Huron Record, 1881-01-14, Page 9• ARCVOTD THE WORLD. ninth and last vory andel toilet for v. select little 'IMPPer and Ord party. But thii fashionable lady might havo done worth things at Troutiile. She might have spent her time reading new novels from Paris or trifilog with susceptible young neutron norm's the Channel. —Patti lae bren singing with greet .suo. raise at Berlin. After the bat perfetmence. the Emperor of Germany prenent,ed to her hilt liae-sieed portrait. With ltdedication Whig irfni handwriting, —Queen Victorie. has platted Osborne cote lege at the .disposal of the Empress Itugrade for a few weeks, Thu Riviera,' will take up her abode at her new reeidatoe in Berth Brants thie spribg, the horded-001Mo eetakeie coal th into e courts, tie ie. now threatened, to tee the validity of the. clause in the will About marriage with e foreigner, even that colossal fortune may dwindle like a thew matt tinder the sun. —The .Frenols of New Orleans are a third a the whole population. They almost ea- elegively occupy all the thwer or Older pitrt'of i the city, speak French in their daily nter- Course, and have little to do, in trade or wi- eldy, with the rest of the people. —It is now settled that Oxford University . than endow Professor Monier Williams's Indian institute with 61,250 %year on °antra conditions, No site for the building-haa yet been selected, and nobody oeems to know wbat the Instituteis really lobe. • • —Mei. BraeseY the welt known writer, is going to take another cruise In the Sunbeam early thie month for her health. The yacht has been undergoing an elaborate refit in the Mersey, but will sail from Cowes.- " —McCook Hail importuned, Esnier Poster' to marry him, at .Pittsburg, Pa., and the per, ',latently relbeeci. Another and more fevered miter WAD Lin the house, and Hall taw Berner kiss him at the door on parting. Wild with jealous rage, he called the girl book into the parlor and shot he. mortally. —The Duo de Persigny's widow Writes to •the Figura., excusing herself for not laving helped her daughter, Madame Friedland, now in prison for forgery. She says she is in meet narrow cirounistanties so long as her mother, the Primulas de hfukowa, lives, and that she han offered to "Igo any amount on the strength of her reveraion, but that the creditors of her daughter and huaband will not accept her offer. - - ^740 of the growing industries of Aug- ' tralia is the making and oannrag of rabbite. The Colas Preserving Company near ?del. bourne had on an average 7,000 of these agile rodents brought in every night at the begin- ning of the past bosom], and the supply in. oreaeing, orders were given to timid the daily quantity to 2,700 pair. During the season, which lasteO for 25 Weeks, 675,000 rabbits were canned by this emtablis.liment alone. —Felix Platt has produced Many random statements, but his last eurpasoes all yet nre. ceding from hie fanciful brain. Scotland is not Pepsi," he .remarke,' "like that Other Cleltto nation, Ireland. Al Glasgow, for in. stenos, the largeet Satoh town, the affinity of the race With Paris is trret7wheze to he sem. in the architecture of the city, and in resumer appearance and costume of the in- habitante. , Nothing nameable* Pais more than Chaegow and Edinburgh, where leughter is heard in the Ovoids, where the *omen wear caps and chat like Fool* womere and where the bowies are Az dories high, like those on the Rue St. Honore. Thue it is only natural that the Roundheads should fraternize with the Socialists, and the Puritans with the ditcoblia," —With the exception of Patti and Nilsson both foreigners. and Judie, who earns some two hundred thousand francs a yearin France and in Russia, there ere Out few millionaire among the mannish' of Patios. Croieette le rielt.through her marriage, and lives in eem- fortable opulence, and is, moreover, an excel- lent mother. Mile. Moissett, too,has become rieh through her recent marriage; Leonide Laden° poseesees a handsome fortune in Money' • and objecte'. of art. Angelo, Adele Courteis and Delval peace's each their mil Hon. Valtesee, is intelligent and well advised and Elluini is tit& both in jewels and landed property. Mlle. Krause, Mlle. Miran*, Rosinr