HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1910-02-17, Page 8A100i11! AIRTION SAIM: People having ri om get theft' frills at the New Bra "Puce. be• aquae for the Patna, P" get a free itot#ce Qt It i for, I'sople wanting what solea are to be ways ooni ult The Nee they expect that it tt be a *aleAt ail, wet there will be a, notice ,him paper. If van Ini ing a sale get the bil New Fra -01 ce. It yo bills elsewhere have a the sale In The New costs only twenty-flyi a dollar and VARY a, dollars to your recetpl F'.Ob-17tbl, 1910, A Blessing OR AN while "' It its "" . O 1 .saves, avat, ion 6t The,ft^ at the T +lee of a, 1<t I. - A Fountain Pen may be oil or the other, * if ots or, + yours is the Agg'ravatiou make, try wally 6, � 41al1 Waterman ideal ) era. v%:PvxA yotar >�urcnetisee, Dy ettter�.� ng the "ale � need tk4t' , Co mis Xt may be a blessin , ro+Dl( 1 tax ea w tx bar' Winter goode for• Dur Spring goodF3, �,rhiph 1 Toners Re-Appoiuted • !a, 14 �` The I,icenee tioard.for. Contra Huron r�+.11 k + Rix are arriving',dally, Wl#alCr ]IB the orlfly ecuiq�iC1 �'� r�Qd Onry� were re -appointed by theOntarloov, !�." sae is C for t is .e;A o- t ernwent ,- William k'atteraait, .Tames.,.' I� a. Hoover and Adam. Ha with Me, Asquith Inspector. y klVe other iillliES at a lower price, e s' �e O Corsets. ar®.. now 11X1 �4 i� lZl th Char a Dismiss d C -new styles, The e laW I I . aid c n p, a '75c up to $ . U. T1s case agalust R. Graham for sailing on Sunday Jan. 9th was dis- r rr / tnisse on Monday afternoon of this H . , ,. as the •rosecutors could not . . _ . ..: _.. ' .week 1._ . get direct evidence. d eo., ' Money -saving Prices on Ladies Mantl�io $1fi,QQ Knit Top :Skirts. �8.1a0 1.+� Regular $10.00 Costa, for .. 7.Oo 5 13l Bar flaill5 7 onl knit Pu Purchased _. ,. » .. � � Y top slsfrta, Forme Fftte back,, . 1rG d A Fine l'tallo _ Regular 12.00 Coats. for x,00 _ �. 0, , Silk MQrrie, flounce ambroeidery, ? Mr W H Cole purchased from H OFTEN I Regular 15 00 Coats, for ......... >411.QO• W.wide width, rag. $0, far . , • , .. , .. gap Ross a beautiful upright grana Piano -, a f iE CHEAPES $1,95.8 tatteeq Sl;;irts, ?9c c n railatedstota� securing Hole sucha . Children's Coats, in Red, Brown and• 31>!iie x ALWAYS TSE LEST heaver Cloth.' �' Black SaLtaen , •Petticoats, two rows of beautiful instrument. . e fbiilin and'dust. •.' Regular $5A0 and $5.50 for .......:... $3.7G -, i are drop, made -of good goal. . ,. • a y heavy ,Se. e and will give splendid Becareful Of Your Ashes Regular B.UU for ............. ..�i,r.?156, ] wear, regular, $125", for,,.,,..,,,,.,,,,,.. C7amplafnt lits been made that 7$c __ 10 only white Lawn Waists, lace in- citizens are damping to much 'ashes Save Money on Furs sI OkI n front, regular 50c, clearing at 25 lney Celli. o9'' all Toip. Skirts,, • on'the streets and if more cera is not �090000000"I",0000"0000" was then. little snore than a name fn ' . '`" Fox Muff, regular 16.50, for....'...... 12 ISO, each ....:.......... a ,; -.,, ••••A• DflC Panama, Voile, Braadclol: ,Serge or Tweed. ; taken a by law will have to, be passed '� 9 tenbury CprteraonlyHe at oizee'w nt Squirrel g'" , X11.00, for.....,....$ 8 O.O prohibiting the placing of ashes on the 'y Badger " 5 50, for.......... 400 No.e 2 streets. , . . _, » into business in a ver unpretentious •� n b Badger " 10 00, for..:....... 7 ii0 . It only white Lawn Waists, trimmed 1e Print, 16c - ' (� way,keepfng a stock very tinware,stoves, r The Work ICs Needed _ _:.._ BU AISS __ _ ar, ate, and by strict integrity Sable °' 25 00, for.......... 18 1%i0 with lace, all sizes, regular and $1, The balan0e of last season's, buying i �e °; . ' • Ate, _ o and -close Mink •' S0 00, for...... - ... 39 44 c1eM,rfat; at :..,,.....,,».,.....,,...,.. �fle nevus, black, white, reds, in epotspst� po NOW ve>�at,parties have repotted to the �. IRce cion to-'"busiue`s�,'priiepered as the -•._ : __ _ ,. P w E a that, the roads leading to�r p continued to grove.•, One of laic Mink stole 5U U0, for ..........+3fl 00 . 1�� and cheeks, regular 1211e and 1fic; olearittg town are in a. bad eauditfon hp ��A employees was a bright and. slaver Squirrel 7 (K), for .......... S Ob a�t0• t�► - i . Badger • 1000, for ...... , ... 750 4 only white Lawn 'Waists, - embroid- at , .. • .. • • . } , . • . • "• . , • "", , � not have the pathmasters. ;n t1 a dif- • .. 