HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-10-26, Page 6•
Or The Suulighi‘ot Ea*
CHAPTER. VIIT.--(Cerit'd).
The conversation then flowed into
Other channels; Pa-14bera PruirAlar
Years Of merriment by hia. stories
- -
nes*. "Of course, yeu ;Mustn't do it
jut on ney .ecount, but- - -"
"Mustn't. 1 VI interrupted her cousin,
looking keenlY, almost effectienately
at the slim, girlish figure, And pretty
piquant face. "I shonlid, vertainly
, grant whatever you asked me if it lay
in my rover. As a matter of fad,
'however, X think Jasper $aid that as •
they were unablh to malw Brier Farm
!Pay, would I lower the rent; and as
. • • • •
thatwould be ereating a precedent,
CHAPTER • N.• H for •All the ether tenants. -1 refueed." •
• Aarigies apeearanee in the • eteblese • Lady Cetaltee nodded her. heat'
Wazd. Watt OW Sggilia for intlell OnSitta-;:".(ZttlittO.right,IP PhO agreed; 8rittl hap,
Ment *Meng the haade there; 'Mad :Teo •te 1ziow that the farin7 does. paY..'
Many Ues fOr Peppers,
'When NW say poppererclo vietbink
,.ozsdoenlieritilcta• piehlee, used only Ile one,
theof ripe , a, posa yt Hash Math. Wawa Grevy.--Mince en
• h °Mon Or two and frywell. Have the
meat eut 11 •ce rind tiirn this
st •
Intic4loarnlyortIbtearlyzi, ahltodusehlweirela reaatnotnhgeetshrp.roiyat, jilane;tev:4114,014; brew‘iees1;Ith
their possibilities. In the first place, stirring until the flour browns. Add
all‘raembers ,of the pepper family are eneugh Nieto to make a smooth, thieU
distinguished by excellent ettimacbic gravy. 'Let bubble . up, and serve PIP;
qualities and natural. pungency, which ins hot on triangles of toast, 'The
is good for increasing the flow Of gas, flatter -may be varied by adding at the
tal'Anniolttlueeerallptennt ginenfeztr"otferi the
peony:: laat MoMenii deSh•nf Or Wors
cester sauce or catsup, or a little, eel;
per hi that it can be used both raw or •etff seed, •• ;. • .
gooked,, As an 't,icielttion to salad, it is Pie-e4O14 404 Silvere-.For the Ails•
eenetnntlY growing in favor, owing yet Pett take a 'large whitePotatee
not only to itS delieate flavor, but its Peel and Vete' it into it deep, Plate.
attractive ceder and ow Possibilities Add the juice and grated rind of a
Will& presents to the salad -maker's . lemon, the beaten white..of 'ea Mg* a
knife or scissors. lataiey an other- duets of white sugar and a cup Of cold
wise Unattractive salad Vail be made .water. ° Stir 'well together and hake
freits, such' as orange's or pineapple, eup of milk teaepean of cernstarch,
Mid also. with cabbage and tomato:. • : one egg, sugar to taste and feeler with
Asa: container for other salads, the grated nutmeg- or AllarrY Wine. Pour
pepper reed takes 'rank with the•toinas over the silver leyer and return to the
'to bup.ee, The- leieei end !nay be cut off oveleand pools until set.. When done
you tiny finish with a meringue if yo
wish -or seive without. '
three hears u mode4'ately hot Oven.
Add more salt andpepper, if liked,
epigram. dereeently theladieewitiee preeently the bead, groom made ale
drew; Lady Censtance JO prepare for aPpeerarica, struggling into bis coati
* ride with .Adrien, Which .he had justi *bile ,VoUghing with embarrassed re
• sUgipte4 and Ube Perieleire to, rest ..SPeet. • ••- • •• . • . • . •-•• • • . .
-• •4 • .- .•
splendidly, •-•
"in any ease, Constance," interrupt-
ed Adrien, 'almost tenderly, "it is quite,
sufficient o it But I
. her nerves." "geed MOrilinge Markham," 84„ think—I AM sure—Jasper M.U.St have
While waitieg for his eousin to' Master with nod; 4wliere's , the Made, a Mistake."' •
rejoin him Adrien eroSsed over to the; King?" . • . ' . Lady Censtance aid not reply, but
• windtavv, which nonn*adeci, a view, Qv "In the Seca Stable* sir," veined' wisely 'Changed the subject; she was
the Castiaentrance, and steed piing thitraan, be finnb10 in hie poet* toe eleter pursue bee 8001440,
idly dawn.' OUtsids ,iittied, .sMart the; Tou would like to WO and 410 had gained her point—sown
, motor, an fromit was s ightipg he , 1,7 , the least little doubt of Mt Jasper'
trim ague ,AISSI)Or Vqinealt.• ' *Wen :nodded, and Made his way 10,1 VerillOWS rectitude in Adrien'e mind, '
i13'y Jove!"b exciabiled )44c1 the'sbable ,accompanied by the groom. 1 Meanwhile, Vermont had Also .
