HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-12-28, Page 6• • "--,-rermr•-r WTT 11110,7 " 1,11: All ey Wan o • t;Digixca: It is one of the elelicioue "geed thine." thet hes a reel feed value. A slice of your geed heraerneele brae!, spread with "Crown lerencrt, feral*, * perfectly belepeed feed, Met s praetically sll nourichm'ent.. so.,..iet them have iten bipeulia and pancakes, and on their' perridge if they want YoIl Ithe it, teek an Griddle, Cakee-on Blene !aerie°, and ' BONO' your husbAul...get a tin, the next time heele la town,- . you eta: use, tor Oakes, Cookies; Gineerbread a.nd•Pies. • :Boise .01.1;/./eielollilAo:p. p:oe sp.9uAnn: ty, no 1101 rflan d3ipt pound dingo:1:o. Jar.oo n 1,1 e I . sweetener THE CANADA svAnck co. LIMIT • and Candies'.show eteeerteee. (automate etneareotte, eerie wilautm. ' how. to meke- a lot of re:Ily • u mew recidboole."Desserts 1711 '1141741.4 ";('Y c°"PruP7tEettner.'5‘arcj feel ictr clIggwlth ae7;37114: met eseereee . rit '2?i; 11/111111118111824940111(10111,41111111111,110111111411111011111111111011110101110$°1‘16 OurranMen' treat °Mee, •••• v.. "11 • M11 • ••tr• head en -it Will net etit through. Satur- ate with kerosene. . There are Many cases in which bake In. soda can be used other then for ,bread and cake making; Lamp chimneys which are • washed in water to which a pinch of bakiiig soda has been added will shine brilliantly. If a lainp burner isboiled in a little soda - and Water it will eause the lamp to buret with a far brighter light. Soda Egglese Egg Mines:, : (grated). Break the breed into sinall• is also an e-xeellent-ramedY-eferesnakis. Egga and Tamato.liedgerea.—Havn, Pieces and pour over it. a quarter of a When Milk is on the verge of turning rendY• a 'CU.Pfol of boiled, ride per per, Pint Of boiling,. water, . Add half an a little baking soda will restore it to son and allow one 'tomato per person? ounce of shortening and leave • it all its eriginal sweetness' She whoelnakes succet'sjel sponge 'Ste* and sieve the tomatoes.' . Allow night. Nett 'day sprinkle the corn- ' One en to eagh person and scramble -tar h ever Put the milk into a , e c . e • cake remembers that such success de- . . never stayed his tongue in ehe matter pends upon the amount of air beaten egg, gQmato and rice with salt and pep-, saucepan with the powdered ginger, of a repartee for lord or he oner. Into the eggs and the expansion Of that , per jua as for scrambled eggs: r brown sower and the ; grated lemon May I askewhy?" ` ett • Xedgereei-e•Thia is.a blessed dish, as, riecl. When'boiling, pour it over the air during the' halting. She beats You always enter the rooin with a the yolks until thick and lemoa color- ene-hali pound 41 ooeked, flaked and -bread and beat well with a fork until , joke or epigram," was the answer. boned .white fish with eix, teacupfuls of quite smooth And free from lumps.:Iedethe whites until etiftenotjgh,to ad - Mr. Vermont leitiled. here to the dish if held on end; then boiled rice end two eggs beaten up to- Turn into a dieh•and cover with thin " 'All the werld'a a stake, and all she Combines the ingredients with a 'gather, %veil iseasoned and made hot, sites of apple. Sprinkle wt's sugar the men and Women erely players,' " ' Makes a Wily ettbstantial dish for six and put some little bits of shortening , . , . 1 deft turn of the wrist, holding the he - . • pewits. e e. . • el on top. Bake in a moderate Oven for ! spoon lightly in her hand She bakes f quoted lig% e turned hie at - Savory entiork to the . unfortunate "portrait* her cake with a sleet, steady heat, and . Toast:=The bread • (stale) ! one hour A layer . Of marmalade . . ini. i avoids . doing anything ' that would of a gentleman." "Ah, what have we should be cut quite half an inch- thiek Spread over the leafs a great Jostle or shake the steve.: . Sueh a here -another picture? An old etas - and in four -inch scalene. - Toast Prevenient; this should be added when eakeeif not s'overb Iced ter I presume?' '11ROVG0 TOE DARk SHADOWS or The $tmlifthf of Love • CHAPTER XV. (Cent'd). It Was LQA, Standen Who speke first. 