HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1910-01-13, Page 2V­ , I , , , . ��­ I " .- R . I I..-- - A �&rm 7 ; a , — -9.,-C, - _" I , . .. _ � . . . . . . . I - � mx:m Or ..# I— ,.,%" � . f 11111 �ililliil! t i fim , MA ., ... � I , - . . I I , , - -1 ­_ ­_,"= .- --- .- 11 !k - - - .����� . M " W11 11 I I TOO Now 4M Tuvest 25 cents , CW 11 lrw% � I Tr�_ - -_ - ­ � —_ El 11-1 I - - ;4 0�; - - * . )4� Vs * .�, 1A of. nd, ',,mot. , , ­ � :11 ! __ . ___ _ _ " 107f . _W0­__,4_;;,Z=­__ . --- -= 2-2t!112 1 1 1 . tho xrw � let An* jupwrupuj,ous, I G """7 )61VA41 it#* . . - �. . ;" 0� ;;Z- - - --;V`��Wl $4 ­ -1 I— _ - , I I - .. ­­­. % 4 PAWilwAvorrulirwo lit , Dws), , : (V- I dealer fOrce oil 3,clulan imita. jW I d1_1k A Z_ AAA ftating, Rogo, - ulenthol $41, rhe , Of W10 , � j).,'&.,L- . � . - . X"Ac *MIA , 14 ") Aud b,-,.PrePMW for ' I I 'way Time Table � Ift, ,&I I No) - . . -b � e '" - . . . *TV I ­ '94IN"N. aliuudre4ailraeats,whi�h . 4"" t'o"ft1l "1)1�&14-".X1eI1tlIQj W , OFESSIVA A-10 . . " yll� not be,d=,prous but are very, U er. Look for the, "j), & *1 L9440111 Huron 404Bruce. Tr EAK NGS l;.`;;,.;i�-:-, - -t;--�-, -_-.,_�� �--�;� - . I -Moof 40,0110til)CW�_# 'The CO MY Council wi'lbe Plast , �_�_ u,*,d _ .1 'nay W _� _:�� - I ., vs*oo� ; V40 maly W c - . C0n1P6sed,as.fo1lo*sthja ' x6rik 0"seuger I'll AM04M SY Psycaft . W. salripoxm I . . I 100"A 140� $4, X*_�.er dtp��4=1411410141 441141ugaud ,� yeae, L."'Ifi0ii-iiiark ou tile till. � It, , ondon dep"t I . aat.11411i�i � 134inful'A4,neu. �, I I , _.- 8,10* in 4.50 p to ' "' PSYC 'but" BAUISTUX SOZWMA jr0TAjt 4 Of' tha pu , . I --Ar, I ""=_'!" unlo"At thO T41gl4a).earaChe) sprai guar'"ttteS tile -Wimine and ( ntralj� ....... :. I .� . " The da,w to , � us, burns, . I V, 0.40 4�� 443 UNE' _ wls4thoUo" I "Pilo 11 . r 0 . I the most R*04W.I ...... * I 4 0000s, to buoylia he" A104 #0"A Z"To, . I ,w ObQ*Ov'Gub$cjvietloolgl)04'4!a.4'g- t,rtu"S"�'spinsectstings,cut,s, - whosoc - . row 44 t1k 1.004 . � � . Pile,R) 'Ashfield '. ',.'..,.,_,_,T� � ......... 10.08 'O.W. � . oadjt�W beeAr§_g&r,k,t.. hope. I I - etc. I ., i I I . 'all. JW- !ti*4tOUk*A4&A.60&r,,,,. . � I . , , t Qvo'r., 't is, 0, 1101i' old remedy pall,S) 13ruce1jew .......... loyso 'OWN ., &0thers 1�heum effective re'lledy for euvol .... ...... 9 w 11 0 . 44V0410ing r4o% -TrAilsieli I Seth I I , atic a6he.4 wid pp -ft . ............. 10.16 I tilomonts,J00.004 pe,r agaparet a T14yfleld 'A ...... Il-* ... #...))jr S�j'th Lumbago, Sciatica 6. - Irenta"ald proj;;;;,,"�N, �yl , � at" , ., thm . , I 10 "a . I I fo4fixot$ui�eitt.pn,4nd-,B.ce�ptF; per i 41W�l ay.s useful., for sot � . .- whe, bijo a lnr%r W4 rim-kilia. It win attoro"T"n, , I.a*: 0. J10tut 4 � . * .ae trouble, ) Baek �toq 4 ...... i...... 11.05 6.8111� I & - I b" .. _ line . . . � - 'Wily . 1 a , I . I .fp,r "Aalt Isul utilneertion. ,Or -U- alld should be kept in, t . Brussels.., I A 0 4 A 0 4 0 o. -1 4 I 4 � ��ech , .- 25c. each, Yard, - Lou4sebora.. � -4 I I I . 41.18 Iffic esi the We* ,R,RAX( ]�STATJR Anil 11ROL'AAnal. "'' ' � .A , 0c ­ d' " lie ,A he , ir I I tolls 002 _k 1paga, f0fee 04t fhe A's . I , . �kl vertigeraeu on ac� : AtO y medidne, closig. -*.-f... ... "....1.1 h ..... I= 1.00 th,,1%lit. *W drive 4w*y jj;;1w4gh,.. , jiltronlat',,eplisitop. i I ,�Pt, to vicesd; I " .UaliUg KWU �f- t e rtgUl Belgrave, ............ 11.40 T113 04lift 4 IkOW IOA9 stilwxog. t 0 , , . . � - I : aq. II t "St 4%y 4.9 e Blyth.. , ar I 4 140b �ajl n r I . . � I I .1 ­ . I � _ F - 7-1 1 I . �, 'e $1,00., . � � "'Fuglialill, aPlOve ... 11-M 735 ------ V..(.�­. - "­� - , , r1l, C'e'nte Or one ; - Wj" Af,4KV #JAIR , 'Clinton .0-0111 ... I -I W G $myth � . .� "PSYCHINE" tow, v I � I --L Hill eq �, " 49. � . . , I te�,flilaartjo"6. for ! . . �� _ p t1m w . _"t4forol'oommuolcatiotio intended OROW .. - __ — _ South Passenger oystont 904 drives out 44ow W � 0 hok j H. TO .R 1 7 --W. � _ I . F11 - I 1. __ , _'. " . . I I I 'f� � Colborne, ........ ,,;* Xerni&m 1 4 ell * esadrato'est.z, ,10 I I I I c:,&ubIIo�#qaj,uqs4 ag a - . �. ! . go4g4latoo-of , I I . WIJ)9114411, depart, I 0.43�%'= , , cem Notar, I ANOE � 3.83 p in , Y., Its v'Pithifc, Vouviyan plarilive. =7.1l,y-,.,Will prevent 4 ward,;lf Ast I .. I , 40", cQ07 Of Advertlftmeat� should be. ' R I'll - . - , Write , 1. 're ljl� I I � 'K ­ faith 4R $ L I ', NY 4CQp%Vaqted,b, asn riter, , . v the ,� I 654 ' .3.44 : , 1.9 of the w Exeter- -.4"v"�14io ... W baWdent. ; ..... 7.% most soUle disiilso -c all F10440141 and , : 0 V iliPuM I)4bIl0&ttOn in currint 3.50 I !�csufae�co, WAI Fw^te , A � . T BM�EARJNE Goderic ' : I , - INSURAN04 A040sT-laeprew . . . , _ ptWg 14 F, I .. .. h Twp ............ 8 Sturdy � 00413017% I 4 I, I I I I 7.10 4104 fi� At lFiroo is"Ok. 4U"Oy collipwol, - . . I I I I 'Rent !q, ea;ly, I Q .. '10_� . I .1. F . 00 110ton .......... *, ,750 423. r?r Sato lyr ito orq= vaalw,,Sec� * It 000.twt rates - The kol%��v Ttepat4d frOM the Goderich ......... : ........... C A Reid � T'" 9 A It a Brjoefteld ....... -Ii r Dirblon lrow,t 19meto - - Ingtablo �T T94101 832 4.89 ,. . IshoWn our rateS fop specifle Oxnadian . Kippen 4 ............ 823 4.47 . I I " . ­ _ � 4 ,d &164, . I 'of Ole . , lor All WOW peoploo, Or. T, A. $I . I `4i . .., : and' space, Pelip, 4=7e. - Grey .................. jas. Livingst HeQOAII ............. $ U2 ' I 1. ..Xtely,jierfluuell� . . 00 I :M4kkq& neW, bloadr . L, a I" 1. � XQIR , 4 1 ' . I . . 11 Hensall .,I-...-;., ,.*. . Blewli., .. I I I I I I I 4 ..4 948, AIR I .. . 9141TIM, Afedh,dlt I I 0140' $we' lmo . I . 0 Geiger .� Centmlia....'