HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-12-21, Page 3yr"
OR those on yOur
Christmas list te
whom yea wish to give
somethiag that centi-
mes goon taste; beauty
, . .
and utifity,selecrWater-
man's Ideal Fountain
Pen. It lasts foryear_s,
perpetii ash* theChrist-
mas sentiment, and
mOre and more empha-
sizing Its value as an
article of everyday On-
Plain or Fold and silver
mounted in all sizes and
a tyles. Whatever you wish
to pay; little or much, you
cap -give the genuine
IVatennants Ideal recor
nized the world over as
the standard fountain pen:
' At Beet Stores.
• Belf-FIllfag, Safety: rocket or
itge.Mirp gra0V.410iiii itgh
exchanged after Christmas to
Ruh any hand.
x..z.viraterman corneae
• •
.,ZEPP.AIR RAID wArallos.
Theatres TO Be *limped of Ad ent
of. Zeppelins. •
•; Arrangements have been Inside in
Laudon bk. which theatres, , 'Concert
;halls Music halls; and other buildings -
'in -*filch the assemble in large
rnimhera will be warned in future -by
telephone of threatened air raids. The.
. question whether they take advantage'
of this-arrarig,ement is .at present left.
'entirely to the option of those iespori-
.siblefor the, conduct of places of en-
tertainment, and some - theatre. • and
mask -Will managers have' not up- to
the present shown nny desire. to do
so. The scheme has the approval of
the field marshal ' comnianding .-the
, - home forces.: ,
When the •warning Mk been given
it is for the maritiger and his staff to
inforrh the audience and to 'provide.
,•facilities for -those Who wish to go
home. In the ordinary course it is ex-
pected Unit the -performance will con-
tinue. Efforts !win be made -to give as
• early a Warning as possible, :and all
• 'pecessatir precautions will be taken.
Those who leave _are warned by the
police •notrto loiter, and totake shel-
ter directly firing begins.. .-
The tfamway authorities are also to
' be advised, and drivers will receive a
signal from the power stations, at
• which. they will at one .sldw down
and Shut off on aperoaching . certain
Points where flashing would ordinar-
ily be produced by crossing. There is
- no intention of suspending ' railway
trains or omnibus services. It is con -
.sided absolutely necessary for the
• •public safety and convenience that
they should continue, subject to (ler-
thin precautions:
•; Whales have no teeth.
• ,•
'-for somethingSweet finds,
pleasant realitation in. the pure,'
wholesome, wheat arid barley
pad. •
(Made in Canttdit)
• Ncr; dang9r of tiPsettlug the
t a li a 11 d reinombor,
Grape•Ntits' 15 a true load,
good for any meal betWeen.
• Mettle. •
"There's a Reason" t
Canadian Dostum Coreal
-.3-• Windsor. Ont.
Alen of Every Station la .14.Ife Have
. Won. thetoveted -
In.the coarse of the great war near-
ly 200 British and colonial soldiers
have Won the Vietoria, 'Cross, the
greatest boner that can tome to a
Ilil.till who fights for Britain. Reeert
t e British Intelligent S vice a -
nounced that 195. officers A 4 Men of
the land ailed 00a service hadproved
themselves worthy to wear the V,C.
Sine then at least two mere V.C.'s
have been WWI, both by aviators who
Oats, the destruction of German ZOP-
picSecuo: 141.31i‘shed the inest daring of aerial
The statement announcing, the num-
ber of those who have won the V.C.
recited- some of the .gallant deeds for
which the medal was awarded. Not a
few men im,vii lived to wear .the , de,
corations; to others, it wai awarded
posthunto'uslY •fer acts that, cost them
their lives. , ,
'Material is being aecumulated ih
England to enable stodents of nation-
al Charecteriatics to work on many
engrossing lines of thonght which the
developmentof the..war has retreated,
akil an attempt is being made to
trace the life histories of men, Who
have especially distinguished them-.
