HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-10-26, Page 84 • latctilt idal�, 1 ►ct. . Mr. and Afro. " tovb Martin visited at J. J. WQon's oh' Sunda': 1r. and Mrs'. W,need have moved *to their! :new home ata, Lucknow, Mr. awl Aire. Amon MQIntyve,' 9f Iiiiitnil, tvertrStanday viettoro its' Rog IIc'r arse. L03'r` 02 lrrts L tits.—A pall of sonow settled over this'vicinity whentawscame of the fate of the big steel. freighter,. 'The Mtrida!, which was lost with all bands in: last: Vriday night's, gale,. qlf; 1VindQor.� Among the vietima are a unto. ber from A,hdeld and Ooderioh. • Chief Engineer .Toseph O'Connor, and Fireman John Quigley,,' of Kaigsbrrdge,' and -Fire', Ina, i \witted Attstin and; Wm. Bogie, of 1:310ericli, were welt knows in ,Asnbeld, A member or bodies have, been washed ashore, among tbein that of Wui. Bolin, Daiid:Corbett, er Qodericli•, •and Zoon: Oallaban, of Whitechurch;, are also amot*. the:.lost. We boi►e to'be, able. to 'give snore particulars next week, , OV RCQATS .are alw tys• a 'muchneeded part of a man's attireat this' of the year*, and this store stands ready with the 'right kiids le styleadd quality at to right moment to supply. Our Over. coats. ,are: weltmade and neatly tailored in nice styles that give that feeling . of comfort and satis. factioa at the smallest possible cost • to you.: See unix range. when fining your-require.- meats. our- r.equire ' mend . Prices ran e:from ��A #o' $20 . • With Special • values at :$15i• i l c�•re '$ ' 'ooty . With cold. and 'wet weather at hand the children require good.footwear for health and Comfort.. WO ':are.. always'' careful to have thevery best. footwear We can •secure for the wee. folk .and the Older children as well, The Clan - sic Shoes for children • are growing in favor..` 'every • day`' because of their sensible and comfortable n eat- fttirstyles .and splendid wearing qualities of their slices; Conte to us for good footwear for your children, dRUBBE:RS.1 : RUBBERS! RUBBERS! Keep your feet dry and comfortable• at this season by, wearing • good quality Rubbers.. Our range of styles, sizes b.nd qualities. is now very cgmplete'and prices .very reasmab'e. TIOMBSSEK6RS' EXCUItSit r78;; To WI STURN CANADA. The; Grand. Trunk • Railway System issue :round trip Hoineseekers' tickets n,t very low fares''from eta'tipns. in Canada to points in'•Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta each Tuesday until Oct. 3iet inclusive, via North Bay, Cochrane and' Transcontinental Route or via . Chicago, St. Patil and: Duluth, and are good re- turning two months from: date of lssue.. Through Tourist sleeping cars areOper- ated esch Tuesday for Winnipeg, leaving Toronto 10:45 p.m. via Tranedontinental Route, without'change Reservations in tourist sleepers may be Obtained at nom- inal charge' on application to any Grand Trunk Ticket Othee •The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quick• est route between Winnipeg, Saskatoon and Edmonton, with mouth road -bed, electric lighted sleeping cars, through the newest, most picturesque, and most rap • filly developing section of. Western Can- ada. •B.;fore deciding on yOur trip ask Grand, Trunk Agents to hirniah full par,,. ticulars or write 0. .E. Horning, District Passenger Agent., Toronto, Out. 26-10 BOYS' CLOTHING Those needing a ,mice suit should see ..our splendid range -irk 4iis line made "ia the latest Norfolk styles, -neatly tailored in very attractive patterns of =Tweed. s. • There is always a big demand for :Boys' Pants,- fur the average boy can wear out two pair of pants' forione suit. See our range in Bloomer styles, all well lined and cut in latest styles. Prices. 4ccording to .size' and quality. 75c• to $1.25. . BOYs.' .SWEATER COATS• -.-Big range to select from. ng�� Fine.' qualities and nice styies,li • Prices ,90c to. $:2.50. Olivet Monday, Ocr.-23. Wesley Mills, ' of : Roya,I :Oak, ;spent Sunday et Sam .McGuire's.