HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1910-01-20, Page 7-_"�--- - — -0 "
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It Ua-t *,woctit -wilitiv, to wmr p" rsom
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1,6 V* JW I* ",WmEt 4% I.tft"h Mo
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**Tb4t Isn't tile Point lilt ull," ret urne4
. . . . - I
row '00" YOU, NO' 00
til" -persou Wilid he WeRK-Ut At A
."114& -�,"
� ,ftlus url�,_Wax us
y migut
_ , ,________ I . I
-.Mdm �
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.. * H * t
us -
- � I .
Uporg-14114, 100141119 OlStIVI":-
.. givin' It h0XI"' 011ie 110re
I a"
All I X
UW tiw tim you're xfmid toi 44*'
wittuderlus; Ju. bliti, wIt*1 hike tried ta
-withdraw her hand, but could not -he
� .
? - � .
� 0;
I i
I .
a I
d .kre 3,ou
-i .
einauded of ItullNe 10013,�dulously.
., dnuiiu'
001a. what niakes yoll act so
Tour longue Ja coatedf wouth
bo, sitom, a,ch Is Muted, If You W234
to, set well, $top uplow, dyallw-PS14 to-
hold It light -with 011ie, Dr. 4
and, tile. Y0111111- ladles all l9oula; on!
__ 11 11 __ .
� .
'. I.P
. I
Siebtle'll she said, tilrillog to (leorgi.
Jet4 4*d of the trou-
. . go to tho source
,*Tills, Ili; the tirst iline I have s4w
1 �
� I .10
- I . I
� I
.,--.--& I
alla, "it WOU14 tit ine-ir yp dowt
ble Jiefkf, it is too late'. .1JArengthen
y6ilq� otomwh, east Qut -tile bile. TeXu
you-J,luce I beguil. to come Souda.va,"
lie sa14 with evidently gigantic eftort
. . .
. � . � I
0 py NE"N 11� MARTM.
-1 .11
.. . I . �
-ant It."
vi. . �
"Ton, are too stontlind, too short for
3ate the bowel* --00, t1ag, 4A4 ovivep -
Isis, will beina more. .
to conquer his embarrassmeut at the
, . .
. �
, I Avow of "Tillig: AMOVAMP1416 )1""'
, I I
. .
-W, � - I lid.
W,--' b6axi ilirve I stron
*1100 ell as
It." lUegrglana answered g, 111.0V ill-;-
. list to g(�t rld
tuntly. ,11: Isn't that I IV.
*1lor year vonditinin the li�est preecrip"
t1on ji IV. Hamiltoall's Kl*, W1114% Avin'
lmsi6e, ape,0104ly tot the atomigelat uld,
avikilowledgment be was moing In
. ,ere WAS
011le's very preseuce. "Wh
. . I -
. ... .
Ovwqqkt� 1w, b -i XKIW#,�49N '.
, I I
6611. stgte Qr the eystem'.1
at to a bill .
Zillicso.'raps6ill"D willacm MOM
estling . Wbtigth, I; tP11900t.
I in 4.81d.
or the gown. I thought Inerely to Qu-
ralge 4=16." _.
cou �
- -
00.V6 em4 Tiver. No Wter xiemedy will
bo devis*d, for PA 11amitt0affli Fill$ aV0
yolVat Slilliday illglits still when,%
come over',"
- � � _. . - [
I . APOW I , -
I � - I
� -
I � . . I
, .1 ... 4. I I——
I I . . ., )�
. J a - I , X
,.. ., 840WA V
pe:11184 1, nuolp , , ," 11
It � ��
111picourage End?" repeated Lunlee.
g" .
lwpcit� � " I
P1114L.8 ,-
. 'I Where wa s she at7il spoUe'up 011ie
- "Out on the back porch
holsterousl ,
i ,E � - - ..
� - - ----.----- .. - _ — , i
I I--====== I.
11 �= �_ ��
I - 49 .V (Contaillied, from Iskst week.)
. .. : �
� 31esast .. I 0 K
,be, art6lis Fttlo Jl� PI
- rlr "i llift
. gain -puzzled,
. aken," she
I'llut I see that I 111vas ullst.
. �
, s,t[4 hustily.
A 8UR4 OUR F. .
� .
. be, TbaCs where
.vetilie-with our A
I she*d bo,toulgIlt. IWO, I ,lies$, If mom
fur it!"
I— � � 7 — 11
. � I
;', .... I—., I., �_: i.. � I., � I ., , , , . .
Fresh and fragrant from, the gard4�ns. of the finest tea,q, I
� I
. "Yes." 0gisy, 41,td gravely agreed.
%� 4equally viltiabb in coust pstlim,ci Prer
ill 131111
Tilutill ilasniloyin comridlit.wbIldthey4so,
6 t1disorilors
She lialf turned her back. a
Itiovenieut that ulosed the conversation,
A,& one could realize ray suf"rings
frorg stomach trouble and in ftestion.
i IIIIIII1 Jaw her so
11 � ,,With .A.be!" reilil,ated 01110's Osten,
procIvicing coun", in the World. 'Ask your grocer. fo�
. I I
11 I" .
.; *'and I cau Imagine tbat� 1,;mlilce 'Rilgilt
ofttlies 010011, 01timullilitellilia
dDrrw hllto&)atetbebow#le.'Zvgnlf*YoulJ
Wo sad I
Ounices eyes fell to her book again, Auld
r4 �Lve kears; I 11a,ve not be orr well.
� I I � be - I
NC)rr ra,00 Aid Irm no, g000'.- 0000e
'Bible "frietiV In a - coust(irl)01011, that
, 4 aypo-mm"Yoell like it. I . -
. -oo -
,_ package t d
, . look awfully rip�tclllili it sitp, ,,tported,
1. ,
- oppli,
ura n r
for a ilule, no one spoke, tholligh 0111(.19
lit or asslintlatel My doe-
� J#Wt alsell .
forg"(11; tile presence of others,
. .
I - I
� UP. But." sbe adde4 rattler fretfully.
1,1,11. of disgust at the loss of the prof,
�(*Lrri .gja .-mig,ti . nation wws. at the root of
andA,be!" �
I . r — .
� . �i � � r r �
I I I .
"I NuPPOse alle feelt; tbere Isn't tiny Ali- - I , I" troume, Oil',, I got Dr. 1-ligirailtont's . I
� ' I I 11 IP fi.-red gown was. louder than words, , Ii dragged her fingers frQuI Ills
)0 Adbotheywoulil sit! t, Cilitorth:,," llq y,a lat after
duce -wlth PrI f, , pp6tille improved, Via .
I , ewer froma, this dill ,s . r - ay betbre, Dre t4uld
luent to 6pQrt uii ent bere trallo ageomplaitit; but Oita# 10pros replaced his, P1,1110, 411 hi , and my tooliT dIg:estted, clasl; and turned aw
, at 1:511 . eased, �
loot a mail about the pluve th. t ,ni&telyttieltgoo4ttep.d4)esnoltetidliere.i6dtltoeo ro-(,.over fro
pill4Q-a. wouth and drovi, oil it vigorously. This eatillif c _ tn tile evident shock of
vhb once, try,tIIVl4,%%,lJJAadthPso little qpIckly[J.4m, 4, F101tted'.wiltit Ule thor- I .
as woozy --�ez.;OuSe nIV, Q00"glalla-but systillittlipy Will notbew'l-' gIrl, 1,Wulce-the sort of language she 011ie*$ e6mialluleation.
