HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-01-14, Page 14Supplement to THE HURON RECORD, Friday, January "21, 1881.
Local Briefs. { .
1.. -
You might as well try to strike a
light on a block of tee as to do business
without advertising.
AN ancient sage once said :—"The
goodness of gold is tried by fire, the
goodness of women by gold and the
goodness of men by women."
IT is generally supposed that all
Christmas presents are accepted, but
this is not the ease. A gentleman
of ere'! his heart aud•iatiutttcl a young
lady Christmas day, but' she rejected.
She did not like•.his presence.
A LITTLE girl living •iu Clinton was
saying her prayer the other evening
and had just finished " give us this day
our daily bread," •when a precocious
four-year-old brother exclaimed, " Say
tookies, Mawy 7"
"THERE are seventeen and a half
men to every • female in Dakota."
" Well, said Miss H , when she
read the above iteni, " if girl; knew
what [ know, they'd take that half a
roan rather time none at all."
AN English magazine descourses on
"Cheap Girls." It says-:—" No young
moan, not even the worst, wants any-
thing to do with a cheap young lady."
This is is a Mistake. No matter Trow
eheap a girl may be, her young man
always thinks she is a "little. deatr."
SOME girls of tit,—Mature require
long thinking before'• -they love. Per-
sistency is so attractive that it often
attains its end, and happy marriages
are not unknown in which the lover haat
heen refused several times and accept -
4 A.
SOCIAL PARTY. --011 grids.), evening
last, a number of young folks drdve
out to the residence of Mr. Wm. Wise,
t4oderich Township, where a social
party was being held. A. very pleas
rust tint, was spent. "Bret" amn-l-
" Noisy" behaved themselves to the
satisfaction of all present-.
Soso, person, not far from hent, took
advantage of the absence of one of the
young Hien of the Meson), ou Satur-
day and hid his slippers. However,
he found them after a two houis search.
He says -- (nothing personal) must
have thought they were the property of
"some other person.
MISTAttes.—Th, other clay a man
was seen nailing a notice on the fence.
A friend passing, said : " Why don't
you have the notice put in the paper,
where people can read it 7" " Wall,
said the old gentleman, " if I tuck it
to them newspaper fellers they might
get it spelled wrong." The notice read:
" Howzc fur to rent incoir on the prey-
THE BUFFALO I:xpre m wants to
know who invented Missing. We don't
think it was ever invented. it ,just
came kind o' natural, like a shock of
sugar-coated electricity. Our first
mother, in her maiden innocence, asked
Adam if her back' hair was all right,
and we presume he couldn't help it.
We couldn't if we had been Adam, and
the girl's mother away at a prayer
SOME bachelor has penned the fol-
lowing, but we withhold his name
"Frosty nights have come again, and at
this time of year the single men who
sleep alone prance round upon their
ear, then turn their bedding quickly
back ; and then they tumble in, roll
up into a little knot, with knees up to
the chin, and then unto themselves
they say, just loud enough to hear,
"By George, this thing has got to
change before another year."
The man Lloyd, who was so severely
frozen about too weeks ago, bad both
hands amputated last week. He is
mending slowly.
Rev. Mr. Collawore is in town,
making arrangements to bring Mr.
t.Widdows, ex -Monk, to (,lodericlf, at no
distant date.
A grand skating tournament and
carnival will he held ink the rinkthis
(Friday) evening, when a silver- cup
will be given as a prize for the cham-
pion skater of Huron and Bruce.
A largely attended and successful
tea -meeting was held in the M. E.
(inure!' ou Monday evening, 17th inst.
Addresses were delivered by Rev. Dr.
Ure, and Rev. Mr. Francis, pastor of
the church. Excellent music was ren-
dered by the choir.
Lemuel.—Mr. Arch. Forbes will
give his world-renowned lecture on
"The Inner Life of a War Correspond-
ent," on Tuesday evening, 10th Febru-
ary, in °rabies hall, God4'rich, • under
tivi auspices of the Mechanics' Illsti-
stute, of that town. Mr. Forbes is
drawing. large crowds in every part of
the Dominion where he lectures, anti
all who desire a rich intellectual -treat
should go to hear hint.
The following officers were duly el-
ected and installed at the last regular
meeting of L. 0. L. No. 182 :- F. - W.
Johnstone, W. M..; Lewis Elliott, D.
Thomas Sneyd, Sec.; W..11. Mur -
'key, Tres.; Benj. Wilson, Chap.; John
Boxall, D. of C.; Johim Reid, 1st C. M.;
W. Runnball, 2.nd C. M.; R. Sharutan,
3rd. C. M.; A. McKippen, 3rd C. M.;
J. Million, 5tlm C. M. Thin; Lodge now
numbers on its roll 70 members, and Is
in a most -flourishing conditiio i.
In the absence of the 1). •D.
Mathews, P. C. P. Chas. A. o,. a -
listed by P. C. P. C. W. Andrews, P.
C. P. P., Neil Campbell,. and P. 0: P. -
Jos. Blake installed the following offi-
cers of Huron Encampment, No. 28;
for the ensuing. term, at the regular
tweeting last Friday evening
Bolton, C. P.; H. W. Ball, N. P.; E.
R. Watson, S. W.; J. Roberts, J. W:;
1). McKay, R. S.; Chas. Slight, F. S.;
H. 5. Holmes, Treasurer;N. Campbell,
1st W.; J. Robinson, '.nd W.; W.
Babb, 2rd W.; W. Mathews, 4th W.;
C. W. Andrews, 1:.; J. Nairns, J. 5,;
W. Chapman, 1st G.; A. Burnie, 2nd
G.; Finance Committee, I. F. Toms,
W. 13. Mathews and Neil Campbell.
Transact a General Banking -
Business.- '
Money advanced on Mortgages and Notes of hand.
