HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-01-14, Page 12,' - �-- " , •� • G'lr . � .r I low; . A .� — ..._ i[oap qn4 rivilegea granted the Company. the syndicate would be allowed to go and ma- obliged to srsnd 130,b110,000 of tub IV# SOMLANIHOUS NOTM, cal and mental refinement. Observation Xa hgld tat ilot •a giggle membeit Ori the leat hinds, just where they chose tbrongh the money, besideu ill that r►aa arsnfed the"17 proves that tied trmtli is. no thing. The _. Qpeeru1.iueut side bad attempted to xeocm- Northwest, They rs!ere to treys fair average ills tlpveratseit. IIl►dar the present aeilanna --karat A. 'e In fact, George, yer�piniaterc'p shop girls of the Bowery ars pret#ier, air p 7aa , F o Proposed .3s 91TO the 0"diosts lt'1, - j£st an auld wife," class, than the idlo girls of fifth avenue. This , the eontraot on its me>at9, but hadbeen land but the w mid laavPi to take it in mite it IrAa y grannie xeeda .like heresy, no doubt, bat it is noYer- aontent to elaim that nt was 1?etter tharF any sections altema y with Government lands. !100 more than they Weald rgcjnira to apes .. Seeord A. " Weal, so is er , Wer n4RtraCt oubmltted. which be denied. Objection had be n taken that arrangements iR order to ComP104 the soil, ]?oter, ora' &v hCar�l ye say Ye believed them theless a plain aiatement of a fast, Critr6iois Bs entered at length into the question of the lead not been made torearrylipg the maile and After Row. wusuae a main sensible wummun in the the two sorts without allowing the iudgtn"ti aooapeuey beh-g tempted tp 6utld that cetttrAl tiro iurliiaryc The speaker pointed out that , Mr, P►TERsox continued hlerpeeoh• Be " �" to bo prejndioad by the metier ed dress, a , *off and, then abandon the other a central thegln - atterp were fully provided for in said that the Ministor .of railways,- and all =--It is pleasant to know that tesohery are the prise medal mutat be awarded � the Bovis. _ . ... pry, notwithstanding its sins of alething an4 , #he, oubaidy:for the. Central section in cash the general statute. It was contended, that who had adopted the position be ad talten, growing toe wise to take starvation wages, bezpq enough to build the road, and leave the the as ndicato Could go on with the prairie argument in 'which they In one county in Kansas there are Beyond lnattmerr. hsa taken a line pi unormpus land Cuboids of 11,000,000 Cores as, section and neglect .the eastern section, This sought to prove that the terms of the pray- Schools unable to aeenro teachers: - - Aieat refit. Another danger was that the he denied. It the syndicate did not prose- ani Contrsat were more° advantageous, —„ ldfxedl'--ShOfi.Bighted Irisbmsnt(who vvlNrl$R � lONi3 di ate might become a "vast political pate tfie work as the contract provided they Men , any ever offered•_ before.. He meets.a gentleman in. Liverpool whom he. It would not be difficult to n a history niissobles &rid be referred to the Urtited could bo forced tc do .ro by the Court of 'Gated. to the proposition , that there minks he knarrs " Be Jabez, carr, I PA bag of England on pegs supplied by the dates 0t fes,, to , show .that large supis, bad Chancery; wad no person knew' this better were two previous: contracta as $here was only your pard4zt ; but ai first I, !bought it was which Parlisa!imit been eni oorru ,tly byvaily ay acrperatiome, than the bon. leader of the Opposition. one --the Allan contract,—and Complained you, thfn I thought it was Our brother, It beow+ ezooptionally • held that the feeling of the country was ` Hop, Mr. BLmsu--Then if I know any- that the Souse bad not been iuformed. Wh y the humdr for the despatch of evobusut ss. e He h tan claimed that if ke o i T ha o en tbat row the scheme of last session, that of , eonstrne and now I see lt'p nayther of yez."