93er Jove!" he eactelmed. "Adrien going in •for histork! 'Who would 9 halt theh , lig t t Illy? dear fellow, why not gilts a lecture?' '"On the, vanity of humen hopes and . the folly of friendship r, inqutred Ad - so Coldly as to, startle both the company and Lord, -Statidon himielf, who not being in Lady Constance's confldeneee was naturally at a loss for the reasen of this sadden anger on the Part of Leroy. He drew back In sure prise, but any further reference te the -- matter was., stopped by the entry of Jasper Vermont. As a matter pf fact, he bed arrived just In time to elverhear Adrien's last words, 4 "What's that?" 'he cried, after he heel greeted Lady -Morivale. "Was that Leroy' declaiming.. against the world?. • It's fel- these hi his position to bewail its vanities, whilepoor deY- I -beg your pardon, Lady Ilerivale- poor Men like myself can only. cry ness matters and have ma so Many ..the country. Si. has done what she „ for them." . engagements-" • could. Rex consent was necessnry be. IBETwEBN .ONTARIO , AND !Mt. Adrien emiled.' "But yet had the time to go to the fore he entieted 4She gave it Has COLUMBLL • "Quite right, jasper' Pm wrong, theatre with that awfal creature;" sh 'she has fie deServed well of us, or are PP e P • . SI- °12IE SOLDIER'S VAIVIILY... iinthinkieg People a/Malaita It ; OeerPaid. . • The soldier's family -1s it' overpaid? No I A theusand times, no! .0 Irret m41414440 People learning that , Mrs, Sznith, •or 1403,. Jones, or las. t Robinson is getting from the Govern-. rnent., and the Canadian Patriptic Fund I' fifte or fifty-five dollarg a Month e Work, I consider -yell, there la oniy,connolain that this poor woman 40`bet-• one cOnstraction to be laid. But, or . ter oir than when her husband was course this is in strictest Confidence; :hoinoe-the 'Patriotic Fund, therefore, you 'will net betray me, I know,' , must be wasting' MeneYl I "Of course not," Said her ladyship • • Is that a proper attitude? • Do the orteelmoteallY1 1:40!F Mind was working people of Canada wish the adminis- rapidly, iii0 that Me hardly heard the,...trators of the Patriotic Fund to keep rest of Jasper's purring speech; and the fanallher, of our soldiers close to that gentleman, highly pleased at the, the starvation line, but net se close, of Pain he. had so, evidently inflicted, course, as to be in defter of falling ymaalede.mainp4a.rting „epigram and left 'his . gems? . . poison to do its work in Lady Meri- 'No! A thousand times, Ne! . 1 . The aimof the Fund is to maintain . One by one, the othera 'go] vveci; , each family . in a state of comfort and Lord Meeivale, with an apb1 gy to 'equal, at•least, to that to which it has Leroy, returnedto his study d the ,been eccustOmed. If in casei, per-. atriAcudlrtinzenalaGionee.tte, leaving is wife bane of families that throegh a hes- With flushed face and outstretched I band's improvidence have never been . properly housed, fed or .clethed, this hands, sle turned to him. repro fully, , Itch? i the enFdeanndd ?is raised, who will condemn 17v%, .4. touglit you had forgotten me." Shall we keep those who are down; • "Impossible," he murmured, as he down? Or shall we try to bring those• ddi raised her hand to his lips "I have who are down. up? ' rom tile eWest' been so.bothered. with various hesi- • The' woznan has :given 'her man till as usuele retcrtpd "Then--you-have-been-theereeleseofethe-sweateshep-to-beein- r. Vermont," said Lord..pderivale, spending a day or two at Barminster," voked when we come to appraise the "you remind Inc of the clown in the she bit her lip savagely in her jealoue value of what ,this woman and her beloved pantomime of my youth." ' ' pale, and wounded vanity. "Adrien," man have given the State? "An innocent memory that at least she entreated, "tell ma it isn't true." kour paltry silver and predious my lord;" returned Vermont, who "To what . do you refer," he asked life to be Placed in.,ethe scales, over steadily." , 1 against ,each other ? . He knew thatethe strggle bad menced, and, he was determined to com- I No! A 'thousand times, No ! • If we are in danger of erring, let crisply on both aides, spread withbat: the, pudding is almost cooked. d ' • ter with deviled Meat or bloater paste. • - • • 11/14e very hot and serve. Pi Household Finances. 