Bloch, Etangs/li, lime. Pages, and Sohneidy may be put down es -hating a fair income, as twenty-five thousand frame ayear. Piano and Bode of the Atheuee are likewise well to de, and live °comfortably. s—Some time ago; when Prof, Idomnisente library. was•destroyed, a movement was sot afoot itt England among the admirers of the historian forth° purpose of indemnifying him to some extent, as far, as money could do so, for the great literary lass Ito had suffered, but the Profeeser, from mingled 'motives, no dotrat of patriotieni and pride, gave it to be under- atood that he would rather not be put in the way of accepting tenth a favor from a foreign nation. His owe countrymen, however, did not receive a similar intimation; and it is now announced that it sem of 106,000•marks ($25, 400) has been collected throughout Germany and presented to the historian of Rome, os- tensibly in recognition of hie hiving on the 30th of November last reached hie 64th birth- day. Otte . banking firm in Berlinis said to have alone oontributed 10,000 marks. some Of the islands of the South Pa.. oifio where the elana attains a great simadiving for claims is cone of the ". Occupations of the • natives, The diver thrusts *sharp iten,rod into the mouth of the olani, which oloees jts abelhwith swill, tenacity that it eatabe pulled out Of its bed. Oceamodally _-dtlieteettselierhinethehrolemartilloyeetItheineelyee toe be- caught—in-the-otrip-of too-powerful2a. clam have only saved their lino by °Mirage their fingers, and leaving them at the bottom of tho spa. . . • . ' •—A. Bamberger is Chicago's largest furni. ture manufacturer. His eon -fell in love with an Oshkoeh girl, while visiting that eity;lind arried_herdwath_out_partintaldooneent. The father went to Oshkosh take a look at her anti his decision was that she Would not do for introaection into the family. The son would pot give hee upOtiowever and has 4ot only been cut off pecuniarily,' !hid the angry permit has had hire arrested on it obotge of. stealing SOD30 trifling articles in order to gap. anite him from hie —The Ametionii colony in Dresden had a bazar on Dec. 14, the proceeds Of which are to go toward beading an American ehuriffi: The ladies who had stalls _wen dressed in costume% mostly as Turks; While' one ep. peered as an Indian, :The bazaar wait a great _emcees, and' -among . the visitor,' was the 'Queen of Saxony. Some 'people, .however, • think it would be better to insure an Mame to the present Albertan olergyinatibefore set. ting tibotit building it new chureh.. • • there were 1,900 British troops and *bout 2,000 of the local' militia under *anus,to options whom the invader only had 700 men, then& he skilfully managed to conceal the atoratneesof his farad A desperate engage. raent ocotin•ed in the maket place, the Ben. Joh ttwoln being led by Major Henan. Bull°. ennui wait killed, and more than half hie lace ohared the lame fate, the reat being taken peisoneth, and, in the moment of yietory, Mater Pierson, too,was shot dead. But for the gallantry of this young offieer; who was only 23- zeal' of age, the *lands would not now belong to England. --Texas, with au area of more than 274,000 square miles, has a great variety of soils, but until recently but little bas • been known of the countres between the Brazos and Itlo Grande and north of the thirty-first parallel of latitude. ' Formerly it embraced the hunt. Mg grounds of the Apaches and Oorimobes. The wild horse, the banal°, antelope, bear, deer and turkey feasted and fattened upon the 'doh grasses, and were found in vain num- bers. When the Fort Yuma stage line was started, and forts were located and occupied, adventurous stockmen eatablithed ranches. Then the'superiority of this vast area was manifest is s grasaproduoing and tattle. graying • district. The gnomes were vastly better and the water more Abundant and last- ing than threat of the other parts of the State. 