HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1910-02-03, Page 4k
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Pch b1i Of
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and • f.''.g . ♦ • 1' oa ....
0 or . ,t al~ aa�a .ounc that thepartnershi �ensti u a� d+ r the a rle of o
We t oke this pp -p
oke foah ast three ears wla: e �hssoveda�cch lets Mr, Crooks M ret,rin ani}
Morris"h, eot,,ng under thestyle of The Morrish Clothing o.
W . J. CRI
• take this. ortu t-� to express our thorough a reciation of the buying public bf this town and vicinity for their Fast expression of their conh�
In connection with the above announcement, we to th.. , pp _ n y p r gh P,p , Y g P • " S are
dence, in helping us to build up so solid a, business as we now enjoy. rAThe reputation -we have enjoyed m the past, and which we hope. to retain in the ttture, ><s to give every man and boy a q
Deal ir• Everything and Anything They Requixe ilk Wearing Ap °rel,
and fines C U re Store in the our I of Huron and stocked with the most d pendable goods that a man wants to wear. We never boast or blow in our store; •onI the
Our store is the largest. a t 1 g y ,
t columns f the news a Ers, and we believe that our statements, which- have alwa s been carried out, have done much to. deserve the public confidence. When we make another
streets, or through the u • o p p . y We
e believe it will be believed b . ever one who reads it, and that is the dissolution of partnershi0, means we have got to raise a lot of money to meet our obligation to Mr. Crooks.
statement now, w b e y Y,
March Ist —we have. of to raise it oto our stock of Bods—nand it means we have got to raise some excitement. We have. got to put on a sale; we have got to have the money,
have got to rake it by M _
and we are gcaing to give reduction in our stock k of everything a man and boy wears (except shoes), 86 big and. tempting will be the prices, it 'will be a case of raising some money. Come tqa our store
and help yourself to the goods,. at prices we. will have them marked, l
Commencing Saturday, February " ihL and Bnd ng Saturday, February 26th.
• 1?YerythYngMarked ��h lied Tickets.
very Overcoat Ordered Clath n M e n s Re dY�=
Must G
Department . :,made Sults
Men's $8.5o and $9.00 Overcoats, Now Is your op'por'tunity 'to soya money on A
• $5.90 LOOK
Dissolution Sale price
••• ••••'• • a Suit, Overcoat, or. Trousers.
$Io and $12 Overcoats, for.......•.... 7.:90.
-Mens $zo:ao Suits Dissolution •Sale rice $15.90
$I5 Overcoats at ...........:.....Io.90 P and see what a look will save
attc rt a as 17..6Q$17 Overcoats at ...........:.a ..I1.90.. Z Suits,
. .tion
$22 Overcoats at .... ......... $2S Suits, 20.00Sale price .. ...............,
t . ..............I $28- Suits, . 22.50 7.g 5.90 Over ...... S.gid. Sit .. . .,uts,. QO $34 S
tY tt_. `$io and•$x2 Suits for .7.90
„x Bd s Overcoats 5'. 19.b0
Overcoats, .
p v..I
✓ $2g �t ars 2L75 $18 Suits at:. ...., F ., . . 13.90 =1
Bo. s. $8. Overcoats,Dissolution .OQ_., $20 Sults for,.,. •.,�••• • •••••• 15 -90
,. y „ $321. - 5-
ry r. r .,... . • • -
Sale rice $3.90 t� «,
P •••••• .••••••y•• $5,0o Odd Trousers_ •..• 15 Men s Suits, mostly small •sizes,. l
13.90 £ x
$9 Overcoats,' at .....................
r �2...,. 4:90 t� $7,00 ,,.. _ 525 in :broken.. lines, regular price Jsu
$6 Overcoats, at ................. ...... 3,90 $8,50 « . +' . "........ 6.7 You can ; +
f $5 Overcoats, at .......... ............. 3.69
5 from ` $g.00 ' to '$14.
r}t have - your choice of the lot for $4.90 a.3
+++++t+* • .....�....•z....4•z.......... Men s �ain Coate .
