Huron Record, 1881-02-04, Page 5uy Ilullett.• lir,. Wm. Diddicott lost :a valuable,. mare's few days ego of infamation, 31r, Wm. 'Shipley, Jr., lute moved foto toaen'Where lie will reside until the erection of his now .brick hod$e, Mrs• Tremier having purchased the Sifter tau front Mr, .Shipley and takes, poesitlisfon on. the 4t1i inst. One day last week, as Mk, W4 Haines. wasleaving the woods with a load of wood,, one of .his horses slipped .and. fell :lead, On beiug opened. it watt found to have butst one of the arteries of the heart, 11f'r. Haines has purchased an- other horse fkeut 11ir. John 'Upshall, for which he paid the sum of $145, 44,`" For a good piano go to DOHERTY ▪ CiinniNos. lEg mondi'ille. • Mr. Jackson's sheep akin tannery is in full. blast, over 3,000 'hides being nearly finished. Seaford: water works tri going to be extended to Egmondville after it is made a public village after the June meeting of the County Council. D. D. Wilson has taken 'over '300 Loads of ice from the Egmondville mill pond for summer use and for packing. eggs. James Kyle, who now owns the Eg- utouville mills, has a saw mill erected. which will be drived by the engine of the grist mill and will be in operation next week. This village is. now supplied with splendid sweet and wholesorne broad from Clinton bakery, and sold by Mr. Col- lin; grocer, of this village. Mr. Mitchell, of the Egmondville hotel, lost a valuable horse one day last week it being oast over into the stall after applying all means to • get the animal out without effect. Lar For a good violin string, go to DOHERTir ir Gi n3INos. H Ingham. • James Fleuty, Esq., of the Advance, has been indispoied for.a short time. Messrs. Moore & Foster hal*e opened a general store on Main street. Judg- ing from appearances they know the value. of printers' ink.'.. _ .. There were enrolled for the past moth on the general register of Lower Winghacn 10.6 pupils of whom 50 were boys and '56 girls. The average at: tendance was 1566,, and the , school being .open 20 days gives. an average of over 78. fine cannot -fail-to be--strunok--with' Our Devil's Dream, T eat iu .tbdore step Land 45 I ryas musing over the,events of the past day,, 1 fell asleep, and while sleeping dream- ed a dream. Methought just as the Sun was disappearing and the evening ,Star beginning to shine, ,that a weary Sentinel began to .4dvance towards nie andthus spoke : • Why do you who in the future will be the L'xpoeitor of 411 that is good and the Reflector of the Tines, weekly and bi weekly, patented. and ttepeteted, sit here, when so much Tnterpriae fa to be jut on RECORD, At a Signal methought he returned to bis Post, and t, dreaming, made a Re• view of my past life, and then peered into..the future. A New Dra dawned. *upon me, and with, this. I awoke, and., How make a Little Chronicle of it all. o....:..,. ... - Notices of Births, Deaths and Marriages in this department ' inserted free of charge, BIRTHS. CA:4TRI,ON,—in Clinton, on the 2nd inat„ the wife of Mr. if,. Cantelon of a son. STEVFNSON.-in Wtngha'n, on the 22nd ult„ the wife of Dir. John Stevenson, olaokeniith,.of a eon. TINbALG.—In" Feast Wawanosh, .on the 18th alt , the wife o1 Mr. OmTindall, of a df,ughter, • D.ICAIlS,' ' VOGT —in. Wroxeter, on the 28th ult., of consump tiork Theresa, wife of Mr. John Vogt,. aged 46 years, ..A, Household fiord ! T 7. Coo .ei,' s GROCERY Has become a Household Word as the BEST and CHEAPEST place fol ' Groceries, Feed, ti'• Crockery,. G'kisewam. etc., etc. the toile of our legislators as displayed Tin the recent parliamentary. debates.. We hear one number was calling an; other "the smallest specimenof a. jack- ass" &e. Such expressions cannot fail to have anything but a beneficial effect By the death of Mr. Martin Clifford, of Wawaaosh, another old landmark has gone the day of all flesh. He has been ailing for the past year, yet his death was somewhat of a shock to his large circle of acquaintances... The funeral took place on Wednesday last. .. The county lodge. for North