'W.hest in 1878 it beembe known that the Peel& Railway Company were Enraging 10 puah ;heir road to 4 speedy oomPletion, enterprioing grangers began their encroach- ments upon the gook ranches. They found the land most sightly to the eye. The wheat, corn, cotton, oats, rye, barley, millet and vegetable,' yielded far better oropit than they had anticipated, and in 1879, when drought had eausedi the great grain and cotton fielde of eouth anti central Texas to wither and dwindle away, they, with poor tillage, reised. fair oropo ; the ram fell in setholi, the grass grew, and the country that hail heen deemed worthless as arable land soon became known as the beet in the .htates. This knowledge has extended, the notion ii rapidly filling up and this year's crop far exceeds that of 1879. —The turquoises of Now. Mexico are worked at Mount Chileliniti (the Indian name for turquoise) about 22' miles' southwest of Saute Fe. The rocks inwliith they are found aro distinguished by their white color and de- composed appearance, somewhat resembling *china, Mays giving evidences, according to Preliddillinuors•ohnnatoalterationraineste-the• e scifin throughthom of linittaiap &Of iditteid: and perhaps of other. vapor and gases, by the aotions of which tlie original crystalized (drac- hma of the mass has been. completely decom- poied or metamorphosed. The turquoise ia found in little veins and nuggets, .00verea on the exterior with it white tufatmous crust; but stones of great commercial value are compare liaterinderand-many-tone-of`thedrack—may be cruthect without coming to o single specio men. The blue peter of the turquoise,which; 'chemically, is a .htierene alitalinum.phos, photo, is due to.00pper oxide derived•front the associated rooke, of which the Mexico, Die= contain 5.81 per omit: . • --Sanely less rare than a black tulip of the amazing natural cariosity now being ex- hibited in the Berlin Aquarium. A milk - white raven, with pale pink eyes and red legs, recently received adnaissimeto the great" con tral aviary, but his,presencethere Ennead such 'general panic among the' inmates that it has been .fourth neceiniery to renieve him- to a separate age, The Other birds instinctively recognizedthat this Corvine Albine was ab- normal, and therefore -terrible. Many of them became total abstainers from feed end ,drink, through' sheer fright, whilehe shared their quarters, and hudd cd together, . shiver: ing, at AO gaat a distanee from the fearful ttuomtily-as the Halite ef their prison would permit them to attain. In all retipeoth, save his extraordinary lines, tbe raven is as other ravens: His appetite is apparently inatieble and he ministers to it with a for midable beak. He was bound, with a coal - black brood of brothers and sisters, in a nest, built by his parents, on the topmost branch. of an old tree in the Georgenthal, a volley in Theringee. ' Thissnow-white raven is itt present one of ,the lions of the German cietp syrapithy whiali. actors Oiler: ish for sorrow. and 'suffering; deepite all the friction with implearant sides of the 'mad which most of then: undergo has jai been shownin Leaden.' A member of' this body died some weelte ago iron :injuries .reaeived, on the itage and tett .one 'little daughter, a friendless. ()refund: All the principal pantie tonnected with 1.110 stage in London 'gave a perterniance at Drury Lae° to assist the and betweeo monSy taken at the adore and subscribed 610.09 were cobectod. - • *. —A •Galvesteh applied to by his friends to allow his naine to be put up for theDniced Ststo to Senatorship, said he aimed at enotlair .effiee. A ' eat ite.the Cabinet, eh?'" No, not that.' do Foreign Weldon ?" " Nor that. Golden:ten, 111 he candid .trith you, Pot teen Politiye beentrying tOget the city authorities so lieve.the slopbarrel at dav. back, gate emptied .onoe' it math, and have failed.. Late tetinitied to have that barrel emptied, to X have applied to' the City . Conn - oil for the piedtion of driver to seavenget. cart." -dprepatetiensao .making for the amnia- : pai ("tech/int.: itt Paha of Jan: 9, artuallh-confeasen the hopeleseneas of the Comintioiste it, this trial of strength by. advocating the nomination of . dead Men and of weenie Theftwill be, she says, the mite Idea Of the serial revolution, dominating withourindividuality ; the idea that de die etreiy is impossible ; the idea, invincible and implacable likh death. Meanwhile the