HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-12-07, Page 2••••• INTERNATIONAL LESSON DECIRIBER 10 , Fire -Side Arguments. e Have reel yet attended a Meeting of the "Hot -Stove League"? In other word; has the e'old weather brought your. frieads closer to the flee in a 6 bOd to eliscuse the automobile and. its ielinriler performance'? Whether .thia. °Poring event has occurred or not, it Cannot be long delayed, and here are a few more suggeStione that will in all probability provoke endless discussion. Perhaps you have hieard of the Word* "Chamber and Gather" eel a13-struetea .og PP plid to front wheels. The Miner E 11101Mr. e PT eee letter from Palll ' which we aall•Phe can be described' as the ' amount of , are "trelnelY raae"able" and there le 6;1=0. }Ie that holdetle--in each. let - divergence fromethe vertical, and the 110 doubt but- t1*14 tha' belli4t.ag31' etet the deseriPtion, of the Lord is part latter as, the amount of "tee -in," Front ing from them jostities'the eapeteete - Of that ,which lb, gathered. together in wheels Must, Of heeeSeity, steer easily There' are A few interen'ting. things. Rev. •11•see the last nete for Decenf: and alSo'alloW for even, wear upon the to remember . about Calle clutches ber 3.. Wallgetli-e:For he is on earth ores. Now the chamber allowsthe tibiae; AS you know, are utilized f0 still, 'as Well 40 in heaven. Lamp - the, purpose of talciug the load from stand (margin) -The great lataPstand Point a road contact to get closer to a position under the king bate, and the the motor after it has been started of the temple,. so oetoe, described in ' gatherobviates; aretea4ermi towards i and putting it to use. Never get ail the OldiTeetameut, and pictured on , abuse of the casings hg 'result ornn-lor grease into the clutch housing, as 'the Arch of Titus, Was to hold seven even sage. Never alto* the front there is a duty for them to perform lamps, one at the tot), and three on ll: , Wlieela to get gut of their proper aligns.; 4114 they may cause the clutch to °Pi' each side at the extremities of three , Went, as the tires will net give you tharAlso remember that constant use Or semi-eirgelar cencentrie branches. mileage that 'Paula OraloarlY be avail- abuse makes the .clutch ,bard' and There Were also in the temple, Pbe- ' *me. unresisting. It is sometimes, good fore the 'oracle," ten lannietailds, eve . spooking. of tiros, if your ;timeline volley to apply very ffne fuller's,earth. on each side, and evidently siOgle. •' is going to be, laid Up for some little A mail quantity of necitsfoot oil is The syinbolisin here. is that of the time it is not a' had Policy to wash alao good, and eonie car owners claim lampstand with seven branches, each them with some brand of pure seen that trepentine ' has ' its aclventagee a lamintand itself. This bringa out and water, and then wrap .thern in We would advise those drivers who well the unity as well as the diversity stripe of cloth or thick papee and wish to exercise the utmost care, ;that in the church; That Christ "walks in • store, them away in a Place free from it is well to control the ear, with the their midst! ia no difficulty;. in. this s light and With medium temperature. throttle as far as possible, but never; book symbolism • tares nothing for '':--e- If it is not nohsible to remove your ander aoy, circumstances, have your pictorial limitations. What artist :Ines during the 'period in which your, •foot in any position that will make it could put on canvas the description. of auto is out of commission, nerhaps. difficult to reach, tb•e &nth ilia herry. the'New Jerusalem ?' - Lesson XI. raithfui T.Into peak-. • ' Rev. 2. 1-17. Golden conetalitly talking about theAhving Of •• _ _ _ _ stext---seev. 4. ltP. , ., gasoline. Do you realize that radiator and hood covers will e6sn0m1ze elt verso 1,. The angel, as stated last fuel in Wiater-tinle nThie has beea woo; ee the spiritisel counterpert of , established beyond any question. The the church in the unseen! Wierld. ' It • covers de not allow OW engine ta eeel differs from our, imperethietions ef a, off4aoicliy mad so redoee the aMehnt collective epity-eas when we speak' of of effort ,.neeaseery to. its a. a ._ • Soma of tlieSe steeeesorieeeare airanir plain wool and gotten Materiel,. others' are befit up 'of grain artificial, leather heavily pealed and elated in dioe• Monde, and. the,. otheta...haye been aerli • the . itchievenlenta, or. 