tor6tten yasper,r 110 one else is allowed to enter the eeeken =self te the stables, but he
He tapped At the Window, and Wive` atabie but 'YeIlra,t,31f, Markbeeter". he did net teat to :tee King Cole— .con-
• . ed his hand in affectionate greeting tC0' asked, as the man uninnkekthe'dear. tenth* 'himself with beaming admir-
1114:friend; wile 1.9diced uv with 14) ' "No one, dr. Fm always. here when inglY on Mr. Markham, While the head
• Mod amiabIe.siniles es•be beeshed he's halm littered orsfeat Not a soul grcir.A .4914 lOrth On all the precau-
te_ .meet; . • - hiemsirjellilientteareo. on, 7r, saw
Thefe are peoPle Who are served
Well from sheer,foree'of personality,'Adrift Pastied his. hand "Tier the
and who, theUgleteitt generous nor dainty creature pricked talsereedellu°0":heis fin71hye:
uns hte • t
sicie tbe servants wbe, had burrie4 en't; t'we.hos. wit!dpt at eide.; ptirozeiot viaruntaaltfes,earegard, to, the.
,"Aa' if lie's got at, Ka. Vermonte
sir, I'll eat my heact,e was hisspareing
sedech. • ' •
In reply. to winch Mr. Venrioat inure
. sibitract the: LL very essence t4 these pointed ears, and turned tee)* master 'mired inaUdibly,' as he Walked awaei
with a whinny Of delight. •"It's a lucky job, my good'felloW, that
qualities from those around them; and:
04 these Jasper Vermont was one. His 4.."Re'floOkS well enough," he admit- I sha'n't meke you keep your word!"
d '4w:he. had his gallOii • this, At the end of the plantation, beyond
tins were few, though he evas lavish .....- '
In smiles and honeyed words; yet not •14to,rningr • •
"Yes, sir; but would You like to see
-one of the retinue of servants at Bar- him across the•Paddeek?". .
Minster" Castle but 'would fly to at-
, tend to his Wants, as they would those" °Yes," said Arien. "BY the way,
Wbo rides'him tamorrove 2."
Of Adrien. or Lord litarminster himself.. "Peacock, sir.'" •,•
A few minutes later he strelled in-
to the rooM, where • the rest . of the . "Ali, the new jeekeyt.".
guests were, seated. As be did so "Yes, sir; Mr. VerMont'S lad," re-
. s ,
turned the groom ' . - • . •
' himself Up with a slight frown: ' He . '
Lord Barrainster involuntarily drevr e,A. goad. seat r!lasicsa Adrien.
. ,
"Capital, never saw a bettmr, sir,
had hoped that the "adventurer,'. as '
be invariably termed him, would re. .pri,,n...d weighs itext•to nothing. Ill send
. main in town and, not thrust his rt '''''' "." He 'whistled, and .11412 -a -
dozen stable helpers rushing forward,
. twhaeicelasetleP.resegte:uini/uallxwtiltbeefaineaitnsntaet:i he despatclied.themlo find the joekey.1 by the shoulder, and a ,sullen 'scowl
While Waiting, .the groom had the darkened the, little nionkeylike face as
Vegetabl erld h it appear on our into the frying pan When the onion
tables More frequently? 'brawn, turning- frequently with
It is from the hot Countries, par, fork thU meat bout is e°°1'.0
different' by the addition of strips, sac- in a single meat in a, dish deep en
tions or chopped pieces. of vetiver.. ough to hold twice the quantity • of th
Pepper cern/elude' well wigs sweet silver part,.e Melte a. custard of on
the stable buildings there:wee a little meetly, •the edges decorated, and this
cottage attached 4° the straw -yard. cup he ailed with other mixtures in
Raving reached this; Jasper listened which the pepper pod itself need not
attentively; then, without any warn- be eaten. '
ing knock; he lifted the latch, and en- In cooked dishes there are many.
