HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-10-26, Page 3W-'•"' • Q;r , Vo your requirements, and. enter ach, ditor day or so on one Page the inonlea re- ceived and on the Opposite siege the ,altiOnitta anent Qr wid‘ PailanCe 4 • raniii of thie editorial pages of the Government hatsseinee launched earrr the hnieRee .0oes, pe next the ‘'Ilverywornan'a World; but 413 a neW.Thrift eainlPolgn in the Denthl" a e Or if desired c r the We did ilOt intOiral tO felpreduce so have been real thnely,dor we noti44, 'these two pages when pne ea nad Wo resod it Over again it 'seemed so ihnolY and full a 80044 ideas, that we eannot produee anYthing Of higher. value lef loetter eharocter for this • week's "Tate," tie ye present .here a few 'more golden nuggets, leaving still much of the page that, is practis eel and geed; • , It is onlY through education that we can become a thrifty nation. If character building, sensible living, and thrift in Rs- broadest sense are wort7n while, then why not lay the •foundation aright, -.-why not teach these things scientifically, as we - teach fanning, cooking and all branchea of education? . EnoWing these things, and understanding these . things °ourselves, are We doing our 4143' to, mar, children and to posterity,: if we fail to teach the trim prineiples a thrift? - The nation, of to -morrow will be no -greater than the truth we teach one children to -day.: . •. • We canno1. teach a boy how to make , money. Making money is a knack. , But if the boy is not -by nature en, doired a money maker, we can teach hiM :to hire a sensible life, to spend . his" earnings wisely,to the best ad- vantage Of himself, his family -and so- • elety. We can teach him, through the practice of thrift, good citizenship. On ' the other handthe • boy who -is a 'ha-. ' tural money ranker will, in spite .of . everything, acquire wealth when he • matures,and we an 'so mould his character that when he becomes a nrosperous citizen he will employ his • .accumulations as .a Sacred trust, us- ing them to the greatest gqod of, him- self and his • fellow -men. We can teach him; by the example's of the lives or iyorthil and successful 'men, ' thatit is praiseworthy to succeed in good citizenship. , ' • * * * * • • Her comes a thotirght especially for our country boys who read the,se • talks. We hope older readers will di- • rect Ore attention of all boys in their • homes to these -excerpts from this valuable article on Thrift. This should • • touch many a respOnsive chord: • From plow boys to captains of in - many great panadiana ion., froth Oita to coaet. Thia sa . . , Mounts Or totale over, to the' ne# bmind to doriluala good in •8eve"I paoes, ,irt le welt to Illtake the entries, wftlf5 if PrOPerlY ssoarrieql On/ as we say, for what the Money comes and trust it will be., . Hitherto the -.31PPeall I geee,..-jt becomes a platter a personal has Veen, laree)Y to eorPorations awl ' history and may be bandy toter on for organisations, 'but 'now the e0ininon consparieon, We wish We cold loss peoplo are to he.implored to save. in press en awry man and wsraan. wilco every poesible-way as well as to earn makes 4 start In 1i the very great 'or produce ill they 'can to turn into imPortonce Of •keeping a spriet ac - m0,110", It IS .reported that the Fed- count of cash receipts and expendi- eral Gevernment has, appointed* g tures. We repeat that it pay e hand- ,seninsittee of bankere, 4,411441g Mr, some div.ideos and is the,psoper temi,.., It V. F. Jolles, assistant gen"al man- mail method or everybedy. • It is one • ager. of the, Canadian 'Bank of Come wsty of ising thrift an remit- mercer,- Mr. C. A. Boger4 . general mended by the Gove.rnment. „Give the manager of the Dominion Bank; arid system a fair trial and you will eoen Mr. J. P. Hell, general manager of-thO discover the -advantages if YOU arg Billfit of HaMilten, all of Toronto, to not Already convinced of them,, draw ab pleas for - a Dominion -wide-• • _„....._._,.. •,, campaign: The committee, it is ex - THE BRAVE: E.LIND: pected to early next week : .haVe a • plan of eamPaign drafted and , at, once An English Nerse Tellsa TOuctiing be given to the public, . Stdry of the.War. , From the bare announcement al-: Few Of the mann troe tales of the, ready.' made we infer that *Olio heroism of the brave men fighting in ,will be largely a bankers' movement. the'great war equal some of those re - The promoters say truly that the pub.. lilted of men who Will !fight no more.L.