HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-01-28, Page 5Lal 01444 5. • 1881 .came in on sturdy ,and. goes taut on Saturday.. flan ti you subscribed for Ton Bs; yogi, It nn give ua your name AN old bachelor, who edits a paper in the West, pita Kelianclloly ,ardente au a ;real1 for marriages in his papper. IT. is .asserted that them ig only one bachelor in Palmerston. Leap year must have worked wondrxa. "'What in fe>t er *elm a nnbacriber. Fame is the +l'esnit of beteg; civil to tadwspeper men. Ola friendscan do, much to increase the .eircnlation of Thrt Racoiw by apealitg a goad word for it to their neighbors. • "Etiquette" writes, to us to inquire if in enr•opinionit wwald be proper for Alin to slkpport a yogng lady if elle was taken Wiatha faint, --even if he , hadn't been ill :laced. 'Proper, young loan, 'oertainiy. prop(b)er by all secans, A. CI *araw4 man begun two h.bel smite against a newspaper, and person ally aesanited one of its reporters., iu eisdivatiiOn dila vigorously begun ;ended the outer day in hie withdrawing a.11 suite paying all costsand paying the reporter the net sum of $5,000. /be rights of newspaper men can't be tampered with by „rowdies with . ini- _punity. ' . . • IN»IIia CUSTOMERS. --A, man's bust- near .sign offers. ° a mute invitation. tit those only rho pass Iia place of bust• mesa; his circular can only reach those to whom personal attention is given ;. but his advertisement R4ea into the highways and byways, finding custo- mers and .compelluig then, to consider his arguments. PLEASE STOP MY—WIRATt "1unef! Witt hard, money is scarce, business 1s elan, retrenchment is a duty; please stop loy—"whiskey! "0, no; times are not hard enough ,for that yet. But there $s something else that cost me a large amount.of money emery. year, which I tiiish to save; please atop my--" tobae, do, cigars and snuff? "?!Te, nq, not these;. but I must retrench somewhere; please stop my—" ribbons, jewels, ornaments and trinkets! Rot at all; pride lndst'he fostered, if times are ever so hard, but, If believe I can see a wray to affcct.quite a saving in another direction'; please estop say—" tea, Coffee, and needles and antiealtliy luxuries? ,14o, no, no, not those. I cannot think of that sacrificer I must think of something' else. Ali !: 1[ have it tao+w. My paper coats Inc ten cents a month; one dollar and a quar- ter a year; I India save that. Please stop my paper. That . will. carry me through the panic'easily. I believe in retrenchment and .economy, especially gab ;linins:" : _ .. • coderieh Totrnshillr 14 Ir. Jatnes Baker, of the llth con.., has sold bis farm tohfr. reptha holm landNfor the handsome sum of $4,200. Notices of ,firths, ,Deaths and Marriages. in this department inserted free of charge. BIRTIIS. gREEN.-In Clinton, on the 2lat Inst. Mr. Wm. preen of a son. 11IARRIAGES.. Ofie IRC113-SHIPLEY.-At the residence of the bride's father, Maple Grog* Cottage, near glints*, on the 27th inst., by the hey. R. Thoma, Mr. Time. Gibbing. tit Miss Elisabeth Shipley,daught. et of J. Shipley, e04. • DEATUS.. McKENZIE.-At Stapleton, on the 25th inst., Mr. U. MdKenaie, of congestion of t1lp lung*, aged se years. '2HOMAS.•-=In Clinton, on the 20th tnat., Thorne* - Thomas, aged 57 poen' and *Owen", { IRVINa.-In Clinton,. on the 20th inst., Annie, daughter of Mr. John frying, *god 23 years. the !rife of A "Ronsehold 'Word! Ashfield.. - Mr. James Mullin jr., poisoned a wild tat last week. it was a very large one, and .had lived . very *well en the .fowl of the neighborhood. The oonneiIrew aided' lzifr$3. Mr. George Robinson got married privately an4.his• friends thought it very stingy, sotbey got np a charive.ri. and gave him noise in abundancefor two nights in succession. George caved in at last and yielded $5. I noticed in your last issue an item about a man. in Mullett having a canary sitting. It is not generally known, bat canaries. breeding time is never out of season. The writer has an old hen canary which raised a brood of young canaries at Christtoas time; and. last winter