1 0 'young fellow named Silas Davis, who 4N ' A { Lynx • 1200; for S 00 erY fronts, teenier up to ,$1.75, etear- XOe Factory Cosset., 8c ferent.to'wnshfp do a,little road work _. • ar the estof earle's step, . m tied eld lilt. S An- the winter as well as the summer? Sugh as you may obtain under the uta hters,ashiwassubsequently taken Pox '' 1800, for ... , .. , , 13 00 , Ing at, : , , .....,:...., ... , , ..., , . , .,„ 75e 6W yards 32 inch Factory . Potton gad • The travelling public would appreciate • . very beau ou mayone at un l Ventral partnership, a firm of Searle & ` Sable 18 00, for .......... I3 00 clean, round-` thread and heat/ ' g , it Very: muc . • ,Business Qoliega, of Toronto, ie acontinuing until Mr, Searle's xe- Sable 1000, for .......... avis c i 7 40 y weight. � , s�d hassi,ort t it oo Thous- A Davistiremen't from business activity ,some Timber Sable " 0 U0, for .......,. 6p xO' Thia;elotlt has lieeh our special for the •� an a• ave tarove hynat in Marmot " i 50, for 5 Sp • . A Good .rob • years ago, Mr. Davis, as our readers 16 only white Waists, embroidery. past year at 10c per yard, acid ,we have veatigata it vouraejf� Car f tee.., yea Many com lim catalogue expleans, write for a.know, til recently, was still in ,lie "' """ trimmed. very natty styles, regular , again bought it:for the coming season compliment remarks.have Up to X2.25, for 1$l 00 500 yards only at , . , ....... .., . 8e been made t the '.New Era on the. • iv. B. sxA w, Priuoinat. w th line of business in partnerabiu , y ,.:,, o Children's Toques good work dans in the Jobdepartment Rowland. Mr. Searle's +l ' youngest step -daughter is the wife of - '" Children's Toques, in three styles, all iris. 5 • 12.1.2e Toweling, LOC. • with the book issued' b the . Water- • ° pure wool, in all the popular colors, reg. 18 only white Lawn Waists embraid- 100 , works department, All we can sap ' i�4�NNr ' Mr.; (l'eo, rid, Pay; so' Ica gg a, .popular 50c, for ... ......................4 ........ 35c ery trimmed, very pretty sty'lte, reg. o+ttybards Crash Toweling, with.• or yvith. that we can give rill our euatowers •9N9N6l�NiOM business man of 011 but now liv� - er, heat/ weight, our re 12 c fag at Niagara k A11s, Mr. L�earle was up to $8 50, clearing at .. . .. . . . . .....>$1 715 value for Y 1' , g' i good work at reasonable prices. Try .�'••"••,•• ................ *-10-1... us anr, judge for yourself. overthiree months. -The Late Mat a r + public-spirited man, and. built whist .,Od and 75c Dress Goods, 3Jc .. „ is . nowa as the Searle B oak, on .9T; ` 500 yards Dress Goods, in black, blue, iiOt: Worsted hose 3150 -:.. ,Fry It . r Algia was kngwn thcoughoutWestera beet Street. He also built sometime . Ontaxia and esteemed by hiindreda of agQ• what was regarded at .hat time, _, brown, red and mixtures ; Broadcloths, lt)'dozen bays' and .girls' black, ribbed The fact that thawing frozen water friends. He. WAS e.5 ease a as the rattiest cottage Merges, Tweeds, etc. Regular prices from worsted Hose, heat/ and will i. e e (en Remnants : at y f age and p t age in . the town, ' y g'p p - ' . , pi he ' Boyne," Fe ' 50c to "5c. for .... ......... pea caused many fires during the was born at tt ..the house on Rattenbury Street, , at 11 i 390 ' did warmth and wear, all sizes, "reg. 500,he On cold snaps recalls directions' given by .For a great .many, years he Was a present occupied by Mrs. J. B. Rum clearing at ..............:. ,,,, ...... 315-0 • a farm journal for the thawin' of faithful emplo ee of the, Grand Trunksignificantthat he has re• -. ^ ball. Itis, 75c to $1,25 Dress Goode, 55e � Hal f t r'kem. frozen. pipes without the use -of g.re, Raiiw and in the Ca�iacity aa'can• sided on Rattenbury Street for nearly 7. ,;•, t,� c Worsted.'Hose 2 re t 500 yards rds Dress Goods, in all the pa u. which nearly always causes trouble, •duetor�ad charge of trains on a great:) the entire time that he lived iaCli'itton d p, ; . /ry says the Rochester Herald. - Procure number of the branches. He entered. He was an authority .on the' care. of . w I.' lar colors, from 44 to inches wf e, to 2.doz. boys and girls black ribbed war- RetIlrilllt5. Of Dress GOOCiS�' VUttQnS,' uuslaeked lime and place around the the service of t e 6 ees Serges, Broads and -Harris Homespun ,aced:Hose, a good warm stocking for this G '1. R „in 1850 and r in fact this was his bobby: 'and Prints Muslins Toweling,,, . Sattee S pipe where frozen, Moisten the lime made his first run out of St Tho ways ver fond - of cult' '` Tweed, regular prices 75e up to $1.2i' e.,eon of the ear 6,11 sizes• regular, 85c .,- s. p p he was al ' 6 y' ' ' g + g► , and-cover'it. well and it n ill generate in which city'he;resided for s In flowers: He has c i clearing all at one price:':..:' .............:• 'ii6C. e1+3axing at.....'.:..,.....:;..,,..,., ,,.... 215c ...alanelett@. :' .:: heat which vtitl ii#cici melt h e w e ma .vat 11 11 . . :: •. t z t tran ounted u of . ow ,e lee. S a heir ' sferred l tYo t in B tterfliea. Buge,e Beetles. . .. .. a fs " . cosi d is attend- Huron -from that point to Port Rowan ate:, caught and mounted by,. himself, ed wpithno danger... . • .. and then to .Gaderiah where he made that d A place in some.public µ ho id 8n z--- s . _- _. _ ...._.