HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1910-01-13, Page 7__,r_W­.r,__T�_ ...Ww—,. -1 � �-Iwp,r, ,-,r.,. .- ­ Z I I -"-�-9-7w.lowiww-tlwl,-T".-"W�IV"Ifll�--,-m�v-,""WOM"Owlwww,"77TW,Trv-p 7, W-17 . � - __ JIFF�",`77'�"",;,�� -%,�� - . -1 I ' _ – AP -4. .. . , . . I . . � I ­ . . IWAF 14, __, – r . . Jiij., . I r _ . 11 I . . I ______ --- . " 7W"*Q;, ;;M; 9— i J, - ow. 1. - - th ... J�Jro ­ .. a , I -Z' E W --- -1 , -1 .- – - �, . I � I I I �r , W""WNN3&t2M ini.iliillliiNre - - r – ____ -_ ____ -_ ­ 1. . r I 3 I I 0110011mill"I'l I I N=Plomllqlll:lvvlmlp"=, t=!*.!:!1:11 I I I 1:1 101 —, - op. I'mil"1111il"101116wo - - - _­ – ------ . _____ I - I I I -- I - . . . MIF1:10:1,1= . no, I I., - , ... wo , W­op.� It ­ I I ­ - .. , ��; � . _____ � � I I . I - '. I ,� ., . " I 1"4111.6tvile. And'hou're t,4111 morAws I : 6-0,"00000" 11 r "I I ­­­­­ 1-0 1111,111111111111110", vev me fur his breakfast rat gak" 711, . a I I _­�� 71 � � h saYedo ZOW I , r .. . I � f 11 . I . I .. I . I so he I I I 11. . ,Given% U#Jo Me �t*t be. certainly don't want- . I r t, o : �t . i - . gt bg1gay, wbore ,I bought ,00t of .11 .L . � I ; I . � : I I 'It car That there � � * IR IS * - : - No, - loo George ,q,to Sorel, Quebec. 4aU0 Bcketella'S InK - I I .. Ego'.11111" I . : , � , . "Unacredfroinwomb duwsOi for F."011 J)alouy I dou!t Illifl-AlleY Say J00 be � I . . . . � I . 00 � . M11 � I # , ye ,,jvdth dreadful paim over the front, Puts lidost anytilill, in it. Jkt,P I . . I I � I . - a the b,ody,ov - .. � ... I � , ,1 r I 0 , , ar5 �r,the back and down he eat It." ... � L . . � Courtsh.. P the legs. 'I hold indi � ger. r � . 11 I � I � tionandchrquic ­ ,,iDoc?,, repeated r)alvy inquirliglY, . . . . , . . , ., . I � . r r I I I constipation and, tile constipation V"as o,13ut bolsr not a towiier.11 .�� 11 I I . I �� ( I I " � � , , , , I - ­"�_ """"""Oil , , i , . . I , , .1c . i so baidAhat Twent sometimes for tell to , �90eh,ll said .Urs. I r . I I , . .Niorulugstar In I I, X N.ARTJIN�1.1 y action of the � I . !� By U916M . r fifteext days Nyltbolit In confusion, "I dou*t Inean to. sa-y he's . I . . .14�_ 1 1 J�p . I . r . . I I �A*lvar 911' "riffie t A M0000kille Haw?, . bowels. I was ill in'bed for onewb0c: I I . . .1 I , . . - Put lie's near as suea);Y . I .: I 1. � 1.m, 1. . . I . , I k I 1� 'At o low that ,just a towner I r 1. . . I 1. . year, lie thile I was so , -as One,# �. . I *,, � , about Ills N . I :, . r . .vittles as if be ,% r I , �. � � , � : i Cop�WWA, 1907, by MCCIWt, FAMP84 OR- everyone thought I,was going to die, . . ,... , - , I . . I 1� . 't,h e Church were r I)aJsV at once ge4v�d her notc4­10k. I I I 11 ,. _ I - � . - iind e last Rites of th .. I I I � r r . ... I , � , 4111111111111111111110 11 1-1- 1. I administered to me, 1 was treated by *1 ,fteaky'.0 D4S, that mean chOleY? I I __ � � 1, .1 �. I . I , I .1 . .1 . i . I , I - I . . . ... � '�Lr � . . I .. . .. �, p., % � . IDI siXiliffe p.taoctOr$WitJlOats= . I I 1. : . .. I . I re . . - y benefit 11ow perfectly killing!" .. w_ I A 1� h., ­­ . I 1. - _. , � .. ,,1.,,IIujce�­ .%jrs. llornings,tar again . . - . .. I ; .1 � �� � I I _­.­ ­ I - I . . . 1, � .. � ... I r . I 1�kt I . � � (Qoatnued from 1461t week.) I . . . . I � I I I - ","A'j; I goln. to ve welk nxeui TIM ­ � I , , I , poplo deceased already?" Ile demanded. . �, �' " � 11 � 4,Aqa look at' the goOd tilner, YOU I I I 11 - . __ .7. � ,Could baV.e off of me, liug­y rldlu'r ,. . Su4aays find g9la' .to. cirvuses AindaIlL. -1 , - _� .,I, . l ,ever get UY'ful- I I I I � . wilWout a geli'maim friend to rull. w1itt J ..... , . -ed 11 �heril? And it AiWt eyerybOdY fl%,- . 11's . , .3'. ceep comp'lly With me would want to k I ,� . . , you, neither -with POIX and mom SO i , �,.:''�-� down on my rbanig' �yjtji,a girl Where : � �:" waxilt'have no au$$tcf10C- YOU -WOWt I'll, brlU,g me nothin'," lie said ruefully. , ,.I., . � - � .4 . � . " lothin' but MY I pop'$ and MOIA's . . � " � '�,�,�. �. � . a Itel Yes, You might be gla(l. anya P. . ; � '.1,11 , , . I � i � C, holy, I - wan t YOU!" ghtfully, . Eunice regarded him thoum z . . . 11- I cf� I I �1111. but made no answer. . * �Can't you see it that there way?" , shrieked. ,�retvb tbein.,ple out -of the .. 11-.-1 � . I _� � .. .., . ". - 1. I . ..�..: . I . .. �_. _ . .;�; .1. I I . .�_. . .eye,,! , ()(.11.11 she volubly coutilloet.1 to . �� . :..",.... � � � I ,��. , , ''.. � . . , �!.. I I :.. �: m.. I � , I - ­ -:,i . . .._ ' � ., '­ ' �,�� 1, her boarders, . "I couldn't - get that .I _ .1 ; ..!,.'.:.. �' . I . . . ;::, 1 � � :, dolikey of a new sti)v6 to work today � , . _4 ,:: 1, .1 i .>__ I - _____ - . . '� I . 1; 11 I ." '., ­ . . ,...... I . I ­ 11 IF — - - ­ I �. �. ­ I . ... � ., I I .0.-1 ;...., I I I . " __ ... ­ � 1: .11 . I I 11 -1 I . ,,, , , * -41, * 0 , I � . � " - :.�_' I .. 1. I NWN.W0_,W__.. .. .. �:. I � . � . . � . � I . I . I I �� ,.J . I ,��;:-.:�, �,�,',�;`:!I�', �;�,;._":" - I . I . . . -1 I - I- - , I - . . . . . I 11F .1 I . � . I I �.:�,.# . . d - q I 1. .�l . ". .;, I . . . .11 . � I . I �,�! I . . .:;:.. . . � w, . 1. I . ­ I I � . .. --...1..:.1 I. -�A. ­� . ... - � . � . . . � .. � . I . . �� ­ ­­ I e�., - Use asa .. ' . : Eczema Banish _ . Household Balm. I . I . � I � ) I we want every person who is What Followed a'Scratch. � � � ,, . I . .. - ��� I . -%. y or . .. . � ­ .. I . � , ­ ­ I , " I .� suffering: fr,= any skin. itjl 'Jj'%yjth seres whiob sorae- Jfrs, W. Wair, 01 hl�t. Cutliarin§�St,, I I . . , wsonally 'prove the Njrj. jIrO1%-n 7-Cliatinict, Ave., 1%lontreal, I'll be (overt: . . 117 1 1 disease, to Pe 0 tlunis itc4t and burri. and then, v,beft 'IfilIlliltou, opeaka,of tile --41t.o of Zaln- . . , . . . . . 11 r .