Huron Record, 1881-02-04, Page 7I
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0ghlidil%_ dome ofthenew collarettes hiivabowe, be, Englishwomen have been: held -luring the I " PollhllrHlFiP►dgd Oa1,7p 4 l�om> 0 rosept at 330w >w -
_, hind which a amall woman is so Absolutelylast ten months the first in February at •
lex JoieN f}R$xNTi$ V 1v133TiI13$, he thaucii eMrl in November `y at IeaIIdan, *—XVORTEX *IXTA M To "AN10loory AT (Fro;► the Indian>lorsrtsr•1
_ ..� pendalzo of tsbe pwpears toy be sitltplq an ap* 34aaahBatar, the aeooa4d in Int Iirlotol,o nh t]oveia Ctrs vsffan as4x$ ox sxxxn. In; ls78. When exoavatioipa were made on
res, tJ*FA14XT. else walkin the the alesn pf the ante rya n
sa J' , y g jaolteG of diagonal cloth the east aide of the Bombay island tar the: -
ot the come in black and" varipp_s .dark shade. a for at NvttiugbarP. At the last meeting Mrs, "^'"' Prince's Docks the rtrginoars found stumps : , I.
Wa five by FAtth;> bite. Flstth in' ti.. ro scads and carriage wear, 'i`Me ass . Lucca, aister of Jobn Bright, rsceside,l, Ansi' ([rRopi 1114 8anaas Citi Journal , ' of trees at a•leyel of 12 feet and,. more below
slava „ °'"•'i ' I t he perfectly t to the folic. Myas.Ilolep. Taylor, iiisivgd the adcptiou;4f r�here in s reporter at the 2'i►xes pffi°s extrema low•tidemark, provinga•consideru,
Of text and, ,,a, d.. , oAsva'a voice :and. pret y. when Pe- fly ted h a memorial to Mr, (1ladetcIIe bhawiug
o ' '• On some of the na kins. the gUtling figures "/ that there are over 6QQ,000.rate-payers'n1 who wr;tee withe goal rapidity with either ble subsidence of the land on that side of a.
G. d st. ,hand, Be is an ambidexter, and a. bold, this Bombay island, An account of this re+
. :Taturen and Duty s, Yiever ora at odds>, are ambroidered in, groups representing, :the unittd kingdom cistprived o£ hpower ad one at itis When them la a xuali of markable d socve was -published in their
What sake our•Father. of His children save Chinese tea drinking eoenos, or else cupi of voting in -the election of members of pax, bwo at the otiice an the devil ie shootingrecor a for 18.73 by the Geological Survey,,
uatiioe end' .mercy aqd bamrlity, and sageors th&t show the familiar, willCw {tamest . tin the sale ttround that they are }, rk 'c
J. + coppee like`s tions incarnate, This report- with a note by Mx,. We T. Blanford, -Which
A reasonable service of good deeds, design.: women. Tbat this exclusion is directly ops or sits down at his .desk in full companyy, we reproduce below. Batt it will doubtless
I,'1. ... Y;ng, tenderness, to human needs,. Hats. are lar a anavather heavy, though .sed to the fundamental principleof rept'e• front and With a incil in each band, interest the readers, of the; India»: For lair to.
Ilevelropoe and trust, And prayer ,for he ar exceedingly 1 iotuxea ue, in the a ntativo goverx�megt, and,, h�arefore, un- siin,a oiI local happenings.pb the yard. Oo have some dofails'rolat vo to n subject whioh
light, to: see,' . t, y: a g y t 9. by
8 majority of instances. ant{ ostrich plumes oust to such rate -payers, ,That th@' exolu• writes on two aheeta at once, and doesn't int has a spacial interest for foresters; Those
The UPter"s footprintil in. Or da;ly, ways Y asci the tsar al t immin s of the aeveKal slog of rromen raGo•payere from rho nxor°xee ie ri ht hand know what tire. left hand ;e
r . r $ of the parliameiitarp veto de rivca wsxnen : h g details have been extracted chiefly from a
i 1 9 knotted Boourg nor sacs;neral knife, shapes worn, P p, driving At,, but it's driving all the same. late report by 1Mr,. Ormiston the resident
But the calm be#41y of An ordered life ant .the'f Diana" of that free expreadion of 'opinion which is yesterda he of a. little off higmtntal
v r breathih ,is unwelded raise This illustration, reprra s the unl •uaraeit of ltbtirty in thea -tats+. 3r g enggineer of. the Bombayl'ort'>;rust.,
Whosee y g• p ,as. un made . if ocean blue luab, to nom, y •b y b.tae, ana attempFed to write tip a dog tight The bottom Of the. stock is 45 ft. below the
A life that stands, as all true livor have q to a of plush and brocaded Wherofcra, your memoralists pray that: u sad a wedding is high life at the same time, B.. b!, atone at the Bombay Towa Hall, the,
plete a short cos m p u
stood,- satin. •The collar, cuffs, and revers are of measure may be - t ,..uoedby hermnlesty a He got thinks mixed. Ilia baud -ran clear surface :being- about 21 ft. below that mark ..