. •
lore& • . ' ' ways of using. left -over peppers.
e TQ allappearances the room was There is no liniit to ' the' number
empty, save for mese -pieces of peer stuffed dishes which can be mettle. For
furaitere. But the vih
sitor, hlinking all of these it is better to Parboil the When the .top of the stove is. red
at the sudden transition from light to pepper in belling. water for two or hot, the oven is not hot
Put a little ammoiinia in the warm
darkness, walked over to a rough three mintites after having removed wawa used: to wash paint.
ouch, 'where lay the miskipee 'jockey tae seed e end:stem: '
Peacock, either asleep or -deep 4
-n The pod maybe Ailed wieh mixtures washed
bsboacokriengbseinsghowulocirn. a. lve 'ys be
thought JasPer shoal( him eisgrily ef cooked rice, breadcrambs hare, The best fish for' bak iig arEacod-
110:44iNfr 1114)
MAD IN r".." cONTAITIS NO .4144114
• ' *141,AgiliE Cli!ASKAS.
'They Kill' Much ,I)eore Offen :Than
. Capture—Some
•• Generally apeakieg, ofileicel' names
are • frigidly unimaginative concep-
tions. Only those who know the naey
u from stem to stern can tell .from its
title what special duty any particular
unit of:our fleet is eptrusted with.
,.Jack hold*. in small esteem bile
generous indefiniteness in nomencla-
ture and corrects its ,shoetemnings by
giving to verioes bits of seapower
ae-eignatiens 'which he 'deems
mod befitting them. And aca has. an
infallible knack of emaking the• label
describe the contents of the can." For
example, the craft employed s seek-
ing -out enemy eeemeeines are -known
among "bluejackets aa • 'the 'bunting
dogs." a 1, e •
' This is both terse aria eeplenatory,
since hunting their job and they de
•it in pack -like fashion. One of their
"catches" now lies' alongside Temple
Pier, whitber all London is craning
its neck to get a.look at:it
There it lies ringingin the nimble
I sixpendes .while the "hunting dogs"'
n continae their. quest for more "game"
'Of similar'kind. New '4 word' as to
•the "dogs" theniselves, One finds in
• the epacks" quite a metley edllectiow
of ebreeds.". aThese •are heavy lurch-
ers which beat over -the ground with
.un'tking •persistency; 'pugnacious lit -
ale terriers Which nose around the
holes and when :they have "found"
call' up .the bigger dog's to- the "kill-
ing"; alsO greyhounds, keen of Ore
and swift of nioyetheint, which pounce
with deadly spring upon any quarry
thee Cloy -show itself hathe open..But.
whatever the "breed" all work hard,
and it is no secret that their -huntirig.
has been remarkable; eaccessful.
• • • The People's Debt. t.--` • •
' Things Worth Remembering.
'Do, not allow fish to stand in water
• Very good fish chowder is made wit
- his ,natural courtesy readerted itself;
and, Camel) it .was., patent to the least recions ‘ "King" brought into the
.. ,
yard and saddled; lead ' in a few.
observant that the new hrrival was
'. -- ---'-' --,Lmotittents the man arrived.•' Markham
not as welcome as he might have been, had called him; a lad; .but in.reelity
he ansevered jasper's amiable inquiry -
• - he was almost al -Addle -aged; With ' the
as to his health politely enough. '' stunted stature of 4 child, ,:, Adeien
amene you, lea Vern -lobe," he said looked him over critically. ' ' ;.
I fear, are ananvalid." , ' • - Irow?" he asked. - .
grimly, "I am quite well. leut you,' es° you ride the 'King' •ere-mrii-
ale-zed:Motor, which was. gliding round
- His Otarii eyes glanced towards tae "Yes, sir," replied the dwarf, here,
.blse '. . . ' . .
the -bend ,of the drive. 1 "Let me see you take him round the
' "NO,- Sir, I'M wilts). well, I assure paddock,". 'said Adrien. The mall
• You," Jasper replied, meekly, as un s ;threw Off his coat, showing himself to
copeciaus of any irony. "But I have be in shabliy riding costume; then,
leerned enough wisdom to eeel eon- vaulting into the •eaddle, he, took the
ie d th t 11 1 • '
he recognised his visitfora. x
(Te be Continued),
Thick Hair Denotes Violent mat -Rag-
e sionate Cearaitere
Straight. eyebrows - show orderly
habits Mid, a methodical turn of mied.
in their possessor.
Arched: or pointed brows are a 'sign
„ . .
of taste in the.arrangemeat of deters
ands a wonderful ability' to match
shades' and hues of all sorts.
