HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-01-14, Page 8IIIIRON* RECORD. OWNTON, Ymnay, JAtr. 218T, 188L ,l'3704Ti(-1/r.k.ST If the land in the• /sTertliVest OW142 an acre, as the. Oliposition: pep contend, the three schemes for the construction standstas follows -- SThgh charter,.... 04,000,000 acres at $2..$109,000,000 Cash.subsidy , 30,000,000 ). • • $139,000,000 McKenzies Act of 1874, ° 513,990,00.0 acres at 024111,880,000 Cash, $10,000 per mile. , 29,770,00Q • 4!:per cent. guaranteed on $7,500 per relic:I , 20,977,500 $1.62,627,500 • , Unanimous Parliament . vote, 100,000,000 acres at $2....,....$200,000,600 Present Syndicate terms: . Existing roads ' „$ 28,000,000 Cash subsidy. , 25,000,000 25,000,000 acresit. $2... 50,000,000 $103,000,000 • PAZ:LURES IN 188Q. Dun, Wiman de Co. publish the fol - Statement of the commercial standing of Canada for the year just closed • NO. OF • AMOUNT OF rnatniaz. 'FAILURES, LIABILITIES. Ontario ..„ ....496 $8,944,827.40. Manitoba 20 130,646.45 Quebec.. . .... .231 2,413,758.46 New Brunswiek ..: 65 527,018.00 Nova .. 68 822,817.00 Prince Edw'adtdand 22. 108,500.00 Newfoundland:, .,. 5 . 65,721.60 The suggestron, to remove tbe Tor- onto Asylum to the farm at Mimico, is revived in Grit journals, the reason being -to afford employment to the in- mates, and provide something in that way toward the support of the insti- tution. Seeinng that the land in ques- tion was condemned by the, Govern- ment; twalmost totally unfit for agrir cultOral experiments, it, seems a curious expeetation,that lunaties,.can do more with it tlian ekilled1profesors and in- telligent laborers. • Under the title, "Statistics of the Je*s of the Inited States," the in on of American Hebrew CoOgregatiOns has published Mr. WM: BA Reckon - burg's report. He has been engaged' some five years in collecting and ar- ranging these "statistics," from which is obtained the following, jummary,— Jewish • population of. the ° United. States, about 250,000; number of con- gregations, 278, -,with a membership of about 13,000; value.of real estate and ' other property (synagogues, hospitnls, cemeteries, etc.)owned by congrege tions and 'beneficent societies, about $7,000,000. 907 $8,012,783.25 In 1876. the total number of failures for Canaada were 1;902, with. liallilities. • it 09;3448471, -iii -48781 --the -number. • was 1 697 -with liabilities -of $23,908, •67-7-ritr-1.8-7-7-there-were • with .$25;585,908. It• explained in the• report that since the •repeal of the Insolvent Aet.there is no stated channel through'which the fail- '• aikeonsequently senyi-are.tiver heard' fl of outside Of ,theii ereditore, 'hut -11--is• fair to assn -me they would form .% small percentage Of the .. whole, ' ',Making every allowance Of this kind the exhibit • is one for general congratulation. The condition of trade and • .eonimerce it shown to be sound and improving. s. CONSUL'S RETURNS. The following are the returns, fiirri-• iiihed by W.A.: Worden', U. S.".Gensnl at the port of Guelph, for Decenaker. ARTICLES: 'VALUE IN crOLD. Bark, tan. :. ▪ ..$ 35 28 • Barley, 83,$29i • 80455 66 ' Bones .... : . ....... • .145- 07 Bran ct, middlings 194 toils. 2,165 80 Cattle, 26 . 572' 00 Cheese, stiltOn. 295 lba.:... 76.-62 Furs, 1 sett • - 10 25 Kay, 1,0721 tons; 10,210, 89 Horses, 23. • - 2,545 62 Lumber, 258,188 .. • .1,895 72 Malt, 4,085i bush.. • . •3;726 77 Machines, band saw, 1; ... 185 Si Models• 52 as, 5,667 54-60.... 4,649 07 Algs, ... . , 45 75 ijrvrait▪ . • 10 50 wing ntachimeml.'...• 5,605 68. Iteep, •2,303. . . .."11,396 93 Steel rolls, 2..... . . . . 207. 05 Steadries. . . .. 1,837 05 Turnim1,044 bush........ 163 96 T'otat,' December, /880.— $126,271 10 " November, " 126,182 25 " October, , , 135,621 01 Total quarter ending Dec, 31, 18.80. . ,..., 389,074 36. Total quarter ending Sep, .