selves by bravery with the..- idea gf
learning something of the psychOlogy
which counts so heavily in the stresg
'of fighting. Between the men. who
have gained the. V.C. by fighting
Zeppelins in the air . and, the simple
boy hero, of H. M. S. Chester, who,
although badly wounded, and -sur-
rounded by deadanddying men, re-
mained standing by his gun "in ease
•he might be waited," there is a wide
range of types. The V: C. reaches
no one merely because he., happened
to be of distinguished family; indeed,
in this war'inost of the awards have
gone to men of humble station. Two
of them began life so doubtfully that
they "completed they education"
un,der the enforced discipline.of refor-
matories'and industrial schools.
Others were „quiet -living' working-
class folk before the wet. ,-, ,
- Heroes are -sportsinen.'. ; "! •
. , .
But it is 'cprious'-te note that:near-
ly all -of them seem to havehad a
spice of the English loye of, games in
their natures -the games .in, Which
they learned to, be fearless of physi-
cal' dariger and careful. lardy .; for the
achievements a what they had in•
View. • • ;
when twey, jimp)Out throb,.
••qai. iplifit sad Seath..thellt
Petnikura 511110
A combination of the remedies
your doctorpreserilles and pure .
Sold in clean, bandy tin tube,
at chemists and general stores
every where. Refuse sub.
atitutes. Free, booklet oa •
len chabli:11:2"d) Unwired
. .
A Section for 'Regilnentai War Re-
- ,cerds is Being Added.
King ...George is cpnstantly improv-
ing, the great library at Windsor
Castle. The library has grown to its
P.Oserit' tremendous proportions out of
a series of smaller rooms added by
rraccesaive Sovereigns from thee to
time. King George's contributions
and imProiernents, even thus early in
his 'reign, are as notable as those. of
any of his predecessors.
The request for regimental records
which the librarian, Mr. Fortescue, is
iraw anaking will .enorrnously increase
the collection's historical Value.
• The library is largely used by of-
ficers on duty at the castle, . so the
occupants of the Equerries' Room;
where they, are entertained, will be
delighted with 'the new war section..
A story of the great library is still
told in the Equeiries'.Room.
A yoUng officer of the GLiards,
swore, that. when he was sitting in
the library a phantom femalefigure
passed him and disappeared into the
thickness of the walls: Ms state-
ment created a sensation in the gristle,
because the library is eupposed to be
hal:lilted by the ghost of Queen
Charles IL began the eellection, but
the hulk df the origiiial libtary was
handed over. to the British- Museum
by George IV. William IV. -then
-brought together at Windserthe
books that remained in the', various
royal Palaces. :,116 left'them, hoWever,
a higgledy,pigglody stAte,.and
Prince Consort evolved order ' Out of
chaos, King Ede:yard continued the
god work, and now King George :is
Take the ease of _Private James i epnipleteing it:
Miilei,y.c.,. of the Royal Laricaphire4 ' • .
Regiment, of 'whom ,it is said: ' BICYCLES- AGAIN POPULAR,
/ "He was a great believer in keeping ' • • '
col They , They called. him a plodder, and !Manufacturers in Canada and United
.atca Have-P-roduced-790,000
"Compared With 350,000
P.entheiFiXIoNn NOT SpRIOITS. Wool Prices w
oenexid runisionfut mors.
Mental Than PhyliceL
Questions have been asked in the
Britioh floOse of Commons about rield
runiehment 14?„ known "ernel-
044011,14" and atf4.1110 SOWS 014 this
form of Poniehment was in vegue
came in the nature of 41 01/1-*PriSe to
Meet pe000, a certain amount of re,
sentinent has ,been exhiNited.`•
In an interyiew with e London,
Weekly Despatch repreeentativoi Gen,
flir Horace •SMith-Dorrien remarked
that the puniehment Sometimes eon-
sleted- in tying a maw to the 'wined of
a wagon or to a tree and leaving him ,
there for some Ow, usually two
Como -Down?' Ow
cheerful °news fro the
D arta) t or A
Meat Kites will 'not wom
tbe'-, Tan or woman who
knows that a Shredded
Wheat Biscuit will. supply
more real body-building
nutriment than beefsteak or
eggs and at much less cost.