- 'lie is making money. The able-bodied the cripples, the deaf, the disfigured, • workemia inclined to be iniproVident, the blind. One such, recently told by in spite of the fact that he is earn, an English nurse home on leave to re- inmore than he requires: An at- puPeratelier strength, is a little story tempt Will be made y this committee With a hereine as well as a hero; it t� mobilize' these small indaididil is, indeed, a love story. • amounts of money for the mutual - A young Frdnch officer, blinded and :benefit' of, Government andpeople cruelly disfiguredkwas bine thrie alike. Naturally, no official plan has der her charge. He was engaged to been adopted yet. Several are to be he married; but as soon as he under - considered. In Britain the principle stood he would never see again, or of thrift' has become realized °through 'ever be seen without a shock at the a .Government scheme` by which the ruin of his ()Ace handsome couriten- Government undertakes to pay after •anee, he wrote.releasing his sweet - five years One pound' for every 15s 6c1 heart from the engagement; 'She re- invested by the people. It is likely fused to be released; indeed, she ap- that some such proposition -will be Peered at the hospital and demanded made to the people of Canada, enly that her lover marry her at once. He on a basis more beneficial to. the peo- would not consent; but the interview .ple of this country, as the country ,left him so shaken that he dared riot trust himself, to see her. again. He must go at least one -better than the Mother Country in everir .undertaking. confided his weakness to the nurse, • . . L. * * • and begged her help. Th plan, as briefly outlined indi- * * • • "Do not let her in," he pleaded; cates that the chartered banks will "but make an excuse to talk with ber. k mice more be the operating 'medium Tell her I .am not only helpless and between the Government and the pee- hideous -.--she does -not mind, the an- pl. A tentative plan is that. the gen-but that my dispbsition is . al- in charge cif one of the Germans to - public may deposit any amount from tend; say it is often that way with wards the. German position. On the HIDEOUS GERMAN OAROARITY .44444.4-44.44 RUPORT Or TUB RUSSIAN la0T-ge • COMMISSION. ks) \ •';'•-":"4/; • Posnmente, Tell of Torture of Ras,. aim Token By Germans • n4Auqtriaggi• The reader -can. only •ebedder at the absolutely incredible cruelty and .ber- barity in minahers of proved casesby which Germans. and Asietrians have placed therns.elves outside the pale of humanity. A. record that would shame .'any. tribeof primitive' ;nen, let .alone a civilized people who. boast of "lois tar," is that 'contained in, the reports a a Commission • aPPOinted by the Czartoinveatigate, Copies Of the-re- .poit have been forwarded by the .Rus- sian Ambassador at' Washington , to Hon, Mr. Justice •Iiiddell, of Toronto..' The documents contain ,sworn and sifted statement . of Mutilation, ter:. tore, and forms of abominable treat- ment that sh.oW the. inventive . char- acter of the German mind and the cals• .' leuszaissof a :viveetioniet. They. are aecompanied. by • photographs • of particular Casesthat are. sworn to, photographs that -are too revolting for general publication. . . • •,Ear Cut. Off.. • • 'The ineid.ents are related in simple narrative, without embellishment. One of then tells that in the early morning of July 21st,' 1915, 1Viielidel Ananiev, 'of • an infantry battalion, was sent by his offleer on -a special message...to a telephone corps, about twelve miles from Warsaw. :On the way he found a reel a wire and pick-, ed it uii, carrying it with him.' In go- ing through .a •wood he was eaptured by a. German reconnoitering party. They seized -him. and demanded in; oat on Talo legis. The doctor then W44 able to force the, powder into • M• a Mouth, with the result that he expir- ed about 29 minutes, later in fearful • agony,• TI10 facts as tu this were re- lated by the owner of the house, where •the outrage took piece, ilreko V.togosin, with the artillery, while reeonnoitring with fivo other Men, lost their wan and suddenly