'Ram Toast. --*The ham ehould. be . , Money matters. are a very common ee"-e-elellige-dlorerettnelyearalemly a little fat used, To every _,t„tve tehiespeethas Soarte of irritation and unhappiness in the. home. There are two financial . ef the meat add one tablespoonful of crumbs or welt -boiled systems -in common practice inediffer- tide,. arid Mix It • ent homes, both of which are decidedly With *nlle good, 'mom gravY.P or A:1 wrong.•''• . bring this mock phantas,y of love to an our error lean to geneeousity'ls side. end. If he could not marry the one Let us keep our memories green, and woman who' had shown him what love forget not that it is our -battles these done with this foolish dalliance. people are fighting; The man -God really meant, he would at least have i savahimt-is standing between us and "Your engagemerit to that pbeeeme. : Gernide bullets, facing toils; wounds, whote cousin-Lhdy—" J death. The woman -God bless her! • "Be silent," he commanded, more -is bearing leneliziess and anxiety, the sternly than ,he had ever spoken to pangs of fear that convert every door - k k into' • man, woman or eluld m. Ins life. • The artists looked pleased. 'it would anY . a we fine-grained. It should be broken in , His face laid paled; his eyes were like stay-at-homes, . some of us slackers,. . , seem as if even the great connoisseur ) few of Us doing 'our whole duty, all of neat .pieces7,-not cut for serving. It - steel. The very thought of hearing . himself was liable to make mistakes. is Useless to recommend keeping' it in her name reviled by the jealous Wo- us beneficiaries of the sacrifices of this an an tin box -none will be left "It is ugly • enough, ' in ell con- man before him, filled him with Wrath. niansand woman -shall we add (him • science," he contiriuea bluntlYe "For for another Meal. , • She stood silent, but with flashing NI ant to spectres that accost r like my art to be the sa e as Illy ‘ t • t . No! A thoueand 'times no! ■••••••,4,41 ied Hemet Prom Provinces !Where blany Maeda Boys and Girls Ari' - Living. . • Premier lelartin opened the new e ,25th Street beidge at Saskatoon ree 3 ceritly. , 102* students of the C011egiate Ifl stitute, Saskatoon, have -enlisted since the outbreak of war, A Lethbridge society, The Daugh- ters and Maids of . England, raised • $137:05 for the Patriotie Fund of that city. • - . • Owing to • the steadily increasing ; amount of aanjage done to. vacant • properties at Brandon, the police au- thorities have now increased the re- . . ward offered to $25 for the conviction. • of any person found damagi,t pre - 'portico. • Major John B. 'Harstane, ' of the 49th Battalion, and well known real eitate agent in Edmonton, has been • 0 . my'part, am an utter philltine, and eyes, her breast heaving with excite- :them? • me ., It is true, then?" she Smnted. . EtriuoRD/NARy sToity. furniture -new, pretty to book at, and white saUce.-- Sp„read this 'mixture on .• (1÷ -The husband kepi charge of all tinks -Hope Diamond. With. House of the buttered tweet and eetitr With: the money; • The Wife oceuPiee the . HS'esbeeg„, • brealcrumbs, brown Enid serv", very • same finan-cial position as a dependent • • " hot. - • 'child or a servant." She is compelled An extraoedinary terrative, Uniting Four ounces. flour th buy. on credit or. ask .for nioney the iersfortuttee-Pf the hotiee of Haps- -Eggless ilattere-e a pinch of sea, ene-qUarter pint tepid every time she has occasion to make MAT with •the tragie history of the water, one tablespoonful of `salad oil. Mix the oil and water' well together, then Vet* gradually. add -the' neer and salt, .s!fted together, beating there .Hope diamond; and tracing • both - to any purthases. .Under this system• there is. no incentive for the wife te, ttoll