'tlle• faderee of "Methedienein- its reaggeeting . reel: existenge,;. Ephesus, like .Laeclicea (Cot. et. 16) 'wed perhaps some• •others of these Mien elearches,. hared thirty years before the circular it would be as well to invest a few If your auto has been standiug for • 2. Toil -Characteristic .or life on , • dollars in jacks and iso elevate the any -length .pf time these cold morn- earth: • it . ceases with death, • when motor that the rubber will .not, at any ingee you will experience h little dif- works continue -see Rev. 14. 13; 1. place, be theching the than., If you ficultY in starting. Under these eire Cor. 15. 58, where 'labor" is the same • Cannot' take any of these precautions, einistances do not forget to pull the Greek word.. Patience -Read en - in all events keep the tires well filled button orf the. cowl. or instilment durance. sCansi not hear -It is tempt - with air and move your Machine froth board. Of coorse,,we refer to the but- ing to connect with verse 8, and under - time to time in order that. the rubber to which cuts the air from the ear- stand that the hated burden is "borne" •Itt the different points of contact may beretor. Should you not have an airs after all for my name's sake as he has not become dead d inert. „ k .plignee of this ' kind, the same effect said wheat and tares must!, grow to - Were you ever ' lying along the can be produced by asking a friend gether till the harvest. Try --In the road when you found that the radiator to hold ,his or her hand over the • air Lord's own way, "by their fruit." cap had become loosened and that intake of the eartrinetor, ' There is Apostles -2 Cor. 11. 13. The word 'brown drops, of water Were being another method, and that is by press- is used in the more general sense; .sprayed uporathe hood? . The indica. ing up and down the little button on much like opr"miseionaries." tion was perfectlyplain-the Water hi top, of your carburetor. From either ,3. Beale, -"Thine °wit load' (Gal. 0,. the radiator Wag' dirty.' It might be one of these three operations you will 8._, 0) •and "one another's burdens" ' well, once or twice a year, to take a get a rich mixture which should take (Gal. 6.'2), unlese we are to take the solution of common soda and pure fire readily. In the ' old days- we suggestion made on . verse 2. - .The warm water and run it through tit •primecl, the motor by ,.pouring in gas; tense rather implies some special trail: ' radiator by the operation of the motor, the sante way that we primed a primp 4. Didst leave -"Has left" would be • Afterwards , drain off the :liquid and by pouring in water. _ The movements .better, implying a recent declension. 'clean out your machine with water be- we• have described, however, take the lin charge is profoundly suggestive fore re -filling for road ine.: . - Place of- the antiquated system ' of -how much We can possess in spirit- . ual wealth and yet lose the fullness Of • hi the 'summer :seas* people are •Priming.--.1kuto in Fernser'ssAdvocate. , , . : • .x • - .had not lost all their love-• but the con- MenwatedfortNa: The Royal NavEll Canadian lt9lunteer Reserveovants men for imme diate..serviee Overseas, in the: Royal :Navy n°:tieraitTrangtsitti able° :LIT; edtst And, be item 18 to 33 YeVii, a4ei .• • ,A• y$1.10 per day end upvvards. Firee Separatien ellewanee, $20.00 toonthla• Apply to the nearest Naval 'Recruiting ffietioe DePadment Of the N4ravt:IthLryice, 'OTTA• WA. • the kamereii Step R,• is. understond that the femous-.goopee Step: no:longer. enJoas its. old :Yeglie• in the ClerOhd.arimi,. white • the new garnered Step, which is not ine terior to it in gracefulness and ineludes' seine interesting Play with the,. •bands, beeorniee more and More papular.. Its. features :have been adaiirahly caught be - Signor, Seellett the. famous Italian, certeeniete-Lendoxi pally Mail, . . . • • - the one thing needful! • Of course they AY OF ILLUSIONS • pstctitisnv: 3-eorvvlipngfor some yeare de- dition of Christianlife is that we must diff.tcu,Ity" of ob- increase in -love and* not 'diminish or ' taining the• necessaries Of life, even Stand- still. 