HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-12-07, Page 6Ir
• •
War la Preview or Itaittertfie Biaefit to
Itthe *Mkt eletittert of Old
Country. -
cost o
and the nee
business in'
pen.to trade after th
ly, it is just now cOneidera
the normal' lee), writea
the ltrat few menthe, of tile ware bet
•• ;recovered at the end et Tao,
.sipcp then haa, it ire saide been crime
standing greetly increased'
on Account of the war
• econoraY arid 'seeing,
in 14 appeently
is going to hav-
er the in-
Sold in handy tin tubee at chem.
'Free Imelda ort motet.
has been ,partieUlaely nOtreeable since
July, when the great battle' whicn Still topped ki
. Girls Go
' Apart from the torn
at Leaden Stattensio
' Among the Myriede of IMO ta.
which. the Englieh people try:to 11,.,
PeY a little of the gratitude oweng to
their soldiers, sell not the least
Who tee Charged. thentselves the
duty of meeting' the tritinft of Wounded
at main etationS to Convey the broken
soldier in centfoet• and Security to a
They call themselvee the London
Alabulance COlumn, and they owe
their existeneeeeto the fact that, wehen.
log sokliers to hoSpitals were avail"
sick from the frOnt arrived he tendon
ehe whole of the transport facilitieS
at the "eommand of the Column ' were
two:traitor ambulances and A couple of
ers.- The wounded, other than those
exceedingly bad casee, whien the mo-
tors dealt, with, were taken in stereo
So( the organizers of the Celunin
berrowed vehicles and were preeented
with eithers at present they have
110 private cars at their dispoeal and
fifty ambulances, which have been
preseat.ed to them.
Many ears are driven and kept in.
repair by the ownereethemselves, and
they else\ undertake. to supply all the
petrol necessary for their running;
other °micro' havOcnt their cars and
their chauffeurs .to the Column, while'
still other cars are .lent without drive
The entire ambulance transport of
the London district is in the hands of
the Column, and this not only includes
meeting the trains feem the front, but
also•remeing patients from the vari-
oua hospitals and teking them for spe-
cial treatment, as' well as - running
theni to 'the various ppecialist hospit-
als outside the Leaden district pre-
\ And it should he reelized. that not 'a
fic staff, organizers of stores, chant -
feu -each is doing er hee
chee telly, glad t6. be allowed to • do
some ing for thee who have . done '
. rages in Picardy began. • e
°The•SOrtnne bettle him been" the
• . best tonic that the business , of this
'country' has had awe the war began"
etas :the 'recent remark of the head of. tree of the Somme yip
‘, one of the largest huldnesa establish- presPerity of theemuniti
.ments in London, mid this reileets the the increased income of
general Opinion. of tne directors of tke houeeholde due to &melte
hit stores catering JO the general IY at home having gone o
, permitting "a Weekly e
'Me shop's were never mere crowd- which in beaee.times would
a\effeet on beat,
‘riee and the
ad, nor did money ever change bande regarded as 'impossible.
. more treely. The ,shepping scoos in The girl ipe business (senile freen
alteh• business thoroughfares sta
• ford Street and Regent Street recall sPending ;3.50 weeklY On dreS
eseanagers of•storeS admit that the' the Present wave .of •prosperit irs
ess beeineee amazed yielding An nneuspeeted cless \ s-
Ihnecr 7_8 acc • , " • tomer tO the. big shops .is furnished \
WeeiPta in Stores big.: Oxford Street. , ,y
A mininex,0 sh6p 04, Regent street "During the week," he eays,: "a Wo-
enek sees in cash in one •day,,WhiPIL "ohne; aandthoerd7isetderalLei*ccaolilate:r?ttho ceen11.-
2 censtitutei a record for. the establish: ler 6,nd cuffs of sable and u wide bore
ment. At ..Aearly. all the big middle der 9f the smile fur round the bottom
'cease retail steree the figares are eon- of the coat, to be made epecially for.
aiderablY receipti bP- her. ,She also insisted on a black vet -
experienced in the histeey Of the "ree her.
The exPlanation evereewhere given
is the same. Themiddla classes Are
making' moaey out of the wee and are
spending it, A great part of the mile
lions wench tne•nation is' Spending en
tiie war ire this conntry is finding its
. waY Into the shOps. Money is.
lating so freely that even with short-,
much' heavier' than normal.,-.
- chart 'eonipiled by the manager
"showe- the rise and fall, pf business
•• during the twenty-six Menthe of war
1914:--eIensineee 'teemed.