booting ef.a temple in Burnie, ec- an efficient household manager. •If Wires sPeeial interest bir reason ..Of ehe Is theifty she 'derives ne benefit the: death of the .Aitsttilin Eznpetor. eomfortable, and,.. for the life of me, I can't -fall in love with a ‘snub-nosed Catherine de Medici, or a -muscular th e'`Ittdditdh not."day. so," • . he ,teterned, apostle. What it this" He bent slowly and painfully. down teread the title. "Ah! Tor - "Then you don!f•love her. ' Ah, I trait of a 'gentleman of the sixteenth knee* it!" she tried triemphantly. • century.' Very. valtiable, 'I daresay, "Youare going to Merry her -tell me : 1 HE 'BACON HOG. • • , \ .,.--- The Farmers of Canada Have a Great - Opportunity:: , , . 'Lady lelerivale?" ' . ' i " He did not reply; and she read in . From not. to 1914 Canada'i export . Lady.. Merivale, who leoksaleenpon his silenee. the . eonfienitatiOn of .her .traus-'e' with Britain in bog, ' products decreased :end .Derimerk's . incr4ased. . . Mr. Vermont as one of her arteesters .fet7°- 4in-cCia.,eneastierid's and Denmark's. ,.1-.1.adme, has • Adrien, is, it poesible-yea love • • ' • ------would have regarded the\ Court jester her,andshe- e batter etandfoe et least an heti! before thrift by nature.her tnitlaYe ere limitel London Daily Express by '. , soldier It ha4.1 been; communicated to the minted indifferently. ; 7 ,900,000Y'ponnIs. For oughly between eaelt addition,Itet the from, her thrift.' If she is a spend- ' the et wa sho in a "It all' depends on the point of t d , "fee the 'sake hf aisigg°13oeff of 3b rr,dnahip"-she started at "Eveline " he Said usingff Yeti wish to use this . as ed only' by the amount of money she lixes oh: gative service, and, •says the view," she Said: •"1- have paid three t7er wpoate.dsf- o . not say any more the fiscal year ending March 31, 1014, Meet hatter for aPPles, etc., 'add' .a coai-from her husband oe by the EiPress,ls "Presented to students of Canada's export of hog rpduet te- hundred pounds fpr it • . • You know we have- only played with • s P s . teas:J(3011W of powdered sugar instead size of, the bilis she is allowed -to run. the•oecalt for what lt •Maybe Worth." : Mr. Vermeht .1dolred up with an air tife . . . . ' 23,62061 pounds, for1915 the of • the era: 'This batter can be used .The•wife assumes linen -dal cone I •''q'he story ei -Says the aupor, who of innocent surprise; -but' a keen ob., divine paseion It ha b 'Id . to eke out •meat that would otherwise tot of the household. The husband eigns ifimself.."*:-.B.," "was told me serverenighthave been tempted Fee many ._a . pleasant allo;u:7, h6gut 1,...Fleolinao,nt. total wag: 72 036,025 • ounds a d" for 19.16 144 150.309 ' rid . Thenit' ' d s required oe payday to hand over to ;by a Buddhist priest when.] was I. ; ie . d it as one f s t ric ger . o a i al enjoyinent. . . States ' experienced a like increfiee. in the natiVe.aommunity there; and he theSe gentlemen, good judges all, have . "I‘i a pastime"_tit. l.1- - e . 11:i In t • there the -Wife the till amount, of his pay. Ceylon., He Was -a. man Of hikh- repute - "Three hundi•ed Pounds! • I daresay..e.en Bat eo- far as Canada is concerned; Not o you," the paid -almost sun - . Any money necessary for his personal • be. insufficient for the number of peo- ple • Mee in Batter. -Cut the meat into Stnall ' . lee, dust with PePper and very eXpenses, such as lodge dues; tobaeco, assured • me that every word of his ee ngs? How eltu-e you iniult ine?' - -, June 30, 1916; there were fewer ho s But how dare vou doubt mve s le . n declared it a bargain?" He motioned fell Mbar :Powdered herbs, n'the in with the' etc,- is given to him by the wife ' as . , • narrative was strictly and abolutely t° the little grOup on the other side of "I d'cr t in this' g country than at an time d r- LOrd MeriValei - - ""Not at all," returned his. hostess. h s tone. )atter an drop by tablespoonfuls into 'spending money. - This systena• re- true.Personally.I .hold no brief. ter Very. hot fat to fry; ,Damn : well On duces the husband to the position of an , the occult and Will net venture to ex - absorbent paper ami serve -on toast inferior'. : He. cannot buy a par 7 Of ; press any opinion on. the ,exteacnalin- ' Apricot Cream...