- _____----11_:__ .�_ :.. :- r .:";I i ,:. library. 1f - - Hockey ehan Dams Wer to tnadars.. When some a men r o was, on different aceasians g e e Mr Aigfe then r of the' Town Council. and At ' �"""" cauta_ta Londontto live and remained one time occupied the Mayor's chair.• ;. . - '` w. ` 2x 4 -very fast -acrd excitftig_gktiae� was- ,-.- - .__ _,..di T d dike man th I 1. played Friday evening tietwean 'the In that city unbii 200$ wilco he retired eQAe 11e• -missed, � �4` 3 1 ' . �� Pirates and.; the Tigers .the former from the road.—He moved to Win . -the advantages of an early education, �� g but what he, lacked in this respect was 'Y .. �• � �,. �+,•� ' - winning by score 4f 3-1. ham,. where•he purcfiased the Kin I , ` ;+k,, , PIRATES. Edward -Hotel., which . he _ggaducted made up by sound sense and good _. 11 I a >n TIGERS . , for some ears, A year~ ago he bought judgement. eluent. He was not what would .+t �'` - A. Rothwell goal• � N;Holtzheur the McKellar: Houee •at Glencoe � W. Oiant' .. point J. Lawson where he 'became' one • of - - be ailehe "A�hail Qehow=owe •^+ ,;;. R. Pattison cpofnt .Roy Forrester the most sposkun, anti avhite tiehhad h s short- -. 'popular , proprietors in M4W. Sail' Rover 'GV,Lfppington Western,Untario. He in au comings hq also had his gond qualities rvived by .And enjoyed:the sincere respect and I /J,� e I • , .i► Ai, Doeert ' r Wxgr� tFt' Rumball ,,, ia`w ife and two smis and three daugh friendship : - , gg oss Forrester, tern. - One son, Albert, is in 1 e- dicine a c uaint-, %tfk* Lr Orefg, Y of a targe circleof.a q l win . E. Graham- Hat, and another son. Louie at home. ncess. Fie was a"life long Methodist; ' ` Mrs. John. Martin of•Cal arY• Mrs .a and also a warm supporter: of the Sal t. Fee Raised Samuel Curran, of�RoTell, Mich., and vation Army. , For number of years •, . ', M:.#as Edith, At home, are daughters. , he was one of the official members. of . . _ An Urd'er•in Council.,tia� wilt effect The parents of deceased Mr 'and Mrs Rattenbury Street Church. and one of ��"` - a local business man, 'was• passed by jos A(gie, reside at Galt its mti,t r„ gular attendants.. The.Lib- Carpet-Ball League tion. Mr3:P.t}rke, while is ilia chair, Unifoil* Prontoitiont Exams Slei Sleigh the Ontario Governm . + Oat., and oral. art and h 1; a ent`on Monday, brother Jas-Ats;fe of p y+ t e temperance cause, was an untirthg worker in sloe cause of The Uniform Promotion :Exam# l Toe annual license fee:for the r , Guelph; and 3 lcise a geed friend b h#s death . na A Dad of O, O. I':, .atndents drove unnfng sisterscMrs C Sa er Ua t• Y . He is the 1� tubers )a and the -confidence lcd.of tions for the Public Schools of Huron out to the ho of moving picture theatres: •has: be g 1 ., Mrs Chester survived' by hfs second wife. a dao h- . '. me Of.,., ` J, ..Miller �of en `MeClell n, I,isto,wel, andSummary of Standing the members las been well •Placed.. A . R,f11 begin.on "iidarch 22nd, ea Hila' re.#sect froth $]0 a ear to 25. Mrs .A W .. tar of -Mr. Roger-Ror Lee of .India ' ppointedto wait u o , p Y $ Tfie•fee g r n Head committee w s'a T ,Teachers H tt and' a ant -'it ver of $25 will be for each mach# Walker, of St .Paul,. Minn. .also sur• formed . of'Clinton.Fu 3`� Won Lost To Play P n ali3attld n?tify their anepeetors, at once evening" • , piea;sant ne in use; vine, , 1VI y ... nergl.-takas ' ' C. U. F. 5 - • 4 the County _aun0fl at the June` seas=.,of thenuryiber-•of a xs r not for each `rn r#etor: Las • r Algte. yeas. a .prominent place.ta•da interment b • ; "f A. O. F 4 5 7.. ton, the annual County grant to the. :., Pape requi ed for: " p >5, t year'I Mason and also..a member i ' y' sing made in the Second, Third and P+ourth (1lssses,., ;G61's a Sttit so ,,;,.: . , was suspected that some rnen where. iod of. .other Ol nton cemetery: Association, -whose 1910-11 Show is,- to runniti a half::d z ge funeral took 1e. s, The . Tkte`pepaisordered in time motif be sent` ' . Last,Tbui sda v `""' - g . • . o eii machines -with p place on, . W O. W. 5 5 g be held at Clinton.' & y e• .htiing at the . fund `doe 'e s '6 esday to St. Thomas 'whe 1 to the teachers address before- lvlarcb� Room, the leader 'Mr: J: Xi, s a and- the w,oruibg -• of .tile. mains ; e re the re- : L. O. L. 3• 6 ? fi 16th, 1810, behalf ' , McRae, 'on Orderan-Council on this . 'Dint will be �' re: interred in Sk�hotttas Huron Old Boys At-14Iollie _ the Citizens $and; presented exp:icit� .The government thinks these . cemetery. 1.. The I. O. F., and L. O. L., play to- hockey Lea' Mr. �• A• -Hill with a auftcase in-re0og• 'then are making 'money ; so fast - . . """. 