...... -900 - 5 � . . . , . " � W $10 00 $25 00 $10 OQ ne''s Okes's.t.rongth; ' ' - Loodou; srrIve,._.V040Q 5.110 I 11 I T01900TO , 44 . �' 11 Uohninn $ ()o . 111104 ftwede , � . . �. I I � 001 in I(F 2b 00 15 � Ha ..�.qq#4,�.wqq .... )"# 10 .. � I 0 0 41 . Y P Latnout . 11 . 1 I I ". . , not % W. TROIRPSO10 , 0 0a. 000, .. 150r,449 yell", mout , lReiltoros:V14,11W, ItuffAlo and Cxoderh;b � I I I I -- slelan. ovneqnZioto I . t Wanin 2500 1500. Soo 300 % . � I., : �� ofteltj Attenwil toft , I . R , p"I"OC4 I I ,he L unin -1000 550 1 All Deatera so- .............. TvJG Shea ,' ),. e4en siltor,aily 11 . � 'West - I ye, Nor, y k"0A *909, , ,� k 1800 Howick ... i � I Inch 200 " � - por j4r. , , rer . fl, : . .. . lb�'Osevgev, N " . I bastona a returitto Llyleo caXerully examined, And suitable Wames . 44 � * , . ..... I '%in pin pill pm t. 11 � . ... 0% Stratford ........ 10.0k�l 12 20 5 2:1.. 1(j 9,0 � . I I ' I I I I I ,000 8 50 2 OD 00 ; * )>Z;v;s A; Uvrreamcm. 3jontreal, , fjUllett .... #*-l­Iq­.F%*.H -11 Hill � !, # Contract I . � , . I I �. , d vertising 10c per - . LL . DAY1 � . jymseribed. I , ­ , . I � 1. . llp'h"�p`er" ft - I 444s""W00.0 uolltmd., . , .. - I / I ine W.qe. Morris., .... .17 ... 01-t.- N Taylor Mitchell .......... 10-22,12.45, 5-M 10,41 . , oweesudzAlysideAce, .. ;, .. I � W. a, XRRIZ ap SON - . =_!, nmw. �.- - I ., I - . I 1 p ', - ,, q : - " __ � � — . .1 . I. - ftwoft"We ,� Seafortb.; . - I . a .30.45 1.10 6118 11.12 - UN KEEW `0 409" weag Of Itila Celta . , I I I I - . . I is"096 9CKil10P­'­J M. Gliienjo'ck .- ----! . � !!!� . Clinton I I I ...... 11.07 1.26 0,40 11.28 . I - awroi at, . I � ,� .1 . _��_ , . *** 00 . , . I I I .1 .. 1. 1-1 . illle.....11,10 IM 0 4,g 11. I I . . . I ' "-_"4�000 0"* Sftforth I' ' Holmes . , ., I � ' , o--#..qqq* ... 4 I Watson contrary to the. iijual .polID7 Cpf,.00".,,Godekicli*.'.....,.II.M L-66 7.05 11. . !M�It____ � . I 11 �,­� � . Xy 11"10SQUA: � . I ' L I I I 00 _­ . 0 . . � X1 ii.000phylin'tion4l business. The Colin I . 0 1 . . I ''. ­ . OLISTON. ONT.. JAN. 18, 1910. I ' I A, , � a � . , preselitatives: N; � East . � - ' Re -at , � , r. .W., Gunn CLUqTON'NEW ERA St nley ........ ...... I .......... W C I . Passenger. . " For. $.�jj�, ' . � _ enn try through Os re' .1 - '. : By QeOr99 4. NVarbur on. Seore�. Stephen,, ... I- - � not been given an Opportun a Godericil ....... �& in 0jr 0 .0r.W-46WmsL.1L AV -.016, W'V-00, xdu. L . . ....Ity'of pa,q I * 1. 1. 7.10 ` I '00ce-ontaxiostreat bun " .. , � ­ ______ I .1; . ..*,� ......... S Swelitzer in . I ,ran P4.m � -!! , . 50 ltebnr4 I � � -_ 0 co�jjt�� I ,,- -_ , . . ,%Upon the quesojoil. JaOlmOliv'ille ......... 7,20, :;��� oor of omce I Oij 0411 L . I I _. , I ,, � — : . � " tar . . is stated, �here, and evIdei;itly with Clinton, 2167 5.06 , , Ir or'Ir . . . . . I . . Ml .. . 3,(r- r , , ZZ14 . ­ . �, . . " .. , ". I ''I Rest ? � � L , . It Q, 3.25 5 82 . . ..;­_ . e . at* [00ce , hours � at, . - 0 . Turnberry ... . ........... �­. Pow,ell UovernmenVs naval defencey bill is Mitchell ............. ' On the 2nd Couces,;Joja, H spital'-­1 46 3 P -m".1 to 0 P.m I i"wiji MR �g- 015 a New Year 1 . - &16 ,.34$ -6,55 - I � . �_. 1 ..7, . ;,:�, " Are Second Thoughts gome show of reason, that w4eri' he Seatortb ............ 0 3'.15 ,1-0 R Tuckers Ith -'­,,� ... R McKay % ............ 7,8,5 parnt . , m4b, I . ' bronglit doyfa In the Oo � acres POVSession Apri Ist.. 3910, Will rent _� I I THE Daylight Savings Bill, intro- ,indeed, New *in motive, allow- � I ...... 8.10 4,1� 1�vr . R [$,, Tnckerr . I . . ­ � Usboi�e...' . "ItnOns next StrAtford ....... I . - I , . 109l1qthing but the Ill b* I.-, ............ � .... j W01'r montli it, will vontwin - nothing Ill the � _____ � - . � 0,20 one vear only. . Apply to LB V1, Q=ON01 I . . 1,114 , " .1� . duced by Air. Lewis in the House. I eat to �Warl 1341,1:11re Of a definite policy regarding �_-�. . � I l.f. � . . . DR, #)a W- #"AW? *- � . - , I :�,� . of control like; lie * F9 ,a h E ....... T' --G' : I . 1; ­ steeltou'.00t. I I '. I. I � COmmolis, met with. much support feeli w 14 0*0 RhIsand . qQ3 ; . illespie _&rmnaxent-but-will merely . � . I RRYWC1101 91711GRON. . i�,­., n9a, driv4npr out OflOY mind . I . provide for . I . 1, ; at the time of its introduction. and heart . I Wawanosh.W ....... � .... the creation of & 0anadjan admiralty, . .. . I ____�___ , � , Lat- all 'that is ignorable E5 '19edd. . _.� . . . t,j,',',"O'.r�,'.'., A , , � , I terly, hGwever, some and unworthy; -new, in a6ti.vitec,' 1 .011 tile SAWQ lined ao� the rvct preatirig . . , ,*. �� .,.- . Yarin to Reut . 84 r0oWMr:%1l1%01*W113r=1 il I � . . .1 t e Oatiallian. ' - , � � . I ,%� ,f .. I .. —_ � =*— . � journals seem taking-up'no Work 'Wingharn, ....... A..., DrIrwin b I - ­ . , I � , ,,, ", to have indulged in further considere . With -hand or I . ....- .. . . . . . .0033 . � . 1 I � . Tho Oni'vyin"arm, L01198 -ft - Of Goderielt . an I .. 1 ,.N. . bratatbat will n6o I. I I - I . '11.11� a ion ion arid eqjl%rXQqj0n,t of hn. . I I ___ __- ­ - I - 1- . . 11 . � TP, W Acres is Offered to yect�, , AD` . a, AXON � , . I . . ., t' of the rna!ter, sud-their second 0 elevat* tOlid to the Wroxetcr� ............ ..... , vA Xunro , A H.CooX, or,to . . 11 .. , thoughts are not nearly as favorable I .... . � I *#** 04" . . I I I . it 111ANTIO I , � . (Illut In Was. I . I C 9 G-1611-sliell, '. I I I MAII -'Ire i AeW 1114he nultIvatlon . 00"""""S4 " . ... — � . 11 . �, � Creliva aid :rl . . . , , . I . � . go- , - " � ,, �� I as their first. and practice of friendship "th 7DEPUry- REEVE, - I ' .. 