HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-10-26, Page 4•dIrc) aid 11,113)1;9r,
X, ihectinevAcklitt, Agent
• .1fletlia.ti,)%t..)Liig:7. caltmrauce, kilo and J,110,
usnunisieni 111141411ter0.1- 011)
0 1?
• ekificat tfltent thutinBewO tau iiinslon
stool. vintibar .cr.flo oott'Ainit..
10.101/0110, fur oaloh, ,
1),11,141elisaiir 1..calluenseetl elleY V1111,13t •
Venilinlut ti•11 iltsrli; in their fliu.'gall,
sialet,4fl boaliren•rerdially iii
•NoalcV: at Atns-itroutri.
ttobt Treas..
iitt.r4t deo, 4,11, iutani 1)4
A, '.i5.1 /.4., '4. 0. it• 0...•014.1.100, kelan meth
every iturjaikr 4444 utter lagerat lull
1.40011,311 Op I4Linilc 11411.1liwolueli divot
gniclinari. :14 It iirmarcoattl.W.'.
Pullin VV,,yi.ir„„pooiktoulscex.,
Co). E. fjOure Mlier)vflek No. no, "heeling%
4tieote every liot tb
JIA Ibe t1ii4lel3owa'11011. Oen brot hor 11
i-orkuelly in vitrit to Wee h 1 1110 Itoner, .
Jahn :1'7, Melit *tear !deer.,
vim tlesi.y.1 ate*, .19111141911, 1.'res9.
1 Q:
0e,11, W. lafeJrnew Leila°. No. ;1:17. meets
• seatt,,,it itioaday or omit meet 1. 111 oho odd.
14132.0,0,dt Vine t'letNe 0.,14.1tr, ;Malkin tos Reek
t5COrt PattOreVrees..101.41toshs,
° Otto!,
• .
arowt<ton,i. tiateaup'
. stalroto ilittkon .1114141,* Toeswitter, tlass
talgt1001,1411 ta, sold Notes, erownitelf mit
,b900.0Wavgi Wreacterk '1St, and ark
141•1144114Y 01),1/111311,10001111 tierrieVh111)
° NPIWTtkit, 14 Dendati, Ohne
.444P, MO014 Veteltne*... (fat, Ali., 3110titirtt
• • 100000 10c.4. d lamortaltlfdreisheit.
(how/rata inilegolvork, ihdinoss extra,01,,
'1011 liV1401100 of thelitteott ohnplatet awl
saffnit Verecilvi .1iit/ntNQINHIM, .1‘10wcst
thine -in mr141100 teeth. Alueriain taidese.
•• non fkrikokehle,
oriATrenp. ONT.
Coluqurcialr'Shortlfand and
Te_legrapby INpartments
Stirdentit niey miter at env time. We .
place gradttateS la positions, During
July and Aitignst wereeelVed appllea-
tionaler over. 20 office assistants we
could not simply; VVrite for Ctur free
catelogim ot once,
Dig A. MelilACHLANN Prianipal.
want cream and Will Pay the
. :highest market.prines for geed*
areSule 8uuniter. Creamery ond
ratroim. Jawing
CreilinOuring the 14vintrir months
well to; ship. to hs, We
.weigh. -sample anti test each eon.
. of:Cream carefully Out nierenCIve,
aint,,rothrii a Statmuent Ot . lam*
each. tinia, 1/144 ...tarnish two mins,.
pIly-',OrP.resS• !Merges and issue
`.Ohemies fir .0r0414 tWice each
niOtith. • Write: US and give us a
XtWill.coat yoituotaing and
we gearentoe' you,'.- satisfaction.
Ver. -Anther 'partietilara .write or
. send for: gene give es a trial,
Iho 4cniantit.Ocitoutary. Solihull,
ilomeseekersi. Excursions
,tRotuld trip tickets to'points ill Manitoba',
• Satikatchewairahd Iberia via Noi tit Ray,
COPlivane end Tranacentinentol Route,
or vie 'Chicago, St: Paul or Duluth, 00
eale-each TueSkiny until Oct."3Ist
1iIv- nt low ittite$
. .
Through Tourtst; SteePing
:Cara ti WInnipeg on above .
