HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-12-21, Page 5• a • ra ,tuber list, l91. , v.our. PaOTECTWN Money in the bank is .the best p otection against hard times. Start .a. savings. Account at. the Ba::ic of Ha Ilton Small all do- posits; mount up 'quickly. LUOKNOW BRANCH 'Capita! Authorized $5,000,000 Capital P9d,np• 53,0moo0 ; Ja A• GL.EN1 1E,1Yianagsr. , sorpius .. . . '83,475.000 • We Wish to All A _Glad Xmas.. and A. Happy New Year........: �T. CONIYEL� • WHITEPINE RUST' Through the invasion- of the .."white pine blister rust", a virulent fungus disease imported from- Geri -Italy about' :seven years ap, Canada is seriously threatened' with the . extermination of •_ her white pine .resources, probably, the moat :valuable forest asset of Eastern . '-. Canfld t: s This disease has destroyed the White pine in Europe, has made serious ravages in the pineries in the north- eastern states, and. isppreading. in ;On- 'tario and Qnebec. (centres of invasion are scattered'from Maine to Minnesota in the 'United States, and• from South- w3ati(rn,Ontario to Southern Quebec in •is Canada, the Niagara peninsula being the most, seriously infected, district' in the Dominion. • For its•full development and for trans mission to the pine, the disease is depen- ent on the currant and giiosebeery bushes, the fact that it cannot spread directly froin one pine to another offers a means of 'control and pc) effort should be spared to combat the runt . by extern niinating the currant and gooseberry bushes in infected or• expgsed distrietr, r at least by prohibiting the shipment from these regions of all currant 'and' gooseberry' bushes and fruit.and by plsc-' •ing aninibargo on 'the' importation 'of such stock. Unfortunately. he.- wild mourainamany o T;NDUR 7'i;o following, farm property is o 'erect for 'sal's by tender. • mils or.:sc'varaic 1 tender uvtll. lie received: up to ;jasnyery 2iid, 1917. Lot 12. coin. $, Id) acres laai f cleared, !well fenced and in good cultA- vation • .14.0t 12, con. '8,: 1.04ores• all cleared. a F1411171e barn. 52x60; sfraw sued 4040; stonefollt;datiom:, cement flooring; imp eiueut shed, 24x40; frame bonsseend worad.siierl; $$ever -failing spring well (with windmill), •water- e) house and stable bv, pig;•two •orchaels. It is 1-4 ore toile from school' 1 mile r.+ncliurcls, 0.1.2 sables. from 'Winghem. The above property ,is located in one of the most prosperous farming .sections in Co. -.of 1-luron Owner has joined the "overseas forces, the only reason for s -fling All ' tenders:. te. be addressed to Sergt, Robert Hastings, Machine 'Gun Section, 228th. Batt..., Toronto, or R. Vanstone, Wing - lima, Out. Lowest or any, tender not necessarily accepted. • - 14-12-210 . Notice: JO Lreditors Pertions.hiaving anv claim- aaninst the eetate• of (he Ia.to John B. McKenzie, Kintnil. aro re, quested to send particulars. together ,with any securities held by their. to the undersigned not later than Feb. 1st, 1917, after which date the undersigned will not consider Maisel? respoti- niotio o, t such claims as he shall not Wets have 'Li -12 p, .. JOHN MoKAy, ICintall. gooiieberry is egnally dangerous as an intermediary, in spreading the disease, - An.y lass entailed by even 'the total destruction of the whole currant family is insignificant compared tb the 'value of the white pine°in'Canda. In 1914- the white pine production of 'Eastern Cana- da, including logs and sawn lumber, to• tailed ',$16,160,000. The ,cutting and manfacture of this timber furnishes en. ploynient to thousands -of men, and sup- plies hundreds of industries with raw, material for which no satisfactory sub• etitute can be secured The white pine;, is one of the most important tax -payers'. in.Canada arid contributes no less .than $1,250,C00 