1hi - . I . . I __ Graduate O � Vflly* ' I - . � One journal advises I at I : I . . Worn Worried Motheirs, . . I I f OX"D, .I cb . , - � "".. the Gcvernalenkto, "Knock the Day- may, fulfill VAT, purposes ofmy re. � . I I . . . ­ . I I . I— . .. � , - 0 , � ­ . I . - To, Ren to . Toronto: , � I I And R^D-,Si, . , . I ", lationships �Vlth others I . . I . I . I I , . . . 11110YA, 11fty Ist to Deco I mlye - Ashfield`,,,,', ....... i.."'- -.,.W Huntu -Itluch of the worry which — . I 19"Vieldoit,Vlo � I . . .� I . I � The braper Farm, lots 53, 54.16.5 and CC), Malt- . _v . the'aliPreciati0*30f all form . tO every mother of young Children . land Con - 'Do4orich T%, consiq . I lights out of the Daylight Savings newin I be4utr it, n&tu I a of . i , : . 1- - ' � � 0 1 re, in art$ and in 6 . � Ilya! 0 r I � I "! Bill." The Montreal Ginotte denounces � lffi . . ; , I" . .Goderich., ....... B. C. Murinin s undergoes would bil spared if r partloularP 360DUNX OF o DR. R I � . �. � L9 . I I � . 1. apply to . I . . I - , : . I 0 ,. , ot of ffoWi0k..­' I . Occasional dose when the child * __ , I . . For Sale. - - L '� . I . � I , _1 - --;. ­� . . . , i 'Grey ­ .�I...�...* .... Jas. McFadgen: , Ill on handand , DENTIST . the unud of clan; in the sky lit � . � 'If J,nto� - F0VFLW' - I 1by its greae . lqmt � naries. in' any' .ra ets , I , - I ­ th§ bill ha the following �erme: tile mother kept Baby's. Ov�ry . . P " . � . I , . Thb bill. whilch is on the lines of : vast expalise or any little sp . I , gaye an., I I I . .1 � ,4 h , . , earth On v�hlch my ey e-- ---4 Haills�tock . . . I � I . . offices Over O'NEIL12 �tore. - -_&,� _11" ' 1?1 measure that -hits been reported against : is mity. rest Wes fretful, cross and feverish. - ' 4. : . puer on Raglan St,. I Special care taken I - � I I well kripwilig that beauty robes '� Stephen -.1'...."-w Anderson' nstitolia. th6 residejaeo of lVjr. jr. gonst 5 1 in Eliqlandi assumes that working frerself with Vaj,ioug coverin I � .-,, I Xeatl� all the ailmentsof Chi T . clipton, tefa. the 11,01legiate to 1101140 aental.' sreot. ­ . .00. Two -act .40 Painless � 40 - postiffilo. . . 90 : . . . . . . . 0 . .stqrvy brick borge. with ebtiservatori large , � �. .. - qnd w4its Vilth eager patience �4_ , . I acb, bowels' ot, teething. :. PoiI ,awn. fruft treeq,. (apple, Pear, cberrv,'Peaeb - ' --- -_ - . : I . I 1. hours have been fixed by the 'clock : I . b od can beteaced to the sto,.": . J;VNUGjHT .� . _-�!!�"__�__­_ .. and net by the consideration of T, tint . to disclose her charms tolanyone . . these troubl6s uo medicin caij I, - I 11 . 1. � TAurn. berry buahvi;. ete,) House may j)O I ' I ­�. 1. - -- I . . who way be bj State a Ohi6, City of . e . I SOLO b� ­ I __ . O.. lilts been faund convenient in the , eased -with needed , Toleda,.JV . ellu I a y's . C112 -C '� , applying to NU49 Jennie, Bolinos. For terino j . Lucas Odunty J88 . I Own Tablets, and- I . . so P write to J. '9=*TQN� 54 l0rumve f 4 commercial and industrial occupa- Vision. And when I see a� grace-' , -makes oath that be, ' t e mother ba;% the guariLutee I . 1 . . 1� nipeg. . , . At..''.1- THOMAS GUNDRY '' * * , I " 0 ful statue, Or Stand before a Frank J Cheney, _Of a� government ,janalyst­ -that . . � . I _� ...... , . , I Live sb6ek and general Auctiorl-,%e_ . ' � ' . fine is senior Partubr of the firm, of F,,jr- No trouble with sunlight 50.1', . I . . . - __ tions. Some 25 years ago to get rid . , I � "4mtlrlg,Or-anY other work vf- ubeney & 00 thaTliblets, are absolutely s0e. Jilt wthedirectiongo the, . � . . GODE,111,0K ONT of the inconvenience human ge ear sweet I -, doing business in the . Mrs. 9W. Suddard, Raldiniand.. ' . - I n. " I . 11� . caused by a a r h City of Toledoi(jou y and,State afore� . have, t folio . f0r. Sale 6r Rent ,Mor-StODA sales a SPOV1111111. 01eets ef � , � . . mu a wrapper and -Sunligh ., . 'w+ --a ��_ . 1. . 1� : '31%"u 10, 11, I wil I res- 0 qaie, and tbab said Que'. says .,­�,T used . t does the', A', li'llyi _ly a l;A,ejld4d ish system of a standard ti' : 11111te el � NNW F;'tA Offica', 011zit(W, prLailit 1� ItiplicitY oi local times, the Brit- 40 Olu open t,he Channels of . Till N011 pay tile Baby's Qiih'.Vablet . lnHO�Miir,Wll.q, I-01-an,acra of land, V� 1 th, a 1. i� sumQf ONK HUNDRED � DOLLAR9 sin my ho a � rest. COStolittle--doesmucit_ goria . d0j;CoTer I V4rinelogi, sale .40*9 . . . - !!� me was � my nature to its aesthetic j1j. , for each and-gvery caqeofOatarrh tbit for it Jong . time .and Al "i . I .. . IYMMB house Of seven rooms, back.1citchen, ; .& res"nable. . . I . I . . .. . .. adopted in Candda and the United - .. . way, 8 never hilur4s hawds, OrAothes, . rocia-Bbed anclet�ble, and rL large frame build. . I � . ... : fln6nce that thus I inay be CaunOb becuredby theuse.of Hall,'i -with the best tesults. I do not - , . ­ . .� .. . .- .- ZQI Ing having been used as it eilopping 111111. ple __________________�__' . w.. . is _ h 1.oc lt-'� G.11). Mellaggaru States wn .brought into fuller harmony I . 11. ses I I Olt,lododNwa. th . � i. Instead of each city or to Catarrh Our& 111�ANK j. CHENEY, - know how I could get Along. .. ­ . ! .. _ 10 r .v , - iloqqeasion aty time after ,M - . % ith the ideal, . . . , , � . . I . ber. Wliply top . -D. MoTa"Ar 4 "Bing its own meridian time, and , . I . .. without this rnedicine.k' Sold by -!"�W___ __ I , POTT01t * � - 41 - _ - __ �: __ . �. R ­_ � 0 0 - I , � Svroru to'beforerneand subscribed rnedioin� dealtts or . I . I - - ­ ____ ­ —7- - . I ­ --,. aft � _­ - ___ � . every eastward or west " , ... in my presence,this 641i'day OtDe . by mail �at uron 04' MCTA - . Ward move- Ill u books, too, for - my cem , .... . . I hZi PW,i n a neiv wa , k, e ber, Ai D,, 18W � � . L'" 25 cents ,& bo frol . . . .1110 Red$ " . I n - The D 0 � . 