-' Ed: Wilson will•, have charge of the service at Olivet nextSunday afternoon. • Dineen McTavish had charge qfthe services at Bethel and Am'berley on Sun - Mr, and ,Mrs. James 'Roulston ark visiting the latter's brother at S:itncoe: ' *this week. • • The' delegates who attended the Ep- worth League and Sunday 3eh0o1 'Con- vention had in Wingham gave their reports at League on Tuesday night of.. last week, and at ' Sundryl}'.Schoal on Siand afternoon. 'Sixteen of the League. members attended the Convention. • lolyrood = Thos. 'White for the past 17 years. .She was a faithful member of the Catholic Church, and a kind friend and neighbor to all who knew her. Miss Fitzpatrick was 63 years of age. She leaves,a large' circle of friends to mourn her loss. The funeral was; held on Saturday to St,. Augustine cemetery, service being con- ducted at the -church here by Rev. Father Capps, of Teeswater, and at the grave' grave - byRev,.Father - Dean, .o•St. - Augustine- • NOTICE TO. THE PUBLIC. (')n and after the 1st.. day of, •Nbvem- ber, Treleaven Bros.. purpose putting. their business on a cash basis. This im- plies thatall book accounts are to 'be settled not later than Nov„ Ist. 26-11-c. -Monday, Oct:`23. Mr. and Mrs. M. 3. Irwin spent Sun- day at R. S. Hamilton's. . _Sacramental•tservices will he held in lethodist,Churt Mr.' Jai. Hughes and family; of Teem water, visited at M. J. Irwin's oti Sun- day. MPS..W.•T. •Wellings..spent.a couple of days last.week•with her sister, 'Mrs,, S. Parker,. Culross. • • Chan or Tgartss.--Mr. and Mrs. Thomas White and •fttrnily; wish to thank their Mende; Ind neighbors or . eir kindness during" their 'regent bereave-. The Women's'rnstitute will hold their next meeting at t .ome of rs "m: liodgins, Westford.: oil :Thurad'ay, Nov., • 2nd, at 2:30 o'clock sharp, A paper on- "How-to;Keep :S1'y Reis and Girls _on the Farm," will begiven by Mrs. d'aines and Mrs M. J. Irwin. A,. 'towel •- "shower" will.; be held; tbwel to -be 1:8x36 in; Any. person. wishing to .help •.iri sending a Christmas Roar to the soldiers; 'ehoufd bring their baking' to the meeting,. box td consist (dourly, cookies and fruit taker Everybody welcome. Towels to .be of Hrtckaback : or Turkish 'iawelliag: Ontriwty.-An old:. and : esteemed resident of Holyrood, i:n .,the person of 14fisa+."Elisa Pitzpatrick, passed' to her ' ^ :eternal l oath on Tuesday, °October lith, Petaled, had Waite trier home, with Mr, • Eighth Con., Kinloss Monday, Oct: 23. JosephCulbert spent 'Wednesday in, Lucknow. Earl' Culbert spent.'Sunder with • friends at Bethany. Farmers on the line. are 'busy with threshing this week. IPAov •spA the : wgek-end at her home in .Walkerton. — Mi. , and Mrs. K. Finlayson spent Thursday at George Harris'. Mrs. Ernest . Ackert and family are visiting her mother in Ethel. for' a'' few- days. ewdays. , Mr. and Mrs. Andrew . Hamilton • and family spent•Sunday ••with' :Ler paras -at'E inloutih. • • . „ , s Donald Smith has started: to build a garage: Donald has a fine' car, arid of course must protect it from the winter imd-amt-arrow. Verdun , Monday, Oct. 2.2, Mir: and Mrs. H. Osborne and Miss Evelyn'Osborne spent Sunday at Mir. T Hooey's, r .Mr. Walter and M isa Elide'Steele were the guests of Mre. A.; ; Aidstiong• - atie evening last week, Mise Nellie McMullen arrived home last Satttrday after sponding,a week with Mr: and, Sire. C. Hoare, of Clinton. Cine of the' young gentlemen of the iOth.Con. visited our church Sunday evening. We strongly' suspect he was looking for some "wise" people. Teeswater' —Tuesday, Oct.. 24. MrsJames McPherson, of .Toronto,. is visiting her daughter,. Mrs. Dr. Gillies. . Mr. Gilmore,., of 'Ripley;-who.,has.been in Europe for •a.conaiderabJe time.. since the war, began,' lectured in Knox church _Monday evening, giving his experiences • and. observations. The address was entertaining '• and . instructive, though harrowing -at times, especially when deal- ing with the German'.atrocitios ip Bel. gium and France, ' . - „. Mr. Watson, 'for many years a resident of 'Teeswat'er, :was interred in . the Tees - water cemetery, the funeral -taking place from the home ' of- his •daughter, Mrs, I?'rank Moore. ` Mr. Watson was .for many years a well-known'dgure in Tees - water and vicinity,.