-IIse &led apridots,. shoes or take a friend to a show with- ery series of eitents. recounted to me • Wash them, soak petit soft and aim- out 'asking his wife's _Permission and by the Buddhist. priest', 1 transeeibe ..neer. with a little sugar and a Spoonful receiving from her the necessary his strange stery. for, the, benefit • of or two of Water. 'Sieve, and mix with money.. ( . • . I theite who More than .• I do an ,equal quantity of cornstarch' Mix- In eontrastr with these twe wrong of these mysterioes- matters.' r. ture. Place in a chino •souffle dish, systems, here are two systems as car- . '!‘Maity _years ago,' said the priest, . and, H desired, -cover the top., witkeract in..PrineiPle and successful, Where `ii" member of the house of "Hapsburg, whipped cream. for the 'cornstarch, -practiced: - one Count Ilerniani4 In • conjunction use one-half. tsunce Of :careatercb, half (1) Where the husband and Wife are with Et, Duke of Braganza and a nalai-- tte a teaspoonful orsugari according to so `stronglir united in affection and so ber of followers,'set out on an expedi- - the sweetness Of the fruit. Mix the similar in trines and inclinations there tion to iBurma with the ostensible pur- - Whenesinootii,.. heat the remaining Tinder this system there is ne bost. "They- Belled from Lishoh, aed, ire cornstarch lira little of the.coktMilk. need be but One purse -.for the homeposeof converting the natives, e: - milk, and seie the cornstarch into it The wife can buy a neW dress without due course reached Mandalay netil •'gentry 'and her Vote 's rt d t • ing the previous :ten Years, and 'from • „ • • . . 1911 to 1916 there was a• decrease of "On the contrary; Illre I.eroy -deelares. "Ah, Adrien," she cried beseeching tele million. This serioue state of af- it. an imposture." . • fairs,. as. well as the pp.portunity that -- • e I 'f me like this. • Trer and forget, her is before the country,le epaciely and : "Indeed" he said. • "How diet he Nermont raised his eyebrow,s./ 3r, You do hurt me when 'you treat ' ' • 'dl-P'td- t• ••le- ht t -N : - unless"-e-eShe fle b e: vivi y tnn e -ou in amp, e o . . . • .."By the .one weak point," said Col • - man. ' "That dagger; Rubens never :Is that ett? • .. : , of told You,"' he ansWered , weanilv . ,.• • 'Otta' wa, ehtitled "The Bacon Hog, and D •• el' " " lived to see sueti a dagger as that, h i. e the British Markee,!" for which Me:Sara. yspephes Should s- --I shall never Mart C t y ons pike. Siii:' john,Bright, Live Stock Cominission- ' . "'rank Heaven!" was her ladyah." ,8 iniesiener, are jointly, reeponsible, and . . detect the fiaud?"brokeo a ruptlyee- un- 21 of the Live' Stock Departinent at . less yeti are ieally going to marry her 'Order for bravery in the field. That Sastratchewaa'a capacity for pioduction • is Unlitnitesi is. evidenced by. a big Het of -Prizes. won by Sas- , katchewan ` exhibitors at the Dry • Farming Congress at El Paso, Texas-. . • Residents of' Paddockwood, Seek, complain' of once a week mail, de-, - livery. It took a newspaper nme • days tet come ..from •Wince- Albert to . Paddockwood, a "dietanee Of otilY . 23 • miles. • /• At New Dayton, Alta., J. 0- Mor- rison threshed 3,120 bushels from e' • 60 -acre, tract of sod Woken June; 1915, seeded in • spring wheat this :. spring, making him an average of 52:' bushels an acre. . Winnipeg. citizens - heve • decided to give up the winter carnival- idea With the ice palace attractions and its pro- gramme of sports in fever of recruit- • ink, and will spend the. $25,000 grant and subscriptions in that direction. What is probably a record yield for -- oats was secured on the farm .of the Western _Transfer Company, Leth- - bridge, a twenty-five acre field yield, ng 3,000 bushels. -The pats weighed • e better than 45 pounds to the bushel. , • • • could not possibly have painted it!" engaged to