to the total re.vsntie of about 54,000,000 which the four eastern prov- inces .derive annually froth their forests. In view of th'es'e facto itis evident that drastic measures sho,pld be taken at once toeradicate the disease which threatens this resource. • Tb'e Red Cross Fund The treasurer of the Eritislr'Red (Yross Fund, at. Toronto, issued a statement on Dep: 13th,, in which he said that up to that time municipalities in the province }i d contributed 51,640,000, being5i25,- •more than was raised. by the Trafal- ,gar Day campaign of 1915. He adds: - :As the Organization ' of Resources Committee is anxious to •ha.ve a 'report,, prepared:•in time for. prei4entation at the next session Of the Legislature, the,books,. of -the Fund will be closed. on January, 15th. All contributions trust reach the .l:ornmittee as 'soon 'as possible before that ,date in order that they may appear in the report. Contributions received by the Treasurer,_ Hon. •T., W. Miclarry, after Jan, 15bb., , will be' acknowledged and forwarded to the British Red Cross• headquarters from time to time:' • e• nd Pain is a blessing in disguise. It is Nature's danger signal" to warn t: you that there is something :wrong' in the system. ` • While 'headache may result from a variety of causes, it most frequently de- -note a starved condition of the nerves. The brain is the headquarters ' or , "central" of the :nervotis system. Here nerve ftu?e is consuizied at an enormous • rate: If there is .any lack of• "rich, red • blood 'from which to form: new nervous energy ,the brain is, irstl to feel it and the head riches. , • headaches may be '. stopped ...by powerful •drugs, but that is liko breaking the semaphore which warns the engineer of danger. The only wiseway is to increase the amount of rich, red blood ill' the human body by using Dr. chase's Nerve Food,' and thereby feed the' starved nerves back to health and vigor. Not only will the headaches disappear, but you will slew well; feel well and gradually re- �.._gain et eenbth and confidence: The. Nerve Food will sharpen the appetite; improve:, digestion and;build-up thewholesystc=fn:: 'F In this. way the headache will prove a bless- ing. It has- warned yon- �f approaehiflg nerv- ous collapse while yet there .is..a foundation on • which to build good health. .. n talked Dr:x Chase's Nerve Food, 60 cents' a box, 6 a s'u'bstitute. for 432,60, all dealers,'or Edrnanson, Dates •&°Co., e'l`.:appoint. Limited, •Toronto , �. .' 520 if r The 1411.6i,ISIPNV SANT NF L0 RA T ,QUOTA ONS Mclaltp'u 18th o Toronto Cattle .Marknt• Steers, choice weighty. -20-20 to 29.50 do, ineditlm weighty. 8.75 , 9.0( 'Ctetcher0', choice Mandy. '8.50' 8.9f do,. good. .,....,., 8.00 , . 8.40 - do. nediwu ...,; .. 7.00 7.4( do, conlmon .. 6.25 0.75 Butchers' cows, choice7.00 , 7.60, ,.do. , good 6,50 0,80 do, n,,editila, 5.00 5,50 Butchers" bulls, choice7.25 . 7.76 do. good • ..... 6.% 6.50 do. med inn • 5.40 6.80 do, bologna • 4.85 • 5.29 Feeders, 900 to 1,000 lbs6.40 7.00• Stockers, 900 ills; 5.7$ 6.25' do. med., 700 to' 800. .80 5.40 do, common, light.50 • 4.,70 Cutters 4.60 4.9t Canners 4.40 4.6( Milkers, good to ehoice,75,00 120.00. do. common to rued -60.00 70.00 Springers,.- • 55.00 120,00 Calves, veal, choice..:11.00 -12.00 do. medium 7.60 9.00 do. common ' 5.00 7.50 dp. grass 5.00 6.00 Sheep, ew,es, light 8.76 9;25 do. Heavy and buck`s 7,50 8.50 do. culls • - 3..00 5.00 Hogs, weighed off cars.12.00 • 0.00 ' do. fed and watered.11.75 11.85 Toronto Grain Markets.' Manitoba wheat -Track, bay ports, No. 1 northern, $1.85%; No. 2 north- ern, 51..82%; No. 3 .northern, $1.76%; No. 4 wheat, $1.65%;. (old crop wheat, 4e higher). • • Manitoba oats_Track, , 'bay ports, No. 2 C.W., 63zc. American, corn -No. 3 yellow, new, $1.05, immediate