Ablehisomany ir . 1� Quol care I; derived from D�o Hmnli-
I , lileXt6dowlthoutthell. laitt after all nick belid, I ,.Clio three J�loa
�,, Ithit sualeq, Ili too ul,c�e 1006111i; to, care r . I sprossed-talking ,ton,s �pills. _ 0 rders,. realk/lu-that
. . 1� I . 11 used, the Ideas 'she e
I , . for Abe. Have you iiii howlstu(* . C � I about the want of harmony with hill'. qii(S'lp") %14=0T lil. WAT11K1=1 they were de trop, all rose and*, went
I . on her lie Is? SII4:*4,beuu awful goose . . , . . � ., 11Brl4VWa`tMl1 '
. � I .f �Juvlrouaiqnt being "fundamental VI I . 0 1. away. 011le.and tile young inan were'
I . - � I 1 -Tor an unschooled 11ellusY 0 - -
to throw herself away: as 'lice looking .A I.. . Ivallia Quick results altellildi,the use Of, 31ir- .left Ili solitary p ssm,4011 Of tile field
� tight across 0 Is the bslaeoi%�Pim lives he I where I , is pilig; this medicine ci4rersr
2'.� --- 0 Ispu twhue )u I !,
as bile Is -on a feltow as ve make Our gor oqqt� 0 11 I I .toil girl of the b;icI;;W9Od$"-but Ills. 35&mlltorl, ror1he'eyouln-'s callipaign. ,
! s any, one tan, see . . loll was checked by .a whispered all trouble- In the 450,11nach '1111d 41ges- ,qlow Ilially (ittlies are there in �thls
the chest its lie is -It othere do iioG - a are very small and r ri-tiect . gy organe Dry rewQving the 4a.us,c6 ,
., . e
, , he is! Ugh,!" Daisy shook her shoill- Caricilis Little Liver Pill ,.side. . I I " . I I frlandsbaft,-I wonder!" Xlllrlh,�- said
I* veryeasytotakQ. oneortwoNillsinakovi roul.Ark from I�alsy at his . � .. - . .
I ders with a shudder, "If I ,bad to They are strIctIgqctable an donot of , 11111101"Ine that yixrd of puiltp� ivileer, to himself U4 lie stroll'ed ont Into Elie
. e, ,,,. .I.Mir, b. :�17 __7 — _ -
. marry a knan witill a iiiii.ture like t4at- 1pu%but by � 0 rJ;cIktIo not ecirgiana!r, .'gowns, ill, it. IIII(I ilj�l not . 'with ft
. W, -Cm.. CHE I .01110 - one of 0 .1, _auswer, . . . gar4en. his pulse bounilhig
ii that to 8
of � , VP re
close . and mean, 5-ou kuOW-l'd get 111) a . I . I 1, In 0 . .VkuL it. '
, c . WTa MIM101111 Co., VZW T= � She looks as though she 'welghed, 25) ,,But, 1,oulce, where 411d.iyou get �tbo Straligo'exOtOlnel I'Ttjo y9kIII.,1 ladles
, , - *
011ie W.-hi'.tind gently lily a Wet toNvel, ,.J ... 1. .1. � I I 1,,'ahrenhelt!" "' . . . . askeid Ucomlalltr. "- , . tilluk'I'lil a vollatr I(Int. ()IIIQ t1linkg
, .
01 � ,on W. IL, 12A IVA j)o '(In meah avolrdupols"', I book"' ,, - olat), �N Uen N11whIehelilly,
� ver Ills ubse aud mouth. '111011. I hil Na I y �. I 441-caine by It-OAce," 1. tile young � V holl ovi
1, - . I 14 tlines?" she � coules JIo 'A4 t1i)" with 110 W ' - '
� ow., he'd be dead next ulorillug. TO "Xow, , Pete, You needn't be so � -6u riia(l 1� mall''
I � - � _______ ,. - , ild .N y � -
11 .. sure," she went oil, "there's Pete— �ww��_ - r w�-: .6% .1 slilart", she , 'retorted resontfull.%7*,, t . anntiv I'- I,i fatliffir switten wlilb loll. ,
be . - I I lersisted., . .. . . . r
he might. sport up for hini-btIt he'SL . � 11.1,-, plIzzle(i gaze sect oirdupOIS? Oh. Li'ulllco glanced 'up. with r a faint � . . ". -1 L .. .,. � . I I �
is . 'I'lle r g IIJIM LL,Y- - "What IV I (10 mean av . . Iii,w le.�
t . Ile ilk -covers
� -, , such an Indifferent thing! Give him III- to Illake it 9ut. But before. she dVar," she sigilea, ,,I uc,�er seem to be imlic. ,-,.\Ot ,so Illuch for !is diductic 4tte (let lilla lay , 1. too, , beell it (11111r, I
I his meals and that*s all lie -,1:allts- 06 ,cni,ld rl,,�ty 011ie %itied forward and, cocksure or a -fact. 1, alluost 'w1sh I instructiLkis about.fishing, but for the , IQ. �k','f Or "'IN, 11-1 " .
41oesn't look at. -girls. ,Not even at IU6�- p. 114 r I c, 7 I EllioAlt that girl. I-Illiffi-W! ls "41o. a dis-
agerly exalflillbig tile enibroldery,anc'l. were clever Ingto 0 )r Ell ..' dotes wattOved t06gh it, tiler
after I stoo rutUps oil Elie pre 0 OF drV. ' Y - a 'Os ".Now, It, 3*011 *Ms Georgie 11 he . re- 4nec poeplis.1tr . gkllscd collVge pr6l[L,.q%di?'6r ,whajover;'
,Iyeel to coiides�eud to JOIW S,� I in el 11 otililolis lilld ."aps :Ind 0
t - � . ' . qu � I "
him a lititter, . . . r Etinl(, *s 1. a ce , , . all. I . I ,,You have the lioOk in. tile' house?" as tier CQ11vVrsatlon, Ili ki ,(.-Ven lng� tiliglit
e up asi�(�I,l with initilsimised ,111 VI d. ,yo'u1d'b ' both; at ."!
.118Y.. . � . (11 ' . . ggest,, Ifer dietioll io certainly not
"You eutively ullss'Lay pollit, D. covetousness, "ON You `titOav it fur .itletor," Palsy gellth� reproved hill', asked Georglana. . .s i I.,
�, .
.. .
dear," Goorglana [lad retul,ned grave- nice or just Nil, SO� � **I ,%vourldii't.be sliot,ked If 314513'callcd . The. ;;Ivl .1ooked, uncomfortable. ,'41 the everyday 4:6119tie of tile Mornlugm
- . . I t C a I it for more� illan a ,T'eftr," - 'slarg. 11(k -,V tile, di(:kOns "does It - hall- r
ly. "My object ill oftering l".1113i it "Oil I woreA f,OX Iiijee". " GOOr"Iftna. I Ille ria,18y. (Sweet name, 181l't it?) But have lie ' r ( . I I . . I
,;i r., . . .1 she said . � �
pretty goNrti is to try to awal�cn tit her 'I led. . to permit younkeir. thel llb.evty of. call. . %1-1111 evidellt evasion. : Pon?" . .... . .
01� a setiF,e of the beautiftil Oil a "Inch I�iiuice site' uev.er diii thluk, at th(k .1 -lig' I[Iss, H.1lery '61 that's the � Igiff 'you =! folla . or "madip- ',Ind of . . . . �
__ I oorgio . ,, - (To be continued next week,, '
. higher plane than tll;lt ,v0U talk about." I :i'dded: "'that Such reading! -we. sh"ll I.J10 I ,.— .
cloewmach like w.hat I do." 011ie adc - . ilillit! So yoir thluk," The V � glad to let � , —0 . . ..