` but has ,been ailing for many months past, and answered the • final call last Saturday. He leaves. a family of five to•mournhis loss. The concert last Friday evening under the auspices of the Ladies'. Patriotic .aeagli ryas highly -successful, adding some 9 - . $ to th ands 'I'he�"I°,iiclrn�it�- Dramatic Club 6 the play ."Under Tw.o, Flags" :furnished the entertainnieni. There was not a dull minute. To single nut any actors. for•praise; would be unjust' to others, though personally 1 was im- pressed with the naturalness of Cigarette. and Venetia. �he'J•urggle ' ." '--1IIonday, Oct. 23, • Re Hudson Sundayed at home thi week, Messrs, ' lex M-eintosh and hairy. Jewitt returned from the '.Weet last reek. • Ma' and Mrs: Wm. 'McDonald and Mitis Annie Brown' spent this .week -end' with friends in. Qoderieli, • .It.seerns that all good shots de not be- long to rifle clubs, as one of .our local sportsmen is credited with baggin .three ducks by adsingle 'shot. ' There has been received in the Jungle a; consignment of '.giit'ea pigs from the Model furan, and parties desiring good stock,' would do Well to sec these before buying,. •O!HOS . • 4 -Monday,:Oct. 23. Mr. I. J. Husk returned home, from the West on Monday„. Maas Lily McKinnon has resumed her duties in Brantford.. • . - "Miss. Fraser , has . been; -visiting ,her uncle, Mr. McKenzie, of Southampton., ' *BS Mary McLean, of Tiverton, ,re- newed.aequaintances in the vicinity last week.. ' ' Miss.'Areher, of,..Walkerton, is• spend- ing pending some time 'With -Mts. W. H., Mc- Nally. • - Mr. Gees. Reynolds, of Toronto, 'visited'relatives on 10th,'' con , Kincar, dine, this week. Mrs, McDonald has ret rned' to De troit,.Slirh,, after spendingeveral weeks; with her daughter, Mrs. W. H McNally. The people of the village and vicinity. are arranging a Red Cross Society Here' this week., ' Let everyone ;tie interested. Mr. Cuthbertson,.of .Toronto, adcon,-' panied the family and.reinanai of the late R. Y. McFadyen, of Toronto, ;here. oti Wednesday... 1111'urdy's eekreIerlt. The T. 0. 0. l .' brethen buxi charge a ➢:l the services. Tu the bereaved ones d'eppeet, :heart felt sympathy ie' extetriled. Alm Arch. Me- E"dyen,• Boundary Last, Tiverton,o is, a stater of the deceased, and also A,ira', Ferguson,, cf 'Vancouver, « a, a slater. NOTICE TO TIlt" •PUBLIC On and after We. .let. day of ,Novern-'; 'hier, 'releevsn Bras. purpose gaiting Weir i •tz t r b a. flus ia4 0s• s ti a: tesla basie, his fin.. plies, dint all boob accouutn are to be aettled,uot later. than IYov, ,'1st. 26•x1 -c. 'inn N9* 10 is atour erviet tie'Sotu tor Cash.—We ,Sell Cheaper Yhant The Credit Store Kin*Ali. - The monthly tneeti g of the kintaii bratieb of the Women's Institute 1villrbr held at the1ieme of Mrs. Aibert,J3eelcett•.• on Thura4ay', Nor. tad. A good pro- grain is a petted,' ' • There died of of pendieltis in 'Walker- ton' Hospital on S:aturctay, Oct:' 210t, .osepb Stanley, aged 9 years, 6 rebirths and 14.days. tie was a on of Mr., and Mrs. Edward Stanley, .of�this'place:. , The ins remawere taken to ,Qreenook ceme- tery for interment 'on Tuesday afternoon, the funeral beiug conducted byRev, Mr. Cree, of Berrie. The scriool was closed end the teacher and children paid their last respects to their school -mate: The parents arid family have dire sympatby of the community, in their sad bereave- ment. • Kinlougb Tueaday,'Oct 24. George Tiodgkirison, of Riversdale,- spent Sunday in our burg. Will. Percy had a sheep killed by dogs on, Thursday. Are you patriotic; women? Do you. want the Allies to win the war? . If ` so, fetch your needle and thimble to the Orange Hall en Friday afternoon. William McFarlane ..has rented Ed. Percy's