W Fast ranted in the fa;ih that God is Good, blue ti bloc sed i two, sbadea, . The minibters to ei;te I the parliamentary fian AWAY with the gray matter in his skull and
. ase $ with two rows. o£ enameled' chile to women rate -pryers. and laud -own- , , and nearly 2 ft, below mean water level,
lu satin,
,baaque is ol" d w things. became tat .confused;, This is Tho excavation has opened out five dis,
s$> r. Watteau buttons. Shirred gaimpe of India era iii boroughs And oouattios. the way his items telescoped each other i tinct; strata, the lowest of whioh' ie`a rock
t 0 soul! that easy is the task muslin edged with lace in the Weak,, and ----� w F` At (racQ Qhureli last night'i?lie nuptials with an extremely uneven surface. The
Dream not, laitinga to match fu the sleeves. of . Mr. Thomas Johnson and Miss. Julia rock (probably- tri though thin is not
Thus est before thee.' If it proves, At P A,;.Varie Romance• CP Y P,
length, lassie Eattn Naar Faris a peasant girl was deserted Lawrencewere celebrated is most maymfi• stated in, the re -ort) was in planes cove=ed
¢, p cent style, A costly fic�rAl tierce shoe being by moorum, and this: by black loam. The
As well it may, . beyaud thy natural �� said a raminetit , by her lover, who had promijed to. marry. ,directly over the Altar, and when the yellow tblok loam Das overlaid by a stratum'of stiff,
, otren h, Do you see that lady?" p Some time afterwa-d be Called Anc found our saw the hamos of anger darting from blue -lax from fi to 20 ft.. thick, The aur-
D ubtuot,, sea air,n'ct.' An a;ohild may ask chemist of .Cleveland to a reporter of ?'ha her••wahbing clothes in the garden, bear a e •es of t -b 'n e fi ste he, o ened with the f ce of this blue o1a was nearly level, land W
o P „ a e ri Y P a y
A father, pray the Everlasting (food Leaxder. As sure as the sun will rico to. well. .They had been chatting a while, im impressive 'strains of the wedding mulch. 4
For light and guidon" 'midst the subtle morrow, so surely will that woman diei.,pre when Buddeul the r1 as xf b accident, p g the remains of branohe8, twigs, and -reeds
snorts g maturely, in a few years, by a slow but ser• dropped a cloth fn the well, and exhibited As the handsome couple walked down the , are distinctly trackable in it.. The upper- •
k• lauted in life's •'thorou h� tarn self-destruction.." • 'ref over the loss of ft. Her sem• aisle the excited crowd began to get frantic, most stratum was soft black clay or. slit, -.
Of sin, this p g great gr 0 And there were yells of Sick em, -Bull;i' The trees. were growing 'on an uneven aura .
fares, The scene was. on. Superior street, and. the P A+ At him now, Towser, as the s ectators '
anion volunteered to loan over in'rho. well " p face on the rock, and some on the moornm '
For spiritual nerve and moral hardihood, lady fn"question was standing on the side- and. fiaii the garment out -. but while het was became . interested in, the fight, The b ride y' , g The . ,
Still listening 'midst the noises -round •about. walk, 'waiting for one of the Cara. The so engaged the girl caught hili by the loge g and black loam• oven in the rock: ;
g he nward,e eakin. afternoon eun'aho a full upon her, dress and g g was elegantly attired: in ppare white -of the .soil was geaorally very scanty, often note
Of time and sense, t I . p p n and.threw him in, In reply to hie cries, she most.00aily fabrics, and'ahe wore the frost- more than four to six inches thick, and theL.