6 -only_ Mens black Morning Coats, _ 19
�• Men a $10 Raincoats for :.,:. ..,...........$6.90 .
} ,N, �.. tailor made, .at. less than cost . of
6 OIII BO 8 •� Men.s' $7.50 Raincoats for: .... 4.90
Oily h'8,I1Cy + ..... making. Your choice for...,.... Y:,.22.90 l
QQ .,i, Men's $5.0o Raincoats fon:..;: ...... 2.9c
5 .� Overcoats,.regu]ar $5. s
Men $4.0o Raincoats far . ... , i.90 '
and $.6.00, Disolu ion •� House Coats
$. J . '
f �° �' Children s Toques :and Tamp
+Sale pr1Ce 4 only House Coats, reg, $6,' for $450 ;<Y'
�.. a• Children's 25c Toques and Tams,' for ........... ,...19c 1'only. House Coats, reg. $g, for 5.90 ;
�• • , 5 q.................39 3' g ,
+ Children s oc To ues and Tams, for c ] only House Coats, re .. '$4 .for 2.90
a 3 • , ...... .... y House Coats,;reg: $7.50, for 4.go
Child'ren's 606 -Tam for 45c., 2.onl
.a. 1. 75 - ..:.,... Y.. ....,.....
�. .....55c 1 only .i -louse Coats reg. $to, for o
r�•e•�a•++•>"•��• Chldren.s c dams 'for 7�5 ,
We dU not want 'PrOflt- We Want Money. -it's Your oth ng Opportunity of -the Yea W -
nit Which is Smocks and Overalls :mens .Shuts, Our. Underwear Prices Til d
An Opportunity . The Peo.p^le. s Hat Store ,
,,• There will be no lsetter time' .than, ,,S OC Of 15aV111�+•
t g
lYl .� Mens $1 Overs is and ` �r°"-:.io1d'; Tare or :small. °" r,ght NOW- for a man"'to; select :his .r ,,. ;
Embracing. Men, ' 1 25 .' :)sc to fit`any fired; yotin o g
s $ S. rin Shirts.
d . �.
-. •+•.. ••fin•- ....�!•.•+rw•. ^•� w.. u.*•�.—�..^^,:_•,i.... ,.. •.. -. is^+¢F^"^� w.n•+'^'^'•!•;erw'.^•`^^'.V•.�•+•!.i'+
. � _ .. .. .._.,_ _....: .. . _ . .... , r _ _..: .. 11`em`elk , �._ _ .,� ._ .. �.,,.. _ .,•3VIsn%:�flee .lzuesi.�e
.w :...___ __.: �. a�'asv......::. ..:_..-.It.25.---orrcalllldn htiafox,art.. ,;.
Men's 25c Sus enders ...: ................:..... 111C .: g.. Men�s'756'Shitts,'fdr: .. .. b'9C ' us >.