. . . .. . , ,
. smt,ed (M tile Nvindow sill beside tile ed ln,;("AtjI1,I$,. . . glie's both clever and. b0ft'lilful? .kild y�on har(,�:-q
. � .(nno og our .I)ooks," said ' 'WeSH011 ' - -
,, . olitildhood Ind!,,
objevt (!Yf her benevolent intention", $.That is pe,rhalMeommendable to a ', , thinks you, peter,,, she confided to GCOrgIIIIIII. ill 11 tone of cueouvAgemdrit
. . IIL i . .
certain,.poin IiIiii. ;,have it 1 ss �
ii'.eorglatin fell 111) taeff"IlY to the mat- . ,,, said Ocit;rgiaria, gently. atelit fincri coiic�alea to gtrug-llj4� ruraUaniVil Ion. I Heans Sickly Babiesi.
t ' M , . I r
I. 1 bb 'YQW' . I . ".011or' her ' - - . �. _. ..
�, iier of her gift. . -Bot one stiould g ye just enough at� soniewhorea ut, . - . Soule Facts 41poilt the r "
� . . I '
. "Mullice." she lit -gall earnestly, her -out,- let , -i.�., Ithatever?"I" � . . Qreat. 11 advised The baby who suffers from rindiges-
. tention, to % ard udorililleut tO . . ' Back 139nuil FLIM11.y.
. I '15 . t4y. 1�lt's so fearfully On-, tion-Isilipply statying to death. '' If
eyes on the distnilt I-I'lzon which Nviis it evilress'sonietlying of 'the inner lite. .� DIllsy19 answer w,. arrested by r.jail,_ calllle` . . . I
r . ',
our tbo " .1
I . ughts and (.Ieorglaiia's rl,zlll,�Or froin Jhe 'whidow " - that I'm surc� it raust be It � I s the child no go
.. redne takes food it doe' od,
.ju+;t b(.gjIllIilI,,,, it, %IL.k..peli its evening The -.wont *of. I interesti'll
. � ' " ' very instructive ffnd -boneflelal." ' . and.lt�is crosi, ragdo pless,
1. hoes, -du yun ever I've.l. In You" IlVar- feelings pl- tbe-lack OV it Is Often Sym- ,;Ill aad sitting dowa bVSIde her On the 9s and slee
-(.,, 1. , r ' had eVi, . . ID , j an ,.;iother is. worn out obtring for
' bolized. by ,odr dr6s. We should cn1-. I -nit door.steli, ,Goorgglana r I "Thanli" yell," 73tinice replied ' , ut " it d t s
liess to nature bvi ]low really we . . � . . I . Za Own TAblefs always cilre'
: vursehleg 111'e 11 I)art Of all this woll- ' tivate ,our n1vtIll-al Inclinations *for ex- dolitly q1ilte'recov6ped tier not ,easily : , , .1 . .
. . � ' ' ,. . she , dded, W-14 ' 11 till uneasy glance at Indigestion, and give the little one
derful beatity? it see,,,,, to me thaf. ternal litirmollies ... ItAs tlot.ri.,,bt to be , (Ilgi,lir-beq equanimity. ' : 011ie -1 lie r X s* ,* Mrs. A..., P.
. * 1. . - � � I VL� ' 111" V U1110 to reatt *-'cl healthy natural ileep..` B . .
. 4 ,!,is onvil-ollillent. she added, with- Indiffevient to illein-they .are a )eglti- ;-;N1*hn,t'1Ire vidu reading?" ';she ini � .. cept on Sunday, and 'Mr. Vlornlngstal� D igle, Lower 9a pin, Ni- -, �ays :-
. . - I
� . . intle would not allo'�� ibe to read anything - " a severe cases of indigestion I think .r
4)lit �valting. for Eunice to 1`4211ily, wate Ile rt -o C 11W." .1 .., fluired.of i"itilsy In tile tone of gi I For
. . . '
"OlIght to Inalie us sensitive to beauty .1trona e s c - IN. s used to- her I . Baby's Own Tablets aie worth their
. 1 Sho,lltid ad(tressed herself to ii�unlce. ii. g b al aY . but the Bible then'." I . . .
In. every del. � 'tili lool:111g.phzZled, an- cousin ana, for which Dillsy ;appeared . ,,But.- � I . uni so -lad *to " fuutl,l� said I Weigh I n gold. My little one sbffereL4
- ,Ill of life," aud the.girl, % . . t,, . *at.wb . , . I V fropli.this 'troublis and the
Kinross grinned behind Ills newfi- swercil. uncertalill.r: "BlIt.When. the _"Or � Ir' sbould, ,say,,. Geor,,�
. .humbly grateful. I , . gj&na, graciously, -Ili en you -
. . paper and settled blinSelf to elli0y . ,ad.1good Tablets Was the only thing' that re
I lack -oif% hariiiony. Witt) One's elIvIrOU- wItat is that book Toll are mot .reading.? - do have all Qppoannity to rb mov . ed the troublei." Sold everywhere
. ' ,
tile (.0 u Versa t loll. Ile Was finding u,lo-ut -is fundamental mcro external Olict or tho-Z'O that fathe litetature.y6n fak� advantage, 9f It,
, � . mail from The
- I ,r . , . . . . at 24 'cents a box or by
� V-eo intla very divertill-g i A .+_�,cault help things."' ' l)ackT1 - . I. . . -r .' and that you reaa�so appreclat4vely-" Dr Williams' .Medicine Qo.,. Brock�
I J ., . . � - . . . . I - -_ -
It . a, �Iyes," sighed T -one. s ' . I ... . . . -1 � . . � _. � . . - . . - - , _. . .
. A Hunice looked tip from bet- book, her . noliplused Ddlsy,: - )alsy. ,'�Ehl.q 1 to "I ani glail, til Do a ..source of s ville, Ont; . .11 . � .. �.
) dark'eyes dreamy pnd absent. . . Georgriana looked ' - . . � I . uch I . . . . . -_ . . — . . _� -------------- = . � . ,
ful-111311119tild.pageS of. :I book she -Was Nulp me for otirlE,ur6pean tour next Iftq)pJpcss to you,"; sia-A E allied, speak- - - . I- . � . . I . . � I
. . . I . I ,
, . I " . 1. � " .- 1, .. . . . . . .
. . . I . . .. .. .. . �
J ' '
I .
� " I "Sell"ItIve to beallty even to the point I skot-,reailli= dropped her 10'rier IIP'.1n sunlaier�., rm oil SWItzerland: new. tag with 4. raint ulicsIlselOusJOUdil ot ,. - . ^rif Neglected in Cana'aa. ." '� .. . .. � . . . .. I . . ... I I . . '
� I " . . . I lor . I I . I . . . . I . �. 121 -
i of fpeling out of harroolly with Our astonishment, Dr. Kin'ross put dONA11 rt,s.,perr45ctJyd(jav!'1 sbe:SRId,'.jvIth - tron that suddenly itrought the CO . .
. . . . per. y erself I Whilt citlmdo� Ilo'ed" badlv is arlort, 0 . JftA I . �
environment .if We are 'lot tastefully los paper Troin h'erord. h1s, .face and functorieutlitit0asilf. "The.anthorbas to <;e e, Ma vv
- I . . _ . . . . � . atwillion, ji) art 1 ' n tile 111ill i4cho`ols . ... -make' fau .
' I . . , h Ani 01th I"' I 1.