Eyebrows .set far apart from one
journeys, g , .reeer to the meadow Eitathe back of another betoken a capaeltY.'for yudg-
of life 'itself, should be as cern- the stable -yard. Adrien watched the
-fortablY as possible.. I prefer, there- bird -like flight of the superb animal', hig sizes and proportions wieh a con -
fare, to, hae. the dust and smell out- and nodded ap*Oyilley when he p..res,... siderable'emourit 'of accuracy. . .
side the eel' instead' of ,ino AM. I not metly returned to the starting -point. If eyebrows -bend down in the mid-
rigbt ?" , • ' • , ' . - I "You'll doe' he said, !its the dle towards the eyes so `that they
"Perfectly;" returned hie opponeate ear as if indented,. they slaw a
i u 0 . , ee e
The greater. amount of space be -
At - with a sercestie smile e "you aimed ..elanisdlnlveuentsehlr iriiidne, lik
nature that is dieposed neither to
surely .knows your awn .conetitutiori thing for you, but no drinking, mind.". forgive nor to forget, which is repent -
best, It was an unforturiate error en. He held out a tee -pound note as he .ful and inclined to revenge itself for
my par . , ... ' • -.spoke. 'en° men
t" ' ' ' -
stared at it for a injuries. ' -
1 -.-
At this inoMent Adrien who had nunnent the dr tiohilig alnibst like a
. • /
been listening to the pointeeed-thrust , tw a the ridge of the eyebrow and
dogatook it gingerly by the edge. .
conversation, exceedingly-; ill at ease, its outer end and the borner of the
"Don't be afraid, Mans one would eye; the, higher are the powers of
haeeeented, ane- under some •Pretext .think you gegieceed a blew,"
A.drien, -ttrith• a 'smile, ' said calculation in the person.-
• deter his father out with him into the
When the outline of the eyebrows
eorridor. ' ,
I Touching his forelock, the man took is straight, it indicates sincerity and
' "I 1:1° detest that fellow *sc'!" said the bete, and Adrien turned away. As frankness. If, however, it should be-
/elle old- Man epologeticelly, as though
ashamed at, hoeing displayed his feel- be walked out, of the stable -ye -id he oblique, and the hairs • spring from
! happened -to glance back •at Markham, the root of the nose, it shows elusive
ings• ' - , ' . ' • ' '' . . I vVhn was re-covering/the "King," and and deceptive tendencies.
"It's a pity, sit," returned Adrieie he Saw that the jockey was still gaz: VerY thick brows denote a some -
only far Ilia father was the ing ...after him vrith a tense, almost what violent and passionate char-
only-pereon who dated say 'a word: in longing expression in his small, deep- acter, 'especially in'a man:,
char -
disfavor of his friend. "He takes aneey set eyes.
• ' •• Brows that are exaggeratedly arch.
"Well, it pays hint," retorted tierd • "Poor deville said Leroy to bineself ' ed and ,placed high on the 'forehead
Barmitister dryly; then :with a *Mee as hew ent up the drive, ea reuse ad. denote a dull and unemotional dispo, \
of the hand as if to dismiss in am- Japer to do something for bp* es- sition. ' • .,
pleased subject, he added, eyseeee peeially if he. wiles—e only hope he ; :. - ----ese--• • '
off to the stables, I suppose?" - doesn't get cheek!" . . DOGS ATE SeclIURCH: ,
"Yes,.sii," replied Adrien, "I' want In •the courtyard Lady Constance's •
•to. have a look at 'peg Cede."" With horse and bis own were waiting for •
' einoent: Of Paine •to save enatrouble."
• . , . Twas-Builtsof .Built -Ribs -and W 1
-*din-the direction otthe.stablee hinie and in- a few moment's thee irl a -
erse appeared, accompanied by the ::rus Hide. - -
a friendly nod, he ran lightly* down'
the wide oak 'Stairease and disappear.: ever -smiling Jasper Vermozit The lot of e an Eskimo 'dog is a
For a few moments Lord Baemeag_ Blessed by naturetaelth a gond •figs herd one. In the first place, he has
ter stood gazing after him, his stern uree Art, as represente'd by French to earn his living by drawing sledges..
face 'relaxed; his keen eyes softened. modistes and Redfern, had put • the In the lied place, food is so scarce
:Adrien was More to him than all hes finishing tenches with thee. east* that that •a dog is usually hungry, often
possessions, arhich• were vast enough Lady Ceestance touches,
whether in hungry enough to eat his hit -nese,
t� haee provided for elezee sons, 'evening dress or the blue cloth riding- or, indeed, any bits of skin and lea.,
habit of the field, was a joy to the eye. .ther he. cari find. TO prevent this
As she stood noW,„ waiting Adrien's' the men rub the leather cords with
approach; heo ould not help 'meatally tar. But in order to live • at all an
•Therefore, he :doled him nething,
however extravagant or reckless in
price, and refrained from any cam-
- reed on his line of-condact. ,
• The Ideal suler Or all
• 1PAT:nrarntrtatZel.
