HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-01-28, Page 4HURON RECORD. CLINTON, FRIDAY, ,T'AN, 28T11", 11881. MR, KE$Lt,t, the member for East Northumberland, died very suddenly of heart disease at the Russel House,, Ottawa, on Friday last. , In politica he was Couservative, but was very much respected by both sides of the House. Among the names of the new Syndi, ate we notice those of Messrs. H. H. Cook and Major John Walker. If we mistake not, these gentlemen were among the number, who not long ago predicted that the Government would not be able to get any, company to take. the Pacific Railway in hand. Times Lave changed. i The amountof ow which has fall- en during the past winter has been unusually large. All along the. line of the Grand Trunk Railway, reports come to the effect that the roads are being continually blocked, and even in Toronto, where the snow, is generally very scarce, they have had more snow than for many years. On Wednesday morning a vote was taken on Mr. Blake's famous amend- ment with the following result Yeas, 54; nays, 140. A motion .was carried to read resolution a second tilde on the same division. We are of the opinion that some of Mr. Blake's sup- porters are not always to' be depended an. Of course they have their reasons. What about all the petitions against the Pacific Railway contract nowt It is very evident that the. signatore of every Tom, Dick and Harry does not have much weight with Parliament How do the people who were doing' co much crowing for the past ten days feel over the division - o• Mr. Blake's amendment 9 Remember, .it was well -understood that Vi most of Mr. Blake's followers were in their proper places at the time. Coderia. The anniversary services of the North street Methbdiat Sunday sebool was held last Monday evening, Rev. Dr. Williams occupied the chair, and ad- dresses were given to the children by Mr. Geo. Acheson, Mr, Mitchell of the Star, and 1%1r. McGillicudy of the Sig- nal. Excellent music was rendered by the children. A one hour go-as-you-pletae race will take place on the ice at the skat- ing rink on Friday evening, Jan. 28. A silver cup will be given as a prize. Westfield. It is our painful duty to record the severe illness of Mr John Mitchell, who is suffering from conjestion of the lungs, aceompanied with an affectation of the brain; but under the able treat ment of Dr. Sloan we hope to see him around egaii.. Special meetings have commenced .in. the Canada Methodist church here, under the able ;supervision • of RPirs. Birks and Harrison. The Sabbath School in connection with the Methodist church, Donybrook, ' was re opened .last 's4►hbath, with. Mr. J. Jeffersea as , superintendent. Geo. Hannaford and family leave for their nett Home in Muskoka on Tnesday next. " May they prosper" is the wish of many. Tan "Ricoan" is very popular in this village and on Saturdays our post mister has a great amount of extra labor in delivering to the waiting crowd the numerous copied, which come to this office. The Bid,lulph murder trial opened. in the Court hense, . London, ea Mon- day before their Lordships Jus e Cameron, and Osler. The room •.was crowded to excess with Jurors, and the friends of the Donnely's and of the prisoners. Messrs. Irving and Magee appeared for the Crown, and Messrs. McMahon, Meredith, and J. J. Blake for the, prisoners. Of the Jury sel. acted, only one is a Biddu.lpher. -The trial is still going on, and up to the time of going to press, considerable evidence aas been elicited. HoN. WM. MCDOUOALL has been the latest victim of slander from some of the Opposition papers. While he con- tinued to express himself as opposed to certain clauses of the agreementwith the Syndicate, he was courted with all sorts of favors—and in fact was almost worshipped—but as moon as those were fully- explained and he declared him- self a strong supporter of the bargain, the Oppohition press heaped upon him the heaviest tirades of abuse. The hon. gentleman is not looked upon as brilliantly by the Gritparty as he was two weeks ago. CL'AIt DE TRACK. A PACIFIC SYNDICATE HOEDOWN RHYME. (London Free Press.) Now, Blake, ole man, yon've said quite enough, So, cl'ar de track, 14 de bulgine run ! 