HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1910-02-03, Page 5_ ,,,. ,
. • ,• Fab.-3rd, 19) TCI •
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. -'',X r13
Thua* 1 S4. ee
o tallawiniK fisc report 1'ar Jan• :
uatry, J810. overage' attendance 00,
anr 4 s 4
`�P at dre>� lie X11. 1�VINTER,,, T06URS
arado Ca' slat» n eniorR
'DYl+l�pio 1 S
to )Aexico;t` of r ' Robb e F erring . •. • ,
, ,,.. . .. '. a 1T�
I � 1 j, . _�o , ,
! Ch,
' :7
• , art • • • - ..
I %;%eon a MaTagg . 'r
..... F e
to and Fcfic .tC4ai Poitlts
Nla �"Deka �x�m nes add�iio�al s�eoi � ; •r�ai�aS �� �rou have
Elsner Beacom.............•... ,...7 .
�, his, paper
Who t Vrc Self AtlyertiSeS R .; , jean Motrin........... ...++...,. m #Xl % TBFJ� GO dL
oar small is the 1?opglrlx Bootie !x wart Scott ,:, ..,, . , . ., . +
. ..
. . t All points east t'brouig Cau• Ford ............. . . .. . e. , ..Ob .
sty ov��-XQald last �re�'s list
... " bred 4, ,
I PLE AND FANCT BUT GOODS adrrviaChiQ•gar +l+'rank Brawn., ....,. .,,, ...:67 d t ,, . .
1�NTYES .. FEAT �tES A Irene Wilkin.............. .,,, .67ana
67 steel x 7.
FURS Earl O'Neil
INERT ^. ee g .,., ..*,:.. f.,•
- OF US � ; . Bessie R
• .,. 4.'..09,•6
TaxX ,, Fred.. Thw pson , .... . ..
. _ Mar on unn...P. .",. ..
�*+ est Sex'u><ee, Chinaware` Department Wall
:,,� _ ,.63. o aper
,.,---^- Dotib,e tragi,, SarahAltnew., + :•......,.I..,,,03 7 sof chases patterns, in Dream,
' sari Qlazier„ • ••• • • doll in a ars
St rOadlOed,: ilioder'n equ>p. P k.•^... .. .... ..... CUPS AND Ifo CE to _Two assartmenic of Ceps and gaucers, Regularbutt, blue, g
flee. Maud Coo , s •.'• •'82 prices from 15 to 25c each. Two prices sit and $1.5U leer dozen. that are 'reguls'rly soli uR'to p10c..
. �`1'}' t ilrieX,-e�leC} dirilfig; Car Willie Walker +.., •...,.+,,,'...,..,,(3�r11
"U cantor men , , �n days, "
per single rall,for barge A `
- 19 L
Junior ,?2 BU'WLS ANDPLArES--Good sized Sponge Bawls and Coupe ,per roll..... ........••••• 5�
- . ' Service. All elements of safe- Mayme Hz�]1.. , *, . �• • ,+....... Bread and Butter P1�Stea. Speciai price of 5o each. peJlin sand Match Borders at a
- ,Same pries perxollA
ty acidcamfort. Marion Bibba,•.......c.............65 .
` . Division 2: Class 4• No, l BREAD AND BUTTER PLATES -Choice of all one fine bread and butter 700 .rolls good quality "paper, suitableCloats. latae worth up to 3.00 per dozen, On sato per dozers $1,80, dining,.roon4a and bed-
. Carman Hoare .. . . .... . . . .. . 7Q p .
for kitchen,
Helen:Radaway, ••" •`• ,+ —' • minus, in 12nc per toll,. en�.
