HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1910-01-27, Page 9I . , : , - -1 I , . nOXS ADTT f
. , xixir� lf�(I'ron It
�+ MI Yf4ot. .. •. $iitl14 Rath a 1,00 .,Clintaa. •,Japt0iae"ptd 8
fi6x 'Am Tired barred rock aa+alcsr . � .
I C) . r ,-C to. , eSl. a� atioh, Aopl,v to Berl Fiavay,
i.l... 1T f I
_e___,...___.�. , n -_ . iii theanaiaa<?< Atmlata%+�. 1'Tall :a#"Il kinds
e *1
ir, .bi1 SJ.ondon, ,9. u eon, Ocu» • of information.
'i list. Specialist, will be at`�W, S. R.�L'i�e
S-- 1
Rolm,* fuer store, on Tuesday,
'I, ., -bW, - 1"- a�. Lo L i i t
" Wn
�J 'ab5 let. G!&$Mes pro_pelcly fitted, 0
o d w, catttrrh and failing eystsight .► ;
treated.. All si+PkF•WX ite 'it M0
"�� . -,
: ." 11 ..
. I
..- .. , I ..� 'esuCarlo,
I -+�Lt TON NEW ERA In a kocket or Office Diary. It saves the
THVRSIDA•v. JAN, .�D. 1010
11 ... Pets. ak Ru n Furs memory, and Is valuable to refer to,
,1 Attending 000 Conner .
This week Reeve Smyth is attending
During the month of January We to stock, and In order to reduce it �� low as poss><b�e, We �Jannty Council at Gaderlch,
are Offering a 20 per cent, cash discount off the move lines.. This is a woney*saving pro osit on The Only Way Study the Lesson
WHITE T t�c� ,
that you should take advantage. of, if," You. nerd- any. �n► HI�'.1-;� WAISTSt - FANCY LINENS, There ie really only one way to
+ reach'the buyers, .and that is by . ad-
,ACE,• CURTAINS, CARPETS, RtTCx or FURS. 'iTe have a reputation for ves»tiaing in the New Bra. Fclf volar Sunday School In a small book,
honest dealing, and under no circumstances do we tua,rk up goods -for - a Sale, a>riad we live up vertising i the N Large `Z , but a very suggestive one, Erich 25C,
. to the letter of our advertisement. I
' The Easter brides will be the next
" ; otteatso at a sal os static - - - --
.... _.._,...._,-_...-.,.. --..
• - cclaimill pie ateilion,o�far, we
White Waists Lace CrQi'tstii�s , Rusfin Shams and Rui6ers have bean unable to collect statisties , �' IF,
_ � ,
1001adies,' white lawn waists, balance of this 50 Muslin openwork pillow sh ms and aide- relative to the output. H ,
About 140 pairs of lace curtains, left front .
board runners, in several deaud; clearing. Sieieixing >t'arty.I . ��
11 season s buying, several very dainty s.gles i7n o, I
this season's bu in ,ail cod dealgns, some are them out at 20-
r 11
the lot, alI sizes. 20 per Cent. off reg>nlar slightly soiled from displaylag, choice of the leer cent aB regal ar prices On Friday evening last a. load from
• prices. lotat RO per cent off' Jackson's Me $tat£ ast a l a to the '
Upestry Ortains. p of t � OFTI ,N THE CHEAPEST
SiJk Waists • 25 pairs Tapestry Ourtoine, in red, green and . Township aule and spent the
r 11
25 white and black silk waists, regular $2,50 :' ,i brown, good full size, while they tlast 20 per evening' at the home of Air and Mrs
a cent off John Jervis "sitar attending to fife ALWAYS THE BEST
up to $4, clearing t! q n out at $1.69 lined. Ladies Mantles - inner man with a good supply, of -
Faney Linens , ` 'ladies' winter coats, .,of Beavor ..Cloth, in Children's Coats oysters the evening was splint in
music and various games., _ _ •