- B k " ' - �. � s;iy% - -11, Will O bll-y in tile idt0len oll S� 5 -wIxj4;b Bak as a, hu,sebold I a: ill. �zb* Pays :- . I - , , me ; ,lay tile' even ,"ill, f,-li off, striLing iny riti),ok,ii, call�u w-juto agony - - ore . . . . . I , I " rits Of Zam­' a - . . . J . I I "I Qnc.,oav alipped luld ft -11 il"'itintit & r " . . J. ' Mlso jlaln� 0 . I .. -wil . _' 10, I"JO016 , lY . . ,l , ­xperience of -&,Ill ,ill;­tillg a wist, , al-rati.h. look ri sive 'am " A is ('l - . , A - I . R-etil tl.ip c -09 . j, I f � ,I � these three i ,.i,,Ilt, leg. 'N v r �� 1�: I `� - , Ill , injill, I uov�r ilionvixt, lifires N% hich hw,o defictl -411 renletliem Morris 1 Ili, 11 ]i nee e v I . I 1, . J ." .per. -,,ons-. -possibly one Of tbeln Way I ll�"uile ild, w, Ila I , bailly�7111,1,� �( '. �. . �. ", '. �' . 1� , -;, I ", . I . ' - ' -Jolls Will that'llave het'll applied to thera­ %bat w10 I.neu -turne I RIO- init'd . 1 9 � --an(t -the,,,LitNif)tllflt)t.t.otill-a-eI old, but to 'a I I I I i. be well knOwti. , I Yet- tit 8 is We lot Of blue Very Paillitil'. I ruillw(l. ... . I ill W �o you , . ', I ', ill lie V�;ol-F,:O? .� ., . � I � . . - I'l Make it a pei,ional Matter. If you: iny --iti,pri,4c- it la-031,10-s"Itly 11111ch fillialli- voill'i . to -day V010 sufle lrolil Z;,1)l_j,,ak,lv-i,jj into tho milli -ed xweitilier . . I .) , , I , - . 0, ISO peoplo .. .I . , , I .1 I cut out this adv r . '.-V Plinfill- I f"t"I'l ti'll" ill k"Ore f 'priming "41y . .. , .;).; I " el tiseMent, Write ell an -I vel ' na. - ,�`O ,(Ill and it, -wam indetilit �.Ill how (jull: �� . -ill got il'10 i.t that, tet-rible dW,ase, E -el . . . I 1ispe.perandillve floill Illy slw-kiug h . f I foul)(I )-pli,if. ' 117be sivolling was wou I - .11; �' I across it the naine of t - If, e- , -till trill 1. box O, .. ! �. Gd piti-onell- it. The PAill luitt infl.-irn- sit(' s"H6 redneedandpainal)(I di.�o)loriltion han. . .. .. ,� I r iers NY xvill so . _�."*, . �mail.it-tci uti with a Ic stE I (I 0 my I 10 , � 'it, - . . .-,d. ,,�. 11`�' I t P. A. I 1111111 i"ll "'ot. Wor..0 a il tile jyouliii tlis. Ztun-l�ak free! Write 'Ila,. Milling - ­ . , � -bell - .verlowo with ZAra-lit, . A 1, . . . . ill nPA ,,,, By nerw I . .. .6 , . I . I j,�, he persisted. " ­ I . I . .�­ 61 , - I return vosta-'e) 0 W .7 V 'Alax-od,fi-ei4y. AVOINSta"'O'%onleone stittlllktQy)ay.retilvil))Oskltgc,. �,ipt.un tqt., nly injured knee was* 'well, again - in. u . . I i . MADAME lloSEPH LINKIFTIC . `1` . M-11-1)uk and I INY e. Wilu. Dangerilillil, 93R 1 �. �� - fi.: - I I . zepul-Buk free 1 : J But I could not let any man sacri . . I trial box. of , advkt,d Itle.,to IrN - I hilf- couple of days. � � I I � � ,� ,�' � . . ; 0-litailled o. supply: ,I,Ilis balin seetrietl Winuilleg, says -, -" Last wintor _. e so much for me, even it 1, did Tile if Ill-truit-a-tives I - � , , * I � F ir tryia­ -I have since vp)ved it,"to bo tile . , � � e n I ,q.ot it sample c - - - I Y-tintfiuk is a proved cure for eczema itleers 'to dyaW 4111' th6' wroness at otwee, fored ftoill ,fv.erua. Afte 1� " . "in them s%t all, ana It , � . � ,. . .1, I -di r g ven lue 1 " handiest an(I be. -t balru for botiseliold . I ��, want to marry him." . but I had no faith , �­ poiliollell Aorek chapped hana elliki illij;Lalluatiorr �Ilij soutilp(i jotionx,_l,alvem alul pou . 8 ; ly � I t1_1 I I I . ab've"sks, I xAtived tile . . , I � I . I '. � mores, f-rilption, -, ,hielt h , . . , . . bables' Chafed or chap ed PI '�'.Iiy I . "There you ,,, ,lg,Iu!,, he exclaimed, -en them Only mY . . s, cuts, brut5or, klarns, gealli sores, , I pu A few Appli-tions of Z101 . _O.. . would, not have tak -for me to try I evs, atilt -all sLill tIke �v(gllld. I naturally peise%ered,tho doi!tor, io -ailed In d(f 'Ile ,t,gomeo. I - I , ,,Even if you did want,* husband begged so hard . . P ' . � acurk plies. All; ' -wvrks 1 good, I tried .Zolu).11,114, This pw� it 'gave me ea%e from rlivulluttisill r,,l Indignantly. V . al.io!- 3,� . . As soon as 1. began to take . - Injuriali and diseases. t a1*1 front ZaIll" witjl*;(aln1J�uk anti witiiin a few . Z � � . I . I �. I . . Ilite h- iind enred ine," . y, say! I can't see why you don't them. ­ - .- ogtqt� 'Ind stores for 5w, orpost free, s q -. equ'd to illy ease I , "! . you the , . dru� -Q :tile wount wit '41ca", . . ; M I . � 1'ih uged, l4Fruit-.a-tWesl1 I grew Vetter, �. . . . I. . Ijak uo., Toronto, torprice. . . .1 �. — ­ . MENN11111111IN= �� � � � .;� want. - Say!" he said, Ills discour blo4tin,g was, relieved, tile sleeplessness I � I I . . .1 . �- , 11 ..�n I I - ' I L . � I � . . . . ..- . . I I . I . . I . . . .1 . . �f �., ". hopeful,' ',Is it mebbe . ? I ; . j. J, tone changing to was cured, my stoma acted, And the . . . I . . - -_ I —_ . - � ��- because you don' . I I I -_ ,. . . I q . ,�' , ;�', t Like to get pop aud bowels were moved, ut.above all the I . I . , 1 . 7—_--.____--_ _­­�____.__-__--_ . __ I . ­ ___ I . . I ,� ., I - . I . . I . . . . . . mom dowu on me? But," he reasoned. fearful 4o -nib pains ere made easier. I Q . ,., . . � . .. t I . 417 . . � . � . ' � _`�_,�� -You see, all I'd be givin, lip fur you I have taken eighteen boxes in all I .­�. . . .. .. .� .. - --- . -M. .. I CII,sr1l*I;It IN. " . �� . . - , I 1. . , � I ­ . I . - - . . I .. -1 . . .. 11 "bean I . - � .. . . . . . I .. .. . � � : I : . ': don't * wtigh ag'jII winit I'd he gettla'. and I am now perfectly well again. ", - - . . . � 1� . Doii?t try to patell, upa.liugmr- . � ip was , sundgy- - '�-veulng. r t - lit, ! I - I � - J� . � . . . . � 1� .* ... . -ell se% I'll reason with pop 2 (A JOSI�Pli ]�IRIE�tTx, I . . . . . IV nigilt" -Ili the .,;oelul circle 0 1 .. , . . I And, i (Signedj'31AM&A I I � . . I I . . I I . ing cough by exPeritnentin., I � � . �. � . . I . . �. I , . � . , .� and mom like this- -ra say, 'Burtice'. 