`� (!Qat . ,Secure tickets and farther information ...,,:.•„••• ••�•••�•,69 •' . k• Das per tin le tall,. 88_
�u any. • �4+ •- J g>x Ii,+�nstord, egenC gala Beacom ., g )JT,ITB Y,IMOGr1!,S.OHINA T771'DEIi PRICED-T le, Dlnnsrg dates 38rt Brea Bargain Days,
r * per kill,.
wl�� Y " from . o r
. •, • • • .".'0 orated ,,Elite" are underpriced for this a p
i' A O Pattieon, Depot agent Harvey Walker . +.. Ceilings,and Match Borders all
"Fxiadys Cook ......... , , :......;59 fast Plates 33c. Pudding Set, regular 4.00 for 3A0. Oval Vegetable same price per roll,
�h Dura `�•s44
- -4-'": Florence Uouaxxas .,,. 8 or 0• re .. 1 7,
C Dish 5() f ` 5 Soup''ru en "gu ar 5. 5 for 4 00 .
a ' \ Jacor ALTAR, iri tb�e Division Curt Harold Holmes........................ 59r 800 rolls lx g roomntif al gil4� gaper, uftabl
.. • Class 4. No. 2
. for ainin roams, •belle parlors. and..
I 11 - _ t0 etendant in a suit where _ ar .0 5 for 2,25. Gravy, open, regular bed rooms, choibe designs and col-
pick U an EXtra Coat atToroxnto,d a Barge .,+......• •70' LARGE I7ED.PLATTERS-5,00 lineular27 for 2.25. Gravy, pen line f, g' ,
N6W is the. time top p 7Q 2;00+ Gravy, Bowl, covered, reaul 7 aringa, worth regularly from l0c to
wardrobe for the rep,t of the a promissory note was tab he neve I enet�• Gould., ", . , , • • • . • •2,50 for 2.00. 25c per roll, on Bargain Days, � .
, freshen up your Wa elated to Judge Monson t Alma Judd„ ,: , . •, ;"
loth weather and knock-about pet
roll .............. •' ��
r f or the roi a told a lie in Itis life, . Be wits his Daae. Roy C1how'en , . , . , . , .. • , • , • • Ceilings and Match Borders at
season, o for the . - ''"6 TOILET SETS--Ten Piece sets of good quality, tastilg decorated, Large size
These Coats are good enough T' •Jacob has the proof at hand for his Austin Maitin f • • + * • and 6.00 seta, For this sale choice for 82.98. same pylae per roll .. , , • . • • • +
purposes. DA Conte ori .. ,. •. • •, .'62 pieces. Regular 4,00, a,00,
The f
ant to Fee them far that purpose,
you W Ij assertion it should be ' handed in for Lloyd Wilkin • • • •62 ars,, suitable for ford embossed pa- .
...BEST, if y e1 the ti's Din back along ........,..,•,...+••.:+r01 48pr pore,
heavy gilt an
you need not feel two t. g g Viola hook..... „ , „6p JARDINERE3-RandsomP Jardineres, imparted dfr et from Japan. Y dEng- of our house, 'regular the
est rooms25
but prices are so reduced, y g' Arthur' Grant .... • •• • • • • • • •.. • ' g p
rwise wOUld. aCiOlOrS, black; distance naw to . George Washing- land, •mostly Jar sizes, Re ular u to 5.00 a ch, On sale da s we of- to y40c per single r011,onrBar-ices a125c
Otte Class 8 far them at HALF PRICE, .
same as you [ _, . •
nl ei hteen CaatS t0 ton's record and grid, There are many aye. e pp
y g .,o..B . gain d p r single roll f �V'
navy and green. O y Barry Shaw + Oellin s ane Match Borders at
brOWri; Division Giusti suits in which veracity .
range from 10 to 15. a art • ' • • Be
.:. rices r uestioned it might be of value to Margaret McT gg. same price per tall,
Regular p g is q _ Violet McGuire......... . • •83 DINNER SETS -97 piece din alar 18.00 fox 15.00, semi-porcelain, a handsome
} I: g.63 blue and • old' set, Reg
• have near by" authorative evidence to '. Pe*cy Wheatley , ... , , , • : . ++ • • • • Bundle( of odd, rolls, containing from
�� Lizzie Macpherson, teacher 4 to rolls of a kind,per borsch. A 5
Choice of y Choice designs. Itel;u- .... .• . , L
�� � cite that it still i3xiats. The fact that ' 97 piece sets in Mauve,, Pink; Green dna Blue,loe to
Toronto was the Centre from which Division 3ior . . 1.lar 1,3,50. On.sale days for 10.00,,
Washington's successor ,has "risen Albert Shier . • • • +• • . • ... , ,91 . - 97 piece seta, :good. designs, blue and green, well worth 10.00• On sale. W� will trim h`RE E all the
' � l .............:91 " daye fo1.r 7.00...
