wish to -expre . . . . . rists and aims up t6 . . e ge"01'al purpose breeds. 'the shady side of the poultry house'l , ciation of the g , reatbevefitIrecelvedfrom. I by a friend. and we bou ht * N fowls is t6 combine laying 'and meat eclual to t1l $9 my sincere apprp. roosts and -adjacent walls tliorougill,% ;" � . . Alands,, w �� . _,!, nrodueing ability to the greawst ex� though for hlgb'("-hj78.9 Valtutis, they art,- , .0 . ,yvIth crude petroleum or kerosene.wJ!" the elbows were covered' with 9 . . one of th� best ways.of supplying wa- taking "Fruit-a-tives." I suffered from jr e t oy supply. The fir# few applica- . . . I - -lowse - Biliousness and Dyspepsia for fifteen d s r ninny - eczema, Tlictitching andth, I 1. 11 Lent possible. .rue general pui perhaps u little superloi% There ary ter. .It filled once a week or so no of thom. The sawt, , I - I . \ . birds will not average as prolitle hity- two .varieties of f1ralitnag, light and further" attention- is needed. A: jug yearsand I consulted physicians and- � treatment should aISO be applied to Soreness Were nigh tiOns gave me a little ease, but it I I I unbearable. I I ' durfi. The light Brallwas are thv mori, or I- took many kinds of ordivary medicine coops and nest boxes. The litter un A . Was not until I had continued , - . . V� ers as some of the more strictly egg I arge bottle*of water inverted over bu go ' . I is t -he disease developecfp the W I � � . . a shallow . pan in sugh a manner'tha ' 'der the roosts is ' ,� ith it for Some t, I fowls. For producing meat, however popular. - The. black variety I$ more t t no relief. I was in. miserabl� ofteu,a breeding plao skin g ime that I felt ' ' - " ­ - I . . ' I . �.InLyi� . . A all thejtim 1nothin - . wtuallypeeled off, leavfg ' � a: decided improvement. - After-� -4 it* "*-- M d �01 e y t ­ th . , itimeAnc t� -4 - ----rh-ey-arw-fulty-as-eftr,CIM-i� �e'� I al - I Pe --I -- oytor.--trnd-murtr -ttrT_6i%-A-=-I3-�ff8-t- - g -did -me-_ _for -_mites, --­lt-t;4j-eu1g -be---eletwed- -otv - � � ,-------' ­ ' � I I . Fid- any grood estimonial, of raw sores. Thl-,-- in ers# attention jo. fan( -,y , I 1: read tile t � frequenti.y and 1100 -ed away, Afto � . e palms,*f that my cure . 1,Y meat breeds. For the general farm- points haS caused, water In the pan makes a good drink- � went on quickly. . . I I Archibald McXechniev of Ottawa, and cleaning 6ut. the ilonr slionlil he thor , ba;ks of my'hands and Uists . I � � t everything . . I C�blus are the sKmond or tile 0 liked with n strong soluflo-! were all in this shocking'state, else had f - . . , who is keeping poultry as a side Utility to he 1111'90Y IoSt -siglit of. lug fountain. The water will run I decidedto try "Fruit-a-tives.11 I have . -oughly so, � . Zain-Buk did *ha 21sue the returns from the general pur- mi dowilinto the ban as fast as It Is used. iaken a number+ of boxes of - "Fruit -a- , ailed to do, Now my I . pose breeds will usually be greater- breeds In size. the males wei-IlIng There, are several types of metal foun. * tives," but before I had taken one box of sonle coal tar dip, if tile pojiltr� and I was forced to sit in agony hands and arms are quite freed I m � I I - I , I ,. . than from any of the more speelaliied elevea pounds and ,the hens 'of;, work on . I feli better and now am entirely well., I house is fairly ti.-I)t bullning'.sutplilli all the while. The -raw sores from the terrible eczema, I I � - I - �lit and, tains on th4 market which 0 � breeds. ' a Indf. They tire of the sall'ie massive, this same prineiiije. Most of them . are Ill am thankful to be well after fifteen ill it Will-effectIvely dostroy,all miVeF . . � I . , The most popular and most widely full' feathered tyl . )e u6 the Brahma% cheap and'satisfactory. . . years suffering, and " I arnwillingto, have within reach of the' fumes, Keeping I ___ ' . . . . I this staternent publ.Lehed for the sake of . vermin and disonso Ili chevk requires HOW ZAM-BUK ISL SUPERIOR . . . � . I � . . I r. distributed of the general purpose axbraging a:-n-Itick .shoeter legged -aud A considerable