5oc. box-6for $Z50 -or trial bow 25ci. 1 . '. ­ �- I . - Take .� , Morningstars. 611d 0111e, dressed I .N& . . I I , . . I I . . I . . . .1 . - I - -- .. -_ I " * . . . alsed to go much or -at dealers or from Pruh-a-tfies . - . . . . I . fur0olow". Vniq selited : _V.` .. '. I I ) I . Ill her best . �­ she ain't been r . �� , . . .. . . . . . . ' . . 0 . , . I . � I �. . �1�11. -loes iiiie some, and � I itaited, ot . tawa.* . 19.. . .: . . - , . .Ili tile front room, Nftilcll .was never� . 1,,�:-,,,, , . � .. . . 1, spend any at the ( 41 . ­ . . . . , . : %" - Allen'Ps' .4, . . , I . , . . . I a . ..­ � ,_� . . � , the Sabbath. '011ie - .;� k � )" '�' she's use(I t9 hard work and in the -,;:..- I 10 UNP& 6ww I I . �.. � I opelled except oil . . ,.., .1 - . I . . . I . . . . . . 0 1. '111, , . . . . , - ­roi .. --- . ...... , , . "if . . .. . P ...... I 1. �, J."'. I , , e ine more'n 1. . . . 6 . - Wall, a%iti,litlaw the...irrival of be, - M . � � . ;�nlll , . . . . . . . �1-1 end she'd webbe say 1. Balgam I 1� �1� ' _ - - ­ '. .1 IQ . . �. 1. 4' 1 - I married anothe'r one where had '11111ce roe.0 Oid be. ' 'A 11 . ., Lun, I . e Z I . . . . . , - .. 11, . , � .. 1. ; ue be writbig To. I,, I . 1:::!� " -, , , I � . .1.9 . . . .IoNver", 811, wns lovl Ing 4ry Com- , � , , ��-' - . 11� I , .. � I . '. lis f . , - 'If ill 111;1. I. . . , . . . I .. .. .. " - . . �,� . money. but where IN,,,..u*t contented .it? With a curl- . . . 4 -elief iscertain 6. follow, . placent I �he rocl�vd. helSe r " . . . i, want to be.A bigautis DERREK[A . I and I d - r 11 * ',-1ho hall . . � � I '. .. . ,1.; riot to -Ile spendin' and goin'.' I've osity-equal to his j0ajOu%y.Aj)e read . _____7_ . Le Indst, Obstinate - bN.'. .-turfe ocki g vllal�. � . . . . Le_____ Cure$ tl! . Is in . . . I I I �_ ; � . � . %,"� . . . . � , s, or lje(�n Slower Wall. iii(ist "li I , , , , ��, spoke them argyments to myself, still, the brief epistle.. , I . � il-tatoat an 111killit's Ilf-silattoit, Abe .1 1 coug4s, colos, sbi� threat � . .Or tho. g I . . . . . . . . I I - . . . - , I . . - 1 2 tole tile shect. ation, . - tile � iielgliborhood I attractj�ng� it - . .r. I .. I I., a, really, NvIlell I thought of Your not , Dear. Eunice -Tbprn's &"rnIsundvrqtaut1� . ,� . . . . 7 1 1, bronchial intialum . � V " ,- Ill . a I I (A f . I ______� .. . , ,�. . , * . . . . . . ( snitov. ,Ind now. thnt it ,votll . .�-_ � .- Q0 . . .o and them t an ollici P;-aean ,lbilt good,ba ,Ill. .1 . All' dialers. . I ___��_ - . I I - i)rIngin' me any aussteuer­ you.. But -heta ple . .1 Svm . . . :- would weigh with Ing. Ilion', nie, -91111&ftys� 011ie silo aiidA . . ked. t , . I fa �ui Clear � . -_ ��___L_:__. I I . I ,.q I beglin to Clime . 0 . . /V�Jljfi. , . .. I , 11 itaine reasoning when , t ber, It".9 have otIlly'-twel ve fur over Sittlatly'. too, 'DAVIS & LANVRr"4cX.00., u. - ntreal. . 1, means who. Owned 'Ills UN-, li I . I . I - . . . . �. . - I ­ . . I . . . I .lid mom, Eunice," he urged coax- I topic It for heraieIr. But. It alll� I . rilld !� ellotigh � for tile �s , . L .- . � altillpoil 1101 . . I . . . . . . . pop a you. It don't coine Pasy to c-x'plain her I , iiii, t -R411 0 . Ize or moowl!l , . hall begun to -)v it � �, , I %, � , . . - ; ' � ingly. . . don'tuleafihir. Slio'dtakelt-solnellard I . . . . . . . . _ nla ant rc,� Itirity every Sund4y nig]. . "I . -favors. . ­ ­.:­�­­=== �__ 0 ,,u . . � . MS.. - .I.... . .. "I do not doubt it, Abe . . Carl see it at her ji�ow all( ine a g6 1. sile W_,�; fi�elltlg encouraged. . tin N- . x( -(l and could be a ,I1.'ln"sorr,N; you find it sa troubl­M0. - - , . � Accurate Spor i g . � . me bein' -so wv.111', I . ate I .1 � .. . �. "Then you'll go with -to the circus" bit, " . . . j.'.1frilce wils. Se. . .. : good purvlder. I wantcd to I-ep :COln- to cilter for us, ,.�%Ivs. .�Iortilug,,tar," 1wo mtealulllgldbolv�.� �­UISQI Llid conl. 'd 'near her. ,,it oleof I I . . . I , lie pleaded. "Ain't'.," . - 'flnee I sevil you -on . Ind"' saueers I fur all, only'Due-aild the tile .,�.jrldow.s, all open' '11116le -on' her .. . � ­ . 't is * I . .., paln� vIlth you v.�el .., , ,,aid (Ieorglana,� outit take coinfort-- .. � � . . If �.Ou like. a Sporting Page tha always reliable. . 1: ' - , I " . , , .. , , , - - � NO. -I I Church children's da\, �, wpel�s baelc there aresome essentlill', Of (110t that two 'ludle . DO you lloar.,Pl , � - . . . ., - .1 . . I I . . -1 I ,ou Was on I . I . . . . � q in —WT11 illustrated�� - 1: , . . I - part mgln pop WeU,' that Sundtiv N ,�J.\ Jnol�lng lit till. , sy_full Of p.e sonal ' tereqt � . I "I'll " Tour 'and a Irea4y, ._ six . 3 * riot " " Pa:bc was not Ilkd '011ie ' dressed in new r . . . ke . ft - Or church once ain't'! , - '. .-�tk c,)rxle 4,1 clue .can never find so ,-,Q0,d ill' town us ,,!aid - llireaWiling . , � . .. " 1ruth Nvas � I I . ; I . I I .. mom. Aln*t you got -InY SPunk ? I NVIle . 1) v .., otjlcs�... The � (C . 1. � I . I . . I h h 40me one ,says Mule . . on ­x auce � all( - "I Want tc ,tier Sunday.�Cl 1. I ic Toronto Daily'Star".. . . , that's 'Ell- )uttei '(or lost .1' . girl's abs(,.nt 0ouilt0n, -ILI , '11 enjoy.tl 1 ' Lure ' tt,farin-1 . . . " - .. . � - you . ) . -- . I , � don't ,you Ilke. eireuses -or wbat'rl Illyself, of..' IL right 4101le ... I . . : le,unlqe (lid not have aliy. Sunday ve. In athletiC . ... , *:nice Morningstar., I , a a vai to ,,yes, :,w,ell, ,but,- lirs. '%I ol,ulngtitur haye , I I . � I . . . . , . . � iterS inChideS men acti . -0, "I'm not afraid of your mother and * ffe . . Our St ff of . We ' - ' I . : i e not Out 40-L' I Icilow It its and silo , V r notebook. -" lie 11 sh. gingham . I a - . � I . . .% our mother's loud eq.;;.. 1C,.0.U,,r,�.,,-,.pr,tt., I belleve I love her. shook .her liqad doubtfully, "the bilttev 1 14111'.y' took . up.