October, 1914-Bughiess fell .20 per
cent; money; reported tight ahd pure
December, 1914-Bueiness normal
The recoVery, due to the 'new-
-. eeeeeed prosperity among the mid-
werking classes set up by the
1915-Beeihees 20 Jeer eent.
ehen normal; money plentiful,
the rapid expansion of •the
talons industry. ,
• 1916-Busin6ss 3fr per cent:
Anon they are eerning, apd the nuni-
e,r of these Wage earhers seems to be
October, 1916-e-Businees per
cent. better than noemal; to the plen-
tifulneas of money -id added the cheer- aside gay sum for hoase linen, the
vietoty. The Somme battle 'inakee menage. .
Hundreds of thousands. of dollars
a week are still spent in voniforts and
gifts, for relatives at the front, range
ing from pipes to reading matter and
delicacies ia feed.' •Aceording ' to the
booketall manager Of one store hun-
dreds of Bibles and : peayerbooks are
sent to the front every week, the men
An important fact in the increased
trading receipts of the big sterea is
that the cost of each article is in most
Wanted That Feather.
"I" eXplained as 'gentler' es poesible
that feathers Were' not: *ern, but sir,0
was a determined' set of Woman had
eoon• judged it hetter to let her haye
her own. way,• especially ai ' she-. had
the ineriey in her hand. ;
been in Our workroome and Was nove
Day end spept $26 on. a e all: ermine
making; Munitions came% illy/the other
neciclet 'I've always Wanted a bit Of
real erthifie,' she explained: noticed
that she was wearning one, the
latest Velhtir shapes With an ospreY
it that meet have post. at leait $7.50;
On.her engagement finger She ho. a
Ought. stone diffracted ring that Ibeld
not, heln but adinire,
•"It is no IlliCOMMOn thing for a mo-
ther and her three of four daughters
to 'come into the shon on a Thursday
or Friday moroing tied spend $100 be-
.agin:e that in peace time that semi
.family made their clothes at home."
At ineher stere credit for a great
Peet ef the trade boom is given to
„inoreased. numbee of' marriages that
ere taking place owing to the war:
The money, geneally speaking;is riot
couples as a rule are not setting up
housekeeping, but' on presenti and the
bride's trousseati, which in some eases
is all the more elaborate Owing to the
fact that she does not have to set
reeOpl so „bright that they feel more
like , spending money. thanever.
No Fero/hilt Spending. '
The -head- of one great stare explains
that while there is this" tremendous
.:shopping booni • it cannot by eny
••• , eteetch of t5e imagination be termed
7 • "The people who are spending
money toeday: eve spending Won uSee
ful "artielee' and demanding. their
lmeney'e worth," he says. "They are
, :not wasting it on shoWy articles of cases .50 per ceet. mere than it was
doe and ciilled for something fa eat.
"Are you a Christian?" asked the
always bring them a fair percentage • e
• Can't you tell?" answered the man,
of their outlay! in, caae -they have to "Look at the holes Worn in :the !knees
'diepose of it. : . • •• of my pants. What da they prove?"
"Where theY :Jetty fee' they do not • The. farmer's wife promptly ,brought
htter iniitation sable or imitation fex out the food and the tramp turned to
Inquiry shows that the businesses "Well! Weill" asked. the : farmer.
, which are thiefly benefiting as the re- 4What Made those holes' in the ba'ck
'suit -of -the trade boom are drapers, of your pante?" - • eee
*Le. • milliners, piano &dere, !piddle' claes I "13acksliding,''' replied the tramp as
'jewelers, • shoemakers -in fact, every he hurried on. '. ' ••• ••
' . business that is catering to -the needs
el the two- prosperbue eleesee to -day ' fade Blowing up...
is daing well: .
For evey $150 Pair of shoes they elVI"' 'TO"? '
gad in peace,time they 'are selling, a Mrs, Jones -Why, this young var-
$4.60 pair; for every, pair of 34 high mint 'as swallowed cartridge and r
, cen't wallop 'im for fear it goes off.