farm.You will have to get a wotinan; Billy. I understand bachelors are going to be taken. Peter Hodgkinson has purchask` the Basso lot in-Kinloggh. We guess sortie preacher will get a -five, eh, Pete? F. Hodgkinson made 'abusiness trip to Ripley on Monday. • • - Mrs. J. Barnes and `Mrs.. I. Pinr.ell• visited friends around Wliitechurcli en Wednesday, ' Mrs. William Alcock and Mrs. W. J. Alcock were visiting friends in,' Cuiross and Langside a few. days last week,'' „ - Lottie. L., Tillotson, .the Hawaiian en- tertainer, is one of the most _practicalljr certain attrac4ions on the platform.: Dur- ing the•last 19 years'she`has filled more than two hundred and sixty engagements - each year, and we have yet to hear of an adverse ctiticicni: She is so" full of'vit- ality and life that her, very presence is like a breath of fresh, .pure air. •The lecture was at once .entertaining and elevating.—Bridgeton (N..1) Pioneer. -- At the Town Hall, ,Lucknow, on. • Wed- '.Out.—We have this week to re-nesday evening,. Nov. lst. • ort,the death of a former resident. of .lr m this,plece in the 'person' of Mr. • Robert Young iMc1'adyen,' who' passed awayy at. his late residence, 385 Markham. St , To• route; on Monday afternoon, October 16,. in.his•58th . year. ; He.Jiaas. been. in poor health for some time, but his death came as ashock, to everyone. " He was the son' of the late'ldector. Nil Fadyen, 'Boundary west., Ile was born in Airdrie, Scotland, and with his•paients imigrated to. Can- ada when a tittle lad. He lived with his parents on Lot 23,. Con: • 1, Bruce Twp, uniil,married to Miss. Catharine McKay. After souse time lie moved to Glamis:. The deceased was .very active, 'energetic end intelligent, and was highly respected by all, putting forth, great en- ergy -in any afffirsipertaining to his work. After coning to the village he'continued' his calling as builder and corlfCactor..lie was • also manager of the°lainis Lumber Mill and Cheese Box.Faciory,-in which capacity he was very Successful to. the entire satisfaction of his employers. Fuilmg liearh calmed `l`ir� '�o""r��"�is` energies and take life'easier, moving to Toronto about fi-•e•yeiars'ago. For the past three years he, has ` been in poor health:..-' Mr. McFadyen was Tax Collec for for Bruce Twp, for a•number of years.` In politics . be • was ' a staunch Liberal.. and :was .President of the 'Veit l rune Liberal Association: for a. numb er of.years. 110eieterta'nrourn-,-hf3---de.: •anise his. wife, 'one son, telex, and one daughter„ltobena, all of Toronto, • The remains were 'brought Via U.T.'11,. from orgnitt3 'inkertea ^Station•,-•cry-Ved neKday morning, interment being made WEAK, AILING CHILD - • Made Strong By Delicious Vinol Lakeport, N, 110. -"Our little• girl'8 year's of age was in 'a "debilitated, run- down condition ' aitd• had. d stubborn cough so she was weak and ailing all the time. " Nothing 'helped her .until: we tried Vinol. Then, her a tato inercaeod and she is ntrong and well, and I' wish other parents of wealc, delicate children would try Vifiol "-- O o...A. ,This is lieeattse. Vinol contains beef and cod liver peptones, iron and ,anancrinese • peptonates and glycero« phosphates which she needed„ Did, ,Fin M, solailCE •LUCIIN� W' „ n Paramount .-.,Tuesday, Oct'. 24, His friends -received word -that Ernest Olark,.of this place, has ,been .seriously wounded in .France.. ,. The Paramount Beef Ring. had their annual meeting last night. All accounts were settled and arrangements w de for carrying on the Ring next year. Mr..Hib'ben4, who has beea ,working for 1'. R. McNay -for the last tiro seasons;” has moved on to a rented farm • near Laurier. We wish , you success, Mr. Hibben. . Whitechurch-.. *-T.uesday, Qct. 24. Dr: and. Afro. White ire ,'visiting in. Collingwood.. Mr.'V1Tm.'I"ur'Qen is.home after spend-' ing t few months in the West. } . . Mr. :and Mrs. Robt. Mowbray, •of Wingham, spent Sunday visiting friends., here, • .