be- anie aware of a euperior force of the eneap_ The hid in a hollow,. and while there saw an unknown 'tussled soldibr, mounted, Who had apparently also loot Ids way, ride straight into • the camp of the enemy, Tine hap- pened in Jo.nuary. The Germans sur- rounded him and dragged him from his heroes hey then stripped him naked and threw him .on ° a • pile of burning wood end encircleithim with their rifles so that he eituld not es- cape, holding him there till he,burned to death, • 'Lifted on Bayonets. On another occasion a party Of Germans had a number of prisoners, and were being pursued bross a riv- er. Whee they got to the other side the 'Germans; with their bayonets, lifted the prisonereout Of the boats and threw the wounded then into the river: . • The, documents centain the dates and facts about over forty cases of treacheroui misuse of the white flag. Evidence is given as to the use, of ex; plosive bullets -,ahd cruel treatment of. thst• wounded, 'putting out their eyes with bayonets, and 'driving stakes threugh their throats: • In the village • bf NoVai-Dvori, the ProVince of Lomzha, thirty wdunded Russians were left three days without food or medical atten- tien. On the third 'night, when the derinans withdrew, they fired the shed. Only • ten of the thirty es: - caned. • With Red-hot hong. , . • In May, 1916, Efremov. ZinovieW was tortured by having a red•hot bar passed overbis feet in an effort to make him disclose information. A elector held his pulse while so tor - formation as to the forces and clistri- tured. butien of the Russians. He refused Other incidents sworn to include the cutting off of a Cossack's nose, any information, and they cut off the the cutting off of another's fingers, helix (the uper part) of one of his ears. He fainted from the pain, and the tearing off of an officer's finger - when he came to himself he was sent nails, and hanging prisoners -so that the blood rushes to the head, mak- ing :them raPidly unconscious. It is $1 upwards, and that on this the those Injured as I am. Say I am no way the German set down ! to rest * practice to revive. the prisoners . have trod that path! How many of loriger fit to live with. ' Say that - I Seizing a' favorable .OppOrtunity, the after such treatment, and then 'hang our citizens begin life with the heath.: banks will pay the regular •rate of in- • cap of poverty, and 'gain the heights! terest ant e amount f h • • 'am grown morose, and fly into fright- ,Russian hit his captor or the head • ful rages on. the Smallest provocation; witb. the reel of wire, and 'then, them up again. • • h say that those I have most loved are snatching. his rifle, smashed him on mist likely -to' excite them. Tell her the head with the butt a it and made • mum Government eertificate is reach - Teach the children that success does ed, which will doubtless be placed suf- ' not mean alene the winning of.great ficiently IoW to attract all earner's: political or industrial battles, but that British methods will probably be in- •, the men who build factories, banks,,, railroada„ hospitals, art • galleries, col-lcorporated into the committee's scheme. In that 'country the deposi- • leges and churches do so because. they r to who places 15 shillings, and six have learned how to save, and how to: pence with his banker, receives a cer- "I understand," the nurse promised, , , y • the majorit f ' spend vyisely; and have mastered the . .. • science of living. The time has ceme , tificate tor . one sovereign. This will . "and I will tell her all about your hor- . g ' civilian dress while he was carrying ' . • • on the teat cups to :release this , AP , to prefer: . The French'kbriar is the it will finish in a feast f friendship The operator.sheuld gently pull dgo be redeerned in five years:'On this rible disposition, you may, he sure." in Canada' when the greater , thrift "Ah madamer-yon mean to betray his master's dinner to an ambulance Yet. this-hothing less -has roarked or pressure before the inacgne in en-lroot of the White heath; " a , , basis the depoeitor receives at the , station from the village of Gochistok. ' • The Care, and ifand,ling Of 'Milking lonahets, 4 llos,, Per AarereSpeotheelYs . . ." Alloehines, - . , :of light grain 170 lbs., zao ltag. an Seven dilrerent kinds of ineelianie4 ;la° 1-hz.; and of 44..gv And 4410 4a .., minters have been operated under o'cowitc1.545dIscrwtibA ane 48% i- b& 41'7ata: Varying' ainditions for speriode of farTen5i1C, elint°tnhTsStooutfihveBrfrixhet4abloy4/3,1)reorict .aotriAnlysnu: 4atatiusretayoutfenatoto:t depth, but Ims: whatever might be the result of deep ment Station. - - The reeults of hi experience are summed up in the go,- loWiiog nine points which eontein manY Valuable suggestions, both for user; Of the milloing machine and for thoae, -Who contemplate installing them, • L. Before the milking maphine is inatalle,d, cull out the esswa having very uneven quarters, and teats' that are extremely small ond extreraelY large. Evepthouglt the milking ma- chines may have a large range of adaptabilittio title respectruhiforinly -shaped udders arid teats are advent- ageotyi, . • 2. The operator elipuld know how each cow -in the herd' 'gives down her milk, and how she milks raechapically, and aelAust the work• of the milking Machine according to the individual cow; • 3, The cows that gave only' a stuall amount -of milk and habitually re- lease their „milk little by little are not best) Salted for mechanical.Milking. 4 ,Breed: and raise cows that are •adapted to mechanical milking by, dlate objeet Is 11/ be served by ex.? ceecling on it a 6' in. furrow. , ems,. .Saving Pastures For Neat Summer. • IA order -that the. liva.stOck which! have been' doing Well. on _pasture dui- • 14: the SUMMer months may Maintain. their gaits, 'and- for the ,sake Of salt.... big the ,pastqe for another eeaSont•tke gamer shouldstake care that his ani- malswinte' zkaZedb,sibefutbin and r: lal'tavbetroblrs. - pt°.e9c.Ileallt;..b914-atttetlera..,411 leftlcrl MitrOe'd9":; * ber. and. November are. very likely to crbp the pasture so elese- that there, .• Will.'not'be sufficient winter proteetion. for -the roots of the plant,, and spite Of their 'efforts to seoisre .suffies • ' dent nofirishnient by his sheans, . go,laaeles'in float,. , • . Mach cows are PartiOularli susoeits . • tible to s the.action of •eold. or. we weather, 'ancie one or • two night o."' of • - froat, while they are laChilig.the ', • shel- ter' of the barn wilt set back the milk :first, selecting a herd sire that Comes. flew to such an extent that the work from ancestors having •g9pd udders of restoring it by extra feeding vrill • and teats and that milk Well, or select prove very- costly. . The best results a tried bull that is known toput good from added feed can always be ob- udders and teats on their daughteri; tained When the animal is kept ,up to •secondly, ,by not raising the daughters top. notch all the time. of the -• cows' that have - If the land is, firm enough late in afthrlayP.ed 111-:a71. known. to 'give down -the milk irregel- turned out without doing damage to • ma, ify, organs ris nd are the fall. to allow 'pf the stock being the 6urface- then theplan 0:turning 5. The .operator of the milking ma- out during ;lie Wallin hours. of the day • chine should understand how to ad- is a good onei•but in this practice pro.. just the parts and the workings of the vision Must be made for feeding of a milking machine to- the different cows. plentiful 'ration of green feed in the He should have' a mental picture of born; as the pastureS. after a heavy howoeach. coVv. in the herd releases the frost has oceurred are net to' be great...•,, milk, and how. the wOrk of the machine ly.• depended on fel- feed, • • I. • • WOOD FOR PIPE -MAKING... Growing Use of. the American Moun.. • tain Laurel .Reot, • A sale Of a lime quantity of moan- . ana the cow must work together and not at cress purposes. 6. The operator Shoold, take time to prepare the cow., Hes hold see that the teats are all in normal condition. With 'Most cows, the machine should' not' be attached until the cow has givs ;en down her milk, HOW WILL THE WAR END? ° tam laurel roots from one of the .na- • 7. With some cows, and near- the tional forests M the Southern Appala-. She could not make me happy; she his escape back to his own lines, end tf-the milking process; the teat chians is reported by Government offi-• Civilities Will Likely Be Omitted at must leave me to strangers. You un- Hung Head Downwards. cps will Climb upwards. The low- cials in charge,. wbo say that the roots Close