HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1910-02-10, Page 4a ', d 4 . 1,11111111 . . .. Nm-' I - " I I •. 1 �. .. ,. , i XIVM Iiad nrll �, I Ili • ' . . ss whoaep vier .. Feb.:010 I ft 1 'tF der $4 1. "Mk?A tashould 4000ed. A to M him las$ clever � o f .of Oars woal ,� family dry their tears long 610 ,With n,Fr atla r fI ra taita velli be Richelieu, was sdodmbla not only in en9ugit tel re Idb1e n ofd htrrzlair roads, ixh illy jud ►neral, if BUCIx is flat the xaduct L100hopeful tit Ins he case. ed burr fire fctaha the ave 0 �.. I., , p d > t 1?ax 'lie . . 1"'..''. U I I," �. " I C , i I h -.�& ,,bat iktrs Isaac Wilson, of 13urk'ra Fella Yours, wblali he a ne in ' C ��' n � 11 .1 ­ �'. . 0 . gave birtlh; last Thursday tar foul.- per buatec�'tlm ardipal +Yee I 'Vd�lt lY8 : s1 �dlterak><dea ug, ARA`1't.P#1:Y1,It" eextallliy would' net require muchl " dautrhters, Their ba:ptisrxh reveals the �....•�.•....,.�_:. _,_..._,. to plat;olldfll on parr with xx en coaching fact that they wilt be known As Viva "i-ATT.IOWi Q,i�T culla leave attained eroluenca on the stage, A.s Boumt .de BAradas, (in outer s�a�e�� �•�� ��N�.+'� Oi�Y COO�� argaret$eryl Barbara.Albertat words the- wily rtililllli) �lrr • Iibbaer a . Eli and vlam Brama. ,If this Ta?'lie ililor Qf 2'lie 2Veta1 Era played the chwracter eplendldly,. no. � t FURS munig`s, quartette . • easy task we f'eel,certain, ;brit he sua. � sing at the one time both Afr, and Mrs, Uh '�t A ' [IlYllf 4Yr &TY14>F. DEAR SII, --During the past week it tamed himself throughout, 'Dr. Axon, •' ` �' 11: '' i� QF Wilson vttili have their hands, if enol: has -been myp2easure to visit several as rile French atlleee, filled fire bill and Y their arms, full with their 1.1: pounds ger axed more Influential y for peace or rear, and as »._ of the lar rues read as natural as could be, Iifr. of infancy" far l in this vicinity, Aust out of cur. Dyer Q asw 09019 *I iaalt to tryand find out, molly it is own las every inch a Kin�g and ; tk a , f ewers are not ettIn Would have made a better job of sei'v- <� ' - . �­ , I I of the Poultr ili trance than. the "J 4;r n, OAtvAI�A -the ian4i of our nativity y branoix Qf lira in8thtatrq g pour, va01110 ing, I �Previous to my visits, I was sura 'very 'Louis KIIC, If d, H, Kerr has no nthz(,Cs$, . - Call tcwr or:aagptiPtt-how we love thee and �i many far -feeing farmers'- wives must erripresainll' engagement his perform - t, what,les�r it affords ua to sing thy be receiving .a tidy sutra of money -ante last week should be a recbmYnen ` dation fur hal - • Well deserved raises aridly tlrniisGlcalr weeltt from the, sate of eggs, etc„ and y orders. . Coats,p 3' gg � itwas Avery 1 q ot'a;ngtatitile•sitr h. serious business far Joseph. tktiaSDev- ... ..,� v.Y Pell the window to get, abetter p iced to (earn that _. . ,. I ,vas earl-ely wrong' in sa I-elieving. erell,the 0411411'a ard of Richelieu, had ' .. � view of the wo0derful future awaiting Oftbe severat farmets ra vi3lte(7, . her part well in hand, it Was no light , , % a " '5100 t ask to cam y q thy sone slid daughters, The Nsr rind ons that made any pretence Wliat- petentl acquit herself aa,"x'-b4 a B. 44 takes special delight in giving ever of getting a p oflt from the#r she did %n her ilnpersvuatign. A ,per rs a�1 out our • place in Its columns expressions of poultry flooka, in solus instances son may rehearse a Seaton ar two (. Wrth ao • , o� Q iks, aentinaenta.gf loyalty and