11 The Toronto Huron Old Boys- cele- t.nition of his faithful attendance and the can . ffo d'• that cath of W. C. Searle night (Thursday). This is an .moor- I heated their tenth Annual at Home fn: In the town league the''O. (7. I.,team,: interest-= taken fn the Ba Y a r the • increase in Lt - t to game, practically deciding the the Temple building Iaet-Friday night. I was defeated by the •Pastime Club .by 'others•vgiced tbe` leaders, Band. Many .cense.feeg. It becomes our sad duty • this. wee Ute of the forruer. g y g s words .and ° to record the death..of one of Clinton's Almost our hundred members and ascot a of5�4 . On Wednesday night the - Citizens- Band roses '• a valuable. pioneers, in the arson of litice Blamcl .For their friends:attended and the affair t be Jackson Mfg., Club only, .defeated member in his leaving town. Baggage,Car. Searle. and 'one of its mosMr. bi U. was a complete success• A long pro- Bankers Q y a score of 3-2, 'Gad- ;Fiat apeeted c#t#zeas, yobs' a ghly re' CLINTON NEW ERA i gramme of dances qelped to make the � erfch won -the rood from D. umbo `by Making Yl►tnrovements smoke pogrfng, from fire doors of hie residence on p . ssad away at evening pass pteatsantly, EZefreslt• r a score of Z6 w5: tint were defeated at The $rm•oP Tozer Bc Brawn have ae- the baggage care of the London H on ildonda Rattenbury: St., west, ments we a ,, served .in the .building. London: Wednesday , night by, four, ,cured the room over F: Jackson's batt on & Bruce train of th 0 o'clock ndoTh ur. Y of this week, after a brief r. CLINTON. ONT„ FEB. 17, Zp10. fi Dais t3.-2. The return match will be' . and.ahce store, and:formers oc da urs- illness, Mr. bteaple was of Fn fish _ Among those °present were : .Dr. . gl g gave:the•'fi'remen at the , blit came• -to Canada Y copied. Y mornin bit.th a when oft y- - 13, J. Stanbury and wife, 1VTr, and Mrs; ` of hfe weoderlcli on Friday evening by the Citizen's Band and will move central station a run. Thefire started young and for a" time- o q e Local Notices. 1 E. Floody, Mr. and Mrs. W. W.191oan, ; theft carpet department in there and in a cupboard containing the clothes .tinemtth's trade at Thtlroldkewh t the Mr. and Mrs• (>`eo. A..1Vewton, Mr. the upstairs used as the car et depart. of the trainmen.. It was stated in met and married his first ere he BOYS 7vdNTBA -at the CLINTON KNIT , sp ing Shorn, April 7th .:, • p )? wife a and.Mra. K McLeod Me and Mrs .It S trent will be used as the. Millinery goad faith that .mice gnawed at ,by the name of White. S ' widow! TING FACTORY. S,eady employment. Crocker, Mr and' Mrs S L Scott,. Mr The Directors of the Clinton Spring, Showxootia .as the firm are in the late ii0's ora oinewisere , l+ air met last week and , decided that a;clii"'t'itat feature to their Up-to-date Pr este 's coat, pock t of Brakeman in bout. the year 1860,:7 s DR. UVENS,London, Surgeon, Ocu-1 Ii lmeD') Mr and (Mr. L Hasnson sof � '•Chursday;April 7th would bathe day, store. 1Vew .windows are t d s Y When the fire -was Searle and wife, with two 'ate Est, Specialist, will be at W. S. R. Wingham, Mr. McRwing, M, P'P„ me 1 an which it is to be held this year.., as. soon as the mild weather be placed. th covered -the ca_ .lyes cut of£ from daughter's, came to Clinton ivhi0h l Holmes' Drug store on Tueada and Mrs G G ilea Mr A I.'t i The.Prize Lfsts to ba large and belts sets in, a train which was Just about to pull '- properly Y' W Little, Me George 'i Ile, Mr ; than. ever, 'Watch for these and post,, X Social -Evening out, and the Bremen put out the blaze March 15th. Glasses ro erl fitted, ge Beattie Mr and p t'; g The ear +vas considerably p Mrs rE Jarrett, Y►Ir and Mrs Tha ars which Will out shortly.. A leasin Y damaged, d•♦q:♦*off; deafness, catarrh and failing eyesight , y p g Social event transpired and was replaced with o '++4"?`*'g•♦♦♦`t'+•II•od•♦ II an tber for the »'♦'3'0�•3�•I•♦�dF♦•3�1%II•i►•II•o•3.0�3�!•II•t!3.1•1•I� 1. treated. All day. sent, Mr. A E Armstrong and Mise. i IPoltlel!'fi ' ltstit>ute' at the residence o£ Mr. Walkingahaw trip t. tha.nbrth;'. + . lea Armatron . Mr and Mrs.SJackson; Mrl on Fridap 10faht• last, when. over .2ti gg ** . y, and Mrs J Trager, Mr Seance lldaedon• ' The Womens 'Institute will' Ise held members of Miss Janet Wilson's Bible + - -1 aid, I)r, H W Reid .Wilber and .Miss E at the home of Mrs F B Hall on Thurs Class assembled and . presented her Address And I're6enttLtion Lawiesr, 34Ir and Mrs G H Carretbe, i day. Feb. 2lthat•2.3U. p. m, A and -with-an address -Accompanied with a Mr A gflt; who.ieft on., Monde. ' FCbruary 26th and athe4s. ettr3ndance ie requested. Suhects gold -headed itmhreTla and a 13 conal. to organize the Winni e r Y �..t�rar .