1. . � ..* � I � . Brocl- � a ol . I Tor 8ale. -, .. .. IMANKERS - . " .. . . . vflle, 0 �ft. � . . . � - . .. I . 11 , � '' . . . - t . 8001.). , " , I . . . I I I . . m 1 - B I — , - ALBERT ineritrequiringachan' inthe trav- 40 us, yo 'see ing. to ,., I �9 x r. b, at 0 . � Re find the ,t)at of thena and the . � . . � A,- W.-GLEASON.' -Willi".ms edicipe, �Oo., eller's Wat-ah, the continent was div- : best in- them, and I Clubbing.� , ar , - will no ' . Notary Public 4 . C, " , ��.,_­­ . , � .. . ' � . . '' . � ... . ". .... octins !rhe W& lOt'94 in tha. Bsi field Calftceqsiolij Tj . ), I . ST i - CLINTON 10 merely pile lip their knowl6ft Z", �. . � . . ided into zones, marked by lines run- 0 - e. Vall-s Cattarrh.Cure is taken iute;�- 1 .6f Goderich, Too acl,eg' rhore 'or less. �ul acres , (we ' . I _ � : ning, with some narrow geogra 0 In the stol 6 -house of 114y mil6d, ally,afid acts directly on the blood and 11 .*"#"",""#4, 1 "*. j . . . � Below 'will be found &hst of�. : demired iLtid und0i 0111tivatiOni Ilia li�ilftnca. bush , , , nCrOf Sahkin, nuatness, phical I . . __-_ . ,- I.. . ,gapers and Pasture lava; good day jo . . . z�', modifications, north and south and 0 that I .. a '. . . whick will be 61libbed . am; lot house - � tralmXaCted * ,. I a - but will fill Myr soul T�itk- jt�aIS6, OlucoussfirffLee Of the systenli � w . . . 1�, . . may grow'in mental ,and . . . I ,� L . - ; . . . I and large frame, barn on the Premises. This is . . , ­ ,. _.. : , - . . within each one, a common ii 0 11 . F. j ()HPINEY & CO ­ ; :� . -.8rus"Is - ! i. I .. a-11120 stock farvn,� Apply to W. RCOTT, Bruce- - " " I . �. I I � I I . . I . , .. . . b I 199 ,,,Toledo, 0 . ., :.� ., "' "', 1 ��rccdy,-" X!ng-St... , VOTES D1800U*TZD . . I I � . . , . lutellaed,for last "Ok, I , I I . -E -40B- I ­ 0 I . I . � r line, was e Moral strengthand fibre, - � Sold dr ' !sts, 750. - .. The� Clintan.14 W. ERA' jiai�vc" , I - I established. To railways especially, And I Mil * � 0 'Cake alt's' .. . 1� .1 I.. . .. 1. I.. . toil, ., . : l"." .� E�ihfteissued.- interest'allow . . . 2 " I dO-thili with cheer� Z ,F411111Y Pills tor conatipa. 'I'lle'00ber. wagon .shop was burned For th . vl­_-_� . W . '. . . . , ... but also to business in fulnes,9 A"Id 4 merry heart; 1i " . tion. . . . .. I e year 1009 10. These pPlepa'ap I . I . . .. . I . doo0altu, . , . . . .. I . .,. . ell and ,n'ews- 0 - � V. . I � . .. ,p . , ., - , .... . - . 1 .. I . . I � 11 . �. ­ I . I � I 0. �% , a .'Dgsotbat the little children � I . ---.�-"-:_ , . I early Tuesday morninet and a doop�r � . for -cash *ith: order, . . - � . . - . I I fihi ' � . ,� papers. the new Ord .. � shop alongside badly soorcheti, � . I . . . I - 110 . I er proved so ae- Avill love me because I phall g I , . .. 1. Local Option Was defeated h6rli,b , Tile NEW Fit ' '. ' ­­ ' . #. . . The '1� � . row . CA"da Buys $hip . y .. . .� and. Weeid� M I MCK1110p, blutial. �� ; * � � � � ceptable that the general wonder was to lie sometbing like the . : . I I . . , - . and Empire, one VA 1 all ,' SUNNY MiAh, 100 kkgre faillu for sale.. beinj , I . � in in � . I I I .- - . 1. I 4450f.avotela§t-Monday. A-recou4t , 11 . - I . .1 ­ : � mt ....... $1.60 S")Lot:24- coin. 6. Morris to�v - p,- y acres Pi nsurance eo., �% genVeness and self-effd'�emellt ,. I I bill v .be appUd for RA an& Weikly'61obe n lit Hr .. _ re* I I . . . that it had not been thought of before. I ; . HX S -Rainbow- Is I�ijjat �Vessej - befoi�_,the Judie.. !%TZAI� H cleared, balyukao ill typilit bu 'tlig farm ji 0� . . 0 . I . ' - - " gqod-two-atore:� emebt cotfage� -nearly liew, rm andl - I a and I will remembOP, too, tbai .. I 11 . � .1 Thursday night of last Week Georg - fOr-...'---.....�.�.,;,..,,,,.......$I-iGO cement bank bag 56%56 feet; If ae lea ore ; I*& " . , , q i The bill noW before Parliament - will if AR the ggeat Master said that -of � , -j-u*rChased For Th � , e' . .90lated Town: Pro!p;j, '. " , . I I erty Only InSured, ', I - , . . . ... . . good,woll:, spei 9 creek.crosies cor= of farm. . . �. . . . . . ... I . � . � 'theankle. . . I . I . one .. ., iLbecomeslaw, to an extent fddtO'r6 0 elle" is -the kingdon, of Heaven " * i_ . - . . . roke Lbe I 'go - bone in �his right ""' Falnlly-&&W.Star�-'.1.80 , - - OFFI ERS. 0 . I � . e New N -ivy. .Browit �lipj�ed on the street and -in die NE, W Elwand.flome.'j 3urnal ..$1.65 . . , I I - . .. 1. - �_ . .. 1: �s kll.b . ar . :: &A . . Possesalon March lat. - Fall p1blvin I C . . � . ­_ - the fbrmer inconvenient conditions. a If I Can t4us)ive out my r�sol�e : 'Second . leg near.. . 1. .. . ,� Weekly Witness . I ill lea from Brussels. 7 t . lyt i an I " tw J. B6 . I w I &hall have. tu - I .Class �Tuin-SFje.,W' . cc. . , .A.751 , Cho .. par - is I go9d .. to ­ MdLein,tyresident�Seafo.rth. th . . . ... I W e -Sent -to- is- ;.6.7175 , r he.. !' ular�a on D a ists, -cc-)Cry - Ice-pres., BrUcefield, -Thwl a , . "I ­ .. truth A . CittisOr '" The Bowling Club have a Scotch . . . . . ...... , ::: 0 Itivation., k V. , I a& - I _. - Vai!Y truth A. � � :: �"::, 11"'111, - - . , I , . . I I I J b r ' I I , Sec _ , 6 ,..�' � y . . I . -1.t-will disarrt�nge-the time tablell- -on- -:-ffa6i-N�� " I . . -_ T-ft�iiie--oca,-t--�.qtn.--e�n=ert-orc-band-ftr--I%um ' Ill I , ,�; . I �41 � I . . Aldv i _",., 8 - russel � AL , 1. I H . . . z �_ ads 0 . . I I � � I sed as a Trainic h "an arill - ". - ­ ", " Free Press ' ' ' `*.,j I I t- __I �. ­ ­ -_ - , . 