Huron met in the.Orange hall on Tuesday last. There was a goodly representation from all parts of the county, notwithstanding the severe weather. Henry Perkins,. Esq., Gorrie, was re-electM County Master;'Lancelot Nethery, Dep. -County Master; Mr. Wilson, Chap.; Mr. Mc Gill, Treas.; C. V. Floody, Sec.; Geo. Young, D. of C.; Geo. Pettypiece, Co. Proxy. - The tea meeting of the . Orange Young Brittons, of Bluevale, referred' to in our last issue, promises to be. a decided success. Tea is to be served'. in the Orange hall from five to 7.30 p. an., after which the • intellectual feast will be tendered in the 0.:11L church adjoining Thomas MoCreight, Dis trict MaSter, of the Turnherry district, will occupy the chair. henry Eilber, Esq., Grand Master, O. Y. B.'s; }tenry Perkins, Esq., Master, County Orange Lodge; Revs. Beyers, Philp, and CO- bourne, besides other gentlemen of prominence, have promised to attend:, There is residing in our town a cer- tain butcher, who, for unqualified mean- ness, stands at the head of the list. One 'clay a short time ago, a poor roan called 'oil bitn asking for a job. Our Knight of ,tile shamblesgave hint the gutting of a (lord of wood, After . the wood was cut, be thought the man Might split and pile it in the shed. For the three he would only pay the usual price of cutting, and.the laboring roan with a large family 'had for con. tent himself with that, as it would not pay to send.the matter, further. Suet A man had better seek • other tfields for Itis ,operations. '- The Doherty organ. Hear them ! "See them 1 . 'The Doherty organ received the highest award at the Toronto industrial exhibition, 1880, over all competing, end don't you'forget it, • A SPECIALTY IN 0.:, en:, ',Cash paid for Eggs, Farm' Fre- duce taken in exchange. • MLOs.. COOPER,. Corner . Albert and Ratteilbury.:Sts.,• CLINTON, ONTI• Great INN SALE STOVE . PIPES., &C. ✓ , Reduced Prices FOIL. ONE.MONTI-H. • Now is the time to secure S A RGA. N S Inorderto reduce our took and make limn' for other goods, we' have decided to " Bell at from 10 to 15 Per Oent, Less Than Usual Prices, FOR ONE MONTH ONLY Hardt vare, Axes, • Crosscut Saws, 'Lamps, &c., fat- VERY LOW, -Ts31' Best No. 1 Coal Oil, (Silver Star brand) 25 edits ei Im ,i27.a1 periil..G.ct lgizs:. and Can for $1.140. r HAR.LAND c E3ROS+, Si ng, of the padlock, 'Brick. Block f ALBERT ST. CUNTON: WTIOLESALE ANIi. RETAIL DEALERS IN O S 8z, •• O:RG;AN 77 Albert Street, Clinton, D ' • COTTON IS KING - ! Great Cotten dale • 1 YOSTER GREYS in. 32 Inches. 14. .a i4 66 ' 44 • 4' 36 66 • K 44 Shirtings. double and single. Cornwall Mills, in all widths. Dnndass Cottons. . Coaticook, in all widths. Ilochclaga, in all widths,. White Cottons White Cottons. S. • WHITE COTTONS 5 White Cottons eked& Shirtiugs, ' Check Skirtings,, Ducks, Denims,"&c. , 1 OSTL (:)1\T . PiRaCM. .ER.CiDUCE T .XEN I " EX,CHANGE, .E P ►Y' SAD.C%0.. . (®,A.LLANDER'S OLD STAID), CLINTON QNT . Jackson, The Hatter, TS SHOWING THE LATEST STYLES' LINTON. arulage works H. CANTELON arA:Tt 'ATUItTIt PROPRIETOR, OF BUGGIES, CUTTERS, WAGONS, :SLEIGHS,. &C. tnyou epees that cannot be beaten in the County., Repairing call and Y will ine r 7T , 1f13]]'It.A1\]), SHINGLES. lccn in e cltan e Give men aiitlliorscshoeing clone with despatch. NOTICE.—All indebted to the late flim of H. CANTJLON i3tos , either by Note or Book Account, are requested to call and Settle by cash or note. T, CAN ThLOI' Hyci.e'Par, M,Marquis, ---o STAND U.P. Cp4gli✓r41, TJlysees, • sg'" J' Acadery, Sportsman, Grosvenor Lorne, • ackson, .. . TURN DOWN. Zulu, rindsor, Sultan ---o o . Crusader. e Famous Hatter! CLINTON, . ONTARIO.: 1VL . •R. CEY —IMPORTER OF — BAR IRON, STEEL, CARRIAGE & BUILDERS' HARDWARE,,- GLASS, OIL, PAINTS. Po- +11 I V 3 Ciintoiq,,f M, Janttary.12th, 1881. 2III. LE &I1O1Ci1I. Our stock is 'always. kept FRESH and well assorted, We buy: in the Lest market: for CASA, and warrant to give satisfaction, PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. ES,!!PALLISER. &AGO., 99 BRICK. BLOCK, CLINTON,