- Hymnal. p b.oftice of the C- - - A week from next Saturday, the ' How to,make our.meetings simple and. Although Mise., TVilson was taken com• Doherty Plana & Or an Ca : - . enWrta}nin was Def Company of 26th.. lost will be the Anniverary of Grand $anquct'at.Strtttford I g by Mr9 F Warta also a ,:pletely by surprise, She made .a hum- Clinton,+ are his de arture pre. ! reading. by Mrs • R Andrews, Mrs J. Arous reply acknowled in the ki .sented with. an address p' p the famous light at Paardeburg, South The $rst,arinidersarZ+ of the iristt+lla Jbhnatoil; 5e0'ry1"teas: fiess of liar class- and expressingacknowledging nd rfn Ii ,1t Tess :and signet ♦ 4. , '. rica: tion of the Prudential Insurance Co. the g Y ,Pauls 0burcli Sunday .1 040 + I Sh . I . I S-0 ' .. d -If Wa - . of America, was celebrated by a rand. pleasure she Found, in teaching the Seliaol, Owing to the Illness of the ♦ g. banquet held at the Wfttdaor Hotel, �'eeckersntitii Recount. class: Refreshments were served and Rector Mr ElilEa inability robe are YO . 'k; h 10th Stratford, on FebitiarY 1G, This cam= The recount of the biallots cast in the company spent a couple Of hours resent at Sunday School on Sunda ii• p , The date set for the tea meeting pang establi§lied itself in 060ada'on the local option coutest in the town• in eonversatidn and musie, , last, the presentation had to be made t . We are sho�V�ing a big range of 'waCm Shoes . cinder the auspices of the Women's the first' day of 14161. 190$, and during shi Of Tuckersmith will becouducted elsewhere than durfng; the Sunday specials suitable !or the. 'herd Gt7 p Y cold of the rriid- the past year has written u by His Honor Judge Doylein the town The, Defences of Elnliil'C - School session. The. address •lovas 1iVillt�r S Cason., JT ' Asesociatfon cf Willie Church, is p $10,000,- Half, , beautifully engrossed by Miss. $, M 000 worth of Insurance, To show theft , Seaforth on Frida 18th inst.:. march 10th. Keep the date in mind, appt•eciation of the strenuoLis work No appointment has so fair`been made Z'ieut•Col: Hugh Clarke, M. L. ;A„ Bentley, and the ring was a tnassave I r spoke lust Friday evening on "The De- signet ring, set with bloodstone. I& Felt Shoes for Ladies' buttoned, laced and"gait. • „' done b tits i old staff a the Stratford i ioti cannectiun with the plCoposed rP� •fences of the Ern ire" before fell The ♦ , era, at rices ran f ` 1 Going .TO Galt Diatr#Ct durfng tbat period, the cam. ,count fn Colborne, p a large owing is a copy of the addross:_ p gar from $1+OU to X1.7$ ♦ . Mr L C Fleming fe regretfully sever- pang feasted theft employees tvzih - ;audience at the flret of a series of liter• Ito 11dr, A, A.13ilt F I alt shoes for Meu, songs laced,: same niters; ♦ arY meetings to beheld by the 01 titan g • 4. 3ng his connection with the Huron their -wives and sweethearts, and ora: Bev+ Di[r Gilpin s baa h T3ear b1fr: - �l!e have learn prices start at 1 71a running 'i' 0,ounty Y M C A and with the people i vided the beat in the land, defraying The Re>r 'Victor i7lttb. Tla� member treated the Club ed with $ + ttning as high as $5,00 Dear regret: of your intended depart ♦ .. +' dif Clinton, having accepted an ap- ai1 costs besides raiiwa fares. The F" Jr�Glfipin, B. A,, late and a few Invited. uea,s to an ale sent p Men s Wo `#• 3' aster of the Unit, Ohurch 'at and instructiv„ ad teas, sirs from amongstusa rk Shona, specials stutabIa for farm . paintment to Ilse stn of teachers of divisional msna,art Mr. Maelvor ac- C4ridon, .Ont, died Yid � He unfo rled Although your work, heavy wool linin Y , onday.. at leis., the ossibilites in glowing terime „anal going is a personal promotion for A. at g. Williams make, 1be Galt Collegiate ristitute, where campallied by his. assistant• manager, j home, 114 Galley avenue. Toront6, !nada a strong lea for Canada yourself, yet non0 the less we s all $2,40. , 1. e begins duty hiaroh 1st. The Y M Mr. Everett, of Newark, N. J., graced t from typhoid fewer which fol o #tar o g p a tak#ng feel the severanoe , ' i• A of Moron County will Indeed be the board by their presence as well , ti 1 wed proper place t»:.,the empire, Ile. of those ties wheh goys Shoes, sad ands p as two severe attacks of 1a rt h so long have bound us, Y'ourcourteous • g t>iangg the keep•you-dry . t ;.lorry to bear of this but the • church former Supt. Mr, P. O. Hilliard. nowt/ ceased grippe, De. ' waas glad to lap aside' party politfces , : kind, heavy wool linin Wtili , �iaspic at -large have not goes into the of G4uelph district , Mr. Dsivils au r • wrib was iii his ,bitty=er lith 'evlien it came to a matter of the de. manners, your organising ability, ands R, oma make, >$>C.76 the pr found interest 'that . You. 