Shredded Wheat remains the
same price,' the same high
quality, 'supplying all. the
nuttiment. a ‘man - needs for
a half-day'a . work, TWO
shredded wheat biscuits with
peaches and cream or other
fruits make a complete,
nourishing meal at a ci* of
not 'over five cent.
- Made in Canada
"This partiettlar %form of punish-
ment," exPlalned Sit HiSrace, owe-
eeeded flogging, which was moat Un-
desirable. It is a ,mental punishment,
as well as a phytildil one and its ef-
fect is•*usually very salutary. Vat*,
ally, it must be understood that on
the battlefield it is impossible to «in-
troduce disciplinary measures suctisas
obtain in peace -time. ,
"There -is no guard -room in the
trenches to which ' a man who has
committed an it
• can be sent,
and, even if it yrere irassible to Inv,
agine such an incongruous thing, as
a, guard -room deo tit the firing line,
where are the men to he spared from
to look after offenders under deten-
tion? ,
Icivilian. experienies possibly
a sepseof shock at learning that.pup-
ishinerit of this kind has to be in-
flicted at the front, but if he were in
the- army he would realize that the
diost essenthal4hing of all in!face of
the enemy is the absolute mainten-
ance of discipline. For the morale and
strength of an army is in !proportion'
to its disciplinary standard. • . .
' "The Offenders who • are , sentenced
to the punishnient called by sortie
'crucifixion' generally,feel snore,aeute- '
. ly the ridicule Of theif comrades than
the physical disepmfort experienced.
It may be taken for, granted! that
'whatever disciplinary measures the
army authorities adopt are only those :
for Very good reasons considered
' highly deairable• in the interests or
discipline." !
' • , .
--a I "-d, b
Ast Interestin o ume smut y
.the C.P.R.•
No publication issued by the Can-
adian Pacific Railway is better known
all over the " world. -than the "An-
notated guicle," describing every 'sta-
tion along the line. Issued originally
at the suggestion of Sir William Van
Horne, it has passed through many
editions and is now a fair-sized book
awing to the great increase -in the ex-,
tent of the railway system. t is in-
teresting to look over the early issues
to see how Canada has progressed. in
1888, for instance; Winnipeg had a
population of Only 24,009, Fort
liam 1,400, Regina 800, Calgary 2,-
400, Lake Louise had net been discov-
ered; and NItincouver was. proud of its
5,200: Indian Head was famous fer
the 13ell Farm, of which the "Annot-
ated Guide" remarks: "The furrows
on this farni are usually ploughed four
miles. long, and to plough one furrow
outward and another returning is a
half day's work for a man and team.
work is done With an almost mili-
tary prganizationz ploughing by bri-
gades and reaping by divisions.". To-
ronto fs described as "distinctly Igest.
ern in its Activity\ and energy." •
-When he played football he. suffered
from "lack of devil.", Once- heNgaie a
good. hiding to a- bigger fellow who .
had fouled -him four times very badly.
,after if diveS, it can he made to heat cent.: of 'the nut iS butter, which 4-g.-- .1%.. eyes -were failing say they have had their
op or you. any
He was a silent man and there was ,
nothing in his life to suggest that he day drew attention to the • fact tlaat4
with the aid of'Microphones, or elee- edible. The tree begins," to bear : eyesurstord rtehsroo.ugki the Erienciple of thil won.
was anything more than. a very - rg.: this year has Seen. the return of , Weal ears. Mr. Edvrare F. Chand- when it is 15 years old, and reaches trim It -I' wairgi:= 1,1143; Filletalasre4
spectable, hard-wprking, , papes,raili the bieycle to popular 'favor, and' to rer,..
