HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1910-02-10, Page 800, Er* pl:t9I Thi eo .len New Ur* ono oed by . .s Party a G. H. PERLEY IS CHAIRMAN OF. CONSERVATIVE CAl1CUL Member for Argenteuil Lives at Ot• tawa ' and Has Devoted Many Years to the Affairs of His Party--. Family Has Been In the Lumber Business For a Long Time- Foun- der of Perley Home for Incurables. George 11. Perley, M.P. for A.r•gon- t•uil County, has been elected perman- ent chairman of the Conservative cau- cus, which shows the very high es- toem •in which he is held by his party, Mr. Perley, who lives in the capital, has devoted a large part of hie time to organrzativn work for the Conser- vatives for some years, and it is ru- mored that he will ultimately become the presiding officer of the Dominion organization, which is to be constitut- That's the secret of Shiloh success for forty years -trustworthiness. When you contract a cold -like a wise man you want to cure it-Shiloh's Cure will do that quickly. , When there is a cough in the household you know as well as we do what it may lead to: Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis, Consump- tion, are its fruits-Shiloh's cures .coughs. All throat and bronchial soreness and in- flammation are eased and healed, all phlegm secretions are safely removed, by Shiloh's, Cure. Incipient Consumption is checked by the soothing, building influence of Shiloh's Cure. You realize that from the quick way a long standing lung cough is a116vi- ated and cured by it. Whooping 'Cough and Croup -take them in time! Shiloh's Cure should never be out of the house where there are babies or children. zot It's the Remedy you can Trust 0 CUBE Wiwi* re Curet i Coals, Coids,Cromp, goARsmass •MO 10. haeitieg OVA I If/,..uuw. Mame, AI ALL tyro a$uUS , ,..rte • 8. C. WELIS&CO., • 14.o..,uN,a, WUM:w:T T.1.44 004 OUR • Porlowo• bp on. CRuvu:.,ULO* . i Pinet, 24 00411. -Nu-'o,fr. . DYSPEPTIC Food Does You No Good Drummer Did Cook Reach the Pole? meg the tin* y'o're afralx1 to eft your tongue la coated, mouth Mateo bad, stomach is bloated. If you want to get well, stop using dyspepsia ta!b- Iets, and go to the source of the trau« ble before it is too late. Strengthen year :stomach, cast out •the bile, regu. late the bowels --,do this, and. dyspep- sia ys pep-sia will be no more. tion is Z your condition Hamilton's Pills, which made specially for the stornach4 kid- neys and livor. No better remedy will be devised, for Dr Hamilton's Pills are perfect., DR. HAMILTON'S PILLS A SURE. CURE "'No one could realize nay sufferings from stomach trouble and indigestion. For five • }tears I have not beery well: My Rood dict me no good, because Y couldn't digest or assimilate. My dot - tor said constipation was at the root of my trouble, so I got Dr. lbamULtohn's Fills, My appetite improved, pain after eating ceased, and my food digested quickly. I am delighted with; the thor- ough cure I derived from Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills, "(S�tggmecl') MARTIN W.ALI ER, g " Bridgewater:" Quick results attend the use of Dr. Hamilton's Pl'11s; this medicine cur+eu all trouble in the stomach and diges- tive organs by removing the eaush,, Missionear J. 0. Siemon is First President of the Canadian Gideons, Mr. J. 0. Siemon, who has been ap- l .minted first president of 'The Chris- Oan Men's Traveling Association," comes of German stook, but is a loyal ('auadian, having been born in Walk. r ;tort forty-four years ago.. He re- uved his education at the school: that town, and in 1888 he moved to Peary Says le Did Not. Whether Dr, 0001c reached the trouble, indigestion or Sidi headache*, North Pole or not is yet to be proven.Fig pills will cure you, 26 cents a~ Thne he one certain thing certain. if you are troubled. With 'kidney or liver bore eiV i084ing drug stores, LOOS YY' ANTI D. highest cash prices paid for Bass- wood, Elm, Maple or larch logs, de. livered at our milt, The W, Doherty Piano it Organ 4o,, stopped in 20 minutes sure with Dr. i3hoop's O R Croup Remedy. Chi.. test will surely prove. No vomiting,no dis- tress. Asafe and pleasing syrup -Seo ruggists, en:JIYni►k Ford & McLeod Haying secured a cowmodioua Grain Storehouse, we are now buying all ,kinds of grain, for which the bigbest prices will be paid. Bran, Shorts, Corn and alt kinds of hrain, Seeds and other feeds kept on