—Jtutp, the humdrum course of political events, home against the contract, d thing ab, ut t ve t. d y _ ... p p . —A thick-headea squire being worsted by or foreign, Parliament is accustomed tp .meet had the physical strength to stump the whole sition, ing the railway as a Government work, had on he would carry 70 seats out of the Mr. RrsERT—The lion. eatlemaawill deny been .abandoned. By that scheme it bad Sydney Smith in an argmment, took his within the Srpt week,oi FebrusrY. When any of p g revenge by exclaiming,." I# I had a son Who other date is chosen 10 history is being made." tib oonetitueneies. He believed that nothing anything. If a mandamus train another been estimated that the entire Coat of eon- was an idiot, by Jove, I'd make him a par. It was so in 1890,, George IV. Wasjugt dead, could souse so general , feeling of rejoicing court is ineffectual the syndicate conks forced striation would. be $48,600,000, and it was �n.r it Very ..probably," replied Sydney, and the new Kin bad his new, Parliament as, to. have it fleshed by the telegraph from by the Court of OhanoerY: also estimated that in 1890 the country woauld, " but I, see that your father was of a different which brought back the Whigs to power after one end of the Dominion to the other that Han. Mr. BLARE—I say again it is well have 669,000,000 as the proceeds, of the ale opinion." twentyyears' wandering in the wilderness of + this sontroot had been rejected. (Applause,) known that the courts Will not enforce the of public lands, He .Characterized as mons• P^„Tom, where is opposition. The Reform bill being defeated , Mr. RYSERT Woe the neat. speaker. He carrying out of a railway contract. trous th'e policy, pursued by the Government . oominenoed by referring At some length to ;3 r Jpnri MmCngxsrn -I t11i >< it will be in, giving the syndicate 626,000,000 in Cash bin 1`Ou liad awhile ,ago t” 41WelI, mases, , I m commlttoe on the 18th. of April, Parliament. the tactics vrhioli ,had been pursued by the Lound that the hon. irentleman is mistaken. and as ..many acres of hind, when, aoaordng never was pos'tive about der at bill. Some Was straightway diseclved. The new Perlia- as • leading uiembers of the Opposition in discuss- Under ordinary charters the act is simply to their own evidence last session, they Could days I t-nk it war a bad bill; oder days I_tink went met again on the 21st of June, the de• t the measure now before Parliament $e permissive, A•oompany is formed and ob• build the road Without, aostinq the country a it war a goodbill ; so one o' dem days whenI batewou the Reform bill being temporarily • ing econdemned in severe terms the course of ta nea a •chaster' to build a railway, and the cent and have a surplus of 620,600,000. tinka it war a goad bill I jos' dun gone and closed at twenty minutes past sire on the morn I Sir Richard Cartwright, and others, m Con- court will not interfere: But in this . Case Then he went into a criticism- of the various passed it. Ing of Saturday, October % when the " Loidp "'• sli matin insianations a sinal the it i rovidsd that the company rliali build provisions of ills oontraot, condemning each —A Dutchman who married Lis second wife threw it out on the second reading by a ma - u' Y Railways, while the were afraid the rsilwa —it is cont, ulso R , and earl be en- one of them as objectionable. In closing soon niter the funeral of the first .Woe vrNited lority of forty-one. .Seven seals later died ldmister of aY . with a two hopre serenade In•token of dis• William IV.; and the new Psrliamdnt was . to make any definite charges, H� alluded to. forced in the. courts. pA louse, he declared himself a strong Harty tale Patron, twitting the Opposition on Mr. RYSERT, •continuing, referred to the man, and expressed his intense admiration for approval. He.ezpostnlated pathetically thus, opened by, the young Queen on November 20. !iBi -I ea o e ou oti ht to be sehamed of The session was marked by die - their Sallure. A groat deal has -beep J+Card interest clause of the contract, declaring that the party wh,9 woula go on together bond in y. p Y y B of Irish affairs, - about petitions which were to be presented to the 10 per pent. did not apply -to the •awe t hand and shoulder to shoulder for the inter. Yourself to be making all dish ' -noise Yen ser orders arising out • Parliament, but so far these petitions had not received from the Government for the con. eat of the .country. He referred to Sir Jbhn vas a funeral, hereso soon." and the hero of the hour was proved vary alarming. It Was stated that a. struction of the road. Various. other matters