laborer." - ' - L an inventor who has Made d stridy" its full capacity in 25 -Years: Bar- i ' esatli.rilla Nreow.I :nen rdeetvegetr i:Irk without anAyt
. . • ' satisfy r the renewed demand the
is in Of ,submarine problems, has invented ring jungle fires a butter plantation 1 sight they wti'uledY pain dreurfully; isgwint°bree; feel
Ire mira.le to "
- But this is what.he did: • . ' manufacture . the V.S. this year r
! a method by which he believes ,n •syli- la a Icing time and profitable invest-
, ....Tia
."Ordered to take an iniPortant,mes-; put out 600,000, -bicycles, -coniparid ' merged craft 'may direct its. course !pent. Chocolate manufacturers could hazily with or without glasses, but alter using this
Sage under heavy shell and. rifle' fire with 300,000 in 19154 More bikes pfeseriptieon for firfeteasn oncelayrtisaire4thizsgi rill
" •`-` - " I toward a hostile ship. -:---- • ' easily absorb the product.•, Candles
. • •
The Wall Street Joiirnal the Other
. • d ,
Thousands of •thankfui ' fnothers
throughout Canada -many �f them
yeur; own neighbors -Speak With the
greatest praise of that splendid medi-
cines -Baby's Own Tablets. Many
arathers would have no other 'Medicine
for'. their • little, ones. ; Ainorig- these is
ffirs: Albert . Nie, St. • ,Brieux, Sask.,
• who. eays:,"1- have been Using Baby's
Own Tablets for the past. Seyen years
'and theyliave done my four' Children.
4 World- of goOd. weuld.not be
?IA' them." The,Tablet's are.sold• . by
medicine dealers er 'by , at- ! 25
Candles and Soap Can Also Be 'Made
• Of It. • ; • "•
. gr. Yerby: the 'United States con-
sul fit' Sierra Leone, tells: of a won-
derful tropical tree ealled the Shea,
or butter tree.- It furnishes the na-
tivea riot only Nall nuts 'which they
dents,' box from The Dr: Wilmahighly' prize, but. With hutter,. which
Medicine CO., Brockvifle, Pat..: - !inity:beeome an aiticle of cotarnerce-
, •. '• 'of importance since 4t ie already 'ex-• •
IN- Ultra DOWSING, Carmelo Order
PQTATIAO, • .110,01f COB-
* fo..nee. .ttiumityllmitat Wr1ft for ,449.•
*POOL ;IL va,W*014. Drampton,
8,11111141111$11V03 1333
1310119VISINMAXING NPW8 s1.014
Or Ionia g000 unta•no
tOwne. Who most ungul ani Interesting
Of an busineeoes. lantormation on
auulleation lo Wilson Publishing. Cora-
PanY, :73 'West Adelaide Streot.".Woroirato,
111n.C-MAN1310.4CTUiiii1D -
jar Ouaranteed the e.gual of
new. is save you 50% to 7. Will
ship on 4 days' norroval. The Cupadiasi
,W•Titing Mantling Company, Toronte.
sitineZZILL7rAgITS '
grIANCER, TUMORS!. 1...U1KCPB, wra,
• internal and external, cured with-
• Paif; );.3' our belnes treatment. Write
us hefore top late, Dr, Bellnihn Medical,
CO., Limited, Collingwood, (Mt,
When buying your Piano'
:insist on having an
And How to Feed
.3ralled free ha air address by
Amadufs the *nth"
Plonser, H, CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc.
Dog Remulles 118 West 314 Street, New York
It win. ruby yon to 'ship all
your lux to a reliable nouns,
where you can got fnll market
value., Ask for our price list
and shipping instructions.
• • Those long winter 'skitghts
you will need indoor rea-
yVby not instal a
Home Billiard Table'?