Word, tout o»ternb6e marked her . wealthy and re. � told him if he would remise to marry her i}
me •sweet in approval heard, -fined, and her face was beautiful, but about P frenal wh;te veil and wroath of orange roots were spread out at. almost right angles
Hitter in blame,. - P she would pull him out., He prom;end, hat blosaomahad him b his neck and, histqu ixe to the trunk. Tn acture of the fissures ,of the
Piercing the tumult of the world without ; the large gray eyes there .was a weaned, no sooner was he out than he bri]ught n suit began to loll out and his eyes to. turn sonifier• rock there was a black muddy loam goseillly
To health of soul a voice to Oil and troubledre]i�pssession, and the marble face against her fortrying to murder hum, Then g
lease, was almost death-1;ke in its paler.;n, at last he withdrew it and marrieal her. saults as •if in the customary, blank dress the remaxna of decayed roots, Altogether
To guilt the wroth of the Eumenides ! was tranaluoent,.Bhowmg 'the delicate blue: , suit, rihite gloves, oars cropped close to his $S2 ileac were found, They varied °sit -
veins beneath. It was perfectly pure and _ -- " head. siderably in length and tbiokness; but sp,,
vs'cExAxs a. clear, but unnatural. " Accel]ting an invita. EMINENT PEOPLE: " He was a diaryiputable looking dot, in pealed to be of eontemporanaous growth
tion to step into the chemist a, labratory, the beginning, and ought to Have been 223: were standing upright; and 10 had
t words to touch the. re otter .was soon seated in . A spacious ' IT is generally rumored in the lobby of the whipped for being so homely. He is. o£ fallen.` The largest tree was4 ft. 8, in, (ac, .
But what avail inade ua e p
The ionermest of Truth Y -Shill I essay, ronin surrounded by thousands of bottles of House of Commons that Mr, Gladstone is to good family and is ongsged in one of 'the cording to the latest report 36 in. only) in
T e , g p g•►rtb and 46 feet in length ; this was' found
Blinded and weak, to point and lekd the all. shapes and sizes, and the conversation be created Earl of ,Hawarden. most extensive manufaoturiti enterprises in on. its side. Several athero of equal 'girth
way, turned again un the woman seen . on the Kix4 HvninailT has bestowed the deeora• the .West, But theYellowea'r seemed to be
Or grasp a theme for angels overmuch! street, tion of;tho"Crpwn o£ Italy",on'�Gen..di getting the advant;1ge, as he -had now sue• were standing upright, but the upright
g p' a that something not my bwn, "That lad ,".. said the chemist seriously, ; •Cesnola for his excavatio sin Cyprus. seeded in getting A death grip on the throat were all Broken off near the surface of the r
Yet if it b Thou ht to. which "fa anaraenio eater. Few, have any :idea' of the bin brindle, and when he tender]ey blue clay; .The trees wore. standing at dff-
Some shadows o£ tli9 g
our renames 1. how thi deadly habit is spreading. Even in Tax Duke. of Northumberland ,intends to erased the bride ng ,to the ancient ferent levels, the highest being at low water
this cit it nuiribers' its devotees by _ hull• introduce rho eWtrio light at Al'nwick Cas- custom- his back was. obvered with mud and 'level of spring tides, while the lowest was
And creeds and rituals are ..nor drods a d the busband who . ridea himself tie and if successful it will n0 doubt be used -
dreama, P hhB off hind leg was terribly chewed step 16 ft, below low water level. Soma of the
• Is even to my
unworthinesa-made-known, on his wife's beautiful complexion, the. .n other English houses.1. ".,Among the 'costly presents received by forest in the Sundarbans is not lauoh higher o
hide what et I scarcely dare father who presses. the forehead of his GAR;i3Atpl'A wife and children recently the happy pair were- fine grand piano from ..than the low water level of extreme spring . .
I may not y o tae daughter, an the lover who • is visited �Tfce the birthplace of the General. the fatties of the bride hair had been resided
To utter, lest on doubtful lips £ mine g d proud of , p tides.. But this forest evidently hada' char• .