� le A oothe.q. , �.1,1 u.t Of t d I -sbb . . atl Itti organi%itiOns. COnSe . . . I .. J father, though y I . lie * aln't ­ - farnis all. Not I � Ike perill"ylvat'la 1-Jitit(.11 r:ti.lJJjIa.I1d-,1l , S li.e k,jtcjJ,.,u"ONyli , ark,bl.ve whMi circles and aLiiateur I C " . * . 1. 11 � I � , .ry ule-w-Um I Ri- Anyhbw'o�-Qli can write 'to lbil and tell,i go%l . Op thsp . . . ., . . s wrf.)te � -Is. t � rdutLd it'. ' Wore, wjth­ft lilt Of Cheap . � . . - I . ., I . . I ., ?,. `.. plainings Often wea 't. : ourn. . Runlee.,1, .site called sbrllly to. 't-cperiteti as7t,he . la6c,aroiind is, fie t-hand'and'authoritatiVe,l. . . . .. . li . . . about I X praid - one ilight to find .Out It' . I . . . � .. g . .,I I quentlyour neWS . . S - � I ten 10 dieni; but, Abe. I caln't let YOU ,.%.Oil was,tile rldfit ono., �j gqve A ql3arter . � 1,6 Oyler the cOf. all bolloreti . ue,,�t. VJ11.1011". qustolli 31or I 1160c, lbrew out -the fairness 'Of . ae rned the r6pu,tation:of reporting . . . . . . , 111 ft --ciu was iq 6hurch. ' I t Ile 'Outer jcltt�beu' "'nil . . ' ' . We 1-1 . .. I I I I . Lrie pleasure seek- iti.the 6olleotlorf,wllel , . . .1 I . . .. .1 , I, I v taking . , extry Spoonful yet ave '. clueli . 6f .it here, jl%�'face -,And baleand (lid fOrIler what .. . . .. . I - WeIL 0', - ,. . .. � . . . - ce, niore .. , . 1. . spend mone. 0 � 1 Goa Idves a: cliparfail givver.- af rc�e, wily andpilt .'Ill . . joetcr, you: li. . nar led I 'It . . I tl.iqy may., take p1l' . . 1 1) Ing when*1 don't 1 utend to rildilry YOU." I to stop now. You Will- Write to ,nie*nqW, t- lie tittle.,ohe.ls havel' � .If 1-011 I )r . ,ill 011ie's -finery could .not dd for Ill . .athletic ev-entS, Wherever .. I .1 I I .1 . � I Ill and Taw tbe big lio . I " , I't , yoll? - Now, � - age. I . � .. . � . 1. . . . . 1,14111 -allia Dutch spellint - . .S. She '111d �0'qug. woulan's fat,rour"d yls' . I . . �, I Aecordkns- to lite Penus t O mo * �1111. '. y-ous, towne . .. . fu ' th�* jr. Canadian paper, - . . ., I . � I ylv . aln't? I�,l ,spell (liffrunt, I'm . .ye 6 , n �i I 01110 t -1)"allie one (if the family" . . lfy'th.an ailyb e . . . . social standards; sticii it course Oil tile lislinplifled. Cordially -youv:iovor, .. I.D4 -yir *Georgiarra prwest'dd. . � ,l,..-few.fcet yINv,qy, Ili the open dbor... ­ , . to every.hody. ', 1. - ".- ' * ­ . . I I . . I � . ' * V a I ir �� , . , (11.1colained to 'tile Y�ipu ladles, "likes ,I h- . I . . . �Iwiys,andabo e 11N,yeaillitobefa . , � -41 11[Ex�xy XGCxLx1-1EN,Ny- � I I I . . W611'., - -1 wtis diill�, goll)". to say, Gcorgiatla, - . I .� A . . �. � I . V , ,par,coffee .so. strong that Iva . ., . � )orch, Tky,,: IULI- I jai-:. ate Of ., � �. � part of tile girl would have been per- Y. � , . I . ding- Out tOLthe I , . ur Spec . r - . . . , . I. I . V . . fidlous, I' acceptance of tin ellull " . ell it,'ta,,,tes ,good, 100--cof-I gailist it 111QII, le.couldu'l "'ay 10 � 'In .i�ta,z , . . . . � nasmuch a . s . 'A look of . in- settled. about I . � I ­ " I' lid -reading a . . - t 1 6 advantage.OfO . I . � � 1: 11iie it Wh, . licAl be up ;I . 'I , loss .al "Inoking rt p pe a . . : SiibsEriba Ito.% , � I I - . I . ,Itl.i one's "gent'luall -us,be lillisliell hls,sIu1riL,P- .. . . .11 le I . . S n I a . . I . I I .. . . .. . . 4 Invitation. to 90 V; I I - . Ill , it �yly- .:), pee.. - j;n-111,Q It.r.. INforning - . � . , A,b&s m(itith .. I �Qc--Psipceial y Ily tile much cold winter aV etc wheti.1 ; il.,14 heathiche"'; allil � . . . I . . I -.1,14.110 glit 00i"k. . . I . I � ,�, . . � . :h­­� friend" it, - ciftits was tan t' arn Glint to titious realltug..' It . 'W. Aj, . . � .. But", sllal�lng kier .1mad". Ile votfidn't 1111�0 -his evidelitly.(J'ainty ,star'* all(I Abe, lie t1id not C616brate tile. . . . ,. . ' I - : , . . . I . . u'patho I . � . . . , . al of marriage. I so ".-trong - it .. I. I . .6 s ft.ppetite c'.1tore'd to., se ., .ost by "ittlit" 'rbout'.111 lk.toflet - , . . . , . I . . . ,accepting a propos ' ' "riot SO %trong IIIW 370114 tilke-ft- YeSi arld'faAldf 11 ' 1, (h�y oj�- I., . . . $1.50 - AN ..., ­ .. . .. to discoTer Ihat 110 bat I _ ,car � . . "I'd like to know," -said Abe sullenlY, I -rival as 11L1n';N1n('kI(Lheuuy- Nev.PrLlle- . .. I I L,, tq marry I z,.,ltI�if,tin,, of Sunday plints. a 1011fe I 11 . . . . . . ... I .�, . I � I . . ... . I �- . 11 1 4 . 11' inaket, me a difference, too, If 14Y 1 Nvoilldn't. advIS6 .Volt, 11a e: . I -cophig, - , I . . . . ... t I : ... -Ohow you cxpec, to do any. bcttxqm" less he felt qillteieqlull.to I . wit . 11 . . 4lLnd,,, ,, 0 c I . . I . I � . .,he UdljcjJ,. lowelaingg' 1wr " ,birt wltb lit a olfa� i1fid no. vest or 1� year_$2; 20. . . I . ­ I . . . wittles .d6n't ,silit 1110. Noly� here orie - k . )Ilic . I . � . .. This gaper and the "Toronto Dail? Star" fOalether fo,�oi . . . . I � ;1;yshe 1 131 . � . . . . ,, 11� - V ,P i . .. . . ..,b , - I "Would you, Abe? I'll tell Y In. I , day ll -site ltt�intvd as sbe, placed a V01(.0 rQr..jlot0t0s ear alone.-" �e ha�.. Coal'. Ile wore Ills Overal;* ,is USIRII. , . Guardhteed Fountaift Port Siven (0i .!Do. added to above 86680PIP 1011, Trc&$-� : , . '(M iri� , I I., , . � I . . . ... I . � . I . I .� � . . b -V S . loll . lit! I)IL, otj �altjier (!qd of tile riti awrill figure, hasn't lfc? to Was, . . � � I . . I . I I � 1. I . I . t said gently. "I'd tio -better Without all 1 taut%, Ilesifilt . white wru.qeet . . fi 91161.001, I ills reading of Ills neWSPAPOir . I ' " a . and the �etivhl()Ve' Into I . 4 . . � . . down across the railroad tr I lelts anti tore the ""lleet . . table, :­ive- lilici 11 'boarder here fur .*I,' ��e a �,.,ikrd of.pullip waier! Bat Why varled with 4peCUlation� ',IS, to. wily . I " ciap .. I .. . j i f , liever'seO thUtI.