factor In causing dis. other suffi;rers, and to them I strongly considerable work .and constn . tit vigi. . . . __ . , . I . breeds is the Plymouth Rock. It is h wide�,across. the back. Like the l3rall� ease among -fowls Is improper feeding. ' .Zani,Buk is entirely different -to . I . . . I I � . tecomniend.11Vrult-a-tives."' I . other balmo; and as superior aca it is differ. I . _ . . wedlum sized breed.'deep breasted and was. they tire hardy. They at;e not at. Overfeeding,afill feeding too much. soft. : . - - . . . , lance-, ltut It -Is wark thot will Ile well' . ent. Most salves are nine -tenths aniinal oil pr fat; � I . ? ' Well proportioned. , , I (Signed) CHARIMS BARRP � repaid ' Ili * th ' e Improved health of thl, , animal fat in it. Most Zarn-Btik hasn't a troee of Plymouth Rocks good layers, however, and !Ire- just as 1ood are the causes of a large percentage � Zi, _" ' I I salves contain -mineral coloring matter. .Zam-Buk is. - I I are very good layers, especially the slow .in maturing, .,Th . of the. deaths amon . g , . young chicks , . Soo a box, .6 for $2.50 -Or t ,1:box� dock, . I L . . all4olutelywithoutl Many salves contain poisonous astringents. Zam-Buk doesn't. , * . ' first year. After the hens are AL year rJeties, of I . 25c.. At all dealers or.sent P P , . � . I i f-llll'lllllllllllll'llllllllllll"l,l, * Zam-Buk is actually more Powerfully antiseptic 'than cr�(Jo carbolicacid, , - . . . . . 4 t In Older -fowls the corn ratlo.n'that'is receipt of price by Fr4it-a-tiv, . . Yeb it s4ops, instead of causi-iig s arbing when put on a wound. . . . .0 Zij old they tend to become'fat and slug- common. , W - blob, . tile ba f. Is the, I most so often the sole food 'is frequently. Ottaim . I .. _ . te� State of Ohio, City of Toledo, I . . . in I . , I . . I I � . �. ­� � � ­ � Lucas County j ss � . .-.:.- - . I - I . . gish and lay fewer eggs. The meat Is Both these breeds have served a'good the cause of digestive and other trou- - . . . . . I . I . . . ". . � . . ' . I . � . I of excellent quality. The chickens purpose In grading up: the mongrel bles. A variety of foods 'Judiciously - I _..... . __. . Frank J Cheney makes oath .that he . . � . . . . ZAM-BUK'S'MANY USES - I . .. - I I I � . I . is �6n for partner of the firm of F, J- I . . I . . ,� . � make good broilers at from three to strains of the country and. Providing fed will do much- io keep the fowls agreeable odor., The head S ' ' , . � � I four weeks of age or can be .profitably foundutAou stock for the* American healthy. . . I . I wells,,tne Cheney & 0oq doing business in the Zam-Buk heals ,more qui6kly than any. other known preparation- eczema, . . � I eyes often being swollen entirely shut. of of Toledo,Oot;nty andStite.afore- uleerst'pilem, bad leg, rashes, ringworm, festering sores, culs, bruises, barns, � .. fed for later markets. They are early breeds. At: present.- Another cause of disease in unhealthy An a saite� and,tbat said firm will pay the scalds, stiffn . - � however, _t4ey . ffect6d .bird may live fo.r a lolig 1 essi poisoned wounds, face and lip mores, chapped' hai i i1a, cold sores, etc. . . . � * , I . . ' I -Buk Co.,Toronto, forprice. surroundings. Lo�w, damp - poultij * time" and sometimes even.get well but I sciatico,'eto. All druggists and stores 50c boxi or Zam mati in maturing and as rapid growers excel have few points of superiority over the � . I sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR 8 Best balm for baby's skin sores I Usa4 as an embrodation, it eu, es rhell a , . I all other breeds. Chicken feeders who Americiin breeds .as mealt producers yards,' Where the. water, stands In Putt-' It Is seldom worth anything 'The -for each and every case OWatarrh that. ... I . . � . I . I ... I . I . . crate -fatten extensively put the Plym- aud are inferior to them In laying abW dies for days after eacg rain, are pro- treatmerit ponsists in killing ithe af, cannot bg cured by the use of HallIs . . . . I I . I I I � . . Outh Rock in first place for this pu'r-. Ity. As sliow fdwIs they are prized lific . sources of pbultry'iroubles. Have fected - birds' -and remov � . . Catarrh Utire. FRANK,T. CHENEY , I . . - . . Ing the cause. Sworn to beforemeand subscribed . posa. ' beca,use ot,theIr size and-.1ileati-ty. *_ -the poultry house high alad dry. .