• cla t Cal leaving Toronto
1045 pint., no.change of
gArf41 V14 Transcont.inental
• Route. •
• t01001ve of d( vt sale. Final return
on all tickets*. December 31st,
Berth reservntiottir and hill particulars at
°rand Trunk ticket oillees or write
• C. R. HORNING, Distiiet Passeager
• Agent, Torunto, Ont.% •
04 ,MAIITIN, Agent* Iduattow:
Pluute 2 •
Ottkiltfree, ennui -hie, territory' and
InOttey making specialties. Our agen.
cies are the best la ibe business for ,
we Oen the highest gradeof stock at
racist reasartable prices lind guarantee
i u first,class condition.
Nursery steak is selling well this year
and good snoney can be made in this
district. For particulars •write* sales
• Stephen .Leacock
Agoes C. Lar4'
Robt. W. Spryjee
• Arthur Striukpr .
Arthur E McFarlane• H. F. -Gadsby
T,11 ESR are .name S of• well-
known , canadiiti writers
ober nUmber MacUan's Mag-
•• azine.. •Theit work is putting
Maet,can's for to. the front as a maga.
weal' roiling 4_1th-re& i'volialians,
The contents of the October MacLean'
include: •
Ridding US the liberal Party.
Pefintukeni Peace Possible P
The Anterhuni ct1ot etid the War,
.4 Poen, by Service; a Sketch of ".lonsY
Calmat" a London Static uncle; the
• Pneularleview of Reviews Deportment.
Von get fine Value, no teatter 'what your.
.tatites • may be, in everY 1..site of MAC;
• I4Ratl'$-Iiearte this tiv buying,
or ,October, .cents
000 1Z 0(.R slam
. 00u vuAll
Co, 1Jsitt4d.
itYthe Virente,
ITurlutusur uUuvith
MilLtel every Tatitailag. raerolitg
ailticknow.. Ontario..
irk, it, 1.).1eirSITnill. lkoscicter• ,
anti 13.11tor? •
'rTeritiri Ortvcinctuitv.- To any mblverfir
in Vaasa% er,titeat 1It tili. ,01.10,111.,eA) .01; 1,1419k 32
latent ho 74'
4"; thtt;t1 Athltill RI ittLS Iled
tittAlezit etkeSzil,110 3.1kkm) tlila the pula
envative Nt:heti ,p,11)I1 in arrearslike illta
41 tab'. per z.var titalien •
iiitawrilier.3watt .t..4itiraleetive Theptiteel
retsi11at4 ntall m.11 v'M%!%'%3 totel
r tw-
Mitten lief 114 QC 1110 ot• vigil+ s. n,and sw
IV lieu ehauce et addr0c) 3f4kien1ri31, katitehl
414 llin now wittr0.* anoxia be
, •Ail'Vertining. Illattetoi•
11110:AY ADVIDIrrtniNtibttalit1
ernav ANIA1A1.11-:- Ono insertion 1400; three le-
VorniN ink Reel k;iitate•for salo rioc each. inter.
firm; Mierelitineyes Or sole. Totteat.
Wanted Lest, etc., each tesertion
lariatlicaders, lUe PPe
en line r IP'
terliee.60 cacti .rietosetemiit notation; soceliil
rate ratio to reKehir niselay ail yortess-s. Vaal
of WItanks tiemine: limns so and Pc per
uric, Ito notice leis thou 1450. LetsRlinlvertinine
hie out ao po line) Motion Moses. brief Iloilo
„flI. 110tea 1110 per lino tor lirst loot/ tton
.po rev each toornmoiont insertion. t11/),els.4aocti
1„ yrs) ()Iia( a lines ter I..
• . Aiiy 4pc4101 uolice.'llicohloct el which Who
purgatory bract t °fogy hidividuni or 0880Cia"
flab, to he innithicrenan difreillseinent nen
eholted accoonity,
.• itudoim ca,r0.4 ot slz ltnes suitt 1144.0/ ei0l1
TII171t§DAY, odr, 2fith, 1916
As wo,eitch day rea51 the long lists taf,
aansclian casualties atd "find *.in al. ens
• .
the names' of tihoiici whom Ws know, and.
• even ef boys from our own village, 'the'
great War hoemo to -come nearer and be -
001110. more real.