.black, blas, gre'en,, brown and reds, All this. 3i, children's coats, beaver cloth, in .red �
1000 pieces fancy linens, in dosses, .lunch season's Styles, not an old one in the .lot„ sand blue, green and brown, every, Coat new this n Active r, r
cloths, runners, hams, etc., clearing the lot at we guarantee and stand behind every Goat. season, all sixes, during this sale, 20 per cent � 'tpC ' . Alfleg Inspected
20 per cent off regulor prices During the sale, 20 per cent ofrreg price off regular price 1► ; With the object of preserving a d l ,illi Irwin, Warden
• avail balanced number each issue 1♦;d Lasi ,'Saturday Sergea _. A, .T. Cross, ; The opening session. of °the County
I 1.`' - itor Bartlett of the Canadian Epworth of Landon, was in town tlispecting.�he Council was held on Tuesday after-
• . . Era is bringing the passer out month. rifles to see' that everything was in l noon, Reeve Dr A J Irwin, of Wing-2()per �. �. Off y - c l i n _ .'O.0 r " W ly with its contents divided into de- first class order. ,ham Was elected Warden of the County
I .1 : ,. I e partments,' beginning with the first ; by acclamation,
: .. .;�.,....,..:�..�......�� one, addingnotblip �my too the Reholivival Serviices will be conducted �' A New Mon 4 ria -
issue of 19
' ' . value of the paver but matting its con- in Elliott's Hall, Clinton by Evange .
C�[j" Carpets 5' +� tents more readily accessible ,to the lists Burns. and Trotten; commencing -In the Wetaskiwin Alberta Past, we . 11
. at Jap.: Mattiigs;, etc. „ hurried reader. In fact the Bra in its Sixnday.. Jan 30th, and continuing, to clip the followixig intergaifng- •note
• • - • new and improved shape is ludispen, Feb. 13th. ` Serblces each: evening, at which.states that a young son. has
14 patterns Tapestry Carpets, all q only Seamless Ru S red sable to -ally wide-awake and active 7.45o'clock.. Services Sundays atI0.3) orae o he house •of . S C .Andrews ..
5 pieces dap, li�Iatiirlgs,, all. different Leaguer: a. m, and 230 and 7, p tri. .All are rice
owner of the Post, and eon of P.O:
good designs and colorings, 2Q j green, fawn and blue,0 PCX Ceil.t patterns, reversible,' z3 Pel' .Clint, r Two Eicatici�t.'..otmons _ is avec to@tae Andrews ' tThe stark
per CCllf Off rd' weleonae partner last Monday. AS a r suln§taA' :.
. O The Blyth ,Standard 'of last week Getting steady at Exeter p
io ieces Brussels Car pet at 20 er _ ` ; made, mentionof-the person of Rev, The' maohinar or the Jackson lusty,
has, it vel and already he
p 1 P a T,; Greelae of town e -Last Sabbath y r e h became the starch of the house:'
8 only Tapestry Rugs,, 3X¢, 3� $ Stove NtattS, O1lCOtli. 3fx3fi� X stay: Mir GHeene, of Clinton, preached, Bros., Clothing Manufacturing hues- 'Tis sad but true.
f't'IiE . 41 (f• p tress has arrive d and the building ss be•
• xq good atterns 2"Q . per' ' et off s 45 i two excellent sermons in the Methof in '
. . 45 aria 72X723 Z®. pep cent, Cit'. disk church here. ilia morning die-. altered, preparatory to , Installing* rata Te'w` quarter8 '
ao pieces Wool Carpet, one -yd -wide, ids, . the .maehiuery. .
. course as ase on " h
w based The alabaster
' 2 per ('CIIiV 0:t• box of ointment•', The reverend ' Se Next week Me A,,T Giig Will .
