HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1910-02-03, Page 13-7,417-777".
• 12
rite eiinton Now Ere
Feb; 3rd,
..., ,
• r"` ` 4
Evening Gowns with Gold, S ilver,.
Pearl and Jet Embrolderli
°bid' Embroidered 'Chiffon Govwxi,
,Photo Copyright by ftentlinger.
Elusive Copyright New Xork Ileralti
• Pearl Embroidered *WIIitio..k401.1eSe-
line de Sole Go'wn. • •
• Photo Copyright it3i gentlinger
Exclusive Copyright New.,York Herald
i 'Mack Satin GO'Wrl with. Jet T.tinic,
* - "JVfaison. Ron.deatt..
. .
rhoto Copyright by Xterttlingei
, . . Exclusive Copyrigi.e New York IlerAlt1 •
. . .
1•;,t •
' r
e pirac Tulle Gown. with Gold
- Meison. Badin.
• Photo Copyright by Reuffinger
r.!xelusive Copyright New York Herald
Tins is to be -a season of tritn-,
wings and embroideries of all
kinds and descriptions, and the
variety of choice in color aud de-
sigu seems to be endless. Hand
embroideries of heavy silk, braid-
iti : of elaborate pattern on of silk
Or velvet or upon the material itself, and
the use of colored stones and beads of all
kinds with pearls and rhinestones in
gowns of the more elaborate description
are most noticeable, while the plainest
gown intended for the bootie is certain to
boast of some rare and - effective bit of
trimming that in itself is so charming
that it makes the gown seem far more
costly than the material alone could ever
it is difficult to select from among the
quantity displayed the sort of trimming
best adapted to the gown' for which if is
intended, and hardest of all is it to resist
.._ tlit faseinatio»s of some vivid coloring
hid effective work, simply because it is
worked in a design that wit! interfere with
the lines uf the gown. Toe saN:st plan is,
as always, to think first of the hues and
theu to choose the trimming hi accord,
aud there are so ma -4 ditTerent shapes
that it is always possible to find something
t' at is just right.
The jet trimmed gown with the piece
or embroidery on net that covers the
front of the waist and hangs in a straight
panel down the front of the sairt le com-
pletely transfornied into a far richer,
more elaborate gown, suitable tor a far
inure formal eutertaiunient than any tor
which the plainer style might be inteuded.
'There are to be bought tunics of net,
black, white and eolored, embroidered in
let aud colors; mauve, in reality a trUe
amethyst shade, coral and turquoise are
eueli and all combined with jet and the
result is most satisfactory. The net is
uever entirely covered over with the em-
broidery, and the design is quite open ex-
cepting around the edges, where the
beads are massed together in such fashion
as to give a much heavier appearance.
White eveuing gowns. In consequence
of all the new trimmings, will this season
be extremely fashionable. The touch of
eolor, If color is desired, can be given by
the trimming of colored beads massed
with the pearls, rhinestones or crystal
without interfering with the plan of Its
being a.n ail white gown. 1....ystal beads
are in great (Remind and are used hy
themselves or nee combined with thine-
ntl4n, their.4aelcsof AY,baKjitkg,..SIALLicK
Tberetweet seems -to be any ,pfisitty
knowledge possible: as to . Whether th
most expensive;.,,o,, the roidered -ne
getviig el tunics Will wear bettet-tififiFth
cheap bargains that are so effective, an
it is certaiuly 'most annoying, to use a mild
expression, wheti a favorite:gown gees all
to pieces after half a dozen; times of wear-
ing. Of coarse the more expensive qual-
ities of net are generally far more dor
itanablitne.1.)uin%1:tla• ticYttirlAegfuulini Itchersi Itvelxsetsutreto- send
strength of the mesh. .,blinbroidered chif
Eons are far ore practical, practical; in deed; are
extraordinarily durabl0; but the inateria
Itself is much heavier unless the sheerest
quality is used, ' There can be no such
effeet gained as when the net is put over
or satin and these are not the days
when the practical common sense view
triumphs over the picturesque anti effec-
tive. Anion g the nets there are many that
z.splendidly, but these are of the fancy
xvets, with decided pattern, not the plain
fine mesh -like. tu/le.