mai., band mutable:hit, has expressed. an °Mehra in favor' of petment OVinembere,' and has voted 300;000 francs for the reirabursenuot of °agar& tainted by thepreeent councilors in the distharee of their duties, . • —Boycotting 1 hreatens to !Mame it die Weary wcord. There are many eimilar in. gnomes in the English language. All Eng- lishmen ..siteek, Of. trannveye, but half don't knew that hit Woad ia short for OutramWays, -Mt-Outride, having invented Bora improved method of locomotion by aid of seat mans,' Nor is the boy who sings, "7! .1 had it &they What Wouldn't go, ',wouldn't I wallop him,/oh, no, ne," omisaieus of it refetenee to Admiral Walt:Mee hi to smite of Lord Lyiniugton ; Whose dietary over a rreneb mittralrort won him great popularity among hie countrymen. —Mrshathouthere, the obeening editor of the Letelon /tete' noticed the number Of drensesavorn by it Pais lady at 'Vanzetti° in a 'Angle lat. They Were nine. First the don - Mid it bt easfee( govni, then it walking dress, then e bathine oottumesthen another walk, irig dress, atut after that it yachting toilet,. That mace five. The four others here a tan • gown, it diouer drag, a casino esteem and it ARFAIRS IN 111.1314ND LONDON., Jan. 5.-,A epeeist earesPondea writhe trent Ireland to the Glasgow Evening' Voce, ming an soorant of an interviewheld by him with* Sentient= who might not un- fairly be dethribed as ci Paden • heed-oenter. So intimate is he with all the prooeedinga of the fraternity, OA he pthtes when the lend agitation was inaugurated, a determined re. Mantua was me& to it by the.supportet1 of the Fenian nroPsgarrda. That organization then had 63,900 membera paying it emelt weekly orontrraution. ficarmilY bad the land League movement commenowl when the Fatten agitation aa an organisation bollapeed, and there was an almerit immediete transfer, ace of the mei:abate to the League. The correspondent adds that there were included in the leadership of the loud movement men who speedily developed into more thorough. going Young Irelanders than ever before lived. The writer then proceede &sten:owe : 44 Since the extreme party began to have greater weight in the councils, Fenian principles have had freer play. The distribution of arms, whioh was never entirely suspended, hag eince been prosecuted with vigoro «mci the number of Sniclers now 'mattered over the country cannoothe well oalottlated: Stay man, I understand, Who puts down' one pound in the proper quarter, can .be provided with a Snider rifle and 100 murals of ball and car- tridge, with waist 'belts, shoulder belts and cartridge pee*, a sword and :bayonet for the ride. It ie unneeessery to state that the one pound doer' not cover the expenses, but, the difference is made good from a fund; contrib. ated to by sympathizers with the prodded - i nage th Otto tohrepublic t w°P er air lat e weho "aa go n azultheeo h an: ea bnbo credited with *fleeting /MINNIE PALMEE'llt PRANKS, Everyone hae a kindly ieeliog for hotith and beauty iu Petticoat% and . sem to find the shapely herili fillecl with 'wittily and ob- otinttay. Mee Minnie Palmer is an eremite of the unpleasant ,00mbination. Poring her starring career Miss Plainer has been treated with much kindness by: both public and press, critics generally: having been more complimentary than severe. Without „ stop- ping to consider Whether ohe had cause to be.greteful undo,' the eiroometances, looking upon the kindliness shown her as ab meek encouragement toward the accomplishment of better.results, Miss Minnie became puffed up in spirit and esteemed desert, perhaps be. gond the -measure of Merit. Her first demon- stration was to oast off all maternal restrict.; ion and take heir affairs , into personal con. Md. .NtoxVillie medeanatters to very enema - *Ole that Mr. hoothoosalth hest Want(' et 'fiehoOratituit'-dedidd;ditotneverniedittddthid4ning, -Other, eegagement..in Chicago, 'which closed last evening, ehe suneeded itt perranning a num' ber of featsthat indicate hot temper and great self-eeteem, as Well as stragolioaded- nesti. She summarily evioted Mr, Hugh D'Arey front hie poeition as.basiuess agent, end as, ..eignedoutoelegesonfor se doing that