, P Mens 75c• 59c,. Yq ., .. t i12e ail wool, 'reg 85 for .iSC `S
+ Mens 50c Suspenders................ _ ......:. 39d Men s1 SIiiTEs. for ... 7JC , ,
'fie are sole•agents for the. KING H:�t the IiOXtSELI1\O 1Vien s Stanfield s, reg.'$T.Z5, for 95c'
10 doz. men's Suspenders, swell patterns, HAt;. the FITWELL Hat. Buy your Spring Rat no\v, Men's•$'1:25 Shirts for ti . • 890 Men's Hewson's; reg- $1.25, for.. ... _ ..... 95C
p {
regular 35c and 50c, while they last .. 25C h �,tS • -
��at e� CO Men's $1 .. ..,.. $I 1�l• Men's Woolsele 's, reg $2 51r, for ..• . : 1176'. , {
ro M'en's $1 and $1.25 Soft Hats; Dissolution Sale�pried .. ,rfl Men's full dress Shirts laundered Men's Union Underwear, reg.' /5c, for . .. 42G
Men's Ties and Scarfs Mena 1.50 $oft Hats • . 110 and unlaundered, some''§light•_. ,....;. .$9C
7 , as „ Men's Balbriggan, reg. 50c, ref,
` 1 pnly at reg. $3.�5, for $2.JO Mens "175 soft Hats •...: 1.20- � . ly dolled, reg. $1.25; for .: ... 50C
1 only at reg, $7.50, for , ..s,75. Meds 2.50 stiff lE•l.ats �� �`, 1:,60 la .white • 4hirts, odd sizer, reg. ' � <:
Men's `25c Ties,- for . .............:.......... .19C 2o Leather Coats, reg. $6,51), Men's'. 2,25 Tweed Hats: ...... 1.40 75c and 50c, for.......— ..25C- BOY s Un d er�ear'
Men's 50:. Ties, for ..............:............ 3�Je for . ' ......,.... ,.... , ....: l�4.90 . Men's 3,50 Borsaliuo, hard. or soft '° " .... 2.4fl 1FORllINt'a ' SHIRTS.
. • 25c 2 only whip cord coats, corduroy Ladies! 50c Hate .. '30 4V 11's 50c Working Shirts, assor5 Bby's fleece lined Underwear, reg. 25c, for'.. '19C
M°en's 35c '.Cies, for ......... . ....... '
0 doz. OddTies, reg. 2;ic and 50c, to clear at 10c . lined, re . $4, for : .,•........2.�J0 Men's 1.50 Winter Caps,. ....:. , , ' l.lfl . •ed,ps,tterns; :a,t.:. .. .... 3JC. Boy's fleece lined underwear; reg &5c, for .:. 25e
Men's 75c Silk Scarfs, at .................... 50C 4 only Fibh Brand Oiled Coats; Meds 1.25,.Winter Caps, -' 'ry""'' �` «` ,80 Men's 75c Working Shirts for.... 59C Boy's wool lined Underwear, reg. 50c, for .. 39C
Men's $1 Silk Scarfs, at ....................... 75C reg. $3, for. ..,., ... ....,:..: 2.49 Mens LQO Wiatei.,Calis, .. • . • • • • ,7fl Meds 85c Working Shirts for.... 66,c Boy's wool IInderwear., reg..7a� and 85c :... 59C
Men's $1.50 Silk Scarfs,'at......... .$x.15 2 onl Fish Brand Oiled 'Coats Men's 75c . W stet -Caps, «' << •.:. •.: .49 Men's $1 Working Shirts ior..,., 79c Boy's lYnderwear. in small sizes, mostly
Men's $2.50 Silk Scarfs..... 1.75' reg. $4,25, for ..'........,,.. 2,90 Men's 1ii0c Winter Caps,.
. 39 MenloMen's $125 Working Shirts for $5c + Drawers in odd sizes, to clear•at. 15c
Our. r�cs.re a 'T'oh is f or Over -o ked. Pur�eso
- - i ae•os•io�s•�aa��•uo•�••u•tr.i�o� �eo•e�•��•u�•��•se•••����ie=
Clothes for a, Collars' Gloves, Etc:,.
o u like
i ,'
�/[ Tf qou ap reciate good col yo 'll IF the NV. Gr.
1 R and R. Bran
• • en's Gli
4 � . � •,.0S ... Rc R. Brand 1,05c..... ...�3 for 25c 1
e trr ins ect ourBo 's de art- Men's 20c W. G. & R. Brand Ito.. Y , .. 2 for 25e i
v We want every mother , p y ...:
inert. We will 'touch our pocket -books - as lightly as r: < • Men's 25c Rubber; Wd .G.: and R. Brand
$ R, y man in regard to h•is. hosiery •
possible. Its difficult to advise a •
Tastes and requirements differ. We appreciate this -and there-
Boys 3.50 and 3.75.2 piece suits for ,: ,.. ..$2.fl0 . S _ .., .