- I . : * ' ant ­ * J.,111t -one oil y0u, I'Otcr, I c4ln't `L_1du*trIa1Iy 'read the Dlble.� . ,aft A% I T . I . run -over me.' , "She Won't I I letting the -cars .- _UTLY�bits . VeeJL ft ot4.t Mli�%t, , J sb6 say,qd .,,, Eunice go* h ___ - _____ -t-- __ 1. . . , __fXS)L_ �_ 011ie. !.. 3. .. . -____-__,W . - quiekxno� .'Ind wliOn "lle ;Lou'- -- �slai"&­.41(1­ -she --%. I _;_ A -UR : 0� 'Rft-1,111E. — rM�C%__V.U-0Yn1tU ­ I . I ­ . I Ahey�n�-.I`1`101 1110it! $title] . 1. wa,, sw�-aeronu- Ile.liaLl aiyffy-, L I I . . She madeallothe, I . � how L * llll(evsurld,� For Y61T, RIT-way., b ­ - : TO-FuMo . Dail \"kl!r. . ,.:,. I I I �. .. . bim, for wirs. hlorniligstar"s "111,11.1 I oncs, hain't round- Iiii1l tillink i.',Ile'.Ii -.dls- We I 11, . I fjilyi;, thilt would be 11 Ili,- Stle- lv'ak woozy jo(Azing"- . . I . . . . : 6: . . . . . - . I . ... . IleyL(l that lie Iu;d .1 vol.181:1-ttitional d6- I . . . I . � . _... 11 I I I .. ­ � , . � ds to the I.00111-d"Ill' -him .and he'll lose h0art. I .. - - ra tit I�etl by,tlie entrilviC* of - vulit people--unles,s .06Y ' . I 1. - _V were shrieking angry coulinau. prIse -to ill(,' to (,.,it frieTt-"latl6l, Silo ,\v-.Iq,.Cbe(- . . . . I _ � . . , � I . . � -1 � I -1:'I s - 11 d, , a . . . -ifille, 'I!c-L1'c-01f,�,("ii2 ,(I.atlio es, , I . 1, 11 = . . - . � I d th6u,mebbe he'll Wk -e 14) Q111c' f till' - '4t ke : , .�,I)e I , . � . m At . A- alld ws 4.111164, who lioNv < ll Were with. her � .,.Jfll� calle 1 Il. I a ;w 11 ic II, e. so - . . . girl to stop dawdil.a., yq�! Ruillf';t ly( , 1. ,,, � � � I I . - . .� . 1. I . . I � . . iti WItb them "witUes." -if lie hoolis .011 cocilin"'awl 's2ttill, - . .'Nyllpyl tj1e* Ini,at car c es;. �Ilito th,e kitolic, anil tpol, tljcir pi,iiees. * , rail , i6i, ,piqui-esque. -J'Ilt. .. . .. I . - ! . .. - . I —. 0�7 .. - all . . � . I , Ale . I. 6W n � wl , � � ��Iivie thp boarders joined rcr(N 'csq - ' Lw-- - . . . . I . , � I I �.. �� �. . , .. . . I . I A,be and come I I ,,�ot _ 11.:,l deV.t)II-tn ., 01, u .1 . the . . ` t.itt.eutlon pnid to her by .1111�. 'with 11t.r b&.1tise .-he aill't, , ­ watch oupt.t - heid. 11 nw lhe � I �-`,�y-, 0 Ix . ­ . F or any ,leas -.1. � Doc-r6te�- l"i) ys . . at t114 lahle, . � . (,vaageli�,.,, � , . . � 1. I , . � . the son of her foster parent c-1 7 �-ehe6k enollg0l. to. -it' � . I . . ­ .� � - , . I . . : d - bal f at . . . . .., I I .. I � � At moib , - . .. .. � .. . . . � . I . .1 I I � . I . I I .., I I . . � . %: " steal-�, oil c(q.-!1 .. . . , , , . . I I . I ;1 11 Illerr" half, - j.11110'rate t1-btIl,\*vIJo11I olle'ex Jed�llo . I always,m beinl- ai-'. he aietln-i.11� I d I ,,li-i - to' YOUF�' - -%vith -cowl, fm Ills .1) - � - liiius�­Itlllg. Or - � . I . .. I i.� ;, , � . . . . 1. . IN I I : �, was . ade to suffer, It . are I .,V'4y:�"j1i(J,uI,r it Shamera�eltl'. .t,s . etter" -was''�lnl-(4%ii I I� . . , ike .No'. '. . S Bunt' I't ]ter It -aill't her , I 1. I I ,-�. fho*n x1le 'Jq�iw . I 0C . i � , I �­'You . I, � .. I,. , :. . To . - itrogs. lit t lie - .. ' �., . I I J ,; , . . A. 0 - .0 - t , t'�'l bun -or Nv 01 .1 1. I . . .. sumed gratultou-slY that the ,fienuileRs f IV morneliil,-Iatci� IU rill-Lubalilil;­ renlar4od GPOrgi-Illft 9 . ulother*A1 Ovel-tures Ito. 111in.*and ,furtive _was -It' the a', -Irl*',, luell _17 . . ,. I., � . . I , , - . . 1, . . . .. I ' ' girl and not tile P1.0spectively ,rich - rin.-Ing Of tile dinner bel.4 qxitelita�' that luoulell , ( wallc6d. 11116 .tile. , . . Itilee ,.is she-rilov.ed alwot . read Aile, Only 1)001,� pet" .' ' . . V . . I. . C S ' . . . , I I 11*1611 , I , , � . -11 . , led her to . . . . . . "It till, Feter lit . glanceg at I .. Joined, tile. ot lei". . ,kind v .1 bilge palute4 � -e table S , -he I -P. .. . - . . . youth did the love makill-1g, J.;IOuS y I . . , ,,t (10%yll lit � Ili . I 0069 CUPS .or eot�eb 111141 1 &Itted, on,t S ,abbptill. to tiny �olle over . . . . . , e . � . * ,, il wyllh� I pump o wash his . I-irlds allit, .1,0111. , . . ' . . I . .... . . _ I eh, an .. . . I � But Abe -was o spellb i face irtid I . . ro�jdIig,cb'&Ir ,directly 111 fwnt� of tb vch at,each fAaco.".. h . �Xfty .-.Xtl- . I . I . . . . .. q I I., . . 1, ­ 11 . oun I i e salicer's - 4'r colkilsia ­;whorn ,�Nlr ,%jorniti,g8tar. 4d I. Particular . " I 1* - � �.. . . ,inch startlil.- -speech Comb, Ills, hair liefore doinjug to Ithi. , , . . * . .. k � ... . . .. ­ - - 1061c . - . V1. . I . I ,. 1. . . .� n ' '. ' . t 'When .you -. Ate read foir. - int at % bmissiTe . . * rt , . , . . . .o"% ed,.oll iit this' little .bY I . . . . ... . � . . . . . . wnazemL svttce. - - .Klul I thorit . . � wome call the �3�. . i . rom the usuaJ]y nlee)c ,.Ind su � table. This �perrorni.aiive -Nvas.qla -of '., � � ' -gy� -tireble interest. . . . I . . . I I I I . I I V y I, . . . .0ch, Doc,", :,,liarued Tilrs, ';%lorning- .�jijap �,--ith .mpa, I " "'iling.,,tar w4as ..regarding . �,Venir' Rangei 9-fhe'- belit eW i,,.Suk �'ot " Ovejjcoat�' * . - n t q dn . . � I ..011ie, 5101 . . � ... . I , : t girl that he,did,not hear or ot lelq.%t did :1 his disgvl4e -,rii.-allal'I'll'Und, 1) t) y . kber if you --,.Tile ,Cellow will anarry. that. dower. wlib 1)1,1 6";s of tho'best . . Vour n, , . .�. -�J � - . . . .eha�r'lll frill. toge . . . I I . -ul0i dkpparat�s, in. Canada.** . - . , � wo , I . I . W . c - it. dpfeat,cd 'ts 11 tqlrJl%, .for ilf(l, I star, 0 that de �Iie, fit I ,cooking . ' not, heod his mother's voice. A� Eiml, e _ 1 , dw . set,ou St ,before 'Wllster makes it, n6v --l(,s,, �,Irl,ll he.' confidently% 1116411t, front room,, Her parlor . boitsted Of' . I ]FInad-santo ill. 'apPearance, easily. nd -STIC.I..