2 anti 5.1b cartons
• 10 ,alul 20 -lb bags
geraitted. sea orbited labels for a ted
balItridelaarle• dead lb
Attintid.OUger Refineries,: Ltd.
• laower,esidgeoblentreal
contrasting.her !lateral, sipiritual type
cif beauty with the madeeip . and
coarsened charms of Ada Lester, and:
he wondered how he coal(' have been -
so blind as. not to notice it before.
He was not,, the only 'one' who ead.
naked her. Jasper„ Veiment '• had
Eskimo dog 'has to fight •his way
Whenevir tlOre is a Pack of dogs
together they fight. The weak ones
are driven away oe killed: The
•strongest and fiercest one, 'who can
thrash any or all td the others, is
known as the king dog. • He has the
elected himself res the atria- elate i•beet piece to lie, and his choice of
slave, and whenever he was at Bare I the.food' 4 single growl from. him
minder -Castle +wearied:sly-map-
aged to -ie . -like - 4. -gitowl -from -an-emperor
•week' even -endeavor to forestall them. '
whom.all are ready to obey.
Of all the . things that an befall a
carry out h'�4 lighted whims—indeed,
eaddle, aed helped her bite Hi before .er than the destruction of a little
eherch, nothing could be mach strang-
New it was he wee attended to her
Melee had felly reeliped what ie • north of Hudson
was 1 house of worship
about to, do; and for once Leyoy ex- ' Bay.— The a'Eskinios had 'beet •a
perienced jest the lead feeling.of re- church with whales' ribs for rafters
sentment toevards his devotedfiee d and coVered it With walriss aide. The
_roe a while thes,:two rode almost little church held eighty perSone; but
•silence); but ;after the flrst tenter id- in the time that Vayssed between twa
told mutton, tornatties, etc • The PM- flak haddock and poBock. '
Pers should then be laid in a casserole If the' -closet where yell- hang ties
sir baking dish, partially covared With and cooking utensils, is badly lighted,
stock, toiNtoesauce or munigh butter try painting the hooka and nails white.
to Make a slight juice, so that when phamois leathers should be washed
baked thedish will be not too dry:
Another Merle of using peppers is to
• slice and fry thein as an accOmpani-
meat to steak, er' the peppers may be
fried and thee' creamed, A !nest de-
licate flavor is given to ordinary vege-
table soups by adding a few strips of
green pepper. - •
isnoitte;pid water and dried with the soap
in them aIhey will then .4 nice and
e'Camphor will remove feuit stains
from table linen. Before the line
goes into the wash, go oeer the spot
with cam' phor.
• If. the bah' is dry and brittle, give
Some one has. said there is nothing it; a good application of traseline or!
the matter with the flavor of Any one vire olive oit 011 t4 scalp the night
stew. The trouble is that all stews before shampooinge
generally "taste alike." This cermet .A Wringer that is stained • from
be `Said of the stew, hash or other wringing colored" clothes. can be
"made dish" in which pepper is the cleaned by rubbing therollers with
flavor, for a combination of peeper a cloth saturated in paraffin.
• and •tomato• Will make even the most •Cold mashed potatoes from yester-
ordinary leftovers appetizing. • day's dinner make very nice cro
Chili Coe Carne —Two weeds low- quettes by the, Adding Of one egg. I
er rimed steak, three green deed pep- Shape them,roll them in, erueries and
aerpods, /three cups of -red kidney fry „in fat,
beans, one clOve a garlic, butber, sett • A serviceable way :to serve cold
flour, one pine Of strained tomato boiled potatoes is to put them through
.stoca. Remove stem and ieecle from the sieve. Beason them with bubter
peppers and cut into thin cross -sec- and pelt; form into cones and brown
cons. s Cut steak in inch pieces'and in oven.
saute in butter. Dust with flour, then If a beet or shoe pinches, danip a
add the tomatia stock and the peppers, sponge with very het water and hold it
Sirniner .ahout two :hours or until the over the •part 'that beets. The eathe
meat is very tender, adding more wa- er will expand and so afford relief. .
'ter if necespary. • When done bhe People who feel the cola very Much
meat and sauce shatild.blend together should see that their beds are pro -
arid the whole be well seasoned and vided with ample covers and a 'hob-
pereed hot. The cooked kidney'beens water bottle before attempting • to
are added about the last half hour in sleep;
Order to bleed thoroughly with the ' 'Put white washable skirts on 'to
• gray, but each bean should be sopa- their stiff inside belts by means of a
. strip of snappers and there Will he
'Stuffed Baked Peppers —ix green no belts crumpled and ruined in- the
sweet peppers, one cuP strained tome- washing. •
0 • •
• • ...N041mloss Wandering .