another„." • • er,. and H: Arkell, Assistant Com - Mr.. Vermont smiled, an approving' AVOld Dr fogs And • smile that seehied to mock the men "Capital," he- said. "The' rogue al ejaculatiob, but she sala, Toe which can be had free on application .as if it were a living thing. • thing etlound. • „ ; to the PubliCatiani ,Branch, Depaet-1 Leroy roused himself. inust go,"eent elf! Agrictilture, Ottawa. Partic-i Methanes • • • who palmed this forgery on you, was said. ularly unfortunate s'a s 1.1 ..,.1.t.4, Trs• a Littl sir I 0 evidently not a student of the antique. • "So soon," - she • asked. tremulousl is the detrease in the face a the rare Some people instinctively shut 'their eyes to danger and Ito may be th • y degree. Add the sugar, and. boil asking th.e hueband'e permisSion; the which' town they' speedily becaine in- Peer fellow, hove was he to guess who . at for three or four minutes, stifling all husband can spend a dollar with -out ..v --------- religious- controversy was to be -his 'Judge? You : ;44thePr°„lextneint3rd that de led to .tts; irsiaesntets:, c;ic gor :Lebttieeti "701:ties. dansici "Where ate You 'going?" " O_P 4violffteerer hint, or send the plctuee hack?" , "To the- theatre." ahd it is Certain that neither - .1 ped to explain.- • .• for the year 1915 amounted' in value ' th"an"r' . • me ime11 a e essenee of apri- asking a wifey. -Of course, in matters ' which:ended in the death of more than cots be added the taste is improvedof importance each asks the advice- of .e thousand Burmese- wershippersover . Pudding. -One-half pound of the other, but neither ip dep.endent. . "The Count and the Duke and their 1/4,eornstakeh, • three-, ounces , of brown bread pieces, two tablespoonfuls of (2) system 41 work in any followers then iliade for the -great sugar', one-half. pound Oftafiples (sliced), one ounce of margarine, but- ter or vegetable butter, one-half pint of milk, one-half teaspoqnful of powd- ered 'ginger and one -halt of lemon rind ,NE.4>=1**/=44 4/1111.01 I. LIST u.1).)44lirrelW=.116444.7.....4.440/ =440 0 ^Acme theritands for • Qzolley ..62,trivailferchiftery • LISTER ENGINES ARE BRITISH BUILT 1111) • • have the hardest sale in the •Dritish • bpplye, ir.357&9 H.P. Oit Skide or Truek. Hien. Tension, iMertneto Automatic Clibricallon. 4.• Lisl'Or Silos, grisile,de 'Cutters,. II Threshers, Sprtiyers, Milkers, 1 Electric Light Plants,..Melotte 1 •• Cream Separators. - THE LISTER I. GRINDER • liArtt'e for price 11.gitig,8:114 oniprkiln 1-1.1. Liots Oltand ntcr „ ta eAv.,'"/'! Snit te CaDmited• . PONT* =0. -C••• course, Institute proceedings against •Shefrewned,'•andeS ee ing'it, tie step." l.With the B, ritisbemarketea trade that nut clesing the eyes floes not .bantsh • "impossible,' stu• • drugs nor medicines' ycissess the powet f• d toed motivate, I "It is no -longer inh" he said WO. to .$15,957,652. In *kw of ,the cts to destroy the hartnfu .0x,,c'essive acid in with a rueful ,smile, "I wrote the .a faint smite. - the stomach.' which .le the underlying , here set forth it is hardlk. neces ry househol , at, matttee- bow dissbnilar i temple of Ramo •and 'Site, which was cheque last night; by this time it will.1 "Not rains!" she cried in se . . . . cense -of mit forms of indigestion and • dirspepsia. They may give tereporarY so e .swin e o, it elongs to Miss Lester." • el , - •situation -t the a tu 't that itrise. to further refer .to thegravity of the or o e opp r ni yrelief. but ever Increasing •quantities ' the husband and wife may bein tastes I known tei contain gold arid jewels. in eta fa been cashed, and th ' dl "N ' b - and inclinat'ons, ,nd no. matter' how 'enormous: abundance and of priceless is. complete."' ' . e a e 1, an a the time the -acid ' ' , Her quick Intellect grasped - his will be lost if -our farmers and breed- remains .in the: stomach' as dengereus lacking they are ' n genuine affection! value. They slaughtered the priests • "Dear! Deatr Orientated Mr. Ver- mea ' t ' fling a once. . Ors do not bestir. theinselves. The • - ae ever, , , i Physicians