and at the storehouse. Ford & McLeod G. T.. R. STATION, CLINTON. Mr. Robertson Was. Wrathy Painter and Paper Ranger. All wqrk guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Residence nearly opposite the Collegiate Institute. Mo n u mews Choice Designs Best Materials. Jas. Doig, Opposite the Post Office Clinton. LOG WANTED AT THE STAPLETON SAL*WORKS Before placing your orders for your season's supply of Coal, get our prices. The very best goode carried in stock and sold at the lowest possible price. Orders may be left at Davis Ai Rowland's Hardware store, or with We Want to Land the safisfaction you will derive from that will open your eyes to the fact that you cannot do better anyvv,heue else that you can with us, You will find that we are not "all at sea" in our business, but thoroughly "up.- to - the rainute" and watchful of the interests )f our customers, knowing that, by so leing, we are really acting for our wn ultimate benefit. Merchant Tailor, - giinton, nor the materials to make one. often hunt about to find out the webs ot other spiders, younger and weaker than themselves: with whom they ven- ture battle. Vie invader generally succeeds. and the younger *Srlider le driven out to wake a new web,' and, the old spider remains ilf•P-Ossession. until a stronger spider invades the web and drives it out. When thus die. possessed the spider seidoin ventures another attack. hut pies tO. sttbsist epon the few Ittmeots that may Jail: +iveiilent:illy into it -clutches and P. Iluttattr. W. J. Stevenson, at Electric Light Plant. I'Ite Great English Remedy - Tones and invigors,testhe whole nervous system, tuakee nowl lood in oldVeins. Cures Nero. 1 ous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Des, matorrhcea, and Effeet8 of Abuse or Excesses. Price $1 per box, sixfor$5. One will please, ids will pure. Sold by all druggists or mailed in 1 plain pkg. on receipt of price. New pamphlet l mailed free. The Wood medicine Co. I (formerly Windsor) Toronto% One! GEOUGIS m.p. ad and perfected in eantection with the forthcoming national convention of the party. Isle, better man could be chosen for the position,. Our subject has been connected for years with var- ious large businese and other enter- prises and Itas proven himself a mas- ter of detail and a man of solid judg- ment in both private and publio mat- ters and one that for character and ability is held in the very highest estimation by all who know him. His family haa long been associated with the great lumber industry of the Ot- tawa valley and his father, the late William G. Perley; waa for many yeara one of the foremost lumbermen of that district, and was member of Parlia- ment for, Ottawa at the time of his Our subject was edutated at the Ot- tawa grammar school and at Harvard -University-,--from- whichainstitutien_aue graduated in 1878. He is now head of the big lumber firm of G. H. Per - ley & Co., with large mills at Calm - met, qae., and extensive limits on the Rouge River. For yeare he has been • identified with a. large numbea of en- terprises in and around Ottawa, and he • is actively connected with nurnere ous charitable and social organiza- tions. He was the prineipal founder of the Perley Home for Incurables and is one of the capital's Most worthy representative men. 13ack Plan It's a mighty good thing for the' women of Canada that Parisian Sage can how be obtained in every town of No preparation Mt the „ hair has done so much to stop falling hair and eradicate dandruff and make iiiiinen's hair beautiful *as Parisian Sage. . Parisian Sage is the only -certain destros:er of the dandruff ratcrobe which is the cause of 97 per cent of hair troubles, These pernicious, persistent and destructive little devils thrive on the ordinary hair tonics. Parisian Sage is such an extraordi- nary and qniak acting rejuvenator that W S ft Holmes, who is the agent in Clinfon guarantees it to cure dan- druff, stop falling lair and itching scalp in two weeks Or money back. It • is a magnifieent dressing for women who desire luxuriant, lustrous hair that compels admiration. And a large bottle of Parisian Sage and all over Canada. ' Parisian Sitge, the Hair Grower,'ie Now SoltrinfCanadaOn Money The Most Popular Paper ln °Wart° The 'Toronto Daily . 