1 seem false the fitness less divine, while tin 19 anxious about the transparent Tho latter will not put, foot in Nice. Its front `his. back and one eye seemed to have Motor .different from the ''Manfirave. , and -- ',' M
The sea ,
the eases of an inward prayeri..'oouaplexioaof his sweetheart, never dreams session. to Trance. in 186Q made nun furious, been •struok.wtth an anger, After a short ,5nndri Forest on the.deep mud o£ the Sun- So through p for o est that it is an unnatural effect . bridal tour;. the•happy pair will settle down . ,darbane.. These trees had ;grown on reek; •
1. owe the faith which seems the simple•. m e f. a' poison which' Tus :medical department. of Queen Vic• to one of the .hardest fought battles the re- - ..
truth produced by the .us o p i i; or on the. ecanty soil overlaying'tha't i•odk,
er r later dextro -life. I am toria's household comprises three phyaiafana , iiorter has yet witnessed, and it was d oelt find .the forest probably' stood abovdAligh
At evening time, as in the dawn of youth. would Baon in, ordinary, three physicians' extraordinary,
n y„
net. telling this for aenaatton ; it is terrible to tell which dog had been punished worst. 'water level.. The iliffeienco 'at, Bgoibay.
_.�.- g two sergeaut,surgoons, throe surgeons oxtrae g y g between low and high water at . 6xtreme 1
truth; and I could sit down and write off a , The fight ended at exactly 4;48, after having
ordinary, one physician. of the household, one been bitter] aontesied for au hour and .a'
WOMAN GOSSIP. liat.of -five hundred names of ladies who are' b y spring tido is,1B.60 feet, eo• than the sulthe
in.the haUit of using,tbia, drug 're ularly. surgeon-of.the'househeld,.oneauxgeanAnoth ha`f •weroAriven to ilia residence of the deuce, an indicated by, the position, of'
on Notes. I could startle this cit 'b .telling it that .ecary, two chemists of the'establiahintnt in hrida's'. parents, and he was taken to his trees, must have been more than 3tl feet.. °
Fashi •y y . ordinary, one surgeon' oculist, one surgeon.. ,
will b -women of . many of.' its bast, families are y in r dono.'other. h siciani.• oKnera'home in ;a ')wheelbarrow:.. IIo will Tho stump -which protruded through the
Spanish .]ace, beaded with gold, a dentist rn old a y, an p:. I Pro Ably • never'reoovor, and,.if he does will blur cls into: the silt ware co letel „
committing a alowysuicide,- A :ptactical,'•. ,, _ _.. _.. -- ,• p y y n1P Y: .
worn, dbomiat can.tell ata . lance a arson addLot* Nrxi, summer the Grand nuke Constantine be'tutail blind, T.,esides'being: ermanentl
P Y P y riddled to a shdrt':distanc'e:into the blue
None but foreigners and rovinetals. _ - and t -has beenirt "' Custom ave com Toted his $f"ri-ill eur-bf seC lamer in itis left h]gd leg, -Che beautiful bride. -clay; by4ho•-pe'rforations- of •the'Teredo na- ' " -
g P ea this vice, i, y will.11 .. p Y
masked balls in Poria, for ears ast'ta. note doivu the persons ,I vice and his twenty-fifth ydar n i Lord High r000ivetl the conghatulations of; a boat of . valis or another aimilnrly daatractive Bali -
a art of . ver y. P . ar of arsCafe-hall �i �al, t i said tlintlie will avail himself . friends.` ,':The. groom -as one. of _our most.. mal:_ Lower.down'.-the-hQlea.became-fewer,-: - •- -..- , ,
Golden comic sloth form p 1 meet who hove -them k ,Admiral, - I a d
m satin evening dresses. it u on ihem' If I we -a to •you -that•, of this anniVeraary to resign his gositIon`aa urornising'young men, and his owher dreads ind'many of , the trees,.wheh ,out` through
handsome g p
the list on, would he astonished.", Lord 73fgh:Admiral,.atid that the Grand Duke the possibility o#,losing him, asi he fears he:' into.the blocks„ showed a single hole wind,
Shirring is used to excess whenevert «Y. ;;
material is satin for ball dresses. • $ the drug Usually taken 2 Alexis, the third' •son 'of ilia Emperor, will .can never replace him.. The, father of'.the ing towards' tbo roots, and,, getting lairgo as,
"Souietimca pore, in minute doso�, but thereupon be appointed Minister of ,Marine, bride i's one of our wealthiest merohants,and' it approached the font of rite tree.