9 . .. , 11 lf;__L . . .. I . �ailways operating in both CFan . ,.. tion- wili be'li Ig of, this week, essle.'MaclV is .. Farming 75 � ., 1. I . . or.ous vo.64list Bennett. being tl , _', I. . . - I � . �,, And theUl)ited 1$tate% It will work to " ***0"**40"***"64i66,06*41 - Ship-806nd Purch;se B�Ing',NL J:1um . � . Is � .1; 4. ,sg . World .1,75 ----------- , ' DIRUCTORS. I � �. _ - . . 1�., I 11 --- , . -- I I I � .. .. I - . .1 .. ". e* talent. . . .�. . . . .. . . . . 1. I I.,. � . I . . FakmersAdv . I . . . ja�. 'Connelly, H-olmesvjIj6-.' ' ' ' . � . . .. . - . I . � .ocate . . � ; Johri - I I -reate . i � . erbirlent.o -. . : � . and Home, Maga:one -2 ao '. - .' f Itift"Ill I It ied!) , , ' ' :� I C for the eastern part of Canada, A I ,-��-. , . g9tiatelijkly Oo� . . Wednesday at high nobti, Ali . . I . � . I a C a Watt, Harlock; G.- D;ilc,'C ­ .. . -_ , I � � . - I I I . I . . � 4�;, , , � � I . as TUB- - . 66 . � � ::.�_ "� I ­ linton. M. � I - �, , , I . ..: a set of business hours different from . I i 11� . . . .. .1 I . - � . . , �. �, - dred�,' only da*ug4ter .of F! 8 Sdott , * , . an&*CanAdian.Parin (the . . � — � , . I : 'Chesneh Seafoith, ' . gir"A0000, . .. . . I ". . . . - . I . - . . I '. ". , 11 I . I ' - _ ' . . : n ew. fartifitig journal �_ �, 1. 475. The Anun.1 Meeting of tile Direpiers .ot the . . ,.I- Evans, �-.Bee'ch-' � . . . � .10, I een . I ' G. Grieve, Wi 1, - , those of New York and other patts of * _� , I 'a. ,If. S. Rajnto�v has b ' - - plirchas'. - Was'marrieato Mr, Siules: Siandara : . . . U(',]�ifldl) Mutual Fire Inguranoe cotapa win nthropy, J. i Be - I—. . .. w . 1. at Cla�remolit,� onuirio. NEli 1�'W, andDail asr .2. . . 11 , .� ' ­ � . - . the eastern'I'A ited States With which . . . . .e&by the Canadian, G6v6rfinleht. It . I . Star . It 2 L-05 fO]r&b,'Oh-VR1DAT, JANAM. jolo, at I 0,clocy 0 "i I *;y0Ws,T.or:' w 0 "' I C9 . 4i.. .4 , 64 , onto 2 25 be beld in. the- j?owW.yRllj in � the Town of 9.oa. . peweis Brodhagen'. , . I , ; Rilki"a . Eac� 1. ', . Ther eftlifao'VP�rt. wedding ,trip oil the 3 , f; ... I . . I ,. , W the first Vessel ofthe heir Panadian I . . ti . , t ' i�.'.'. -.Globe .',- .'. . . ' �� there is a large Interchange of telegra , .� 1. . . , . Government I P, in. train. , -' 1 � .. �_­. . I i , . *:� . � . .1.0 ly.m. The hossnoss will lie the, rdcejvil�g of * 016 Director Is insPebtor oflosses lb I ,; � , -, ­�--,­ , � - � I I '. ­ I .6 N'the fir�6 vessel.of , I I � .. . . . . it- " 11 ... c. - '' , Financial StateradAt, Directors! slid Auditors,: hi - , � I I . ! , 6 . ".7-11 %i- � I . . '.. I . mail .. W. � -A Own Jocality . . � 11 7z_ phic business, in '66nnect.ion with - - " , - - 44 - 4, t,' . . ..,. . . . I ­ , : thb new Canadian navy and wal .- Cc ,it . �.! I I . . I. � ,. ­ ... , `0 'Rs�Por'tal the 0,00tiO" Of three directors, 4n4 . : .. I agnis. . .. ... . � < 1)."', ,'Ill . ' M z ,�� �, :; Tfladli, . . . . I—. .i� I .- . , ds'pahl In the G eat ., I, 46 . -A . .. .cl Ou APP ti li4. LLungsg',ar , , , , _ .. ,�,. . . . j . "I q ssr . . . f t '-."i ,,� . " .. .... , . . 'Grieve, Ivilithn3p; Jaules Evans, Beecbwodd:. l.'Smjth,', Naflock- ',Edi - ' : ; . ay -1 . . . �' , olilth6'Patlific coftat."., , , " alld all di= eured � , �- ,. -..'. ,' _ , . in 4 ., I whreh, sometimes, a few minutes in ,� I . I 13tatichnod' be': "" ' 8i,-glectid,0ol i . � World' 11 . 0�ber busaless. *hieh mail -colne, before' the . . I 1. I . . -1 j The, Ra . . . . I I. .14 - Yree Pressj,00..' meeting, The,ratiring pireptors are.joi . " V, 1130an a large.loss or gain. 11ur . inb6w is a, 86�6nd-dladstwxn - -b I'' . . .... ,.,�_.i: " I ., � 7 4 * ., 1. ­33enne,,teisi Xroadbagan,. lnb.4�.axq . Rob, ­ � . Incidental- * 1. TO" YOUR Naftv 3 . screilvertusero theA y Ps ng L " " pAo.. � , � ,HicChjey - . � I 11n9:AXIsQrr.-' "", .. `1 . - � . I . , ­, l. i.." 4 I3.:),., �Aud John Seafcy�' ' " j IY, it will to a large ettent disarra. . . Kr YOU STU N type, and . . * . I . : I . . , . , . : , I . "! , 0 191ble fvk're�alechdn. 11_1- 11 I .I 1- 1W � illnging'. tgmond-� I ' nge -W A YOU RL " I ' f 01 I L . , , � ... o � $ead -Orders to I rl '13. 1V0t.PA,N. - - T468, h'.HAYS . * -.-jillei 8_ �.��'V`Z -, ­�� .L ­ _. , .. . . . I . , is to *46 used as a traln pg ship, while : -, - : , 011X . � KV i In ,2 ??? � , the newspapers of Eastern Can . . I . . : . .1 131*ih I " I . I . . . .1 , I I ,.T" k*f esid][16,' . . . ... - " ada, - Dr'. Burgess, Mec also engaged in the flaheiie§ pro6c�, ' . . I � . .�. . � . � . . -, � . 1. � I . .) . . L - Sup� Of ihe� . - I ­ I . %j. ' , � . .. - President. . �. . ..; . ,�. . . . I . . , in ,i Uservice.. -She -1� now � ,Too late fnv.lAqt,,vvaelr . i, The intot) NeN� Era, , I . ... . I .. I . . . — , 1. � Halifax and St. John time, for ,ittal lor Insanp, Montreal,, tiO C1 . .� Hearatars, -_ I _ - . . . � I . , . 4 . Will he new. Cou,ne ext � . I . I . .1 .__.- - __- . � __ __ _1_- ` ' 9 . .. , . . — . - �, 1. - repairs In Angla'ad ana, undergoin 10, - ; . . �. - I I I I I .. I . .. . . I , , � . I . :. I I indgivts.us to Canq4a in'the spring ,, Mond - .- . I .. I . I I . . I I i ' .1 his name.. - . ., - fig t � ay. . .. � . � .. - ", . . - . . . I Last konday Lc . I � 11 . , . - I - TAYLO R ­. 600. and 3 1.00 Botgas. � ., . . wal Option was de- ,��__�_ -1 ., . I -considered bill should be kil l This vessel was.'built in 1891, a feated On- tile straight vote. I � .. - 1-- - Od 'r -C ANIrED ; . . ahead of New York and Boston. -hours . permi � Salon to use an : . . lie Suez . � Clinton, 011tako. ' .. ' stance, neing advanced to two I Prot Ho ' coli't il -will meet 'n' - . pteUbess I be -sent T � 7 - - Stich ' . Cantil. � A0.08 , an -ill � L 1%.X16jF W * . P led. DATI .. nd * .. . . I I � I .