DoOtiess it is impossible .for those
who have neither son, brother or hus-
• band at the Front .fullylo appreciate the
feelings and !Anxieties Of those who have;
nor they Wholly understand the
emotions engendered by the 'announce-
ment that "there hi a te1egram-4d" And
it may be impossible to give 'counsel
WhielOwill help Oa soften the blows which
are falling. -• • - •
• •
But is it, .not true that, though 140
SQL row *ray he great 'and the Anse'. of
losa mut absence 'keen, there . i Some-
• thing about. the death,' of one at the
Front verY different from death under
any ntlier eirewnstaneed May not :olio
derive,4 measure of , POinfort. from. the
efleettou :that never Wati death mitre
.honerabfe than the, death • of rj BOO
Soldier hi thia witi, • if 'forty thonsand
.Okinadiad and One million ,British 'men
dier at the.Front, it. is heeausa that seen,
lice had to be made to save
No life' on our side is. .1oSt, io the war,
• They,aro, in fact; pit t?: the impreniest
bast use,• :.• • • •
, . • , . •
Po far its human vision- ean serve, the
war With itit Olive Of • bleed watt ,nh
avoidilhlia,, It -is part of the.droat ,order
of 'things. Thefaukcl 'Kaiser and his mad
associates are Merojifigident ' .
No.great evil tatier. lea airerted„. no
'great reform improvement introduced,
. .
without-ikaerifice :of life and pf, sarviee.
The chime peril is. the greatest :that
everthreatened' the world; and, to.. saki°
the world, the saorilicc wi11 • have • to he
the ,greatest ever made. :Scampi:me liad
to go. U oot• your:boy; then'some alter;
and would you have it. that way?.. 13
was necessary that that .tikik, thatibrethor
sUotjld goandfaliould fall. in no • other
Way (10414, Right triumph- oyer . Wrong,
*Freedom over Oppressioo,and•rhoWneal
be saved front e. fete tenthonnand antes
wvse than the lost of all those thousands
of otir best and' brave4.'. •
qlow bright are. the:7 honore..:7hich.
await these who with ,', saered '.for titticle
and patriotic ,fervor have endured, all
things that thsy .might ,save their- native
land Imbi lbe ruthless power .orot
iess-eneiny. The-lioneted-cleadf 4The
that. die.in a good -cense' ' are A!edePnied
from deatli.:". .• • • . - •
, )11.ty. not those- whoSe t oo ' or wbos
brother rests with the honored
the soil of France,. mingle'. With.. 'then'
sorrow a fooling of juSt prided For what
.greater honor can there be than ths
That, a man should die Le Save:the World?
• . As ,best wo tan, we Should prepare our
minds for the •Voyot neavs that may come.
• The appeal of the With& .Red •• Cross
Seciety to. Ontario kin: ineney, Nut. met
With. it mognifietiiii retiftimse,. s.etPikasitig
'even the Splendid 'vont-Abut ion. of a year
ago.' 'Thera. in 006d: )1:1 to be)ivo
that for Jltia worthy mbject fwn minion
dollarn. tvgl be given. kis againstone and
a half million's- a year 'ago,
With ilte high ling- i3 living going
still 'higher and' the tost, of ciniducting
every torm OI- hum nest;ever incrensin
, • .
his isii greiJ showiug ror 44444* . • ,
- Clint:ignitions Were made by tittittjci.
, ponerally nities, town's .140
villageii raked' their donations by a' an
trusi. .t.lic citizens. for iiiiirvidin0
trilaittonit, wlkile.couniiva and townships
made grtkntsfrom the minkleipal treasury.
' Thu ray of Toronto rose.to.,the oeetts
tn by givin 8701540. t 1. Last, fear
$4.V.0 $538,000; . •
The canvass method in flto tinvikaapd
villages *minces' %it ter resitltathan,
W.0. -Y WOUlsi, While. ,W levy'
is• perhaps Item; suited ,f0 eiitillttions in
tit!) toWnaltilia: ...in tre' former ready'
citizens in eoinfoi.tabln ,Cireinnatanee;
bait% given ten times as inuelt as they
wotild have .contriinkted. had a levy on
to WeSat.ient 1,4,0011, 11440i
'Ware in opt), catiafaeilon ia swing tit
Dr10 or eartryliau lictt Ct'e23
Linda Thece ate fuel:aged Cis el
perhap:a no. funda of•thatJWetas -wfre
•managed. gad they go the beat uce-lite
relief of the wounded.
The entinisheito and bnceeaa which,
etdcd'Uie C011 V0014014 Iti cotivention of
those PrEsbyterians who are opposed to
.eltitrell Union. et. Toronto last Week,
tuakes it'eleer that anything. like nen.
cto church ui of Presbyterians
Stethotliste 404 Congregationalistsi Itfat
present impossible. The' Presbyterians
who !net at TOrcuito. last viteelr, .deeided
040 tbey shoul4 pteServe the Presbyter.
len Chti jich as, it isow vvhetber ot not.