Doetor Te& How To Strengthen
Eyesight. 50 per ,cent In Ono
'Week's" Tune In Many „Instances
little value. As they have always had
in the past to consider. evey penny
they anent, so now the -same diserint-
• -hieing instinct bids therit -consider
• , each purchase. For instance, if
• ,they buy..jewelry they do net buy
trashy jewelry but jewelry which will
Vtre 'Pr eteiption You. Can Hive
Vine(' and tee At /tome.
to ,pr eye .11 ride or 01 or Ore wooknosses?
rxels there it fog 'hope at vote aloe
hese leg wen !mato etir they hove hod ulcer
eg Through lite principle of this non,
e free: preserentere One, Mot anya, attar
a - 1 Otis Wettest Sint ould bet ft,. id
ten taut &.,..ttlt tcithout hay
N„t• orttd eyl4; dO tot, tinter troy not*, et
11 ihd• thee. it s mirage to me.
St" fre MO it lays: 'ilea Miens:Oben§ iteteed
nu or althea gititSise, but after wit* NA
113300. tor fifteett AlOye evert steel
„ Nut (woo teed Ono print etthoot eloseee
believed that theutelidd Una *ear Ito
afilltudeS 'MOM Iris Le Abet to retro ter ttee
1101 att to Ise e.pated the 'feeble Mi .tapenite
/ ever settles 151...i.4 4tribts4f MI
esetialeil$ May..ba ell ill If Int tad
. ellm011 013 moils is. cot %I areed Pi
1)01.11 0 Batt. 6 ttl 4304 Via Sae MO fo
tame re a feta, 1 Of 4 gly§ 0 tes r
MO to kW tiinOwdaily. if 010111 )1
eyes aro oibeflas yeti, etfly I, ta
Ma rated for Stare cola tInte
Nets! inerece or permit raysiefei to 0
fiVvo t lig 1.,170,,Valttich .1, 44.02.5 t
1,felltrtfriintren urt'Alifirtit do s itfati
is rosily. fastonsed er tete 20 s
torissattort tremstit a Fr e at ti a4 ,,v r)
New Strength ThrOugh
'Will Find
woinan to eake easily and not to
worry. ' Eirey an at the heed efe
hoMe; :every g in. offices,. shops
less worry. These nnot be avoid-
ed. Hut it is the du of evbry wo-
man and eyery to:, pave' he
strength, asonuch as p ssible; "and to
build up hee system to eet unueual
aemana.• Her luture health de -
Rends tippn it. To gnard,
breakdown in heelth the. b
be kept rich, red undnure. •
the blood.in this Condition
cee. equal Dr. Williams , pink
They strengthen the nerVee, re
to- pallid cheeks, and renewed ener
to . listless people: 'Women dannot
always rest when they ' should, bet'
they cari keep up the* Strength and !
use ofepr. Williame Pink Pills, „ears.
writese!-d"For Several years idol -
and 'was scarcelY able to do a thing.
During that time eonaulted several
doctors-, and many medieines Witho
getting any help, and I began to
think that I -Would never get better.:
One day I saw Dr. Williamse Pink
Pills advertised and _thought I Would
try theta. After taking four boxes I
using the pills for sevellal months
vvhen I was again in the best of
health, When I began taking the
pills 1 weighed only 100 pounds:
While under theie use with mir ree
newed health -I no* Weigh 140. • ye -
commend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to
eery one whom / know to•be ailing."
• , You can get br: Willie/Mt Pink
Pills from any dealer in medicine, or
by mail et 50 cents .a box, br aix
boxes for $2.50 from. the Dr.- Wil -
ikons' Medicine' CO., BrOCktrille, 04t.
o keep
Crown Prince Sceptical About His
The Kairset and the. Crown Prince
have always been more or less at dag-
gers draevre and an amusing story of
the Crown lerince's "cheek" on„one oc-
casion is told in London TiteBits.-They
were out shooting with 'a party,
the 'end of the day it Woe announced
that; ree usual.; the Kaiser nacteRheaten
• The deer we had shot"; were
line. The phetographers began to get
busy. • "Sixty-four head, yout Mae
jesty," „announced the head kepper
dutifully in' the Meanwhile.
„ The ICrtieer- made no -001111"k&tit or
contradietipn, het' suddenly the Crowe
Prince thimed in scornfully, aSixtye
• • "Father." becanie black with fury;
but the mischief had been done ; a
good many .of the party bad over.
. the ternarlc, tie the Crown
Prince had indent they should, .•
'the e-y.eireold had just' 'been re -
Proved et tho ^tablet He 'continued
to talk chierfuhy, thoeighatnanswered,
te father.. After 'tome Minutee of
soliloquy he turned to mother and ke-
"Your. liusbaral doesn't talk. very
much -tithe aeon,. doer; he, mother?"
'The he thauis •
. MOTs Ready te Write
Watemnen,a Weal WO'S every re.