­ .. I . . � . 0 i . . ft](NTON'' . ' L� . . ; 8 & LA,%yRnXCX,CO,. Montreal. i � . � I. . I � - � _-_ . � ; . . n r . . . . � ... . . I . . , , . I I � .'' therefore obsolete. 'Her .original post 'A b out d -i- I at* " k,.ia. b6in-91 DAINGEROU9 - 1"ligle,91; cash'price � . � . . -7 . -----� , - . . � It is not to tile credit of the House of , : I- ing rin - . __ 1-1 - . . I . - — . was $920,000 but the p *C6 which Oan. P Ill' for Bass- '. . . . .. .. . . - 1. , . I . - ! . fifted up for the Will ter's a . .. . : I 'a ril ' I I I �: . .. I rl OrL, � . DINDRUFF'. � .1. Commons that it was not killed iast rl- ­­ ,ad& will pay Is . not announced. I Public School re-bpened on Tuesday .. , ". . . I W00ii Rim, Watile o� Irch Jd96,.de- f�' 'and * , ,�� , sessi011. _`�' " detili . Tile ' m—kada a I .1 . . I . I Fire,_ tj I - .. and at th'tt time bought - la o'ber construction aee- Tonn- � with Principal 4oynt in his place. - Ifill -111ake. j) L Baldheaded kivered at our mil). -, I - . �. � . : . I Accident , - . . I � . I - . . ,,,, . � I � L I ..; L I land.for$2.50 � - Annual'itie6ting ofB)yth Agrlcultur6 - I X! I � . L � VhV!T�. bohert, I I N , t� In . . �, ---�-_ an acire which is selling for $35 an acre age. 3.4ft Indicated horsepower, 7,000; . . *uranCe r - L '.' " 380 feeto - -be hold in Ind I lltiOv If Not Cheelced'. . L � . . - . Y' N400 &. Orgain � .1 ,­ -1 kil .. .. ­�� � . . � . , . I a n . . . . . . . L. . I ... l0al eatate bought ana told , . . � I . L . . . . . . . 11 . . .M.- Pasteur, the great Erehch Phy� �!"s! - �- . . . .1 I . .. . . . . I I . . *titer Resident Now Battlefords gre t wheat growing area bit"nirc. Armor in th g n a 7 at D 1.2 inches : Not often are'two brothers Reeves lit.1L Oiciall of Paris, once said : "I believe I - � �_. _- -7 % � . I ___ . Money te 1040 I . Ex ' 'beam, 4 , PtA Mednesday, 10th Inst. stry Hall -' . 410.o LYA. .. , - North Battleford is in the centre of a forced �raught, 9,OW; length, a] Society* will . . u � , : L . . . _,�.,r . I ' , . . 3 feet;'draught,16 feet 0 i che', ��. Mayor L e u i I o , 4 . . . . � ____ prov I ­ uOught, even yet qeM20.kuo'ts;Coa,Inu ply"4,000fons, Adjoining riaunicipalities but such . 1: -,'� ­�- . . I . . _ - �, for from $12 to $15 an &are. - .L , -The armamen t of the Wainbow. Is., two -the case in Blyth andRullett ti IN we shall one day -rid the world -of all . RARM r4o . . - I . . . , I . . . m 1� .Mayor Gregory,of North Battleford I . North Battleford is a divisional. point six , Yeat' diseases caused, by germs.)) . . . R $ALF, -'Lot [4,,Gode. I I _. . . L. . � , -�i=h g; 4171 guns, Pigh Luxton Hillibeing elected herehod H. . *ho is . iina, six ripli Tp4, known as the Purvis Farm, . . a visitor in London at 11,13 Ion tle QN R and th� Grand Trunk Dandruff is caused by germb, a. facp con -'Offica, 18840. Street, iiex d6ois to New ' . I present gave some interesting infor- W ) hiile� to the south. Be. to ' It. lAill,.reAected for Rullett, ,.,. . - . .., . .. Era . ,_ Ponadeks; 6ne threempgutider tind fonr sistfiagof 11.3 a'ores good Wily Sol], , I a ?ac,fic runs I ; iiX' . accepted by All physicians, .1 .. . . I . . I . I 'tress � . � I . . ness Mrs Jn good condition- and well -fenced; no I " ­.. A ' , ';L. ------ ,_ - tweiin North B&ttleford and,thli G`T . . . . (Rev.) Cooper, passed away to hek re- I DandlFuff is the root of. all hall-evilij, L , ' . I . . mation on the West to a pirej I irpedo'boats. After a long- and trying ill � �, re& . 'The Government is at present nego� . � waste land,all P101,19 6,*13 acres , . . I . . . . I a brahch I wArd Tuesday morning. $Ile Was. I . e destrildtive. Lucerne cliyver and, IS Acres seeded to , A . -orter. . P there is a charter for. - tiatilig for'the p L Lit it'were not for the littl .'bing don L . e is Proud Df his town and appar- which when b uichiise of a second ej getnis working - 'with a I t , . t"It will add much to its Add.a, largeryessel,'which'will besta. !nose estimable w ersis ene red alover and. timothy, ,tj . Buil& I I I . . MayortGregory. expe . .. . re -.buts 11 �, ently has reason to be too, Four railway fAdllitiesi, . . . . Oman and ber.demipe worthy of a. better C&uae, t9e ..W ood yeall; ago is was a prairie hamlet . . Atlantic Coast L I is regretted and Rev, Mr.'Coo er� sym. , Stablillg,and driving labeds; ". � j,'�:, CtS to L spend tiofied On the . P be. no baldness, - .. � . : - good . . S: , . . . . The'purebase:ofo,tbe R �'�whas PAthized with. - . .1 inglile house, pig pan# co LLL 1. . ��.� 11 hen the C N R came through alia 'about a month in - oniatib betore re� I I a! b I . . . . . L . . . .. , . - Parisian Sag� will kill the - cilin'diulf Otol Well'th 8 $WO, sta,ve, ­�;- - ­ . lea ned Considerable surprise. Crit� . -- ­­' - ' 1. - �(31!11189 laud remove at Cannot be pumped dry, . .. .. q .:� - I now it has 2,000 people. it has I -to tile West. 00 - , . , , ts turnitig 1,68 silo, ; O;lo He wag born at the d"drlift 1" ".t.Wo With WindfoiL On t, . electricligbt and 4 xeter *here his rc6therL 'eat and mighti,eat little thing Ueek )r I , I - Wit . ..' I own Waterworks and E Government cannot,iijider. � Th6 bust L . . 11 ter ih 111DUS6. �, . has a good sewage a . -----:- 4. - still resides, Stand Why ilid Govern I 'that evei wasillade is Cha , movey-babk. . yard� stable and sbeil, . [ . I . ��" yatem. The town 0 -------- - L, . . menblias.enter.