'Star The best proof that people like a newspaper is their willingness to pay good money for it. More people buy the 'Toronto Daily Star" than any other Daily, Weekly or Monthly published. in the Province of Ontario. Moreover, the circulation of the "Toronto pally Star" is increasing more rapidly than that of any other newspaper in Canada. These things do not just happen. There must be a reason. In this case there are seVeral reasons. The " Toronto Daily Star" publishes Market Reports 12 to &hours earlier than the morning papers. It is a Newspaper -net an "Orgae—politleal or any other kind. Not only the Woman's Page,,bttt the whole paper, is attractive to women. It reports athletic eventS mote fully than any otber Canadian Daily. Its special features, such as the '‘ChtoniCieg of the Khan", are most entertaining. Consequently people like the "Toronto Daily atar" better than any other newapaper. $1.50. A. iirea.r This paper and tho "Toronto Daly Star" togothor ono yoar—$2.20. Guaranteed tounioln Pon igotillor 60o. CURES CATARRH, ASTHMA, Bronchitis Creep; Cougbs add Colds, or money ba'r..b. Sold and guarardsal by Unlike some newspaper prop,ietors, Mr. John Ross Rob.rtson taxes the keenest interest in every line that ap- pears in his paper,, There is a legend that he once almost missed a sailing for Europe by turning back from the, railroad Station to ask why the paper had. been scooped .on a trivial item he noticed in. a rival sheet. A story is told to the effect' that some years ago he walked into his private office and: sound on, his desk a copy of another evening journal with an account' of a• Murder in:"the Ward" blazoned clear across its front pager He had read The Telegram and, no such item 'ap- peared ap- peared in it. He glared at it for a moment and then started for- the city editor's room with a hop; skip and jump. It was late of a summer after. noon and the man on -office duty was 'the only one in sight. Mr. Robert- son ;flung the paper before hire and demanded to know the reason why the 'paper was asleep, declaring with warmth of language that a general cleaning out Of reporters was- about due, The terrified desk man •gazed speechless at the paper for he in truth, was the man "scooped." Sud- denly his eyes lit upon the. date line. It was a paper • of the, same month three years previous, and the janitor 'in cleaning up Mr. Robertson's rooms . had accidentally knocked it out of sorne hiding' places. As ` the chief . paused for breath be found words. `Tlrey'ra- a--litile-lute-with:-tl2e.:stor-y-,"� he said. "It happened three years ago." • He pointed out the date line.' Mr. Robertson took a close look. "Humph i" he remarked. • "Well, what I said goes anyway. The bogs must wake up." 1, c. STEMoN. 'Wharton, where he and his brother established a firm. manufacturing hardwood floorings, About •• seven years ago •he carne to Toronto. The president of the new associa- tion is an ardent Conservative, , and has always .takemi a rather active in- terest in politics, having served 'four years. on the Town Council of Wier - ton, In 1900. he was nominated aa candidate for the Dominion Parlia- ment for North Bruce, but he was forced to retire, owing 'to his heavy business duties. • Mr, Siemon is a ,great worker by nature, and his big ambition has been to travel. This desire he has been fortunate in being able to fulfill, and he has seen fully three-quarters of the civilized world. Mr, Siemon is unmarried, and is 5 member of Cooke's Presbyterian Church. Interesting Items We handle Can. Oil at 16e. American at 20c, and National Light at 25c, Machine Gait, Separator Oil, Raw Oil, Boiled Oil, Turpentine and Paints We hays about 20 kinds of Soap,aleo Lye, Washing Soda and Ammonia, We have 13 kinds of Tobacco and 3 kinds of Cigars, also' Chewing Gum, Wd`have kierbageurn, Columbian Stock, Food and'HHess Stock. Food, Flax.Meal, Oil Cake, Libby's Calf Food. also Flour, gram+, etc We have Crushed Oyster Shell -Poultry Foad,- Panacea, also 2enoleum and Instant Louse Killer. We have Salt in 'barrels and sacks. We have Patent Medicines, Groceries, Hardware, Boots,Shoes, Rubbers and Dry Goons, also school supplies. We aim to supply your wants. Our prices are as low as possible and we pay the highest pos. Bible for produce, trusting to have your custom, R. Adams,' Londesboro. 1 •♦♦♦♦♦♦t♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦••♦♦••4♦♦`1♦♦4!'O•M♦♦♦♦N♦•♦♦♦♦♦••N• •♦ Cs • • • • • • Come to This Store for Your • • •'• ev �~ ♦ f• N♦♦♦.