'have • For child ♦ iinaportan t work, hence the interest ,s London district and a number of pt. of year, was a son of the lafie Ileo J fence of the empire. He was pleased 3' ran slid infants, the • choicest +► p a cast of warm i ether , (jaunt of Aberfoyle, Wellington ,to sae that white then optic#al a • taken n: all that aiiected the welfare shoes rfee star i . 'i' Licit being kept i and a Me Fl only afdiciil's, Besides th,e 2►bave, the Ave (jaunty. ,,His 08ignatlon of the Lou. Alffered as to method t P reed of St Paul's Church and Sun :s , l? s t ng at'�15c, reaching $1, t5 r be a matter of time wiaen Mr Fleming assibtant Supts. of Stratford district, a don •pulpit was accepted last $ rfn tIaat it was time that tvereagreed daF drool ♦ ,l, p. g tat . Canada began will be 10109 r®tnembered by us. We . + _ * Pvould have to look elsewhere far a ait)on9 the linter being Aft•, J. J. Pat=' and since that time he had been a to assume her reason ask.your acceptance of the aCCo ♦ t i;tr0eftio>r. Mr Flem#n has done good cell Of Seaforth, isow stattonad at resident:of Toronto Ile t able respansitiil#• in #ft as a mpany, S�e us e r"work and sit will wish im success in Gor erirh, and the local at7ent, Ytdr. 13: a b#ntiad S cantly he was fes and to pay her wwatq as.a member regard. g , slight memento of our ♦ r the Bas# i n �>iis new field of labor. Kirby a 1 s a pp eetetarY of the Rational of that emppire which had been. des , Wishing you Clads blessing• A, _ p present, An orchestra ,Sunday Len ue,and was one of the eribad as the rwhich •secular toe +Ind guidance wherever your let xna • . Ot � �"e ` ), ,taayed during the hanquet and af,lee. speakersthiswfnterin the progressive far goad that the. world had eve 4` r be past, we renin>n, dear me );lilt, 'y d` ♦ y r seats. Yams faltlt'full + rt. r l►ireettt its Haiti li)Iceting ands a brit pi±ogrtzttt of bus#Hess Thi: �' iit<.�luti d>oourse. The lata :Rev. a �e•pointed ,ont•tha. 'the eau remail of 3'r +► • �» fled p easttt!e was carrt�d nut. lvir Willi ilpi _ =r+At gradaata of Vietor#a site I3rttish, ant ireo p S,gnpd nn behalf of����+� V4rAI''+ .4. ,, Mandti'y aftel�noola, the directors of MCLead, formed of Settfartb, renderµ Dolle�,, " p ion the ltiglr sass 51t, Z'iiul's $unda Sohacl the Humin Poultry Pet Stack Ass• eci evkrai'sel et n 's inatttt -')U_ la+'*idow and ane child .s gilled pease of the world, an alit y � . , o- a i _ ttaeptalaltd ;aurwil�b,'`•,�� r Al in was brou htu �aaized the ; o a (1: R. (�t7�7N1: g p p i t;. tiles it .VVaa`►me ,. t ,....r, r� .ram.. -the tion•were aiflicialiy itr aesaian at Vocal in .list tiwn Ttappy fvay.. The in tliti•. kFetlit511ia 'faith and spent 1 attach w s Ileetar wad Sue i N„tile �€'a Hall ;Olfnton; to consider pleasant afi'air war!'Closed i,q n lin it s t ,. , y a doing or share,, Thi col- C. r gtendent. *on .the res g6ii.tion 6f the president, M. C. vBt�Wthanks tBet, t several yams in the ministry thereof, r►nal s remarks w�r fie uentl •:.a c,; ,, a Supt, F. E, I3tadiey, being at ane tfine assistant d'astor of lilaudecl and h# hl a yr. Tat t�•• Attie ) txsses i�'li'A, i aufman, and for other important of t3tr:�.'tfard, acid the singing of (Ifey, bding re. Street a As is but s r rivet g 1' 1�1"' dated. , C1�,I» CiC11tCOb ' ' , - ` real e t Y , . - ,. a ved itis Wilson of Se. art+' p., t1'' u e1 11 . , aftlth .in(1:,11 V 1� a•s , ...wPr . ,h } 1 !l(t.w. ,. , ;A,tlld r r g; a)411aCtlp t ,itil the Methodistfteo Ise ,vArks, of DunVitla were chit• , dr• d'd !g#e,' prgpfhiattlr dY 'th+1 7► a- a lior[te, was ntiamfottslY 'given re alae• Synet . (yc�veha'iltg, t�t1 a a,a'.x, _ . , „ Dist .M ry, a Kalltir 13 use , i ti;� ti..... 1# -- 460tu dl!'tht- rii t ul:J of tow , L Iazico d'ed Satairdaj� . urovotit- k r,* ..._,a.. w -., „ ,9 , . motilifi � iffier i ti' "Illtiesg ' pktaiidlt�i�y, {yam y y"' { { , ' tF t T .. r . • r, I •'",P •, . • l ;*YR %,,;;;.Y 11, , . , , - '' Q 11' p. � � � ♦ '� �� �•i��+* 44 �� *444,i�, 4 ' . ,. e : .. v --,� I 11 �,•.. ; I . .41, - I q a » , . 1. . _/ — _WW ilmw_ -_ - , y ,s. - .- { ..4 ' . . -1 . I. Y properly Y' W Little, Me George 'i Ile, Mr ; than. ever, 'Watch for these and post,, X Social -Evening out, and the Bremen put out the blaze March 15th. Glasses ro erl fitted, ge Beattie Mr and p t'; g The ear +vas considerably p Mrs rE Jarrett, Y►Ir and Mrs Tha ars which Will out shortly.. A leasin Y damaged, d•♦q:♦*off; deafness, catarrh and failing eyesight , y p g Social event transpired and was replaced with o '++4"?`*'g•♦♦♦`t'+•II•od•♦ II an tber for the »'♦'3'0�•3�•I•♦�dF♦•3�1%II•i►•II•o•3.0�3�!