Whits satin with gold brocadeis a fashion,. r 1 in the form of Fowler's 'solution. in.deference to ilio Grand Duke Constantino; , the•yellow; fy3te limped off with a• "owing
able -choice for trained ball dresses, ggene al y 8 Of the trees found tying down, soma inusli
° 'oases
tiro first' few inontha, maybe in some the est ;of Lord High Admiral being fill- look in. his eye and a saucy, curl in hs,tah;• have drifted, as they were without b'rauches :.
Fano -coloured, embroidered, and ,open _ a es for a' ear little •or. no effeels ensue p ' 13is li£ isus.,_ __.,to-.say T` tiV.lidrelse_wButs tb�t� _oiybota�-Tho largo-fallen-acwti tree;-•me11
drawn-worked-table•li'nrn fa -all -the rage - o s -- .r 'Y.." 'ti a tbe�utiful ' alio rug i LL ane Y"'.. tioned above, had left a complete caat of its .'
Abu£ after thaG� m d ter a Aarox rho recant memorials erected n St.
Cream ecru .and buff cloths are most in which you have seems prod'ude . . Af . George's Chapel, Windsor Castle; is a Urasa ' The ambidexter was summarily "fired.". Cream, theblue clay, thou,,h.the.woody.
favour for lunuheon' and breakfast tables. •. few cora the woman begins to feel her health • r orlin �tkie birth .death and .burial matter was gone..
y cissa to dis'ontnue its,- sable ec g , ."� �`"'" A pa;ently•s)i the trees .tveie of the, same
The small cuff fitting inside the. sleeve' is giving way, and de o of Prince Alainayft of Abyssinia, whesc re . : . • r; P .
g ' las itis too late-'- The face chap os- --
r sent the onl style that'will Bell, . nae. A g, mains .were •iuterrod At .the. west" end- of -the -The -Sheikh of Sllf-•:•..--,, r ~ - -kind- except two; Which st' is said'lo°lL is lied"
ate e Y .Y . .
to a livid red,: every one notices ;t,. and in '
with ell Uerries ., building, The tablet bears;, the following in• . , ' ; .. ' , ..,•=--• -:'` � - - -,- . leak trees:.. Tho wood: of the others in, de -.1.
Pink tulle, trimmed w h y des arsons returns'to the same course and• , .; T lied AIA•' S : .
avec is a hew fancy For. bull. P.. - ' scription:: • Aei4r'thissppot.lies bA ,The testimonials which the she trium� I set As.,fi . rained and ..dark liI ke roae� x'. '
without leaves, ?' receives the .congratulations• o£ her friends: ma rite' son:. of Theodore rho ,Kin of
I 11
toilets, oma. Yu , g . ph3ntl'y produced aogaisted` largely of, cam• a o'od,
on her restored health.'. After s years;: Ab ssmili • been 23rd Q ri11S61;, died 14t1i. - a ainat hia ro help When wi hiss . ,, No,reiria us.of any kind %Were found which
Dark -red hell berries are very Effective y:.• P. plaints u t _12 , t
Y y however,, this faro gradually Changes. from November 1872 This tnblet was iposd might have indicated human, habitation ;.
on simple tarlatan dresses of.pure white. the cleareolor of Ala to a, dull, shastl P ,. . apparent feelingoi gratified vanity, hehand�
P Y here. to, his memory by Queen Victoria. I ad us ,a testimonial sailing him as "extor. nor were any 'shells or•other organic objects ' , ;:, � w
.A groat deal of skill is expended at pre- complexion like chalk; the whole system,: ivas.a iitranger and ye took me in."'" tionato cid thief," and warning.travelsrs to discovered in the blue olay'or the ground
- sent upon paper knives and paler folders, saturated with- this mineral, gives way, and beware of him ; and inhiatdd upon .our read. underneath it, exdept'one oyster -shell which
N -a -da s that a ' usually death. mercifully ends -a life of par., � �,,,� Txi'Efunday gli'vd•molrnting-parades have Y fah � And t en �retu cin it to him was embedded is some;gravel in a crevice of
So much lace is worn no y in : it ea e y n h , r .. R.