Cos should not militate against the facts Gtertie Wallis..., +• • • , Wall Paper we sell, add al-'
Austin Nediger. ,:.. ;
in the case nor should all Torotoniana Eleanor McKenzie • • • • • ••� 97 p• ink decoration, complete,•regular 750: On sale for only 5 00 low you to return what you
...83 iece,.P
be supposed' to kneel at the same Foster Copp . • • • " . y p . rid
Ruby Graelss . f • • • • ' + „82 + . „. • o look at these goads. - Uxlt due.
Altar. It seems' funny to' have it , rABLI{JS Oh' 1'ANCY CHINAWARE-Very pmuch reduced in rice and in• bite amt over^-sell reftt
Frank Pennebaker . :: _- .$2 eluding many.useful articles. Twill ay Ion t
happen there though., -
..* Furs ova UamanTirrn4r....... .
Buy rs• Charlie Cantelon• ; $1
• Emily = as a97
ave an opportunity EARLGREX is to be succeeded astlov- Harriet Cantelon . ... , ..75 , . -s . - �r i n Q p ct
You will probably never h f fiar.is ernor General of •this Dominion byN MayNiokle .....74 Valel�tl �' .
as every }ine�.o Lloyd Rice Fancy Valentin is an
to b �y Furs again so cheap, pay Earl Carrington, and the following Belma .Johnston. ,, -` ; ; 73 _ _ p '
and next season you ,will Annie Yesbdc -.. early'
steadily advancing affords the .wise brief personal sketch will be of in- - C�ira e
nn-Catrin Norman Holtzhauer •'72 Care' are r ow . re.
more for your Furs. This sale teres a Charles RubertWy g- Wilfrid Managhan........ • + • ••• ... ' .
ortunit to display judg- ton is the first Earl of Carrington. the W'
shopper a splendid opportunity Y rices • -are. been created in 1895. The. Juni .
buying Furs NOW when p titlebaving.. Dou lad Eley'. 00 . - . , & t : . -
-".11ment, by firL _st Baron.Carrington was an 'Trish Wilfrid Stir e . " "
til be: ri :.88 inton
t�iuch lower than they wreationof 1,797;. the title, ex•' jarane.Langford. ,
.. ..6s' '
' fol- . Frances. R
eynolds f
tended to Great Britain in.the Elele Odusin ,, . 67 P L r _
15,00 s _
lowing gear. The first peer, who bore • Jean Barge ... • • . 6711
Alaska Sable Ruffs, extra fine sur, trimmed with h _ _ _
", head and tails, regular $20, for .............
Smith was ati F R ViTilhe Do arty. • • •. • 6`'
the patronymic S : "�
A S and a goveknor of Deal- Castle. Willie "C-lould.... ••.i , •M,' �
the Earf is President of the` $oard of Jessie Wanet Wilson,ins �.teacher ~�,
three left, regular $• 0, 'X
1. just qq/� 0 Cabinets s<' F> ">'hi3�i'� ; t,iae. r#v :: '
to Fax Scarfs, J $ L4 0
Isabel ,.. ' riculture in the Asquith Division 4=Senior sae �..� °° ' i �
•A.�i .'� -..,J. $f s. s ..f'.c:#' e :i�'`x �'"><<;a » �fl tW`rfi,w3#(<.Sl','n"�`lt 6<''�'
1'905. .94 ur#. . k ��' of bw. ���%t"�. k✓>. �o..p.