°triers .-w 1t to unite with the Motilo-.
diets, and Con*regationnlists• to 'feral a,
lYinea •
'The :movement' (Or 010,treh Vaal!,
hOsveyer, Itas gone star that it is 'not,
likely to be stayed even by this'powerful
mov•entent. • The men who • engincered
the action' of the- Gener,a1 A,soctubly At,
'WiPiiineg Wit suininer;eauntat very well
undo, what they italic -done, Ma are alliy
likely to desire. te do so. • That • wonld,
1)0,41 Eftiit o breaph, of faith W3b the
other two;
What likely wilfresult then, is that a
large section of .tne Fiesbyterians of
Canada will join with the Methodists
.110-Popgregatiouillistt3 to.form the Un-
ion ellUrQ11,: while a considerable body of
Presbyterians will continne their present
form Of ehareb. Organize.' tion, The first
dream of the 'Unionists cannot, for the
present, be realized; but'instead of, three
ehurchias,--Preshiterian, •getnadist ' and
Congregationalist -4110v '‘WilLhe two;
the 'Un)on and the l'resbyterian, •
. .
•••••--,-,•••-•.•••0- 0:*4-7--•••••••
A recent order 'issued' An Britain to -
'prevent waste is thto after, November
shoPs,shall close ,a.t 7 .o'clock ip .the
eyening...This is .with a view to saving
fuel used in.hdating and lighting.. .
From this order one hind of shop is
ezempt. Naturally one coneludes that
, . . ,
thia is a kind Of shop Which. supplies
very useful and 'necessary goods: which.
•Inny bo required at any tithe Of the • day
or -night. Not so, hoWover.' shop
• whieli: may remain open is not ther-enost
amain bu t the post. harrnful-theliqUor
shopl .Ths is • -
net the fault of those -in author.
ity,.fdr they must not dethaVei which.
public opinion loo strongly disapproves.
,ft is the fault of .public 'opinion; • Early
In the war the government' toillttens* th
close the ruin slaps, as _they .had' been
• closed in Franco. and these
interested in 'the liquor traffic and *those
whedrank, Were too n9*(111111 for the
government,•aid the. measure lig :to' be
withdrawn; Again the rum power. Iles
thoWn its hand, ani the li,nor *shops, re:
main peen' to wasie not ouly ftkel,..but to
lower -the elhoiency of the ntitiontdpro-
mote :crime and. even to hill nu,
Vor..more•than a year iheye hair° been
..Yestrictions upon the goods .that mighl
.1)0 • brought to British. ports, in ditder bk.
lesson the•.congestion of shipping. t: Many.
article's which would .promote the-ncin.•
Oh and efficiency of- the peeple May not
be importx1 in order that ships 11.14 be
available for transporting Munitions and
Men; but hundreds of thoestinds of tons'
. of 'bikrleY :a tut ir have sheen; :imported
for the thanuhietilre..01 is to be
.WOrse. than.,wastett, .for in the nit) of it
dikes a ,vast .anionnt -of harm and, no good.
: the7-11-11-en Power, -and Vh
power of ruin. • ' •
..i.aucknow hits a 'bylaw. whia requires:
that's person doing livery. businesii with
an iketomobilecin the 'village shaft hike()
a- Rennie for doing sti. The fee for this
:iicange is $.40tor the ,year, -and adrone'
doing .11yery. busideas with tui autoinobiltv
withent a lieensh is liable. to. it kfltia :Of
• A .
41.0.0o 3�r each otienee.
The livery business'referred to,e4sisti
ih taking people about in itry autombbile
and receiving pay:for the service., "rho
license by. law•Was stiggested,. pbtimpsos
nuidsure„of protection for those 10,'the
livery busineis,who have to pay s
.TheAtdittv_littes ot aionaac.-toLlaitee
*b('er) very, well eddiplied 1th arid- the
viihgo constable l id to ho takthg
.steps with 13 view to -its better enforce.;
Inca. . •
it is to pita) low suelin by-law
en,.thipt bo unforced without great
incenvetkience tR the people of the • vil-
lageFey it trip toa neighboring village,.
to a pientc or o tho lake shore, the only
means thonght of is .by.antoindbile, antl.