Write for. particulars Or
our famous,
•Maisonette Table,
fOr-e-fish or on easy terms.
BurroUghes &Watts, Ltd.,
Mak ere to 1.1. 1.1. the King.
34 church St., oronto
Tied .Down.
, Singletoh-They say that marriage
'is "atie. • *
Wedmore--You'il find it se ff you
get 'ioped in. ' • • •
to Europe, where it is used'.
- •
4ip OlvREET
Fitabiligue4 ev.er,80 yo,rs as
Raw fur Lea ora
Write us ,tor priee liet.
Bend ue your fui,a and lot' vie
highest market price,
AShoeBo ,Calted
Hock or Bursitis
mms at4.41,51110.0f
will reduce them and /cave no blemishes.
Stops lameness promptly. Does:not ..
ter .or remove /he hair! and horse ran *it
worked. $2 a bottle delivered, Dook6Mireet,
7.13.SORBINE, JR.. ter =akin& ittc asIdaeoin.
linfinent for Boni. BreffeN Sorea VAirigooelrOima
Amys pen and latiassmadoe. Pike *ad s Wale la • •
drOggiO0 or aelivestd,p(111 tell yea mere if yew 1444.:
W. F. YOUNG, F. 0. F„,510 Lymans Cam
Oserblas and Absoiblos.. ST.,- siaan, in .
Lana IN TM AIMED fibiii744
The Spirit of America at play
, Magnitude and Cheerfulness
D. White, Pres. .7, W. Mott, Mgr.
Marton, Fox, Muskrat,
03011 and Skunks ,
Any of ihese
On our quoted PriCes of November
Ifith. Market is strong, ship at once
and get bendfit of high pricbs. Have
you our 'price list and brown me -
Write for them. t
&Drum Williams & Do,
DEPT'. W.. bloNTREAD ' .
Doctor Tells How To .trengthen.
Eyesight 50 per cent In One
Week's Time In Illtiny Instance, ,
,. . . ..,_ ; • . • , in Making' artificial butter. This A Free Prescription You Can Have
Microphones or Electrical Ears, For tree produces `a nut covered with a - Filled and. Use at Horne.
' ' • ' - - soft pulp which is in turh co'vered '
.., Snbmarine3..• . -.--, ',-. ! with a
eye strain or other eye wealmesses7
'smooth skin. • This pulp , lb vietim of
London. -139 you wear glasses? Are you is
' Although the submarine is .bihtsl 'sweet and wholesome. About 60 pee- It 'Bogey mil be plati to now that according to
and bring back a reply ak-alliests, he
•Succeeded in spite of a griping wound
in his abdomen,. which he cornpresSed
With his hand; and falling dead at the
feet of the officer to whom he deliver-
ed the message."' • .
One of, the new V.C.'s, Private
Veale, of'theDevonshire Regirhent,
once earned a reward for, Valor. in cieil
life. On' the battlefield, Veale
went" out to -a wounded Officer, who
was lying' in grckwing ;corn. whhin
fifty yards of the enemy, dragged him
to a -shell.hole,_ -Went back for _water,
returned, •went back Again - and
brought assistance, and after several
attempts covered an approaching en-
emy patrol with a Lewis gun and eaV- .
ed the officer. -
• Other,V.C.'s.
would have been made this ' year sex- '
cept for the shortage of tubing and -. 1 In describing the process' in Popular
1.Science Monthly; -he says : In the mod -
of labpr. :,The doubling of production ,
tompared with 1915 has not- satisfied ern -telephone the transmitter i8. es-
! sentially a microphone, and the pres:4
the demand, and the ' slogan among
A . ! sure of the sotihd waves is . ommum-,
the maraffacterers fer
900 bicycles" . • . .,
P17 .is "L"'r-i!cated-,te the concluders lly means of a
•The suln3iailine, equipped
This output Will he within hailing ! d'iaPhilighl
1 for bsttle. under the*. sea, is provided,
distance of the recerd -bicycle ,produc-
tion reached in_the • year 1805 97
,., 0:. - , I with •micrephones on, the port , arid'
starboard, -bows. Telephones 'enable
when bicycles were turned out at the
- the. sUbmarine commander to listen to
rate of over 1,200,000 per annum .7.