he was ineoropetent. It took.fier a year to.fiiinhis out.. Next s•he. brought about the defection of Mr -George •Daveripert, who has quit the company. SThe latest evidence of " self.man- agereent was ' developed yesterday, when Mr. Marcus Moyer Wrattto the little Maly cle- otinin'g to he -further intereetediri her welfare. At the beginning of the Beason Mr. Mayer, at the solieitation•of Mrs. Palmersiindertook to fill elate!! for Mies Palmer,. and did so lin to the presunt time. Yesterdey the little actress" in conversation with. Mr. Mayereinfortitho him that she had filled eight weeks after Jan. 22, with some Chicago party. This eensider. ably surprised Mr. Mayer,' atid he:reran*. strateawith her. Miss Palmer pertly in. formedbit thet she thought: ,herself quite 'eatable of managing her.townaffairs.. She was told that ehe could -do asshe pleased in fuiere. 'Mr. Mayer declared he 'would have nothing more to de with fixing dates'for her,. end should cancel all•thosehehael made !tub. sequent to Jam, 22, in Order to obviate chance of litigation. Mist Pattuer seems now to be wholly .without. proper management. Mr. D'Arer has Wean suit against her for injery to reputation in, publiithing. in it deity, paper the statement that he Was incompetent to menage a theatlical entertnise. . The /Mit it set for. oath January : 3; at which time Miss Palmer will be in St. Louis.-:-Chieapo Inter - Ocean, • —Some further details respecting the Morganatic marriage of the Emperenis of Resell* are publiehed itt%the' Figaro. The ceremony took. plies last summer at the Cattle of Tsarkoe Selo, during the manteuvres at the Entanof tamp, The Witnesses were Count Alexander Alderberg, Minister of the Court ; Gen, Ryteef, one of tbe Czar's indee- d° camp, and an iritinaate friend of his Majeety ; Count Milutine. Minister ; and Gen: Loris Idelitioff, now Minister of the Interior. ThOre, 10 it . appears no truth • the repor:t that the :Czar asked hikuttcle, the Etriperor William, to grant the Princess Dolgorould a high •title. The itecona with itt styled the princeth Yourieff, one of the titles belonging to , the liornonoffs. At first, as is Well known, the Marriage wee weil received by the different members of the imperittlfotmily, eome of what, the Cearivitch for example, apea thetiuminer at Om baths of Repeal, while others, of the Grand Dukes Constantine andlhadimar, came toPrance. ,03ut, little by little, a spirit of con- ohiatioe has gained the upper hand, thanks in a groat nierature to the initio.due of the Duchess of Edinburgh. The same change is noticeable among the ether classes of Meehan society. „ *atm States of the Isle of Jersey will aide. biate On the 6th of January - the centenary of the battle in which the last attempt made by t/ae French to obtain pasession of the ielarid was foiled: On the date named, in 1781. Baron de ItelIecourt, it Month& adventurer in the pay of the French Goverment, managed to land about 700 troops Without being ob- served. The Orman were able to march te the market place Of St: Helier!, before an alarm was given, mut durpriad the Lietiten. ant -Governor, Major ilorbet, Who, in it me. Anent of weakness, signed it Capitulation and mdered the eomniandant of Elizabeth Castle to snirendet that forttess, Which that cater tefused to do. So far, however, Rralecourds enterpria hod succeededtaed had it not been for the courage and decision of Major Pierson, of the Ninety.fiith Itegintent, the bland would oertainly loom been taken, hough but in the Time* mid: Dotty Nees thie lugs that the Government will Wong intsaintrea to Prevent farther fihibui Mg. It is announced to -day that they prolong the debate en the address to uttnat Deems, Jan. 10.