if will 'frequently,. happen during the
summer that tint regular auto livery ser.**
vice rill be entirely inadetitiate for. suelt
is:Cations The naturalway out of suc1t.
didleulty is to get somebody elso who
hati-anUtiteitioldlett, tke iTli»id and to
pay. lulu 'for Ilia trouble. Ihtt taking 'a
load in. titait ,Avay is a violation .of the
liceinte bylaw, and th.epenalty is liable
,to ye greater than the profit of the tipi
It is chattily unfair tlx compel the utau
'regularly engaged in the livery htisiness
tot take out 0. licet4te to operato an auto -
ambit% or to pay a bur.'iticsa lox slailo
°theta wlao cis- a natiAl livery taciattati ita
it of tide ir.f.mo ere int.Z. ti id
lave a ilicenai'tO give! an I; rezular ter -
lee .t 'tho Fil410 time should
titttiikliat foe. Phut off all or nearl
ef this Decabiond tervice. would bp a.
ions hardshipurmthe
tvolikt Put all enti to the gong •out of
parties reqUirAng rerrice Of
live ears, dad nfted it winal.k.; 114 Ill1p4a-
llible to r,et tho. service of a eir
Urgently Deeded. la the oligratiOn
of the kicens.e by-law us at,preserit seems
Win :Savo 0.a.soljne
. .
. The Mount Forest Representative
iitys:-(31,fford. Drew. the enterprising
fouth 41rd, Altt Forest barber,: hes invent -
ea an, appliance for motiar.ears, whereby
the:mileage Do ar gallon of .rgaioline is
about doubled, Ile has applied for pat:,
!ants in Qana,(10.Anci the United. Stateti,,
the.inearitinto is selling,. the ap-
Ounces and having it illantifactured 30
gt.'Forest. -our drives a Ford and
.hati, oeticed that to damp welther the
engine ran WOW fre,elpand tts'od less.gas
than 04 drY days, .About a Monthago
he sonetived the, bright idea of making
every day a: clamp day as far as the en
gine was concerned. Stew from the
radiator was ;Admitted to., he ,gaso'..ine,
e,ntering the motor., a,nd the vaporiging
process gave amazing rboults. - Where
lin had. been running 22 and. WI, miles on
gallon "of gaSelino,, he was able, to get
.4() miles On -the' st. 4 September he
motored to: Toronto via • Guelph and
Ilantitton Mid . made •the trip 1,02 niihni)
on two and one half g4114u,s, of. gasoline
Wonnded Wonderfully Cheerful
,aiid Smile, Through 11. All
, • .••••••,,.
• , .
'• The following vivid and intensely. in-
teresting lidera Of conddions• in the
tent hospitals baelt of the firing line in
raace is by misoto.rY.4slarns, of flan.
.over„„who had baen nursing the. wound
ed since carlY in the;war • • After a
personal paragraPliN Viss. Ada,ns sews;
Thelirst •ot.:July- our big ruh began
and since tAlinewe have .been quite heavy
butoioVer as. muck,. So as ..the first two
weeks. ' ..It allure One realize ,More than
Mink how dreadful tho ivar is, • •Bosnetini.es
when I see some Of • iho Men 'suffering
sue,h .horrilie torture' with' greitt gaping
wounds T wonder :what it ityall- 'about
anyway.. • The 2nd. of Jely the weesiled
.began to Pouriti, new tents opened tkp
everywhere. Inside of 54 b•iure our pa-.
tionts inereased frcm :500' to 1500 with
no inerease of staff -to 'MA afteer
and many mtkelt Wavier cases. In the
evening or. • (hatIli st 'day abont, 4.30, . t
h.uideda few. enipty bowls and. told
togo. tosenicepilv„tents to dress. the:p 1.
dents' and tieftlta them for the,
W Larrived there I. feu nd*:„ pat ie n ts
lying •tertd -Sating about *every
PedeirlieS were. phteing•-„boartts on stinds
about a loot high,' theirstraw maktrears
with brown .blankets out -dikAlreen• 7
founa • them all •stiikikee, those -Art
could walk were gent to'he wasIwt ; those
Yailuk could not Were gi vik4.1iasins 111• WhitIt
to wAgli ; 0./hile4L „fgi-W helpless °ties hail
to be. bathed and then. Utegan. dressings
I had five tents;. each with eight of I.hei•e
twits but ita wore patients. pontintied to'
arrii;e; before the e.voning.wits'over more
boas were added to *eitAilt tent,, that I
had 12' in each. • So close 'worn. the beds
yott could ' bef �en. 1 made
dressing's until 32 mein tiAht.i, using a lifn-
tern for light, ',The mixt- day." .no- were
upeSrliey thairtitiut'I'' 'and' I tonna, iny
nentber,df tents idereaSing se• -that t leul
over • 3� patients,. As 'soon .1t.9 1:11RIT
finished those ,dressings I helped !nether
des,. and that day it waii.2 n m. 'Wore.