,6r,�Iaiia7s �h�ekg� Bunion b I
dressed." (reorgiana. Went oll. "And , .took Ills pipd,froln ]%is mouth. Bvell "'o man�r, �, 'flw6nghtsi about the .' .looked .,Ir, tbough, she searoel* unde'r- I a0(I:QoI1t.._t,i;. Literature- it; failrlN', 'Well . V . I,?, .
. . . 1. . pfett � .. I I . .1 . , ` j4;,`1., , , ,
. . I . , . � i a . ,
r -os - . , i ..., -e need. .not ever.let out, ellylibil- Geol-glana smiled ell - �'Do -the almost ILI,. i&tiorpd. 11iu� . . .... ,� I I-, ., 1.
. -
,Q%%-,, site hel(t a( -I .,, Eunice's hIP M _ Judulg ' OY sessied her'under . . It" �� Z , 6% '::Ove I �
--LC( fully, laying the 011,�. '(I surpirlse. . , , . sto,4 the e distilomfort which pog-' - ,Iiidloa l)IIt yre
. - . -expres"c ioene;,Y - ' : , � - I I . vAgu I . � � I I art, and 1�icldte&ure i , .
ISO," site entled gi s race I s ..7'� . 11 /1/611 " -o
. . v4r,
afrectio *' �yicll rileli and the v. rt 101t : ir Its - 06st
�. , . /,/,: I - , I
-1 want to give you this I'Vett . Y White I , � - 11-sald Gcori�ifthti, 10'okiu�- . ow, DaIgy,. Nc!lia book you and I ate'phtioam-e Q� Misa.-D Her . � � .. . I loveri; arti, �dciilig their sdlltrc; it're- . I % � � 2. .. .— — - . � _.. . .
. . ut rule us.., p - yeil , t . . .0 . Y. - tlle' s(hools an ' 61h.ges 6D 1 - . . .. � 1, I. . ... . ' :
. � me . . , *r , . I ... . I . I 1. � I () t ! A c i�( ,." ..". , . � .. . ?/-,, of a -sty . ' - L 1� '�
I .1 ;I , .
Irown." . -though she had. I,se. lict� bearin,p,- . . _�. T nli.ji,14 ,"(i -D -
. � . � he sound of -a tstep on the ,porch- . ;,, .. : .-, - I ..,. .
- , (as, . I �17 . 1p,.* Codril - '. , . � ., ept a, - '
Euii!Ws eyes grew witle with 'a I but liIii "' n.,.all 'Iyoft to recover her- .. .j.-. .. . I. willch .evidently announced the. et- (16 thOirs.-Calladia � er. . M � 11 , . 1, .on .s C . .
I ki . 0 . I .� . . ,: .: ,. . ------ I =.. !- I . . . 1. I . - . . � . . .. . . .. . . . � ". ...'. . � I . � . -Nnh - ody ever heard of "stocic food" cu 'inA the bots at- colic, m - ailing r I
. I - .
I . I ,
�� � questioning SUITI-Ise. "Yoll Availt to , self . '. . . pected *wrrival t6f' 011ie's - "regolgr I., of rnJiIiii: five pounds per cow -I daY,
. I I . : � I X.d I � . �- .. . . . . � . . I . !�'l heils lay in winter, Increasing the,yield nd*vl9ok- ' I �... I .
I . ,
. I , . I 'I d . .. irig run-down,inimals to PlumPne-P .
I , . .!. .. I I . .
give it to 11)6?" -the asked wont cring- I . !wy, gio-ne. . State atOhlo, Citybf. .'ro,ei o, I . . .
11 * fate, `— , . ,,, . 'c,.Q)PVJiy',7,4et1 Nonk4n- to.. Q.0 11 I . . or reAtin,
. I ,,, ""I., " _-.�, .. . 4 .. . . I . ss � . ..� . .ad ,,stmiclood-to your c!u%v,,tloeic,s%&,iti.eorpoultes-., ... . .
. . - _ � � .� I . � Lub'as Count Y1111 . I � ' When a furni.* ,..
P ,I am the niaster.ofom
ly. Iiilt Why'!" I A - .1 aln the captain of my'siouL, �tll � . her Blble �6nd it.�si� to go away., , I I vollffeecedinj them, what You are growing oil your-ou t ,
�_ bciney'niakes,oatth: that be . ' 1, .1 .� youare-merely . .
KIIII.O.R. froill bvilind Ills t]L\\. utl'the great .1".nglis'll poet Robert V.... .1 I . . 11tit, .she' -w' -.' pp'd'o' the -thresh- ri rank 3 Q "THE .. 1, 1) . Y(iurunitnats do -need, hot more feed, -thing-to help th6v . .* �
- . . as sto 0 U "I , 10 'Y a let i�tt - .
. ,
I V . ., � I . . . is, senior' partner of the firm of IF, J- EEL' , .bodio% uptall'the gc d out of the feed -you uive t a - � It a �
slie. �-ul'jtjlilred Instructive- � �. � . . �� 1 7 - .., . . . . . ' . ,tllye,i�,rottna,,.Lisotopv.�entdi,,.,ense,c�ii is ase' dii-P I
�_ f(Illud llilij.,�clf listeiiiu,-intotitly"tp,qt""�"".- I li:1`64�wnitlg," -1 � � business in �II6 . a n d .." tn g f a t , .1 "C'n Alltllc�e
. � I . O%Q, .. . .
_It , I . . Cheney& Co., doing 2ML
W .0old say. IN% *,C. ,.� I �. . - . I * ., I
. -e NA ,11le(i onvirolimellL ,unichluery, e! , . 1, � . I ,-��Vlss`ble condition. . No ",toCk Ell 0
hat F"Inlit i .. . I 'I- t I 11 I . �__ I . '. I . . City of Toledo,(joiauty andStatel,afore- � thei7ft up to the be. I TOCK SP I can: an, as, is, .
� g. .
- , . �, I i . . .� I , . 7iv---e&t1Vbt: I � . Royal. �%r-�E.S - ,It .
I,.qclIlIse 'I feel." Gvnrghina Islil,iled I just illeftlit to 'give ttly 1,11`6 jts wiIe". % I � I I � I . I �d�.A�1!hllrw X. .11 1. saie, and that said firm. will .13ay the , I . . things. I
I . I . . I � �: ,."�. :, ,� _____� . ? S
I)j-0111,11,71ugly, -that even so lkolo�gosljel is.mall's spIr- , 1. . 'hcl , "I Not a "Stock Food'! But a."Caddiltionei*"
I ' ' - a.nr pace ,o . .
tritilug . , '. . . .. .- � 3 U sum of, ONE 111UND . I I , . . I .. � .
I-'- "' "
e . . . - 7:�'ICZ a abo t. to pass 011ie's RED, DOLLAR G;alIC2.4
. elotlw� can help us to .1 iflilairrill"alLe"'11. of Circillustalice'. ,I am . �� . .A- 4 . ; . . 11 . —
, , I I . . plily -%Vltlk a aA but 'for each and every case ofCatarrh tha;t ST.Ot--Ksp,ECIFI[Ccont,.tin,.,no,,4t-,xin.bx)i-fitrni,pi*ijtl"cts. ltiricrtll�ls I
a,�Illiur, as oor - - ' A"..11k,..:,T . ,.-,. . � istpudy 'com . ) . ROYALPURPLE , I
. is are slave%. to it. - 11'T"`',�', -� 1, . . � I . c4nXiot The cared by the nod of Balls pet cow per diiiy. 11cio.,e the Specific has heart used t wo
I., - ...� . ree - tiny other Preparation knOwill
. ,!(.t fill() I_i_Ilt,t-f-1:1II,,,I,A will, iirf,.,, aware that ulo4t OC, I . . A . .,,..I .1 . m . tile young man stopped di UY I I .. �
... 1.11 . . . . \'-eeks. it mahes iell .. -
. lye can rise to a.plalle wheid,in- - ". - CuturrhCure. FRAXKJ.CHENEY -,.ield of 111ilk feorn three to H%'e pound'
J i I I the mific Helier d adill's llct,ll r^ter I I.""