shipment, track, Toronto Ontario wheat -Winter, new crop, No, 2, $1.60 to JL62 (according to freights outside) ; No. ' 3 winter, new crop, $1.68 to $1.60. Ontario Oats -According to freight outside: Ne..2 white, 60c to 62c; No. 3 •white, 59g to 61c. • - Peas -No. 2; $2,40. Barley ---Malting, $1.16 to 51.18. Buckwheat -$1.25. • -Rye-ilio. 2, new,.' $1..34 to • $1.35: Manitoba,:; Hour -First patents, in Jute bags, '$9.20; seconds, In jute, 58.80; strong bakers:, in jute, $8.50, Toronto. , Ontario flour -Winter, nev0,. track, Toronto, prompt shipment, according to' sample, $6.90' to $7, in jute bags. • Millfeed-Car lots, per ton, deliver ed; Montreal: Shorts, 537; bran, $32; good feed flour, per bag, $2.70 to $2.80; middlings, $38 to $40. , ° Hay-No..1 track, Toronto, new, 512.5010 513.50, carlots.; No. 2, $10 to 511.60. •Straw, carlots, $9 to $9.50. •• . Wholesale Produce " ,Toronto ;:wholesale prices • to. the trade: �• Eggs - New -laid, cantons ....:. $ .65 to $ ,70 New -laid, ex -cartons .62 •• .65 •1 Storage, selects .42 .43 Storage, No: 1 .40 • .41 - Butter - Creamery prints, fresh. • .47 .48 Creaniery prints, storage • :45 .46 :Creamery .solids • .44 •..45 Choice dairy prints.42' .43 Ordirfar9 dairy prints36' ' .38 Bakers! ' '.3:3 ' .34 Cheelse-New,• .large, 251c to 26c; twins, 26c to 26%c; triplets, 26%c to 27c; ' Stiltons, 27e to 27%,c°. Poultry, • • •Live Dressed Spring, chick's. 16c 17''c 21c 22c ©ld fowl,,, 1'b...: 11c . 12c 16c 18c. Turkeys, lb,' •.. OOc " OOc 29c 32c Geese, Ib. ...00c OOc . 20e 21c Ducks, ib. ' . , . 00e, ; OOc 21e '23c " Beans - Hand-picked, $6; prime, $6.50 Canadian, hand-picked, bushel, $7; prime,' -$$.50.. ' • Potatoes -New Brunswicks, in• car - lots; '52 to 52.10; western, in carlots, 51.60 to $:1.80; Prince Edward Island, $1.70 to ,51.90. iristmas, acid New Year Fares SI3alGL.Z PARE -Doe. 23.424.25, good to returns Cantil Pee. 26. Also Vee, 30x31, 1916$ and alas►, 1, 19171' valid for• return until Jan 2m 1917. FARE' AND 014M•TH1RR--Dec, 21-22-23-24, good for return until Dec. 27011 also Dec- 28,-2.30 acid 31, 1919, valid for return Until Jan. 3, , ' 19111;, . Above reduced fares apply between. all stations in Canada east of Bort Arthur and to •Detroit and fort Huron, Mich., Buffalo, Black Rock,„, iagara. Falls and Suspension Bridge, N.Y. Tickets now on sale at all G.T.R. Ticket. Offices. - O. MARTIN, Agent$ Lucknow Pilton. 2 4, The Best Newspaper Value - . In Western Ontario ..The.. ' London : '.Advertiser All Mall Editions Per Year AFTER THE GRIPPE ' Vinol. Restored Her Strength Canton, Mise: --"I am 75 years old'and, became very weak and feeble from the •.Eiffects of La Grippe, but Vinol has done me a world of good. It has cured my cough, built up my -strength' so I feel active and- Well •again." -Mrs. 'Liens BeroawxN, Canton, Miss. Vinol is a constitutional remedy which aids digestion, enriches _ the blood. • and' creates strength. Un- equalled for chronic coughs, colds or• bronchitis; Your moa •', hack if it fails. DR. A. M. SPENCF . LUCIINOW ANSWERS TO GERMAN PROPOSAL OF PEACE • Duma Rejects Flatly -Dangers of Prer- lture Truce -Bonar Law • e For Britain _ •"Something has happened : of which I think it necessary that I should say a word;" Said Bonar Law in the .Coin- mons last . week: "Naturally the ,papers are full of the peace proposals from Berlin. In moving the last, vote" of credit:the late Premier in ,a pdrora; .tion which •moved the House and -the • nation: usedthese words: "They (the, allies) require that there . should be adequate reparation for the past and adequate security for the • future,' That is still the policy, still the deter- mination •of his Majesty's Govern- ment „ Refuse to Ncgdtiate. . - ' • The .Duma unanimously passed. a resolution last week 'against • the ac- ceptance of the German peace pro- posals after a spirited speech by the Minister of Foreign Affairs..' The text of the resolution follows: "The Duma, having heard the statement by. the Minister of Foreigal ' Affairs, unani- mously : favors a categorical refusal by the allied Governments to enter, under present conditions, into. 