* Mr. A. Il, Musgrove, M.P.P, Wing. ham, visited at the home of Mr. 1? Henry last week. -----Mrs.--„Dobbs-,--of -Golden . Aradley, -Ne Ontario,, is visiting,' ber mother,. Mrs. Milner, who is seriously ill. • ' Rev. Hugh Ferguson, of Stratford, .occupy e pu""lpit'in"ifi Perebyier" fan Church again next Sunday. The Young. People's 'meeting Sunday e've'ning was led by Miss :G. Vox,,, the sublect.being "Manliness and- Woinanlr- nem." The 'subject for next Sunday evening is "Our Island' Mission, 'mini° dad.". The leader is Miss Et el Cluw. "The sad news' reached our illa�ga oti , 'Tuesday of the death of John • 'ella- had whose body had been washed as ore ate Toledo on Monday.. IIe was one of the etc son a boat which .wag wrecked in the storm on Lake Erie ' last Friday, Much-sym'pathy,is felt NI. tint bereaved family, eason for STOVES We have. Heat* ► Stovesthat burn tither coal or virood and they are -the; best' value ever 'offered in ue now. They are nicely nic- kelled - and present a beautiful appearance. 15 inch ot, com rete with .feeder, ,12.1. r, p p .: � 5 1 inch 'pot, ' eo, mplete: with feeder $11.75 Fresh 'Car of Ceinent; • just Arrive:. • A Full Stock of Elbows and Handmade Stovepipes alwayson hand The Lucknow Hardware & CoalCo. TOE STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS Clean, smokeless and odorless oven means perfect cooking and baking. This is assured by ventilation and the'nickel-coated nonruust steel lifting in , • eitie It: won'tbe(hard ro decide what range you want in your kitchen after I show, you the Pandora's special features. • 887 Sold by .NkcLeod & Joynt Second .Con.,,Kinlass • —Tuesday; Oct. 23. Mr. and:Mrs. Edward Johnston, of •Cuurey's Corners, spent Sunday with friends on the line. Miss, .Lorena Concrete: ,visited . ber friend, Miss Lillian Baynard, of• Para- mount. on Sunday., . Mrs. Donald Campbell,' of Lucknow, gave some of her old friends, a call this week... We. are always pleased tdl fief) the old neighbors .'con.ing• back t9, the line -occasionally- - We notice that a -number on the line have had their names: repainted on their mail boxes. Everyone should do this for the convenience of the travelling public. It will mark you as an- pp -to- date firmer. • 1 and Mrs. James Irwin entertained a elfr of their friends eta. het fowl sup, per one evening last week. Among those ma sent were Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Irwin, Thomas Henry, of Holyrood, 'and Mrs. George Irwin. - It is -nigh time„ the Social Club was 'Meeting again •tt spend some of those long and •happy' evenings in somebody's ' I parlor. • There is nothing that unites a. neighborhood .more, and let this coming seaaon be the best or Most sociable -one. we have yet had. '. . . Aslif,eld• The following letter, :which expl'afn3, itself, has beep received by Mr. K. Div MacLennan, of Ashfield: - - August 28, 1910. J{. D ' MacLennan, E,ecj., R. R. No. 3,1,uckeow, Ont. Dear Sir: I have .plenspre 1n-enelos"ing- here-. with otlicial receipt for the sum of $6O, being the proceeds of a picnic held at Lake Huron. at L+'•ighteen-mile River,, • under the auspices of a committee cqm- prised of K, D. Maclennan, Neil Mac kenzie and T. Kempton, and sent as is - 1 donation to the. Canadian Red Crow Society... I am requested by our Executive Conn- • neittee to express their grateful' thanks - for your continued interest and assist- ance iri our work, which arevery much' appreciated: Yours, very truly, NOEL M AItSHALL, Chairman,Executive Cominittee; .. :""A dei and rs ;t=e its of Prices, ' Good colors and styles to choose --•-r -• from. Also Ladies' 82 Children's. Now is the time to buy as' prices have ad- vanced greatly. Mens Black B eaverV Overcoats at • i 4. Tweeds at $12.• These were bought early for this fall and winter. Ladies' Fall and 'Winter Coats --A11 goodvalue---ANumber at Cut . _.. Paces Visit our Millinery Department' where . you will get up -to -bate Rats at Reasonable Prices, 4; W,CONNELL , 4 • ..eo