.ificyele is equally -marked, ;,. I
' ip Canada the•eejuvenation, of . thel the sounds gatheted- by the miero-
n_at..y p,li, jor tte. -r.sonrar- in.
e 'is pot ponited
100,000 machines being; manufactured 1 l t I thehi it m to
and sekl during 1916, This is practi-I attack.;- tlie inicrirahMies oh- the Off -
dilly a doubling up on the sides of
1915,.and init_for th,e sbort•age
labor, .and :tithing the limber iyould
have been Still further increased, The
Ontlook for 1917 is exceptionallY
recently -Private Thomas Turnbull- of brightandorders from.the trade are
already. booked for; ! Spring deli3rety
When King Geotge war at the ftont
Ithe Worcester - Regiment, was' caned which breaks all previous- records for
mother he. said subsequently: .,/ dm_ workmen wile tiie the bicycle for ,go.7
out of the trenches to • -be spoken to a like period.
by the King: Writing home to, his The increasing denianq eomes•from,
not tell -what passed-, I tretnbled all mg to -and from avork,,from boys and
•over." A few days later in. the middle ' girls using there for pleasure and fen
of, .fierce fighting he .rernained. with going to and. from school, from-coml.;
'his wounded officer for • three hours ' try and village bow; .using than ,for
under cotinuous. fire from machine' ' getting -about quickly .• • One 'manufac;
, guns and bombs and, although at one tet is authority 'for the ! statement
tithe completely .cut off,'' he held WI t • fully one-half of the growing•de-
1.giound and finally, carried tlilli officer ',ilia!' cornea. from country ‘;diatricte,
• into the British lines. He •was • a I Where the country lads arid . yelling
painter rod 'paperhanger -by trade . men .find the bicycle a !Mighty handy
1 and' an enthusiaetic. cyclist. . (Machine with -which to get to • town
- A young Yorkshire Man *iianie'd"..-and back quickly •and easily. ' As ' a
Donald 'Simpson Bell was a schal- i uis0 the .bicycle hs gone fol. -,ever;
teacher at Harrogate, and.a foothaller.,Iiiii an article' of exceptional utitit • it
He was a leader or young men in the ie 'forging bit°. popular . favor-, where
Harrogate district at school and hz it, wilt prebably,..rentain permanently.
the army it was the , same. He weal. . • • :
just a big boy in his play and in, his ••• -Noe Setting Theni.Aii Example, :
relations to others outside. his work.•I .• "DOn't' you know that When you you. go'
During an attack, in a heavy enfilade into a saloon. to get a -drink yea aro'
fire, he crept up a communication, setting Boys a bad, exaMple?" - ..
reridhrirdlioweehrtra-men-1, 'nshen • . "No, sir. Lnever take them in 'with
across the open under heavy fire, shot tee. f• dlways make them stand ont-
the machine gunner,:clestroyed the •firde and wait till r'coMe outs"- •
gun and personnel with bombs, saving .`' ., ' ...,,..1......,•- • • ' -
many. Hies and insuring the success it wotild• talc0 seVert.teen guardian
of the attack. • For this he. got the -angels and half -a dozen. .policemen to
V.C.1. lie lost his life five days later keep some Men out of 'trouble.. ' • • .
in 4 .similar act of brevery. : • . -. ..
••• • '.. . Miluirdeg Mullin:it 'antis Dijahtheria.
,• A Highlander from Tobermory ask-
' ed at the Oban railway station the
price of a OA* to Killin.
KISo nitieh," replied-7thee lerk.