for • • olio which' he bas held since Willie Blacker .: ," • L fop
arta W £�2 'R ,Y i6 4i f�i k4 Y 4y^ y x
p • , .93. Y K r + t3Y'r $?�J ka3 ',t n s+. >y ': <G� ., V zs <
or of is , .... ... M 1.� & o . .y�<o is ��41, €� � , 1'i<# € €" i fi., . ^ f a
O b was go7ern Milton' Stree. 5� >>.. >. 4 . � :;<, , 4�i><. 3 � <.� a a� x. • E � �t , , ;��' � a 3a, �tJ k..ri. � :..> Y . 'H
From 1885; to 189 ........ 93 I. € , n. s rr; �"B , f f •r
.. , ..... . "'>M a . x# 3 �{'¢ v.•t, N 'µ. 4'i ,,�'¢ .n , . x ,� j€h; "> , s x , :. 7�,.,..n,,,.:5 ,. -, N r; i .
your], sold for May EdwxnJ dd +, ..., �.?' .a :..e!< F,.b n3
ice 1095. He was born y N z a . € r. t �. • • t . ; ..
Lamb set n g 00 ales. ... 92 y 5r.: s:?3� Z �.° j : s:a•..- 3 i7 # e . at€
n Lam ... 033. ov.Soiith W .... ?c' ax ,F€ . #8 �'tN v 1 s . !. a% -gF. £ &� »1
One Persia W Ne Nura Hennedy ., �� r t t �... ,.
... ....... On :91 4.., 3`3, ,z; ,l ,. a swa .?�S". f#.x .�... °'i,. �, .rte. #'xla ragZ a+ = f ^.,,gEil
uCated 'at Et .... , i .. . ;� n n: �j�, .. d„ M l ✓i €.
now..... , . and ed n Elliot. . �. 4;;. _>,.. a <,..1. t
40. 18, X843, was Merv. lY i ,y:.-0 s r "fie"�1v 2> c:�
e.. - HH •� ' � ,3� `t!.� '*�„'` :: `u. t. ,' � .> s �' r,, S tr-z" .• •'^<V , .1 I >111,11141�,�< s • 1 a. ` . z
.nit College, Cambrinig. Clinton (ook:..+ .• ,,. xr K„ z # 1," ,�nt^
axed Trinity : 89' :fit a� ;• s,, ,; �� r6 ,T a r ;.,. i i a > �� . , y
�, ... ,...... .
..5.00 fisc Prince of Wales to Stogie Baines 89� 3 r, , 1�;, .
One Mink Muii, regular $33 for $ accompanied
sndnt in Perlia- Bennis Hall ...£ i;� 0.'• eau
India .aB an A D (1 Irene Cole' ... . , • . 88 �° �h q ' x r
resent from 1965 to •1868• when '.be sue'' . Margaret Walker . ` r, : 87 ° { '
Small Furs at Big Reductions g Charlie Iiorsely
seeded his' father as Baron Corrin ton 85} ' ' k
He is. Joint Hereditary Lord �filreai Pe cyLadd sr •, • • • _
.81 •
Chamberlain- of England with the henson 81
Doreen Step �'i ° s
1510M WE—�— ,
Ea'rl of Ancaster and the Marquis of . Sadie,Steep . • "
e 7E � r`'
• 78
-- ---- - system tS making ra "• �'� j ` °
r10� THE Telephone mondeley: He .vas married fn 'Eva Carter.. • • • • • •.
00®00• ,ae com- Uhol nior • s1i'°e.. „ 's ,'.. i a }< £„.. ri. �j �f ''<� S
00000000 s and will soon be iia Harbord du ix..�, . _
°O® a1iID0 id growth Hon. Ceci t ..�>; 34u x 1.. , I ?;;,
000 ® • P g 18iS to the „ .89 >•,; 1` -,s:tS�g;
r s then eking ..,:•
e in the homes a Q Baron Sttffisld. Nellie Watkins'...:........ • ,.' ; ,.
i ]]�{ ® inonplace liter of the fifth uyy
JJ■V 0 d�nii " ' n!'..:r.r 4...f,:.r: ,.....87 e.. r~y 23 r��} I `�
• ®� � should be taken b „the Maida Armo 4 �� < w , ll^ `
® stove. Care 3' au biers and a son, the 87
£ ��ol:
• bas fived 1 ... ..... 9y� Fr : rs*<"�1 «, a 4, :,
--- • ubstantiall. He $ IiarOlil °kI411. :
t lines, are a y. , ...... . ,$8't�k•'`; :';� .5 _ ,"r . �•,'nC ,.r.% ,'="a .. ".� ," 1
or companies that n
es ab l ri'his fifteenth year.-Two .Lida Moirivh.. qa ? fi d f.