_ When treating down U-boats the • •
"tinting flogs werh'PerSpicacioualy.
Ariyone..tieftimillar, with their- meth.
..edeiwlea Watched thein beating over
patch tif grey and apparently .empty-.
•00fIe light think they were nosing
about rather aimlessly, when the trath.
would be :that they were hat upon
scent. • pit much can ,a.e. .said for
them; once they do Pick. '.ufi • a scent
010 seldom fail to' kilt, and they kill -
more often than gth,ey tiptere as. one
*mid expect from the nature of their
hunting*. Perhitps ,one may be per-
mitted also to say that they de not do
.much aimless wandering, . and. that "
pace an enemy submarine- puts fairly.
to sea it has very small chance of get-
ting back to its barber again. .
In this connection it should be re- .
inemberedilthitt.A. dog .eaniuit snap up •
a rat until the, rat has •come• (aft of
its hole. Quaint tales are accumu-
lating - against the time when.the fell
story of the anti -U-boat campaign
gempaign • •
may be told. When it is, We '; Shell
heer of submarine's that fought sub-
marines, albeit not altogether de-
signedly, of others which bobbed up
confidently! •eigiectiag .. 'only an. easy
. Victim and found themselves grip-
ped. in jears, that crushed .them • re-. ,
lentlessly to death.' Also, there Will
- be tales of unwary beats, which cerise . •
.uoveisely and siewittinaty to the .sure
s lace ,in the maid of. Britisheseuad-
rens, and thereafter only h.epien- was
left to help them.. You !nest know •••
:that the submarine .occasionally be-
haves like e .mole -bird creature, and. •
blenders into places it were better to
heve kept out da 'and' theieupOnsuf-
fers the useal. fate of -those who leap
before they look,
to sauce, •half cup boiled rice, bwo Almost any cereal is good with
tablespoonfuls • of butter, one table- dates stirred into it and. the whole
spoonful of chopped onion, half tea- served With cream. , The dates should
spoonful salt, two-thirds cupful 'Moist first be well washed, dried and chop -
bread crunths'half cupful of cold ped. ; •. •
,minced meat, half cup of mushrooms, To remove fruit' stainfromeeloths
paprika:- Cut -stem from peepers,- re- and. eia•plcilis apply powdered Starch
move sees and parboil five Minutes and leave for several' hours- until the
sin a' quart of water to which has been mark has been absorbed by the starch.
added .ane -eighth t ainioonful baking • When you get anything in your eye
sodaMelt but and saute oniondo not _rub it, but if possibleplunge
Add tomato sauce,. rice and bread the eke into water, winking when the
. . '
erumbe, meat; mushrooms,. Beason eye is Tulle The speck will probable
with saltaand paprika, iituff pepper float oub. •• •.
cases and .set upright in baking dish. ' Sliced oranges and grated cocoanut
Cover with bettered 'crumb's. Add make a very good winter dessert: --A
remaining half -cep of tomato; spice layer of oranges and a layer, (domed,'
With a little water and peur around put, and .80 on Until the dish is full,
base. • • Bake slowlY,. basting .with endhig with the coetianut;• add: en -
sauce, for 8e, ininete* ' • - ' • ough sugar to sweeten and it is ready
to serve.,
-. Giblet Sandwich.—If 'there ' • are • .. .:---.
chicken giblets left over gifted them two . British Railway Companies Are
to a coarse paste with a meat chop- . Ready to _Undertake Work.
per and season with Mayonnaise:
Spread between buttered whole wheat
bread for unusual and delicious sand -
More than forty years haire- pastied
since the , British Foreign Office ex,-
pressly approved the idea, of. cone
7-Schheos. '
tt'Bread.--sSift one cuP of lidur Itiateting' a Itittneleuidee the Channel
and a ,quarter cup of sugar over half airrailway . betWeen
trigiand and li.'renee. But less than
cup ;Itif butter. Werk" with the fingers
'until smooth ,. Pack in pans to three-' teg2 years liter, When the ciliation
waft submitted to a Parliamentat'y
fourths of an fifth depth, Mirk in
squares and bake the short bread in a :""natitiee: •
the • Military authorities'
took :the. negative side an strategic
slow. oven -until .1ight brown: This ad ,
otas easy as it looks-
grounds, and the conseque.nce was on
' Runfavorable keport by the eomniittee. oiled Apple Peffets.—Taree eggs,
;te-Pint-of-ntlIkr• 11. littl"ititr11,
nel tunnel c)wreretk". a l neha'ntra:
duced,, only to 'be rejected at. the 'bi-
ne and a half teaspoOnfuls of balci
stance of tbe Government .,of the day,
powder. ••ill teeeinis with 'alternate
The last otcasion was In 1907, edger
ef 'batter end•choppe4 •
rier",eigned....u.frhis..i.tm se riose v5.....thitiferviees the buil ing was sat...upon• ...,
of f h d I d
purposely brought the convertation molished in a few hours..• , 0
round to his estates, for,' with all his
of hi S comeenion. • Lady' Constance be a pack . ems.. e dogs and e-
dissipation and languor, Leroy 'wee no • •
• arent-thauounr--raferm, Ridr-ef-7-Gatar-r-h,
mirister invariably referred all cOM- Oljarrhal Deaft,ess nr
few- as there, wera--to •; ; 11-1eati Noises,
hie; son.