—A latge land meeting been hetet at Armagh. The lament are for- cibly hunting over theaandlorffie property -In county. Galway. Three arteete have hew made In oenneotion with the attempt to 'Mur- der a polioiimin near Iteadford laat week. A deepende attempt was made on Banda therder a sehterd teacher at Tulla ;maned Donee. He was under the protection. ot the polka, between whoxn and a party of On lensed men a ,regular fusillade was main- tained. Yesterchado meeting of the English end hish Liberate to express dissatisfaction at the incompleteness of the change neoeinted in the land systera is attracting Much ratan., tion. The Time; says: A body of petitioning, English as well as Irish, are oonveying the menace that unless eweeping changer, in the „ land system, going far beyond the line, of the mit of 1870; axeproposed it stand will be made against coercion. It ie rumored that Berl (lowher desires to ' resign the alio° of Lord Lieutenant of Ireirma. LONDON', Jan, 11. --Tile Fenian -scare hes extended to Portsmouth. The authorities have reoeived varieue anonymoue warping' of a contemplated attack on the Government eetablishments. --Vey do not attach much importancie to them. . . More than fifty-five members of Parlia- ment attended the meeting of the English and Irieh Liberals yesterday, and poly about oye represented lrish constituencies. It ia idated that none Of theme at the niating couldhe classed as Whigs. All were situate Janitors and adherents of Gladstone. The Ghanae in the Land Aititaidon. The Joint deputation of Home Rule and whioh it has recently nsiebned—I mean the taboret members which is to watt on Glad - change toward tile repeal movement—have stone en Wednesday will urge that it is been partieularly active in distributing UM% easential in order to secure unity and enthu- and the strategies 'resorted to for carrying out damn among the Liberals in Parliament and.' this purpose would be worthy , of .1% better contentment in Ireland that the Land Bill ODUDO. Though mattersare taking this turn shall inalude a doomprehensive scheme of tlie Fontana are not hopeful that the riehtg peasant proprietory, accompanied, by the eau be effeatuatly carried out in Ireland. three F's. The bill, as hitherto sketehed by They acknowledge that a great portion of the the Government, would annihilate the ramie people of the country are not disposed to run party in treianch • the risk that will attend a feting, anxious as LUBLIN, Jan. 11. —In the Court of Queen's they STO to secure eelf.government, therefore Bench to -day the Crown announcedtheir rib reolienagd etrhee jorf et yhoeseti anainzoattihoutu hdaiver eoltoionng,bann of one witness now on the way from London. onee complete, With the exception, of evidence' have come to the conolusion that the blow Deemer, 'Jan. 11.—The property' defense must be struok at home and at the English association urge persona of all creeds and Parliament. Another Olerkenwell outrages politics to join instemming the tide of ortine they iroagtne, would go a. great way to the and -outrage. furtherance of Home Bute: They -pray that The English and Irish inembere of Pailia- Britain may be entangled in sorne motive. ment arranging for a deputation to wait on • foreign controversy, for then their opportunity Gladstone in regard to the Irish land reform, will some. •In that emergency they conceive held a numerously attended meeting to -days that ail that will be needed in eider to para- Shaw (Home Ruler) depreciated the idea of lyze the country smith° Governm,ent, will he British members forming part of the depute. the destration ot a few publics edifice% Par- tion, for fear Gladstone might °entailer it an • tionlarly about the dock -yard towns." Two attempt to dictate. ' It was arranged, how- l:nine bottles of petrelmun 'were found yestee. ever, that Gladstone should be inforraed of day, one -at Carrier's dock .and. the other rale their desire for -6 street land bili.- _...s. • "r•T.; The effect of such an anomaly anci. satire epee the constitution aa the continuance ;of' a orirainel trial in the absence of the accused canhardly.he favorable, to the admipietta-, tion of justice. The people will only see that Mr. Parnell' and his associate,' oiire as little for the :Queen's -Bench es .for the law it. dielf;-Eind-ignore-its-autharity—whenditsinters. fares with the pursait of their political eh AN EVENING : WITH CflIJESE • SPOOKS.. The Woman whei Sees and Talks with the Murdered. The strange powers of the beclailed Ohiteese woman whose astounding walks and talks with ghosts' have been already chronicled have been put to a severe test. Lest evening Sergt Bloomfield eonducted the Chinaman who has been in. 