•II•t!3.1•1•I� 1. treated. All day. sent, Mr. A E Armstrong and Mise. i IPoltlel!'fi ' ltstit>ute' at the residence o£ Mr. Walkingahaw trip t. tha.nbrth;'. + . lea Armatron . Mr and Mrs.SJackson; Mrl on Fridap 10faht• last, when. over .2ti gg ** . y, and Mrs J Trager, Mr Seance lldaedon• ' The Womens 'Institute will' Ise held members of Miss Janet Wilson's Bible + - -1 aid, I)r, H W Reid .Wilber and .Miss E at the home of Mrs F B Hall on Thurs Class assembled and . presented her Address And I're6enttLtion Lawiesr, 34Ir and Mrs G H Carretbe, i day. Feb. 2lthat•2.3U. p. m, A and -with-an address -Accompanied with a Mr A gflt; who.ieft on., Monde. ' FCbruary 26th and athe4s. ettr3ndance ie requested. Suhects gold -headed itmhreTla and a 13 conal. to organize the Winni e r Y �..t�rar .- Hymnal. p b.oftice of the C- - - A week from next Saturday, the ' How to,make our.meetings simple and. Although Mise., TVilson was taken com• Doherty Plana & Or an Ca : - . enWrta}nin was Def Company of 26th.. lost will be the Anniverary of Grand $anquct'at.Strtttford I g by Mr9 F Warta also a ,:pletely by surprise, She made .a hum- Clinton,+ are his de arture pre. ! reading. by Mrs • R Andrews, Mrs J. Arous reply acknowled in the ki .sented with. an address p' p the famous light at Paardeburg, South The $rst,arinidersarZ+ of the iristt+lla Jbhnatoil; 5e0'ry1"teas: fiess of liar class- and expressingacknowledging nd rfn Ii ,1t Tess :and signet ♦ 4. , '. rica: tion of the Prudential Insurance Co. the g Y ,Pauls 0burcli Sunday .1 040 + I Sh . I . I S-0 ' .. d -If Wa - . of America, was celebrated by a rand. pleasure she Found, in teaching the Seliaol, Owing to the Illness of the ♦ g. banquet held at the Wfttdaor Hotel, �'eeckersntitii Recount. class: Refreshments were served and Rector Mr ElilEa inability robe are YO . 'k; h 10th Stratford, on FebitiarY 1G, This cam= The recount of the biallots cast in the company spent a couple Of hours resent at Sunday School on Sunda ii• p , The date set for the tea meeting pang establi§lied itself in 060ada'on the local option coutest in the town• in eonversatidn and musie, , last, the presentation had to be made t . We are sho�V�ing a big range of 'waCm Shoes . cinder the auspices of the Women's the first' day of 14161. 190$, and during shi Of Tuckersmith will becouducted elsewhere than durfng; the Sunday specials suitable !or the. 'herd Gt7 p Y cold of the rriid- the past year has written u by His Honor Judge Doylein the town The, Defences of Elnliil'C - School session. The. address •lovas 1iVillt�r S Cason., JT ' Asesociatfon cf Willie Church, is p $10,000,- Half, , beautifully engrossed by Miss. $, M 000 worth of Insurance, To show theft , Seaforth on Frida 18th inst.:. march 10th. Keep the date in mind, appt•eciation of the strenuoLis work No appointment has so fair`been made Z'ieut•Col: Hugh Clarke, M. L. ;A„ Bentley, and the ring was a tnassave I r spoke lust Friday evening on "The De- signet ring, set with bloodstone. I& Felt Shoes for Ladies' buttoned, laced and"gait. • „' done b tits i old staff a the Stratford i ioti cannectiun with the plCoposed rP� •fences of the Ern ire" before fell The ♦ , era, at rices ran f ` 1 Going .TO Galt Diatr#Ct durfng tbat period, the cam. ,count fn Colborne, p a large owing is a copy of the addross:_ p gar from $1+OU to X1.7$ ♦ . Mr L C Fleming fe regretfully sever- pang feasted theft employees tvzih - ;audience at the flret of a series of liter• Ito 11dr, A, A.13ilt F I alt shoes for Meu, songs laced,: same niters; ♦ arY meetings to beheld by the 01 titan g • 4. 3ng his connection with the Huron their -wives and sweethearts, and ora: Bev+ Di[r Gilpin s baa h T3ear b1fr: - �l!e have learn prices start at 1 71a running 'i' 0,ounty Y M C A and with the people i vided the beat in the land, defraying The Re>r 'Victor i7lttb. Tla� member treated the Club ed with $ + ttning as high as $5,00 Dear regret: of your intended depart ♦ .. +' dif Clinton, having accepted an ap- ai1 costs besides raiiwa fares. The F" Jr�Glfipin, B. A,, late and a few Invited. uea,s to an ale sent p Men s Wo `#• 3' aster of the Unit, Ohurch 'at and instructiv„ ad teas, sirs from amongstusa rk Shona, specials stutabIa for farm . paintment to Ilse stn of teachers of divisional msna,art Mr. Maelvor ac- C4ridon, .Ont, died Yid � He unfo rled Although your work, heavy wool linin Y , onday.. at leis., the ossibilites in glowing terime „anal going is a personal promotion for A. at g. Williams make, 1be Galt Collegiate ristitute, where campallied by his. assistant• manager, j home, 114 Galley avenue. Toront6, !nada a strong lea for Canada yourself, yet non0 the less we s all $2,40. , 1. e begins duty hiaroh 1st. The Y M Mr. Everett, of Newark, N. J., graced t from typhoid fewer which fol o #tar o g p a tak#ng feel the severanoe , ' i• A of Moron County will Indeed be the board by their presence as well , ti 1 wed proper place t»:.,the empire, Ile. of those ties wheh goys Shoes, sad ands p as two severe attacks of 1a rt h so long have bound us, Y'ourcourteous • g t>iangg the keep•you-dry . t ;.lorry to bear of this but the • church former Supt. Mr, P. O. Hilliard. nowt/ ceased grippe, De. ' waas glad to lap aside' party politfces , : kind, heavy wool linin Wtili , �iaspic at -large have not goes into the of G4uelph district , Mr. Dsivils au r • wrib was iii his ,bitty=er lith 'evlien it came to a matter of the de. manners, your organising ability, ands R, oma make, >$>C.76 the pr found interest 'that . You. 