'Thyatira (verse. 19) IS NO" 0 when' one possessed the money to shows the pay for them.. "Till September, .5. The first Works -The "labor of 4915,"' he writes, "there vas no hard, love.", Out of its place -In the one ship, but then the, thumbscrews be- united lampstand. ' - ' , • • • gan to tighten, :and now the people '6.4 Nieolaitans-An antinomian sect of Germany are 'slawlf but surefy be. .(verse 15), presumably followers of 4 ing starved out. , . . It is .0 riddle to a'„Nieolas. It is. often suppoed that Me how the poor feinilies have man- he may been the last-named of the 'aged, , and conditions railst • be much seven in Ads 6. 5. It Would be a . . . The woebegone tone of documents Of the seven was unfaithful like the "fornication"' in Acts 15. 29; see note 23 per eent,Of the total. world's, pro- . worse now. curious coincidence if the last-named ed, aid the collocation of this and found on recently -captured prisoners last. of the twelve: there might also be on the .passage (Lesson Text Studies, duction of crude rubber. • is amazing. °They•tell of hunger he- significance in his being isolated May 28). On the former act in itself But, this is the interesting part for ing rife, of the impossibility of ob- among the seven (as a. proselyte),. as Paul and Jahremay well have differer: t.' the average , persori. . Britain's rub,: taiiiing sufficient food, of the scar- ludas". as among the twefve (the Only Paul regaited nothing as unclean, for uer foresight has brought the market titer Mid exerbitent cost Of clothing Judrnart). . But there is absolutely no the earth is the Lard's, and an idol is under her control and she has forced (1 get, 5. 4), and the,"crown righteoosness" (2 Tim. 4. -p), win* like our text and that in trainee, re - eel's the Lethal Prornise. Perhaps be said, "I.. will .give the crown, of life' to thane that loveme." Four of. the dis- CiPlee thus independently quote e say- ing of the- Master which is not in our Gospels. 11. SecOnd• .death -Explained" in Rev, 20, 14. What the awful figure implies • is left in mystery, but "the dread; of something after death" is- - deeply. set. in human. instinct and made by revelation anaissurance Of •retribu- tion -for . . • • . 13....Threne-Por he is "the prince ,of this"world . t'• All through. this book, we must notice' how . the writer makes Evil caricature -Good. Thus in "the devil, .the :beast .and the •false • prophet," • we .have Itell:e•trinity, relat- ed . to 'one :mother. in a manner re- sernbling. that of the Divine Trinity. AntipasThe. "uncertainty of text" noted in the • margin is Only a matter., .We. have to record •of „Antipas: his city of the Britieh Empire that eins ."'Acts" are written in heaven, Dwell- and -Other manufacturers of rubber. $h -Taking •us • back to the opening .artieles lireee the inthierise• suPplyof. irlitaSe: the. cher& and Satan "dwell" the crude article with which to ..meet together, not merely "sojourn.' Noe the deffiands . of the • . , thing . could More. vividly illustrate The why and • evherefore thie ••Jehri. 17. 15. CONFIDENCE IS NOW, OVER • IN - GERMANY. Mi Observer Notei, Sid, Anxious' Paces in the Streets Of. , Berlin.. • :•• • "No one who has studied the Ger- , . • man nress lately could fail • to he struck by Certain indications Of Aid' , progress ,made, during the first Month of the third year of the war toward the final disillusionment of the Ger-. man people." Thus weitee, the correspondent who from therith to month has eepplied to growing discontent • among the tle-PalI Mali .Gazette of London with Mastess to strikes and riots, and to a review of the internal affairs of the 'Collisions with the police. . Central Enipires in his etnninary of PRICE OF RUBBER DECREASED Average Man Has the British Gov- • ernment to Thank for It, If, ten years ago, any :rubber man- pfactuier had been given an order a few days ago to British soldiers, the fife of the Danube in its course to the • for 2,000,000 pairs of rubber boots, of four following may be. taken as typi- Black Sea, and the first point at Which • the hip length variety, he would have Cal. The language os the Gazette is the Austrians launched an ' offensive • been forme to refuse