Scarcely an egg has been received s#nce 1 a effect butts praduae p g>j argai'as' x you ave not pttirlotisixi the dawn of the new year. It surely after page of a o xn e w lea t '17iIgt Val' concerning this Dominion and we are does not require much of a head to peculiar ' �' written d r a ra a' before an eupeetant . t » ptexsed to reproduce a Short address, Sgu;re the ,"crit which is pasitively audience a. an entirely d I if e r e n t �1.11�'� NOW is the time to pick up an extra Goat to wetter. she did it well and Was delivered ata, Missionary Banquet t(? acer;saable from this branch of the • freshen up your wardrobe for the rest ,of the , farm judustry, providing proper can- very natural in meant' bf the �lt��- season, or for the rough Weather and knack+ -about the Goo Board of Miaslons of the d'Qans prevail in khe cares and atten- the s� Space forbids our followingSmall Methodist Church in Uttawa, a short tion of its -fowl, Certainly no person t other members 9f .the company purposes. These Coats are good enough far' the time ago, by Rev. • Dr. Henderson, in need expect their bird's To EVEN. ray who took their, several parte �>c;: gaol , ' FOR TARIA ]KE$,p, When their banes is m and with an .absence of tiresome - "' A �1re`a2', if you want to keep them for that purpose, raspanse to a taaat. to t'C1an51da" -- not cleaned frokih oue month toanother intervals so often noticeable in such C" Ina +l C +apo but prices are so reduced, you need not feel the , "If I'Could,only compress time into a where foul atmosphere always sur- performances. •"Richeiteu" is a ht:av1. I %` rotxride the biddies, or when kept in a play and could be easil Spoiled bi t :same as you "otherwise Would': 'Colors , Black moment then i mightsucceed !n. try- daipp bank bard, where, the xnomenk p esentattbna were re " J 'Colors, : !ng to crowd into a ten-ininuteaddress last week's r s p core- + �XU12 x' brown, navy and green. Only eighteen Coats to wJSat might be truly aaid'aa the sub- g QetQdbpothehwh einside, z Bib a you are pp datiana to a xspetlthon Pf similar Y e a i g .uf a earances Qblth Augioented 'a,udionc. self: Regular prices range from $10 to $15. jest -of. Our Country, It is impose ,the birds within, and you would much es. Up-ta-date scenery, illustrative -of �(� the: acexres would have T > - P40p sible to iva in ten urinates an tbin rather withdraw to the outside. It is placed the G,iu. �✓ y g. an und£apuyabie .fact, that consider. ton company, on even footing with he Your I�hoice of , � like an dequate tmpresaian of the vast g tI. In the`amount of money involved in good ansa, : territory ...s �saping from ocean to the various branches of the farm in • A ,lessen feature of file exrtertain- last ocean and covered bythe termCanada. duatry, no branch thereof can possibly ments was the choice well played mus- Issues IQ oatf this -paper fo � Sonne believe that the jtr be compared with the poultry section foal' selections. the Orchestra was i;reateaG lis, in so far as.actual net profits are can. constituted of the fallowing persons-,- rlot)s• covert' of the twentieth Century £s. not carried, providing the fowl be, given Mrs, Norman E'41r. plamat ; G. Phalen ' • the aergplatio nor the Worth Pole the care which they. actually merit., (conductor), violin; 71k(eRae,ciarinnet; r (laughter), .but it is Oanada. We. are If' farmers would grapple with thin A• Havey, flute ;lie Innis, carnet; and often reminded that the Britith Ern- question, in