HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-10-26, Page 5,r
TMalraday, O tober'26th, &
without Music. ?•
broncli?ul tul)ela?• 13'settle Ott o eougiaast bang en or
are yen pubjcet..tO, throat irQU,111e0f
;ouch troubles' sltould. bavo limmedlate
trcatruent with. the rare curative powers
of Scott'' ntunlsios'-to guard 1401,00t,
t onsumptiou vbieb so .easily follows,
cora 11nrnhleionn contains, are cod liver
01 wbiclveculiarly strengthens the resa
piratory.tract end ianproves tbequality, of.
the bicod; the glycerisze in it soothes and
heats the tender membranhes of tine throat,
Scott's is prescribed by the bast special,
pats. You can get it at, any drug gore.
Scott $c Pewee. Toro**. APt,
Made in Fit Any
Canada giP IlliP C up Machine
The Columbia dealer nearest to you will gladly demonstrate. Very ,
easy payments Little dish required. Dealer will explain terms.
Semi for ,a new 'free catalogue.
COLUMBIA�rGors of the p
"Pioneers an eaders in the Art.'
"Owners of, the Fundamental Patents."
For Sale by
A. Meeting of,' ratepayers of l3ruce
township- instrubted tia.e Township
Council to donate '$1,000' to the Brit-
ieh lied Cross Sopietaa. Sutlsoriptions
from. individuals were also invited...
A N lou Kincardine ate
porter.says:' Arnopg the.. many kind
J`acts toward the Bruce Battalion . was
tlia•t'of. Ur. Q. M,.• Bowelab, M.: P.
who, on Wednesday before they left
• London, caller upon Lieut. -Col, A.
Weir- and presented him. with a cliege
for $500, to be. used in the best inter -
:esti of. the battalion: I was done as
tlr..13ownjan alwgtys does these, met-
ters, quietly, and was greatly appre-
• • THAT CLi:nxstirr. -The race for the -
County Court -Clerkship has dwindled,
down to Dr. Clapp, of Mildmay, ,who
was recommended by the East Bruce
Executive for the position, acid Mr.' C.
F,,: Stark, the Tara lawyer. It is
whispered that the affair will be settle
ed by dividing the three .ofiicea . held
by the late. -Mr.. Goetz, Dr. Clapp, tak-
in;'the Clerkship of the- Surrogate
,Court, worth two thousand a year, au d
,Mr;:Stark getting the County Court
Clerkship, and the position • of Regis-
trar of the High Court. The two,las'.
named offices are worth $900 and $6.75
respectively,•alo>;ig with certain oxtras.
e •
'A few leaeling machines we. offer ;for sale at this 5es,son
of the year.
The Deering- Corn Binder.
The.' Oliver Riding Plow
The Wilkinson Climax and the International'
- Ensilage Cutters.
W. G. "Andrew LUCKNOW
'Resultant' Bleb Crops Secured BOiermaay
Through 1 s Use
The extensive,use of, cnmriiercitl •for-
tilizei•s has bees . prirp; ry cause .of the
relatively high crop yields in •Germany,
and an important faetor in. maintaining
the food•sunply of that' country during
tf "war.- '1'lie` following table shows the,
cotihparative yields of certain crops in
'various countries: ."
4.21.3 I
• o
• •
n,1'dl. C:1 V• GO.0 •
. r- ,-.
• •• o'ra '-+ o> 0 .t n ci
GO fi4 GO GO M M GV C:
00,13 'h7,NDt3OR,
co td'ai cp a:
.4. '•. N N'C'1 a1 C.
The World's Greatest
"' (From the London, Eng;, Trines) ..
• o .
It was the Province of ()ataxic)
which. res ponded. st• ith such • unparalleled.
generosity to the appearof the Red Cross
'made on 'Our Day'; 1915, land sent.over
£300,000 `to helps at the•Front our wound-
ed from home «and overseas': • 'Canada,`
like other of the great Dominions of. the
Empire, has•lrer own peculiar ,responsib-
ilities towards the sick and *minded of
the armies which slie,has despatched . to
Serve in France and is training at home,
She is bearing thfit responsibility through
the admirltbiy organized *Canadian Red
Cross; the support 'cif which mast neces-•
sariIybe thea.et.'care. of the Canadian
people. But they do not forget the wider,
needs. of the oommunityas a whole:: The
Joint • Cotnniittee. ,of. thew British" ,Red
Cross •Ssciety% and Order • of St. John
carries on its work in all 'theatres of the
war fur the benefit of-• all the sick and
Wounded. of itis Majesty's forces from
whatever part of the Empire they are
gathered. That is why , whatever local
efforts are made the inhabitants of the
Dominions and Colonies recognize the.
claims' and generously supply :the needs.