the order,- un- quoted in each case: against their new enemies, the Ru - less he were privileged. to "farm it "Capt. William Allen, Royal Army, Manians, is described in the'following Bu - out" Seven thousand tons of rubber ' and other materials aro-necessary to manufacture 2,000,000 pairs ef rubber beets and ten years ago it would have been next to irapossible for a single manufactirer to lay his• hands on ,rnatter-so different, in fact, that .Goverareent for boots for Britain;S and at once, with utter disregard of which the waters dash in a naerow that amount of the crude product. a single manufacturer by the 'British such an order has just been given to armY• . To -day, however, it is a different The :naine "Britain" appears danger, ran across the open under channel, as at fife Kazan defile, but still further in the transaction.' ..It heavy shell fire and • carameneed from the dangerous boulders that was through the foresight and saga- dressing his promptness saved many from dressing the Wounded. • Undoubtedly fairly titter the river bed for a ' dis- tance of nearly two miles, beginning bleeding to death. He himself was at the once strongly fortified island Of hit four times during the first hour Ada Kaleh, which was captured by by pieces of shell, one of which frac- Hungary in 1878 and is still inhabit- tured two ribs, but he went on work-: ed by a picturesque colony of 500. ing teeny until the lest- man's wound. Turks. °pee:Sete this island, on the had been dresied and the thari , safely left bank of the Danube and at the removed. He then went to another mouth of the inconsequential Beeline River,' whieh ;here foems the Hunger- ian-Rutnanian boundary, iir the at- tractive little Rumanian customs vil- lage of Vereioroya en the Budapest - Bucharest railway, 281 irides west of • the latter city. ! Dangers Removed. "It was not tintii 1890 that work . was begun in a definite and compre- hensive manner to tid the Iron Gates of some of its gravest dangers to nairightion. In -that year a Hungarian engineeling company undertook the task of removing nearly ,a inillioh and a quarter cubic yards of stone from the watercourse. Eight years after •the enterprise was inaugurated the canal which had been hewn from the solid rock on the Serbian side of the river was ready to be thrown 'open to the steamers which ply ,the,Danobe from Budapest to the Black Sea. The canal was designed to provide a years round channel 10 feet deep, whereas many idehtity discs, although fired ' the original course of the Ayer was 11 Altogether fie ssivecl the liveS of some. months out of everyetwelve. . ary means. a--teste OW THREE MEN WON VICTORIA CROSS INCIDENTS Ok' BRAVERY ON THU , FRONT. . • s • Saved Wounded Mere Killing and ' Capturing Enmity Troops, Of fifteen Victoria Crosses awarded IRON GATES OF • BLUE DARUBE BEAUTIIIMI4 PICTURE OF GENTLY SLOPING HILLS, .• • The .Famous Defile Derives Its Nellie. From Dangerous . • Rocks. The Iron Gates, the last. great de - Medical Corps, for moat conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty. When gun detachteents were unloading and the ammunition. wagons had just mar geography erulletin which the U. S. Naiional Geographic Society' is- sued: "Contrary to the general belief of come IV, the enemy suddenly began readers •to. whom the term teen to shell the battery position. The Gates of the Danube' is familiar, this first shell fell on one of the limbers famous defile of the chief waterway ,and exploded' the ammunitiors, eaus- of Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria and ing several casualties, "Capt. Allen sew the oceurrenee, Serbia does not derive its mine from precipitous walls of reek through • date back to 1.093, when wise men in 14. A few -Since these antinoin- . authority in, the British Government ians, were in a minority and had not ; conceived the idea of festering the battery and tended a wctunded officer. , when this Was done , he re - the the church •as a whole But !rubber' iridustry by subsidizing planta- Only was . a tinned to his dugout and x@ported his demi/malty, and is responsible faii. all : twionnds noifghttublobteor fotoreoeys.ioTthhi:miono of own in jury.. , the "angel". impeesoritites the whole' , -The text of Num 25 has no hint of the aireta'geteubber map, who believ '' ' • e - a • . - aye Lives of Twenty. Who have •not been expelled. Balaam this fiendish, method by which Balaam 'the wild trees of Brazil, but these ed that rubber could only come from "Capt. Noel Godfrey Chavasse ' Rame, for most conspieuous bravery and devotion to duty, During an at- tack he tended the wounded in the open all day under a heavy fire.