• • • If ,vou have catarrh, catarrhal freer-
• "Pirk sorry' von would 'riot rtnew. nef"; or lleaft riblaris ict1191,7; Tar rala.hd'
the lease. for Farmer Darrell," 'she, ri;rasiforehereIlne:traiTlit .of fhie stotnach
said gentlyi."he is almost hea' rt.-•brbk- howeiS Yoti vyill he glad tO know that
en at having to leave Briar
• Adrien Pulled up his horse' sharply,
• "Farmer Darrell to leave triar
_Farm!" he said aulckly, "What -do
you mean, Constance t" "
She looked ab him steadily, as- she
"I •rode oVer there yesterday-, and
found them all in great trouble. They
told ma Mr. Vermont, acting "Inidet
these Matron/dna. sYmptOrris can be en-
tirely oYdrcome in Many instances by
the ralloWing, treatment which you ban
eatillY prepare In. your own home at lit-
tle eon. Sober() from 'yours' druggist 1'
0111)Ce .PArmint • (Double -Strength).
This Will not cost YoU more.then 76a
Take this bottle arid, add to it Pint of
hot Water and 4 euhces '0,t• granulated.
sagar-: etir until dissolved. Take. one
tabletroconftil tont' TX day." 'A de-
cided ittiproventent stunettnies noted
titter the drat „daY'rf treatinent. Breath-
ing hedonics eat4Y, while the distreseing
head. noises, headache, dullness. cloudy
thinking. ete.. graduati dittalMear
, zari li:.,redwelia, had tatased to Frani tor tile tonic action • o the trektm
tarogtirgy to ge4- whetaeVer anyone men- are f 6.t142nptclt24111.5f /41141111 wa74hw rill;
00111.11.11111.111.11Milliall11101111111111121111 b h
7(1 .thwoughdtiVhilWoVpurcitt!t" ""i6; " i Piralt°114; 11°arli ninety PI
sa d to be dirintlY
s 0 er toseri Awl ifyitotu limeyrnelf„00b. al 6, ,euteattioacittbrylettotErit:Etioreltl.other0-tee0f
owkl, 0 ro simple hoitte IrrittictsUnbt,
. toted be thee
tante. defectiVe heareirg.
to trnel ea24d. promlited to speak ari rnucus
e .61rE you ow how throat are ofiri:Ntilitlitottir he4k °f ` the
cient flour to thicken as waffle -batter,
, .
Periat' Defence.
with 'flavored cream aail stager,
1 4 ft 1
But, in August, iSia, -'111r. ,Asquith
Poteto PuffsaaPrepare lightly -beat- •
; eremileed a' fresh invest:leadenlit.
'en mashed ,potatcres• tied whee hoz
the' firof•Of. the Previa:it v411. -England
shape into balls. theesize -at an egg. •
and Preece have' beeriele welded "that
Have a tin sheet well buttered ,and
their parting seems impossible. The
place the liana on it As soon as all
pr,oposed tunnei ik °nee be but an addle
are done, brush 6ver, with betitA)ri egg,
Brown in, the ovena 'Ween dello, slip tidlitta• tie of Mendable and guirantee .
a knife under thorn and slidgood will. Two, railway coinpanies,
e* m I a't
upon a het platter. • Garnish with the eFranc. Great Neethern and the
-.1 English Southeast•eria stand ready
parsley and serve immediately. ,• ' to build the tunnel.eller ruanlisliefig
duCaoc,sitoeriro6lectiolf). Duck.—One efitrootzt! ! onahalf of the' total est, which ie .....
half Can pease °rib -half teaspoon on- t'steel,.mate-ds. vnt $80,40.0,000. .nToldi.eirtomrigiun. L-
ion juice, one teaspoma"
dry powdered 'n""8 ' " i( all plan
tbreugh the chelk ridge from Dover
mint,. one qifart well-seporied •soup I
'The Folly Of Taking
Very little had been, heard' about
their doings, but, all 'the same'eveey
men,' woman, 'and cbied in the United
Kingdom lies under a eg;reat debt of
Obligation_ to these toilers on the deep
who have done as much toWards keep-
ing Mir esibles• well laden as any 'pagt
ef the fleet, and in some ways, 'per-
haps., more. ' Asto the- work of sub-
marine hunting; one 'cannot gain much
idea Of its etscigencies from the little
sop that is being given to the curios-
ity of London. ' •
-$ubinarines - are 'elusive :things,
"Roasting" tipi •out from a 'Stretch of
open . water' . ' 'somewhat ' resembles
searching for •a needle in a hayrick.