'custodyfor more than a year upon ouispicion of having chopped- to death an old Chinaman and a young Ohinaweinan on Gpv- ornraent street a year ago, to the "den" of the seer. The Seinant WAS 'accompanied by it medical gentleman. The ghosts. were veil aceomthodating. At short • hence they ap- peared, seized the woman, threw her on her Mick en the beds and straightway , she began to tell the ghastly story. They identified the prisoner we it murderer, detailed with'raiente• nese the mintier ' in which the crime wad 'committed, described the axe with which they were done to death, the Etr. tioles the murderer had ',stolen and their die peeition. All eye", werettirneden the prisoner. In tocordiince with the orthodox rule he should have trembled, turnea pale Mid aunk through the earth of confessed his crime. Bat the Obeitinate creature, teethed of doing either, laughed and jeered at the woman and her familiar spirit,' and remarked, " You aabe that Wotan. She lazy. No goad. 'Hoop tell lies. litimeby; epos° she die ;she goto allee same Amelican Man's hellee," The Medioal gentleraan, meanwhile, had not been idle. He felt the woman's paten and arrived at the oonolusion that Olio and her ghoate were abates. ida'under his A/reel/lone a tub of water vote turned over the woman atel in „a trice—in the twinkling of an optic—she came 'out of • the trance and agiliounced that the spiritio had dioappelred. Leaving direttione to sense her well" in case of it return of the • trance the visitors( Withdrew, itupresesd with the 'belief that the woinan is a vile hunt. bug.—Victoria Colonist. • • —The high Canadian has new areas, atid look!, extremely well. But it still persists- it Wing 'Welt outside in. •• Trai London correspondent. of the Man- chester Guardian says thee Kama to the issue of the War Office circular direoting that a strict guard be kept over the antorias of the volunteer, mune than one hundred rifles .viere stolen from ODO plan near London. • 1 • LONDON, Jam 7.—The 110M0 111110 tarty yesterday resolvecrpot to discuss the land . , , „ ing. ' I remember Walking down the avenue have ranch snow but it did some tall sleet- d question•in-the debate on the address in reply to tlae Queen's speech. ' Tanen. Jan. 8.—The, examination' ot the officers' of the Treks igen& of the Land League continued to -day in the jail in con. segenoe of informatIon received by.the pollee 'No a toppmg p" _ WeaSthliaPPwierYee atsimbeetieriptrhote'reniarked Mr.d Mr. Yarnopin_ ner at a enaildi pace, on the avenue yesterday. "Slippery time!, "—and Mr. Weatherwise in- continently Eat upon himself, se to speak. " he ice is it little smooth," mineedeelltr. • , Yarnsiitunerehelpiog-hiefriendsupoeithainase-o/ nothing to wliat it was aback in the war. iirhy we bad a eleet in 1864 that Was to slippery that rubbers were discarded, and a Marl' who put ton it 'pair of nutmeg .graters slipped up and brae bit neck." You don't sityra " Yes; it's *fact. ' But that's nothing to , What it was in 1857. In that winter we didn't I with Beau Hickman, and at the corner of First street a friend handed -him a $5 note. Bean • ' • readied forward to 'take it, when he' gem.' raeneed to tilip an slide, and right up Capitol Hill he went.d • that "there would be a dangerous riot if the floundered i • along lke a wo. prisoners were taken through the towe. tLoNothe, Jan. 8. --In consequence of the report that a number of thencanbers of the Land League in Cork wofild be mooned to. day all the members of the organization and it greatOrowel of spectators were preseut at the meetieg, but there were DO arrests. A reso- lution Was 'pawed that in the event of the committee being arrested fresh offisers of the League should be elected. ' ' Demme Jan. 9.