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Clinton New Era, 1910-02-03, Page 1
t AACRLT deal is said and writtenof the responsibilities, the cares i �' % , 3 t " ',• and perplexities which the rlc'lt f mail of to -Jay has to contend =� , with, but it uuty be questioned it lie has any more nerve rack- r s� i Ing, puzr-linz nrobienis to face• than q II 1 gyp, t g has the rich wotiia l of to -day, whu re• adzes tb the uttermost liege essential it is ,.� to be smartly gowned after fashions i4t- ,\i t i= t SpI . g est edict.. One rea ou for the struln'be- a..,,. ins so wearing, so incessant is the con - start changing of the styles and the con- sequent terrible uncertainty is to whether ,z F Beaver, H1t ,.W,xli x ulQ- Si1.C.�$ FT.�1•LrI7Yy le' 9 the expensive hat purchased on Monday -P4ota bx Felix. ;�s''x'• •• i'•,s<�.-.'�• ?M.•9i'�;%: �. sai it'x l ye. - Ya � •> : r, trfh,� r r .,.. �zr: 'ff"" salt r�z�` . is in fashion the following Saturdny, with teach lightning rapidity do all fashion g n p7 y change at present, especinily the fashions , ax' 4: ' ;in millinery. Enormous picture bats are . ,fir ar � k t'Fpluced in favor by the most minuteg, x *Y # close fitting toque-;, turbans and, 1pt it fie said with bated breath, by bonnets, for •every sign and indication is pointing the " Ira to the return of the close fitting 4 �• bonnet. Y t na r \V ide,brints that stand out at the back, I +' mushroom she es, both tabooed months itgo, are now triumphantly displayed as s= p stmong the newest models. Crowns vary Stora the exaggerated large, soft Dasa � �.,N, t+g b ., Sl'.i>� ,x3Kas. to the hard, stiff, comparatively small,I \, y:> ����_ �•' �y �>, � 4: mid are entirely lost to view under ,the shaped fold of whatever material the! �R Ful" Coat and •Togtie to # ry . 8da' PI10t0 bjr ptjilt. ter:i �. „ 1+ f � . "�• Fes hYa nDetails Ev erV man 'S ho d Know. ,Y�1. T• - .,;a;� � ate` �_ MBROIDURY and. bands of, fur velvet ribbon ani! .the sleeves are trimmed fi: F on many of the arewest tiv bort re combined ith two bands of the ribbon '.Che c t sty I1 iyR .• •• - r: F gowns, merely bits* of these trimmings '. y rafl 'Velvet C.QStt]117C t%N being used on the Waist 'skirt. ]gush- �( t(� fy, ion does Slot favor ,continued lines in' ly � Mais$a Fa Win x V 9 ,zro trimth ng, unless it -be a straight'border iA? ° Velvet Opera .aigtimo Photo 6y Felix � x offur around the; bottom of the skirt or 'hat may be composed. And the ma- 'Marson Doucet s a K i4 the Qdge of the coat, In Figure I, the'llt- teriais are so made in number and so Phots by Ftiis t•-. tie irre ularl s a e .� ',` fix. a.. vs'.g'. g y. h.P d overdress i8 -shown absolutely nt:ltke Satin, hatters' plush, without any finish, tint' the same niodeT 1 velvet, plain or mirror beaver and felt all � , ,,,��, ' or one made .upou'similar, lilies .hurl this one"` .>k:< 'the in fashion, and often od. or tato cif ` vim' feature of'the dress outline!! with n,'iltta'- these fabrics are combined. lIatters•' t..,�.• ' S \, as.. �`t;: <y x,:. �'� � � s a.. v row' • -Sete ofskunk,.. .malting'an efectiva. plush, for instance,r�hile ane strive is : :.' ��:. ':,' 'e :•, °..�a�,r 3 � / - ', ' ff CAStn1nG'_ for Sk..III ....not always > .. %r , ;.,..� . • '�,: _::. a �. ar at or for, aYtertioou. a becoming :. . . . n material s be aaY > � i t..- x � , ;s r l , Z it • r crown t � t�.A '� ?a,.t 'I �, the t = zi � et � - at ma be ma � . •��' y di; of rt but �, �, t. ��::. • ,'t�. N� a � -y-. s' v x 3 ti. _ •.ize:. 'J,' b' a 'n . z z the s.` atlicar leas Le .r ..: the briiii will .• a ,e of velvet, so mach softer , ....,:•�w mg, remindttlg.one of the -line accentuate > �'• �a Y• :' t cks F t ,i 3 S zY T and more becoming, while with satinf ,;, is sailor blpuses: 'This one is formed by d ' then '` ,i � y, e will also he velvet. a tuck with an almost infinirtesiniill bit ofd • � '."�' Tulle and nartline• net are not materials � f"� e 2 : c -braid showing on the edge and ' �..