I. gotto beickkarely tnkiiig tintefor meals;
111 rusli ln4ttl 1ui sevelat•illiys,senk
ing pat ietii 8 to .1.4:..1glatiti as.
81140.. RI711 "getting •t,ew inies--id,-"so it • WU
One eon tintunis• d'inivoy in and Out, • AS'
.1,1re Iiiie begain, to thiti ottt ..I went 'tollte.
fl)t 4110131 hut,:-tArt01 o. a su git!al
Ilt!ru vaaiI flf''tlie fl141r42 Seriouti (37(54
3%010 Sel1t,3lflt1it INVitS ft%V,ltl. 8111a:41C:4
U3) arms put:, 1.gs, fa;it 41 . greAt ..ga tig
1'Ott t18, (310: t8the 11140
bu•rtird bitch froni hips. to top of %rad.
My birthday came that week, and was
particeiarlydreadful. I was dpeorly and
•,11 rate ; two' pont. lads '1[1 led., and
ot•her .was dyng :!,ty,everii:ng I': fel
cottld not ,Stanttr8ittiire' Snnteont
ne manie 4tipy.•
p,.ret urns, but; I sant
not *Want many if dm); kr L" IV :RI 1 in.
he ltit„tithal-,:ri• . • .•
--4344'i—am-414 i1
, •
rather grail 'w hely tY litth‘ tents. hvgatt •
to 1111 up as*ain,. (I;e.,.ittttpmpli 4 had so
tway,y,)aiients Ih t» mysel3, lrek Were:•
billy and sieve many„of thetit.ot-flhighty it was fairly clikier- in the hot's_
was no' touch pain, stillialeg ati4eatli
that 'It'avas:'etkry depreeng. Som'etinkes
it was .ve,ry ditlYadt to keep...yoer srnilea
from eraeking. and often what canSedi
the bi:ggest brriik,swits tbe 'yheeriness.
'and patience. Of the' boys. • They never
grutelde or '60111•Plitin, end make ligftt:of
eVerything... SoinetiMeS,when.veiy tired
it seetned as tboA4li 1%. ne'Ver ttway
font it, '• On early; kip kite,' I :twat to.
with"the guns sonedidg in the dip
tanceanktlfett (ell asleep 1;n1Y.to dream .
Wa§ali'll worltlin! among • the dreadful'
sigins-,„ tine Morning as -the. doctor
Passed one littIo lad of luivith aalnash-
femur in big aim, gaping wound
Thurstity, October Olt% 1916
yle hoven't been thinkihg much abed% -lust taking
fr grauttd that $'-`..to a year is a right price for The Sentinel',
,.:year after year, let other th:pg1 cost what they may. But you
are -a reasonable being, and so can see that the price ola weekly news-
paper should no more remain " fixed " ) ear after •yearflian the prices
of such, 'common things as
wheat .
, . '.: :boueFr.teah
. eggii. :
potetoes, .4. *Mofor Oars
boots clover seed ' . t:i::
AN yotx think of any other commodity ,except newspapers and'
their like whose pt ice nas,rerriarned.unehanged and unchanging
yew- -after year Why,: then, should your newspaper's price
kem tin ,,forever the sameL-the samr..yfor '0XaMple„ ktS' wlien, you
could htt. , . 0
, -
• • •
a•cord of wood for $140 '
a bushel of, w4eat for 00 cents
a common firwtfor.2.0 cents
a dozen eggs for 10 Cents •
a pound of butter for 12 mania
• n cow for sgs
THE 'war, his brought to a crisis. a condition of things Which has,
• v'exed pUblishers for years ; the seiingI price of ,their newspaper.
It has sent. puce i pf paper,ink, type and supplies skyward. It
'Is costtno• kis many triore dollars 4. vveek now to produce Thc Sentinel
than 1.4er.hore the"outbrea.k of war.' Where do we get off at ?=in the
, slang laaguage of to day The answer is: we must get more for The'?