o Linen Collars odd
......:. 3 flop fore -keep- a full line of the best men's hosiery made, • , ' 35 sizes, slightly ,
Boys 5.00 and -5.50 2 piece suit§ for.._..... _ • ' -
Boys 3.25 3 piece eu►ts for..... .... 2.4• • , soiled, regular 15 c; and 10C,
i s Boys 4 50 3 piece suits fora ...... :....... .... ...... 385 • Mens all wool :cashmere, reg. 256 far....., ........ ,........... ..... ...19c BOYS,Boys 6 50 plain or bloomer knickers:. a.............. 4.25 • , • •
Bo s 7.50 all wool Hewson s ..::......... ........:: 5.75 , • Mens all wool cashmere, reg. 3* for 9 n�'br 5c ���h Ot' G Or 2lic.
Boys 8,.50 to 9,00 all wool 13ewsott's........ ,., .,.Y.. 0.75... _ en's all• wool cashmere- .re 0c for., .
� Boys ,50 Swll'EA TE 5,59
M� g' 5..,.Y....................:Y:...3.9c Boy's .75 Sweaters
i .
Mone of tided h: ifo at'fac. . ,
n - . /Y
REMEMBER THE DATE, —Commencing SA!T'1L RDAY February 5th, and ending •SA'TURDAX` Febriiary '26h.-
+ 5o prs Kfilekers, reg, 5oc and 6oc, 3�y5./t�a ,+ u
•a• �rs Knickers reg, c ,YYYLr.YYYY,YYI4VV a, rris-h
g 75 a. Mo,
63 prs Knickers, reg: '$i and Y.25...•7.90 f
• 4r • •1+•II••t�M•1••i• 4••1••1••1•I•�•�'�••l•...•l�Ii•�•.. jft
3••���•4•�••!� :
4 , '
Men's `Fancy caslimere;'
,,,,.. , „
reg, 50c for .. ............ 39c
' LevES, ETC. Boy 1.25 Sweaters':.:::'ss:
o x
Men's Fancy cashmere,
reg, 75c for. ..............YI ..,.:...
Men's 506 wool gloves. .. . ... 0 ...
•,�F Yy��
Men's heavy blk worsteds, reg, •1' c for 1 C
YV '.I Y. f. .Y-.,..N19c
Meda 750 w6olloves.. ••... . ..; •; '79 M n%8,55 Sweaters....,
Men'a100 kid gloves....#i ... .7. � n .- t ,.-.'
weaters ....250
Men's. extra heavywool ,
re 1 c for...:.....................Y........1
g 59
Meda 125 kid to es •'
8 v .
• t' • • , Y . • . . Y • .. 50 CARDIGAN .iAt1KETS
M 3 50 Buck kid gloves.. ..,.. 2
Men's: extra heavy wool,
reg. 35C for............. 6 ....................25c
Men's 75c white kid gloves... ..... ....... ..... Men's 1.00 Cardigans.... .79
. •
Menlo 1.00 white kid 'gloves ., .....,...7fl Menlo 1.75 0axdigans...11.
•••9N9••9r9Ni•9•NN9N•.9 99i•99•'
tNiiN••N '
Menlo 1,50 gauntlets, • ........... .. . ...1.1-0 .• • • • •1.15 Men's 2,25 Cardigans....1.60
i .
Mone of tided h: ifo at'fac. . ,
n - . /Y
REMEMBER THE DATE, —Commencing SA!T'1L RDAY February 5th, and ending •SA'TURDAX` Febriiary '26h.-
+ 5o prs Kfilekers, reg, 5oc and 6oc, 3�y5./t�a ,+ u
•a• �rs Knickers reg, c ,YYYLr.YYYY,YYI4VV a, rris-h
g 75 a. Mo,
63 prs Knickers, reg: '$i and Y.25...•7.90 f
• 4r • •1+•II••t�M•1••i• 4••1••1••1•I•�•�'�••l•...•l�Ii•�•.. jft
3••���•4•�••!� :
4 , '