7ou's ben six weeks a talking of stuff, Now, cl'ar de track, let de huhgino run. Pull the lover and loosen the braice, - Cl'ar de track and lot de hulgine run From Atlantic's coast to the groat Pacifake, Cl'ar de track—let the bulgino run ! ]dagga Cook can bet we've not 'sunk so low," Nbw, cl'ar de track, let de bulgine run 1 As to "give it all away" to Walker b Co., ! cl'ar de track, lot de bulgine run !. We darkios all known the game they're at, CI'ar de track, and letde hnglne run 1 Massa Mo'head says dey a givyne in to "skin de pit,' So cl'ar ne track—let de bulgine run ; No use "backing" like those Spanish mule, So, cl'ar de track, let the bulgino run;. Cos, you know 'tie ono of the railroad rules, For to cl'ar de track, and let de bulgino run. The story was told by Jolly 13. Plumb, CI'ar de track, and let do bulgino run. - Majority, seventy to soventyone, Oh, cl'ar de track, let de bulgino run. Massa. Blake wasn't able for to turn it vote, Sing cl'ar do track, lot do nosauahc run ;. It wasn't quits as easy as "tnrnhtg his coat," ! cl'ar de TRACK, lot de bulgine run; . But he lost one man, which hurt hit pride, - Yah ! c,; nu do track, let de hulglno run. Coupal went ober to de Oov'ment side,, Yum ! To cl'ar de track, let the bulgine num. (Break -down.) _ter r,;:fr Tim Doherty organ. xlear them 1 neo thein 1 • For e, muse violin string, ge tb DOHERTY tit GIDDINGS, 'The Doherty organ received the highest award, at the Toronto industrial exhibition, 1880, ever all competing, and. don't you forget if. - CLINTON igA iU Ta'i. (Corrected wiry Thursday.) What, hill per. • 11 01 Spring, Rsdcbaf,• • • • 1 03 Fife, . • •. • s 1 15 Oats, • • • • • . 0 52 Barley, • • • • 0 55 Peas, • • • • 050 Flour, • • • . • • 0 pe rotated, • • • • • . 0 d clutter, • • ' 0 16 eg" •y• s05 Har' 7 M Hl o, Sheepskins • • • • • • • • e.76 11e00 • • • 6 0e Clover, • • • • •s epee Timothy, • • • • Pork, M 1 0 to 112 M 11+16 te SoIst 50 M 0 85 t. 0 18 M 0 15 t. 12 00 1. 7 110 to 1 25 1. s 25 to 25 • • S 65 to e: 75 ]3'arr to -Let. O11i181 HALF LOT 5, con. 8, Morris, Iluro�l 1.1 County, for a term. of year., as may be agreed on, with 66 acres cleared, 30 of which laird from stumps, and the remainder chopped in the winter of 1875. One the premises hs a Log House 16x24. and a new Fretne Earn 3dxlO. ,.Soli sandy loam. The farm is convenient to the flourishing town. of Blyth, and also Io the line of the L. II..th R. Railway. For par- ticulars, apply to Hr. E)IERSON tL(TFLEFAIit, Boleros() P. O.; or to JOHN J LEISH, St. Catharines P, O., Ont. 50-tf, TENDERS WANTED. s)BALLED TENDERS will be received by the under- signed, up to 12 o'clock. noon, of the 7th day of February,. 1881, -for the several works necee.arryy for the erection and completion, of THREE BRICK STORES In the Town of Clinton, The west or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans and Specifications and all necessary informa- tion given by applying to .1 C. PROCTOR, Architect, Clinton ; or at the store of W. COATS. Clinton,, January 20, 1581. 40 -td. Look Here Your Nephews and your Hunte, your Cousine at your Neices,. want - BIRTHDAY PRESENTS. A Largo and Choice Stock of Fancy Brackets, Wall Pockets, Toys and Motto Frames wooled from, at A -Fr . A Z)m's., Victoria Street, :Clinton. - A11 kinds of ; Poem Produce taken In exchange. CLINTON SPRING BED FACTORY AND FURNITURE WAREROOM$. W. B. CRICH & CO., VICTORIA ..ST , CLINTON, • Now beg to intimate to the inhabitants of Clinton and surrounding country thsi they baro on band a Tory ,dl.ct stock of all -kind. -.of -Furniture, ouch as Parlor alta., Chemhor-8bite., Tse Cha1n,-Patent-Roekers, A Sideboards; ..; &a. -/t4 SPRING BEDS: -and LOUNGES trade -.Ir 't1 order: - Al parties pur- chase to will consult their beet intereets by giving us a call„ • JUWERALO FURNISHED on sherd notice. COFFINS and SHROUDS alwayl on hand. N. B. -BASSWOOD LUMBER. taken in excna ge for Goods: ,o-5ta J.ACSSON'S CLQTHING STOKE, Victoria Bock; .. n CLINTON ONTARIO. OUR - WOOLLEN STOCK. . Is one 'of the MOST .COMPLETE and varied in Ontario ,ant everybody ordering a suit should see our lir 1 inse range of. itar ENGLISH Worsiei Saitinge, ' SCOTCH t4 IRISH Tweed Statingtif ' CANADIAN Tweed Sui tingtt, 'tar- IMPORTED Serge Suitnge• IN EVERY GRADE AND PRICE. IVIEIR=-=CIOIAITISI. We are still showing a big stook of Wiens' and, Boy's. Overcoats, which will be cleared out at a THOMAS JACKSON, The "Noted Clothier. rea RTER GRAND SUCCESS. Oar Jannary Sale s For 'rwo Things "To . supply the People le with CHEAP GOOD give ,us .:plenty of MONEY to buy." pedal and to $5,000:00 WANTED FOR FEBRUARY FIRST. la' REMEMBER, :: this Great Sale continues during JANUARY ONLY. [' REDUCE :. FAMILY EXPENSES by taking ad- vantage of this ` Great Sale. . ter ' �a, lfya , . mpany, 01.1I1\T°T01•4- .