- with one you I - , . - , . a . I I . I I— ,last Wili the close con� ­ . Tito the kitchol � . _ � . , , . I : . k ebt clean and built to eridurb. The - - ' . I . . . . I I � uo, Other . parlor . . forced her ivwv , young Ifkales, c6uting I * , rodkers:at." . � � . , . ­.LTU.q[ % (line . I girt Ilice. ItLat-�­ I�WY some el�­Pa�i�les -that . souvenir is.all 60. and.its runny j�. know ­to be reliable., . .... - . � � throu r 'It, wheve they -had� . ' . " ' . . � - -lie -1tre 91V from the front po e ' ' -e" -ed, �feil besides 1. . I . � I tact of her body sent: t t1iniocks aild - - plete rt-moved,,iffinself to the'edge ,of herciird9cIevcrIY,' -She hasAbe.WJ1Pr0- � In .the tovill-19111P Pw'-." 1. � . . elusive teitures Place it an abloss by ] . . . - 13lack I br' Milli .-- , .. .. . I I - . his veins, and I . hig it, ba . . -the .. Set 'side I�Iis,:i wit,(�ie.,.Plast(Ir .10, - parls. -c . ip;elf. Our free, book gives - We are offeritli a , ieck rockers. made a 4f,_, of. -the 'fact that . tep .-Pe . s-him.1 Noidoubt . sho' . 8 -E eat, . " V "', I facts you ought to.know. ' ' range. I Sorge Suit, of'aiguaranteod cloth� . . lie seized her about tile spent iliff nl'66 . puipry. w hi), - amt - the . i n f * at .1 A post , I ajist and pressed -Ills lips to her,cl . - room � lll,e It I other . in and .18 work -lug . and 11-i I . - of � . cord ing it. � ­ 111:.916.. - Thili: ' -. - $he ,w, . � - . . .- I N�,o on. crR74 Jug'.0110 latter, I w !Ila rage, strode , lie kitchen `ly'th,ap1)areut willingness, Made .."e, 'Consisting will bil .1 . . inother, .when Tete took -his turu:at It . . . 'I .. - I -,ered'Adth putty :, , I . . . .. j. mxtle� to your rrl�risur6 for $20.00;I . I . -just as his I 11 , ll-.aNvay.the $Idrt of Qtt y6fith I s 0 . I I . ow I for,hiiii by,drawi , . .16, inuoh to spite,, Lit a jar,, sizell.b ttle cox ad as Dr. � qIj p he did not n%e,tjIe,j,arnjJv t e - . . I I 0 . - go - . ' . I ­ I V- good value. � AlSo� a. . . I � 1; . , I , . e : I . . - At . - V h ( glass, _B act. .for,$20, . . to the spring house ,door a' m . .. . tier -,relna�',kably. y . . inother "s to'lutilce it good iharl� t fora aiiolls' objects AGURNEY. TILDEr4.,& . Go. Ltd, is exceptiohii,11 . . t)ut.'e 1 Ills Own, . ,pr� pluk slimmer � a n d ,;t�ec.dea N it v vailt" . ?Aontro Itan .0vercoati widd 1 . . '. � Ho 61 a Kinross, Vlrith his boolis eoicealed in ' On tile roller, ril ed � I * , * `� go*,n. I.Cillross. lik6(t her taste 114 bers&lf:' -Wontell" -0 all , V'Wada- � as but tons, -bealls, preces .0 t op, eyeol aldlr I DIr d e r I 00. - , - I I . ... .. � 1. . 1,013Sly re- ., and onibed Ill,; hair I . . . � al ajlk� . , �bcjk, . Willaftilig Calgarr - . I � � . . I . . . . . . . I . I ,an old basket, -was suvrePtit Itol.'ral oil Ili-, arin. . 1. simple to . , . . � I �IiOL# gilded � Vancouver I � . . I . . I . I , . - .turning by ft back 'TaY fi,em his morn- poOtet r-oml) lust,eatj of Jlress'; ther '00stullues were . . . . riti'liv.1"., .. , 11 .Ind %o..f6rth, and. the v . .. . � . . . . - with !)is OW" (�o,lill),wil.jel, ylj� ­ (Ilstinction. -and, ha� 111P . . fo� produce .' wonderftl, ,effect) . . . .VrIVS lilt, ,point of - , =!!� over a. . I 19d.9 I . . , '11I.S.the rallilly . — . t Colo' . 'L A:R01H I tq� i I . .I.G.-EQ: IWO B. A_ I . , ­ e . I . . ,was the large, -elegan red . . . . I . Ivirs. '.Nlorn- ge ,voir-ri . . . � . � . there . . . ... . . . , " �- - . . . . . . � I . . � - t Is .. .. � . . . I . I I ,,You little lius-y," cried 'r Oil ille winclow. I led'i " . en !,,,it � thought, .Lx.a ti -y � multed tier, Style of .!TT!n!TtM-­_7 . wiff. & (;a,.% adv6t ,ement . v- Ang's Outing. . In . ' . , I I . . .� I)ict(Il. _S . . I I . I Fine Ner�hsknt"T@014 , - - -... , . . beauty. .. . . � .e . . � ming?. thedilluer for till- -one, . . . -�air , . . I . ., ­ i in and ieud to . . xlse.or every . , 11J.-wess*"yous Ittillik -sucli *a Old v - 0 . I of I.,ird-portmYlil- - twe gVeat, flat, � . . ., ,�;., - � tagstai. "Coll . . . � ft Had a Bad C , ugh . I "' . I . . . . .. . - - . I I'l) ­xow, 'loirry vtt. 11PItV, Elvalop" I . . I. . I . '. .1. It . � . Fr.e4,fj;0kQ,Qb'6 Otd StIliM, - ' . and leave onr Abe )e. . . . � � . wouid;as. soon be, lUireived on the .wood . I . . . 4)*Val hogs lealfill- ore-livs.11y, a Inst I - 11 ­ I I . I . � . . " eetorted r bustLII4,1 � . . .. . � . . . - gil . . . . . I . . .1 . . . - ' * ,,you leave me be, mom, promoted Mrs. 'UmOrBlug',40-1, . pile4l ,sald,,Ntrs. ,Ntoriiingstay', "b9t Pill � , Abilthe'baek� 0 kniericilih 01eitf3bi .tQ gAd .ftou% tbe.% er I . . FOR A 207MBRA OF VtAns- fence Nvi.1.11 .'I jurld sunse - Agent for British, 19.1, . shamefaced, but -his , , It%;e ,1.11 'itbo .out If I I . . . . 1. . Ddvt�. & 1.131. --Dying *Co. Mfttreal." � 00 . . , . gi. 4ovely' � � .1 - ... - I Abe, Ii king . - . lised to Itsome ithirty years, and I'd 1 Ound., 01110 thought It I . &A1l,%fflW11' d . & . - 9 ibe .� WAS.AFILAID IV WOULD ". � � � I I . - . I I3, to diseus I at f it N 0 L . . .1 . __ ;' I it, bible. "';Ind uiakc , ii�f�-e ,jilotuesl0c Sur I I ,l v n " " - . lbou"ll of course "llot �50 beililtillul "IS .,'�geniq, clintollb. I I I , , " , - I * . . , I i mother, not StOPPIn Icitelieli to the d1unt . 1,� , ' . �Soj't . � I : . ..I-----,-- � � I —. I I I . walked after Eunice t.lj,il_s oll t�Lj table Silo ,,,�,V,Ihe way M "M ., I . . I I . . � . ;matter with lilm, (1111(:.Ic. - 001.1, " RX INTO , --lio,"k of Ag " fran4,41j;a red.plush, , � . . I I Into the house. 11'r angry uprbraldlu�-s . , . . � I . ,1%. �Nlorlljllgstarll' sit Id 0114. . .. I � I . . ­_ I . I 1 4 -1 �� , � I . . . I . e 11% )tl y 11 mind I . . I .. til gilt,. retireSealilIg ra Yollng lady .. . . . I I . ' ' ' , . .. . tilrew it reinark to, 010 YO4119 bldlOq Dalby,,PI1I,.1II-tIM0J,N�,- ,' Y( I d 0 . . 