this section, of the cotta- W. G•• Moffatt, trombone, This rend!. ,L,',,,,try as they are doing in leis Eastern `� `') Y'"'� `� '� t(`%�Furs $rola of marches, waltzes, two stairs ar►d else,./ VL. �I �X�' Aire, with its hundred millions of pop- parts of the province, we would soon medleys, was the signal for heart a �I' N ulattou, i9 sa vast tI ah the sun never bear another sang take the place of plause Which was certainly wellcieerv. . , , e I sets on her doinluiox}s, and that old the'+ xnsz DoN'T f?AX'.' one. ed.. No, rase4 of importation with such 0 VWoope.r & . ' You will probably never have air ' o ortunit available home talent, } _ . 1 opportunity England, that island Mistress of fixe Yovli s ?CRUTOT I The audrencea were possibly a trifle ' ' • t , , to bey Furs again so cheap, as every line of fur- i$ sea-(A.ppli�use), will enjoy ,What she' A IixtAnlJfl $aw in expresaintt approval of special. - n � . steadily advancing, and next season you' will pay ntw etjaya, so long ae countries like In a week or two we will publish�an If, noticeable parte of the draaut ' 1. Canada bolt u in article especially written for the NEw' this navy have arisen through fear of more for your Furs. This sale affozds the wise her face and `delight eosin toe thread of the star , Bo nets ERA,' by MISS Yates,. Guelph, describ, M g i I a splendid opportunity to display judg tq call her mother. Canada is'b, equn-. jug fully the Phglo system, as use at cbuid have been deservedly story • d `Gne hope the.01tizens Band will have ' :. went, by buying Furs NOW, when prices are t deb great magnitude, and if itwere-the.U. A. 4„-. together _with . llitxatra• a rid surplus wh tions of same, it moil! be of, y p eu lire balance sheet p out of the world. ,it would. interest much lower than they wiI1 be: make ar hale aq big that'rve could put to all farmers and poultrymen.-kd. . is prepared, the, United States in it and it would ~'�"”" W O Humtane Society &c • T. U., NATE " . ,: Al. Ue., , I aska Sable Ruffs, extra fine fur, trimmed with n g0 clear nut of sight (Applause.) It � ---�- head and tails, regular $20, for .................. $15 pQ RUINED BY 010ARETTEp . t . . . I . ,, R �. �pould take all Lurvpe to cover.up that To the,�'ditor of Wee New E a • ' Davit ' Montreal Jan. 2 �D *-n . y , No man can say. that he has ' ,'I presume that 'a goad mtiny of our -7•After warning his . SS Isabello Fax Scarfs, just three left, regular Q °Seen Canada until he has traversed the citizens, when hearing the announce- gareitesbas the never to . sxnbke . g $30, aQq went of the lecture which was Ivan n L ' � 1. . I . .. for ......................................... $20 UD . life, y >xad ruined his i plains and mountains of- the West.: last alight tri the Town Halt, ihqugltt Victor Forrast, l9 ears olg livin .at Your is a Canada within a . ilanada. little about, it, hence made no effort to $tHenri,put a but through head to da and is now I i 7 herepDets Ynay sing and your writers attend. However I judgQ, from the y" y, ng at `till ,hint One Persian Lamb set, nice glossy curl, sold for Q@9ggg wap sketch and tourists scribble, and attention given to the'addresa,bythvse manebroket!n•.thQ hospital. The youngA' other' $40. now ..... . ........... ..... 1133 ' wbo .were Into his mothers »1. • •..1 , present that the subject secure the revolver ..and ' annou teed . µ ... • . , f has nevem which was dealt with is such ae mi ht after all Is told . Due list g the intention,of ending his life. The been told.; ..