' box is rather an im loam strue- '-lysis: Satoh lila been the history of .many recommenced at St. I'ete`obur with all their; g the underlying rock. • '
lady's lace 1 g g
of our wives and dank titers, Bud unless the ` `usual ceremonies. At these: functions only . e be stowed o'Comp r future use. and.then Bat it. is .mentioned -that tracea'of twigs •.
ture. J3 's e's in -and uts the Czar.and;his.'iminediate staff, including expected us to`camply with demand for
strong arm of. the law t .P . , P mons . be. seemed 0. to astonished• at our and sends are noticed, the Iatter having left,:' . " .-I
Pretty. trifi9s, holiday presents, are sleeve. 1 s' he sal of is neon: it. the foreign mi italy'attaches, appear mount Y,
stringent rule out e P . ,., ,attitude of resistance. " Wfi should' .we . impresaiona of their shapes in the;bme °lay;
'buttons . and ecarfpina, hand -painted. on a h" for of'the resent resin od.. All othor'oiiicors are on foot: .As are t y
will .Ue the is y P . g r �' .. '+ u fins rilm at the oatside skin in•eome cases
earl, after the manner of Costly, dreas enit;of along guarrel bet%deenthe Cz it pay l+ou ,el we asked...: It is the # -
P generation..::. ,. adhering . to the clay., :Mono of, the • casts .:
buttons. _� . and his uncle, the Grazed Duke Nicholas, itlze he leplied ; ' no' tr ivoler,- has been allowed
" were more than hal£ an inch' WWI but.they
A Parisian fancy is for brown -.tulle ball' h $eelg, ` . "• latter, formerly- mounted,, now nppears• on ,to ,visit the ruing wtthoixt paying me. were found close together, •and in A vertical '
dresses trimmed with pink roses and buds. H g foot; while the Czar°vit°Ii,: as• settlor officer Than it: a bad custom, which must be
' - A L)ndon doctor has,beeii, protesting in attends this season far 'the first. immediately discontinued,'„we aid. "We' Ilosit'ch' '
Gold and amber fringes asci embroideries : •. , the fashionable Iii h� - Present, deelino absolutel . to a : ,a farthing,"'' Below the places :where. these crit of.
the Zancct .againgt ' g time on horsebaek. y P y » seeds were traced,•it is mentioned that the
appear on many handsome evening dresses., lideIad BhoeS of-woiAen.. lie,says I have `<But no, One bas ever, before declined stratum was. orforated with lie es like •
from wintor .at 'reaeitt.under two serious cases Trii marriagoof?'risco William Of Prussia' «Then it is high time for. dome ono to. set loam p 1
Flowers have been excludedp
aiI '.` s raiaorl ankle,” solei arising .:from ;. is to faire' pldeo•on February the 26th,. end. the example," we remarked, and we called =at .holes, and that those. werefilled+ with
bonnets, and feathers have 'taken
their of p ' Y
filets use. Tho' arties,tripped,. anis, loosing. will probably be succeeded by a wedding trip in the zaptietis. who for the first time proved vary fano clay; nearly as fiord as .cream:. '
place, P
'ir balance were 'unable to recover thein- oil 13gard rite royal y. litl1clienz"olle�n, For- of some use. • They, anxious to prove thtit ,Some of the hales commenced from rho: aur.
Paris, at the present moment, baa A craze thr ,
elves without falliu whiohs in the one re. .the Shrove Tuesday. ball, 'which is. to ; close zeal and im'o , anoe, acid knowing that they face of the' loam, .penetrating. it for tire; „
for old brocades, old -stuffs, and old embroil• t g'. .
salted in` ostial digability.- Again; -about, A.. the. Wedding festivities at court, a .quaddlld ran no risen` As the Caiiilukam 'and ,his length of ;a foot'; others rani , a,l;or}rental
erica. olith BiocO I was consulted res ectin a ` ¢f lift coo les. is Ueiii locales in the direction:
m p g y P g p soldiere.rwere within..eBll, posses upon ,the' >
Tea caddies with decorations in ooloured whose parents' were iiristocratic '•circles ;of the capital;,. Ladies head of the sheikh, a torrent of invective— The area excavated is about thirty acres
c mes thins of beauty as 'well"aS.. young, lady; aged l6, t .