- Dur- ing the ensuing night he searched . . . This year's prod -action of rubber f.or wounded in. front of the enemy's will be well over 200,000 feria of crude lines for four hours. The next day rubber, while the South America'. with. one stretcher-bearer, he went to production, which satisfied many, still the advaneed.trenches under heavy remains the Isame and coestitaites only shell fire and carried an urgent case 500 yards to, safety, being • wounded in the side bee shell splinter. , "During a journey The same night he took a party of twenty volunteers and' rescued three wounded men from a shell, hole twenty-five yerds from the price of crude rubber down from the enemy's 'trench. - He buried the • 1910 and $1.,25 just before the. of other melt's consciences John for PM in • is said to have -"cursed" Israel after , Englishthen saw differently and to-, all; but Num. 3)...8 tells •us they slew day,. not. enly the • British Empire, gone to his place, or had reternedibut the world is proeting by the fere- him .' Since, then, Balaera had not from it, Jewish exegesis naturally con- sight of; these men. ' • , jectured•the business on Which he had "come. . 15. Paul's teaching on "things sacrificed to idols" will be remember - and boots, of the countless' food tick- penof, arid the name is Common. Note nothiag. But Paul alistained because ets, of the long waits in the feed it is theworks Christ hates : not wrong queues, of thefrequent failure of supe doeteineebet its issue. - : !Plies, especiallei of-raeat, ft, and po- ' 7., This recurrent verse, which .tells tatoes. • There are constant allusions us that "open letters" are Meant for the Whole church s is an echoed Say- ing from the LOrd's earthly ministry. If Matt. 13. 9, et., had ncit been pre- served, we shoeld never have known -it a quotation.' Probably there are many unrecognized sayings of Jesus in .the latter htilf of the New Testameet 'nee onii alternative: men who „ thought .. price of other articles means and tree of life -From • Which man was they Were C,hristans and denied its , welcomes in the • news that; at least, .- . Suffering is Real en • • ' the .economic situation, -in Germany -duting August. : . - • Many of * the 'writers expresi. the " Reference is madetoto crovvcied Meet-. opinion that things cannot lest snuch ings in' various :parts ' Of the enneire, i Tenger as they are, and theee, are •• at which resolutions in sfavor of i A a ominous Murmurings ageing the rich and the "food usurers." , That ...the speedy 'pesiee without any annexe- • ' tions" are enthusiastically adopted. suffering antorig the masses is real The undergreund-political controversy no one who reads these letters earl directed against the Goveinment, it is doubt, and the knowledge of this suf- . depress - asserted, is becoming increasingly bit- feting cannot fail- to exert a ter, the attacks on the Food Dictator ,ing influence on the soldiers at the front. • .* D . ' grow,/ more and more violent as his lailoie to achieve the impossible be- ' The entrance ;Of Roumania:hit° the ernnes clearer, and considerable lati- -arena, of course, Must haVe a most -tude is now allowed to the Social- serious 'effect on Gernfany. It is poss Mt press, m clikeussiog the-caesee-in sible that"the full, effect of the cut- . n :Spread of revolutionary tendeneieS. not be appatent at first,. in view of ffee(; of food scarcity. There ie also. ting, -oft of Itournanian sueplies4 May -,s4Confidenie Waning. A neutral diplomatist of strong pro - German spripathiee has Written a .letterd in whielnhe remaiks thet, "the sad and anxious faces one meets in Berlin make one think that happiness has fled from the world:" After ••ade tnittieg that the 'confidenee in victory is no longer what it wass lie concludes his letter: - "They are still putting a good face „ •war to- about 67 cents to -day.. In