Huron Record, 1881-01-28, Page 8COMMUNICATIONS. W. wish it to to/ custlectly understood that we do not hold ourselves responsible for the .opinions expressed by our correspondents. • Dias A Cow got Teeth on tlic Front oilier upper Jaw J►N 1A'�dF,RRt3TflW t3CF.NE. .Editor Huron Record. DEAR SIR, --A couple of citizens mot each other on the sidewalk on last Monday as they were going to work, and one of them (an Trishman) asked the other (a Seotchunen) if cows bail any teeth on the front of their upper jaw? The Scotchman was a little astonished • at such a question, as there 4aa been nothing said about cows, hut replied promptly, " Why, of eourse they have front teeth on their upper jaw." The Irishman said,' "1 did not ask for your 'opinion, I asked if .you. knew." The Scotchman wasi a little. nettled at this, and replied, with 'stile warmth, "that if he had a child of three years' old that would ask such a question, be should be afraid that the child had turned idiot." •''You• would;"•. says Pat ? "I certainly would," - saki Sandy. "Then," said the Irishman, "if it is such a simple question, of course you can tell; have cows front teeth on the upper jaw or not," "Why,. of course they have," said Sandy." e1;$ey have, eh r' said l'at. "Yes,", s>i d. the other. Then the Irishman gulled- out his pocket -book and. shook a 5. bill in his neighbor's face, with the exclamation, "Put up, or shut up," "There is some infernal catch about this thing," said Sandy. "No catch at all• ,about it," replied. the other'; -"if.; cows have front teeth on the tipper ja,w, the $5 ,is yours—if they haven't, the moues, is mine, nothing could, be fairer than than that, could there?" But still the Seotehman hesitated ; , it was Hardly possible that cows did fiat have teeth on the front 'of. the upper jaw. The two. saw Mr: Marks stand- ing at his store door, and crossed the road and asked him, " Iiad cows any front teeth on the upper jaws?". T. Y is kbit of a wag, and seeing Dr,. Stan - bury across the way, told- them to ask bins, as the doctors knew everythingc So over they went, and the•S•cotchman very politely asked the doctor " have cows front teeth on the, upper jaw ?" "I. know nothing about cows," said the Dr.; "%f• it was the human subject I ...Wright give you the anatom;ica1diagiiosi:i- of your question,—do you think: B.sson- and Cleave will pass the drain for me r"• "Oh !" said Paddy, "you must be a born, fool to think the, likes of us:Gould tell. what would happen iii; the Council." "Well,!" said the. Dr., "I cannot tell •you. anything. about .caws,.. but 'go over to the Reeve, for he knows all sorts of. municipal law,. and; he will tell you." So over the two went to the peeve's house, and ' asked hi,tli; "if cows had front • teethon their upper. ,litw„s•?." "For two. pins," said the. Reeve,, ' 1 would, send: for Ferguson. and. have you.takeu up for disturbing, me, rtind;'I au: Making np the S.,ndic►tto.petitions• for. Right Honorable Malcolm Colin €lamerotl, 31: P. P.; I tell you what, my wen, T can go no higher, and we are .de. *ermined, to, stop that Railway --a rail- way to British Columbia, ha 1 ha ! has. ! what a humbug !" "Oh 1" said ' the :Irishman,, "1 (lot t care a t)traneni about the railway;,, all,I, want to know is, •'have cows front teeth •on their upper jaws ?" "Well,, sir," said the Reeve,, x'lea'e_my office o•tal:e the con- sequences. The two lads. left pretty quick,. and going rouud the. corner where the new schoolmaster lives, they met a gentleman with whomythey, wove acquainted,., and they asked, hlni.- the question, "-have cows , front :teetli...on their upper jewel" "Why,"' said hey "Low Woulda, a, oow eat grass if she had no teeth on her upper jaw 4—you are a. nice pair of intelligent men,,: living: in the last quarter or the nineteenth een- tury, and not to know a simple thing; Ake. this in natural, history and the stru,ature•of animal life, 1, am surprised at you: It yea, would' drink less whist `?fey and buy taore bookq,,it would,be better for you." 0.Vst'ollii'.