-If a Exposure . to . cold-.1,and, -da'ailintigs is- im my presence,this Othday of Neemor ;11 . � , There are three varieties of Plyni- The smallest ii,rid.quicliest maturing dry yard ciinnot be ob�talned in any among thevblef causes. , A dry. warin her', A. D.1, 1886. '' . . ... . ' � I I .1 ? outh Rocks -Barred, White and Bu.ff. �of the Asiatic- breeds.is the Langshrin, other way grade it up a little-a.ind cover house, especially one with 'a curtain . . . . A. W. QLRASON. I � I . . I o NE RDS.". I'. I . . : ' - I The great -trouble with the Barred Tjley Are objectionable. because of .It with gravel. . . front to provide for. plenty of,. ventila. * g.eja . . . . I 11 I HOM . 1. - �, I . I . �, . . . a U . on without.araftr, - ,- nne nr the i)p.s( I%) � : Notary F ublic. . . � . . . I , �_� . . Plymouth Rock Is the difficulty in tbeirblack color..v�hjt� skin ai6d featb .. . Strong Vitality Neoespary.1, � � � . I Cattarrh Curb is, taken intern. . . . . . . � �. .. ��. . . � ­. I . keeping the color markings up to stand- ered legs and,do �Qot7excel the Amer- F ' . _____ . 1: ________-__._____ 414,,and'acis directly on the blood and - ___ . . . . _. . I I . - I " - I , . 'Many of the diseases to whic,h poul- _ _ __, - mucous ourfac a o the system. . � . . � � - , ard. They tend to become unevenly dean breeds in any "practical qualities.. try is! 8 I ____-_..1..._ . - - , .e ,f . . . . . . I . .. � - _____ - - - q . � . � . ' ' . . . . . 1. � I. . . . . . . . ubjedt tire due .to inherited � ...... - 1, - _­., - -_ , - - - , � � I barred. the bars become too wide .or An English . 1�reed.' the .Dopkings, -are - - Q -09-06-r-7- I jF. J. . CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0 AV"APAP.APAP . . weakness. Experiments have proved - . ...____­_ -1 ..��w�� . �� � � I I . . . . . too narrow or the general color too ,good meat prodbeers, but poor layers. .. . :��-- 8014 dru gists, 75c.,* ,, . . . . I 1. - .. �. . � � . . . .. . . . --- -7or it 0 6 ­ ___ 1. ilt-ry -ti4t�-vAiality.-�and--v�igor--are-.-readUy-- .,. . I �', -Take. Pall=amil . A : - ­ .._1___._.-- ­­ , dark or too light Froin a Ullity s.t­a`fiff_- , � . . , � . . y.-Pills-forconstipa-­ ­­--­jKX-g-V I I . . __ . . I . . . . .transmitted from parent to offspirl Mon. - ' . . . . ,,Fo-sTz-v-i5-*-,kAk]-�l--i4jEwi�- 1--l- , . point this factor is of little iinportance,' business from a ut!llty standpoint one . ng. .. . -_ 11 � .. . I 1. . . I . 1: .., .. : , . . . I.. . . . . . . . - lit aneipeTiment at the Cornell -sta- 7 .,. � .. . I I . . A I . . 1. . � ... . . .. I . . . . . . . - but where birds 'or eggs are sold -f-lor of the general purpoge or- laying breeds-' - I . . .. . . . . . 1. I !� . ., . . _� . . 1 . . , . -1 1, . I . � I ,. . ` . I breedIng purposes It is important that will be. more, satlsfacto�w .than any of 'tion'two Pens. of fowls were selected. '. - � � -11 ­___...._­.._.....�.... -.._-.1_- � . . f � . � I % , I .. I . the color markings be up to standard. the',tueat breeds. . . . . I ,Orie bad espedlilly; itrong vitility. and ' I . . .., . I . 4. . . . . ' �. . . . . . I . . . . . . . . � .. I I - . . . FAT DUCK -DUCK ..-. I * arm I " . EIV, . % , 1. 1, . . - .. . . .. %'Th6* Canadianf - . The Bufr Rocks ads.* . .1 . I � . I . 11 . . . : � 1 1 . I . .. � . . . .. . .1, , , . . .. I . � . ,have a tendency J'to The Laying Brok . . . .. �. '�­ . . . I . . I .. %I .. , ,� I .1 .. vary somewhat from the desired �hade 0. *. - , ,.�� - .:� 1. .. - " . � . ... How'Well-Known Larnlitorl-Phara-cter, 11 1. . . . �. I . . I . . � . . . Thle. ,laying . lir.eeds rlv�61ly came - " , I � , ,- . 11 14 . � . . . ., I a . I 1. . , and to produce black feathers In wings f1lom ,ttiel ireglon around the Mediter- .. - I I . Escaped,Jai.l. . , .: - .. .. .11 . nd. the' �. I - '. 1. . .