in February' and March. Peter Cowrie, a famous breeder • of Lanes, has a pair of bengins that have been breeding all winter. Mr. Cowrie has also a curious breed of.birds which hecalls mules. They a cross between.. a goldfinch and a canaf.y.They 'are: perfect buties and elegant singers.: .He has sold eighteen singers for $6 .each. Profitable, are they not. Benmiller. Prom out Western Correa* iiRent. The following list of officers for the surrent quarter were duly elected for Pure' Retreat Div. 308, Sons of Tenip. of this place:—Bro. A. Meddle, W.P.; Bro Wm. Moore, W.S.; Bro. P. Can - talon, R. S.; Bro. Jas. Stewart, A...1.. S.;'Bro. Thos. Meddle, F. S.; ltro. Wnt. Robertson; Treas.; Bro. Chas. Walters, Chap.; Bro. Geo.- Stewart, Coln.; Bro. Jos, moors, A.. Coni.; Bro. Chas. Stew- :art,, S. S.; Bro. ltd. Moore, 0. S.; Bro. Wm. Scott, P. W. P. At the, last regular meeting of this Div. a very 'in- teresting and. • amusing debate took place on the subject "Which: has the greater influence on man, money or women." The supporters of the affirm- ative, Messrs. Chas. Walters, 3no. Stewart and Josh. Moore give very forcible evidences of the great influence which the fair sex has on xean but the arguments given by Messrs. Wm. Moore, Wm. Robertson, and P. Cantelon in favor of the negative in. ducted the iehairman to decide that the. lore of money is the ruling passion'. Slip contract for the erection of a peid' ''school house to be completed by sept ist. was let to Mr. A. Meddle fur $980. This building will be 50 by 30 ft. sand will contain two rooms having a total seating aceomodatioli for up- wards of 100 pupils. For a good piano go toPotiniTrY ez Gomm, ' Cooper's GROCERY 0e. become ,a noudehold. Word u the BEST and CHEAPEST place fox Groceries, fitour, . Crockery, Glassware, eke:, eLc. A, SPECIALTY IR 60 Celli T. Fre�,l .EARING taves1 STOVE PIPES, &C. Reduced Prices FOR ONEr'MONTk#. Now is the time to secure BARGAINS -TT0 3"-I C1.1 ` ' I Great -Cottoii....Sale. in slider to reduce our Meek and make room for other geode, we have decided to ecu at from 10 to 15 Per .Cent Less tr Cash paid' for Eggp. Farm Pro- dime; taken to exchange. • TIIOS tcoorER,' Corner Albert and •Rattenbury ;Sts ,''' ^ T Than Usual -P.rcce,:. FOR ONE MONTH ONLY LTBSTElt GRIPS in 32lnif cllieti... 611 44 .t 36 44. i4 it XX e4 Shirting:, double and single, Cornwall Mills, in all widths. Dundas: Cottons,. Coaticonk,1* all widths, lioehelana, in, all widths. • White Cottons WHi?E COTTONS • 1 White Cottons white Cottons Check Shirting:, Check Shiptlldgs, Ducks, Denims, &em ON -1.1"c2- C71\i'P IC —ERODIIflE T°A,MEN I1' EXCHANGE,-- G$0E�. PliY &'C0 1 (OM4LANDER'S OLD STAND), OLINTON,. ONTO Hardware, Axes, Crosscut Saws, Lamps, &q, . IWr.VERY LOW, 'CI - Besg No, f Coal' Oil, (,Silver Star brand) 25 cents per Jmpitzeal .,gallon._; our. /expend Gallons' HARLAND BROSif Sign of the Padlock, Brick Block,. AL.BERt STr-Ci:iNTON. WHOLESALE ANA .lclJ'1'A1L l}EA.LEItS IN 77 Albert Street, Clinton, Ont: &kson, The Hatter, IS SHOWING THE LATEST STYLES INEN LL STAND .Ver:.. Hyde Park;• Conqueror, -Ulysees, ilk' . Academy, Sportsman.," . Gro's'PeYI'.trr... CLI. arriag H. CANTELO ItANUPATOP.Elt Works. PROPRIETOR,. ON. Marquis, 11rne, TURN : DOWNr Zulu, -b WindSorl S.trltaitir Ci iisaci t: ackson `` T • ,e .Fa oUS . Hatter,' I CLINTON, BUGGIES, OUT''TERS, • WAG„ONS, :SLEIGHS, . &G. TaTTIIBBIt AND SBTX` GLES taken in exchange. Give as .4 call and I willive you prices that cannot be beaten in the County., . Reti�.airing and X1;orseshoeing tone with despatch.: NOTICE.—A11 indebted to the late firm of H. CANTELON & Bros., either by Note or Book Account, are requested to call and settle by cash ar note. CANTELON.. • . RACB1. -IMPORTER OF BAR IRON, STEEL, CARRIAGE & BUILDERS. HARDWARE, ; GLASS, OILI PAINTS; Cliuton,;,Ontt January.12th, 1881. C+1..R.101 d 1 131.' ! Oltr stook is always kept pLUiSI•I and well assorted. We bei in the best market . for CAS1I, and warrant to give satisfaction. PRODUCE TAKEN YN 'LXCIIAN UE. S: PALLISERI&GO>, 09 BRICK BLOCK; CLINTON;