"Hoot, awa','". replied Donald, "it's"
far- ower dear!' rather ,wallcl"
alid off he started':
Ile had not proceeded far when the
train carne teariug along,whistling
as it neared a station.
needna whistle for niel" said
Donald; „ made ye an offer ainco,
arid ye waana tale it; sag ye can gang
on, I'M p6 coniii-e."
• •
Saying the' Mau.. ,
Mr. Stebbins (reading) -Statistics
go to show that the ale population
of the world ip fast allingleff.
Mrs. Stebbins 96d graefoual
Isn't there Sonie w y �f tying them
Nurses, anted
fit ill '1'011ONTO ii();;Prt'.% ;wit
min rah' in; affiliated with Bellevue
an4..11lied Tioritals. lkiew "%relit, ofters
a Three Yearn'. (loom, to 'Women W 181110g
to hnter the Nutting 11mi:es:Ann. Apnli-
(tallow will Int reeeit ecl by cric. l•luperlit-
teralent. afros (look, 130 MIMI avenue,
side will 'receive fewer vibrations than
the others, and the differenee the
volume ef sound received by the two
microphone detectors Will be observed
at once by the telephone receivers,
The cOnimander will then change his
course until he heata equallY Well with
both -earpieces. '• ' .
Although it is perfectlsr feasible to
1 aired a submarine l by telephone,- it. is
Much More effective t� convert the
!Microphone vibrations into visUal
sounds. As a result, the `commander
Of a sabrirarine has only. to watch a'
finger meve .6yer a- dial -in order" to
I know what corn- he should steer,' in
, a sense,' he seer:the sound- that the
miefonhone detectors. hear. ..
A Antral steering indicator is pri-
rnarily dePefilled uponto guide the
Submarine, but telephones are con-
necthd- with the Microphones, to be
'used when occasibn arises. With their
'aid, one underwater sound can be dis-
tinguished frorn.anothet and he ipter-
meted cortectly. ' A trent') steamer
may:be mictoPhonically distingaished
tom a 'Mauretania, a torpedo boat
ftom o superdreadnought; and„ abovo
all, a :subsurface craft -from a surface
draft. Thus yell can tell the character
of an 'unseen ship while it bir Still a
ong distance off: • *•
, .
Air•tuara,a Liiiiniellt Cures 'Gomm in _aims
Not the King.
o ear. an even p ou g a ses.
and. soap can also be made , of it. it is believed that thousands who wear glasses
Trees - that can. Pia:shim butter, soap multitudes ni will be able rteou tere,engtheenxpteheeeeir
and, dandles are worth,cultivating. or' 00 45 oPa
can. now discard them in reasonable tire° and
'T was cured of Rheumatic tout by
* Halifax, - ANDREW KING.
I'vvas cured' of Amite Bronehitis by
Sussex. , . •
I-WaS cdrAcuTe Rheiimatiim
' Markham, Ont. C.' S.
,•!' • Lakefield,'Que Oct.- 9, 1907.
..teatini in MemOry.. .
: Jaffrey -How do you suppose tluit
dear', old man •remembered exactly
how Much he paid for his gold tooth,
which he botight.forty years ago?
Agnes -Why, I :s'poie he carried it
• In his head.
When the Kiag was in Scotland re-
cently he promised to review n boys!
At the last infinite, however, his
,Majeaty was forced to- cancel the en‘
gagement, and! a local notability was
hastily substituted; btit the managers
of the affair -thought it only right to
notify ticket purchasers that royalty
.woulcl not he 'present.
Presentbr a small Irair vho WaS to
take part in the parade came along
with a request Or two tickets for his
parents. Ile Was told of the
appoirlinient in store for 'therm .