�: I I . . I I I . - . ' , I or tall. They average a little smaller ,rane.a.11 sea;. and - henae. are often ' . ret I , I . � I I I .- - . � .- . Pat . ,Duck, an eccentric , old Irish- � I - I � . . I . ... .2. .. . I I I .. I . � . , . . I . t , .� .: L than the Barred or White varieties. ferred to T. . - - .. man,. was - well kiiown in Lambtorl ' � 11 . I I � -as the, Aledit.eitit'nean 'bile.eds : . % - . . . . . I . Tile White Rocks.breed true to color Tb�c- ­Qst poplillaT of these Is the. Leg. . �, I I county thirty y.ears. ago, He. itiner. - , , I 'in n . ra 't .. , 1. -the easiest. The hens of this *arlety �n_ re ' I I at6d fr . -with a . � elle; tO . � New -'JS .110. Ughorns a L/1_1;,�,/2' , ,"I 'Ifl'o-1 om. villirge. to village� I . � I .,. . . � ..small birds. not �� y(I WHO . , .. . . : ' show even more of a tendency to be.. wore 11hatl half'the size of -the Aslatles 'I . . - _7- . - I I L.A�Llu .111useum,:of curiosities, or as lie 9. .. .1 I .. . . . . . . . , .1 14) . . . . . .. - C Ur. . . I . .. I . very active and� good ,for- . I " r � . 1 2 come overfat than do those Of the - Tbi,,.v are. ' . . . . I - lesignated' thein' , "frakes ol * nat . . F0 ". $1050 � % I 'Barred variety. ­ .. . I . I .. ,� . � .. .. I I . There was the 'two -headed- calf, the % . I . . . I . : - . - .. . , : , , , age1n;.­ They -outrank any of the other , . - � . . . . , * ' . . I. . . .. . .. . . % � . . . � I . I RIG. Xxvi-TIR.Ar NEST IN OPERATION. heii with thrjp(t, legs,' tile Gariyari on I - . . . . ... .. . . .. . Plymouth Rock eggs are, brew,n. breods In Iii.ving qualilles. layt,ag' both. I � � ,,, I I � .. '. .1 � I .: . ... I I which they used to -swear 'in Oire- 4 - I Ton CANADIAw FARM, published in.Toront6;'is the National . . , � �. I ! . . . I I ' I ,which Is som I ething of an obj.ection Lu summer tilxlj Onter 0 p'lloperty cured ... .prisventivd measures'.' ,xne curtain.ed .. � Weekly'Agribultural,N'per o an - k . . . . . � :: . . .1and " etc.i etc. , . . . .. . . 1. I f the Do im[nion. The work d . � . . . � , . . ' some markets and all advantage wim -for. They are not'adapip ul- . rposting.hpartment also - helps to. keep Va't would "Aalld .in front of hiel. 4.1 money Spent on its productibli makes! it inconiparably ' , .. . . . . I . I pour forth . superior - ,d to: t6e POW I .%. . . . I . - . I , - 'AV, . . . � . � others. The standard weight for the I tryman who piays. -no attention to' his. . " * '� I , .:, .,N,N � <_ I 1. . the fowls friarn catchilig cold, In severe. -shoW. an(I a. fl6od - of elo­ - .. to anything of the kind... 9pecial �vriters for special depart- % � : I � I . . . � m , I . . breed Is nine Vud it half pounds 11's ., will not.-Iii.y. unless #I), - ,w,eath0. �, , : , . ;, quence - re.-ardin,f tfiesse - ."fr�ke& - of . . I I . .. . . . . , � , e,v . . I I . . . I , , I .1 - I , �or chielvens. ' th . I oxyhvily:. TAf . . I . � I . ... .1. , r 4 ments; All original m'at,te* r. in, eve�,y issUe. : SpJ . . � I . . �. good -care. : . .-They Ja'� na. x:kV_BnE�kXV,&sT n -T V� . . � I .natfir"' all 'td be see "foive . I . . � lendid' iind I 4' . . cocks and seven and a halt fol; beng they are -aven � . . � . . ..'Lice and Mites. !_ ,. , cinti n fo I ., reliable I crop � and ' Everythin ' ' d I . , o ' .. � � . - . I the othor ,was. only. i medlb in ill, this re- . . I I I ," and, file people,would ' i market- reports. - ­ . I . Plymouth Rock% are crittelsed Vsome- -nii. � . I . . . 90 14 . . g up -tom ate.. ., .1 . . wbi*te mgs weip�hink tento tft%�,I)ou spect. 'T�e progPlik;or each of'these' .The 'Injost ,tTgublesoi,ue..p.qr.,tsites.,.o*1' tij*h' d - idir thile agaln,' not so muph. to 4 Pinely ilt straied.' Choice 'arid 'i�stru*chlve readi I ng I for the. k ' I .. ; I . Tho .eggs ari breeds � . -11 . . .� - I What for lack of hardiness 's com-, of tile Amerle, -Vojultry 'ire lice and',..mite*s.j, ty I . . ' farmer � an is ffi' I * . . % . ...:. . �, I I . � ­. . pens w(4' -l�iven the saine, Idn'd - of �. - TIlQ*-­ 06-t-Ife'frak6s- al.q. to hear,Pit's wit th . Inirml with the other general purpose ,Telgbeight to the p6mid. I - . � pests are very diffe��nt In thc'ir bablis 7 s .oil the sam . . , d hii mily. -NO 1�rmer cari.afford _td b6, wit dut ' ' . 