'any 'peace negotiations 'whatever.., Dangerous and Insincere • alt. considers that tale Gerrnan pro- posals are nothingrnore than fresh proof of the weaknessof the enemy and a . hypocritical' act from which' the enemy expects ..no • real succe la, , but by which it seeks to throw upon others the' responsibility _for the -war- and -fdr- what: happens during it and to excul-- pate itself before public ,opinion in Germany. The Puma, considers that a ,premature 'peace would not only be. a' brief 'period, .of calm, but would in- v'olve the danger of another bloody war and a rerfewal, of the deplorable sacrifice ,by the people." , - Vain Hun Sacrifice • A. German attack on Lassigny, that ,:part of:' the front, -nearest to. Paris, was ''made+ last ',week in great _force to coincide. •wfth Vonr•Betliman-Holl•. weg's note, probably with_ a"+ view to impressing the French by' a local suc- cess. , The Germans brought together about 40,000 -meet from.the • best divas= ions and concentrated corresponding,. quantities' of artillery. 'The French were not taken by surprise and: re- ceived the assaulting waves :''with a. fire .from, their three-inch guns •and machine guns tearing the ranks ter- ribly. The Germans reached_ thefFrench •trenches• over a ffntage et'3I0 yards, but an immediat counter- attack drove them out. Only a few • survivors of .•the .attacking columns escaped. • . • - Meats -Wholesale • Toronto .wholesale houses are quot- ing to the trade -as follows: • ' Beef; forequarters, ...$12.50•to $13.50 ' ` do, hinquarters ... 14.00. 16.00 Carcases; choice •13.00 15:00 do: common • - 10.00 , 12.00 Veals,'common, cwt•'9.00 11.00 • do . medium- 12700- 1.4r00 - do. prime • . '17.00 18:00 'Heavy Hogs .• .. 11.50 .12.60 Shop hogs. .. P- .. ,15.00 16.00,. Abattoir Hogs . ,» , 16.50 16.00' Mutton, , heavy 10.00 12.00 do. light '14.00 163.00 Chicago Live Stock • Cattle -•- Receipts, , 600; market '- steady; beeves, $7. to 511.75; western steers, 57- to,$10.25; stockers and feed- ers, 55 to $8.10; cows and heifers. $3.85 to $10.10; calves, $8,60 to' $12. "Hogs -Receipts, 19,000; market. weak; light, .$9.20 to 510; -mixed, 59.65 to 510,20; heavy, 59.65 to 510.25; rough, . 59:66 to 59.80; pigs, $7.86 to 59.15; bulk of sales, 59:70 to 510.10. Sheep -Receipts, 4,000; market tweak; lambs, native, 51,1 to 513.36. Eaot .Buffalo Cattle Cattle -Receipts, ;175; • steady. Veals-Ret:eipts, 200; active; $4.60 to $14.50. ' Hogs Receipts, 4,500; active; heavy, .$10.65 to $10.85; mlxed,'$10.65 $;1 to 0.75; ,yorkers, $01.60 to 510.70; light yorkers, , $9,50• td 510.25; pigs, 59.25 to°$9,6,0; ' roughs, .$9.50 to 59.60; stags, ,$7.50 to $8.25; - • Sheep' and .lambs--R,ecelpts;' 3,000; active; lambs,, $8.50 to, $14.10., Seed . Quotations .. The following are the seed prices, Toronto whplesalers are ..,paying at country points: - Alsike, No. ,-bushel. .$9.75 to$I,O.•00 do.. No: 2 • 8.50 9.00 do. No. 3 7.50 8:00. TIna othy,CtV.t �. ,... x OD ' 6...0 do. coni. grades 4.50. 3.50 Red• clover, No. •1 10 5) 11.00 do- fro: 2 -; ...-. - - 9•:00• . . 9. /5 do No- 3 8,00• 8,76 • ' : Butter and' clieese 13roel vil.ie--Cne iltot:sand five' hun• ' ed' and 'twenty -iritic : boxes were - 011d:;d. .61 colored„ balance white. • � rs;d, 20e. • i •, tl,., , -400 boxes were, 20e. Seventy -Ave `01 r1 at 38c. Crazy -Prices ecorriiing to -The- -D.iily` Shy.; fresh eggs were from 85c. to $1,00 ler dozen and turkeys 45e, per lb. on the Toronto markets last Saturday. People foolis'il ennngli.to May surh prices deserve to have it to vdo. These were the prices asked. 