(Applatxse.) wall 01 tine presence of a fullhouse, poiice.weresutnmoined but before they,. 1. One Mink Muff, regular $3o9u , a" for. $'26.00 tiPlien we eRneider the extent of our 100W perhaps are awake: of . the ex, y Istence of such a Society or fail .to see. put in an,appearance, Forrest `looked, .Ja' • 1. , d . ' .? .., territory,: the wealth .af our resources, or'lrealize'its. sigtli#Icauce.:: '.Che•prind- himself in itis room and, shot; himself; ' . .'the social, political, educational .and pal object of the Society is. to educate ' 'G,A.v14 HIS SON- 010ARETTiJS Small Furs, at Dig . Reduction rt,lig£ous'advantages -of our counti" . along the line of kiddnoss to the brute Aman . • 1. y, ti snot even gives, cigarette . . creation, and reventi and deal with t(3 hifi own son, if that son happens to Until you have carefully we meq a*eli indulge' in a feeling of .a too common evil which exists to a be..ouder' 16 .years, under the £ y XatTlin6d. rad have asked us �� patrIpttg prides Weare the inhabit'• great extent: "Crt eltX to animals" Tabaci;oAet ass new 't0 ut)te Our ri WITH the probable ' c_onstruction of "anta`of a laird iis'fa£r end%"tile as a Put of th£S Society has grown anot r Recen '' p ed IasE geseiob. ;1 p tees upon samples Of' this class Of Wark EDITORIAL MIISINCB rap lie fly, in the Police ..Court, Al. which we have just, recentl corn feted. �.� the proposed Hudson Bay Railway upon which the sun ever shone, and AId tutiet' known as '.'The Children's. Bert Strang who gays his three young y p , at r early date, the question of its potential. wealth is '.be' oil tPhilanthropicy.,,. which is doing a most sons, Percy, Glordan and Albert b CANADA is the present day magnet y d _ be Work tall over our ra et cigarettes to smoke for the Our Plant .S eci, aliZeS On of the civilized world. transportatiun of Western products dreams of avarice. There is more old vince:in looking after *neglected child- .is elle ed o purpose it Cara?Ou and Ma azide' will be largely solved. True there to be taken out of the hes or g !r f aggravat£ug'hts wxfe,was . Work: We ive you the- benefit Of. Ili£. latest a �►v - reri, many of Whom ore nryast cruelly fined 6 and costa by.Col, laennhaon, 'of wheat t fields of treated. will be difficulties to overcome but 'the West iia has ' gg rad best oronto! ideas tri catalo catalogue ciesi rain to ell r .witlli work of'an IN your judgment what £s Clinton's n ever been taken Mr Eiarris,whq de�ivex>ed the IeoturQ sphe Act reads that g' • g' g greatest need at the present time `t I none unconquerable, so say the hope- ,out of the valuablemines mix es o ra managing:Direetor of the Toro s. £ t any' p e•r s o n urxexcelled qualit t' "tire f Oati» . Toronto, i 1 able. tb a fine or- imprlsonment, than' ; re no, .more than fol exponents of the route, fornia or the uiountains''of Colorado, Humane Society, . ,and'• for . several who directly sells, gives .or fur. ieh you pay elsewhere- . : infe 1s a.'1. �� years has had char a df the Chitdran's to a arson under the age 1' furni furnishes r or Work - Ix the recent bye election in Ottaway No wonder, then, that, the eyes of tile. Aid, hence tis wee qualified to deal cif;arettesor'ci a' 1. for the Commons Albert Allard, the �50AG was voted by the Oommons tlworld are turning., towards. this land g tette paper, whether r x with bath interests,'. as be did,last for h£s awn use .or