'have • For child ♦ iinaportan t work, hence the interest ,s London district and a number of pt. of year, was a son of the lafie Ileo J fence of the empire. He was pleased 3' ran slid infants, the • choicest +► p a cast of warm i ether , (jaunt of Aberfoyle, Wellington ,to sae that white then optic#al a • taken n: all that aiiected the welfare shoes rfee star i . 'i' Licit being kept i and a Me Fl only afdiciil's, Besides th,e 2►bave, the Ave (jaunty. ,,His 08ignatlon of the Lou. Alffered as to method t P reed of St Paul's Church and Sun :s , l? s t ng at'�15c, reaching $1, t5 r be a matter of time wiaen Mr Fleming assibtant Supts. of Stratford district, a don •pulpit was accepted last $ rfn tIaat it was time that tvereagreed daF drool ♦ ,l, p. g tat . Canada began will be 10109 r®tnembered by us. We . + _ * Pvould have to look elsewhere far a ait)on9 the linter being Aft•, J. J. Pat=' and since that time he had been a to assume her reason ask.your acceptance of the aCCo ♦ t i;tr0eftio>r. Mr Flem#n has done good cell Of Seaforth, isow stattonad at resident:of Toronto Ile t able respansitiil#• in #ft as a mpany, S�e us e r"work and sit will wish im success in Gor erirh, and the local at7ent, Ytdr. 13: a b#ntiad S cantly he was fes and to pay her wwatq as.a member regard. g , slight memento of our ♦ r the Bas# i n �>iis new field of labor. Kirby a 1 s a pp eetetarY of the Rational of that emppire which had been. des , Wishing you Clads blessing• A, _ p present, An orchestra ,Sunday Len ue,and was one of the eribad as the rwhich •secular toe +Ind guidance wherever your let xna • . Ot � �"e ` ), ,taayed during the hanquet and af,lee. speakersthiswfnterin the progressive far goad that the. world had eve 4` r be past, we renin>n, dear me );lilt, 'y d` ♦ y r seats. Yams faltlt'full + rt. r l►ireettt its Haiti li)Iceting ands a brit pi±ogrtzttt of bus#Hess Thi: �' iit<.�luti d>oourse. The lata :Rev. a �e•pointed ,ont•tha. 'the eau remail of 3'r +► • �» fled p easttt!e was carrt�d nut. lvir Willi ilpi _ =r+At gradaata of Vietor#a site I3rttish, ant ireo p S,gnpd nn behalf of����+� V4rAI''+ .4. ,, Mandti'y aftel�noola, the directors of MCLead, formed of Settfartb, renderµ Dolle�,, " p ion the ltiglr sass 51t, Z'iiul's $unda Sohacl the Humin Poultry Pet Stack Ass• eci evkrai'sel et n 's inatttt -')U_ la+'*idow and ane child .s gilled pease of the world, an alit y � . , o- a i _ ttaeptalaltd ;aurwil�b,'`•,�� r Al in was brou htu �aaized the ; o a (1: R. (�t7�7N1: g p p i t;. tiles it .VVaa`►me ,. t ,....r, r� .ram.. -the tion•were aiflicialiy itr aesaian at Vocal in .list tiwn Ttappy fvay.. The in tliti•. kFetlit511ia 'faith and spent 1 attach w s Ileetar wad Sue i N„tile �€'a Hall ;Olfnton; to consider pleasant afi'air war!'Closed i,q n lin it s t ,. , y a doing or share,, Thi col- C. r gtendent. *on .the res g6ii.tion 6f the president, M. C. vBt�Wthanks tBet, t several yams in the ministry thereof, r►nal s remarks w�r fie uentl •:.a c,; ,, a Supt, F. E, I3tadiey, being at ane tfine assistant d'astor of lilaudecl and h# hl a yr. Tat t�•• Attie ) txsses i�'li'A, i aufman, and for other important of t3tr:�.'tfard, acid the singing of (Ifey, bding re. Street a As is but s r rivet g 1' 1�1"' dated. , C1�,I» CiC11tCOb ' ' , - ` real e t Y , . - ,. a ved itis Wilson of Se. art+' p., t1'' u e1 11 . , aftlth .in(1:,11 V 1� a•s , ...wPr . ,h } 1 !l(t.w. ,. , ;A,tlld r r g; a)411aCtlp t ,itil the Methodistfteo Ise ,vArks, of DunVitla were chit• , dr• d'd !g#e,' prgpfhiattlr dY 'th+1 7► a- a lior[te, was ntiamfottslY 'given re alae• Synet . (yc�veha'iltg, t�t1 a a,a'.x, _ . , „ Dist .M ry, a Kalltir 13 use , i ti;� ti..... 1# -- 460tu dl!'tht- rii t ul:J of tow , L Iazico d'ed Satairdaj� . urovotit- k r,* ..._,a.. w -., „ ,9 , . motilifi � iffier i ti' "Illtiesg ' pktaiidlt�i�y, {yam y y"' { { , ' tF t T .. r . • r, I •'",P •, . • l ;*YR %,,;;;.Y 11, , . , , - '' Q 11' p. � � � ♦ '� �� �•i��+* 44 �� *444,i�, 4 ' . ,. e : .. v --,� I 11 �,•.. ; I . .41, - I q a » , . 1. . _/ — _WW ilmw_ -_ - , y ,s. - .- {