.of the central bcdy.", - , •
Three things determine the value of .a motor car..
The standard of quality maintained; the care. exer-
cised in the'. manufacture; and the completeness of the
It is with these three things iri mind that We make the
• unqualified :statement that the Maxwell is the world's, •
\greatest motor car value.
Every ounce of material that enters into the construe -
tion of the Maxwell must pass a rigid inspection. Our
chemical and analytical laboratories are not surpassed
, by those of any other industrial institution in the
world. • • •
The best steels obtainable,heat treated according to
the most scientific .methods, are, used. No motor car
has better .materials throughout.
In Manufacture the Maxwellis built with exacting
precision. There is...an absolute interchangeability •
of all parts, There is rio waste of ime m - erial or
labor. •
,If you could see ,the_ four hiamm x th o la s that
produce the Maxwell—go-through t, em, s -tidy how
they. are operated-- you would immediately fleclare
that•the Maxwell is well built.
•he third feature whic-ii-` ireat5s• lue is't11 •
equipment. The Maxwell is a•whole car. There is -
nothing to buy extra. The ear'stends as complete as
you want it, no matterhow' particular you may be.
S_accessory-yot1 have in .iud. J4 � a i • f t e
regular equipment. , •
When you know the Maxwell it is easy to understand
that it is indisputably the world'sgreatest orator
ear .valuel •
rza6 d r ce ec
a, oe$ cc ,ra o ep, ac
M. O ci
�! N G`1 rttti.
John• G--- Kuntz,
• -;, • •• '0'"
.., �'
1 • GO• .45.”J
p. ..* 115" ▪ p
e. -m .� p c,.
a -..a
In comparing the crop• yields in Ger
many and. France, the statistics show
tliat thirty years ago these countries were,
enually productive, .but tliat'durink the
last three decades Germany's yields per
acre have nearly doubled,. while those of.
France have increas.d. by only --1Q per
cent. Germany's progress is due partly
to the effects 'oleo np4ative I1gricultural
sucietles. and •sehmis, together with tech-
nical intprovement in agriculture, • but
Mainly to TR inereased'use rh coinni'ei•-
At Empty Jail Celebration
--Foi—t-hd- nett was built,
'30 'years ago, Morden, Manitoba, jail has
no prisoners confined•within its .walls;
„ The citizets of Morden, in . honor' of
the • showing made, •under, •prohibition,
were recently entertained at an `.'empty
jail" celebration. Ml lock's, were free,°
boltaOn'cells ,dl'awn'•and •front and back
doors opened wide as ,the.visitors 3valked
along the corpidors of the prison. '
Tea and cake were served 'by the
wadies of the town in the place of, 'prison
fare given'_ to prisoners' for, 30:•years.
Flags tlew from cell windows and from
flagstaffs in the •town. . •
Painting of harm implements
The painting of farm imlilentents for
their protection anis preservation has,ap'-•
parently received veiy:little Iconsidera-
tioil by Canadian farmers, if one may
judge by the information secured by the:
Conitnissioit,of Conservation in the sur-
vey condfucted ori 100 'farms in each. of
u-r-eeuntie:t4n-Oo*tario:---4n Waterloo••
not one farmer' who painted. his im•ple-
iiients,:was found. ,annimg. the hundred,
• ►n Carleton only ,on3i in North'uniberr.
land-tlhree,.and in-4undr>, ole�vtin, ..
