HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-01-14, Page 3I }ri.h te•ta'!c 4444100r gndets o$.*tan de nno4 lioioarsely?4 reoponeiblp for tTp„7pfnlena S'ew OXPod 4y our coronnetidenia Niton Jl+ergrt, Reed SIM—A rural Minister' not ten • *tiles from hero, received from a thoubl. t ilrmember of his congregationn the fol flowing ate ■;.paarriage flu; on the 0c60,— abets of t ut,marrlage Af one Of the family, $44:.—Head-cheeee, cider, socks and .e,►sh-each h'0 cents --(fetal, $2,00. 'When he is hungry he can eat, when 4‘15 is tl irsty he can drink, !Alen he is *old he can pat nu aims clotaliing(socks); and if there is any other comfort he lueeds, he has money to procure it(5.0ets). Mi inters reveive•a rather strange WI of fire w -fifes from ale ming the enl;4ark ern the roan to well doing. Yours truly, GLEANER. iIullertt, Jan. 11th, 1881.. ire -The 1)oherty organ received the Stighest award et the Toronto industrial �xhibitieu, 1880, ever all competing, land don't Tett forget S. Davis is selling government it est No. 1 coal oil Four imperial gal - tins for $1. Goderieli. (Prow lest week's issue) • Mr. Samuel Pollock, one of our old- eist residents, has sold his property here and has bought a drag and stationary business in Badaxe, Huron County, Michigan, wheae he intends moving to, ;the latter part of Jauuttry. I A�tb•. lise seas lI lit ie io A grand at t n total on New Year's 'Ere, under the management of professor Fetzer. A large crowd assembled and the dancers .r.eenie(1 to take the opportunity of. dan- oing the old year out and the new year in. • �i'I,ssrs. Meldrum and' McNair, Stud- ents of Knox College; Mr. Fraser, student of Ontario College of Phar- macy, and Mr. C. Hamilton studeut.at Law, who 'nave been Visiting friends in 4Goclerich, returned to Toronto on Monday morning. Ou New Years about two o'clock in the reorniii , a lire was<seen in rapid progress through the window of Mr. 'Welsh's cellar. An entractce was glade and it proved to be a wooden nail burn- ing which had ignite 1 from having hot .ashes placed in it. Had it not been discovered in time it would.'. have been a destructive fire. isc 1ling....atoves..at- •cost price. A pig •stock to select from. T The Doherty organ., Hear them ! See them 1 ii 40 00114:4't Ic A b k tP`Mli:t'fr h3. d'Or 'Qtrxr<good. nioltn string, :go to DouE1tTY & GxBnraos. lcenmiiier. From our Western correspondent. Our baud boys serenaded the mein - !hereof the lemma of Oolberne do 'the •evening of the election. Thea musit?al efforts were -rewarded by some liberal deflations, One of owe esteemed. citizens, Mr. M. Phrammer, has brought" to a happy issue his bachelor career by taking to himself a wife, a •Miss Williams, of Mitchell, We hope to see others soon folle,w his example. The Sons of Temperance of this place, baying received a .challenge from the Leehurn Div. to have a public debate, duly accepted it and acccordingly wend- ed their way to the lodge room of the letter society .on the evening of the 7th inst., for the purpose of settling the propositions—.