. "Oh," said the lad, ,i`tiley'n nae be
disaPPohlted. It's•no the King that
father and blether are comhi' to Seti
-It' A Mel"
Dalastaos Liaiiiteat Carps Coldei 484
;.• 111
„,„.,„ Granulated Eyelide,
%PUCE,'" inflamed by expo-
sure to " stand Wittil
e s quickly e apft !in, 7.
just Eye C mien.At
YourDruggistio SOc per Bottle. Maine E)e
SalYeinTebes2Sc_For000k of iheEyefraisisk
Brukgitits orMarlrietyaRemedyee.Alkaal
.vv'fieri. the gOstlips' .nre • Widest The
conVeriation usually is:idlest'. - • •
, rdipavdss Diniment Curate Distemper
, Thal Settled it.
Grimy Griggs -±*-A neWsPaper• guy
offered me, if let ;him talte
my. Pictiire.: °
Ragged Regetatz-And teLrefused
'Grimy • Griggs-Yes;,'.yer see; a
photograph's ' gel to go'"" through • a
bath.. • - , .
ZD. 4.
1. ,
s • •
of f;14r getting.. glasibs.. • Eye .troubles of many
descriphons. may , be wonderfullybenefitedby
ing e simple ruli
es. • .Hcre s the 'preadrip-
tient Go to .any 'active) drug store and get a ..
'bottle of Bon-Opto. tablete. Drop ono Bon-Opto
tablet in. n fourth of a glass of water and allosv
to dissolve,' With' this liquid bathe the. eyed'
,two to four times daily. You should notice your
eyes cleartip perceptibly right from the start and
inflammation • will quickly disappear. If your ,
eyes are bothering you, even a little, take 4step., '
to save .them now before it is tocv late. Many
honelesily blind Might,have..been saved. il they
had cared for their eyes in time., . •
Note: Another .prominent PhYsiclan to Whtirn the •
abase article was submitted, said: ."13on-Opti, le a
very remarkable remy. edIts constituent Ingredients
are well known to eminent eye speelalifits and wide'?
rirle:Zeiddthig gua 419:!
weer- -Alm.
lit many Instances or refund the Money. It ean be •
obtained from any geed druggist and' to one of .thei
very few preparations-41*sh
e' oufd kept en .1=4
ler regular use In almost CVC.17 family. • The Vain*
DrogStoreco.,4. Torogto..wel 414 370111' orders • u
1.. •
. and ▪ Christmas_Days- are the beat Th-ernms-dain-of
-ip-uaraiitecid to keep Boi,ling Liquids hot ae hrs.. Or XCO 0016 Liquid cold 3 dale. -
Sere le the- ideal eft, handsome. and practIoiel, giving years of perfect
service at op sway from keine. Por the )lotorist-for the Invalid -fel, tha
tlie Marserir-fOr‘ the' linsiziess-7an-rfor the Work-
man -for the Bedroom aid many' other ones.
Bottleis 11.75 up. Kits 13:00 up.
arttLett (water battles y $5.00 up.
Motor. sets $9.50 up. Thermos is sold
• at all good Drug,. Hardware,Sporting
Geode and: Dept., Storess, and sothe
' Leather Goods and Jewelry Stores, If
you cannot see what you need send for
fully illustrated Catalog now, We send
goods prepaid on reeelpt of price.
• 1.
are invited to send,for our new illustrated
booklet descriptiveof scenes on the trip
from Halifax to Demerara; via. ships of the
". Royal Mail." This little booklet tells
whalthere is to see and do at Bermuda,.St.
Kitts, Antigua, Montserrat, Dominica, St.
Lucia, BaybadpS, St. Vincent, Grenada,
Trinidad, and Demerara. It also gives a
list of the Hotels and 'Hotel eharges at 'the
varfous Islands.
The cost of a returnticket from various
.Ontario points is as foilowst
Toronto Ottawa $1 0.80
• Peterboroueb .
- $144.30 London $14ii .65
q I 0:74 • P kk
tilffrA* hAksi4 •
6140 Granv Ile Street .11ALIFIVie P1.
.rdrix;i VOrnAtt
r rr„v• ru 4•••• , • Yr •