. .But . ..., . e. r,wdy., ,and, holding Out his .t -c ;Ili hu-E;u -it t; . . � I .
. . . it, ,� . � L -, - - ill lie . Vounq calves fed witl ROYAL PU61.1i vu I . ix weel's Old ,.is they would be N\ I
__ - " . . Sworn to before me aind. subscribed . . . . . . I I
, * I
� ��___:. -< --Ut-lott ,,::: ,.. .:1I . -q
te. . terials at tell mleeli. -
. 'ut ipg, it control 1ls-AV*QA)u-- 1 - I 1. � ,m-Ith a-f�hy awl�wardness*, flilshed. . - led with ordinary mal -tin -n anim' - -cs thun! tn' - ,
' I . 1. �� . - __ _hand I III my presence,this 4th day -of Dec'em. ocK spIsLiFIC Jwmis tip i -dni% -115 -Intl rcstcu ,
A - trol 'it. Otherwise \\,e ;,o -through life 4. . I - - 11 . . . . . I RGYALPURPLEST. .
� . . � � /,v , '., . . .. � tv .as, lis. , loolwa, at, ber.-i - --- — ber ,A. D., 18�6. - . . ' Cu Nvomip. slorl aisensesand debilitr
Illissing Illie NI i, , � r , :1'. :., 1. . " . . I - .- s krerniancilth'.
.6 I I � deep, . I plumpness atmost nuagicatlY. ggs bot', colle,
I . f, -,Y � . . . � � I �--..,,11,-�,C-11--s-c�'IROYAI,pU,RE>UHSTOC SPEC-�F-fC1 — .
' . trite 1) lily. Clio per ,;ect I , . . ,,. : .. I 9 I() A. �, le 011ie, ttirping In * , ' I A. - W. GLEASON, ,. . Dan MCE%vaq, the horsei ....... - I I
USE . . c'1111 . ivcrsd� -1 feel sure � . ., 1:.� I - IT iclaimed , � - t ' L _L2rjl,1 12.0-2,1, lari;,:�t ... ...... ... � - � ., cer on Grand Circuit in
- . Oily 'of ill �', 1 _$ .1 � Iier_-Ar_J=ir..4to. W-elemi qp,�_bq� no , , mblic. . p.,r%I%tcntly in'the feeding of "I'lle V 6,C00 in frottingittal(ps I
I _fSgial.) ' . !:' ' Notary P
. ".. �. __ ... 1W. ..-,'-- 18. and'Hehfi� -Whiters". Z09,L', brotherlof 'Allen. Win -C. al, Puri)lc,
I !I liat'll. I � , � -,-- , - - -_'W � I
r 'that you can flut arniotly it� you ti. lial s Gat;
. I .ca C Irave wtfiWdWiff tern. . 11,,en off tileir, feed since I commenced using Rey,
.IS . I � � N. . 1:. . I - I risfirg, "bu-i'drin glad you're herei.ance , krrh I in 19DS. These i ivgiis hive never n .". . � .
. wiLl keep your mind open't.0 It. For In- - � I � .. I .1 � , . � - . ty aveitin, lystables �. .
. - bar.'a , . I �,_Wk , "
I � . .
. . -
ALLEN . . . � , �, I ally,and acts.diriectly oil thb blood and I . Be atmost'ayeari'ago,'afid. L will alw2 & h, . . . �
. I . ,. I . .11 I Ilm'so tired listellbil to the big words . . . SpeFi a . . I � . q� I I . " * .
� I I
I nee," SIW . �: �.�rfquct6ry , .. mocons surfaces of the Bysteall.. . ", I I . . . . . . .. I . 1. . i
sta ,.said.! N !tit a- ill . - � , at each' Oth9r ,bidre . , I I L -didommooft, . . .. .
1AA . . M I . . I i I ". .. .. . Ip I itipiraie -dil. . . � . I - , � . �0 . .. .- - — _�1111111011111111 . 4
yes, eii,eu - 9 ,
!,I;- � xyt I � - li %012�. �, �r,,o I- ., Z�l �
I , t .'. I � 1. Lie(.- yet! I - diiln!t icnoW : ` P- X OMEN ��- . : .
. oll this ttin". . . �_
. I ! , ,Jll��,,,, , zl_ s ... ,.", I L_ �, . . I � , , , � , I .
- . I " - t-910. r-S,Ati 77- .-(nn�n 1,4-,- I` ... . �:icdd by'draggli �*I "i. .� �
Ili iNvIlliell I - 1'ec . N - - . �beak . 86011, lifi6i ]an- N ,..-; t. . 11 . � . �. � .
,;, � 6 d. -0 �1 tiba, _'
INXI��, , I - li,,6=�ce ochif _. , . � � " i
r . �-oq =_--eu . ma, am ___
` - '7
�' �
1 �7 , " 6 u - -,,�� ii I , %W._,��f .1 _
- g u-ille-a . - . . IV Prils i a - .�_ - . . ...... .
. . A-14 -, . "". _. .. -1 -Fie-, -Uni-i �1_ 'welit'-w � - . . ., I . . .
�- — _ , .. -1 ... . , - -, _. I I , I - . .
. � - gaagp! � 3N : , q 1, -7-1':
N f, �64il... ,,�v �l�-` ;� . . I 1 '"'l"li-o' tion, -- _ '' . � - I . .1
. - _
� �� - r �
At -once when i(Q&e4ft by ATOU. d .. � _� t yi: T , .I � I I . I . -
. 'I. thtl�tae ,pleasure -and evell le, 1), Q . I I . . 11 '11.4 .. � I I . .. : . � . . � . I � � . . I � 1, 10 � . 1. . . . .
. 01' . ' , , 'i� . . us. -stl . . I I � . I .. ...�_ . . . . � . � �
�Ihas .avert dugerous bronchi I � cato theill 10:11: 1[1116' t:",t )I' 'tile sIllell . .y . Zl� , i 41 - I . I It .' . - ST06K AND P )11'TRY WOOS ,. .
. ''. xiiii, ;a�iQurd me, neither -47d like, � A Menturesome -Counteas.. � .. . I .. .
� pailmollary �allqcnls ... . . . . 0 ithhi,gs .0. Tile:'. . . I - . .� . . � . .. `h�ar ,her. one6t" replied the .1 . . . . .. . � . . I ��.IC %vifii ia-it'one,animal seventy . .
. . -11 .Ala , Ippoge ,, . -a . I ! too,, to I . I . Tho Ckal.ntriss Of 3finto" 'Who, 'wAll I ioni� SlIc. package of ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECI 'ic food,-. in fifty ccntgulc�-'190'4 ...
.., 0 n mean ,to do me I yetinlg 'plan his' bqphful� toneg only I - - a being dAys, which, Is a little over two-thirds of a cent a day. 'Most-stc
. I � � I I I
. ; . � _; . k1IW by !I,bomb-thmWer ib� India, hai Is given but oncLa day, and lasts half again us long A 81 -50 M contain'
.50c. and $1.00 Bottles. , lkIndaeSQ .Enaice answered, *4e�'PYOS . � '�. ..I . 1(�j*-)Iui;J)an4L, narro #Mllem , " last but fifty days arid are given three time-,-, A day. - R.OYAE - PURPLE STOCK SP C FIC . I
. 25c., Sold everywhere. ( .j, . . , . I � , . . . . a ust, aildiiA and .Ills face and. peck, 'WAY 'F' 1 6d foul- time, tile . I
- . I I J ' -p61kPLF �
. - . . dommeast; and!sO I tblink.you-' But .it ' � ' ' 11 i � . . . he retained ' had 4ieral c-xillitijig ;Adventares. Onte - Amount of t4Q fifty'cent package,tvill last 280 days. OVAL .will incren%ethevaltul I
, l0ent . ., . . I .. self consOauslY .red as I � , :im,11ajifig the appStite and tte .