9 only. Axminster slid Ve;fvet Matte, only Remnants oilclathr-len the ttled ' lte''Damaa'e hie Jewelery stock into,;:tl}e stare re-
g gentleman, although on the super- Last Saturday J Tayloa settled with cantly vacated by Tozpr 19t; Brown,
Io pieces Union Carpet, ane -yard- all n,ewdesign, 30 per Ct. off. : run frozgi z u to aids ion alsnnatedlistis .not "superannuated"
_1Ip 5 y g, A. MoKowP harness maker in town, just one door South of bels"' present. •
wide, 20 per Cent Off' , , a. ;. ` many 9 Deaths in ns as e conducts e heievro•v the amount of $11.00 for. damage done stand,-°.Zva understand Mr Gr�tgg will
Tearing "it fisc per yard, Ing commission and is
a very use. by fire at his home recently in which make many chengea in the store, and
i-5 remnants Wool and Tapestry Car- ' . man. lounge was near y e ke it -one af_the- best stands' in this. '
a to
insurance was ;placed in the York Part of tho ccuntrp.
20 peri cent. off all ° pets, lengths run from 2'to i•o yds; r iiia ao. ;
many Other Bar a1ens ostmasters ssociatioti 1.
I.worth from.lz5c up to 75c per yd,; . -. Ile Clintons 'ilh .." I r'Ca
" The U, S. Postmaster General fn„bia ' I '
,. , . .,, Lalli To "Rest }� �: .
1`1Car �� S Wee erg choice at 1SG #er yard • last Lenart referring to Postmasters' -Tole following appeared in,-olastFrlf -
Conven otx uses thefollovrin words;•-- d•he funeral of, the late Gegr�e" Nott da a dailies fn ra aids to flee daaisiart. '
Carpet p. , . Throughout the Store g y
• '.Che meeting annually o%- -the' i'ost. folk Ince frosts his residence Ontario. given infavor of the `towns -J I�' So«
. masters' associations of the sevetal St, n pat noon at 2.30 asscl lyes' land'. for;lfguidator; appealedfrom the
Mo da f er
classes of Postmasters has undoubted-: largely attended by loved ;ansa and repo'rt of the local master at Godarich.
r Iv been advantageous to the service• fr a his old horas' i.>i 1`ucker• W proudfabt,R;, (7.,for three dii'ec tors
i nds ftom
{, /.1 Theo ,en discusaion.af ostalltffairs at smith and'surrounding couptr Eley. b w,;
4 I these pmeetings isunquestionably bene- T.. W Oosens, of Ontario St.: yChurch, 1 trixbator e, been
thatn'pa ties had *•,
ficial to the Postmasters anal .also' reg of which departed,waa afaithful mem agreed that this apppeal ,and thati.of
. sults }n suggestions of.value to the De- ber conducted• the services. Only the _tile liquidator; as LIP these,. contribu- _
I , ,, .. artment.• The discussions tend to . in
hbathis class
lie#ore his deatclear ringing.
. w,as I torsos, are to be enlar ed two wee '
?' fn hsa class and hes clear riu in taste- g weeks. t
,�°'q . ° ring about' uniform methods of dofsig mon g g W Brydone for town of Cifntan end ,
v ' �°r +.. a �# business in past offices. It is the pot- . y was repeated by his . Pastor and five. eontribtitors. U GlarroO for.:
�q ! hes C1asaLeader Which comfortin
�` � s u icy of the Department to encourage ,g Drumimond,Mcaall & Co., lien holders .
r- ,i to mournin laved ones.. His Pastors
.• , 4 theae•meetir, a, Reuresentatsves from „ g G W Mason for the • A R WilIiatm
g q y remark to know him was to toys
W %� �;_.,,«p: the bureaus'at Washington fro uentI Machinery-Uo., lien Holders. 'The ap
,. . 41 ".: attend , them to make addresses on , '.him was certainly .true for . he • lived peal,the liquidat6v as 'to distraint for
r' �" cluestsans of interest to the service. for others, and hes calm peaceful face. taxes bq the'l?ow "o£.Clfnton ar '
1) I_ r• . r :r _ - - when <n death wilFnever be for otten , gued
K 4" f - _ l and dismissed wib coats. On a li .:.
