HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-02-04, Page 9SUPPLENIENT TO THE HURON RECORD, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1881 Local Briefs. Plenty of snow. "Sleek taking is now in order. Valentines are now being purchased. cyte week from next \t(>nelay win be ALBERT ST CLINTON ONT TISDAL>L & GALE BANKERS, .7 9 \'alentiIIt!', day. Transact a General Banking • Look out for the icicles. they are Business. hanging to almost every etre. • Money advanced on Mortgages and Natos of baud; Lent continence.; 1)u the Sud day of . 1>rttFts iasnod, payable at par, at all the offices etthe 111:81.011. g Merchant's hank of Canada. Now YorIt cirttfts binned, ,aulb:e at per, and available in all puts of the Numerous reports co111e to hand of 1 8183.1.St•Ltc•1. Pt•Jliilltattel1t1011 piLFLtto0Jn0etlots• i'00fs caving in on account t•f the great throughout C.nad a and the Mittel States. weight of snow. A correspondent asks tis what is the • httes Bouat Close Rates,. Notes og t•elat. 1111 Of a university to all ordinary Salo � college It i5 it step furtherAnd heels adv,Lnced to fanners on their own Motes, lately. '1'I 4 New York .kgents of the MerVha g t•n u,y i n th ..f tines tJ salt titohaerowor. '.411 A pair of lovers were married on all nl:lritetahtu i.ne:n•itte3 benght and Kota.. Bankers tr1 I t'ii hank• of express [rant .rte y. e- nu+118 er Ili •• t ;uta,la. ire• Sic per cent. interest allowed on iI0 lu•trkwl tI>.tt hl! \vas uovur betulr, 1)u pJ„its. gaged in the manufacture of car coup- J. r. •118iALL. •T. A. GAM: (rugs. - .• '.�ilell'U 1s 410 nee (51011 for tumbling, if You'll just take it little etre how you walk. Careful people don't slip 011 thl• •I lit he -Whoop ! Whack ! What are you laughing at? A. huge marl:!r of our reader's will he interested to know that, the rule:; of sleighing this winter entitles thtl young man to warm his uu.\u tlg1'00 tituu:i per mile, by rubbing it against his g cheek. A11 exchange states that a. 111:818- re- cently soul two cats to ti�ts ' keeper of a re :stUratit for rabbits. '1'1117`,, utuuleu1 is that this seas all right; but the question Its to whist, was douo with the eats, is fraught with ,t \vciran lel of meaning: Ili•. \1'ild, of Toronto, 041114 lire:liuts fifty- three years of wan itf6;r 1882, and auuotulw's the ulilleuiuln t(> begin in 19:13. • This is a wild assertion, sure. enough,• and talose interested will pre- pare to -r 193... The following conversation -took place haw 0011 a k1181 18'0•1e:1 10ely 111111 a 8111011 boy who I eilit;>ly swulig opet a gate for ber yesterday: --"Ah! what a Mice, polished, polite littlo boy you ate' suppose you live about here?" "Yt: lie •-1 don't." A groat u>any mistakes i>1 news papers are attributable to outrageously' bad copy. A. Ulan who cannot writs, well enough for expert newspaper com- positors to roup ought to be' ashani(l1 of himself, and taro c+hauces are that he is. The following s:tf.i remedy for diptli- eria has always proved clfectual in at' - fording ready relief:—Take a common tocacco pipe, place a 11 VO (11):41 within the bowl, drop a little tar• on the coal, and let the patient draw smoke into the mouth and discharge it throrgli the nostrils. Valentines aro now 1.>t market. Ladies who have ane special grudge against .crusty 0141 bacrht:loi's,• who cruel- ly and persistently refused to listen to their appeals during the year of .1880, will he 4)10050(1 to learn that the crop • of valentines this year is fully as ugly 118 any heretofore printed: J. L.' W., BSTER,, Photographic Artist; CLINTON, () Dealer in 811 kinds of • Pic ture r � Friday nigh t-last,lir the dwelling owned by Mr, Win, Spence, r.,aild occupied by Mr, Tdunry Rin. The little tire brigacde was prompt. to action land in ashot t. time•the dire, was under control. The contents and furniture was gladly dam. aged.. The house was- saved, -No in- surance. • • • Mr, S. Spence, who • has. been ona of our number for the past two .years, acting in the eapawityof• a miller, is about to leave to take eharege of a .large mill : in another ,place. -We are sorry to part \vith.him, but wish lulu success in his undertaking: h'Ir. - Robert El liott',of . Fordwiel> is going to take charge of. tate will. hero. It is uu • necessary to say ailyithing °bout Ilii business -qualifications LLS he• is well known :to .the :puhlie -as a 'Hirst class ltllller•". ' .. . Frames Mouldings. Photographs a S 7ooia1t Q j .L .BEAVER PI.0 ;i, C1lflTON.° BLYTH Newbridge. The special meetings are going on still, in this viii tgo. Messrs. Niel Campbell tri son have dissolved partnership, Mr. Campbell sr , going to Gerrie, to start busineRs there, and Neil jr.,is goi4ig to carry on the business in his.owu• name in New- brulge A tire broke out about ten o'clock on rhe )tri b.fm tftS; Dre itr,. • Tinge, -ii Tut, ])dile CAI.IroaeIAN." ii i'itte z, fur '['lte..1e+o>'d, • O Erht--nig ntotlloal Erin -how ort 1 civea.ni Of thee, The Laces and barely vatloy'>, surrounded by the sea, Lmucd. to Atlantic breeze -the cowslip nld the retie, And hearts that never freeze, who in•Provi,leneo re. '1 dreaLm't that L have soon thee -Toru 'ffivehi nt Moss set free, The gold of bondage broken, which caused a jubilee 1 dreatu't I saw troonnor•-arising frons' rho t •inh, - And ohartat flying in t'ho. atr, forgetthlgavhat'sto These Works are slow in .full 'opera- tion, anti the un(1'ersign(al are.enabled to oiler any grade of • Salt of Finest Quality for 'Sale 1 dreinn't.that.l'arnell anel,the leguo nett Iinden:..00w of trod, That [woo ruga barmonydkl 1eign:o>•or laddlortl end tea tIK : ' Renee, dons aliii, i3cyeett• ruungu.A-the. agents in W. fr„1 htt, • Suiiwnerbill.. Prof. Salters, of Cgeliuton, was in the village on Tuesday evening to organize a•s'mgillg class 'in connection with St. Peter's clturcll': Mr, James; F. Parke, of Huron College, ,paid us a flying. visit°on Mon- day. Ile is going to -relearn at llouie '- for -for a short time on account, of bad heal 111. . • The roads from here to Clinton is strewn..with wood and •saw logs, -which have been'ahauilonetl by• their hopeless Owners until .the highway is in a better condition for their transportation. A nnssionary meeting was- held ill St, Peter's church here. ori Monday • • evening last. ilfter the opening ser vlee by the Ltev. Mr. Henderson, pastor, Addresses were d.elivered by .the .Rev. J. Hill, of Seaforth, and the. Rev.'Mr. Ctunphell, missionary agent, of the. diocese, and were highly interesting and instructive, giving all account of the missionary work going ..on. iii the North-west and -other places. '•'.Chead- - dresses were well calculated to stimu- late those who are blessed with the '011- :loyuirilt oi•th>, priveleges of •christaili' . worship, to aid in seen -ring like privel- eges for those who are not able to' pep= euro therm fox: th4lmselves. At the, close aeollection eel .' a5 taken up in. aid of.`honi>..and..foreign missions .r„ Seafolltllt. --. • ' . RS 'Peelers now surrounded,.tut they are out.of.sight., I d etni't f• ,Ltis in morin and sitting in College green .nd.the Irt>it Agitatnrs.weIo pimply to be 81011. 