• sail• the ycotehniall, "you, nor edit i;ti; Cana i aro going to dictate to ine what I am., going to do wit.: my money." "Let hien go to Mesopo'amia,." said the Irishman; "come on." A .s'tliey were considering shat it was befit to do,. l'a'ir. Clark, of the Goshen line, ,'?eve in sight. "Oh 1 be gorra," said the Irislin itis, here is our man ; "Me. Clark,. Clod bless you, could you tell as have cew.gs teeth on the .front of their - upper. ,j; wsi" "Indeed," said: Mr. Clark, "they, have not, 'for a cow Bites out and has no, teeth onthe front of the upper jaw ; and a lhor,.se.1?itcs in and. has, teeth on both, so these is, the truth for you." "Sweet Spirit, hear II(ly,• prayer," said Sandy. ".We have j �sr� qpr day, bad luck to it l" said 13u+:, and both, different ways. Igilor- anie sev-06 t$i. bp stalking.. :through. 11. Red Stagy" Grocery, Blyth! OPENED AGAIN, OPENED AGAIN. ILLORY, (S'eeessor to L Thorne) begs to announce that he ha% opened out the above glocel y with a new stock of Teas, Sugars, Coffees, Spices,. Brushes, this seasons .Raisons and Currants, in fact everything. to be found in a first class grocery, Prices for cash or produce only. REMEMBER THE RED' STAR GROCERY.. , Bayfield and Stanley, like a grass- hopper on stilts. Yours truly, ANays MoDowAu:o. Bayfield, 240 Jan., 1881. Editor .Huron. Pecord, DEAR SIR,—I find in your last issue of the 140 Jai,, a 'communication from a certain " Gleaner." He tells your readers•that a certain minister (evidently meaning myself) had re- ceived as a marriage fee, $2 in head cheese, cider, socks and - 5Q' cents in casl'i.. I am sorry he should give cur roncy to such a base falsehood, and make your paper its vehicle, I regard it asp gross outrageupon thefeelings of two respectable families, and their friends. The latter part of the com niunication is so worded, that no one is at a loss tp-know to whom the writer. refers. Mr. ;Stiles kindly gave rue a handsome fee, in good cash, and it is too had to have any person shielding himself from publio scorn under a tic-_ titious. ne ne•—through a public journal insult respectable and worthy persons; and enkindle feelings too poignant to be soon -allayed.. I. trust • "Gleaner" will 1iene.efo'rth confine - himself: to :the•. field of truth,, and that you, sir,will in future see•that his gleanings aro from that. source,. Yours truly, JAs.. CASwELL. Loondesboro, Jan. 20th, 1881, 'Edit"or'Huron Rcco : THE'RUSH STtI L CONTINIi1;S AT S. M orley's • Cheap Store, Qr CARSON'S BLOCK, ' . 'ClintonOnt. the insinuations made .by ",Z;•leauerr" in 'your last issue may not be fiptiend by the. parties, referred to, will you'. consent ' to occupy : a *small space in your valuable ittper.: 'I will _deiry_theik ";1L`,,v,lirafalxe,_mild.,could not have been written for any other_ purpose than to cast a slur upon .the. reputation of the young couple The parents may have made their' Pastor the recipient of the articles.. nientioiied; by ''iGlcacier," for all I know, . hut. as "Gleaner lias.troubled himself so much about what was paid for tying the •knot.' that separated him from.one sp, lunch admired, I will let liin'i. into,the secret, concerriing• what was paid. It was $5; but do ligt.despair, you: Might get the job clone for: $2,, (and that' in sour •.atilt.' *cheese), it pfiu ever -incl one se unfor tutiate as`,tq have you., .In cseul4 ion;:. ,"Gleaner,;" iii' more; to be pitied .:than laughed tut; and 'I hope if he. falls in' love at first si,ht again, and is rejeoted,. he will hotbelittle himself so mucin as to show his spite in,. sueh :. cowardly J4: STIC•Fr„' • 'For a good violin, go to Do. TTTIITY dt .GIBBINGS. t,,alborne. On Monday morning, of last week; Mr. James Lochert, Of the Maitland concession, of Colborne, cut hisfoot badly: It appears his axe glanced oft o•Ilnth and entered his foot a little. be • lew the