• 80, 1880 242,814 89 Total qnarter ending Jan. 30, 1880 163,785 06 Total quarter ending March 31, 1880.., . . 167,222 56 Total for iea.i.ending Dec• - 31, 1880, .$952,897 49 Total for year ending Dec. , 31, 1879... . . 738,684 68 • • Increase .. $214,212 79 • , Ryanhammer, a resident of ;Pelee Island, .on Sunday, shot a neighbor named Henderson, and then placed the pistol to his Own " head and fired, the bullett taking.effeet behind the right ear. "He lived two hours. Henderson will reeover. • Itar S. DAVIS is •selling Aotes at cost price:-. A big.stock to select from. ifiaPv. TheDoherty organ. Hear them!' tee them !• Cr S. DA•tini is selling government test Ne. 1 coal oil. Four imperlirgal- ions for $1. ii,thia Week received a bundle of. 14 .B170 ii'oviews marked .64refueed,7, which wlf.4 returned. We wish the public to uticle'rstend that we have no •connection with the Review whatever. ,1••••••••,....•••••••1 Colborne" • Miss McConnell has been engaged teacher, in the place of Miss Patton, for S. S. No, 7, at ai salary of $260 per annum. NOTICE . -..A. special meeting of the Clinton Firs Brigade will he held In the Temperaaeo Hall: on Monday evening next, at 7 o'clock sharp, tor the elec. tion of officers and other business A full attendance • is requested. M. STEVENS, Chief Engineer. • January 20th, 1881. TENDERS WANTED. OE.AI,ED TENDERS will he received by the under - 1. --1 Piped, up to 12 o'clock, noon, of the th day of February, 1881, for the several works necessary for the erection and completi m of THREE omen STORES in the Town of Clinton. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, Plane and Specifications and an necessary informa- tion given by applying to J Q. pnoemon, Architect, Clinton; or et the store of W. COATS. • . Clinton, January 20,, 1881., - •• • • NOTICE. qitm Counell'of the Corporation of thq County of Huron, will meet in the Court 'ROM in the Town otGcslerich, on TtPfsday, the 2581, January next.: PETER ADAMSON, • Goderich, Jan, 10th, 1081, • 2.111. ej Your Nephews and your 'Aunts, your Cousins rid Your Neices, want • • BIRTHDAY PRESFNTS; " A Large and .Choice Stook a • . Taney Brackets Walt. Pockets, ' Toys and Motto "Frames • ••• to select from, at M S 7. • Victoria Street,. Clinton. sr All kinds of Farm Produce tiken in exchangu. CLINTON SPRING BED FACTORY AND FURNITURE WAREROONIS, W. B. CRICH & CO., VICTORIA ST., CLINTON, Now Ingle tntImate to the inhablientsmt Clinton and surrounding country that. they have On. htknd a very select. stock of .41 kinds of 'Furniture, such as Varier Suite*, Chamber Stlites,.Easy Chain3, Patent Rockers, • Sideboards, Ac., dm. /Mr SPRING BEDS. and LOUNGES made to order All partial wishing to pup chase will consult their bbst interests by gkling Ufl a NIL• ', • FUNERALS FURNISHED on short.nothie."' COFFINS and 'SHROUDS alWays tat' nd. • • B -BASSWOOD LUMBER taken in -ets-dhanae for P-OdsT - . • 49 3' olierty WHOLESALE AP i2A inALER9 Pi INT S & 0 G- 1\T 77 Alttert4tr4et„ Clinton, Ont.., • O.. arriage Wet ...11.!OANTELQN • MANUFATURE‘It . ' OF ' • . . ROPRIETOR BUGGIES, CUTTERS, WAGONS, SLEIGHS, ."TtipER ANT) SHINGT4ES taken in exchnnge. (live MU a call and Will give • you pr . that cannot be beaten 4•11 the coanty. tip,: Repairing and HOrscshoeing dank With despatch. ••• • • . • ' NOTICE.—All indebted to•phe,late firm of II. CANTELON & Bros, either !','12y Note or Book Account, are requested to call. and settle •by cash 01 note- - - , • • • . -77;7. , , • :; • • . . • • • .• Jan tar •e is. Made For Two Things: " To supply thePeople with CHEAP _ GOODS, and to give us plenty of MONEY to buy." • . • • •• eetal. • •• • : • . . 5,000.00 WANTED F R FEBRUARY FIRST. 113 REMEMBER, this Great Sale continues during JANUARY ONLY. �J ° REDUCE FAMILY EXPENSES by taking ad-% vantage of this Great Sale. raib, Maew it ter k Company; cniivirorT, OINTT.A_MX0. • • • :f• • • . ' I •