alloys, be o g . Y , .. read. alarmed at a supposed spinal affec.: and goutlemen taking alt in fire dance are telling him. that,the were a far better• -pro- thus there were„on ata: average, seven trees
Of use. tion �uuder which they believed their to wear the costume,of�the period of Fredet• t"ilon. than; any ea ort he could futnish, per "acre i;tending: `But ,in addition to
. Floral decorations for ball dresses are made. .:dao �htet• to. -be suffering. - I ordered tho ' ink William 1. The gentlemen who Are. to aAd that'.there .was .plenty -mare .protection these some o£' the fallen trees had probably-
brilliant with olden stamens pistils, and Boot ane enerall wore to.l?e brought to impersonate thb giant'Grvun Biers, of the sol• than `au escort he o'anld furnish; and, that grown on the srot; The trees' were not, ,
tog , P , g Y die` lane* will;be arrayed ui the andent. loco however,egaally distributed„ but were found .
tendrils. me, and found. the heels raised five iach'eB, r p there yeas plenty more plots°tion at Ajlun, sou ed in lar a eluatera on a onion on!
silver is in higher to erin to the size of a ahil'ling, And, to °oat uniform of she Prussian . Guards,' with ' About which; if he ;lied no douUt, he had g p, g • P } .
Doll, coppery -looking g p d
make matters worse instead of• correspond• otters, sugarloaf: hel]rio s, olid cmnberaoine b ter send and a"sic his brother, who was in of the area.
favour for table use than that which gaining t._ gg e i' l the necessary in. : Leaving to the cope trip tire: further. dis•
natural colour, ' . to the situation or the nataial Heel, tbey loather straps Bud belts, The gentlemen so. of osition to .give
l• im al y g q $ •
were situated immediatelW' under the arch !acted are, all off]cr.s in the prosent' Foot formation -•--with many `other saroa:itic- re oussion of:, this moot, xemarkaUla discovery, .
The entire corsage of golden nomie•clotilr I recommended 'rest . in .the Guards, and no unworthy representatives of ' marks`of a little nature which made all.the ', it' will; be well hire to• offer a few rer]arks
is frequently %%-era with gold•embroidered of• the foot r o ' *hich may be of interest to our renders"
• . horizontal position, for twit of .three days,.., fho. olden time, the smallest person admitted surrounding Arabs, wife ,had began -to look. Y
and decorated satiar skirts. . and shoes with l]alf,inelr boles, of the.broadtli mersurin '5 feet 11 nicllos -in height. Of , 'tr,iculent, ehaago councenance;cousiderably. Sb much seems clear; that, after the7and on
. Artistic embroidery in colours and the,. natural heel 'and the toes broad in , the ladies, manyaro said to suit their tower- •.Nevertheless' .he .event on murmuring and: 'which the trees grew had subsided below •
Open pattern of drawn -work ornament ,the of the , t the sen, a de osit of °lay gradually and .
P P proportion, to be substituted for those ingpiirtnersadmirablyinhai ht Mndsize. protesting, end offeriugua'moretestimonials,. +• pp
finest table -linen this winter. ir6 .oust wurn. The en're' was complete. • slowly Battled down;'agcn the trees, and
y p which; iso read out of cariosity, until we
A ink veil is ball, a speckled veil ie.. XO nauka, no, w.earfness, no pain be disc a ]hist written in ,Ara'iic is making had finished our meal and our .Cigarettes, that fit, o later, pesos a second nsisti g
p A li ml g doming. -from scattier sonrco, and consisting,
worse, and a pink speckled veil has happily comfort, after a' four -mile -walk, have.been' a great stir in Constantinople. Tho work-- when we quietly mounted and,rode Away,,, Qf soft. ailt.fellopved-
been compared to the scarlet. fever. experienced eindo, In .walking under the wiuoli bears the character of A. clandestine leaving the Bheikh, and the savAge•lootcing • • ' .
ti brocaded with .previous condition. every mteution of nature 1 • , since it is not to be -found at Any. group of Arabs by whom hawas surrounrled, tihe --trees nolo 'probal;ly'-killed by coo,+ -
White or pale tinted satins, bio Add P pals] ]licatie i, y tinned immersion in water, :Soon aftor they
old form the trains of dresses. intended. for . -Anatomically' speakillg- was fuSterato3, .of the booksellers' --has been written by two staring open-mouthed' at our Audacity,' bat ,had. been killed, and before the deposit of. �
• occasions of roat ceremony. and the symptoms complained of precisely shelka• from Mecca, who carie. to ,Constati• utterly impotent .and paralyzed by the.,new stiff clay settled •around them, they .
g y 1 %� oro the
n now for ladies to decorate those to bo xpeetod. Not -only -tiro Ie on purpose to complete a.iid publish it: turn matters had • taken, thanks, to , -an y - .