- . WSR - 2 acres I I ..; ., . I u elaborate abhomp ', L triberlain's ­ ae Wf ilo-from q I' 01 .I 11 . . I I . 11 torn, . -VjISIN,G TIKE sTA,Tjj,Tj9,S - aird- Stomach and Liver -.'Tablets. They., telling setilp. f�qling hair and and 6c ovell. iv .. ,, also has an excellent eehool sys Im" - Oil into a xeF L I will a .,Holmes,. guajanteep It.% It '� I I " ineluding a line high . 1119a navy.befora the iiaVal .4i I has do -the wnrk.wh I I . . L � . . I require ton Ile, from ,Go eric . ,� school. , -_ I. . . enever you make the hair gro . 'th igood ko, PpIv t6 L L I t,,.,: 'You cant' Pe6ach any Judges Meeting Daily to been Introduced in the J:tou§e. . I W -L tbick And, abun, I �, ( .1. , . . � L other doetrine . . COMPlete - While the Go . their #till. ,Tbetie -A�Ablets Change weak dant. -. . ­ .1 ' , I H , " � I , 1netion Sale .. , , , I �' I vernment Can do pkae, ne§s into- stiFength-, - listlessness in -to. It Puts life And lustre .1ii-to , � . I � 1. � 11� in the West than public ownership,* . I He li P. 0. . 1. . . �:.... Their Work., . tically wha, the hair. ., .. I., E e'r.v SATURDAV at the -AUCTION n0j3SP. I 11 said Mayor Gre ori. , . t 1t._IIke$L in the inattev,. OnergY,,gldokniness into joyousness. and, p t 'I . �- � . I I .. - t . . . I : . I , reveii a t1roin turning, gr&y. I I , � ZDE4WIL Sales conducted a;1j;ywbet j r ' . ears ago __� . a britIcIsM made, that it is Their action is- so gentle one dont 16 is a halt dressing .-par � , - . . �;_ ___­-_.. . a, alai, . .. _�: He went Wesf thirteen y An import there is thi . . —, . L ­—, time, Alsrobitngis& real " I , .ant obiArlb . L , . �. . . I - ostat;O, live Stock. . . .. . lition to,the . � . I a I)U excellence" � - - .. I - Ott, , ,:� _ , , .. . . ­ I . . . realize the j-gjtIv6, -daintily , perf(lined . & I I . I L_ 0. W. BRORETT.A U . 1. - L ''k . - � 'islmtiob is 0 beoub- ! %L! - __ . . . wwom Sold by Al -Dealers. . . . I . .. 0 061. �:,jr statute revision leg � ,pil free from 111iono jW :. BOX U3, Goaarl , ont, . .1 � ! I --r7�-._::-_r_ , I . �T hive taken grenso sti6killess. 16 is the - favorite T10 . . I. . .. -,� -- ' 'L mittedatthe fortliq6ming legislative 0, ': __ � -,-. .. �k' 1. - 7 " I � . . � . � 11 � L " �. I . . . . � . session. With' a view. to . with women of taste and culture *1jo DYSPEP - ... � ,. . . I I .. I . . tondi%boro : . know'tbaso,cial . vaille ,of fascinating . ... . .. � I I ,� . . . .. . . ... I I �� I L . 'L hair. I � � . . � ", , , � C the work. the Judges- will hold sessions Ile , , , , � - __ 1� . " completing ... . .� . , �, : , e OU A daily At the Parliament buildings. The . r6od D068NOU No Good t gr . . ad"Trouble' Cured, . oi A - , .. . M 1. , " I . , , .. . n s - - - �f . I � . . -tit tl;e last reglar. mebting , aostsonlv5o centsAl; , Ob . . �_ . . 9 I I . — . Londesboi,6'Clrcle o1sq thefollow . . I tices0sler, erodith Anglin Gavrow, . . .., "' bo . � . l I !I 'ar' . L 0 ,Tudges engawed on the work are 'Tus. * . . I .. I . 'ad a everywhere, and I ri lUlf the, timp, you're Afro. -Id jO.4A,t,: OnLUMe t " ' . 0 ri ;j�', L . esigns ! . I . . � C � . Teetzel, Judge Snide�. of W�Ontwortb ' I.rhrou'gh ohe cause or dnother a large Ing Officers W,�re plected fortheinsuing , - -u R 13 Imes. The, iri 5110ur toc-que'ls coated, ncoUtft ta , ChoicelD , I : - ( i"r V � , . 0 _ irlto"� y r_ . and,11r. Allan Dymoild, L .. term Ivim-jrolltj Graingei,Poat* Leader with Chet hair On every pack* bad, stomach ig� -bloated, If you want I .1 - , L � r'L�; Tliework orstatute revisibil will be . I I I � . n1140"itY l5f4t)10 P0000'aft tratlilled with 'Matthew Bruce. LeAder,- Bliss Ankile age. , , Best Ma . �1 I Cons 4 somc, form of heart trouble, . . . I 16 get V0811, stbP tislV9 dYsp;ePaia, twb- . tefi,& , ,, . , I . I L 11 - I I Put into thWe Volumeg, With a view te - The I LAW9611, Vice Leader; Mrs - M mains, I Istfl, and 90 to the.source of the trou,- , j L 8 L 1) � 0 L ,. 1. reducing the siza of the -system becomes vull, down"the Chaplain; J 0 Adams, gee. Sactley; 11 bid bofoore ft, Is too late, Stren%thert , 111 T61111110,4fida, jlea . it40-9- You have Iveak -and Mrsr 9 P Voung, V in, Sectly; Mrs W . youi sytoln � I . . I , - . - Your doctor Will 40hililete 111deic will Ue Provided in all I - flq# Treasurer- Win Stevens Jr., I . ach, east -out the bile, regu- . a . offl L #I I . . .tell you thot di' rt ')alp , , oig : � L . tile volumes" . AzY �Pe 19, a .siu6thering feeling, cold R, I date the, WW�ls--dlo thts, arid' dy'Vop, opposite tb6,0j*)Ost .1 I haildr, and feet, shortljea� of Maltshall; tUrs, Will Stevens 010, Will be no inore. . : � Iresh $Lir and go6d food dre Among the 400 to be' 06nsolfdat�d � lgq,,atjj� qellft warden; . . . . I ( . le . Clinton, . , '' .t1jull � . el I .1 the real cures for consumptloti. Attho forthcoming ;session are the as, tion Of I)Ins aiid needles Win Nash, G pard; Albert Waimouth I � . E V'or Your '060ditl0h the best tyrpecrip- ' - , . . '. , I , . . I � � � 0 ,y4WV.Xv - , .. tior? is lk� uhmil-toWs Pill$, which 4ft . �. 4 SeasmLiltUet. the separate school act, "'J"il Df blood to tho head, etc. . Sentinel; Theodore Dexter, Vin, (.40400 AWY-0-me) I rhade specially for the st6m ­ ­ .. , uli� klA- . I --- . �_. BUt often -the tough Is' Vdry theliquorlidebstAef, theptillik'a ftel-OVOV there are sicidy pelle with Stewart, 'Win Stevens, Trustees. . CUR I ES4 � CATARRHo AMW . �`Oya *md diver. No better milody wdil . . . . . I /e aqggawa ths act, the. munklold act, and. the (11 tches . t:20�� 0 ba 001yWil, for Dr� na-ull1tones, Pill$ aro .. I L . I . . . � � .L hard., Hence, V _ health weak be-%l't8 411ilbtlfft's Heart all' Nerve At the lait regular meeting of Court I won"is, Cto I . . . . . you ask and WAtereourses act, VitIS %0I be found . . . your doctor about . . � I ___._ .tl .4ft efitcctllitl inedi6ine, Pilde, of the West No oil 0 0 V the at Verfeet, , � I . I . . I . . taking Ayer's Cfierry ' 'L 10 - I 14 . L ,� � L . 