Macdonald as A leader who had received more ' —The mysterious gdt of money which Smith O'Brien. In 1846' Parliament met '"" a' inion was to be Sent from his own cons tit were touched upon and. Mr. R kern concluded signal proofs from his supporters than per- Lord Beaconsfield's here,.Endymfon Ferraro, the the 22nd of January. Having repealed w y the. Dorn laws Bir Robert Paul Dame. to grief - ' tioncy (Lincoln), but he Lad not yet been bis speech at 2.80 A. m. haps had ever been acdorded to any other receives recalls the fact that to William Pitt R .. sated to present one. He understood the An Op,pposition motion to adioura having political Chief. He then struck into poetry, the younger came one day from an unknown °n an Irish ooeroioa bill,'whfch was refused a feeling in that county, and , he knew, there bees declared loot, and recited a stanza of the "Charge of the benefactor a present!of ti50,000 to promote second reading by. 202 against 214. In .lin were very few there who were. opposed to it. Mx. 0oasBuax (Muskoka) road' to reply. Light Brigade," appealed to Sir John Mae- ills early career in Parliament. So that the DisCouraeli i fire _debate, which lasted sic nights, He Criticised the course patanad in Montrdal. He followed the -regulation line, attacking donald not to ask hie supporters. to vote for fiction is no stranger than the truth. � Disraeli deplored the nun -appearance of e'an- of only admitting people to Han. Mr. Blake's the Contract and denouncing the Government the contract, appealed to the Ministerial su other Canning, a man who ruled the House pp p —An American millionaire not long sicca as, a highbred steed." "The temper of flip j meeting by ticket. In a Parliamentary Com- policy. He concluded at 8.15 A, m. porters to take an independent stand, an- visited Europe. A traveled friend asked him House ie pat now as, spirited as it was then ; • panion Mr. Blake declared himself in favor of Mr. HAasETT moved that the Committee pounced his own intention of opposing the what he had. seen mentioning all the noted , full freedom of discussion on all public mat- rise and report progress, contract, and eat down amid Opposition ap. Rights • among other leges, he in aired if lie gid' Disraeli added, I am thereforewherefacet sur- tors, but the hon. gentleman's record was The $case adjourned at $.20. clause, g 6 p q need that the vuitare rules where once the had mean the Dardanelles. "Oh, yea," replied bele reigned:" ^ Another Irish Coercion bill . very different from that. He challenged the • 3JOTIC23 08 MOTIONS. Mr. ROYAL said lite was compelled to differ Old money bago ; " they diued with ns, the last was triumphantly carried through both hon. gentleman to rdame a single oaoseion from the hon. gentleman • who had ,,p eceded night we were in Paris 1 ' Houses in 1848. -*,Four years later Parliament ' ' � • since entering political life in 1867 when he Hon. Mr.Bi- Wednesday—Inquiry. ad kith, inasmuch as he' believed the Contract • dared to face public digoussion. '(Applause,) to what are the rates of freight charged on now before thew House was Caloulated to `^4' v R. oaks t What is the beet way met in November. The Dake o3 Wallington . He then reviewed the course pursued by Mr. the Pembina branch, between �Winnipog and promote' the best interests of the country. .to remove cinders from the eye ? A. A was dead, and . Disraeli, as Chancellor of , . Emerson, for, first class, second, class, third He affirmed that the majority of the people small Qamel's hair bruah dripped in water the Exchequer and leader of the House Blake wben opposing Saudfield Macdonald, snd pasted over the ball of the eye on rale• of Oommons, found himself Galled upon to showing how when he had obtained power he class and fourth class goods, and for grain, of Manitoba . were in favor of the contract ing the lid. Tho operation requires'no Skill, pronounce a panegyric on the dead soldier,. Abjured his former regard to the railway respectively. being Carried out. He thought the speeches takes but a moment, amdf instantly removes An occasion which be improved by inoor. I subsidy. He thougkt it a little strange that , Hong Mr. B Weineaday—Inquiry Of soma of the members of