(" which has been the 'greater curse, intemperance or . war." Messrs. •D, Cummings, J. Linklater, Wm. Clutton and E. Horton displayed: mulch eloquence in endeavoring to sus- tain the affirmative, but the arguments. given by Messrs, T.'Gedhill, J. Stewart,• P. +Clantelon and J. .Scott (Befimiller).. in favor of the - negative ' being more factitive and forcible, the. (,liairmen, Messrs A Potter and J. MoLean, were unanimous in deciding in favor of the negative, Thebest of attention was paid by the large number in attendance and at a late hour the ;meeting . was brought to a close. .SeasOro. Mr. M. ll'IcLennon, who has been in Bayfield for several months in charge of Mr. Robert's drug store was enter tained at a complimentary oyster sup- per by the your; men.of Boyden.' prior to his leaving that place to resume his •old situation in Mr. Roberts store here. Malcolm is a steady, obliging young than, and will be popular wherever he •ntay..gd • Mr David McNauglit has sold his residence and blacksmith shop to Mr. John Moore, of Varna. Mr. Moore, has already taken possession of the blacksuiithing bus'ines's. Mr. Mc• Naught will still .remain here for the present, and will continue his voter•' inary practice and horse haying. Mr. Moore is well known in this vicinity as a firstclass workman, and an obliging, industrious young nian. At a regular meeting of Brittania Masonic Lodge, a short time ago the following ofc=rs were duly installed, by PastMaster Ballantine, viz.: Henry Cameron. W. M.; T. K. Anderson, S. 'W.; W. G. • Duff, J. W.; '+A. .Strong, 'Treasurer; R. • N. Brett, Chaplain; 1). .1). Rose, secretary; • John Williams, 'Tyler; M. R. Counter, S. D.; ?G•. W. Brent, .1.1).; H. Derbyshire, and A. G. McDougal, Stewards; .John Gipson, I. G.; A. Slernmon, Master of Ceremonies. ut S. DAVIS is selling government test No. 1 coal oil. Four imperial gal- lons for '$1. ....Cr For a good piano 'stool; go to DoHERTY & (iIBBINoS, lllolrisesvtlIe. For a good violin, go to Do- 13EaTY & GIBBINos. Ashflel il.. . In Lucknow last Week, .Mr. Hugh McCroustie's. team 'ran away kicking the 'cutter 'almost into pieces and throw ing himself and sister out. No•one IVIr. 3. W. Hill, who has been doing business for his brother for some time here, has purchased tine entire stock, and intends conducting the business himself. Joiln is a very enterprising .and obliging young 'man and we wish liini all sorts of success. . The contract for the erection of the • new 6, 0. church h .s been given to :Messrs. Cooper k McKenzie, and the lllersrs. W. & J, Bowoy of Clinton, for the sum of ;-3,•300. One evening hut week n• larg+ nnm- b(`i• of v(lttll folks Itss:mild:41 iti 1\nox's new 11;111, wheretltey indulged in trip- ping t111+ Iii•tstie•'' illlt•il tt to wt'(! Shill hilar 4," J1. very pleasant time was spent.. Photographic mist, CLTNTON• ON' Aeslie laaU ktnde or Picture Frames Tho roads are` almost impassible: Thermomiter stood at 14'clegrees below zero: on Dec. 29th. There wa.- no• maitto Lanes for • a . week :Oct, there was a hungry. lot in the_.post offiee on, Monday, Jan. 2nd, when - it .did come in. A •—AND 1t[oti dings. hotographsiSpecialty., BEAVER BLOCK,CLINTON. Creat AltIN SALE —OF— 700 eat Cott�fl, t , Y$ 'BTER GREYS in 32 Incite*. b cis •!.4 45 }, 4s 14 36 44 44 46-,., IOC f •• 4 • i .. ;! 64 Shirtlugf dule( and .single. C, IFw a11;11�iils, in all widths. undi. ss$ COMM. r - Coatieook,. fit all widths, Hockelaga, In alI widths. White Cottons S WHITE CTONS: Colt= .White Cottons Check SIdrtIIl2s, • Check Skirtings,. Ducks, Deniaus, &c. FRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE,--- •- •' (CALLASUER''S OLD STAND), (Ll N ,ANT, Jackson's .F VICTORIA B3LOCK, CLINI ONN. e, .r JoiiNSToN :PUTTER.'