instep. The wound is , very. painful. It is about 21 inches long ancl, one inch deep. Ile. is recovering. The light or " Ghost," spolan of in the last issue of.yotir paper,can be die. tinctlyseeii,;~r'om someelev'ated 'parts of. Colborne. ib i. readily supposed to be some gaseons coruption, but still there•is some tuystezf in its appearing so often and every, other': night. Old settlers tell us that in the' county o£ Waterloo,. Ont., such .gaseons corup- tions were quite frequent. In . some. instwnces, they would take wings, as it •were.,nssuuiing someanimal shape they would ffy some times a quarter of a tnile.of liore,,ulliking pleasant amuse - Ment for numerous persons. On : a st'riot exa.miilation:.of;the starting point `of those "ghosts," as they were called, absolute? v nothing could be found .no marks what Iver. This 'renders it mys- terious' terious' The e'uppose 'the one above 'mentioned to be one of the same 'origia. and cliard,eter, -but tie °re is still a lurk- ing mystery, a '.feeling a' 'unpleasatr,t- ness about it. It should be examined into. Have we no philosophers brave eneugh to pry into the matter ? Is there hot an "Ed;ison", in I•Iuron Surely some • one has the courage. Dons ,von think so Mr. lilditto0, DRY GOODS. • In this department will be fernncl .nne of the best selected stocks in. the County— everything complete. ' Clotbcs made to,order, a specialty. . . CROCERIES,CROCK RY, CLASSWARE. Thisdepartment is well: supplied and will,. be foundeverything you wail,. .}Pe are bound Mit to be tindersold. We also keep on: band a full stock of BOOTS and SHOES. Call and examine -no trouble to show Goods. - Elie NOW Syndicate._ VI'S; CLINTON: STOVES I STOVES _AT pRi Crosscut Saws, Crossoiit, Sao�re� One -Man Saws, • Oenuinc Silver Steel Latucc.Tooth OAOSof L•FOR': I■®� 1mperial Measure. - ,SttATES !,�` SKATES.! ` SKATES ! 4.Fem0,91,t. 'Shelf ardware, Builders' Supplies, • Paints, Oils, &c 1)A\'' IS, .l.'H(ENIX BLOCK: • S. TICE Apples ' :"anted WANTED, 'Ten Car Loads of.Good Apples, for which the Molest• PACs will ,be paid, All ' persons wishing to sell will please give me a tall. CU1IN'H�A C LI ilei �( • 1�1 •P,rught in Now York .imti bond at auction, in beautiful designs- and patterhs, entirely • TON,,, NLW to the trade of this County, and wilbbe bold at ONE THIRD LESS. than ilia. regular price. J9hu Sinith, MERCHANT AND, General outfitter, (Carson's Block) Ca CLINTON ONT.. TAILOR BLYTH CAW. MILL GOSMAI� & DODDS Are now prepared to do all klndii of work in their lino. Having put- in a grain crusher,pie are able to do chopping at any time and on the shortest notice • GASMAN is DODDS. . Birt% Dec 17, 1880. • 424f; Myth. Baker' QUEEN S•T1 SET. •D. JENKINS Would respeethtlly remind his cuslotnema slim the public generally that in addition to the , BEST QUALITY OF WHEATEN BREAD He keeps op hand 'atine ussortn vat --- BieSCiluxUIT.S; CAKES, c iarrganoNEIaa,. • 'FRUIT, Choice Family Grerie► Fine Fragrant Tea, Sweet' Spices,• cEo•, cc. Also a Good Selection of Glass- ware, Crockery, Toys, etc., etc.. THIH:WAY FOR Cheap Boots 85 Sheets .t'en's Long .13ool, Boys Long Ikots, Tortths Bong 13oola, • lltoMe ee Goof Skan Sir oes, lhfisses'. Goat Skin /Shoes,, Woolens' :Thtloneci ICut6. VICTORIA BLOCK, 'THIS WAY FOR. Harness, tont & single .Bu,Ifalo Pobes, Goat Robes, Ilorse Blankets,:. •TR.4..DE FOB WOOD:. OLI'N'TON, ONT. eaiin . Sate IS NOW GOING ON AT`TI1 FURS, .,BLANKETS, I AI TLES,' OVERCOATS, CLOTHING,` WINCIES, FLANNELS,DRESS GOODS, :&C.: MILLINERY GOODS AT,.' C1L]E m CE Te•, Parties in want of DRY ODDS will do well to see the BIO'; f EDUCTIONS.made at the 777. A BIG LOT OF' F'I N E CARPETS, APPLES. Wanted, i0 Car Loads OF 0000' APPLES, I+'or whish a GOOD PItICI will be paid. Parties wishing to sell, will please call at once, 2WOM ' fu�lY X Q 13OT T+.�S; • CLX.N7 QN. HOUSE FUIRNISHING IN GREAT VARIETY And all the Latest Novelties of the Season, st4r Opposite New Town itiall,O'iLINTO a •