these his owne as a Jew -who had nr been • days, when stll prices are mounting, bodies of two officers and collected he emancipated through fire-, as P ul had ', upon with bombs and machine guns. . thisis lad news for the man of rdins ianism must be recalled on this verse :i .eee twenty badly wounded; besides the or- •"The opening of the waterway wag see Rom.. 6. . " . ' • is - the Man who buys rubber • • • ' dirtary casee which. passed through his the eceasion for a great celebration -.16. Report -The church had hesitats several times* a year, to 'keep himself hands. His courage and self-sacrifice in which three monarchs participated ed to expel them, and for theie own' -• : dry shod -perhaps to keep the feet of 4 were beyend praise. -Einperor Francis Joseph of Austria - sake as -swell .as others' thit was the a wife and one or two childeen from , , , Disarmed 142 Huns. Hungary, King Alexander of Serbia, het of love. • ' 'Told or hot" is the ' , • - the dame and *oh .of winter. He is • and King Carel (Charles L) of Ras "Private Thomas 'Jones of the Che- manie. The festivities of the day - - • the man who knows what the inerease ethical foundatton were only a.nause, I • bravery. Was with his company colt- erY that the current through the canal , 17". Hidden manna -it had never 1 - • of it village. 1%1i:tieing an enemy snip- solidating the defences of the front Was so swift that while steamers ' could eou rush through it In their down mixture of church and world: '.. article. . is decreasing rather' than 'tor- ' ine in cost. been seen 'since the day "the manne"h Heissthe ie who elso knovits that er 200 yards distent, he went Out after. ward journey, they could not make ceased"; and the memorial pot of it is shoe• leather and that:of his wife him, though one bullet went through the trip -upward, so that the old river , course' had to be Used for westward . . • . . , g so rapidly' and children is mountie his helmet, and another through his coat. He returned the sniper's fire and killed . him.: ' "Then he• saw two more of _ the been. Paul's teaching on anti -nom- ' g bl f r ' more ' than nine driven away (Gen. 3. 22) when he was "overcome" by evil. When he has won back the Victory, he will "eat and lieie for ever." 1Paradisea-The Pereian Word -for a park, used ,by the Greek translate:Ms of Genesis to repre- sene'"Eden." 8. • Smyrna--eThe only tows' of the seven that still flourishes -so far as a city 'uteler Turkish government can! 9. Poverty (but. thou art rich) -The exact eonverie of Laodicea (Rey. 3. 1/).* See Matt. 5. 4; .lames 2. 5. „shire Regiment, foe most conspicuous were somewhat naerred by the discov- was hidden en the ark where none .. trutt the buying ef shoes for the fam- could see. But "Sohn 6. 32-35 tells . • • • s • • • • us tow the true marrna was offered to ily• Is a problem. Winter is coming arid rubliei. and over shoes ebnie with all. White stone -Like those on which: voters wrote the names of the chncli- winter' as a Tans:to help solve this enemy, firing at ham, although they dates for office. Of course' white is high test of shoes, and he has te displayed the white flag. Both of of the Iron Gates are completely sub - thank the British Government for the : merged, but they arse only a fey feel e ' eymbolical of heaver. -A riew name - . . . these he also shot, and reaching • • • • e ,, control it has of the rubber mereet an beneath the endue and the boilihg enemy trench found several occupied h - i . . I resent a terrifying bound traffic. , Terrifying Sight. - When the water is high. the rocks Reviling is imse a . wavo (margip): . is P.OfhaPa more (Rev. 3. 12), for it is a' new sworiciit'a...,,,nd„the help 1t, has been to the manse... 1 dugoats. Single-handed 'he dimmed , sieht to the timid passehger. as Iiis the German harvest, but before theiprebehl . This Irene (end Rev. A that coming, and in it all is noW. tactUrer vijit might otherwise have 102 of the merrier ineludirig three or - steamer-fights-Rae/my...An...the calmei • had•toput rubber in the same phase as feur officers, and niattelied -them back should ' again become eriticaLe. • The gone Criticism, the discovery of ,the and those who understand him sir* Ca end Of the winter ,Germeny's position 9) retans one of the ciniosities of by, Even here he is "new every Morning," 1 • I .. . . reaches in the vieinity of: Orsivii- yield of the harvest, however, is a "Tubingen SeliootY that the phraaa ii ever a "tutw song." • Compare Rev. I ' • --) •. • + - es- • f The entry Of Itourearrie into :the le converse of the prevailing use in the other. ' ' • ' ' ! Crown Prince irg ts , rother, l'h B geed average one. • • . • , , ' a bitter allueion to Paul!" It isjust•the to, 12 for the one,. Rev.