not, b, 1i: U, . Liberal candidate, won by the til last week to France toaidthp sufferers as:never ,before, and no ?wonder that nigght..' .The Municipal Crunch in -"��� """ p by the recent , flood. Losses •our : c His visit to Chet$ ublie School; and hfas rbhib! a Coldea majority of 658. Sir Wilfrid's star is were hutch . Boards are.. sixlyin to addresses 1 1? t d the setiIe of Cigarettes g n the dif drent:departments : wikhix' 'tbe niunict alit ; Who N0 Jou'.tUO anise" �U `tr"O ev£dentiy not waning at the Ca itat'. great, suffering. seveFe and the need nleasure,ap to the; magnitude of L`,an- gesterday was xxxuolx an resisted n p p V v, would �, #+fix. p widespread and ()I nada did, well to oda as a oleate io centre o .t P, a. d. be tbaarmea :if P:very rnuq£cipaiity.In. doubt 'result in . ' (end a bel g . f hernias. well I t lou .a iasting_;w- the provinee.did,the same, . We can. .�'O11C COQ 1Hx C ' .•a � . I •`Doxy know Peng hernd,• `The Good, ooh field. .Hee pression far goo.. tho see some a . �,' t0 ul• Jia, BACK the cause is the. ver- ,. r we occupy the happy wed v`is'es dress w' . me benefit at least ; to the trtigs He that givath,. to.: he d , as mue,Ii appreciated, boos: of .the r dict of the jury in the recent des ruc. - . poor., tum %etween'an aibsblute.monarch o and at the 1 t1' pointe„, Clttrtsq>an . t tendeth.to the Lor ” • y. R c ose a motioli was enthusi- ;.Guardian.1. d send we_.are sure:> ;one ha as' ion . I five C 1?,R Railway accident at Webb• t Ilk oarte'. exprQssin synipakhI. . nd...and.an,,;,at�Aplute, democracq y that ought to be good securt ` Wikh tree :ob act :.and : than, s x .. k t. ,. K y on tJie other; and a 'u J,: , . o.tlae:..� wood. This is poor satisfaction and if ' J arse' conception Ieeturer. . ... of the rim . _.. pnei of:thelorrgtrestIe brides on the further probing will elucidate it should . ghts of manhood and the` r _ ' -•dfi. the abse Ca �he•. ; 1 er as race of the D2ayar, zoic. Canadian Northern 1a£lwa :lietcve ' -.1 �J y en Goon for Guelph laymen, $25,00() pbnsfbillty of eiiizenshi is no ' an : was to have presided but found £t.itn 'FortFranees and Fort'Ar h • _; be done. t ur. was.de- pledged for Missions, .-This. is. a where else to be found, � Ther ^t y ossi la . to be tro ed NTI,NCx AIVD . sties• pear p. p present, Rev.',T .W, s y by fire. p I �'. e was a Cosens conducted the meetxn ..' Co ai tical way of fulfilling the' Marchin time when . UB - IS'HI:NG >; zkt trx>oN servic s in Wes . e ,rood trio -seldom equalled= The . g Yours truly; Church ne$t Sunday, Wesley ' Doberty Piano or organ; the Wear- orders: -•'Go ye into all the world and "The•world 'was filled :with darkness ILEV, J:GR THERE is so mus • CLINTON—",',_ .. r... `ONTAIR10 . well Hosiery; and the Lion Brand of, preach` the Gospel to every croattire.'' ' � 'and:doubt,now ' E>JNE h snow bra the coup- Clothing• Ail made in Clinton and 1910 will see the Missionary' banner :The stars rovere dim and the .hunters �" '� ` the', eros ti o Passau some pl It 1�' 1. for . known not only from Coast to Coast unfurled to many whn ,have been be. . were on , - ,., 1. ., but in the regions beyond, More nighted and the circle will broaden in , And the sea begau' to` rumble and Rildheli e ' I � . . I . . ,;;;;�-'�-.- proportion as Christian people do moan; w ­.. ,.:, .__,. _ _ ,. ­ � ... . . I I power to them. ° .. . _. their duty. - e~►N � incl leis lion stand aown'on the shore it the (`.Oil'ISpira' •�' ASHION LiE�`A�LrS` "j"' �1. � - : ' - -;_ _ _ !