the Opposition alny cinder or ale "Of dust or.airt without ratio in big oration a -eulogy the organ of the a the Qfobs, had ]atel whether any lettr has been written since would be of great Service to the company, as l Po g gy passed p pig, Y inflaming the eye, by M. Thiere twenty-three yeast showed a disposition to get rid of the hon. ,the commencement of this Session by any they would. Resist materially the floating . gentleman. It had actually proposed him for a member of the syndicate to any member of of bonds. He read the resolutions which had George Eliot's passion for musiewas remark- earlier onn,, A second rate French B� f justiceship. Probabl this was because the Government touching the standard of been passed at Winnipeg in referettee to the bole, Nature seems to have ,denied her only Marshal.ti�854, winter ,troubles having he lead alwa a roved a disturbing element construction for the Canadian Pacific railwdy, contract: , While these were generally in favor Ono.gift.-personal bounty. Jifetin McCarthy aommence`d in 2h`Q 47xiiiuea, Pgriiame 1 was . , h b y P e is the ranks of his party. Se referred to as defined in the contract, and if so, whelp; of the contract, Objection was 'taken in said of her;" She is What people in England,, call summon d, meeting: the Queen on the 12th at the celebrated Aurora speech and the bon. .a ad whether'such. letter Will, be laid on the .thein to Certain features which were at first ,decidedly plain ;Rha! people in New York Doll December, Three years Iator, on the 3rd of gentleman's course on the Nanaimo and table; and if so, when: 'regarded as, unwise: .The objections rvere'to lamely ; and persona who• did, not Dare to December, 1867, the country being lot agi- Baol imault railway question, and declared the alleged monopoly given to the company eofteo the forms of an unpleasant truth would tat ed end depressed by a great aCrnmeroioi ;r OTTAWA Jan. 11. that She leader of the Opposition was not �� . in the matter of buildmtt branch 'lines. It deearibe probably by a.atill harsher and more crisis, Parliament was called.together to. pa i. w sou d with safe. ba laced in the 'rhe Speaker tookthe chair S o clock. waB Supposed Lhut the company. had: the ex- emphatic epithet; her face, it .ia said, not , s bill fdemnifying,MuaieterS fox the avtspen man who l Y p position of leader of this House. He quoted' BBTITieNa:. Clnaivb power of baiiding branches lips the even being formed ,arid illui5ainatdd tis the Bion of the Bank Charter ,spit., In 1967 Par „ er on Natvhembe1S9 from an article in the the Globe in 1872, After foyers and routine, main lire to the international boundary, but hght of her genius. up lien neoesary -for- e: Ab y liament wag which declared In the strongest language in . _ p - at was apparentnow that that impression was —A lupus foot. Sol. Smith Russell Leh ' si votethe-a p Mesare: Guthrie; Chariton -arid- Cameron simian war, .Ttiere;was.a•. winter, Session in • favor of an all through national hue •Dori South. Huron) presented anti-eyndioate pati= erroneous. He condemned thgproposition to the fo)lowing story- of -his experience as, on 1868, but the' proceedings were purely for. Canadian territory. Mr- Blake In his Aurora tions; abandon Lha eastern_ section and construct enterteroer . At a small Ohio town, where he' mal, and arose in connection with the general . Claimed that the Pacific railway the Sault breach, declaring that. if this was hal vgiven his performance the previous night, elaetion•of-that ear •whio2;-sed••-to the eat&b speech had Mr. (Selkirk) presented a petition should be built, and that the - tealho which "" l done the Government Should annex, Manitoba he met at the depot- the following morning. an Y . " . ` - i to it would make it a pay- from tha,peop a of Winnipeg and St. Boniface and: the.Northwest• to Minn8gotta at once. elderly granger, who, while be, peacefully lishment in power;.of Mr. Gladstone. Vinally, . world be supplied P 9 for Ilexmie Lion to. build a bridge across. in 1878, there were Iwo winter sessions. Par. ing institution. Hon. Mr. Mackenzie had Red River bdtween the two places. The SE. Paul, Minnesota and Manitoba liafl: munched a tinge quid of toba¢ao, intently