1. � I L � � flied'and caj-e. 'and In tile fail the -.re- comment e. . . it. Every farmer .. will mak6 more . I . .� . 1. . , I �S'6btless some The small sIze of the Legboiln 'hens The lice remain on the.'blrd, all tbe- Pat*had one failing. He �_ on ho reads: it. I . 1. brovils, :Ind there is makes them 'cbeapI sultii were -tabulated. - It. wa-s. found . . I � I , was tQc. . %. .. . ,, _ I , , . � px ey w . . i , . ground for this criticism. They may . � k�obt. They. arn . I ' . . 1 -timei egiin,i, tile fedthers and' skii! fond of.spending his"foive 6ints" or I . � I . . . ., .that the chickens Trom -the. strong .vi-. I m . � . . ­ ­ .. -_ � , , .. I I . . I . - Parly initurIng, *ofte'ri . � - good .Irish whiskey, or any other Idn'd I , I , . . . . . I . �. . . .., . I , � ,be grently improved Ili this point by bVinning t'6 la:, tal.ity- pens matured .from three to They. .are not usually'present. In large. .an I % � ;.. ..I Ibey are four and a half'months . . I - get The Canadian Farm , , � tile use of birds Of exceptionally strong when fou . r we'eki earlier #Lud- Nitro worth 25 I enough. numbers to -,do any consider- , asibil the disturbance 4. . I I . All'SlibscriliLrs . . . I fild. ,4,of good quiillty, but . . - iju, �jo created while uifder its exhilarat.- . .. I I z . W to the lit -of Jan.', I . , vitallty In the breeding pen. Their flesl� i. able damage, � excepf .to . sitting; b � �, , : cents apiece more 'at 'maturity,., , It Is I - .0 , ing influence broug t him. hato. iatliez . . � from ito '' 19%. , . % . . Next to the Plymouth Rocks in popil. their sizels Against them . - troubl ,h I . � . . . .. . . � . I I ... . I . . q . from a war. this Jack of selection for ;rltallty thaf and. small chicks. . One of .,the most Serious e. He was arrested fo'r' _ 4 ... - - - - � I . . � .. � .. . ' - . litrity -as a general purpose, breed. -are kot mandpoint. Tbi only way the I . . . . . ,- . . � A 11 . effective means of combating lice I,, 'sorderlY conduct -and condemnW to I , I . . . , . . . . .. I � I enckerpis can be disposed of at a profit ..to li-an out. Vitality Is tile "die dust bath., This is simIlly .j. co' . qbbing� rate is * . , . calls he fan v Iietie 4 Our Cl $1.50 for, the'. t . .1 the Wynnolottes. Tbey nverage alif) � " so. many of. -It . ey ar s I dl . ut-1 .. � most -im- . . 11- it week iii the county"jail ivith the - w6 ,paperS'. Subscrtbe . t . " . , I a pound li-bter than tile Illymonth IS to sell th - em as broilers .at. two � ortant single point ,to be 106ked to vehient sl7ed.box titled with tine dust option -of - paying a fine, wl I Ach Ale 4 .-.. - I at once and get the benefit of the full term. . � . . . I., 1, . . 11 . P t, . .. . -1 . 1. I lloc,ks. The chivicens -ire nearly as pounds welght or smaller. Of the sev- Ili poultry r1ilsing. especially in s0ect, � 'in which. the' hens.call roll. Mee -jiud aither, could not or *ould* not do. � I * . . . : . % � . I . � � . I . ' ' . . . � * . f . V le was d t' led to take Pat . . . Sainple' I .Prnl vnrlptie,s of &1jorn th;' U'llite in , ,other Insects breathe.. through - tinv -, constab e a! . . Cojjqs it The Camadian Farm tiollis seen at this office. � rnTfid growers and ,produce meat of . ' ' - 4" . . . , .. . .. ­ . Le, . . . . 9 fowls or .the breeding PP71 if . . . . . . . , and brown' nre tile most plopular from) ' bolpq jilona tho Rirlpq ,nf thfiiiii, lU1di,,,, - to the jail at Sarnia, and they drove , . . ., � . . . � k. � � as good or -even better quality. . . . 1. I - I . . , . . . I'll(, Wyonflottes, nre generally Mw a Utility staudpoi t. _1 . r Zueb select.lon larbade, the-bealth and I � . off. together, the distance. being - about.. � . 4 1 11 � 2 . '. . . - vigor of the dock will b . . . . . . .1 . . I . . . . I . .0'.0'.0parar4OF40140140"40140F � . , sideroel to stand livory ticeding for � .� � . . ,e greatly Im.. , - I I . 