kilo* this and ;pia( is -witty for each oth r; It ig thii: Make an and 'all thee guardians of the temple • ; mont,- in tones of the deepest commis- I "Henceferth, • Yeti mean eo retire joint authors point out that while we their advice' so often to stt erers from equal division of the .fittney income. and locited its treasures. The temple eration, though -hesmiled as he, added: ' froM the' gay World; then'?" she said, are not for SPecified reasons. to ocetipy cligestiv'e and citornach trouble is "Just equ a e d vision. of the necessary, in almost every inch with precious • between the hosbandand Wife. Make walls were inlaid with gold, and inset "There's only - one thing to be -with a faint sneer, adding cittiekly, as the market forefat hogs, that for the Magnesia froth your druggist and take get about an' ounee of, pure Idsurated sai , ord., • If that picture hes face darkened, "Ah, forgive me, if bacon hog is oure for the aaking. They CltryP°ItIVI! !?,:e %let wIttr, tired!. household expenditures, one part gems. Every -stpee that. could • be is. clever . enough . to deceive lam bitter! I hate to see you un- 'also 'call for regularity in the supply. stantly neutrallrze all the lin rsm • met by the husband, the other part by wrenthed from its place. was- stolen by -such great , expetts; surely a has' happy, Try and fo• rgive 'my ill -hunt- • "We pannot," they say, go • t h in .the stomach and Stop all food fc. • the 'wife. - the marauder, each of whom had his achieved its object. • It eertainlY 'ourP ' , business for six months in t Useful Hints. . • Try ailing an old Pair �f scissors to clean-emall fish. It can be done mere quicklkethan by using a knift.. : Newspapersare a better substitute for 'palliating lamp chimneys, as there • - Rice, if washed in hot water instead I oiecOld, is mach mare quickly cleansed freed rem all, starch, and dirt. To remove .mildew from linen, wet 'the part with water, rub with launtfrY Soap, sprinkle with salt and place in the sun; repeat several times until , spots have been completely removed. If the left -over breakfast, c,ereal Is 'carefully Molded at one° Into n liowk,er square pan that has been first Wet with . cold water, it may be sliced and .de- licately fried for a luncheon dieh. Dry staples used daily in thekitchen should, if. possible, be kept in glees bottles or jars where they will retain their flavor. 'end freshness twice . am' long. The 'Wide -Mouthed preserve jars are handy to label and to use for this purpose. A pair of ten -cent canvas gloves are a great protection to the hands from heat and burns *him 'stirring gravy or. dressing over e hot fire. ' or toasting bread over the Mlle and turning cakes,, pies, etc,. in 'hot Ovens. BY having tem. peirs.onte cen always hatre a clean pair -on braid. . A Mop to dust the floor oilcloth -7' Take four pairs nI worn-out'stockings, cutting off the feet, doubling and fatt- ening securely to.,a broorti handle by nailing to the- endfrom which. the• brooni was cut; AptOre the nail' is driven .through the stockings into the handle put a small Piece Of leather or other str'Ong material next to the•nall- a share of the booty. "Two of 'the fineit stones in the temple formed the eyes of the golden. statue of "Rama. ' One' (to be known later as the "Blue Hope Diamond") was appropriated 'by. Count Hermann and the other fell later into the pos- session Of the late King Leopold.. " continued the priest, 'call- eekdown upon the thieves .the yen.' geance of all the gods, and more than i looks pld enough to satisfy the mast "You are, as ever, My queen,". he and 'then go out of it for si incriethig 'secondhand furniture shoPs." saia, "arid , can, therefore, ono without having .a, general av .., He turned to Lady Merfiale. wrong." • ; .- unprofitable b h to 1 Irish Farmere ProsPerous. ,;.mentation, thus enabling Yon to enjoy e year 'hearty meals without experiencing the °nthi. at Pain 01 unpleatientneks afterWnrd., • le! rage :,. price that is pro - Of . "Before 1 forget,".he'said, "let me ' Lifting her '• hand to hisl ies, he turn- ducer and patacer, A good Crop of Indigative of prosperity among the discharge the Object of my visited and strode hastily from the roornhogs is required each month of the smeller farmertf; recent return e for • ."