—On: 146 irtst., at Trinity Church, 13lytli, by Rev. W. Henderson, Mr. John Tolnistone . to Sarah, eldest daughter otjames Pot- •tee,_a,ll rd' +, ,Waiianosh•,:', MAc•KF1 IV1171 rn.—Aernornton the residence. of the bride's .father, on the 10th inst, by the Rev.,,Teffery Hill, of •Seaforth; Ram Goodin _MacKid, M 17,; of Lucknow,,'thirel son of the Jate Bev. A. ;ilacKiti, of St. Andrew's charcli, Godcricli,. to. Matilda Charlo'ttit,'youngist daught- er of. L. G Meyer, Esq., of -Harper-. hay. • Ii)Evna S. McOGoWAx.---In .Blyth, on the 12th. inst., Robert McGowan, sr., aged 33 years. McGowAN.=.In East .Wawanosh, on the 11th • tnst., George MoGowan, jr., aged 30 years and 9 months:. PRATT.—In Goderieli township,• ori the 9th inst. Peter, son of •Mr .mules. -Pratt, aged 20 years, • .' Q)B.1if0'l'ialiT liiICllill;'r. • (Corrected every Thursday.) Wheat, fall per Bush - 81 00 to 1 02 Spring, Redell.if, - 1 08 to. t'10, Fife,. . Oats, Barley, , Peas, Flour, - Potatdcs, Butter, - ir Ergs, , • Video, • Sheepskins Beet, Clover,. • Timothy, - Porke:, - •• 1111 to115 • 0 30 to 0 32 0 60 to . ,0 75 - 060 to 0701 550. to 60o'I • 0 80 td 0 35 0 18 to 0 10 - . 0 17 oto 0 18 ,. 800 to 850 7 80 to 8 00 •- 0 50 to 1.00 5 00 to 6 00 • 4 00 to. 4 50 - '3.10 to 3 25 - 6 00 :to 6'25 STOVE PIPES, &O.. educed Prices FOR ONE 'MONTH.. Now is the time to secure �I. •rn•ordor to rteiuef,.eur•titodlr nnli aimed room. for other goods, w, have decid.d.to • ac 11 Lttron" 10 ta.1,:61 Per. Celt, Less *Y.TH • Than:Usua[ Prices, FOR-ON-EIV101117.110.NLY Hardware, Axes, Crosscut Saws, _- " Lamps, &c., VERY LOW. . .Best No..- 1. Coal Oil on Hand. RLAND ROS., Sign of the Padlock, 'Brick Block, ALBERT S'6'., CLINTON. A Household Word II These Works are nosy in -full opera, tion, and the' undersigned are enabled to ofl'e:r'anygrade of Salt of Finest Quality for Sale The necessity. of Salt tor AGRIC6ULTURAL. PURPOSES Is now so fully established that everY farmer will neglect his own interest who fails:to use a17olt7 five tolls annu- ally. . ' 0.:k. -,4r. This Tradewill roceive our best attention, , Cordwootl, 'Elul Stave 13nit:l • and I?ets•;wond, (i 1,1i't't''.l at the tilorint, for which (ands will be paid, IJas 1,eceme'a Itotlaehohl Word as the Br,s ' and OREAI'ES,L Place., for Groceries, 'lour, r • .lfeecl, •C+rockery, Glassware, (Ca, (fib. . • A SPECIALTY IN Cent 0 C. ,. Ta. '!rettsli paid for T ggs, Farm Pre - deco ttaken1r1 exchange,. 14'Icd its �:.V�W irbi::iia, . Cornet' 'Albi,ro and • ll:tttonbury stilts,, Ctt !ry mNl enM (`/,?,1�.�`y JACKS() utNIIROf.'rests viy�. HATER, Shotiirs .a Magnificent : Stock of NOVELTIES im • Fine Fur -Hats, imported direct front New York. Flue American. Wool Hats,:; •, t Fine i1 niericttn Stiff` Bats ' .. Cliristey's celtbrtrtcrl English-Hats,- - ngltslItnts,- Canadian Felt Hats; • -. Ame7icail; Caps, CHILDREN'S RATS ASIA: GAPS, all styles `Oar St'ek comprises the LARGEST and BEST•in this section' .of ,the ;country., Everybotly,buyirtg:a•Hat s vni1dsee the stock. , • W. JACKSON, . THE. EAMBUS" HATTER, :0f.1.UTON. AC —I31Pgtt.T>JR ov-- 041P1 .STEED., CARRIAGE- & BUILDER HARDWARE; GLASS,- 04L1 PAINTS. . Ci iaiiui!., out. January 12th, 1801. r32-:1 - I. I.OICI_ iJ Ii • Our ttlo.tk is tilWays kept hlli '11 and w -l1 t.,soitlrtl. lin. Intl:e bc':.i nt.tiict.t. tor (lt1411,etnrtwa1rant,to) I;,tvttti,at•l'to+Il. Fit t)1)(,.i.!ii 1',X1;22 A i0 g'r`�' , :, t'.•.i f ' Oi1'� ,,�.^�+�� y .13MOA oye <,3t. A �`�i�hwwxi3n a u 6�ai G;.,1 "v.�., GO 'Up�til�el