��., , . clusters of generally associated with winter, but Wittons plated on both sides so that they • � � ' , • tulle combined -with velvet or fur is lin- elA ;, "' ' ! : ���'` u : , ''-\ <-_, : alterna.te,• • '1 Y t mnaely smart at this moment an t so aro ,Another dress, after this style was -cui v A{t civet and beaver. satin and beater, and x£ _.. is , iy � with the overdress coming lower An. front : 11 E�,.. >sr 2 ,r,. * Y _:a N S �`., G '"`ax:rk:., ,3:t� _ - S .':s' \ so on indefinitely through a series of com _ zss,: and across the Square end was a.band of ; 1:binations never before attempted. The , fur, and three tr�ugntar sections of heavy j � £ and velvet creation is exeeedingl,r ' h r ' smart ahs well ac?afros to the theatre i.: end, DRture IIAt, Ttllle, A9 may reA dlly Ys sa^ 1 . { ••e imagined, is far cheaper than .osprey o: Ard of paradise plumes, and can, if n rles:er milliner deigns to use it,'be substi- tuted for the costly feathers for the big n{'alis bows and pleatings are most charm= "t� kr: sn a \ rIarT aE' ODX00 OL' LAQE AND Q$IbTi N, '04.igly light, and airy in effect, atiri•, (ferttibIz as may sound the statement, are eters bit � '�� ? � � � :' � of velvet on the, left side of the bodice is ve becoming. But tulle and ' ' f N >, Fastened with a rhinestc*e;ornament. ,F net cannot =tt. "sk ��' _I�s>t.,va�ts',��? � k-.� 5 y' 1' t aroperly' be dealt with by any amateur, UR togpes.are as fashionable as they Olid the price demanded for the tulle, rimmed theatre hat is far in advance of , F: s r. � were Iast. Winter, ter, yet the, product oi' . xy the epresent nseason shows varioux: what was formerly asked (note the state- ,; s " nae a Predecessor. hent demanded) for a most .elaborately %, ,, Lliffere � s from its press slot. Not , trimmed fentber.hii`t.- .. �Y Craze for Aigrettes. It is quite a question whether there will { 6 he it feather left to any bird of note if A .aftthe craze—it is nothing else=£(ir the vigrettes and egrets continues. Apparently v Nq n .sr N01laeri hat's gone quite mad over these trimming's, for no price is .too high to pay and all kinds of pie:tdiug against the laughter of rhe birds goes for naught. )ertainly the feathers are exquisitely Moleskin Coat with Chinchilla at. besufifui, but too many spoil the smartest s" Maison Grum_ wAldt yt and most becoming hat ever turned Dili Photo Copyrliht bq-Reiitlinger and look merely like an ostentatious dig- Exclusive !Copyright New York 1$Irt;alb �. play of what tr,oney can buy. 'There are ' Many cleverly made up feathers this sea- ,—: �'kCiiiBE I.—ATTRACTIVE OVCBDSEp9r an that have the soars 'general affect as ! cornered style, there , y , t etc -is an endless and Skin or baby lamb, trimmed with a band embroider When these ae costly aigrettes, and those especially' in y two kinds of zrirYst atiracttve vauety to choose from. of, skltttl:, lynx or fox. '.Che large" Cos• trimmings are used together it is impor- yhil.e are used in quantities on the large " Muth depends upon the lots with which sack shape turban, with broad band of taut to have the needlework bold in tie, Is worn .the flat, . for this. season evety- hdre s" atilt are classed as theatre and g. thing must mately. Two hinds of fur may fur around the briny and the entire orolwat sign azul done with coarse silk, The finer "dress" hats. a made of roses or, orchids A be combined in the but, but hat, stole or , is another of kinds of work qte more or less 'lost by the to llnquestionabty small hats are con• '` � `'� I ordered very smart this season but the i ° '' coat• and ►Huff 'Must lie the same, 'The, tills Flea501a'a rtadels th tt is d('ldedly aler�l�, addition of the fur, .even when fire sial• �� I Targe hat for dress" still is a prime ' { , woman who ca;n afford to wear chinchilla A !though at first glance it may seem like broidery shotes a contrast in color, As a favorite, unci this in spite of the fact and this means that it MwPt be becoming. the SaVie old turban lines that have been finishing touch a narrow bit of