{dAR.'r QUEEN OF SOOTS was behead. .. alone. - HA'It EVER�i� �V( MAN `SHOULJD �� •t��; 0W >,:iltust.atiott 1:ri; 1 is shown 1i• design £s net amiss' ` " .. ed February 8th, 1587, 323 years ago KINt3 EDWARD has erased the ninetli He sent.ta the bounds of,earth ani sea fora , is such . . l udlce Wllic11 1naY be of• lingerie,.delicate an nrljuiret. I lie s;lvt'r trimntin ;tud ii i>atl.tr r; t` ratrinitiFl_ '. last Tuesday, too far back for even year-W"I liletridus r`ei`n a'nd Th••-••• 8.„$est loo_.notes of the thunder to Ina well eselited rci. evenrng shud`es are charming, caret in , R mots „ l cUe•,.sa.iiit r+r chiffon; the last three. to Whfle black looks st trap crming, I l t� of l,t t:al ilnc sl,ttC at as inu>- . - never more to lie• ' ,_° __....�light c tinning trlrr�ti a %voru +t.i,,d tuft l tic gal curl t;crt l; t. snaiirytr- >. the oldest inhabitant to remember. yalIy loved by not Drain "'Losing your bead” is still in fashion, John Bull's big family but the Nations Yea, the old lion has many ,Whelps . ;� Dicer d sawn.: ' irrxrct ground tele Irrnt. - with a of the round world that erre read' Yn iltuatrat n Ili�ItE however, and it is not always mono- than he is to -day. y tq answer to her roar, Large and interested audiences a'• a 1\0. 2 rs shotttt'it ciuiuntl :- is so mush (.:,eit�,,,,< rat •;rt : The British L+tm i but Canada is the b# est of semtiled in .the Town' Iia 1 s�=-' : evening sown .fora g girl. liter"! '' + ' polized by the Marys either, Empire isnot a decadent gg thaw all. 1, Clinton, - - is s v yottn g• •l iegctet arse tailor st<:.rs ,incl 1,railes' ` Nation nor is its Kin a m linstead bf goin with ,Jae Thursday'.and Vvida evenings of last �� pry decided suggestion of ,fie 1li�l^ 1 for tuat;ini; ill) dre,ses to be trr,rn ort $ �► g ere pblltiC'I g dospel to week, to wltnsas tree . resentati t r. "3 dle Age fashions now s ° o hoe Tlzr population of this Dominion $$'uf+'-head but a Wise the ends of the earth the ends bf the Bul p on of i•: felon -o pop[tlar, .nl. foru peace laving wars famous drama, Richelieu, or .. • . ' though 1116 skirt is not in these the 'et� s: se. c r nett oresa u.4 rue[ ruler who abhors t earth are etrmin the .Con t icoty pcd !� �, ( , N�tfddie ash stole• !l lie r . ,..-Js now about 7,350,000. Ontario heads granny and.usurpa g to Canada for. the 'piracy, by local talent; under . . t,otvh slrotvrl tt its (- �. . the list among the Pro tion and delights £n f Ons el Th the auspices of the in• riat6 blue 6trn I i; vinces with reedam, progress P They are dtrxrRing, atad all the p Citizens .Band, and _ silver eml,r 'p de sole, trinunecl turtle ; . ... '�- and unifteatibn. >r,Lot; Churehea have lire it is safe to gay, no one won t •awa dis- oidery, ThL, cerp girdle •tvrls' , -_ %- ' 2,616,025 tbhile Quebec ie agood second King." .. g Live'. the it work to keep appointed : as • ever member y ' . . of velvet of the same ,siinde, ilI h a borderlw_ . ice- . o;f the silver trimming tit top tinct botont having 2,088,461. Out of,150,000 immi• g' . time with'that increasing. popuIatfan, company did famously, of the Th Ii . . I ;.. grants who came co Canada sines + What a glorious o otttunit The la was in five acts - :? ' :` ..' e entice upper purr of tli6 bodice`hacl "8pri1 1st. 1908 100,000 went to t bfbr£n in tliasepp p,Wehave play days, andb Oars cpbsedto•. i '. • the material. fulled.ati the loose Irli:iirt INFORMATION from Competent au- g g elements into one cover tour da , ' q he y ass per ; Western Provinces, thority regarding the Interco sonation, almost perfect memorization ` ^, . al nation, to weave all those tongues ln- send due Cbatumfng,. representat£ve of j--�'+... :......... ( �r' - J . 