„universal skandarct :pen. ,To eta' every
hind, liave one Of your owe?
to $150.00
QUeen Victoria Gave Silver Cup to
Ram Ainah. Indian Aetist.
The story' of Sirdar Balmier Ram
Singh, whose death. °marred re-
cently, is that of a Sikh boy, born in
humble circumstances, Who - rose to
honer and distinction, bY °yin
merit end endeavor and who • ree
mAined, in spite of that alistinction,
unspoiled, a kind-hearted, rood t,
genuine man 0:the end, "L. 4.", wrietts
In the, Indiaman.,
Ram .Sifigh, aa a. lad, attracted die.
attention of Lockwood Kipling, father
Atesaices of the ferreous Anglo-Indian
tivator becanie almost equally widely
of Itiglyard Kipling, and under the
ceededto Mr. Eliding's ,post as pith-.
hi; ior ; e• el. d8.
artist the yening 'seri of a Punjabi cul -
known as a designer. ' Later he suc-
deal of the Mayo School of .ait at LO-
DI/Ram Singh wets ordered to'
to England te design and
supervise the decorations of the Dun-
bar Hall at Ostoene- House. The new
rooM was to be in Inditui style, and
It8 Toll in Disease and. Death Repre-
A recent report by George A. John -
on, water supply ..expert, exposes
seme very interesting 'facts respect -
mg wetter 'filtration, The great benee
fits and, in, many • cases, the urgent
necessity of filtering the water sup-
plied to communities is clearly re-
cegnized, but its vital importance can
he realized by a theougn investi-
gation, supported by `the convineing
data contained in this paper.
The figures given are for the Unittal
States, but with dee regard to prepor-
Mr. Johnionbtatei that if the urban
population of the United States wee
supplied with filtered or equally pure
water 3,000 lives' would be saved ete,
nually and 45,000 casee of typhoid
fever prevented, reveseliting in vita!
the interest 'en an iavestment of $375,-
000,000. " Ia the United States an
urban population cif 30,001),001e persons
is atill suppliea with unfiltered water;
the cost of supplying filtered water to
capital some $22,50 ,000 annually, or
the work was eXecated • with remark- these ineluding fixed charger!! and
able beauty and:. effect. The Queen operation of Plants, wbuld !lot he more
took great orsenal interest in thee tnan $12;000,000 per year, Or about
work dering?„Its progress,' end much One-half the present annual lose in
might have obtained. Meny commise •TWenty-million *pie are now tbe.
sione in England afMr that,. bne holing supplied with filtered enter at a
Wes a eengularly unambitious modest cost not exeeeding $8,00a,000 or 40
nian: Ile -loved "hia worie. in•the ixente per capita pee year, and the re=
strange -eerrohndings he • was eoften I stiles t. of twee purificatioa always
homeeicke and in '004 he t4turned elle* a.big balance on the eight side
te the Pinijah With the treashred pee_ ' of the ledger.
' the 'United:States, 300,000, per:
er and:20,000 she ef •`• Valuing the
e WHEN. won FOOT 'SLEEPS.: • human. lives lest at $3,000' each; and
Press -eh the Sciatic kerve is the' attaatMll' 0°
tire for .each case of the
'We are reelly pressing' en the sciatic CUT. pinLir- FROM HEART.
th• e' nerves! of the leg. and : feat, preys .,French, Sprgeon Tells of Magee and
tic, and is flattened. bY pressure just •
like a:rubber-hese. ' te'llne fibres which . lir. katiiiee 'Beatisperiett, who had
make Ep the nerve -are seneery, that already extracted a piece of grenade
is to say, they. cetery eensations to from the right ventricle of a man's
he brain: • ' :. • • , heart, told the French ACademie des
otor nerves carry sensations from Sciences recently .of a second siMilar
th rain to the hody: The only ways. operation performed with sueeees.
tO st,'e a nerve carrying sensations are A corporal *Minded et Eparges had
by-lcu g i.y.or; by weesure. which been treated for peritonitis ,and then '
whigh is co
ed with A sheath, just ag; He Continued to suffer in various ways
ad been operated on for appepdicitis,
the weter is \ .:}ted apart if -you prese for more than u.yette, when a' eadie-
a. hose... • • . - scope reveled the pressure. ef •a
messages cennot pa ackwedie
is re eased
and beatings. of the heart, Suppcising
shrapnel ball, movihg in time 'ete the
elVhen the press is- on the . nerve
forwards. . If the press ' ' l this to be -in the pericardium or sac :
the nerve Matter. returns Is pleee about -the heare, Dr; ppeussehat I
"went in," as the surgeons say, ahd
and. does its welt. -
saw that the ball ,was actually in the
right ventricle,near the lower end. , 1
• AU . Made in One Factory. . ' e _heart evas drawn out; its wall!
s remove -a
x months
Ever since the erear 1396 ail the fine wa.s
porcelain used in China's royal palaces
wire; the -
has come from the Kip&-Teh Cheng
etory—The-attetory-Was--parti heart was sewn up aga n.
ly that' there was not a sign of ir- '
regularity &matt its pulsations.