the fur is that every day sees new models in the —'can have a most fascinating turban ur . .roost fascinating small shapes, pieta- r lalotvu for so many, nlany years, at is used sometimes on the high stauding col- ,resque to a defiree and more and more on toque ,wzth crown al gray, cerise or blue Ale lines . of a headdress or 7Ln1• r different, larger in head size, 'so la • w t 4°' ; `F t, quite differ r velvet and brim of chinchilla. If the gray 71ire tuz+iau. In tbe:rtre boa or o,t of the`fur is becoming the velvet crown of that it 'comes more over fife face and with I•c there ie one item of rho wardrobe I) iN II ;.. restaurant the large hat worn with j .. ' higher inside crown, andPwltale it looks '!epic!! more than a t ` t the snore talar td the smartest, but ill the any ether Smems to ie gown open,at the throat seems to 6t touch o£ contrast is btst, then it should as if it were round 'it as shaped need constant renewal in the caper! a with its surroundings. At the same be chosen instead, Who, blind. of sltualt lit file mace of the average woman it ld the the close fitting turban with the , i ,, _ g larger in front Slid back than. At t :grette—a feather so placed as to give - around the crotwn of a smooth beaver hat sides. The short: haitoA furs, sealskin always and ever the separate blouse, rile needed height—seems murt'ellously art n the three corner shit zo •s and baby lamb, are not so etfeetive in In illubtration g . 2 is h �LXt x0g1rX s L"asaxgwAntx� t# 1 t effective Hurl o Shown a de ed; a.ccard with the close clinging satin or., „� Y ? + this style, of !rat arld are oftener used onl as the Shape n 'trivet gown, en the pictures ire order, t t' two stiff feathers of cerise or bright soar- t�lliclr may be used either for a separate Y p now spored tt decided ' ' i , to the crown with lbo brim of chinchillas t'ltange from any that "ate Itizvo Tins but t` �Vlticir will win out, the small itrtt or ho P`k let waken the model utast becoznhig, blouse or for the bodice of tt gown of the eonabmattans used + ' It rge, only time tau tell. Tor tire`inantent r t; skunk or sable., but there ore one or two With 'fur are dull old ornament and a tuft of rnata- •like material, both navel and becoming. 'Velvet to intro• It ig 'essential to happiness to be pas- ,` Fv p jr models that are cliarmiug, made of the . dated 11t varlorrs sways, altd it is astolliSh• asessed of both. boll feathers ill tr colored velvet turban Dace, chiffon and blMelt velvet ribboin tri t ' ,', shorter furs, so soft tad laliableatltat fltmy . log what nurtclties tho elr'rar milliner CAU'L' Ixafmttiest and most ilecaming of all .ihc , tmc d With rti band of sable is another oto the .tuMferials tt eft for this bosses. Q0411ce, with these two fabries. are try+ated aS if they .ware velvet or , , tnat►y and varied atyT,,s this Season, are linlzular fashion: brit tlt'o, plainer,. more These xhe lace is draped over the sltould'era Ctie fur Set irictured itrrprvltlI sloes no i'hafasctuatinglybeeotlulr • bt11N01 felt. .these sue best In a ratites rlr.rotrd on other Xnatorials fe its t u' 77 .iar lints rrltielt at=vrre r tylt s atilt ruin flit+greatest ntuouttt and also farina t11a lower part aiy the It txtyhalt nIltl of' so; nfur, clilfc rent models. :�tatl+ sin le t©?.c of a r ►roval. As a rule li f fur h s are different shaped turban, higher "an tlte' The rli�et, The read is quite plain and only Phata Copyright Try ;Itauttraaer approval. , the t Mt a bodice, The chiffon, laid in crosstwlse the 11111[. and toque allow 06 Ornament t Mntif0y of fur, of velvet or beaver wftir 141xlsyri Gtrrxvaldt dual], but there are one or .two Styles c:rawtl Mild roost eifeetiro witb a .high tuektl, forms the it 1 er ort cif ilio bodie t of r iii 'sol utbitu shr,po ar in atirr 'thllre nrelusive Copyright Thew• York Ho ratil that arc auite large and are'ntade in, ;seal' tockude of tulle or Litt boW#. rand the ver. %011 part ( iii of the zbralld 3i all � sir that give it Mtx ttttraetivti r