11 iomteen miles, On reaching Sarnia, . . . I I .. . I . . � I � � � . . J, . .. � I . I . I . � . I I - - ________ - . - . I - � I Proved nnd-the'los�ep, corre,spayi�lllolv ..- I . ; --- �_ P(Lt proposed that they put the hor_ __ _ I . . . I I . � mpld growill ,i littiv better than most . I - . � , . . . . . . . . . I . - . . e . . . decreased. - . . ' I I . . I . I . ; , , , . .in wthe h6tel shed and. th.�n have a - I � -_ , , . I I I I I . ,of tbv 'Allill, breeds. The heris ar 1111 most discouraging tVfing ­Cantagious - . . Jrftih. . . I.. . I ni-tive and -do not become oTerfat as about the poultry business 19 I . ,Diseasesi ., � 11, .. . . . I . I � "SurO, we'll be afther hAvin' a drop . I . . , . . . ., I . . .1 � � . � . . � . . llvnsil.v an, Plymouth Rocks. ,ct to aJew icon- I I � . , . . . I . I ... . . ')� . Poultry is subjc . . . . ' . 1. , � . . . . � . . . . Ites fi,,.j,�.Z * ' . I of the cratur' before ye' I be la 'n I ) , the great number'of parals 1!jgeares. whieb often I . � . I . I vin t � � . .. I There are -several varieties of Wynn- . . . . . � I . wipe out . ; . I : in the jagi Dinnis -dear. .1 inj, , -- , � - T and ailments, which affect the . . W,Es.. .. . � Yo'l d'r , 9 , . ... . . . .. . . L6 nle ,health.'for the � .. . . .. . I .. 1 .. I � . I I . . .. . .. . I i .; . . dottes. all the ennic type and baving flocko Unless special ''precautions are al inost' the - entire flock. .' These dii3- 'I" .1 . . . I.. I sake o' tlie- : ..I .- u,e.-- - I Nile sanie gi-ijoral characteristics. Tbe� . bases. like contagious dis.eases of man, I .. , . � toinves We*Pulled' tie praties together D on'' - t . taken the fowls are continually, dying.. . . . � 1. . . � r,ben we were th'a little'.&ssoo*ns.'!-* � � . . .1 I ss � : . � oifly dh4thwid�--hlng point N the color. . . are caused by bacteria - or . gerins,, .. . I . . . .. . , . , . I I - . . I . I I .1 I I . .. '. . . . WIM, U14-4 br-fl. .19 will) thp-Plyniouth , front One. cause Or another, and the These are t1n I cells . which . gain 4�n- . . . . # * . ­­ . So into'tbe bar they went, the two . . �. . � . . I . � I . . ­ . I . . ... . � , profits shrink correspondingly. Most , y I * � � ' � . HE -R- ' 1.1ronies. ).'at had some loose� ,change, luwk�. tile mixod rolors n're 'difficult of these troubles are easily' prevent- trance to the body -6d grow there, . . . . . . . and lie , stood I � treat,; not . Opce, lint , , I . . , ' * ' ** - , ' I ' ' . many tilue I . . . wall who does not wish to devate I I the' most Importint'consideratiorfs is th es . . � � . . . � . . I � . . llotiecq that it 'was the constable that., �. . I � _�:. I . I . . � r . . . . should , be I Which they give off. After ' ' ' ' I . I . I I did the � drinking, while -for some o(�. r, . I � . , . * . , to troed true to stnadard. For th" , able if a little eare.is taken.. .Ono'of Death. -Is not catised by, the germ's ' .9. An observer miglit 11k,Ve I emseIV , b6t by. certain - pblsotia - ,leatillness. Tho 'house "Orms gain I . I . . ... . . . greal deal of time to brL%eMng for rjeaned out . entritnee to the b ' . . . , f ody they are difficult. , . I cUlt xeason, Pat for once was an ah ' . ' . * ' . I I ' ' ' fancy points a solid coinr is preferable. requently and sprInh-16d,, Ince anythfulf that will kill , . . . I -1 I - ­. .-Anothe' � . . . . . . � ' to c6mbat, ls L , T I stai�jer. .. ' . : '.., � , .. . with, quicklime. or some disinfectant. I . -_ __ ., I Late in the RM=60n � they started , , . One of the newest of the'general pur- , Lime scattered about the- yards also the germ will usually . kill the fowi I I 6 . 09u - , : .. , . � I I . pose breeds is the Ithode Islanq Ited. also. Germs cannot gain a . foothold Lydia Ell Pinkham9s !,)r the jail.' By, that time the con.. I - f.. , , .