'I I 1, . I - Mrs'. 1%, '14"llibit, following Officers were lalebtbd for the money ba& " - I � . your — L — . I , I. � .-r T r-T-T,r . . by DR- NAMILTO I I US. . I # � V AnClus, Ont., writes -.-i- ensuing term Viz:-Th6q Scott 0 It. I . NIS P , +' L,(It , WAYMOUth, PL 0 R.y VV # L . . 11 . -� ,,,, pecto, MAXXI 0*11,1PIS 114111P1110A.141,11V .is with the great- ChATIOR M I t . � , ral. It c9iltrols the tj0j_ . I , "1119 CUM , I '', I . . — . . . I Heart Trouble+ Wo Sa R. liol"APSO.'ClItit6n. I 1410 Zo box, ,bNTAIUO�� . ling, guiets the eft9h. . Cuted., W.L eat Of PlOasure I Write GOVier, V 0 It.,, Fred Johnston, jr, in. . . . ­­ L .11. . .. I I "XO OneL 00111d realize I I I �11 1, . I ---� . , My anfrerfilg.4 n. 6 . : , ­.­ . .. The tollowing T t ' 19 the belle. 8a0t`y:LXobn 0 Adams, Reo, Septly- wo from stomijA troul)ld all<1 I . person" hive been � . . 111. _. wq_ publis 0013victed And flhl�d fOrillegal miliking - ++4 . �� you a atir �, h Out $1iftid" - 0 . r4lqostloll. I and picking of apples, as a rdault of . 4 fitt bavm receivedby John"Brunsdon Vella., Us W CoIllil, I . Stanley ror fLve, 3,vm" I hav(,, not bootip well, , . w6- l;-'1-.l#W Albolial J)rO$6rUtjOhSL bv ther 119i'19'5111burh's lloArb 80110 Qhtipl&16; Howard Beunedon 8, Isusmess & shor6lud $1. frombarm itan J'Olj Fruit 41111 '1'1'0rv4j' l'jllj School Roport-The follow MY 'food did rno no . g4ocj, betajj�* X I I SUOJECTS . . - Domin . I I suftored greatly from W- HArr$'RlIeY J W., Robt Yung. , . ing is the. CO,W,dn'f.dlgbtrt Or ftaajrnLtl&t0" My dft- I . ad 42 Indilfttionq� skjoe the first of 13folim. lieft"t t"0610, 104kness and smotheri blub 8 B" Hiinost Adams 3 B. V XIber t 100 ­ - I *OfX td . ' NO (North) Stabley. ter sald constipation, wan'at thso root of *, =*V lit) ft of S 8 4 � ­ ­ :. ers 66=0ur hor� .1,11 Mottling, x1neardine, Oat, Pik. I used a 91�oat -deal 6f doeto%_ Toovett, 0onduct(jr, Win Resident and - 2ad Offence $2 a .Lcsa Court Vercenta�KO is UkAn Ob Christmas wwL trouble, r96 I got J)Z RAiiflIton4p ,. M4 Courseg � mi . . 1 51 towarb Bros, 1(iji. Inedicints 6ut 110ceivoil A6 benefit. A DOP1141WM, Riley', Pred 01bbs, M; "' 6 --sr 5-R Dewar.15. Se4-V 11111bo Mr6oppOto Improved, mip artu, . calaldlius, A. prol,` . . One of Ayees. Pilld stb.64titga *91 e*046 'CardlnO, Ofit, 2od .offeue� 2-5,,G A friend advised tile to j)jjy a I)OX of your M,ins trtisteos, . I lillvttila'80. A D40war N.- si,*i - 140 newar VAtfug qwjed, and iny f6mli ljj&s�te4j, 1, W. wootttvelf. I. VV, *6 �, -.1 ­ __ x0prill, Oord R& Ontv $10, The annual meetlug Of-, I-0 , Sc�tohmet to, aitkViltjr" ICAL, . Ad lucttlised AW o1-bIk,V�AW,fr040C6,* Troutice 1)illk Ns'llich I did, and -soon found great , of the tollaoa. . 'quichly, I arn dollightod. wiltil Viv tllor- , 1. 4 -"pk!6Uje, C)olri*l vllof. I bighly OV9111 ell,", I dvf1vvd from IX klamfl_ . plityelpal, Vwe-min,*61.. , , I fullt 1011tift 011100 thi djiy Q6*lnj,,­ - j -......1L. . wood, Pat" $10, ; I � mcooluiend these oillis b0`170 Weigh Scale 06., Vill be bold oil Me Paul Cleave visited I L Olin Joyni. I ue no*,- -,(),at_--2dd­ W. 1111YO06 suffering from heart troubl� 11 , �, . immula On ftch bo*. ShoW kto y t , Thotds;y 6v6jjIng'JAjju&" Vsxetel? one twila. pjlls� - � --- I I is � . .1. . I 1.11 , '! - __ - , 18th COM. , dtt last Week� . . I 1. - 'rt&'50'c6fjtjj'Pet"lyOX L -or.,% boXeS I L . A 0aft. ont,110 It. Willlamo� Holmeavilils �'j L, , I... 1,� . . . .-.-. ­�_. ­ _!!W_--h-.b: I 6* Offence Mro. Win, sta,nle;� iols- he iddlo'k bells will toon"" 14ging "Ilridge,water", _�___�T__�_ " Aidtbr. Rd will tK1&r*1*tA id '. - �'" (Si9cod) MAnTIN 1,1. W,0,XF,rt.6 tt!!__!�"!­�__ A_�� PW at bedtinte. 0)�,,t-qn, Oat, $1.25, at all deafirit, or' hiloil dit..'ect,011. b -i - ��'E O' 0. . � , obb O�� 'Loodea oj�o. -011, the Sillib"146A'' ". "'.L.".. a I I � " m""""4,8,0� 4r io— er, Hilly Oat, l",e ne I . *0-h- Or I . ­ .. - . L 4kA#*d0*t#*#**6dV - Hoottim, Port eit1t of pride by krilbur *If requested_ to _ . " � __­ L ­ 'I- -.1.11 ­ _. __ Quielc.,m-1)00 pitton,6­010 wro of ort. -1 .I �, of $10, , I i t . t h I a . I -----�4*---­� , all t"'able I L 1.11o, -thil, tykidlellie t�".W_.___ _14hil d % - Limited, Toron 4;,'Ont. 1T"""8RhM=`346M� 0860� . ITAnilltorl'a P � ""'LL T . I . *_"_�� ome I : ll or lVi. I ) 1ho, I * : : 41 * " ,; , " l '17de� I , I for I . 3 y - e� ,c � ` eu_ � , Ils 4,1t _ te, I , , 4) � 'I., �� I B B T,o El E V I I .1, I : 2 : 41. 0, i 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 'I, -L I I I 0 Olrk E S 0 : to I- I I : , Z4 : jf� I - : 0 1 1 1 a : , I 0 0 1 1 6 I 0 : I i 3 1 i., I . I I 0 I I I a I a I r I I I 4 . � . I I " L . I . .1. . 40enaoir P�salble and 96 I I WA 1AfA1*#A( lylif�A'C414&` I , stonaadi avitV digeg. FOR PLETCHER'S "" y ­ � ­ . . j, I . , Ar -919 eft tive 04vanw-by-m4novillo 010 cimv, I'll . I . ) l' I., I 11 � LLLL L... I - � 11 . . . I . . . 0 1 %Cii't A S Ir 0 F4 I A . I I �, . ­ � I D . _. _, _� " LLLL , . �, .,.,� _. t. . ,A_.�L_ � 1, I I I , I . # " . . I W.-; �� � 4 11 :, . . I L I * , I I . 1. ­ f I I I - I I I . I I I � . I I . *"A&AAa&_ I I I _ - - 4 �,_.,�­ '-c 1, . k, t - I ('" �-_­, % - -1 ­--blial-1211" _,__ M00001000mb-m-­ . . -�_�Iiwl�� �� � � ­­ � ­ I.----