Drafts issued, peptide at par,•at all the offices of the
Merchant's Rank of Canada. New York drafts batted,
payable at par, and available in all parts of the
United Stades. Prompt attention paid to Collections
throughout Canada and the United States,
Sale Notes Bought at Close Rates:
And nnmer advanced to taxmen on their own notes,
for any length of time to salt the borrower. All
marketable securities bought and sold. Rankers in
New York. Agents of the Merchant's flank of
Canada. (4r Six per cent. interest allowed on de-
WATER in the cisterns is getting
low. -
To MAKE a cord of wood go a great
way—leave it out of doors. it has
been known to go two miles.
On the evening of the 13th inst. an
Exter North livery horse escaped from
its driver on one of the back streets
and made bis way tti:Mal Street, up
which he rani, as far as Fansoces block,
where. be ,vas caught.
Mr. Andrew. Gibson, of Uaborne,
has purchasedfrom. Mr. James Pick.
and an excellent farm on the Thames
Road, for which he paid the sum of
$6,500 cash. He takes possession next.
JANUMIY; 1881.
He suffered much, he seifferofl long,
And passed to Heaven- above,
Where he will sing the glad new song
of Jesus and his love.
His suffering here he'meekh bore, '
And praiser his Ood on high';
But now his sufferings are all o'er
1n the Heaven of eternal joy..
Why is It that the ehristains died
Sn eal,nly and are blessed?
Bemuse they served their God on high,
And on his promises rest. •
So it was this youth so bright arid.fair,
Ie, life Ito made his peace with Ood;'
And now bis spirit's with him. there,
end his bodlvs Reath the sod.•
When that that illustrious da i shall nouns, '
How glorious he will rise,'• ' -
And decked in full immortal bl000m;
tt ill praise Him in the skies.
our brother's vu)•age is at an end,
And all his afflictions fast; • -
The years in Heaven that he shall spend;
lour over and ever shall.last.. '
Although our brother's gone before,
And we are left' behind;
• We'll meet him on the celestial shore,
-With saints and angels joined.
Gud+•riah'I`ownship, Jan. All, 1S$L.,
G_ rr.>ie,
3 m . Nei-- Campbell _ his' ---liis -- ew .
blacksul;i li shop, .opposite William's
furnitlir, factory, nearly eonmplkcal.
expel, • to colntnence business 1 't'
shortly. -
Mi .:.rs. Joseph and John. 'Fer,;nison,
'of (:ari.wright, accompanied. by their
sister, • are the, guests of Mr. Wm.'
Evans near this; village..
Iii .s Davis, of Harriston, is visiting
with Mr. u.ncl Mrs. Wm. Evans, near
Gerrie. .
There is soul;, talk.of forming u Pa-
cific syndicate in G.orrie.'••. A Medicine
man, several of our wealthy •"Jinis".
and n '{'has. are rumored as being- coif
necte.1 with it. They will; probably
buy up, 1Il_ old 'Marro* (Image rails
when Ile. riii.d is widened. • •
The -,wiled meeting of the' Howick
Agrieuliur•,.1 Society wile held i1a
Heal t f:+,tel, Fordwiels, t'11e report
rut}try sires.—:1'.rea sif rw Vwaa
read gems adopted, showieg the total
receipt- i, -r . the year to be $182.84.;
total •,•' N"Ises 135.42—leaving a .bal- .
ance, ia., oiling cash and note,; of$47.42.
The 1..II,++t ink tire the officers .elected
for ti ;-issuing year : Presides t; S
Greer : \'iee•Prc sident, "'Wm. Evans ;:
Seeres.,rc•, .1. D. ;Milt : Treasurer, J
McLai+;,'lil"sm. 1)ireetors .li: Howlet,
J. W. J:aloe-, J. \'%ontgowrery, il. 11c
Laugl+Ii". W. I'..'ylsworth, H. Smith,
B. 5: t' ,nl;. Mose 'Aldrich and Wm
Strong. Auditors ---J. • 'Lroskery and
J. W. t t'rv+'n. The board decided ort
offerir'2 n. prize of not less than $2 in
value to !hi, nmernber who brings in the
highs -i unanber of members at the July,
meeting of the Board.
Mr. Chas. Tough has organized .a
singing class in this place.
Mr. John Stinson has returned on au '
visit after an absence of eleven years
in the gold regions of Nevada, looking
bale ,arid hearty..
"The Good Ternplars of this ,place
have bad a ..series of very successful!
meetings, which has added. materially
to their numbers., Their success may
be attributed • to the active part taken
by the clergy. and also to an eloquent .�
address delivered by Mrs. Yeomans
here a short time ago.
The aillluat district meeting of Stan-
ley L, O. L, was held here on Tuesday,
lith hist. • The following officers were
elected for 1881 M,, Bro: Thos...
Simpson ; D. D. M. Bro. S. A. Moffat;
D. C., Bro.' Robt. McKinley ; D. S.
Bro. . Ed. Briggs ; D. T., Bro, Geo.
Park 1). D. C., Bro. W. Lamont.
The next annual meeting will be held
in Varna on the second Tuesday in
Janluary, 1882, -
Artist, .
Mouldit gs.
Photographs a Specialty:
''1'Imese Works are now in full opera-
tion; atitl the undersigned are enabled
to otter any grade of
Silt of Finest Quality for Sale
The necessity of Salt for
:Is' W. sal fully established that every
.farmer will neglect his own interest
who fad's;"to use about -five. tons.antnu-' '
ally. . . ..
zr„ This Trade Will receive tilts best. .
.Os d wood, Elul Stave - Bolts -11101
BaSZIWOrci, delivered at. the Works, for.
• which Cash will ho: paid. ' •
Gray, -Young 86 Spar ling,