It is the fashib n flrinness of ste and easy lu welkin lost p + were'broken, and blown clown by winds and ,
the silk linin of hoods. with hand -painted p ' .It is destiued'for distribution in all Mussui• energetic Caimakam. •waves.. From what is stated 'in the. reports
ors roses,tulips, ansiea and the like. .
through,the natural spring Anil muaai]lar 'men o ]entries. Among other things, it dour- - • O Which have furnished the data for these
fi0N ' P action of the foot being destroyed, but every , ,
trimmin a in the form of emliroid• Onatrates the. sovereignty and legitimate an- come of the islands of the South Pacific .notes, it would seem that t}io iyood, fs fn no .
Gold !; muscle Whose tendons extended to the foot hdrit of .the Cali h of the Mo6mmedans, I
cries, gold beads, fringes, tassels, and braids, must have been' Abnormallystrained, the y p where the clAm atiaiaa a great.,size,! diving wax Petri&ed, 'but has' preserved its chola°
are used on heat/ white satin for bail • to whatevbr ,elimate they may belong, and •ter, ia• a remarkable manner. It would bit
Y upwright position of the body pseserverl to whatever Government the may be sub. for Clams a One of the occupations of the na•
dresses. •under chfficulties, and the oentrd o£ gravity •• y y fives, The, (fiver .throats a sharp iron rod well�•to examine tiro afro°curb of the wood
The silk and satin inoushions re tired seriously ivrit lent: ' it may, therefore, be obnsidered an into the mouth of the. clam, which °loses its found,, and to compare it with that of Indian
and ,aRjacent nerve centers s i u y , essentiallypolitical' . work,. intended' to
g P P P abed --a state of, thins "which I nded not . P shall with Snell tenacity that Wean be pull. +Foods of the present day, ni hat.h tn•icien-
for Christmas gilt aro embroidered t or'be used to g ' atrengthdn and'oxtend the owar of the Sill- .
ed. They are too handsome . f r tell my profoss onnl brethren,:if.perpetuated p ed out of its lied. Occasionally divers who tify. them, and deter�nhne whether they .
tau. It i9 Asserted. that several millions of. belong to: families' which are extinot,•or arc .. ..
plus, from youth to womanhood, must inevitably copies have” Alread been cont to Algeria, have .carelessly, allowed themsblves to b° atiil found in, Iridis. ,
Gypsy bonnets, with long bi`ims in front , cad in crmanent tnis°hief of socio kind ' ' p • y B caught in the grip of too pgwerful a clam '
tapering to almost nothing in the back bid P ' Tun]s, and ML orccco, and that a larg° num• g • ,
p g g + and the -sooner the voica of the profession is . have on1 Baved their •lines by Gutting, off. -
fair to take the .•plane of the Fadhon or babe • raised a ainst strati nn absurd and erniowus her are to he introduced into India I fhb their fingers and.leavin them at this bottom ,
g P eastern pro%inces.of ILuasia. g + g Tiru'Gzar saes 'not lie° rho °old," whife
bonnets, prgetibo, the better. , ,,, of the sea:, nse.
One train to a gown is as' much as most `r TAlty bock tha ldvo thou gav ai ane, glare of the 'electric light, and has eb
trains • like Woman Suffrasrd' ' rho sang, It was a love of a bonnet, but CAT it tooth- that is a king, after it is .quentlydeeilod not to'em loyit for the ilio+
ladies can manage, but two, . ' p g ter Valoeo iQr, the pre-; -
those on a recent wedding dress in Paris The Agitation!or woman suffrage is ice Wsent., '
must have a tendency to co_Ihde. �. warm in England. four' great meetings of . ed him to exchange itpfor, one that did.'.
drawn be said to have a run from noble minsI . Of itis kl�irt
. - , .
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