• ti welcom1.
d 'latter being
NDw E i installed, and , ,• • . $5
The and hones roper y
ever built, p P .. v
cations on y •
ani of the dao liters are married,' being: •B rt lleeoes . •. • 85 . t r; .. i.... €
comm • one side necessarg,' promptly.. ti • • • • •. •' • .
Write on 0 repairs, when and $he Vis-' WinbickDritPer••• ' �;,. ' ka ° `` .
r. 11 subjects. W P Nunburnhglme , .:..-.......82
• as brief as you room for considerable, Lady,. Bessie O'Neil -.•: e• -•,•• •. f'�` ' ".�`� •€� ' i` �' '. a �'�� r` ••
3j, '
:" t of the paper; be = made. There s
• ons ; send along Elsie Holtzhauer . .82 ;:` € _
n • be courts ment in the use..of the lines; so as countess Lewisham. .The change• will
` • ur own name and your letter _� ludg -Carl Argent : , .
2' ..'�,°..".. -Y* _
f< wili'•be �u .., `V
see with its views or �� of the large circle of users,' .aid .: ' ei-& 11'ACk• • ; . ;•''•, .
editor ogre • ioie0I. bhldle teacher T. c .
�' ® not, r NN .Clara; y .: : x. ;.�ry�' ° _
• Sox'otonr•newspaper.brethren are 'Division 5-Junior 3 ° �4 --
0 00A0000AOOOAOOOOO®00 !• ; GoDEixicHTown.Councilrepolrtsays having worries of their own, The „-.,B49
0 00 Kathlgen Dowser . • • "
ed Cook's..,...:: :.635 'j'Y-IE�QGRE',AT. LE.TV3SRILiGE.:r-0'..'^:, V )TJP .'��i•+ � ',t3 ,. TZ4 Woz .L1� ^._:
I the night watchman cant wind. the llarri. 1 Tribune,.publishedfor years Miklr ' ` "
' •"""`" , "'631 eat. .. torous Jn o s o Same bridges are as longi The structure which spans the •Vic-
1`. Lditoial 1111stngs I clock indicating that he is regularly on has drawn down the blinds and turned . Nellselt'emps • • p At hethbxldg , g t .no t a Frills .at the 74ambezi. P.ivez has
oncern- dut because his hands get cold. If it door and the Review; . Ears H°}mes"' •,,,;:...828 g ori
many rumors c E y the key in the. , ;Erskine Evans ,, ...... ... • outhern .Alberta 750 miles west of 'or loo 6 , and others as. high, bu.