0 . .: 11 rl . . I I . � I � I I , � , . Alairs.11loved to till, ly gtll- 10-11. el'OsS. Canudian Ha"ir RestOver � . I ' , . � ' , � I it,chen. till we're , bav It . . I , .1, . . ': .� following the girl into the k I ll1g-Ilt;,ov6l liall . I � who walted oll the SOM1101 1, Ing, the, porch if , $tImph-o'no: in: � - " '' . .. I .. . , .. t a spiritless creature Ille' , bro ics tlltre� sWt Over- : C 0 11 , - . . . ., krast Cooking, 1. I I . I I � I - I . - . . 0 . . It � afi,wv hillows (Inslijug �Ilgpvlllst flio �. "Now, whn done lite M .; side of.ttie,bouse Nvblvl; doo, ' I 0. I . , 4 - � . I . % - ------ t- - . 0 - . . . r I t to turn on that Nlrotuan o . I � . - . I - I ,- :*S i'o-hard 1, . r our , . -9 . . L, V I . a .1 damsel lls 110 . ftir dinnor, a leady.. ,knd it . , ok the (eemeWrYY �QXXO'Xe III(TO I'O . eks. on Whfill Sir AdVOls l0ld Ile'. 11. . � S , I . Ilikt-regs cannot bie laid'bn dic' 1.0 i L '' � . � - 2 � land resent her al)llserl Dr. Mnrot,48 to know what to cook All, WO, ful"You" b0alth.". : . . I . Tooivae loag, ilud retiiatrkabl,v 6I_1------ . ". . ., ,. . I . I . . ' -1 I fA:t lit itI .111ples fur dowal-bur . bat - . . k, I I I � . . , * . . with mingled cot.6pa%%i011 ftild . gsiax looked lat, lev in. t that when. Iii person. cultelle-4 co A ..... 1. . � I r . ,kLId t0dfl.P�lt '11%8- OVOIT . .it t1oWing All I I . J. . 4, !thought. . followed t 0 %v n o rs. * Vxs, Uo.r.u.111 imlst be atteilitled -to Inunedh ely .or 6 " , 1, . . I . . . . I . . !I'lle lard WftS all �..jl.li�rlrrji.pe, -­11,lit I d(w't 14111k;". she Sr(lid , impatience, as be slowly tbing flow. svarve� . , (lilt aad� 11111 . �� . . . . . . se),ious results may follow. � t. I Y .. Tbe,�.;e 1.111'rigs, �Vepe ailloug 11T6 C.Umpoll- Will restore gray'llialir.'to I I . I . I i I will. 41104. ,llm4 was - I-1111 I '; eassurlugh'. 1�aZy"ar 14,111 'would equir), .. . i stolis failing hair :cause . WANTEViD them up tUe path to the houseo . . . . . . I d ri, �ewau.qkirnptive S11001's Or ollie's sordid lot . . i a to grow on ball ' .. . . . sfill tingling froull . . . .1 . I I . � . I . 1� I .. . Thousand -4. llavli'filie . . . .. . Ijrt,�s nfly Ile - pectutiolk - heads. Ouresdandrtiff,itobing.r�,Apdiwasm . I . I �. 1. - Meantime Abe, " over."'- . . - . "Viebt e . 1, .coal p In ct�nt ex, . . I I . . I .. . Ce joy of his stolen embrace, was - I __.... ­ ­­ - �.. I Ilcu dr,$I"o Wrol.11111 Ile,, . I , I I I Jnposs wad Sunivo ; By. its use thin halt grows luxurlari*- . . . I � , � . I 11;bc elltraluce -of 01.1le ,.-It the iltitel 0 call d, lilt. -oadl . . . hastily examining Something t6at lie - I q .1 . .1 . . I . I., . (loot, chrryhfl�,;.l ba-Skei'� . (le'apples.ebeek. 11t*vir NeKliect 9, Cough or C�14, it a - llgV X Contains no oily or greatir Inkr4ddlent& , I . . . � � I - . . . . . . Ilav"a hilt One, restilt. It Ifeaves the 1 ."!":110 IlZriltipied 14Y (1,00V ana and . . . I - * foun n - a spring house which * ed 1).11".0'A -)ll_*vvs,r. . . . . .. _�tll, affeete& - . -strolled Into t116 I)kll*l(,l 18 Oiltjr617 unlike any other.lialt prepam 0 .1. AT THE ' . . . � . . ad excited his jealous StIsPicibn. - A GUARANTEED URE ' -0111o." ' ber iDollier turned ,to. lAer thmd or,lungi, or 1) . . I )d sy. Who. . I I tict ever offered for ittle. � 1. I . . ., . . .. L . . I � , a . . for EdUICO � . - C -.Oj&. lit? +++++++++ Ars.A.1'.1.11row,xis ,did Seated themselves. DalsY Oil the - . _ � I I I 1while h6 ha m- . . . . . . \ 0111PIrlitilligly, "where_Aws .... .. 3 0 � t. it, w it, 0 n t,, ' ' ' , lip A good, rallable Can d4au preparatim I . . d been waltin , , a_ . ,ar lvet�r anti Geor- L I +1 ffoart doorstep e I rarrollefted Testimolitiallic, - I . . . .1 he fipring he bad acciden- ra nd Dysoepsix - Colliz.., fi6rJ'!,v'.JJk(I i101111 JIW,ke'the dhinor , + WVrit'w,i'­-" I havo Ina . . 1. S ... . 4_� _ Ito come to t r Indigestion a AirAld gla", , on ,Ile Ivindow sill beside Lil- ItAlth A. Burke. MllislonArY U, X'Cfiureb I sticking under the � . � - , waste Vinie I ; able. What voo . of, � ' + 116& 1 a, verr bad arnea over her ard, Althinii Egypt, ayidfrIcnd1%gmat1yp1ea;3 � � I tall discovered, I oil tile 1. . + ( alt.e. fl,corglalla. c, � . I I . y envelope addressed t0i + . '. , . I . 1. .got lipliles . :Isrinter - I `!` lnu .. . 11 I APLIETON '. I or sill, an ) joit-k-Ill, theill apples for? .'+ (*Ugll eVe* -trt and waN.t of ,I p,retty-whito with tL-u to after two yeale'lidlig. . . I Miss Eunice Morningstar. Ther� is no hesitation or quibbling . . C600U*tioil + for W 11111111 . . . . do " + h A. Hopes, Wilner MontAria. MY hille . � Now, Judg- . Liiei� Of I be.st. I I . p:vnty." I +_ . . I She atilt .Dalsy, baving Ili and whiskers restored to natural colot, dark , � about the,plilpis which tile Coleman 4 viel"oln, +++ + + +,+++ vears v� 1101 I ,�as 9(AVII, . 110 . , ' - ,�jli Ing from his own feelings toward the - - for their . . ollio pouted .,I,.% she*1`61T i )4`1#0 _. �frfi -it comiset ,tail reasonell . that tile 91 brown, by using Canadian Hole Rest0fer- . - . .. . I .. any mah's Medfdia� Coiiipany . make 1) lJoullet atilt hung It oil �a Imll. vT like . . ,i(IL would tQJ L. osrrvjlj6,0aL 0madlanSIA19 girl, he did not see how � They .into t,ons%1,apt,j()h, .- I'tried it great in(MV �B,tllllctl, ;4nilst.feel tier shabbiness I I X.Orlim,13n Us" . -1 I lvdikderful '%ittle DI esters , Ile out. Ioo, I)y tjr]S r&e, weather," I Restorer is the= I have ever S WO RKS - I ome but stmigUt Wit the statement to � 14 . . (,inporary ro- , p lie's gorgeousnests, bild, I eyes could rest upon her and not de� E r(Iffiedics but oillyteceived. t ontras,t With 0I John flu.% Now AbordoM da TIVOIX10- esters" witt positively :4110 Silld, wltlI a resetitfill ginudd at of. 1)r. Wi3od's d e sworkr=aml sire her, and be had therefore Icallictl C t1e, .,.Idcd to offer fter it. f6w "of their 1PArrafflan abReirlorerhai . i 6jv L b i lit till.,4 �A., - . 