. DAY&S.-St J.AWRV.XCE CO., Mo at.e itile to be a i*ec , - I - . . I . ' . n tock 25�-- It is an ost6nishingly .quick fattener, st adar. - ' - I
ntreaL would linniiii. I . 'i .Ap.yc ,,ith lt�c huskand 1j.-Ot 01"YOur s -aho - a le � . -
. 11. . . . . . � I � U,unic&s liand so that she could not . Ile joul * YJ M � . . .1 irtdish for food. assisting nature to digest.and'turn feed into flesh, AL% %fa . ttener it i . . .
6.--6--- - - - , .Cllat,10', .1 'tilld, tiloro .of tile 'Ilar- �. . . . . �&J ill 0 ROY.ALPURPL POULTRYSPECI- .
I . , . . .. . - -an ilr-. ,I , anadiask Ira- - t,wilt suive man -aterinary bills. . -t Package wi ,
I . i!d 'ilich yo seeill to wdlue so , J� - _ : . pass j,)n andilooked .Xt her With _01t.,,,�A .to Molitrii . I y times itsicosit in%. U last tw6ity-fivil
-, �-,. III . . --- .. __ ' i , I -lit, -while . one so cen
. —, Ilion., , � !��., 1.% � aze that'.appi�axed quite I Ticies ami ,ca.myx-d to.11% lit ildF, += is our ofiller Specific,for Poultry. not for stock. . ..vhich is foul- times more I 1
.�, . nlyseir oiil.% Ili these 11 I .. . dor ral. JI g MR10A F -0 '-ail� - hens 70 days, or sCOAR costing $1.50 wilt4ast twenty-five hens'AO days, 101 I
. ,
hiebly In clothing IV . � . . . . . % . I.. ,. . . . - - . vidw �of ,the geneml.un- - on arlti)W�T 0x0f -,110 ,i�aled C It malce.� it "I ying machine' it. of your hens
. �clotbeu. �vlj,cb if irrelevaut 13i, matevial for only threii-timas'the cost. -, ai . d .v; I di
- . Tuitei seasc*,: , �,
. ., lIly,.,Vif have..,earned . , I .. ;. � ! . . � � I . . . - up" adit by riding on lthe'. coweadchor Of � Sp CIFIC �§ . .
. . derstandiu-4that lie came to `�S&t. . . � � I
� .1 ra - their -that) 1ii-other r)(4ple's things, . I e0 , I . .. locomotr,�e in far-aw4y.,Xlondike.. I . I 1.
The Souvenir Base Burner Hester . . . . . � with 6111e. ,,!Won't' you stay.,settin! " . . ib% *
. I ho-weiier-beautiful tbey. tila.v be." . . . ____ . . I . arild seakxl '02 this anl)gerrous. poretb� ration on -AtnOttice - �
is a beauty alid looks tile part. 'Its de. I I . . . I . ..on the poren, Eunice?"' lie nervausly'� - i(x)k .a. nuniN,.r'. ,of �Srlal)9110:6� 01. till' . L PURPLE Jha% , . . ., .
sign ia oraloaxental, pleasing and in good, Sllc�_ -gathered .Ill) IhO White gowd as ,lJaaqVfJ.n,c 11tat �arct of pump water in . .1 I ,, . I . .
. t � . . . g * <littekly-fl! Oil anotIter.oit. .
� taste. ... - - -.-Q&La,of (Georuianalts gowns I 11 begged the girt, ying scenery. - . .1 . I
'.1 she �sl,)O,tw�a-,Iiil.A410cl-it-o.ii,;�C.00r,,,Iuna's I I I surori�16. u,,,01W wbi,oh' .. .
" � The Souvenir is economical. con- I . . . . . . .. . . , - . )34Unlee looked at Ilin) -in V.agloli lhl� -wing. of the 110 . a . .
Ita_const . . . . . � . . . . I -_ - I I . I -1 , , I .1 ght.11 4, 4-kild i;he , , .��_ _..
venient sliwd durable. t%ction ': I, I LT). I . . . � 01111at to - hame broug'ht ,with ,us to .7f my.t.Ag. can A,Jo _;�
. � . shf,� A __
. . _p.t sle - -.0 _l ,
swactically climinsten repairs andriai ' I Klaross'-sasv flial: C,Vl�lrgiaua ill. bet rjL,ad ft .,this -s�ottlilg-with this back-' r . . . . . I � I . -was Anll� r6sctled ill the 110'r0t Uluti _i - UXrA.= QLWl..M -I------- I !, ,�.
for furj ccouutwy. . Sked "i.d . . � I . . I , I . . , . I .T* Y SPECIFICS,: I � I ' 1. 1; 1,
It is self I chii);rjil ,tit Ille 911-Iiis 61111 ,.. ,ving her, ba'.d. . . � I I . .
! , 1V to -9ppre- . .4 c c 16 1 19 y hv I . .
I rous piltronage ill ' gronad,�Wshe ;aL . 0 I C t,S 4 . � par huftkaiid, . I . .. . � . . � � I . If .,You Cann ti, get Royal Purple Milol", . �','ii 11, . _ 71,
unit of heat generated. Just buy the ciate ber gelle . most abroad to judicateAe farm at large.' . I . . . . � '4��_ . . . . I i
-feeding and radiates every . hi . . I . � . . I Specifies from me chants or agents, we � "IN I
Sbuveniir if you want jibe bat heater. as toll is -I Ill" " Ian ,,1A'b1cIi*' Jriq,ttI1v4I.DaISy 'respectful- Bron r . . . I i - � l, ; .
-Ilage. I will supply'ytiu- direct, expres4 Prepaid. !" � I 51 .
.dAt ,O . . I . . Iffee -pleaktaftt, " Ii..
It's fully guuraw .lost 61 , t-1,110 1. �." - . . � .� . . . I dwe, eesuou Aug I, on receipt of si.so a pqil for cithise Poultry I 10 I
,call by the' makers.. .she bViii.sed. � ... I . . . � . 1. rleage'to lbreak;lti,14.6e gently, w' . 1� — . . . ".. What more ean .you a6k. DavisMen- .�. or Stock specifics. ;. � I 6 61i i '. .
- . .. , , V. " . . I . I . . . . - . - an . I .� I I 7 � t
%, GURNEY TILEFEN & CO.. Limited "If that Is. ,the Way Y011 -f eel " she an. Utiorgidua."? .. . . I . . . . . I .. .. . � specifications .1, . u agen tn. I I .. I .. .
.. I . 0 , . . thol Sai'v-0 ifultflll� these .. lWake money ackindas a r I i I ..) � .
FIAMILTON swered, -v � Jiqwell... Ibe" your, pai�dou - . � . - �! .� 'I I . THM SYMPTOMS: AR.E. . . and is the best.roinedy ifdr bites and � I . . � you .district.: Write for tetin-R. I I .. .
. , ,(!T. :. . . '17�asl: W..IJi,QXi4' Golitheat .�llglibr.� . � 11 -� .1 , .t.,
. � . .
. . "'., t - .I . t. .. I , - . . . .. . . 0. :125C4 1 1 , . P. , . I .
tqo6 . ' I (. Id 110 Lyle -In 'O, %% '.S tile Chest, ,-S11116 I � . . . . , . � .
I ItIontretl Winnipcit Calgary if 1 ba-%4;L*ofWded- I � it I.,# mt.u6'1;�M)le ithat Alell, ae. Impre- stings,A-An dAseimmiii, lolles, et . . 0or saic by all u io-diiite 'Inerchants,
. ,
. . . I �
, .
Vanoouv� . . The ..fact is . I 'have 'misunderstobil. I I Itlo' .rklt8-1TlIe-,CO6t.4eat.�n 16r, .,. Tightness -.ai . pec.tin. . .1 . . . . IT . - , - . 11 I
I . - , . . . el tls� wo I . 1.9 . Pains and a D.j�flcuity'in Breatbing,'s I !� . . . . . � .. . W. 1. Jenkins Mfg. Co., London, CaR I � I .
. . � I did not know lfint:l- She broke ofe In.' sholild h-tvv,e. 11Y.0d 911301' . .1he . seven- I Thl,cqt- phlegin, at first white, . . ' . . I . .. I I I . .1. I I . I � .. 1, � . I ,�, I
coherently, 'pliable to express L herself I ' Secretion of - I Prise c .. . . . . .
_� . � tecli,jtb. 4?ed1U-1n,' ,811el Ile' .so nt-xy lunel.l. - - nlir's Do k. From ilnOinixr. � � ,. . . I
. , I
. .. ,. 11 I llut later of a.grec,taish oi- yellolvil;I1 odlor� (Utiolt of "Q-orles -ill W111011 'a �Oe- Stock 4 foultry OCIfies AUd FrIce 1396kietS are, �
l, I in her lieAl, ,1114 confused ll)AQrhssI allve still., � . . . Tilt! ir I I RoYal Pit _hd I I � I �
I -the faral glA. . � I letJ 011' owasion ill , . � . kept ft 8 - - - V. S -r. 19 Rolules, I
I . . ..,,NTiliti. I'd ,illpt (Ii�r ngiko. ,a �note-. of coming Srom the,.,hroncliial tubes ylien jildlot, llg�Y'ed Xtlelzt' " ., . 4 ,. . . . .
I . I 1. h iii-�' in. &O onod intink yeaxs ,,a. . .Justico I. I .A0 . ; . . . . �
I i ,,Stuug agilln!" exclaimed Daisy. � the first t i gor" (to whoal, � I
.1 ; . , that,,, �ujii 1)al,.qy� gathering ill) ber coughing, espfti4y� 0 I . . I � -_ - � . "—"—, � .
I .. . kaemallon 1.144 t.116 'Assize (14yd�t ill !:!� I I. ,
- : . . I I "I'lease, D,Osy!" pt�otostcd Gcorgi... book..'a nd peuelll I - litiornilig. . . . . I . I � I -1 �
7 � . . 11 . . -old court IaOcw ,41Adeltildiestx-01t., . -_ - . ,
I ada. � , ; flic � arraing,eirl . I
� . . "It llves:, 6owtithina ..wellt .on. Bronchitis ::ig gmd-allv tli6 result of is, Toronto, Tb, lr4iota w.as so . I - I .1 -
. - .0. . It I
"But, ludeed,.Georgle,il pleaded Dal. . 0 �
e, though I rill ly, "N-11.11st, it -�O Th'IdlY cold caused by eNposurc- to .wet -.wad... -' glptrk of the-;cowt called ` . 1. �
$I,,. ,,T rgin't blaillo .1,11tunlee for thinUping . i tiluel . ond when - rieglei6" that when the , 'to ��, I. I . . I .
Davis & AD—wiand � ales', oil - evelly pe laitilre'. I inc I . flir Ilairki, of' oad, ,I jiuyiMan toletew. ' . .
klu . . . . . .� . exh.. , pa, le�nellt 'weathor � )x, 66* bad , -, sip,- 1i . /
. . . : I . .1 . lile,qsago. Why" If an'Nilling <�, I wil 'Cle . . � I . . takli his plae.e in 14)�, jl[U b( 11 . I a
I i Sole AgellilitS, C111401111. . . . � . � onld 1. b I orne chri4k.. ' . I W I , � . . I
I I . . W . d-ilslillig, J.Z,tak if thc'most! 'to witik the langth 01 �he Toopit front 11 . ;
I . I -_'_,.__T!9 - u)A-e file %V1111it 110,M) . I Chronic Bronellidiill lie, 011i i ..... % . . .
_ __ I . ' 'Vbich' slile- ..
�_ I---------- . . __- ... I . � I \Va I,% e. Cure the! J)I.hIlld t1w, raili ba,6k ,of Y . .. .. . I I I . �
. � Itol , pictilte of it -m tivilghfis would gedoli cauj5es of Cark%kunptio . -1 . - . - _. _
��_ . . . I �� . tile. And 'the f,u) first syli� of ffi-aaaWds by the use � ,tiott;ors Bat,, to rpa&l Ili$ owo'c'noclosmurP. ; '. -__w . . . . . . I . I -
, I - . . "I )()its plis'-Age 'ptoms I y Mn 4 P sit . dol I I w. priseillfr's I I � I
tempt ,, ig lie' paAwd Au . " 0r:.FoRF_' AND AFT'tR TRCA7 �wr. . I .
a irortu-411 whieli lie recoin- of ur.. VN ooa�s ,,NuIivv,a, , e*1YrII. - I . , �- I . .. � .1 . � I I
- doll*� . 11 . 11 . . .,
'ill% 313* � Tott - I - , I
. Ilivilds till"Iers to Ili- lbercIful to It" I 1 I + + I .1
. . I " 4 0 1# +. - Aligg 31ar ouli ,OI1 t1li"mmilon the elerk teaIw *U' 'Comadt.ixi � Mott i. (k lem; -, I. . .-' 1�' A
� � ,
"I tV1111n0N4T- - CO. UGH! ' . ,*rhe worill?" lfwll� 1�,unlees 130C. -or go't, 10,iittlo pubos" tjH�'.9ald(t of" a'jutor, and the, )atter ' 'cizeni � a, Acne i I ... �� I .� . -.-:. �
. L
. q . I �01(-e Qu&_,.,�writes: 111'ast I(,jt,b anitbsoliite� ctirtain core 2or V. 11 11 .. � -- ".. .-- �
I , til -It spoke frillitillillvely. "It was . Bro .4 S(.%t, lint ,Ippj�r
, I, .p , . .
n .ni4y did Y)ot I'll _��! - -
. Z chitis + . 1�o�clt, Teller, p';tbuIc1', 11'..,itli,beids. Ringworm, - _. - �
-e ng pMegm from the Scala Ilead, XI.,hiu$r Piles. 11 IcQrs, . - _., . � - 11 .. �'. - .
ans that Na� � _ not to the worill. but III 11.1e.frog tlintJ spring I was -very k, ' i t. . - Ilanbors, 11cil , _ . -_ ,
time you cough it.Im s. � Ia doing to that . I . . .. . I + , Cured. , .+ � w,IV.ullere U) Sbox ,., ci . , 1 � I ..
elicate membranes of the throat or licior��, Und a bail JIkN .
Ian . ,I j)ut on t) iore.q, und'.01 nitanvous Attu ;adal ble-nishf,s. - -11 :- ,,;-I- . . 1:
� I , I allk NN,alto,ll recollituentIdtIl auglers 1 + I - I � , . .