IN view of thee too # been a aterbur watch. there , • , ,.. . . . . : . . ........ 819• the advantage of •the navy Canadian
cannot b had W y of Parse, Ont„ was disposed of by.sail : -Mary (%idley. .,,..811 'Winnipeg. has been constructed a other .similar atructisre 'bas such a
:' n h "drophobia people .nes• i have been some reason in iii I t , • est 10 days. The i ins ,'• . • •; • ••• • "' +"' •' gg' large proportion of its length at its Pacific Railway bridge in height,: ,but
i g y 1 lif a sale. within the p . 13ue1,T3 gg „:.606 railivay'bridge:that. is one of the bi o
cautious in harboring vicious can might .g' ngth, `
lied upon to rain the is not an easy matter to do good work enb•divi9ion of .the, immediate field, Berta Jackson. • • I P
o le are not ca d e have heard of Jennie $aines• ;, •• + da, r en wooden trey les height, All the. steel used ni the People
..085 eaten sneering works ever attem 'ted falls in c m orison, in
&vin their cloEhing sem with cold hands an w owing, to over competition ,the' credit F;ulu Bailey• • • • • • • • ' `'581' in Caua W ty
gauntlet of having d do people who were badly •discounted in • •-
p g runout on a traveller, w bridge was
sine g P P s atrm and greatly increased cost 'of • IJattie (lreig. s • • • • • • • • • • ..5572 have been re' laced by two immense. ' it is, not so ion as famous forth. , hich lets' the
pled by a cross gr y
' }" 'n .wages and Doroth Rattenbury • •*,'::.::563 Brid e, which -is 8.`290 feet in, th
-. I eifoxtg owing to cold feet. Could not roductfon due to rise i g y.g irdersdown`into place by';Imean
�o ` ' p Marfan _Gfibbin s ... , " .. _ • • • iron. viaducts; otic oyez. the' Belly eel or as the Tay. . bridge, which, has a steel el g s
s_ I that Goderich clock be kept in . some ,_ stook are largely responsible far these ed e....::. ..... • • •. r . • •50 er.;5,32Z6 feel in ler:gth" nd 314 feet of &:wire cable. ' The ronerete found
.. is on the boom and the pro veu on frost nights ? - „ od who imagines Maude Rutl gg , , • • . , �...., 563 i
'- C nN-�Dn urin for € body s o g pinches, Anyb y . g Mansfield took above the bed of the river. 'The second g les, but in.
' never more reass g ,. � er is a bo g ob, • 2nd , brill a is over the 01d Man Iiiver,1,,900 ea�h of these cases the headway .fig at ns on a4nardtsh . eW' The ' . -
en th of more than two m ion Des dto
- pests were id advancement, A MN runninga newspab y J Senior 2 , g
ermanent and rap' j his education has been sadlyneglected. n • . ... , , , ,, , ..818 feet in length and, 1.48 feet, in height much less that of the Forth Bridge be- water, stand!
` P d a clear brain, a strong arm, i ANNUAL Convention of the Ontario Leona Heai
cool hes It is strenuous, spelled with a capital .•....... .... -.. "781 .above the water. r a distance of 1,000 feet a
n co
Earle Cooper, ing 150 feet fo
rt will keep Canada rhe t t tea are
rinatnllt otowerse inlthe.
and a good hes Branch of the Dominion Alliance will Mabel • • • • • • , .. " '
e_ at the front.. S. Many a cushion could be •put under, ' s .. - • • + „7#3
serves to b Sill m the Elm Street Methodist gush Claudio Iiiggrsn 7 The great bridge over the Belly .above high water and thi�t of the pay centre of the:bridge are &lsa built. iii
where she de be h the Editor, l -people only thought, - 03 .
N* • . on Wedneada - Hope .Brown ;, • • . •' • ; , , ,699 iver spans. the deep cutting which Bridge only 50 feet: .• , . Pileg,' The total weight of the bridge is •
Church, Toronto, y... as the contribution of u personal item .. ft, P
s be is going and Frida Februar 16th, a Sarold Manning . • • • • ,,;698. l •
W 3-JJITNEY Say g Thursday y, y est or the re ort of your lodge, • + • •' Other huge bridges which approach estimated at I2,000 tons, .If there had
pgElil ,R , of inter P Satire Yesbec . • • • ' ' the waters of the river have worn in f
:X abbreviation a d 18th. Sin le fare on the rail- •' • , . "" • •096 i
record by 17th, n g ch school,, or sooial :gathering. Jim Reid ... • • •. • •* • • ....,685 , the prairies bg their age long course. the Lethbridge giant in lbnOth are the .been no allowance made for contrabt�.
to establish a r si ractical program he; chur , , 'Ori Fred Grimes ........
e Le islature to - waya. A very p p g Then .there s. the advertisementy I •bstdges over the: Dnei er at Jekater ion at forty-degrees..below zero the
session of the gy3ildaHaileg.. • • The banks of thri river are dim gsi�mi�r,
this ed I '1 re• ' osst.bl ex est • . . . . : . . ..... : .: