Huron Record, 1881-02-04, Page 8Moron County CounceilL
GI -0100U% Jett •25th,
Tbe Connell met today pursuant to
etatnte, the Clerk in the chair, The
f011OWleg gentlemen presented vertili-
cats front thuir reapective
dos uth&vttig beep elected Beeves and
Deputy41tiever4, for the current year,
ist...`-lobb. Webster, Jos. Griffin, Ash.
field; John ssson,13a$field ; Clegg,'
Blyth ; O. Rogers, Brussels ; Joseph
0hidley, Win. Sheppard; Clinton ; W,
Young, A. Allen, Colborne; L. Hardy,
Eatter ; r, Johnston, W. Camp-
bell, t. Hutchison, Goderich; T.
kftraeltan, 3. Hislop, Grey; G. Elliott,
Whitely, Godericli township ; Dr,
Buchanan, R Rennie, Hay; J. Kaine,
B, Sr Cook, D. Weir, Howick ; J. Mc-
Millan, J. Mason, Hallett ; T, E. ilays
W. Evans, McKillop; 14. Forsyth, J.
R. Miller, Morris; D. 0, Wilson, J.
Beattie, Seaforth ; W. Graham, G.
Castle, Stanley ; S. Hdlarth, Ratz,
Stephen 0, Walker, J. Runno,
Tuckermnith S. IMack, J, Ilennifigs,
Turnberry ; T M. Kay, J. Shier, Us -
borne ; T. H. Taylor, R. Currie, E.
'Wawo.nosh ; O. Oirvin E. Gaunt, W,
•Wawanosh; T, nett, H. W. 0. lfeyer,
Wingliam ; A. L,Gibsen. Wroxeter.
The Clerk then requited the Coanr
Lt to to elect their Warden,' •
Moved by Mr. Johnston,econded
by Mr, Clegg, that John iaine, Esq.,
Reeve of the township of Howick, be
'Warden for the current year, .
Moved in :Intendment by Mr. Wil-
son, seconded by Mr. Gitlin, that A,.
L. Gibson, Esq., Reeve of Wroxeter,
be Warden for the current year.
Upon a ballot being taken, Mr.
nine was declared elected Warden
of the County of Huren. for 1881, by
a vote of 24 to 22.
The Warden, having taken the their,
thanked the Couneil for the honor they
had conferred • upon him, and sub-
scribed to the declaration of office.
The minutes of last day of Decem-
ber meeting were mad and adopted.
Moved by Mr. Hays; secondedo,by
Mr. Hardy, that a selecting committee
of fire be now hallotted for 0:select
the standing committeefor the year. -
Upon a ballot being taken, the Com-
mittee was declared to consist of Mes-
srs. Hardy, Webster, Bell, Hays and
Elliott. . 1
Moved by Mr. Castle, secended- by
Mr. 'McMillen, that this Commit do
now adjourn to meet to -morrow. at 3.
o'clock p. tn.-Carried:: '•
The Council met pursuant to ad-
journment. The Warden in the
All the members present.. .
The ntindtes of last meeting, were.
read and approved.
A communication front the,Coadeii
of Elgin', in reference to -conveying
prisoners .to the penitentiary, was read
and referred to. the gat*: 'and Court
House Committee . • * •
Moved by Mr. McMillan, seconded
lay Mr. Hays, that W. X'. Watson,
Esq., of Seaforth, he appointedaudi-
tor for the current year. . • •
The Warden appointed -Arehibild
, Dickson, Esq., the other. auditor. *:
Moved by Mr. Chkiley, *ended by
Hardy, that Messrs: Malloch of
Clinton, and Gregory of Exeter, be
appointed on the Beard:of Examiner
for the examination of schoolteachers
for the current year. -Carried, . •
A petition wes read from the °minty
Council of 'Welland,. requesting the
corporation *of tho Cottety Conacil of
Huroe to obtain certain etmeadeteuts
to the Municipal Act. .
guyed by Mr:. Wilson, :seconded by
Mr. Weir, ..that the memorial • of "the.