�, �. ✓ ,.�� _ _ .by the -loved ones_ ho., pp
„ M-; . �- w- gazed. on _it for
cation .of ligdidator, on', ground 'two'.
hat. 1 `
�a rw"°xT I Ron.ii4ing Up,the Borrowers. ' thb.last tine; a beautiful floral wreath all lien holders are enlarged for two ....
._i' a great- many people who ° .roses, carnations- and bya• �
There are t f white '. veeks.on a anent of the costs of the
seem to think st is rhea er to borrow cinths with t e inscription "Father" i
p day fixed at. X20"for MrGarrow sail $15
A paper than to Subscribe fail ft, No 'Vested.on >,he peaceful breast. All the , for Mr Mason to be paid previous to
doubt there are some ,that are iii your family. being Present but one daughi 1 return of motion aud:leave, given, so
11 .THE: . " __�� - neighborhood. Try this talk •on -thein, ter, 11��Irs. W Townsend, Mrs. Newton ! far as it may be don to s fe ' • .
Orinh and Mrs �i E John o € Y e er notice
Londesboro it regular meeting of the li T of T, Rev Mr' Oosens .exchan ed• ut its To the Man Who Borrows. st n o lieward o the lien,
MacCatlum has not et return' will be held Hexa Tuesday evening .tit with Dr: tewartlas ' .a p p ' n en Solders. notalready- object-
11�• Dr y Ped the ho , , ,. ,�. t Sunday evening.. �i►r?u1g i%1►ie�ellS Woulc�u t it save -you mousy. in the Sask, arrivfng_oti thq. morning ,train.: but.wfthont prejudice to •a
me of Airs P Cutler and a full end if you suibscrsbed for ourself ? He leaves a widow on.e son G. West p d• any eject
from Kingston as his mother is not attendance is requested. Owing to: the avow blocade last Sat- Talk about rushing the Sasso Y 9 i ' ey : ions fhat terve has elapsed 'far ap eai .
q, As there are 1. n, . but' .'Think of the tithe you waste in bor�w- ' and five dao hters, Mrs , W Punning-,.. Ing. P
14411 . well. several candidates prepared to,:cin: _11rday and file consequentcancellatian: E J Walton, �vvho;ss employed by W Ing, paper.. honk of e . ham of Colborne, g .
H Longman's son (about two years and the j of•severat trafns'Re . 'V r' Jackson, hasstarted o g P pe„ T the hellifuT ar , o e, Mrs Lewis Crich;'
d fell a Eery days ago and broke election of officers takes piaCe, v :1 Greener of t raise chickens. ; ticles ou .miss. 1eie than. that re'm- Tuckeramfth, lore W •Townsend. •M s _
old) y g hes .. . town, did oot grit to: Brussels . for "last .already and wall fort}tn:ate to secure 20. y l6 •.N rf h r _ ». _ ..
arm. .. Sunda 's se out of 22. ember that.. every ,added°'strolrscript ori,.
rvi s hss
„U a and•Mrs J. E Johrisan, o Iiew- � :,.
y ce as expected. , 1' f s considered a record. het s to, inalte the'pa er better .or• ' ori seek ';l)'eceased w s born -'n 1840 '®d0.#1
Miss Erma Kaiser, Clinton, was the- .. Carluke 'P 1 for this time of year: P. P & 1 ####:#A#O#$Op#�#!#fi##ft': ,..
resbyterian congregation , . , . • , • . everybody. The paper does a. lot of
on 1 ondofs Rogd, . T.uckerssnith and -®
direst of Miss Mary Brogden for a few BrstiSh�lEleCtionS 4• have eXtended a hearty and• unamsous I • • Ibikirg - .for you wben ' volt come to when a small boy mos ed with his par- 1• a - - 4
days this week, I. call to Rev W J West, M A., of Bitte• I'Good Siii tite>ttt thin it, You can well af3ord to elite to the3rd concession Tucker -smith ` •1.