110(0 the flag. of obeli to (811.0(1 ltoajing i,1 1(10 >100000 4 s.tw,onr long lost amts a•ostori0l; •-I PERTRUO'rtvh FAIL+. • • Albout one o'elockoil Saturday morn - fou ulii,n thy' Monti eel Telegi•aph Cot in'g last >k•ho building occupied by the npaiiy and. the • . . ex Pres office, tofgetllei'- Vital a boot •Mia .:'•' .. shoe store, were discovered . to.. be 011 • . 1183 Toe' .water work::a w el e 'soon• in operation 011(1 • the ` tireiiiwi succeeded:` in conthning the'lil•e most.:to the. .builel 111;5 111 which it 01tgiinited. The fol lowing h.re the loses as. nearly':, as can be estimated : Geo.' Offord, boota and shoes, stock' entirely ermat ,ne,(1 , loss -about '3,5000 ; uisiirerl': for $2,f)00. Ifs lay tt Anderson,. merchant tailors, i>1 the adjoiiiilig store, stack dltltloget1 by removal and water ; loss about , 12- 000 ,^^-.iltsuleihtor.about •$6,000. .Moil Areal Telegraph Company's. ;ollice in $tf uments Il icl:5on &.crit ttsdel, drugs; loss about' •FQO, eoverecii by insurance. ' 0. W. Paps[, .booksgild stationary .•- • In84 ttlioitt:$1y0110 1>y-Watel',alid tinoke,'-, (covered by insurance. • Thr. 1luildiilgs• destroyed; loss about 13,000 -insured for $2,000. . TIu adjoining •buildings wore more. or loss.. damaged, During.. the progress of the fi'r'e a loutl explosion , - occurrei.l•about. the centre of Vie kuiil(l, .Ills wlli(11 shattered 'the windows. of• 'some 'of .the .adjoining stores...The . cliuse'of the explosion is not icno\ii... ,:... The origin of the til'e is supposed • to :be from a stove. I preyed fee (Incen'Victoria, her cron•n long In:13.8411' wear , And.Gsdstnne he Prime lliliiotOo:.era alwa\a 4111 the _chair; ' . • - rhe 4134)10 tons of 1 t u, dhhl•promase ego tlnd all {{ • 'For• jltstlec 11010 Tettered' to theism, for 1 n tend to fight or roll. ", f now 10 peace 'and plenty • 3x100(1- frons :shorn ttr • ' 'shore, Thei.Fih uurook 141111 too Lily eptwhled for eVerm0rc-- Brotliorly love exte ming, and strife that once toolc - swayy tieing get ileredjn40(1heLiffey avid .souptintorhosell. 1 dreain't0 saw'.fohav1lriglit with all hts a>igi)t and Stance in \I:u>chester hall to ail,voeate e archain - And Beacons, , he was thorn and elanutl us for his .. eta It 4 ." Andsald he'd h:tve sit thesis so. great: out sins were; grow„. .. .• All 1 'CIULniI>Orl.Lia wag ,tlior6-said Satan 01411 the Thu necessity of Salt fo`r . AQRiCC LT fl AL PU ti, B i Is now so fully established that ever.) farmer will neglect .bis own interest who fails to use aho.ut fife tons annu- ally. ally. . Trois Trade will recei-v i our. best attention. Secs if the Irish are not lighting:for 111010.ri,;hts-- .. - and itIreo, trio r:eauso be jest,•.the0 Hoed+ must tikes bo ['11 adv00.(te thj:ir_044100 and get thenoihol•ty. •'lhcn .tleaeon11 took the book, did lonf'hy loaf. ihfnld .The.If:thefts Act Is 11010, bet More ordained. of old The old —• law repeal; we'll catch them by the We'll soigd' therm into a jail -they'll trot11110 tie e6. Cordwood, l+Jlm Stave Belts and Basswood, delivered at •the Works; for which Cash will be paid. • ' Gray, Young Sz Spar1ing When from i0}• siu> abera•4, awoke, what suffering; and' what pain, That 811' my dopes were 111Ighted anti all was brit a dream -- 0, that 1110 happy malt) night 0omo when party feel. • .' ing o'er, when pe•ic0an(1 plenty -ata in4uy dream--shall•reaoh from a1:0rn to .shore. . i:gmyld¢illc Fcbringyist, 1881. • gxw