♦♦r♦♦♦N♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ Ate Their Ntoccasins. Biahap Stringer, of the Church of $ngland, recently arrived at Dawson, after a hard trip of 47 days from Fort MacPherson, at the mouth "A Maeken- sie River, bringing the first news since , summer from that region. - • The bishop and 1Vlissionary Charles Johnson started frora Fort MacPher- son September 1, hoping to croas, to the head of the Porcupine River in time to reach Yukoa River last fall with a canoe. The head of 13ell River, emptying into the Porcupine, Was partly frozen. so they had te walk beak to Fort MacPherson, For 25 days they roushed in blind - big fogs with little food. Their sup- plies finally gave out arid they ex, perieneed hardabips wove than those of Peary. For a long tune there was enly a handful of food for each, man Finally the party were eompelled to take their moceasins and mueldueks from their feet and eat them, They were able then to walk five or ion miles day until they stumbled into an Indian camp.. Their inoecasine and mut/duel:a hail kept them alive for five days. Eaehatrian had lout 50 pounds in weight. Johnson remained at :Port Mae, Pherson. After the rivers froze, the bishop, 'with two Indians, started for Dawsot via Rampart and eatrie thiv with no further difileulty, p. 11earhte (from Canadian Bear grease) applied to the roots ot the hair keeps it glossy and prevents its falling DISCOVERED BY ACCID'ENT. How the Paving Value ef Asphalt Was Brought to Notice. • • fornis of, bituminous pavements, Whether manufactured from -natural or4 artificial asphalt, are In fact artificial stone pavements, The andustry,atarted with the use of tfie natural reek as-- Pbalt from the mines in, the Val de Travers, Canton Neufchatel. S-witzer. land. The mines were diecovered in 1721, but it was in 1849 that its utility • as a road covering was first noticed.' The rock was theu .betng mixed for the purpose of extracting the bitumen con- tained in it for use in medicine and arts. It' is a limestone found impreg- tatted with bitumen, of which it yields on analysis frona 8 to 14 per cent. it Was observed that pieces of rock which fell from the wagon were crush- ed by the weight of wheels, and under the combined- influence of the• traffic and heat of the sun a good. road sur- face was produced. A macadam road Of asphalt rock was then made which gave very good results, and' finally in" 1854 a portion of the .Rue Bergere was laid in Paris ot compressed asphalt on a concrete foundation, In 1858 a still larger sample was laid. and froni that dine it has been laid year by 'year In Paris. Prom Paris it extended to bon - in 1860 and Cheapside in 1870 and in- suecessive years on pther streets,. and tben its use in street and road. making extended to other ctotuitries.a- THESUFFERING WOIIIAN ENDURES Can Be Banished by the Rich. Red Blood Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Actually Make.. Behind the veil of her modesty and siient patience nearly every woman endures suffering that casts a shadow -over-helf-her_existenetk An aching back, tired limbs, attacks-Offiiihtiiim-• and headache upon headache need 412 not be part of a, woman's life. Such 4; trials inclhate plainly that the system • requires the new blood that is supplied * by Dr. Williams' Pink These Pills are valued by suffering women, who have used them above all other medicines,because they make the ebb, red blood that makes women well, bright and at their best. This is the secret of the, great • success of Dr. Williams' Pink 'Pills. Mrs. Geo. C. "A few yetus ago 1 was completely run down. At times I would be so Weak that I was unable to do my housework. I suffered from severe headaches, pains in the back and dizzi- ness, and at times T felt as thougi life was scarcely worth living. had tried several medicine" withent give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a trial. After using two Or three boxes I not. iced atliiinge, and -after taking the Pills about two months 1 was again - enjoying good health, atad, have since been well and strong. I can cola- dently recomraend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to all weak and run-down wom- Yon can get this great blood -build- ing, health restoring medicine from any dealer in drug% or the Pills will be sent by mail at 50 cents a box or si* baxes for 22 50 by The Dr. Williams.' Medicine Co., l3xockville. Ont. • • We make a SOecialty of Watch and Clock Repairs. Troubled Wit'4 Backache For Years, Nowt Com. pletely Cured By The Use Of London. Ont., writein-"It is with pleasant that I thank you for the gOod yotir Doaa's Xidney Pills have done me. 