V � 1jl%4-1,(!cr. th6;ougfity land soccess',,TIV tobted I
. , �
-ingybe bjRlke4 I 'e"t ;'" tit(* ter him, Tbo"jutor it hijudrolilof soclilledinctirablve(IS0, . �
� . 4 ' I "(i I
membmne beconi iliflamed, strai= .. 4 c6lij. i, 4ek head. , _�:��,
. I(, lie merefful, NvaSH't It? "U'sc �bflnl 1 +++++++ "tables ;tit __-�:� " . �
�, There's the danger point I Broken UESUO - I I Ile I d, ,emild not of llaali! cull - loin"l-11 4)1 t3lio rom It i� ent-acly titilikii Anr other 1,reparttinn ' .X _70� -
ag though you,loved himi that Jo, harm Itullm4 half the I
treans letting down the bod feums. . I I . tjlr�
1 ,v!a de . 1 !red all. tile tilm I 'Con- 4 dock nin _. ct c,latibient that um Wen �uid or ljL-, . I . . I
against disease -germs await just Wch an hill, as little as you May possibly Out 1110cl), ulld W118 t till he rvaelt,iiii the"plisoiler. .
I ill e--C�nsuirnptiofi itself gWts that way. - _ ()noted sulted two diletors, %nd both tolif me I ,t;la wrille.d. plicstions-vtIlt coswiticathat is 1116 I . . .
wholl J10 atopped, opew"d the gaIA! A few ar.1 f��
1 ha lilly live the lolqaer" 11 she . , f ful Inedica I %-I rt Je and ilittillsic )nor- t, ,�
J; entra c 'N had bronchitifl, and advised tile to givo-up walked in ,ill([ soatod himselL Tbere 'Voild, .. We.., -w9kot to Und I I
Don't take that cliance � I I lauross0eaned, forward Ili his.i0hair, j��'.&clliliv. I tried almostoevel'YthilIg but I lit tIlp (IXPO�nSe Of th,11 It is made Ili Curlada. A good 11011,:�t LWIM- . . �
I , - Shiloh's Cuie . I I
. I bile I " . I his elbo-w oil his knee, Ills. chill On Ills %var; ;I Jillig) .; "Ittlol' .
. ,.� Oosens coughs-renloves P I tI(lgV Ma,cMalioft IVIII-x- 4ula'prep' " ntg, or �ve b6v
. as Two
.. . � , none cif-t1le Enetlipinei; gaveNne a4y Mief. Jurylilall, Mit, J ' rt It.d one box X4f ty CO . your firsb order, because we know that
11 auys all iliflammation in t 6 , Ile two - oung. 1. -,,I, r. tilt, officla.1s to Wrutl, onliqrs. the saltisfaction. you will derivol fitool .,
* bond. .r y adies stared . ()ne of ylly. friell& ad sed Ine to trY 1) pt -red to oliv of 'if 10die) atty addre%.4 on raceipt of price. that will -open your eyes to the fact " ,
`yrull. I liad . .
. 1, . , breathing tract—buildis tip and tile -Irl (is though unable to credit Wood's Norway yine S - ' I t wa.4, As. that,�ou ca�lnot do bett I I
. , ,
, I , —Puts � tit " '11011 I IliVA,' till' id(I'lltit-Y ill tl'(N 1111111 ,tit ()tit SOI(L and vecomnianded by all leadvilig; brug-, at aflywhorit �
. % , , heals damapd tilsue I tilt% evidprice of their ears. farcely 'taken 'tilt" first bOttid M .eft rf�d 111'at 110 %ILIAA . gl"M ia Canada. . . .
. lupg$ in 1% 1�n. .11 '11, silon dil�i,VOVP .u'n thrre I-inies , j�,Jlllphlet free to Ally Addres;. 1. also thAt you* can with its. Yoll ,*Ill �
- .
I . .� - . tbe- throat and. . t - . you llavie,.road 'The Compleut Ilegantogeti)etterandwhe Illadt. tallid ill Court, .1mving b, NaMatfattured and. suid ll� the $016 ProPne, find that we drci not ,'all &t siel%" in our �
I s robust * 4041 h I rwcz the fourth bottle I fel� As wt,11 as ever. my . e.-mvietcd of'offt'no.4:4, llo follnIVAA 111.1 �OM, business. but thoroulbly "up - to - thie -
. ; � Get Shildh'p, Cure QUICklY , gl�e�-Io 11 (311corgian',V8 astonW . led. tone$ Sleet) wel .1) � , I 4 . I �
ku . � I .. cough had lefrineand I could zattural ifir-l'illet ill 11101ilig ipt,o the , Th& jetterine dheM16C.1 00i. te" and watchfillof the ititereintis, - �
. and outt tliott Coingh I . Mile. ll.quhi . , 41 to shai , y. . . Windsor, Ontario. minn I
. 02"TS 1. . I Dr. Wood's IF; tile original Mild Syr P , , . towing that, by so
I I . Ntally thiles", the girl answered, - box NN'lit,11 sp�,10 3f our customers, kla
� � . I I 1. I I . it I,, put tip in a vollow 1�rflNperi Ill e I —'--'-- ' Mon by W. "�
� . - Sold ift Cli Si, R. Joing, we. nr6 really acting f0k Out ��
I .
I I 1W then suddenly colored alid shrank buck pillp W wn filtimate benefit. 0
1 , trecs tile tratl�, inar1c, an the 1) ce _1 �
, _T_01��
M i "t
I - .
F�. . .1
117.7t .1
, ",
� ,�
.1, , i
0, . ,�
r. 3�""_:, -, ht )", I
. I . I . I-, little. "I -have seen it-yos." ,.,') conts. There air6l Inally imitations of Cliriiii.Lberlaln's Cough Remedy never ff,olftlea J. E. Hovey, W# A. , � I I ' I
- I I � . I I - I I . I -You bivd well It to some plurposo .. I)r, wood7slIsobesureyotir I ill di ,opointa those Who use It for obat!- , . miell, arm - , S# - - - :
� vill(.0 you are able to (Ju0te it SO Aceu- E�ce"ve " I nd ittitatiolla of �Rcco , ggists I
I I . I aolluille when you ISIC forJL_ __Q.J.patel coughs, �aold$_..&_ -111-1- I I a � - _____.. k11_Q4_Ao1__D0WN I
. -1 ... I . I � � anul"bired only by The . the throat ttild Inn a. t stAni a un . . . -� "— 0
I - I _. 1. _ " __ _ .11 . . I., ,r4IGT.y-.I1-- _ ...... _ ---g'. ", -,,-,:-- - - . - I (: ?I!, -"--,-- i Milburb rivaliled aa a reined - :rc r All throitt and � �— Merchatit Tailor, 011ttW4
J,Imleo looW 4 wu at I ;1, . .. Umitidjprollto, Out. I '4 lr,itim'4mi Clatfs Cnilds eto - � I I I .
. . . . W YEAVA-8 - t " ' 1 9 - .. ,., . . I . . tang disemes. 801N,by All Dealets. - miisiard . I . - I i
� rAMLY MIEND FOP, FO Ty— . . � I I I . I . � . I . I
I� �, I - .11- 111. - � 11 1, I I I.— � I I- , . 1. I... 1.1.1 I _ I . 11 . . I 0. � . . .
It I - � I . --- -_ - � t. . . q . 0. I - I . . . � I � .. . . .. . . !
X - I � . * . . . � 4
� . I
1�� � . � �. . I . � .. I
� . 1� I .
� . . I �. I .
. . I .
. , . .
.1 � . I . 4
- . - � � . , i I �