eyed liameYrt met earlier than usual (on. the 16th also declared himself in a similar manner, way to be maintained coula. only b° a enaCesa the humorist and finally said ; ' �ay, ouster, of January) to vols £6,000,000 in menace of Bu Ls Iai aoBvc>en in future b becoming a great • feeder 'of" the hent g p, urging also that the road should be pushed on • : Y, g' , g 'yon• the follow sot in 'life 'Chow • n to , with all aonveniunt ra idit . Mr. ROss, of • Billa' •concerning .the Saskatchewan and Canada Pacific Railway. • This it would inev- Smoot's , Hall, last night ?" " Yes," replies Raseia, and was summoned again 'in Deoem P Y l3omris. and Rocky Mountain, bar to vote mons on account' of the still . Middlesex, had also Spoken in, a. very pro- Northwestern, , , itably be, instead Of having control ' of that Ruesell "I 'did Ive an •entertainment at Y f the work bo• and 37anitoba ,and,, Southwestern Railway railway or absorbing it. He ointed out. also Shoot's all oet night,'�._"3Vall,lthaught R»gettlod bill for the war in _ Aighabietan nounced manner in advocacy o h N: Y:`Sera2 in - ar `ed on with�"-ola ; arid- it was, thei" -eompeities-wero intriiduodd., 'thalihe• man" - agars o�i)ie St: Pau_ xoa con l yen was the ehap. I wanted to toll you boat mg y ' same with other members of the. Oppbeition. • A number of returns were presented not possibly have acontrolling interest an the a boy.of mine; you ought to have him ;, he'S , "11 The s eeches of nearly every member of that IRC. RLmsE aInVERs. Canadian Pacific: Won, ought that for many just,the fellow foryour.show;he'sthe d -•deet MAN.party beearn bf r. giaaReTRros alluded • to .an : inciaen •road: With`re and to thB' question of freight (EstraotediromL. an Old -plume T construction of the road, but now theywere R —It may not. "enerall • known tbat`ki. ave the which had occurred jitat before the ad'opm. Y g Y In Opposition, and they.unbluahmgly g l ,ompan .,repudiated ..the sseertion that the' Tice average es. . ,.0i an"adu1f mal. ig. 140 pP went Of the;House this • mornin . A member James -Anthony ` l roads, the hi Eorian, is ,& and six omnceS. he to their own past record, declaring that g company would $nd thergSelves- in' sue a. yo had moved that the committee rise, and report sition that the world dare to Chiir a high regularly ordained dea'eo>x in the Established The average weight of a skeleton is'abont the Construction of the road, under the most Po Y $ g L'huroh of En land, but it .ie a fact fiat he. g favorable terms ever offered, would be ruinous progress. He, vie chairman, had declared, the figures. Should they. do that the result g foarteen,pounds. - motion carried,. and had repoked that- t}ie was ordained in 18t4,'and Was also a writer to the country. Such a course as this entitled " p would be ruinous to themselves, as it would Number of loonea, 240:' Committed had. risen and reported, progress, in Cardinal Newman's •" Lives of the Sainte." them to the appellation . of thorough deter if from Battling , along . the The skeleton measures one inch lava than ply and asked leave total. a Cin. For thia'he had hr. Fronde was at that time an ardent diS= political hypocrites. Alluding to the famous g line and thus defeat the very object limed at.. , the height of the living man. ' yp g been called to account by the leader of • the In addition to that the oontraet was well ,so fa of the other although awt6 S Speak of thegone The'average .weight,>of the brain of o man manifesto he expressed surprise that the hon. opposition. Readin from. May he showdd so far in the other direction as'to speak of the member for Richmond and Wolfe (Ives) PP g framea .as regarded this point. The Govern- Sori tares: am the "Hebrew Mythology:' His is'three and a half pounds; of a v*onian, two Should have credited that document to Mr, that Eire practice he.had followed was nor merit would `have strong powers in the fixing o,persons, pounds eleven canoes.; e looked more ch feotl correct, and that the objection taken Personal Reminiscences Of the Orford High Y 7 of Could force the."Company . 