HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1910-02-10, Page 11• dic Ort .r +4[.>�:v�-�w�Fr=":`, am. Evening owns y. •.gin Delicate Shades egColor with , Art!sttc- .rr brotdery Pink -Satin. Gown with . Goitf: ' ' Et ibroidei1r ".,, ti'.latti,i$pyr'iklitly lttliitltiger ... Exelnstie*Conytight New York MUM BY A. T. ASHMORE. DINNER•, theatre and evening gowns are at the moment the sub- iects of most earnest thought and consideration to the majority: of women who, realising that the winter social season is nigh at hand and that this same season bide fair to be especially strenuous socially, are anxious to get. the first choice of the newest models exhibited. There is a wide diversity of style to choose from this autumn in the many attractive designs, colors and fabrics, and there is a • treljgbtful iudividuali.tv'to be obtained, so that women need' not all look as though they •were wearing gowns that had been turned out by the wholesale., Black evening gowns for theatre, din- ner and ball 'wear are to .be far more 'fashionable than last year. Satin, velvet, wee, chiffon and ninny new lace nets and thin materials, as well as embroidered crOpe de Chine, must be ,included' in the category .of popular_.fi braes for the all black gown, while jet,silver, gold and colored silk embroideries are one and all used for trimmings. There are new weaves of black satin, heavier than last year, ghtfully supple anwith more d most practicaltboth for the draped folds and long lines; then once again the soft satin finish crepe de Chine is regarded with favor and it also can be draped so as to emphasize to the best possible advantage the most fash- ionable lines of the modern dress. Both princess and two piece models are in st:, le, 'although there are plpbably more of the two piece gowns .being made up at the moment; but, after all, it is the question of the 'more becoming that solves the pr^351em every time, P Double or Tunic Skirts. lilt, skirts of the newest gowns ars trimmed or made with tunic or • double skirts, but not,foi? one moment does the Woman who knows how to dress well allow either trimming or double skirt to interfere with any lines that will make ' her look slender. This may be a time when every effort is being exerted to bring back full skirts, but the si#un figure and the long lines will for many months to come be chosen by the smartest gowned women, and she% who can successfully combat the newest fads. or combine them with these slender lines will be the envied of all her acquahataaees. Most cleverly is trimming introduced on the skirts; the (rout breadth is drawn to one side or ladraped embroider , always of tithe rno t elaborate description, and the same trim.- ming but hlf hidden sthere also undeerothe sotwminft fodsaof drapery, White Venetian point lace on black velvet so treated le most regal in appearance, but the same idea worked out In Jet or jet and silver on a black satin gown Will also win well deserved a praispe. To display and at the same time conceal would seem to be one of•fashionO* main desires this antun n, and• , just the glimpse that is given' of 'rare lace or costly embroidery is almost more efPeethre than where there Is a', More flagrant and ostentations display afforded, .Almost toe artistic, almost too startling. ,are many of the new iuodeis for evening gowns that art* exhibited to the seekers for the autumn and winter styles. Draped so tightly that locomotion.' would be prao• tically' Inapoasible is one of the new due Chine f material, xquitite ektexe forms the Upper is draped over apSatin /art 6f obs, the saitiin}o f the firmest, softeat description. in the prig- ifroi odel the effect of this tightly draped. goern is far too extreme;'too tltcetrletil for ordinary tretehilt any wo n with the Pearl Toilette; 'Photo Copyright lig ttcatlinger Exclusive CopyrightX .•XiPi'k• Ilekn)il ''White Satin Gown With embroider$ Ttiiltq Photo copyright by llteatfingee xchrsfvwCopyright:-aNeW4ork-rier -- ihftttiw t�@.:, 17F Draped Evening Gown, of Embroidered Crepe de. Chine Photo Gepyright br Reutlreke Exclusive Copyright Nese York . l3erdfd ,het Ointroidered . clack, Sanity dawn, ' Mals'oi};13CchOff 'David T'iieto Copyright byateetlfinker . t Exclusive Copyright New *Orli herald Ca • The embroidered tunic suit and the em: broitlered cuirass, which' fit . 