Embroidered Net Tunics;
13146k or white fancy net turtles,. em-
broldeted in color; are worn over satlu
gowns of almost every color and shade.
A light green Satin, too vivid" Or green
to be ,either becoming or smart,is made
both by an overdress or futile of fancy
;black net heavily embroidered around the
edge and also over the waist part, with
pearls,'jet and frideecent green beads.
.The descriptioti sounds tawdry, almost
barbaric, but in reality it is merely ef-
fective.. and striking, jot the black net
tones down the too vtvid shade of green
most satisfactorily. There is unquestion-,
k, ably a decided barbaric or Oriental 'note
in all the colorings and trimmings this
winter, and many of the -newest trint-
mings are decidedly theatrical—too much
so tomake them suitable or any place
but the stage, where more perspective
can be gained and where the lighting is
so mach better than itt private life, as it
were; but there are among. the mass of
new designs and colors plenty to choose
that n ro appropriate for even a 8110 pit'
StYle. of gown. A elturniitig model ot.tt
satin dinner gown 111 palest gray. has a
quite plain -skirt, but the Maly of Ow
waist is tutitely eovered with pearls aud
rhinestones. through w li ieli , are inn ny
coral beads: Theit.‘ are all massed 'to-
gether so they have the anlh'iirttllett
b, sag embroidered upon the satin, whereas
wiltilltis a superb piece. of trimining and
athfeeywayreeLni41:::tw.0:::ellint: sbtel(.11 hnoii
theatrical and inappropriatt; for any gown
but one to be worn for some special me-
easlon, To -lay it is ranked among the:
simpler frocks that have to be flu:Aided111 the uioSt ;
1 °cutnill'ined with jet'
is always effective and hover out of;
fashion, but this Year is Inure popular,
than ever. and the gowini and Valdes of:
tulle, net or chiffon embroidered in this;
manner are in great demand. Again
there is the introduction of color, and tar -I
quoise, emerald and coral Are
ionable, At the-saine tine tonservative
*nqt<' g'twrtdly 1toocs j a i
d sliver or steel, leaving" the colored 'wag:
(it colored jet to be cotaliined with mily
Ira black or white-, In the bands of ein-1
• broidered trimming t IA different,' for
o thhe suotlt irott 'ride AS ro-liow these
o Shall be, and individnal baste 'elect,yli
r. it will. One:. stye of "ket fse-
e'releating and.tod eXpenefi: .„-einit •
• • .
Gown of Mignonette Silk.
:the reach of the' moralliti.bf *ouzel). Cu
jot 'heads are NeWed by. haittl.ttlit.te(is
:-WOnderfitti(dmitatio I I- ' i..t1 ill Oliint' Wore4.1
,7,11).4jililltiirl(311 . or a strottt: Itet..
Pele,,,,:«,....1mNtlActf4e. .1115":76.. 1 Ica ut go v, ii,
'but. is too simple withola some additional _.
Itrimming:, which is.iu a. wiI.' d . hand 1.1(T111,4
W top. of the low .eut. waist a;thi then.
hangs in a shaped. panel to the -:Entit (V • •
-the skirt .•-• In openwork heavy jet t.Wo: 14 .
• at, o tito tutu JOL ot i Itte ma-, ..
terial, or 13' it is. desired to -add 'color, th :s .
the trimming is hi turqnoise,•:ceral or •
emerald boallS;:_.or • .if a. moro. barbaric'
t .
.0tiCIIES of embroidery d.ontirineltia
• be the. detorative feature of many
gowns, partieula rly those for. 11 re'Ssy
'occasions, and the effectire'needtcw.erk is.
. 4----x„,..,.: .. .. • , - .'^. touch is .desired the gold or silver .or . •
I .4,," -e -d steel Ivith seine rhinestones is chosen.-
. These made, pieces qf trimming. are °lieu
•;1 tfemely • ha iiilsome -a 101 tilt' so shaped:.
. that even en averake dressmaker kint :*
1.1:t.ed t0.10,itik them Properly, . .
• Variety of Choice. . ' • .