30 „ Tbe. brain of a man exceeds; twice th1.at of Mills. Had h Y b Hon. Mr. '.Blake was not sound. A Ohureh Revival; which. he propoges'W write the matter be would have found that its Y (P keep thaw " in •proper bounds. He any'other attimal.. into for plalise.j in six numbers. of Good Wgrds, will therefore paternity belonged to the hen, member ridiculed the .idea that there would be any fhe average' height.ol an Englishman is Pa y TEN RAILWAY DEBATE. ' be likely to attract 0en81deYab]e attention. five feet nine. inches; of 'a Frenchman, five South Wentworth. ft was nothing more.. monopoly in regard to freights: To the pro- g -The sadden departure for St: Peterebnrg than a bugs joke by the chairman of the The'House wont into committee, on,the -vision goyerning this he gave his most hearty .of Herr lirapp, of the famous ,seen Works feet'foui `inches; .acid of a, Belgian, five feet Opposition caucus,. Laughter). The famed railway resolutions. approval. Referring ' again to the .branch near Cologne, has excited a .great deal .of six and three-quarter inches. + i 15 manifesto was,a complete farce, and it was Mr. HACRBT.reanmed the debate. JHebegan lines, he expressed his .opinion. that there The average weighE'of an Dngtfemo; s 0 of results. Reverting to the by .ekatc1iing briefly the previous echenndS for could pat be, too many bra -that railways in the speculation in Germany. A perfect arsenal of pounds; of aFrenahman,136 pounds; a:Bel- • entirely barrenq sea oris line been for several months in pro - question of the public debt ,be condemned the Conotruption of 'the road, showing by a Northwest, and pointed out •that the contract P . glop, 140 pounds.. oessof,eoustxuction at .Herr Krupps estab• the action of Mr. E"1xLe at the Montreal .comparison of poet that the present contract Would not Prevent private enterprise f> from The average nu?iabex of ourtiaeth is thirty- meeting. He had stated that the debt had afforded Sar superior terms t° those df any building local lines. Several chartera had lishment for the Chinese Government, and q all the entreaties of the Czar's Ministers have twO' inareased from $77,500,000 in 1871 other scheme. .Alluding t° the various ,pro• been granted last year, aid several applies- A mai breathes'about twenty times a min- not availed .:to induce Prince Bismarck to . to $140,000,000, but be (Blake) had visions of the bargain, he exposed the incou- tione,were,now before Parliament.. Charters interfere in the matter,= and .prohibit their ate, of 1,2001imes an hour. . dealt in false pretences, and when speaking-,siStency Of_tke Opposition in taking a eouAii had ,been. granted last rear to 'two linea to Aman breathes about eighteen pints of air. p , exportation , so it seems probable that .the of the increase of the debt he had never now diametrically opposed to all their past run to liudson a 'Bay, and he thpnght this p in a minute, or upward of seven hogsheads in . . greatunmalier is to be bribed or cajoled, or given his audience the careful explanations ideas on This great question. He referred to, would proal a vary formidable rive] fq the a day. threatonod into giving if the; contract. He Which he ought to have given. He had. the attempt'whilu had been made.to create Canadian Pacific. He gave great credit to has supplied Russia with gang, and rails for Aman gives ofI4.09 per sant carbonic Ras• chosen, however, to try and deceive. the an at in Prince Edward Island and the Government for the genius the had dis• P• of the air he res Trey ; respites 10,666 � cubic . won be -rridiculed it as, an entirely aborSve "played in making the bargain with t e eyndi= many seals, but some of his latter trans- feet of carbonic -,acid :" gas in twenty-four . people by making them believe this uld actions with the Holy Empire bavd not.been a great calamity. He (Rykert) went on to movement.. HQ denied that thopeoplo of the Cate. They had 'not only. Bold 25,000,000 Concluded without wrangles, and as be is hours, equal to.125 cubic inches •of common note from speeches of members of the Uppa Island were opposed ui any special degree to Corea of land'tor $25,000,OOQ in cash, but had air, .. . 