7:i ttty85c, for eggs and 43 to 46e. for butter appear' to have been paid. Evidently differs e came) to think that they have only to irsk more in order the Board, and 200 to 250 to give theta to get it. There Will be a big slutorc onel their Produc , w . .. of these daxo. - CANADA'S MUNITIONING: Chairman Flavelle Gives • Amazing' Totals and a Denunciation • "Is it not buditiess as usual and ,profits laeger than usual?" asked Mr:. J. V. Fldveile, chairman of the. In1- perial Munitions Board; to a crowded audience in the Chateau . Laurier on SaturdaY Club. "Am I stating. it too strongly if I say we are , almost drunk with prosperity? - Is: there aidence- in'this.- country of national sor wand con- cern? The total percents a of shei18 produced in Canadian rela ion to all the shells used at the Br tish front VI a..perrcefitage a6 large til' t I would amaze some of you if I were at liberty to express the figures." . . Mr. Plavelle said that the tenure .on the part of a manufacturer to de- liver shells, was 0 thing, so. grave that he ought not to be abe to sleep at night until lie had made every arrange- ment he knew how.• In the head office at Ottawa there werq000 Mon and wo- leen, and scattered. over the Dominion were 4,000: inspectors. • The amount of money which the Board would ex- . pend, was over 21/6 times greater than all the expenditure in a normal year by the Dominion Government. Or- ders' had been 'placed in every pro. vines •in Canada, s with the exce tion of prince Edward sand. :There were 000 odd ' establishments working for 4 i• Page 0 .: •; a Ve Wish v r o� b .. Merr.S7 err.--7Xmas. • yIcL. OD JO-YNT Hardware Meruants - - • LulcknoW, Ont. t_ School of Cothrnerce CLINTON, ONT. Winter Term Begins • Wednesda • , Jars. 3,, 1917. OU have' always.,•intended- to take a Cominercial and Stenographic Course, sometime -Do it now, A .coin' e here puts`: u • i:n a- position to command' a wood iticomewhenever and'as long. as you. want it. ' Can you invest your money and time in any stock, war loan .or anything that will promise. you 'so great a return. • ' . We ,Guarantee Positions to ,graduates. ' Write for full information.' DG IT' NIOW. B. F. WARD, , B.A.,- I. Moots, 18-1-c • Phone 208. Principal. o„l •II'MOWINIVAPIion tela,rdeiV+.,,,a44.0 M,/ 54401, 0101 0 Shopping ; For Christmas ;IYiadc • Easy .AUX •USEFiJL GIFT; -• Noth4.9,11! fi ing` will ..bring more pleasure to end, than to' buy them }..something in •hootwear for Christmas presents, We never hada better selection to choose from in all kinds of Footwear. , ', •• ( • • Ladies' •Fine Shoes frOm.3.00 up to $6.00.• + . Men's. Fine Shoes from 4.00 up -6 $7. AO.. •' • We hare b large assortment of Ladies'' Fence Slippers to Choose from in the_pop'uitr cel.drs. Rubbers to fit all sizrs of 'slides. ACKE'12RT & ,AT�WELL ". A ; GOOD • Silo STO12e 'FOR ALL THE , FAMILY eFARNi. Nit difINERY l5' A few•leading articles• we.'ci-ffer for .Sale at this season of the ,year. Teesw,ater -and Sepo Sleighs Louden -,Feed and. Litter Carriers • Andrew - 1U KNow • t. • r tJELWES- Wornen, more than.men, have, excitable nerves, because tirnng work and physical- strain ••tax 'their more delicate nervous systems 'and bring premature age and chromic weakness -unless treated intelligently. •' • Drug laden Bilis and alcoholic concoctions cannot build up. a woman's strength, but the concentrated m'etlicinal,food properties in l build sfreng'$h from its very source and are helpin 'thousands. of wo111011 to gain control of their nerve power -overcome tiredness, nervousnessimpatience and arrital�ility.' SCo rS is aliquid-food-freehorn tttug • 401 * lii4's.Tovpl. , ,t'.e• la r