'Sentinel. And so since Jufy 1st the .subscriptiOn price of The
Sentinel has been $1.5o,
" •
You are reasonable, and so we count on yo,) to .
,,. meet the necessities of the situation cheerfully.
'• Three cents a ,week for your local newspaper—it is..
wor.la the price, is it ,not ?
ess than the price of a "Smoke"
over- hip and .down leg, he turned to nt
and, •said "All r Can. sai 'is !Ood
, -
the Kaiser," and liodid not ir
• revermtly Sometimes seems twin,
• •• • •
',ban yen can 'Bland (317(1.yot
not be happy ,out of oit-s-kifoivrng Ouch
conditions exist. . • .• •
. • . • . •.
',Vowardathe end'of the ryoullt things
'began- to steady down agaidand one had
*time to breathe. Pin tirift week in A uguit
1,.went on 'night dirty. the eurgical amt.
.theatre huts, pid-ope (1111 4)3 li.ad leg 0.)se3:
the ofbiir E,erioas 40.1,41 33 Oupds. It ker.-us
01,0." quite busy, lied -1.• find kt .11.M her 413
pt. At best'l:disliliti night -duty.
•eibeedingly, it is sneli,ItAeadly (4isteneo
• By the time one goes' hod:front. 8 p. in
onecan dO;little-tait -tumble: intio•bed;
"never seem td. letvreiiiidgb energy 'lett
for anything; tio Correspeedence, sitters
r-011 1170(0 than lloweVer, suP.
pose I Might 6.0.• well make the ;best .1-11
until ray two. nrolohs apish 014ober.
eettilY '130(1)4 to••haVe -lit t tithe, fcn".
thing and barely read the ...papers; inkly
headings. I kite -afraid over liere•))e 'are
. all more 'Or less like the wounded soldier
Sntica-owniretu. tbe: front" W when he
• landed in the...station in Eegland, asked
fora paper irr order to to, mit how tbe'
••,. • I
• O.
war was going. . • • •••
I hope I liaye riat with
long.aetount Of'sedie ',of our. work,
-kit 1 thought you knight he interested'
to belie a little of• bur condition's.
Thunk you :all again, ..for your hi lid
.thotion of • " •
SitteerelY,, • • .
-M A tiseV Au'ti' -
96 Branches in Canada •
A General Banking'Business 'Transacted
Circuity Letters of Credit
Bank Money Orders •
Interest allowed at highest current rate '
T. S. 12-EID, Markager.
• .1
REAM. we
have appointed W. J.
receive cream for Lucknow and vicinity.__
FARME RS having cream to sell 'should
calf at Taylor's Grocery for a can.
All cream will be paid for weekly by Mr.
Taylor at his store. Cream to be left there.
Call on. Mr. Taylor for pirices and full parti-
Palm Creamery Co.
• ,
•-.-•••-••••?-- .7,••-•,••••••-•
t!5 tr)t:c;f5
T OSC—W-H O. TI C, HAV e 13Equ I R I NG.
, , • - •
71-1crtit.‘z,. i M1); EN1 , TI1AY PURCHASE AT PAR
00.1.11tfl Rici OF ETWE STOCK
JJ 'OR ANY N11.41414? -1,..E TITERt.oP.
Octo1ier,101a. •. ,„ • ,
i,..h If let April and 1st October by tie .(free
.•• of excJinnoe t mti eharte..-4 Dank in Canada-) at the rate of five per cent
per'llainum re Irn i e i.f pu, ••;•. • • • •
. • .kIold3t ,.; •lc..* will htl‘ o the O. ivilege of surrendering 4 par and .
acerued itttA.;; 1%e v333'ivalc;11,. cagiv, in. payment •of arty allotment
• made un1 1.'e•!,‘•••-ai k 131 10 in. Canada other than an issue of
Tre3lstlry ltl1t or r (i'' ; sh rt d lt ; eoehrity • "
• --Pfelterda yr nre for. purposes only. "" •,
. A corn& 3S'.1 fl ef une-iwarter of one .per.,tent will be allowed to Tecog- •
tvized bond dstoe:c.ttro',-etki On ouottnents nlatie. in respect of•Applieations
` toe tbiS-st-oa:' StOMP: -
; •
?or atipliratiott f9rms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa, •
. apAirriquvr N
ItAtlett. (5rtrA1,v'A. . • .
ocropra; .;tts. IV16.