4 as, to the value of land in the North• the aoheme, and declared himself entirelyin at the safne Eime seoared the colonization of I Comparativdly out of favor at,I .Patera- .A man annually contributes to vegetation ; . sition bur it will re airs ver strop indnoemente west. Only a few months ago it had been favor of it,.aridaunounced his intention of 26,000,000 acres more. (Applause.) He as to lead him' 3o throw over his. Celestial 124'ponnda of darboa: • declared again and again, in the House and voting for•its adoption. (Applause), sorted that the momentary opposition • in The average of the Pulse in in#anc 10'120 Clients. p Y ant o[ it, that the lands in the Northwest Mr. PLYNx Spoke: in oppositions to the.cbn- Manitoba to the terms was Caused by a mis- per minute ; in manhood, 80 ; at 60 ,years, not worth one dollar an acre. Now th6 tract denouncing it and. oamrlaining• that apprehension of the contract, aided by ..a . —In the church cf St. Mary Dfajor at Rome, 60, °'Phe puled.of'femalas is more frequent were value as very high. been given the ole in which few interested parties, but that feehng had is a picture of the BleasBd trirgin and Child, ,than. that of males. Were insisting that the W a Y g .time h'ad not g pep entirel elian ea, and iw was confident that which 0 Alar tradition hus lou attributed d toted is Y' g -popular g The weight of the circulating blood is about • ed an s b r atimate of the O psi- r th matter disease , forme e h a e Taken at she p to e T P undoubted histo of .this - to St. Lula. The ung history ant -eight Penn acv indorsed the non Ew _ •the xairie Province n PoI �I P g tion leaders, the "syndicate would not make intention of voting•againSt the scheme; He treat. (Applause.) ' picture goes, at all events, back. to the sixth The heart beats Seventy five.. times in a. mach after all. A comparison was made be- gave Considerable attention, - to. the National tween the present proposition and those Policy, which he,eondemned as destructive Eo The debate was oouEinued by VmrLEs and century, when Pope Gregory the Great had it minute , gouda nearly ten pounds of blood , h, the former in favor of the carried in procession through the streets of through the veins, and arteries each beat,. which bad been considered previously, ea- the best interests o+ the Maritime Provinces, :LaRUE, in Frena pressing his belief that the present wag very He coutendea that it was unfair of the GOvr contraot and the' latter against it. the City during the pestilence" then raging. and .makes four beats while we breathe once, much the boat, and worthy on all grounds of eminent to epdnd so much money in the A#rr BaaoEnoN moved the adjournment of In the sixteenth Century a.copy Of thieprpturie ' Five hundred and. forty pounds, tit one being Carried into effect. He read a state- Northwest acid give none to his part of the the -debate, Bud the, House adjourned at l aim. was oarafnlly and ekilfuhy _made and pre- hogshead one and one quarter pints of blood w sented totheJesuit college of Ingolstadt, in ,pass through the heart in one hour. merit showing the cost per mile of various country, He argued that if thea Contract Should �41 is propoeedto oallProfeeaox Telephone Bavaria, whore it has ever Since remained: Twoly° thonaand pounds, or .twontyfour, . ' roads in the United States, one of them, the be passed the debt of the Maritime Provinces Alexander Graham Bell, Ph. D•, of Brantford, MessYS. Ilerder, the Catholic ubliehera: of 9 iota ass• . Central Pacific, reaching $106,000 per mile. would be increased by. $13,500,000. He P begshead four gallons, or 10,782d p , p • Quoting once more from the Aurdra speech, made an appeal for the building of a railway ]dello Bell, for short.- Freiberg, bave had a aylographic print in through the Heart in twenty-fourehours, • s portion of which he informed the Ho,se across the Island of Cape Breton to Louis --The original Anderson, -Herrmann,Blitz, Colors executed after the original picture at Ono thousand ounces of blood pass through , was contained in volume 20 of his famous burg, wholi would Shorten the rduto to and Helier, the renowned ma iCians, are all Rome. It Is about twenty one inches High thg, kidneys in one hour. was contained showing that MY. Blake had Europe by ii miles. 