* � , . . . n . ____ -_ belps. . The. coops and smaller build.,.. ' *' -4010. had "a pretty fafr-sized jag . I I .. These fowls are very hardy and for �np should be moved' -from place to In a perfectly healthy 01;d; h(tilo'e one Wgetable 'Compound Oil." When they arrived Pat, who oil :-eatai I%w we� I . . that reason well ndapted to farm con- place frequently. Whitewash should Of .the best means of coliabitting con, I . . the way had tibstracted the commit. - I I I . . . . A ditions. They rank up well with tile be used liberally eveti,where. One of tagious diseases 'is" by. -keeping the. Vienna, W. Va. - 11 I feel.that I owe ,11,lit papers from Dennis' pocket, I . . . . . . .. . �, . . .. I . �. Plymouth Rocks and Wyandottes In go best kinds of whItowash Is ma&. flock'so .heitiflik that. they. can'tict get the Wt tel� years Of ra lif to L ia: prfliented them, to the proper author. � I " ' I . . . . I I R U Wo 0 e- re nd have asked us . 11 laying a�illty and as meat producers. - I a 'start. Another important., measure ity and delivered Dennis to the tender . � . .�. � 1e* mnpou' d. Until yotj have ca "fully examined a . I They are about the same size as the . ..�. I .., ... Is thc; liberal , use of disinfectants ... I n years . 11 merci(is of the jailer. When it dawned' to quote our prices upon samples of this class of work �', - � - I I . � . alon g I . � Wyandottes. the standard weight being . wwwommmomm about the poultrY houses arid yardo ag on tile befuddled brain of the con., t. .1 11 a Walk which we havejq8t recently completed* . - . eight and orie-half pounds for the cock I � V1611ty of spilablile In the poultry houso Tha stable. that he was being gi*n ill I . . � . .1 shadow. n oharge he wIIcU3r eXpostulated . 1, . I .: -�­ I o he off I �­.- and six and one-half pounds for t URED AT SEVENTY-FOUR tVill,telpr to keep It clean. Selling . .11 u I nder the doetor's .401191't to explain, but Pat, w and ' Our plant specializes on Catalogue and, � ben. The color Is a brilliant red, with C l the old stock before It becomes:feeble 1'��-Ii carebutgotnorellef. A a Magazine . . k . . �11 fordlk wave of the Hand, remarked: . I I portions of the tall and wings shad. Utda Didiamters mtre'.ai Grejkt.Help and,,useless Is, a great help, sifice It Is ".1 My hilsband Pet- . ,, work. ,We I'Ve yo14 the benefit of the lateSt and best . to Mr. John If. Retker suaded me - to tr Don -1 mind him at all, at all; - ' . . Ing off to black. The exact shade of - thef�p old. -birds that die the first, to.. � ; y shure .he's that drtink he don"t know i4eas in Catalogue desi.gning, together with work of an - .. . . I volor varies considerably. . The weight of yeari veryoften brings I succumb to'uiii.&�'iawe cotiditic, � rid. , . dia E.Pinkham's r � . . I .0 ... I ... etable com. what lie's sayin' "-a statenlefit which U quality-ai than .are no more .than, .There are a number of other general With it a still heavigr,,lbuidei, that of One of the most serl6tis OT these Con- was accepted at its face value, So C . I ; . "' p udanditworked . ( Purpose breeds. such as the Dom inaigestityn or 8 . ome form of Stomach taglous diseases Is cholorW. ., The com- ' � the constable was shut up in prison Ou pay -elsewhere for =r work. I f ] Trouble. . " , like a charm It re- y . %. . Iniques, Buckeyes and Javas. The lat- I Thou "Little Digesters" come to the ,.won symptoms are great thirst, 'list- lieved all my palts and Pat walked Off a free man. ' . . ; ter are about the snme size as the I leSgue8ij and Yellowish or greenish ' akm misery. .1 advise all s I . ______ .1 . . I . 1, Flywonth Roekq. "'Allab of a 11 rescue -if you give them a ehance, as droppings. Ixeroic measures Ara . . women to take Lydia 2. fiffering . � - .. � . 1. I ... . tile' did Mr, Bwker. Here is his. letter toll- I .,need . Plbkhhm!s ' ' I , , * lul-ItTelit slinpe. They lay ,W'11. tire I lug what they did for him-, I .. ut This disease,'.. i sick ,Vegletable Compo-und,$#-M98.3XX& The NoWdirds. , I , , � I P . I . . . WHE,&T01r, Vienna, W. Va. , The Austrius,are known to be the No Job too smail to go atter I � faftly good for ment nnd are good sit. "New Dundee, Nov, 10j 1909. fowls, should be killed atil burned. Ir . i ters. There nre two vark-Iles, 'black I TO TIZZ COMMAN IWItiNk CO.' 'rho yards and houses should be tbor-1 Lydia E. Vpkham's Vegetable Coln. greatest. 