+~ wale: Mr, 'West is cicala •' p wlsere the ' hewed a Io
Messrs Watson shipped hogs on Seats in Commons.. , ..,. , , , r.,6i(1 g lies I3th
Shaw yo ur-:,'appreciation by adding , y l rae out of the o
Wednesday of this week. Price some- Seats heard from. -§....'....,..,..:.596 year in his present charge, and good. Mr. John.0 I'feefe shipped. from this: your name to the subscription' list, forest and where he lived until 5 ears -'a �U NESS
what lower than last shipment. _ _ progress has been made during his station, a fine carload of export steers,, Su oss oft ora in to -dap' or ' m 'ago last June when • he left the' ' • «
` Unionists elected- ....:., .' , ...2oi p fed b pp , s p y. mail t farm •
Walter Cunningham, sr and Joseph astorate, g y Adam;i3ro4, ofConatanee. They :your rentsttastre as m y be most eon. to hie son and wide his wife moved to •
' ` Stevens, sr are in very poo: health Liberals Elected......... .,238 TheAdvocate.is: teased :to re ort were asfinea lot as has been shipped yourvt, their pleasant home'o Ontario St,'. w
` Laborites Elected ..... .. •..., . , 37 that Rev, Rural Dean Dfelrl has decid- �. from here :forsoine liaise, Alia three Where he spent• ao manq hap days.. •
at present and seemingly have not .... happy �, [DUCAT
Nationalists elected..... , .
butcher hest rs fed b John Far neon. a The bereaved wife and family have
• . _, 1.;
snuchchance to improve. ,... 72 eci to remain in Paisley as rentor of )' the. Same place, • Y g Widow Gets Dau►:sbCs a syn, ath of all' i a •
Unionist gains ...................„116 the church of the Ascension instead of th sympathy $ a that deceased - ` " The Rev. Mr C+ibba supplied the Liberal eine ,.......... ' , . The .Rev. J. J. Rice, a xu erannu• was en o in the: best o t l • Hitch as you way ohtafu under the ' •" . i
d Presbyterian pulpits Ittat Sunday and g • • • • 21 1 aaceptfng the parish of Durham And, p i y g f . sealth when
sled Methodist minister,: died in .the ;stricken down. He with Mrs.. Nott , • vorybeauconditions•atTheContrai
Labor gains ............. . . q p Waited Ons Cos1riC11. • + • Bualneas College, of Toronto, i6 a
Then the Methodist at night. Mr ••.... 2 Egremont.offere&him l the Bisho' , ; l!oronto General Hospital. on Deeem- Was ell o in a little drive and when ' e1. sure ass ort to s c
His parishioners here have: with one Wednesday j y g n p uo ass. Thont- c
Pearcy who was the choice of the con- voice _ex ressed the: i ed . sday of this•week' two de u ber 14th,1908, frcmxnjuries, received turning aroundthe cut e u set thio ` -'. • ' ands have proded.it. ,Why not In.; legations will supply the Presbyter- p 'wish that he p i x p w y v.,u.�
tatiotis frbini. town wafted ori the Co sn being struck .by a street rar on .log him out. the excitement aad asci- p ' . vesti$ate it •yoursegI our f re e ! '
San pulpits next Sunday and tell them qr 1+�wr'# �#r!4t should continue as their Minster, and Co Gerrard street ori December 8 T • eataloguoexplains. Write for it. •
also a reed to increase "'°their giv>n;IS unfit at•G}oderich.. Messrs B J.Gibb- he .tion .causing a btood.vessei to break cis • _ .