• 14. :3 for the'. • war will, also deprive Germany of her four•th Gospel, where -"the Jews", Are ' .On all thee' letters gtudents Shouldl it is' eteted in Thellahd that the Getrnany and his principal, supply 4:4•mineral oils. t she leaders . of the ',lathes that has re- read IN • Ivt. Ram4ere Letters to the , Crown :Prince of : • Facing Bankruptcy. . jeetecl its Messiah, Here the honors :Seven Churches, which are peels:Harty. brother, Frifle0 ItRel Frederick, re- ' able *name is not allowed to- such ens • veluable in showino. how arehetolegy centlY had a• violent (-panel. They , : war -Will he on the finances of 'Ger- . . mies of their Cod. What the result of failure in e . ininge out the vividnessof the ;nes., are said to have even come o • ows. to our lines through a heavy barrage.. (prenourieed •Otehova), the first town . He bad been warned of the misuse of 'in Hungatian territory, five miles the white -flag by pie enemy .hut in- above the rapids and a 10 -hours Jour. elated Open going out." ' ney by boat below Belgrade; the " , peace -times capital of Serbia. • LIFT YOUR HAT.. "Instead ' of ' the gloomy gorge . .. ,. , which tniost. travellers expect to find, lfc cows, a poor decrepit form: the banks on each side of the, Iron Wbo• plods the pathway on a crutch, s Gates preeent beautiful picture • of gently sloping hMs, bountifully woods. • ed. In the -early summer thesewoods - are a fairyland of flowers -and - the - winds are fairly weighted with the fragraace of wild blossoms in cotint- less variety, while a , 'short distance teatioes osed: . • , ,to, the (4errrian Thre * h And 'cause his sentience are awry, ne as; we mitt a glance and pass. him by,, • tz '10 IThe devileeNot a Mere eyrienym many, -says the eortespondent, "11 *f S h' h n wee'reil Proper ' • - ""'" - - telyieetr weed the. tyrent Ind& to- WithOut attention.overmuch.' . • . - thillgs, and some. -even believe' that hesitate to ,propheays- but .othets • • express an opin,-- see , wards hie brothcrr;_but tlhen be tried A hero we have looked to see game, My impression is that the Mo- ion than I are linable to see any out- 1.114n° '13°11', . means slaneerer: • . to iey (1.)wn the leW to prince Eitel the in old end histrionie parts; rale °tate German soldtee has be- cone of the pteseht finaneial posieiore see ,ReV. 12; 1p, The earnest al)- After 5•Onte Peel" lelaro die valac "Of giber day, the hater.. turned upon tiin tng,wgijaggarilaggter ; etene -weakened, and that he has no in Germany, other than hahkruptey pearande 'el the idi:a bib% Iiih,gre ,fliomyi„th(,y. forget ttil altOlt tho gi,641 ' end veld ire. ithin% wish to hold eon- A Man Whose valor thrillea our bearts, on , Verdun will be taken soon' but all the better qualified to exp narne (ala it watenet• ill the Old Tates loagent-heee-old-confidenets-in-the--ettil-ieee-etemeessorm-ereetereres---- • • "the Satatemegeeseeelfelesehei -4 • vc,entl'f n wl ceramon thief. Stria raaired,roat-_-reneetelWlite-Arowtrd* We eee not itt abject state ity. of: the tffeets demi/Wed hin. ' • d ..e'd 1 add "'ens of (icd,• • whone , ere is gee 1 ence, he - • • 4 fonetion le • • to. test. prt.oroloi .4.1,) virtue an Germany"s strength cart glow greater/ :tbat our eteangle held on the throat • but hail:reached its apogee." , lituAger For Peace.. Dane who has resided hi 'Berlin " tor eix or -seven years writes: . .":There le little talk now of the ' Anal victory.. The. military authori- ties. say, Of course, that thesi will • fight to 'the last snail, but the. Com. MOrl people hunger afterpeace, tie •• aligedo most of the soldiers. "Robbsries and plundering aro common,and would be Much tnore ". • so were it not that many of the shopii • are, empty; in Aket about half the plops are closed,. and the smaller 'restaurants. all. Rioting