'County Co:mil of Welletni, asking
the Legislature to abolish the 'Statute
permitting munieipalities* to establish
market fees, be receivedand filed.
Moved lay Mr. Hannah,. seCcinded by
Mr. Blaek, antemimeet„ that the
Warden and Clerk he authorized to
sign the petition of he County Celan-
•i1 of Welland for the purpose of abol-
ishing the powers of.•eities, towns" and
Aimee to imposer market fees :on
iarm.and garden proibuce -Lest on a
envision by a majority of Roe.
A communication froin Mr. Shcip-
:pard, se.caetary of the -Mechanics' In-
stitute was tread, •
Moved by Mr. Gibson,seopnatd by
Mr. Wilson, ;Cheadle Clerk be auelhor.
ized on WIWI of .this Council, to con-
mey their :thanks le the Directors of
•the Mechanic:a' Institute in peclerich,
fcir their kindness "rinolfering thena the
mod their libraty laud .,reading ;room
while in scission here.-4Cattaied,
Moved by Mr. BaChauan, r.seconded
'by Mr. gooke, that the municilpalities
of 11.y, Stanley, Hullett, Itociiicilt, and
others that may need handcuffs, be
.supplied with a pciir teach,.and that,the shier. Meister, and Iteyee,
B. MALLORY, (Successor to L Thorne)
'Begs to announce Mat he has Qpened out the above grocery with a new stock .of Teas, Sugars, .Coftees, • Spices, Brushes,
this seasons Raisons and Currants, in fact .everytlainfk% to,,be found in tt. first class grocery. Prices. for cash or produce only.
Hawkins the use of the spite driver
free, by returning the same in as good
condition as he got •it,e-Carried.
Moved by Mr. Hardy, seconded by.
Mr. Trays, that the Clerk correspond.
with the Clerk of 1.1iddlesex, to know
if it is the intentioneaf that Council to
let the contract of the Sauble bridge
on the boundary between Stephen and.
McGillivray, on Thursday next,. and if
not, why and when. -Carried,
A communication from Lieut . -Col.:
Otter, requesting a grant to the On-
tario Bale Association, was 'referred to
the Finance committee..
Moved by Mr. Cook, seconded by
Weir, that the road commissioners of
the county be autliorized to inspect,
and if eecessary Wild the bridge on
the boundary line between .11owick
and the township of Carrick, providing
the Coenty of Bruce, or the township
of Carrick,. pay, one-half .of the.expense.
Referred to .Road and Bridge Com-
A letter from the County Clerkof
Lambtot,. in reference to the repairs
ordered at last December meeting to
•C4rand Bend Bridge, wa..4 read and
ordered to be filed.
• -A: letter from -the County TreasUrer,
with. abstract statement of accounts/
non resident monies collected, ibc., was
read and referred to Finance Commit-
' All -Or which is respectfully sub-
Twos, E, RAxs, Chairman,
The report of Mr. Menzies, Road and
Bridge Conainisaioner, wasread and
Moved bY Mr. Witaen. seconded by
Mr. Hutchison, that -Nicholas Robsole
A. Armitage and Rev. 1)r, Ure be .cip-
pointed High School Trustees for their
respective schools -Carried.
Moved by Mr. Currie, seconded by
Mr. Girvin that the sum of .?3,000 be
raised by Pennell for the improve-
thent of the boundary lints of the re-
spective inanieipalities, the, said stun to
be expended on the same principle as
Moved by Mr. Castle, seconded by
Mr. Webster, that Messrs. Gibson,
Hardy and Girvin be appointed Road
Commissioners, and that Mr. Sheppard
be appointed m place of Mr. Menzies
• to assist the Reevea,of the municipali-
ties in the Comity when called by any
of the Reeves in letting the bedding
or repeiriee of the County bridges; and
that the R°eeves of such municipalities
request the assistance of the Commis-
sioners nearest the said bridge, with
power, if necessary, to have the assist-
ance of an engineer -Carried. ,.
Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by;
Mr..Caatle. that a. by-law be .passed,
confirming By -lair No 3 of the term -
ship of • Stanley, for the. disposal Of
road allowance between lots 25 and 26
on the .5th coe,, to Valeatine Diehl, for
the num of $30, containing two kris,:
betheseme more or less -Carried.- ,
Moved by_ Altr. 'Johnston, • seconded:
by Mr. Clegg, that the clerk be inaruc;
ted to procure six deskssitnilarto those
now in use for this Cenneil--Carried.
Seven tenders for the County print
ing, were referred to the. School and
Printing Coinuaittee • .
Seven tenders for lowering the ceil-
ing of the Court Room werereferred to
the Goal and Coati House Committee.
Three tenders'for Sutninerltilf Bridge
were referred to, the Read. and Bridge
A number of accounts were referred
to. the Finance Committee.
• Moved by: Mr. McMillan, seconded
by Mr:. Gibson, that vesedution No. 50
of June meeting of 1876, be reacinde'd
'as an amendinent to the municipal law,
4•31a1 -Tic., cap. 24,,section 18, makes,
it the -ditty of municipalities.oweing
bridge's to -nieintain 100 feet of
proaehea at each end of such bridge...-.
Moved by gr. Chidley, seconded by.
Mi. Johnston, that the ,graut of $100.
made t� each of the, Clinton and Gode-
riCh 31-ochil Sidioels, for the year1880:
be paid.7-Carried„ • •
The report oftheSeleeting, Commit
tee was read ?Aid ordered to be laid on
•tho Table until 10 e'clock a at to
• orroW. , • •. '
Mot ed by Mr. , whitely, seconded
by dr. .that this. Council do
now adjourn, to meet tomorrow, at 10
o'elodk a m.-Carrled,
. • . • •
• . ••, •xiettee
The „Connell nitt persitatit to ad
jearneattit,. ell. tht members present,
the Warden- in the their.,
T136 minutes ofyesterday were read*
and approved. •.
A. memorial from the County Coun
-cil o Nortliumberland tied.Durham, in
reference to tne Board of Audit was.
road and refel•re'd to the School and
Printing Committee. ••
ateorrr . SKT.,CTIL.siO COMMTTEE.
The seteeting, bouneittee was com-
posed of Messrs. I-Ieys, tiemay, Etliett,
Webster • and Bell, and eported as ,
• Moved by ..Mr.. Mason, seconded , by
• Mr, Taylor that the usual grant of
•$100 be given to eah • of the }Titling
agricultural societies in the Comity,to
be by them distributed as thegovern-
ment grant now is among the usual
branch societies*Within the said riding.
Referred to the Finance Conitnittee.
• Moved by Mr. Hays, seconded -by
•Mr. McMillan, that"this Council do
now Adjourn to Meet :train at 4 o'cloek.
. . .
Your committee recommend th.,a,t.the
several committees be constituted as
follows •
Eettetaz.triwt. - Messrs.. Johnston,
Gibscei, Bell; Hegartte 13fichanan„ Tay-
lor, Flays,,You ng, Webster, Hardy,
Elliott, 'Hannah and Strachan. -*
FINANCE.-11e8rs'. Wilson, °lege..
•Chidley, Currie, Cook, Esson,,Itannah,
:Baehr:man'Campbell,;Roger.,. Me:Mil.
lan, Black, Kay, Mosers,-,Gibon,Gii-
vin, Whiten', flutelaison, Evans, R:,tz
Sheppard, Allen and Miller.
• Roan AND BRILIGE.—Messrt. naitott,
Plidley, Rennie, Castle, Kay, MelViil-
lan„, Weir, Youfig, Currie, Belt, }Jen-
nings, ttrachan, Itogarth,:k4cillia, For-
syth and Grant. . ,
• Sersoot AND PeDITIXo., - Messrs.,.