11 clovered Witb thick � L .lq that, "Uttle Di � lier untill got 14 bot . " oad.16- near . to the instant conelliction th qe 11 Nor%N.ay Pitili Syntill'and Uft('.rL tyll�lllgLtWo . (1� Ile Indigestion Or DYS- One t%vo youlm ladles Of leisure on 0 . . r1sr &I . I . . I ciir� eV6A Chritit t`l . I , I-melitS, beglyluing w1tb th. 4 original Color. 0 1 ... 9 I � ; I el- to 1:'tinlce rl'oal -1117!t ' d sout �,.pllee. - I i;ottle, illy eouA waa cilred: T anx never OAVII ga . p"wth black hal 16 6TA ritall drd l 4 a love felt A, 04 W81 .Ad Heartburn an . white dresq,of Gvotghtna,4, . Sold by all wholosi ! pepsi, 9 r." as ll;! plivatitly vhwnw. 8tottiach. . ­ 11 ,bottF�o(NO"�va,�"ilitios.vrup.lI 9 ocivillited , ."Irl , Oude towll(l . . ,1 ANTV,lt "Little Digtolt" "Ilvell, d0111 leave pop know voll WitIlD t 0 I'llin .sylru�js tile "it Inay serve 10 (levelop, tile girl'S MajItA to any adlIttag W th by Ford & McLeod . terized Wilrotir, They GUAR . 1111.0wed aWay youl, tillie,ll.warned he'r Dr. Wood's Notwily . le on rteellit Of Wcol 60O- Xgnufacturad I . .1 I t'. 1) t , ers,, to ctjrj.� If they faft,,yott get your rupfflojup you nepd. ' It �.tlike...�4 ll�t t1i'd latent 1108thetid sense to give tier. f,pli 4VEM MrAwo Coil, windeor, OB04 owul" . , , .+ A ril9v of hot P01ol"4y I'lld -"%v I ,, promptly, and.without lllotj16t,. .,,You know how It xitlplea4es - pretty clothes, of ("leorgilina had $119- . Hay , over blin nud lie ]Ind tlet'n ftt.ullt to Illoner 'b'WIC . 111111ce. dish 11j; fowidatinii of till theont and 11W9 cOm' 'I Sold- in Clinton by ,W. S. R. I ing seourea a commodious Gealn , I (juattion , A I � 111111-that.there, 114're. I.. pl. 0 1 1 � I � S howe, we are noW buying All , aint, "TristeAll- .0lothit"g is Often .,, relle,i-ingw or - coring till C,ough�,i� oestpd. . / - - tear tile clivOlol)(1 Into hIt'4 %Yll('a tb" 1 of co�rrse they would not make duelk the'Orristarch it) these here sancers, , P Rolines W. A, ktore high6st ' sudden ailwal'(111(30 Of I"Ouleo In ille I - pgitlire statements, or give Aa0h A 9116l� I %hp 'ni-dorod sisk 1110 Udd callit! Ill 'wl�l, (,Oldq, Broadiitis, Asthma, Cl,ouIi, I�orn I'(111111tr pdllmllivn�l . . . 1'. & 110veyl, indig of grain, for which tbe I illiro'lit, -etc" and preventing *IQUITIOnift I , , . . I prices will be paid, * , I doorway had caused 111111" (lulvkly to I p I � 'i Mccotnell, druggists. I �. . , ratitte, if they ad not proved, btyond ,, . . . . � . . 1 . . tind (Ionsuruption. ' (To be continued next Week, . . 33ran;l Shorts, Clorn. wad till kinds of .� '� coficeal It Ili ills PAIct. to bO 'Oxanl� I tile shadow oft doubt, that ,2-Utle .. I. ­ I � I So groat 110611 -be0a. the success of this � I I I -_________1.-_-...-... -...--- . . M . !! I !!! . =.--I ,ly luiturill-fluit __ — . . ralift. SeedS Alfid other feeds kept on , . . Ined Or d0%tl'0vPd l8ler- I)l vaters, I IWIL10 CtItZ � . . W,onderful remedy, it is oil . I gand Atthe storehouse. . � Ay and `1 I I � P * - I . I I . I -ous penolls I fl,turilly, too, out, the, . . . 19roaft I W,q tt� Don't lie illiposed I -1 I ­ - . go, while Ill$ molber was drivillog the ',ii,ittlebigesterall do It sbut 4 Ini'llit � li;tve tried to ityritat(I , r�� � ."k" I by helpitif Vhda*& .1 11poll. liv takipg, Wk's 0090ir Rod Q10POODA", . . girl into tile 11011SO with 11" "' , , lig just I It � It lip jil _ - L. b Utorhiti Tonic, illftd� %.*#' 5 ORIA -Ing in tile SVV11lg`(J 'Weakened A001110hl -,St'PP PA folvOlina but , waild"4", . I I I I The gron -i A I. . . - ­­­' - 0 _. I what it fteeds itk the Pr - . ToneshndInvl96ftt68th6Wh0 0 ft �P,llpx wrkipper; 1hrop pillo, trpos (lie Ir s _ %V81116110411- . I C - . preaches, be, linger - ocessorligestion, . no t7mat Rngliab luwd If; Dr afe offelitual w6atAlly I- -'.- _ -Vor. 1.0ants, aud-, ChfickiM -- -1 F-0,rd, &'M Leod house, vi-ag tearing open, Will' hands . ­_ ) CelItS _ _­. I . rmatuliblitig it -to--iWAftte the. -food, _ , I norVOTIA in, makes nOW, ' 1),,i(:j�. I,* fttarblMill ,. 1. - .I �o d Voing, Cures Y&�_ b."J(16�1nark; " _ . depend. Sold in throo d re t I . I dua X099 q -talizatid BI -aft WOW, ,)v T1 It a I of atrep9th-Nd. 1. 1; = S. ihiii shook, the letter addressed to . an Soon the wh6lob SY-Atm tegg-118 Ilts.vigor, It, 21 Manufaetitred only I io,r. Anit) r : o"'I The Kind YOU � HaVe- AlWays 90119h 100114� R, ISTA11,10"N' CILTNIMNI othdr. * further hat I weaws liiaiftai AM I 10 rees strongo Va; so. 8. ::;�e *I � . and the likimildh netdd tio pandtir"t AlMla Co , pet hot. I 18ears the I ,, ­­ � .ft . . .. Ills jaw dropped In all fill I to&hbed, and JWOts Cqr='s or, AMOsafto ., Limited, 'roronto, 0116. 1 r A IMI&I Ir sent " —_ � - A44"LV —,a----- t __ � __ . 11r(loo $1 p6l- b6r, alk for WHIP1 � . M%dr t14 C , I . "y mal In .. - — t or twice. I �!ignatur f wurk94-00 I . 411kow-41 'U"Inkeat ftreA 01ph6otla, � I he'saw the name subscribed it the end �y your it . . . a I' " �,, . little i6a Jjotts, 60d Ot 2$0 1 . Will cum Mill 0 U414 - � " or I 00 02Z4 �� . of the sheet, 110tilly Mudidelic"MY- dth t, or vililied by tht C91tillitla va pk on r061T, RhEtueto Pd*p mt. . In 16" tit .1 I Vb of - � . . "'. . %"? PC" L liwavAlm ziniment ( Vt% Gottget I , , I I . I 0 . . - Inp Do- _ "L CQ* A � 4 mt i go 0 411 � . . . , I,, at -Whtt odtild . Jc- � 'Co., at Tor"W- 09 --N _W,614,91wn . . I 1. 1, L 11 I I . "I elew 11% I .. .. I . . . I I , " .- I . . . � I _ . trwr& k. ... _. . a" � - .%.&� ­ *., . . ) I . 11 . I 11, � I � . , . I � . .. . .. � L . A ­ f I .1 I I � I . . . � . , . I � . . . . . . , . . . . I I . I . I I I I 1 4 1 * � . L' I I t. . � I 1. . I I IL , . I . . � L I'll . . I & 4 . . . JLp .- , � '- -UL" '.L�", I , I . . , L . -�'�"�""�'�"""-'--�-'�""�L.L�.... ­­­-­--Mdh------- '- I . . _*..&� - ­