The we of paint on. both 'the wooden.
and metal parts ef, :phaeliinery 'gives a
protecting cover rgainst deterioration by
nee and weather; apart aitogethe'G from
the general improvement' in appearance:
tial. fertilizers. As the table -shows,
Canada's crop yields aro much below
those of- Onr
erany, but' if Canadian farm-
- c 9u rtilile1•s s e ens ,sly`as they
are irsecl in Certn•iny, the • produc•ion
would be increased immensely, without
placing an additional acre under cultiva-
tion or employing extra hop. ---W. J. Ill:
Yields. To .Delicioub Vinol
l'Iiilndclj iilr, Pa.—"Last fall I was
troubled with a, very severe bronchial
cold, lieaclaolies, •baekdelee,,Kitnd -sick to
my, stofnarh. I was eo bad I became
alarmed and tried several medicines,
also a doctor; but '.did. nob get any relief.
A friend asked the to try* Viriol and. it
brought the relief which :1 craved,, eo
now 1 am enjoying perfect k'ealth."--
We guarantee Vinol for aren't)
Coughs, colds rind bronchitis. • •
The cast of prepared paint for the par-
pose 1s'very small!; aiid experience in the:
work is unnecessary. .
'i'he initial ,.coat of -tam mi,pleniepts
means to the farriers a large ,.outlay.
'This _in vestn ent ,should ,be protected..
Depreciation front rot and:l•ttst Is rapid,
when •once these conditiothe,are ei.tab�
Hated. For tlie actual innney saving as
well as for th more prosperous• appear -
once it gives to th'e farm and farmor,:the
regular overhaulinand painting` of the
farm implements should' be a recognized•
part fit tho yotgio Work, - I • ;
KJNLQ S •dives' $$50Q.Q0
Donation Made at Me4tiug tit
Council met oh, Oct. lOtb. (lumbers
were all present, 'Reeve in the chair.1
Minutes`of last meeting were read and
on Wotton adopted. . .
Moved by J. Mcniarmid, seconded by
J, Tiffin, that this Council .make a <rio-
nation of $750.00 to the British and the
Canadian •Medd Cross Sochetiee, and: that
this Council hereby impower the Reeve
and Treasurer to borrow by way of a
loan the eum.of $1500;00 for this, purpose
on the credit of the Municipality of Kia -
loss, and that the•Clerk prepare' a by-law
cenfirreing and giving effect to the •same.
1g0iiun carried. ' • .
Bills acid accounts," op being passed,
the following Cheques were issued: ,Jas.
Johnston,. inspecting culvert, $12 OQ.
miiott Miller, 47 `yds cement culverts at
4 45; watering 2 00; lose half inspection.,
7.50; torsi 203,65' :,George Colwell,
letting water off 10th siderbad, 54 cents.
Richard Guest, culvert at lot 2, 3rd R
N D R, 5 00. John -Hodgins, bridge
titnber, 4 00, Reuben Stauffer, hauling
timber for bridge, bloek.t A, 3rd R 8,
1 50. 'rhos Moore, 75 yds gravel,.0 00,
R Ferric; inspecting Casetnore contract,
1" 50. •George. Garton, tile at White-'
church, . 4 50, McKinney Bros 491)
yds gravel at 40c per yd, lot 25, con 2;
19 60. Jerry Casemore,.21 yds gravel
at 60c, 35th sideline, 12 GO.. • Williarii
Kennedy, ditch and filling holes at
Whitechurch, 6 00. Adam., McQ'pee,,
repairs to bridge at lot, j'1, con L, 1 00;
Jacob Miller, culvert and grading at lot'
70, con 1, 7 00. 1) S McDonald, select
ing jurors, 4 GQ. D A 1 I,cDonald, select-
ing Jurors, 4 00. Thos Murray, selecting
jurors, 4 00. Jacob Miller,: grading
Kinloss and Huron boundary, 65 00•
Jacob Miller, grading Kinloss ere'. Ash-
field boundary, 26 Q0. J Carruthers,,
day work on .Kinloss and • Huron
boundary, 3 00. Alen Phillips, remov-
ing stones off lOth•sideliue, 3 00. `Ezek:-
Hodgkinson, repairs to Fraser bridge
on ,Kinloss. and Huron boundary, 3 00
Business being over, meeting was ad.
jourhed' to meet on Monday, Nov.. 20th,
1916, at' 10 o'clock a. M.