1., �* railway is always of ixitereat. to the ttr the language of the Atiglo•Saxon the Caurt.aflong ag,o, a Very, vivid pie. ( -- ` people of Canada. )Ron. C+.. Graham race. We have to'keep this laser; fop- tura of the drama moss put on. Caste A Pooia fellow who was a slave to r'Ir ?—'� i Minister of ward. and the bestway ib tb atrengtlheyn 'bf. characteis was as follows, M' ' tivait Gra �. . • the drink habit was found frozen to yEi, says in his• •. the missionary. ) Louts Ki:II„ King of France, AR. A.' , annual "I'll;rt tlz# there waa a. Bur..' y (. pplause. Downs. . . 'death in a Park called "Happy Land" i �9 'belonging to a city. The muster roll '1 plus of 562,388 the laat 9 wouths of 1. (a�taif, ]3uke of Orleans, brother' of I The receipts increased' b the king, Bert Fr6mlin. of inebriates will not be long in the y' $442,- •+�MMMMMOiMMMMMMOMMMM0*i0 rf , 154• and expenses decreased b � a Cardinal 'Richelieu, U i n is $ t e.ti' of, 1•: .. � I .' t D Yy:r'$appy Land" For time or eternity, It n y $751,087 France. E, Jr. Howard. - mo* e ✓ • . If the rolling stuck,. rallWap lines, &e, Q EmT ;gi(it COunt de,Baradas, the King's favor, i � ' fIV4 Is ntr myt>y to say that the way of iter Jr $. Hoover: ° are being carefully looked after also The NEW EhA zvolCoines 'hex I •. .. transgressors is hard. the above is a foitithex',£:I.the.. rt Adrian rte Mauprat, officer #n the ' x> cep 4f the. Communicatiota on every and !i French army, I". A. Axon, Government, all Subjects.' White bra ,one -side. 11e Bering en, &Courtier, A. Conliff • WE are Sorry to note that Hon. Cot, • :- x Of the paper; be aS brief as you � . Joseph,- 'a 'i7aliut;hip, confident of . ' �1datb*on, Provincial Treasurer, had drµ . � can ; be courteous ° send along Richelieu.. - . t . 9 I� ! i� the misfortune to fall on the street in ,, Olab town' hi your Own name an Huguet, tali dimmer and In Mahe, , .: ci your letter spy ' . p, SixihCot3 Co„ fatmere WRIttre publiolied whether the lieu s aekvice, B. Etas,, rite;. • i, t1t;sl(t:t I ori sl:rAx�c r wAtsT. z , Toronto Thursday evening aPlast week ``etre caiYs£deritlg the question' a . a. , �► _ Francois, lot Page to Richelieu W,41 $ ebire ed'i'tor agrees with its views net ta* nia(ld ill colors to snatch an i Y kori n i ' IIS resulting fix the breaking of his left bin£ng in fife ordering . xibt. ldl Ford. " � .• ' • .. • ., g o1`- fence wire f trete" tetrit•1� it i:1 to be tvortt. '.Clip trftii- 2nd page to Richelieu, F, :lint; (r; ,it igllbruider and la -se n , arm near •'hes '` st . , t Iliarxller, � r O. I+'brd. , I , i34s tliangs` hd w£re gates and,dealfngtl%eCl2 with •MMtriiwMiiMMM�MMMMMMMMlM = Captain, of the Gluard T, a i 1( if >tiu'+ tiiaur;r fw of litieti t,rr l,titisre- ' M Mackenzie. t: , "friends wish speedy ranvalescence, the manufaetixrer. It is Iiossibte axh$' _________� C7IAYarnuant, Searetar' of , ct . tvurt<= serer' (te (,hilre blbris6 t!' "' y'iri• a,ot4� (rt• 'tI ,x. ,.. ;, y state, W, r,r;;r vacs effe pe de (Ilihi6d but mottle etre..\ t. tae,...,.. n+•,. 'It£s a pleasing fact that while the likely probable that local dealers Johnson, � �.kar•r: aiternaoti dross is r , itajlnc llblrCoOpCP811Ork rl,,geOli Julie -CIO Morternp.r, an or ban __ ail.. ctltbroiderles and bands of grcrinxt, -i hovcc. nttu I I o ;,.w.