Beattie, Clegg, Rogers, Campbell; Hite
lop, Mason, 'Walla+, Shier, Gaunt,
Ctrahane Hays, Cook, Mille',
Sheppard, WILly, Meyers, -latstle
And Taylor, .
Cotner XOTISE.---1Ies08,,. Web.
ster, Essen, Itogers, Hutchinson, Retz,
1.1islop, Itemnit; 2vanfl, Weir, Maori,
Forsytle, Graham, Walker, Elack,
. *47 For a pied violin, go- to • Do
:Henry it: OrtrunNos. •
' • ,erRA.,,c0Tixtrts AT " • .
S. ivioriey%
heap Store,
Clinton) Ont.
John Smith,
•General (Mater/ :
(Carson's Block)
CLINTdT., or.
Aro now prepared to do stli kinds 'of work in theft
line. having put in a grain crueller, we are able
tOdo chopping at any time and on the shorteet.nothie
• • ' . • posMAN & DODDS.
M, ythDoe 17, MO. . 42-tt.
Blyth, Bakezy
Wouldrespeetfcillv remind his customers
• and the public generally thatiu
addition to the
He keeps on -hand a fine assortment of
• BL$C1.7./i8,
Choice Family (frac °ries,
Fine Peagrant Tea, weet Spices,'
Or Also a Good Selection of Glass-
ware Crockery Toys etc etc.
Cheap Boots 86 Boost
• .211en'S Long Boots, •
Boys Long .Boots, * • •• :
- :.,YonthS Long Boots,
Tromen's•Goat Skin Shoes,
• Misses! Goat Skin Shoes,
Womens' Buttoned Kids.
arnesso doub, &single
.BettftsloRo,bes, • . . •
" Goat Robes,
horse •Blanketc,
ppnroN, - ONT.
titi.s..teparttneut wilt Aie foatel. one of
the hest -seleeted stocks in the Cisunty-
everythig • varmletAL •'We...Clothes made
to order, a speenulty,.
Tbiii-doptiotweirt is well .stipelied and
will be fintod everything Igen, waut. • We
are bound net to be ondersA.
We slat) keep on hand a full stock of
NU and ntine-no •tronf4 Ito show
Goads.' .
• • ,
Clerk be instructed to Procure 1 I.! *-
MAA.-es....1-.Mes- srs. tell, 11..IclIfillae,, mite South Ira.ltait Sottili half Lot go. 4Q0Con... 10,
.pairs for that purpose. -Carried. - 130attio, . ‘ 1/ormings wilsou i toultship mr.tticd. t% 8\ 40 acree .eleared
Clegg# 1 I liotatuie well tlittbercd.with good hard wood. 'There
Moved by4ir. Vett, . seconded %V twat., 'Allen, Herr/ :tied Oirvin.. 1$ or) rtc, place a gouildwe.ling house, a (tame lusts
good uen and punvy, large hearing orclurni with
lby Ark: Griffin, that resolution No. 20• ..Wanneg's 0 Om /•ee., -1%1e:tar . 1_, 1 • , .. • '
...inate var,ety tt, milt 'The alarn le twit Intl I frOilii
.0i last December. meeting be toMpor- treys, wreie„, youbg, zuk,„tt, Giu,„1,.. .veig.,0 and 11 tronoVtilitturnu For 'Hocks tirs vet,
milli .s,4sailatett, aa :as lia .44m. A.r.4 /tartly and caild.k.,s, . . , Aveavile...prIt.tur atilleelace, or Tilos /314'1144 .}.10,-
. .
• • •• .
. ,
Sweeping Bcihrclions in
. •
.Parties in want of DRkG0098 will do well to eee the 810
RENICTION8 made at the 777.
Bolight in Vett York in liond at anetion,InAeautiful desi;ms and pattenna, entirely
Nli'M to the trade of this Slatinty,:tuni 'wilt be bold at ONE TEIIRD. LESS, than the
regular pace, ,
„ •
Aad all tIte Latest Novelties of the Season.:
7/7sr x ET T.
opsosito. Now Town flail, °UNTO&