that he is wilting to accept the call as g
(! sags and M McTaggart were there in old minister had stepped off an east- the brain which resulted iu . instant, p W. M srliw"Pr 411,oipal. • ., . : +
. soon as it can be done. • C�1LirCh• Ch>tnles . 'and. render him a Stranger support bound caro caste the 'hos hospital • •:, •., j
These nisi monthly 'meeting of the'��1,wv,%4lwA%,Wo%,%o%o%#&,q;o%A , than eve�rin,the work of the church. ! reference to the Hospital and Messrs opposite A� rates,' death, t`Ise pall bearers were e. Isaac • ,
g v g Paisley Advocate. Rev.` Mr 13fehl �le; James Scott, A P Gundry and flay and in walking around bahsnd the car acrd Amos I+'isher,. John Rod ars, . Mr. � f
Women Institute will be. held on W E$I,EY Glunue were there re resentfn ..She tfias strucic by a westboixnd car. Ile Govet, 'Mr i3oo er and Mr Ti 11.ad ,
Wednesday, Feb. 2nd (instead of yvell-known to many,in this locality, P fi P • P y r#0##9N#####!#4###64066 #
The pastor's sub'ects for next Sun• and ls. a son-in-law of Mrs John 11dc- U41legiate. '. . was carried into the hospital-, wheret .
Thursday, Feb, 3rd) at 2.30 p m at the day 30th inst., wilt be. In the worn.. Garva, of, town.., he dyed, 'His widow sued before 14Ir �_. _ F__
home of Mrs R Adams, subject will be in .. „ justice Sutherland for $5 000 damages.1.
g Contentment. Ila the evening British norvless heccl►t. '.•A�•�od. »
`+*+'*•e•♦�•*•1•*fir*M+► S•o�•r/ 1+�II o•II•#�F•#i•#4•#•1•#+***•1.*•IIS*+44-4s ,►
The Care of the sleeping rooms' taken "Home training', being the flret of a claiming that the mctormala on the ,4
by Mrs Dr Young. All members are g dx The Briti6h 'international Lawn Westbound ear did' not exere':se prop.11; in passing
•1• . t
day evenings in the Life and oharac• t cep Canada '& p g ,+
as there is some special business to be ter of Jacob,' All axe welco a Home-made Cooks. chailen a for a match, A British fondant's put in no evidence claiming ! � ..
discussed. nI -` : Don't forget the sale of fresh home- team•o�between• 20 and 30 will leave that the plaintiff had not made out a j .
11Miss Cie Rev O J L Bates 1'3 A., Missidnkr • made cookie this Saturda afterndo England about August 8, 1910, fpr a case. Ars Lordatiip,.however, iefused Cold h
gg, of Morris, who started y' W��,� �� .' � ,
' , from Ja an will conduct missionary the 29th fust t Mr Wlltse s store. An montWe tour of Canada, it is up to eounsell's application for the dismis• •
as assistant teacher of S S No 8 the p y I Clinton Bowlers to _ et the`rinvitatiob aal of the action, and allowed'it to o .` .
services in Wesley Church on Sunday ample 'supply is• ,being rovided to g ;. g -•
first of the year taught one week and y
I p
sifter being sick far two weeks reef n. Feb. 6th. Mr Batesfls in great demand 'meet the demands of the Public early . sb as to boom Clinton in ,the. •to the jury, Who assessed the damages ` S .f
eon .. eyes of the world, at $1.500. [The Tate Mr Rice was at •
and goes to the Maritime Provinces sisting •of brad, brans, pies and: cakes . .
ed the flrat of this week. The trustees one ti rile a resident of C11lntt>n, being .
have been trying to secure another.
after his• visit to Plintan; Be eure• of all kinds&e, Will the friends -who -
teacher, It would not be too much and hear Him. are donating cooking please , s • _ in (charge of . theifiie, Ohristfan Cilil
g g t? e e end.to Died Int Clsins . ..
for the one teacher to do the whole T$e.Senior League have had topic Mfr •Wittse's store as early as possible , Qhnrch novo the hnbario 5treetbletho•
,,. work of the school. How does No cards printed for the coming barter. and oblige the Committee, from Mondays dailipa the 1Viefhodfat .dist Church.) � X1(3 are Sho• � 't'
8 compere with the Constance school The officers elected were R g .. - Chnrch at large were indeed grieved .. of Warm ShOL's,,; f, r.