'dead, yet performers ate. traveling under all and fifteen wide. The baologronud of the pip- One hundred -and seventy-four million satsstated that (there would never be a bushel of Mr, PAmrnasoN (Brant) commended by Say- these names. tura is in used gold the •,Byzantine style. holes, or cella, Cretin the lungs, which would wheat carried from the Northweat to th'e 'in that owing to the Paramount importance His Excellency'the Governor-General has Mary is rapreeeiitad litllding.the Child in her cover a surface thirty times greater than the Pacific by an all rail route. ' of -the measure before the louse party dif sent a beautiful monogram and teatimoniar to left arm;. liar right hand resting on )for left. human body. , . Hon. Mr. BLAHS—No no. ferenceg Ought to be sunk. He, for one, was all the winners of his medals throughout the The. [aces of Mother and Child are decidedly .r • Mr. RYREBT insisted that his readingwas determined to consider the qucetion from a Dominion this year. Oriental ; the G�hild lioldfi in his left hand a book,. 'while with hie'right, the third and A W.ATBlR Fes. uorreot, and challenged the bon. gentleman to purely Patriotic atandpoint. He then went -•-•A dinner WAS given to Principal Wella on fourth fingers of.which are bent down, he is — . . • retirement from the •Bap6t. College at OnANBE N. J„ Jan. 8.--A distressing water . disprove this. He thought this showed that on to for. agitation, Westing rednthis. Woodstock b the professors Students giving's blessing. + . the syndicate would not have suoh .a very havingY p . famine prevails in this place. Nine-tenths.of , nice bargain. tovvusloip (Burford) and having asked for die- Prof. Wells has been seventeen years con- —d waiter for tL'8 Cih6nnati Lnquirer has ' Han Mi. Blake and others oneSion. $8 than entered apoa an a:ami- Heated with the College; , been looking Critically at Novo women; iIa wells are dry, and far'mejrd.dxlve their cELt-, ' (At 10 o'clock tie miles for water: " Tne livery men are cart made loud Calle for an ad'ournmCnt, but this nation of the epoeah of the Miuiate.Y of Rall, r—ThoBsltrmoio School oardhasresoigded and following is one of his conclusions t ing water from running Streams ,and gelling WAG refused and Mr. R kart went on. ways• "ge denied first that the forma now its previous resolution to pleas colored As a male the higher you go up in sfindl 1t at $2 a load to faotoriea to use in their boil - Y ) before the House were bettor than those under teachers In the colored schools and bag elect. Basis of New York the Idea beauty you He took up the vartons provisions Of the whicha oontraet might have been made in teal four White teachers topf.11 vacancies in I could name top lofty families whose women ars. The strait sprinklers thordr are 001a t o fon contract, one after the others• onticising _ in 1814. It did not matter 'whether the those schools$ in spite of the fact that twenty. are generally ugly to the extent of positive' tanners, and ngvraand cooking. is sold to farm. Connection with them the false interpretation lies for drinking and dooki ; by Opposition speakers. Referring to the proposed coutraCt pas batter. ox worse than one aOlordil candidates passed the teachers' hideouendas. There is a thee ry that the pro- �g _� nB' p any Proviout one, The county did net care examinatlorie. There is much indignation nation duct of 'several generations of high cut - question of exemption from taxation, he bon• about any oontraet but the preterit One, fn Batting over thviiation of the Boats. lure is a palpably superior.. article •--Tho St. George Leader is the best oreai- V tended that nothing eltraordinary had been Making , comparison of his own, he olafmoa President Oro and five other mome'61 of women, With Small ]lands and ter in the country. In the laat issue it pub- <" conceded. He instanced the Vortberit W. that if a contract had been let by Mr. Mao• stood by the resolution honorably, but .Word feet, • RX ad Insteps, aeneative nostrils, liebea a report of a tailway meeting and wsy and the Toronto, Gray Bruce, on whish kepzib the tsontractozs would bAve beenlolAvotod, and other points supp�med to indicate phyai• Gresitp it Eo th6 tat. Gebrge I,dadtr,Amuly any ,taxes wpere paid. I le denied thatI + . I . . ,. � I . I.. � . . 11 .. . I . ' , . • :0 , •• t ..