+- 'l'i`t purer may have to wear splints would give the about as gond a brit. ... ttr Jrt£chelieix, 1tlias beverell Ia , ward i"tted 111(cV, , t ]let, gaol(• it,ttt• 1?er, ,l .r, e , lutnl,• woun'n who reel rl t• M11r11 ,.; rl•o,�, that there Is no danger m st one urag gain under the Same dondit#ona, VIZ.,- DuAri MR. Rblzow- Marlon de Lorme,a s for , • ' ' . very t;ivlt•v. .11:11 going -broke" and It is mastencoura , spy litchelteu, C 1;', atltost ittrliossible for tt+oaten to .„ the> it•ilt tI i,rtr•rc'e:!r,t 1t big orders and Crash vvvhen Dods a 1Sitss Cep itr rho sryarur;,arrrt n?� ,!tt>tc•1t, 1n:ar! od t'r =- AS (tratepayer Suggest ar a • Uf Wa I would p' j ;zi, e ori tLrir ttttinty, ltirj+ semis, :vtiich rit6 Haft (bur, e • " ilhg to realize that the ab called g- rg lilts to. s;YI#gest that if Waterwark Cattrrt ages Llarl O,Seilan&14tYrve r , oar t t ..t . r(r•h ;:r(•rtt ' s y ,"ell's ''It""I lt'Ur11, Or father drallealy Dir 1'trre torte Ittlrlt In rrutr.il,,* 114 delivered.. e baa i lag hip the lod: towns 'Commissioners are to be chosen no Walls'er, „ n;: t lds vm%(+,m( {� °han.,1eIv(•s thiring the srrtuilrrr. ,. a 111n1'Ow holt masa of the i;alne• tai, t , . mythical Libfineral r and surplus be , g one of the beat ways 'tb add rtr fere" , man li7►a ra better rel,spbf the situation, FkOm fanner • appearancos a nu , Tile • r r t,, e,rst Cltiltatan bl %iteral rule is found to be Or ib more deservo , tion of :those taking mbar •menet ivenvnlly Ill these to C creek - rn front itiuder a hiau't: :,ten ,h;rtill „ Willy tYlftra,�ire I d lhrstrl tangible dollars. They were real' $anerail welfare bi? the cainmurtitq•. ' p{t of reCognitiara at g ptart•had already wgtl. ,:1de al rirfi • i .. ,• 4a btu,i,tr+. , '1'110 rukAl And utrban . u ' ' the ,hands of Clintonians for ,the 0, good name, and it is fib, gucgsin to tot of on color v(rletl under f her leetatngular Strict of r . • • , , , state iia lustre WAS not dim' ' If", U-11111 tr.(• Y , t rc tet of r ttrt, w6 Xt the time lent the :hen Oppoa£tioh 1 ! niaxlsalities servxdealYler Sud faithful Pioneer work iniehe b . a:ai'1,rr arum tilt' w11e10- t?dgr '(1 tele Inn � t+ rttn1hl , r a» tr via, x.nrtY: I+Exu tit: 3ain a etltfinr r,i' tl s i 1• leers 1 must good lhand in hand ifall Co�ICoro. 'done frit caCryitl the Foil :Stein, tllo haat week's perinrtnax ce in f �' ;rrraw tt r:tl, banlvred tvith Pnai"atbott Gg4YN, rt +z.tua(+ attf.tc>ti + r • o abut• r ttet 'we' i ' ire 1e11rov111rit>. Witt, i rte( lh4td rlbt a Cleattry#Sion. [iouinf xf'btlYgi!tlxl,n 1ra('0 b �at' c•trrliirg we+ur leer+ free nros�t ptcasiu�•''i�inttiri" � ro rte ' 111111111111111111119 _q r t ..rnri l•( ed ate to be blgngdt' Coop l i§aerie t &n gplestilAro Ar gT.. p s ibnalavl+orYid :ct?,1 ti;c' r(t1:e af(er'a first nrtatt b t<•er s , s iii)ed ut€elty, NO."row bands of tib" this tvoulcl 1,(* 1taute1 • rhe tri Ca it, (7btrper•. I have mlYCit }fieaihiro in sense ; outdo it, tt1 � >;ttk s31It~6r t>"imrned k116 badicrr. ,.rt �,rt 1r1 r,,;t the soft' frill ,rf` elrirrAlit trNinlin;; t' 1r;tdtt v 1 itt> the ,carf n bett6r lilt0 tCrait if ik 'The sleeves Wt,rte in dna pied# ,With it, al(lp of Ae avlw r,eliow,4 lite 01•titrnrea c c ttnoin tu)tnted, And a Jitkle*arrxttli and k2tC "Dura(( 1 . - 1eC1( was 'flnisfYed molter lite Ion n(t sri'v6a x rraaaftrl Eoiir it u, lite dress, „ , . , _ .