—A laud meeting whith was to have been held near Trolee, today, was prohibited. A 'large crowd, however, were aosembled. Four hundred troops were on the ground. The local magistrate ex- plained the reason for the probitation and the people quietly dispersed. Devitt suit- aequeutly addressed, a largo assembly from a hotel in' Tralee:• ' , • . Looroote Jan. '94—Englfeh Radicals are diseatiefied with the tote of the *Queen's speech reference to Ireland, • atid consider the Government too conservative. It is be- lieved that the Dutch Republic in ' South Africa will yet he re-established.' The best attainable information job:ides that Mr. Forster will piopose'on Monday the re-ratootment"of the main provisions of.the West Meath Act, with a nermiesive auspen. shin of the Habeas Oorpue Act. In answer to a letter from the' Vedas' Union Cominit- tee, thanking the Government for its promise of legislation on the land question, and en- deavoring to extract a pledge in favor of peasant proppietorshin, Mx. 'Gladstone ilo- olitnc-s that it would be premature itnd Moen. %entrant to state the 'data° • of the intended proposale until they are 'explitinect in Par. helmet. Rome, Jan. 8. --The oondition•of again in /rebind continues to be a Matter of mutat con. cern *0 the Pope, who, it is reported;hae sent fresh instruotions to Bowe Irish hisitopihwith a *tem prothoting the re-establiehment of order.. • Nita( Yong, Jan. 8.—A Load- on' (vestal cor- reePondent telegraph!!: The increased activi. ty of secret gossietiea of various fiats in Eng. Maui already excites nine uneasiness, more perhaps than Meat people are willing to con- cede; During the put few We' eks frequent attempts have been made to throw rattsvay trains from the traok, and outrages of a mysterious character have been oommitted itt Birmingham, Oldham, • Sheffield, and other places. Some of these attempte and outrages are suspeoted to be the work of men (mention. ed with the Irish Leta League, while others are ascribeul to foreign agetit•O layering in the came Of Nibiliten and Sootolism, %hen is dearly a necemity existing for a strong and vigilant Govertment at ouch a metnent, and the Ministry must feel that theyeannot afford to be made epOrt of by Efr. Parnell and the olostruotiva, . madden a roe, thesteam pouring out of Ins mouth likeit locomotive, end aa. he rounded the crest of the hill, his Oat hipping like it signal of distress in the breeze„ he repre- sented it living example. of . things slippeios • He didn't wind up*entil he resched the navy • Bat here Mr. Weittherwise, who bed been reclining against the damp.post, began, de- spite all his efforts, toslide up it, and was only rescued after great exertions on the' part of Mr. Yarnopinner. "1 !dick to remarked Mr. Weatherwise, as they proceeded oric their journey, " that these be etippery• times.d • FATAL EXPL'OSION.. ' Thrashing heetonine Aimirlent—.Loss of Llfe •. Leath Jan. 12—A eteam threshing ma- chine at wore on the llth concession of Lon. don toe nehiri, at the nigh:len,* of Mr., Iron - side, blew out the end of the fire box, drawing the truoks and engine into the bern, and makhag a total wreck of the separator and cleaner. . Quite a number of ph•sons were in ' the barn at the tires, bpt all escaped without ' injury except one youeg man, second son' of George Bolton, whod was killed. , The whole thrashing apparatus id a complete wreck. Another Account,' • •„. Lenox, Jan. 12, --By the boiler explosion on the eleventh conceesion of London town- ship yesterday Alexander Bolton was killed. The force of the exClogion was tereifio, send- ing the boiler gamily or eiahty feet throegh the barn, where the steam separator was et work. Some fifteen men and boys were at wait in and about the place, which was owned by Mr. Alexander Ironoides, but au fortunately escaped saving Bolton, who was instantly killed. The belief passed over the • heads of some id the MOD. The machine Was made by the Joseph Hall company of Oshawa. The cause of the expleston ik attributed to gnarl eareleasness on the pat cot the attendant in charge in leaving his post. The pressure ou at the tune or thevexplosion must hnve been about 115 panda. An- in- vestigation is probable. • - TFIE GENEVA AWARD. XJ4W Vote Jan. 6.—The Chamber of Cora. entree to -day passed a resolution favoring the distribution of the balance of the G0t1OVA award to pereons who lost vessels and eargoeel by the depredation', • of the Oordederate titulars and to those whowere obliged te proteet their Commerce under the American flag by the payment te the tracterwritoth of . extra 'neurone°, . •