*heat -growing in Egypt 'bleed Back
to 3359
The steteinent that "Wheat will erect
the war" may need' gualiffeatiene for
there are other factors; but the OS-
IlertiOn holds much troth. Wheat, in
the forin of bread, is absolutely ne.
eesSary te each of the nations engag-
ed in. the present are, 4a1141r 'MOW&
00 There are no Sttlestitutee 'lust
Thee is evidence that the Chinese
cultivated. wheat nearly 0,000 years
ago, 3,pgarding it asea direet gift free
to their grid, Isis; the Greeks to Ceres.
Goncerning the latter, it wes believed
that when she. lead teught her favore.
Triptelemua; .1191Ar to till- the • soil
and make bread, she gave* `him her
eitarlotaand in that lietrayersed the.
world, diStributfng coen to ell nations.
Wheat -growing in' Egypt can, by the
gyielence of a grain found imbedded hi •
the brick of a PYramid, Jet! traced baek
Varieties el wheat. are legion. A
French Oren in their trial seed greuncls
bed over SIX hundred ye:ideate grew,
ing„ and since then "crossing" has in -
Mrs. Albert Nie, Brieux, ,Sask„
writase-"I have been using Baby's
,Own Tablets for the Past sevan years
and they have done my four little
ones a great • deal • of good." The
'Tablets always do good -they cane'
anteed by a government analyst to
be absolutely free., from injurious
:drugs. They are sold by medicine
dealers ter by mail at 25 emits a box
IlonickvTihllee,DOrntW.:1..1.1anie Medicine Co4
---.).--7--- J. Offices 'for sale ln good Ontario
' Some iellca have -an., idea- that the'
application to Wilson Publishing Cons. .
i World hot only owes them a living„ pony. 79 West ArIelateft stre!t, 'Poronta, .
"Beans 15 Beall,"
and the cost is soaring
skyward with pork, beet
eggs and other foods until
the cost of living represents
an increase of front 30 to 50
per cent, While meats and
vegetables are beyond' the
reach or many millions of
families, Shredded' .VITheat
Biscuit continues to sell at
the same old price and re.
tains the same high nutri.
e 'quality. Shredded
the rich ody.building nutri-fr
'Aleut i the whole wheat
grain; including the bran t
Coat, which is so useful in
keeping the bowels healthy
and active. :Eat it 'for any
meal with milk' or cream
or in combination with fruits.
Made in Canada
End:0 IFOTA.1101C9. IRISH COB -
.14.7 biers. Delaware. Carman. Order
tstet 074: 013:2"W.1YDial wrn si toei 1.11 BWr Arml t t rot: qua'
BttrieglIgktirTalolirs"IIITIg; MUT-
riga or single; experienced; inex,peri-
e6neccedh;tirnicha.taToorroftretmo.ale. Thomas & Co.,
ED. BxcePtional oPPortunity for
bright boy. Also machinist journey -
St. West Toronto. ,
night work. SteadY einpioyment.
Must understand 125;7velt D.O. generator
and have certificate. Steel Company of
Canada, .Belleville. '
lilinardis raiment Cures imphtherla.
X.I internal and external. cured with.
• out rain by our home treatment Writs
us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical 4
Co.. Limited, Collingwood. Ont
Heee-Your cOusin Alice harked aw-
fully bored at the party.lest night.
He --Bat I do. Wasn't I talking to
her `nearly the whole evening? •
4,t Arid How to Feed
free to any address by
HIS ',FRIEND HURT; Dog Remedios 118 West 31st StreetNew Uric
11E pED
Injured • Ma* " Laughed.- When
, ShnPle Treatment Was Sag:,
gested, .BUt He Thanked
. Once upon.e. time word .dame te H nr .
anXiety he visited the &Rioted inane. who
was...suffering from 'a...sprained ankle.
ed black," said, Mr, Voehl in relating the,
out in .a week and he laughed at 'me.
ment, that night he puOtiome on' and
noticed the ankle feit -better. - :I. told
days hie ankle was 'practically .1n
f !furl days be • Was Working. ' gladly
admits that Sloan's:Liniment "put him
Sloan's LIMIT -tent Ran' be Obtained at
When _buying your Piano
• insist on having .