There is always the.chance that one
may fi d the needleby sittingd wit
upon • it unexpectedly, -and th -sub-
'marine may be dificovered' With 'lbw -
Burly urTpTeasant abrtiPtheis. -. 14/lienT
this happens there .follows a breezy,
time for the finder. Underwater ,
craft are stalked in strange ways ;
and with niethddical persistency. !
Those: who to out after them have ,
mach skill in the use of snare and gun, I
and "work", the "doge which the un- 1
leash with -the thoroughness bf • al
poacher overhauling a. handy' covert. 1
for your bl
.Ne need tore
Mr. Censor: o "iediscreet revela-
.ili ue pencil
tions" are corning. All the game one 1
cannot expect the people 'who' are
flocking around .U0 5 to believe that
submarines are taken in a hair spring
or coaxed inta eaptieity ewith lumps
of ' eugar! i ' • '
- Digestive Pills .•
0,•••••••• • a
- A Watitinit tp Dysttelities. '
' The habit of taking digestive pills af-
ter meals makes chronic dyspeptics • of'
Manythousands of ,tnen and: women 'Pe- •
pause artificial ..digestents, • drugs and '
Medicines have practically no lailuence
upon the excessively add condi-den Of
the stotnaelf.00ntents which is the cause
of most formsof indigestion and aYs- . •
The atter dinner 0111 MerelY lessens
the sensitiveness of the stomach nerves
and %thus givesa false sense ol'.freedom •
from pain. If those who are subjectto•
• indigestion . gas, flatulence. • belching,
1310,attrig. heartburn, After eating,
-"valui• ed tnagnesia. from their dru t
id get about an -ounce of "mire. his- •
after • eals, there would e no further
and take a teaspoonful in !tit, little er
%IV •
necest3itY for drugs or iedlcines
-cause bisurtited•magnisia, instantly
neutralizes • strimaeh acidity. stimi .food
fermentation and thus insures 'normal,
painless digestion by 'eneeillek the stom-
'agh to do HS work without hindianCe,
. .
. •
Preintrations Are Being Made :for
• - After -.the -War Tiede. • !
The shipping,n, trade o_ Great Brit-
tain,. while suffering ecinsiderable•
bosses ,frem enemy submarines, s is •
nevertheless quietly strengthening it,
self by means -of various financial -am-
algamations of interests to meet the
"after war"eetnersidition, nnd by
• means Of fresh tonnage constructima
despite the huge ineteaee in cest of
Materiel and labor. Various, 'ship•
yards ere stacked with orders. The
-investing public are also I showing
their belief . the future -_of British „
shipping by absorbing ite sorte of;
shipping shares privately atuken vari-
ous stock 'exehenges.
It has long been a ,belief thab
riages should- take place • when the
Moon is waxing and aid wet -liege,'
s A Chinese bride, while putting' cli
her wedding garments, stands in 'a. '
round, shalleW basket; that is euppow-
ed to make her f placid Ii i
. .
9 spos ti n. •
to •cape OreeNez, a slietance of 21
stock, flour and drippings. Singe,.
clean and disjoint duck. Roll each
piece well in flour and brown quickly
in beef drippings. Pack in laYere en
very , large ea/tamale, alternating s. .1. .
0a been
*with mushrooms and 'peas, Mixed,. and vei; artelent timeit 1
"cover wibli soup, stock, containing ()AA toneidered an °Mee of mIsfortune to
ion juice and mint. , 13414,dt:01y or.ibblnatried in green.
.mties, emerging on the. French, 'aide,
betaten- Sangatte.Snd Wissant, aerie)
12' relies email ot Callas.. •
stomp es mictueste
'T'HE man, who puts. •
• clatiiing to the hard-
e--- est testeastailly -select's- ,
Penmans when -it ;office
to sweaters. He knows;
ofo' course, from experi-
ence that they wear.like
, so much iron, that t ey,
.fit rigt.t and look.Tight.
After all there. is nothing
• like ecCepting what an
overwhelming .'m aeii a I y
take as a standard. Say .
• Peninanse