is of daily occurrence, bot In the city proper and the auhur Oritnet aro it. • .creasIng 'rapidly, murder, robbery and assault 00 eaffl#1011; also suicide. Tt • seems as If the„ town were, struck .With triatineefi." Being Starved Put. American doctor who has been , eye' that: iv. alwaye lookirig for cell , of Genhany is far more effective than it WWI a year ago th preventing' suo- plies. Of food coining in from the out- side.. We may look forward with ee tainty to an even interser food crisis next spring than we have, witnessed during the, past few mottha. "That this crisis. will reach the proportions of ,a famine thiet•will force CletratinY to sue for peace I still do net believe, but, on the other hand, the enthusiasm and confidence wIigh supported ' the, People through earlier privations have disappeared, 11.given way to spread &pros oti, and the ildiAirn 01 'endurance of t people- have. beet proportionately diminished.. ' Skin of the ' , One efif the strangest s induetrien knotim Is that of the preparation elf the shin of the corAtriort eel for articles •of eettitnerce. The skin, when prepar- ed, tiociety ipsprpbteg leather, but is niere.pliable and gelittitinotis.•. tends to• beeorrte transformed: in this t hook "the devil" is 'conspiettotiely the deceiver; who prompts the evil that hp then accuses ue of. *fere thefe nnie he allusion t� the false Chargee of re- volting erithes, under which Otitis - dans were SO often martyred in the early rdaYa. Tried -An unforternates ly ambigueus word.in this coneeetion: read tested. The reference ki to Dan 1,14, where the her Of the boojt And his companions are "proved dais." As they came forth fairer from this short testing a their prin., ciples, Shalt the Smyrna cottfellSOrs from their trial. .• raitlifid -unto death is the same phrase as obedient unto death' iri P1111. 2. A, eeeept for the adjeetive, which is nearly equivsil- erit, The eroevn of lifeselSo ittjamee 1. 12,ewhere there is e stroria" :lugs icstion that the phrase comes frotn a eayiilg ef .lehus, l'hie Wonhy account for the "tricorn:1011e' crown" :(1 Cot. 9. 26); thb "unfadind crown of giory" .........•••••••••.•••••• ..ea..••••••,...to. .4mA. tirdok•A•AAA.A.6AAMA 1 The glory he has bled to win - A trying shame to German sirt- The reason of his halting gait. . • , These should more terribly than. words -- .This shattered limb, this Jivld sear. - Tell -how haettille at (hay's .breath And laughing mookory rit death.. W'ati broken on the wheel of war. . • no We, Who play ihe inkasiVe ,part And know by name alone the strife, Watt learn to look and MO honp4.1.11 This humble, untpresuming 'a heath, .The here as be Is in lite, , ‘., And art our hats 10 him Who faced With tion heart tho bolchtn'g guns And thus, in feeble -measure shOw The debt -the mieelees debt -we owe To these our.Vallant •13ritlish- tone, PA* tenertheeriver-theralrantsnien finde, deer, wild boar, bear arid other &Mel in abundance. Enhancing the charm Of the scene are •the songs of myriad birdswhich make their home' in the forest. „ • "As the river progresses eastward into Rumania, the wooded hills dis- appear and are succeeded by barren sand ridges." Advice ie, cheap) but if we could all sell at half price the Wolf 'would be( kept far frorn the.doore, . 111111151 tITAL, itillilitillT1100111 pr000lon lo atOmach end chest alter eating, with : you o (wenn, vital force, OA general ennitInetton, heedaehe .dbutleeieritto a,re 614ne th� etmOOtton OI deed health f .1'4ns and Oct. herbal retnedy and tonic, will cute yeti, ta, 1 r lb 6 you kolny thin 11064 cilitetalOn ...a of Indigestion; Mothesdeigers eympethe deed fr. Making killitiMANIt.lisISTfterITOII. (to titivate Antall, you bringe the wise you don't Ictiow which is the fleation, as the is, that it !,.ands with "--Londoti c4intoti, it Quite ?loin rather dint reetnit): tan this nevem:et:hi title errantly. oo to the left shoulder; ft left shoulder. I'll tell you for van Merit le the eppoeito one to ,which sure erhattee AFTER MEALS TAKE k MOTHER EIGELS 0,4 AND) BANISH STOMACH HOMES Ai ill! tlittainats,o, ilttect oa eteellitef Mao, Re, And $1,00, The large bottle contablathrtie theca esuolt as the intoner. it, .1; Wirtit &co, Lturritni Ctidit Sittig Weit. Mettiroah. • •