11sticklers" for genealogy, � I I . g1ru 1, Inade from native toOts sMd, many of the nobles tracing their do- . Xciae too large io bring 101kek ' Dear Biro,- ,n,, and inottled. Tile objec.tioll applipq to oughly sprinklid With somd disinfect- s contains no nalre6ties or hArmil, scent back to almost the da*n Of his. . . . . P this breed that Is mnde to all bir( f I Wag for a long time troubled, With ant ,solution. A. coal tdr dip mixture fill Aru a, and to -day holds the xecord � \ m - . "4 b1cating,. after ,meals, and may totgu6 - is good, or ciLibolle acid may be used, for thO flargest number of actub.1 eureb totly. Eveb In Austria, however, It li; Lwa� I I .11 � I I I I L .. � " will' bl"(-k P111ninge­-that tile hla'-'k Wag always coatod. Seeing the "Little , Digesteraff advertised I d box, milar modi., Norfolk represent ,the oldest faintly -in . phifenthors olptilnet c ,onsideral)ly frOt" ot the rate of one gallon to twenty gal- of female disea8es.of ally At generally admitted that the dukes of . , I thp nppvaranve of the dressed fowl. Ions of' water. The drinking. water 01ne In the country, Mid thousands of .. and they took all that = away) d be disinfected by adding one Voluntary testimonials are onl,flle in the world. According tO the most Siwb hirds are w,riously discriminated but 1 thought ono boxwould not be shoul r%..A I agabiRt In the nisrhets, The foregollill, enough, go I sent't6 you for Moro, They Part, Of corrosive sublimate to "every� the Pinkham laboratory, at LM, trustworthy authorities, the HoWittda � The New, Era kw"nt Shop � . . breeds I'linve been developed Ili tlii-.4 are it great help to my body. . 2,000 p0ts of ,water. There Is no, way MaSso froln WoMen who haV6 btefi are of Saxon origin,.the name In those . I country and nre known ns American Yours traly to Cure the tOwIS hfter�they onco.get cured from almost every forM of days being Ejejeward. Astar back its � -PRINTI.XG AND PUBLISHING o I I I Ill 16 Is also an Engligh . 10MA16 Oomplgints, Inflaramatiba, V1, !J57 there tire ttltistwortby records bf . - I I . . . .. � breeds. Tlivre joHx 'R Bnox-lim, the disoase. . All that �an be .b6ped for ceration,ditplacements,fibrold tumoro, . .�a . breed, tile Orpingtons. that gives vor.v Vzouilo my writing with ponell, being Is to save the well ones. k . the fairilly.-Lond6n Globo. tin bld man -of 74.11 ; � irregUlaffile1g, periodle p,%ins, bukadhe, I . . -, CLINTON . ONTARIO . 1. � . good slitisfaction as q general purpose Probably the most conimbn poultry IndigeStion and nervous pro ration. . I . I .1.1. .- ­ 11-1. -11 11 � ­ _-1.___..1 .... . fowl. I 101jittlo, Digesters" aid. the feeble disease 18 roup. 6 This, Is really such suftering woman Wes It to Hee $phmr6. � - -, : , , I I , 11-1 - 11 - , , . 00M461i to digest the food perfectly, diseasei but the ,germs cannot well- herselif to �xve Lydia E. rl�kho,m!a sir � , The -Meat Breeds. 'This means tbat ' ean 011367 every-, , .rhero is Ono thing which woman . I get a foothold ekeept tinder neelfil VP otable Com ound a tri9d. _!_ -!!' _!__�­!! !______t11!1 -meal, and get thayo vould understAnd In political matters ' ' �tl tt!!!!7t!!_! _!!! !!!!!ti!tt�� . The mont breeds, most of which tit , stt�bbgth out of what I $on WOUIR IM6 Apeo all �Vtde . I . I - ­­_ I 0 y6neAt,ifyou Ake a "Little Digesterly c�Ohdltlono. WhiAv are found wbon the . I Aslaties, ,are the oldest bteeds It this - Jolut,your etwe tO a CO ideal# It' 1he bad tho franehlae.11 Chi ir 7, i , 01tolved In 'M ninlatme I . ". aftetwitraff. -bird catcheg cold. The germs ,�vork V.&I letttr to M. lhk1 4t I ..What's that?" I to with Dr. shono's , I ­06aisto. The nealifflam" 'one of the 251'e. tit your rugglists or by mall from Moistly In the yjamal passagog, CaUSIng Lyn=9404- . ... . .1 $'Whet, swoolng ttforwx FOR FLETCHER'S f0ttv Remedy. Oh�. -11 .1 U#*A& Me& go 00, Teraxt% X I ik ch6asy secrotlot thAt has a very dj* , - . at* 06 tw � '' IN U pat will surely pro*0. � �- --.,A- 16 wffis..� 1".�Nw I ftft A.*� . r 0 t6mitibM no dhv . + . - ­ 161_� - __ ,jQ A 0 TO R, 1! - troft A $Yfto-40%;Drooglow, ..­­�___­­ � 1� - I �mh A V1 lill�����l��i����������� , 00110MMIM . _177. - , - -1