- ..
jAvr•-• _ Where the question of cost does h.,:t . •
1..,/,,;-,-• have to enter Into the ealetrlations of the •
yet...." . •
winter wardtiobe.the variety of choice of
exquisite. worts seems unlimited, and in- • •
Pearl lid biarrittilte EIYAbrtild9red
Dinner Oown,
Photo Copyright by Ileutlinger
Exelusive Copyright New.York fteralf
stones or pearls, bometimes witit both
tor this is a season when any two or
three or even four diderent kinds of beads
and spangles can he coMbined. Just 4
touch of butek Is also very smart, and cut
jet of the finest description is often
worked in with the lightest coloring&
The 11 Whlte
eiirp Dirineo Gown. t tnioroidered in Mauve
- • and Ivialson Vtotiff.
own t..0101.tattt.to ttottittigov ( 'O(%6411t VPW Yilek t lerrad
410 •‘•
.11 a 11 satin. while IA bue)tia ot 41) elt -or in the' sired than can he givi by the pearls an
most charmingly carried out in crystals entbrOldery aronnil the shouhlers ean 'be erystat 1,0-0
and pearls on a tine net or tulle over white imine rhinestones if mote brilliancr is de- ninny, of the, One embroidered rule
deed it is quite as difficult to .decide as
when the more expensive ones are to be •
selected, only the beanty of coloring aud •
worktutruship is such a delight and pleas.'
lire to any ono Whose taste has been ettif-: • •
sated in such matters. 'There is.. abso-.
lately no necessity this- winter • of any.
woman being badly gowned- or wearing
shabby. leoking, painfully *apparent last. •
„year's or .two Years age gowis. for the
gowns of last season, or of several Sea -
song past, cad most mildly be remodelled
and made up to date enough: to. serve as a •
over gewns•are so ttpt to be unsatisfae-
tory that. itis often .a Mistake to spend
much nioney in having them done over,
provided the fit is good and'the lines pos..
bet this year there is so little to beeodsoti:::
swibillie,titlywhilipoungiAgv.nntootokne jrieksesfltifeellvy. There
many 011 the so-called theatrical ordn,
are among the more es:pengive triniming3
titt::rt ttltift °I :I, is :.eabvef isirt 1: oexsleelgalsdtleittaviEl(111:T:oas6r1:1 it'vedseot 1,:eeg:t( 1)8ed\lif:S;a- lee:Crien't::1°4111: lit:7'111e: 4:: el :t10 -11.011:lit.t111:11:116:1
time 0114' used for fancy dress eostunies
, • „.
not ectffined alone to the griimpe, but is
used with discretion elsewhere on the eos-
Nine. In the illustration; for example,
there is a handsonto band of embroidery t
across the skirt just below the hips, and
from this line the soft dress material, a t
mignonette green silk, falls in close plaits. I
This arrangement forms a wide panel
in front, which extends to the foot of fi
the skirt and above the waist In corselet
effect, ll'ere there is another bit of the c
decoration end several folds of the ma-
terial are arranged over the shoulders t
in A very slight suggestion of the Ignaono. v
style. a
The bat accompanying this costuto t
unusual in its height, Instead of the
popular toque shape It le it hageetilted 0
brim- effect, heavily massed With Plaines. e
Meek 'velvet and mignonette green Os. T
trieli plumes match the Coattitte and the
ioIlin line.et the brinx Is one a ot0o.
tional beauty.
ilasa Igivaerdnititusrel,ifaes titetremto:11,0ed, ,a01; ji
vaist in soft draped folds of the material
ad colored stones or by all jet. , the
ron torof st4lictetiesdk 1 ip,taltioeolkso worn amid n os tart?,
laiYtsgs°:i essuch a letrtr nei liatstititre: dwsi yesitti?tdsebt3dstualtrnadgtle)ne'rda3:11.1.e:tLelill)c
he choice otthe design of the garniture
ilia colors and conspicuous trimmings
re popular and inexpensive that ehettp,
tawdry looking trimmings May be chosen.
4ahresibeetatret the ebpel alln7stt sisetyd of gY o tcicilleada'
ne trimmed with a poor bit of enibroid-
ry or the wrong emnbination of color.
he alt black trimmings are the safes, it
tIttectieleaafiesV egnatP.,
intros to repay any one for the stime ex*
endcal in making the choices. ,