' where there isont one teacher. to hear that Mrs. (Rev.) J,. 5tety� , 5 G'Clall s1litble f4Y tl]L'1g11erCjgelild • df the rrtldt •
Bests All hecords Deatlt . b P Y
9 Hon. President .... .Rev, W. Jollsife ars, who was. formerly .Miss Cordelia +
=r, _ �. ___ President....... Edgar, East In the intermediate ORA game Dtinkiti, of London, acid a• niece of winter Se3Sb11. .
•- • • Vsrq sad indeed was the death of �'
1 1 Vies Pres .......... MiaS E. Andrews played Irate Wednesday between C,�od- Mrs, Boles, of town had' assed aqua Atfred W.'rown, youngest son of 111r;
' MANITOBA has 6516 elevators •t 2 Vice Pres, Miey, and Temp. erieb aged _Clinton the visitors Won while enroute with- p o and Sirs. liars Towle, Which- secured '1' . b'ell:.�hoes f FLadfes` buttoned, laced'' land'" aft• ' '
tit Her husband to . y wg . •
Miss D, Miller + but b a score of. 3t to 1. At half the Mission. Field in China, T'he sorb. y th • %ars, at prices ran in from $l.db to i.7 5
hotel capacity of 21,624,500 elevators,
y T �, sit. his home xn Seaforth an Erida 14 8` .
Putting the value at the lowest 8gare Asst. Vice Pres , , ........Miss E. Ross time the score was 9 to 1. The Ifne-up. Was within a week's burns of the lust. 7'lae deceased wva>s only entering
of 24c er bushel of capacity would be 3 Vice Pres, Literary pgmstiittee Olintan--Johnston, stoat; Rumball mission, 178. Ste ate• y� into manhood, being 22 '� Felt Shoes for _Herr some laded, some gaffers;
, ,, .. p P y , w t +Eves married , g years of age,
$5,189,880. Miss L. 'Wilkin point; Twitcholl,cover; McOlure,centre in Selitember, havin met her husbisrid an lwscs Jost Starting attttr< life forhfm� prices start at $,t,�' , running its sigh as $5.00
4 Vice Pres, Social Committee Draper, . right Wingt I+'orrester,. left : only at the Conference last year. Rev. self when the final call +eawo. ,lie had • Men's ! °'
AN Illinois man who had been 1'iv. Cyril Hoare wing; O'Neil; rover. Godericb-Chis Mr. Stewart bein o y learned bis trade as machanist at the - Werk Shoos, specially suitable for faint ;l- •. _
' ing for fifty years without working, 5 Vice Pres, Supt. Jun. Dept, man, oal� Beattie, p gh me on furlough tvorl., heavy wvooi lsnsng, Williams'make, i {,
i g, , point; Belcher, and waes biltited aG the home of err, ' Beli .Nilgine Works and a couple of i, at $2,40
W d
ti was killed the first weak he started to Miss L. Reid •cover, - isSgsns, centre: bean, right and Mrs, John.Dunhiu. Mrs. Stewart months age went to Sculls Ben ,Tod., ., t
work.• Thera are a number around ,Sea,-Treas ...................Carl East wvsng; McDonald, left wing; McLeari Was a radixate bf. Ai to work at Hia trade. There he was $o s' Shoes ood and 7 i i• .
g ma Colt's�� �a and. a + y , g , stropq. the keep.you•dry • .,. k
g y y taken Ill and about a week before his + kind, heat+y wool Tsnin illfams' m o 1r
Clinton who seem to be afraid of. the Organist , , . , , .. Miss .mad s ilanCook rover, , Referee, McCarth ref Godes member of Aaken Street 1aIethcdist g, makes , $1.7 d ,
same fate. Asst, Organist Retta Cooltlxsoh. b, Condon, where sh8 was death he returned- to his home- here. • a
CortlzrspoNni�NTs are requested to g mineri't sn connection With the pear Typhoid fever developed and he was : x'or children and infants, the choicest of Warm '► i
have their budgets in not later than ON:i'ARTO STREET Poultrymen Organize At Gode; worth League hnd''Mission BV,nd, A unable to withstand the disease. De- � shoes, prfCes starting at Jger reachili $1.2ri s .