'Have been troubled with backache for tears. Nothinig helped me until a friend brought me a box of your Kidney Pills. I began to take them and took fOur I3oxes, and ani glad to say that I am oured en- tirely and can do all my own work and feel as good as I used to before taken sick. 1 atri poSitive Dorm's Kidney Pills are all you claim them to be, and / advise all kidaey sufferers to gtve them a fair Lot Dom* itidney Pills do for yell what they have done for thousands of others. They cure all fotans of kidney trouble and they cure to stay eared, $1,25 at all dealer% or mailed direet on reeerpt of price by 'the T. Milburn Co., Livaitm, Toronto, Ont. .When ordoring specify "Doatt'e • Jeweler and Optician. • ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. • hill of Unusual Interest to every lady and gentleman in town is the coming visit of Mr Frank Pember of Toronto, special representative of The Pember Art Hair Store Mr Pember exhibit , the most ultra stylishrtni-d--- same famous Creations as , shewn in Toronto; and:' tt prices lower than yeti a ha,ve ever paid for such eiaa needs. Eor gentlemen he will de- mortstrate the famous Pdin. ber Toupee unlike all others add a perfect boon and health savor to all who are bald or partially so. A.really scientific pFoduction which is largely imitated. Prices gratis upon all ailments of the hair and scalp. See Mr Pember without fail and do , l„ your appearance a go 94 twit Commercial Betel, Seaforth,-Wednesday, Feb. 9tb Norinandie Rouse, Clinton, Thursday, Feb.10tit • Bedford Hotel, Goderleh, Friday, Feb. 11th Their Wonderful Speed and Mysterious Homing Instinct. Racing pigeons arethe fleetest of all creatures. 1.'hey have maintained a speed of a mile aud a half a minute tor a huddred tittles, according to a, Writer' in dialler's. and they !Aye flown 700 Miles between the rising and the setting of the sun. Pigeons have Down a thousand miles hack to the honie loft. Lis 1904 a bird covered that distance 'in 5 days 2 emirs 15 ininutes, proving how un - 'erring -is tne mysterious homing in - tinct that will drive pigeons across the tuatinent without swerving. J3ut this test is not true sport. The birds sim- ply hurl themselves against time and space till they are played ont. They can never race again. The racer rises . into the air with beavy, slow wing pufsations; then, once poised over the starting point. there is a swifter. shorter beat, and the time is "hit up" to the third and permit:tent wing rhythm, rapid and steady as a beat. which carries it home. Racera fly 800 feet high over land, but low over water. Their enemies as they fly are wind, rain. gunners and hawks. They do all their flying between sun- rise and sunset. if caught out over- night they fend for themselves till da wn. The homing lastiact is lifelong. Dur- ing. the Frando-Prussian war the Ger- mans &night a homing Divert Which was on its way into beleagtiered Paris. rho bird was kept prisoner for ten years. It was then released. It Unite- diatelv returned to ita old home. 4. ti /7 New toiscovettOs byett old ahastetari AND If] C. 111. A. iinnvaroatratthien:,aviltaelitzi'mn:Pirdndrilejeeogvittinntte- ingeftecto then hes ever beforeibeeti offered. Suff. eters from vital Weakneas and lost vigor, that laldint *Wilts. Free Trial Smoke malted in plaits paekaste 011 receipt of thisadvertismentand 90 VICTOR** itonto Witmeet, Oar" Cadens, S C. Rathwelr 0. Hoare 4 Big specials for Saturday January 22nd, 1 15 peira of Ladies Eionse slipper; in Red, tlark, trown and Green, regular $1.00 and $1.25 -Special price 85 cents 12 pairs Ladies felt bal and gator topped with leather, regular 1.50-Speohil price Vases of Ladies rubbers in storm and low Regular 15a and 80o-Specii.1,price g 24 pairs men% box calf blabber regular $2.25 and $2,50 -Special price $1.0S• Other special lines to clear at big reductions before stock taking. ° • 6, C.. Rathwell C. ileac When you buy a Piano you want the best. Buy a tinurrouhr We keep in stock a full line of -violin Try us for Hats nionica.s ; prices from