- • Melba pings tomorrow at the Duke' of , (To be continued). • year. -"If each farmer," the peimph- 1916 show Ireland has, 26,743,000 head Southville's party let says in conclusion, "maintains of poultry, an increase of 283,000 oyer Her ladyship's face lighted up with , real gratitude. Musk was her One even one or. at Most; two 801ge .ancl,' . yeer ago; Greet . /Meerut A Summer lggagentent. maneges these and their offspring figures aprpotiching these. The mit. sincere passion; and, as she had been ' properly, there can lee ish Board of Agriculture ea mates unable to hear that divine eongstress "Do , you 'mean to say that your -daughter hasn't told you she waaen- - Canada a Very inaportittit and teniun- the potato crop of England NI Walter gaged to me?" ee e :. • ' pernianent profit to tile farnipr, but acreage of 36,000 acret. es 350,000 tans e - "Yes. I told her net to bother me. as weil. mate Ily enlisting in pre- leesthan ill 1915. It is, however, only with those affairs mileage:the intendedj serving the c merelit stability of 180,000 tons. less than the ten years get married .". ' . . . the Dominion." • airerige.r, . . .1, fifty .sons of high degree have already during the season owieg to various en - fallen under Rama' e curse and lost . gegethents, this news was welcome, their lives ber*violerit meeng. With !‘Thank you," she said werinly. their death the -curse- am t d "How geed Of yeti to find out for -me. 'It was lteet such a. secret: How did to .you discover it?" . • • "Ah," said M. Vermont, raising hie - eyebrows: "If I tell you that, it would be bad policy. I May have dis- covered it so easily that illy services as a solver of mysteries would sink to insignificance, or again I may fatve had t� coin/nit a crinte; In, either case, . It 'is hest to 'drawee. veil of lailence,!-. be ' it that ale deigna 3,/, as •he d across at dile; who was talkin 'to Lord Mortvale, • am off. on andthei mission,'" he Said, lowering his'voice. "I 'fancy my- friend • must be thinking' of his honeymoon." tady Merivale darted. v,lotently. "What do you Mean?" she asked, striving to maintain her usteal cool, ine , flifferent tones. - Ile loolced. /town at her. in innoce0 surprise. , „ • "I am cOmmissioned t� buy a -resid- ence in .the Avist1 Lakes diettict for Leroy; and at I happen to.know Lady Constance Tremeine, is devoted to mou nth ineering Most PeXhattating, but in the clise of the house' of Hape- berg it goes on foi ever.'" - • Whatever may be. thought 0 the Buddhist priest's weird story, .-tt• is known that the looted jewels were -scattered by marriage and inherit- ance through most of the royal houses of Europe, With the exception of thoie of pngland end* Denmark', and strangely tragic is the record of many of thee regal • His Choice. • Where is your lawyer?' inquired the judgee • . "I have .nerier respended the. art - goner; "haven't any itoney.'! . "Do you want a lawyer?" fished the judge: , •" • '"Yes, yonre-Honoi.." • "There ie Mr. &nip; Mr. Brown and Mr. areen," itaid the.judge pointing to • the young attorneys waiting, brfeflese and breathless, fpr somethhing to turn tip, "and Mr. Alexander is out in the corridor."' . 'the prisoner eied the budding at.. tether; and, after a eritieal eurvey, SAM: "Well, I guess take Mr, Alex. MO." !'441 • r - •• erative indystry, not -only yielding for the current year, with a decieased shell, we say; sufficient Melba sings; and Lady Mer to -listen." . "Flatterer," she tatd, light rose hat In hand.. Ite glan 1. 2 and 5 lb Carlene, - le, 2o, so anci issib. saga. Made in one grade only -..—the highest! was a favorite name among the long -forgotten food products of half a century ago, just as it is among the live ones of to -day.. Only exceptional quality can explain such permanent popularity. • "Lit Redpath Sweeten • • vv. , 1