".: Wednesday afternoon. They will eon.
ceased Was a fine yours mn.n and his • - g �
fer a favor by writing on one side bf Ur Will Harland, solo ., One Day rich ahblonm at �ehe e ha►rse Saturday after, death at so +early an ale is a severe '1' � + �.
the page. only, and , bq using a soft Nearer Home" at the evening service „Saturday evening laat, - the Gads. Birk ,of in A. it. bereavement to his father and mn het � ' ''' i Z '
in Ontario Street Church he was in rich tultryfanciers held an or ani• s, and dated Chung icing. Neat t See Cis • for the Befit � .
pencil, p g - Uhina, Jam 22,. bearing the simple and other relatives: The funeral wvas * . _ . : „
excellent voice and amor with gra t zAtfon meeting iu the Cbtlnoit chainwords,. Coxdelfa Stewart died here to, . held on Sunday afternoon tot r Malt- : , , �+ ♦.
A branch of the Traders Bank of expression. The Choir are dafng go=d 'evening,
and adjourned until Monday day." is . racticalTv all t - landbank cemeter the services bein j ootw i'hrs 's'
y p Hat is known y fi
j at work aril are out lit full force, several eveninsr, gvhen oiitcers were elected. of the+ sad :fact, No intimation conducted b Rev, J. Herr . The An. .
Canada has just been established
the Union Stock Yards, Toronto, and new members addedtotHeir staff. Miss Over 60 members hate tilsnrr enrolled m ion had chlon't order of Forresters an t •
I will be open for business on market Treleaven of Ltieknow joining them which certainly isu load start- W been given in any, of the letters sent d d he cin IR18PAIRS WHILE LE YOC� WAIT.
days. Drovers may exchange their - j g r r e home from the members of the party ployees of the Bell Bngina, Company ,1,
Y ' this week, i understated it is their intention to 'that all was not well, and. the sad mews attended the funeral• in a body. The w ° b �►
cheques for Safety cheques payable at hold a rs b next winter. The local fallowing brothers and sistera were ' . Ir .
14 s their home towns. Rev, T IV lloSens will accutp Isis breeders .w ettb- wi should lie in came wuith terrible suddeness, All ,•
own tulpxt n@xt Sunday, ilisaubjrcte Mrs. Stewarts letters home '+were full hbmdfar the funeral,: ?dairy of Ocnm
i'iIE Canadian Underwriters is sadd flowery Keds next winter, 'wlth the of the l asa f ` • omowv�nei Wisconsin • Thomas cif So €hac kson `
1.wvilT bs: - morning . "Tisa l±:verlaatin p e lit l the snei3enta of the +►
.,, to he the biggest monapIy in Canada. Gospel" avening "Caseous fraixi the Huron show at Clinton, GodeXsoTl jaixrney� and Wer$ alwv;t s brf ht send Bend, indiat�a ; Ceo>ge, of iVroxeter ; °
sibs a • , C>Cifllialxt, of Tlamfltan ; Mrs._ C7, Bart•
, �
y'otl can do what you p ease and they :�panfah laver Itafiway Disaster," w rid Miteholl. 1t is tc! be lisped ciseerfut and no thought of lis
+wilt charge you just what they lisle The l�, tea 1y Communion service Phe `dates flans of these thiel t+vlll con. aster Had carne to trouble ills le rt ram, Of New York. and Fera of -... _
for in trance. and you will have to kill be 11e34 a week #xoln Sunday, . flirt, :and ther+t is ria reaaan will* they, rip Her parents uettit ••Saturday's tie r;lfnton. Five of his llrathers sated' • i ��;,
day it just like your taxes, should. As all -bearers, ' , •f� •i f3. 3�� 1i•lr1►i' 't ;
n :a1. . grater► brought the nems of her drath5 p••:1r/•�• ►•1•l<1M�1�••l•�► l•♦•l•iir4.1•i•
. 111 - .,A .. - . - I �& Lim., L 1-i - �+ - . _L r
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