'Close to 'the figure, •..while : so, constructed as to seem] like a loose armor, are both- fashionable, The latter style callssfor an almost per - feet figure to be bec0tning; the former can 'transparent tunics. - Biiie or 'cerise on bbtek.. and , •gray, gold or silver on .blacit and , white, blue or mauve on. pink. and blue, all a re: fashionable, but the combina- tion west be. most carefully treated. Tur- quoise or corai"lieads;.quantities of them massed together, are very smart on black and white •net: the cora,] on the L''ace and gray net being especially effective, while rhinestones are most cleverly utilized wherever and whenever ,possible to give brilliancy or lighten a top dark effect . 'A be utilized to ]tid'e' defects of'nature• end pale gray- satin with an overdress of net, can be so dealt with as. display any with trimming of coral beads -and rhino - good lines. Queer, odd egtorings are inn- stones, is a most clutiming color Scheme, xnensely popular in these embroidered tnrovided always that the right shade of Gold, Ettibrolc!ered'dike Crepe de Cilie,GotA , !'riots <'oI2$riaht 1ty itptalinget -_ rzrdnsire (iryiigbt NeW.Vork Itoral4' itis possibility "Ina give that touch of ori • and btu nnalnt n blue in great demand. The salve ono of the most popular of the season's peelally well adapted t a err arc ed resit oni dapted to those co101re and and r 3' individuality that will make itI eryetnl and Pearl d ri ' I fiitRtttrat itnewircfgn blf III*" c'ten.� t%aetiq light, tran�parwnt texture that tl l a sngthtly the shite t or rather modify His oral eff ct a donee tY # 1 qty ny a iu.tvc:st Models. make the. choice most difficult. Tho overh an'd, extreme to tt m,ost'fasenns. 't"i'Ifite hue rettirzzt':d' to favor ,. m#ngs, for the latter ere in themselves soy attraettve that when used to trim the up- t to the ase —.. n y Sub, remeivhi1a em hasirtn the luateriat Itself, 4 �r tin fin once a p g Lange of ► fl d berOm• j a8 in lwtter. Dale shad` b , shut xnd ed An. oriel tit ie exli 1, mos of lel gth l n I 0 1. T N It C of gray. velloiv. tine i r+arilV (*wed not i.v the style -ef tltw *Ara* h@ length and �raCe. skirt, resit lie charm .� oAs "o tom` per lost they not Only do•away with any In r�lines but 1 sure r I 1 �l e n coloring and gen- year are displayed in such mut ere alt this tie maturer blend i tai effect are, inn of the • styli) trBlaek might'" is a joy' to every woman 'who takes pride•itt her home. It enables her to have the" stoves always clean, freshly polished and brilliantly Meek, "'lack Knight', is rtady to use r.easily applied -•and a few rtibs brings a ]mirror-like polish." “Black Knight" does away with all the hard work and dirty work of! stove. polishing, if' your denier /should sot have "glackitnight", We will send out a largo can, postpaid, form. The W. F.faiiey' Cm. 1le'd, Uli.Mi i rON burst. 24 Make* oithl Intro.* "'2 In 1" Mhos P�efisb. Children a gray be chosen, ' Surplice folds over the .shoulders are Invariably becoming, . and there axe many roost attractive gowns. made up* this au. • team that exhibit to the best possible aa- , • vantage this fashion. If the gown is of satin or satin crepe de Chine the ma- terial lends itself wonderfully to the : de.- ' • sign. Brocades and the heavier fabrics. are not so good• £or ibis purpose, and therefore 'Fnshion most cleverly r . sled tlittt with them shall b Combined - ace o , est description. lie or chif- fon, and for a moment •e tulle is the most in -demon. ' on aces . nt of its being• the more beeom . g mit • lal so pear :the face. Here is - t orded another;.oppor- tunity for comb' . ors artistically and becomingly. The tulle•can match : or accord •with' the' colors. in the brocade or" satin of, which the gown is connposed,, or it can be in Contrast, and 'white or pink,ean always be used if thitt is' more beeoniirtg It is :a -'most effective fashion, .., a & the beautiful fine . laces with lust the right .- cream. tint not only ate becoming to the complexion, but 'display to the .greatest. advantage _ any good lines of shoulders and arms, .for' the sleeves are fnr+ariably of the seine material; the heavier ma. terial of: the gamin stands out in such con. trust as makes it apmear. all the riche1 and finer.' ' Don't Iss Rnother eataiogi thntil you have carefully examined and have asked us to quote our prices upon simples of this' class of work which we have just recently. completed. Our plant specializes on Catalogue and Magazine work, We ggive you the benefit of the latest and best ideas in catalogue designing, together with work of an unexcelled quality—at prices than are no more than you pay elsewhere for inferior work: To Job too small to go atter None too largo to bring Rack I CL TON • r..ar I till• The e Era Pint Shop PRINTING AND i PUSLISHING ONTAR1i