Now ,is• the time to shin your
skunk. . We 'are the Jargest '
hancilere 'of this article In
Canada: If "you want the high-
est price, ship to us. All other
lines Jiighest price. -Write for,
price list and the Brown Tag. ,
'lloorilet 48t: Ca
destroyed and many elf its choice. dee
signs were divided among certain
leading revolutionists. Recently the
ancient factory has received a grant
320,0D6 and 'will again produce the
rare and beeutiful porcelain for which
it -is noted.
I was cured OC painful,. Goitee by
Chatham, Ont.
SIg2101-11W1d, DIM
Irving Dods
hook 9f
The • mist humorous .
ear. Illustrated. Cloth,
NEWS BIOS, by litniere Nor-
man Halt Said to be the hest -boblt
Moy readers can eden. a little Christ-.
mas money bY winning special classes
liniited to boy feeders at the Toronbe
Fat Stock Show. This show also car-
riee 'classes halted_ to farmpts. The
Secretary will be gilide to mail , Prize
A boy shaves that he may look old -
I was cared of Inflanimation by :er; a man shaves the he may look
long time."
Walsh, Ont. lidinard,s ,Einiment• Sures cons, .,f, -
1 waa cured of Fireial Neuralgia. by Looking Ahead.
,' Don t be so •unromantie, Freddy, I
won't need -tiny cletieep• for e .• loege
"Young man, did you Rise My 'time, my dear. ' •
daughter in the nail lastnight?" paid •
"I thought I did," said 'the -young ore -G1'
Eyed inflamed by expo-'
man promptly. '"But Melly you look sure to Sun, Dust and Wind'
so young that T. can't olways tell' yeti
e Lyeaeniedy, NoSmartinge
apart. . • just Eye Comfort. At
Yee Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Nudge Eye
Druggists et Marine leyeRaniedy CO.; Clikell
baltire powdervma'irin," said' the
whiskers. ,
dee here and 1 aip't got no tithe to '
• "Come. to think ,ef it, ma'am," said
the iiee.dir gentienivay as •• he fait:erred,
his hag, "1 wouldnit'.eare to sell '
the bread wouldn't have .nn ehanee to
from TEOETAS ALLEN, Publisher, 215-,
219 Victoria St Torohto.
educes Steained, Puffy Ankles(
Lymphangitis, Poll Evil. Fistulas
Boils, Swellings; Stops Lamenese
and allays pain. Heals Sores, Cuts,
Bruises, Boot Chafes. It ls-a •
• Does not blister or reMove the
hair and horse can be worked. pleasant to use.
$2.00 a bottle, delivered. Describe your case .
for special instructions andilook 5 M free.
ADSORDINE,311.. antiseptic liniment for mankind. re.
duces Strains, Painfitl, Knotted.' Swam Veins.. conceit- '-•
a pee bowie it dealers or delivered.
It Will pay - yon to ship all •
where you eau get full _market
valtio. *oak for out price list'
Entries positively close November 25thl
far the Seventh Anhwei '
Union 'Stock Yards •
Meil entries now tor -e, •
' For all ,regular clasees 'and
0111/, Exehaage Heel Cup, Gunner '
Son SPee.ial, Mathews -
Special; Wire Davies' Co. Specials,
Sean Cen•adlan Specials, Toronto
World Special, Hartfed Piro ,Irteur;
mace ComPany Cup.
we -glittrantee to pay from
10 to- 15 pee •ceet. mare
than any other dealer in
Canada or limited States.
Write for , special- letter
and price liet; Oent free.
'BERN8TEIN 1;1'01 CO,
you will need, indoor rcerca-
Don, Why hoe instal a
Home irate :
. Write for particuiars of
Maisonette Table,
Makers. te-11,.M. the kIng.
3.14 Cintreth To re rrto•
A fraternal end !narrate() society that
nterio, Government $tandetch Sick and
unoral bends tit optional.
lodge* in every Province in Certada.
PurdlY Canadian.. sale, Odin! and eterio•
In your district, apply tilfect tor Any of tlid
11011otviag (Access
W. E. edietfietil, J. ti.PAAktl.D.0
Mew& Cir14.
For Ail Doparttrioncs
,Good Wages •