Thomas Murray, 'Clerk.
rte have
a- itiilll Ane
IL will pay
• you to Visit
`o"t.r Store
& •see vv;l sat
big values
• we have for
you' a t 's' o
little money
,ale in 6:
. Bargairns in
Second Liand Base: 'Burners
Our line of Amm4ni-
tion. is complete. 'We
have , Guns to Rerit,
o .
r �;°`44 a �•,.Jl
g f
Y t1o, 1
you have -114'
•a •
Roof vvhy. not Repair •it before
the Cold Weather sets. in.?
We have prices on Roofing
and' all Building Papers
that will surprise you.
' A•specia}, meeting of the County,Conn-
cil was held here on Oct. lath to con-:
Sider the question of a grant to the
Britisli-Red Cross Society. Every Mem-
bier of the 'Council was' present, except
Deputy 'Reeve Love, -of Stephen Town-
The executive • committee •brought in
a recommendation that thegrant be the
amount 'raised by levy,of•one=half mill
on the dollar on the equalized•.'assess-\
ment of- the county.
. Reeve'Taylor, ef-Exeter,objected that
the Amount was too small, as the demands
upou the hinds of the Society .were in
creasing. He moved, seconded by Reeve
Nairn, of Godericli, that the\; grant be
$25,000. This; however, :did •not: carry,
and the recommendation of the executive
Committee was Mien unanimously adopt-:
ed. T -
The sum thus voted amounts to $21,'-
How about that Razor?
We have, manydiffer-•
makes of razors.;, Try,
our" SPECIAL at 83c.,
while they last.' Every razor guaranteed..
` razor Sirops, Hones, Shaving Soap..
The Store Where Your Money (foes, Farthest".
Lion ..
(Intended for last week)
Mr; and $Ire. Albert Helm visited
with friends at Lanes Sunday.'
Mr. and Mrs. Will .Irwin and babe
spent Tuesday with relatives here.
'Pte. David Johnston, of Cannp Borden, I •
spebt`the week end with his uncle, David'
A few from this neighborhood attend.
ed• the" anniversary , services at Lanes on
The Batik of Hamilton is. notch-
ot •dh-pendent upon the.prosperityof any
pre section of the country. It is a
' well entrenched institution• with
branches -spread—Over Canada, at
„ each of which a general banking
business is transacted.
capital Authorized $5,000,000 ' J. A• GLENNIE, Manafrev.
capita, Paid-up - $3,00051%
Surplus • - - $3,475.000 -
Sunday. -
Mr. and Mrs.: Alfred Sherwood visited
the latter's 'brother, . Jacob Hunter on •
Owing to the .bad weather Friday'
evening, the'ooncert which wits •to be
held in the Zion Church was postponed,
indefinitely. -
'i'aose who attended the Sunday
Schoo:' and .Epworth Magee Convention
held in Wingharn on. Wednesday of last
week rve"re: n -Messrs.. Joseph Hacker ,
David and John Andrew, Wesley Ritchie,
Misses Mary and Isabelle Nixcs, Ruby
Ritchie, Mary 'Helm, Mary and' Janet
Sometimes a preacher is sorely per-
plexed about the handling of complaints
against church member. ;This ie how one
handled preacherle them.` 'liediad 9eariied -
that a person will 'say 'a great deal which
he is not prepared to• substantiate, aind-
wiienever a •mdmber came' •with ISP corrra.
plaint he •took a.blank and his pen and
said: "Now ow I shall write down what you
gay,and yod can sign it, and then Isbell
know just•.wlhat the complaint is," And
he carried the book for forty years. and
opened it perhaps a thousarid.tinles, but.
ha never wrote a word in it.' When'
people,;hava, to ,elan their Complaints
001 ;all$ krOter pot td` mako them, ,
GET . -TI-i B >
Store " srot>,r " shoe store.
you casr•get_quality, fif and variety. 3ttle..have ...e..great variety
' in 'Ladies' and Gentlemens' Fine Shoes. _ •
You can get `•` Invictus" Slso4s Frew► us,
Out' tkly , Satin Call Blucher at $2.56 is r'vorttl '*bile . •
- examining. when 111'tic'cd of 13oy'S' 5hocs ' ,
.Mcll's 11'cavy :Wcol, Slicks ;tt $4.00 are extr:1 value. ,
art you to get the
" habifWoi. Calling our sii•re
ou v.ant to 'deal in a'store where
j'iq" 4441041VOIVAP09/tv.46141110,14140004001%14400~9