of Present Conflict. • • derStand, Madame You will.help . , er part of the quarter is thus wedg- ,obe used tit make pipes. The tn a similar way, IViattnew poznia- ..jeAst how the present war will end iid in to the upper Vitt of the teat ann. mountain laurel root is similar in ap- me?" ' kiV, military servant o a regifnentni nobody knows, it Unlikely that This may shut off the flow of milk. pearance to the French briar which • k b . y pipe sme ers are sic • • between the belligerents. • or bruyere. • • shOuld be taught' in our ecilleges, uni- • • I I the conclusion a man a conflict' in • ,pp much. a weight may be, suapeaded tirely detached, If this bothers These .roots are gathered in large d after being ' d4 r me. . e ei le reproac u y. , . , cjeaned It in your voice. : He refused any information,,and, his d . forced open his mouth •and • for instance,was closed. b a banquet from the lower art of .the teat COp' and saw days gone by. The first Boer ' war, ed into blanks theyare placed •"You certainly do!" she assured him ecyar ;arts his tongue, and left him hang- i in hot water and simmered for 12 . at which Gneral Cronje-7--Nhe same during milking. By gently lifting and shanielessly. "I Ani going, to betray ing in a tree head downwards: m ,..hours or more. This process gives you into Matrimony, and be best man . , Gunner Seinen Pilyugin, in Augast, t years later -entertained the 'British the latter stage of, milking, jiist who surrendered at Paa,rdeberg 20 pressing the halves of the udaeip-re- . !then' the rich hue for which the best and bridesmaid rolled into one! " . 1915, lost touch with his detachment ' officers and officials in fine style. the vious to detachingsitivill help the ma- i pipes axe noted. It is :aid that •in • rath a about 4M2 per cent. er nn. versities. and academies, in: ;the • pi-, num on his money: In Xing manner miry:. classes, the grammar schools, the arduous routine of,half. yearly • in - and -the high schools -and above all, terest payment's are eliminated: It is • thrift should be- taught. in ,our normal not unlikely that the Dominion Gov, - ..schools so that our teachers may., be 'ernment Will arrange' certificates ' So '. • especially well equipped to instruct that the yield will .be equal to the re- turn • of • the. recent domestic loan, which yields -well over 5 per cent. • • their pupils in personal ,eeonontics. *• * • Thi.i'it4 the • gem • of the whole article and should prove an •inspire-. No doubt this committee of bankers ....And she kept•her word. • and was surprised by .a patty of Ge. 1-.• quentity of ,champagne' consumed be.: mans. He was•taken before an officer,: ing, in the words of . one ' who . was who queried him as to the. strength ; there, "truly, 'surprising.," of the.Ruasian forces. "Send twenty -,I . 1• On the eve of the last day, of the five of .your army corps „into,. Russia, , . France -German' War of 1870-71 Bis-. tATTOO' cRAgE IN -* Rich And Poor have Taken Up the ' . • ton toevery mad, woman and ,younr will evolve agood scheme fbr prac- •• - .. perioti wile reads it and kindle in tical operation, bot it h SW that the • A craze, far tattooing is sweeping years to'seount all the troops we've number of pipe manufacturers' in 'this them ari 'ambition that will not ,pass, British "Certifieate" scheme is very England. Both rich and poor have got," was Pilyugin's ansWer. • "Your 4 0.. ; event, at Which, besides theoinembers clean. However, to be sure, the opera - country have been on the lookout for aivaY Withthe reading but will quick- • elastic, in that depositors may with_ taken up the fad: To -day -there is tongue is too long and it must be i r the Gentian Headquartrs Staff, tor should' try every Cow by. hand. ' there were present several French This should be done at °nee after Wilk - ;officers.' In deference to ,his guests, , ing. It ;nay be accomplished by 0.L. substitutes, and the Federal Forest en their 'energies to make goed along draw their cleposits at the end of one hardly ii.' society man or woman , who shortened," returned the officer. The • the !idea indicated and so contribute, or two years and Secure a fixed rate doeh not bear some indelible emblem. men then seized .hini and ciit off his , the German Chancellor had arranged ! shutting the vacuum off and-stripiping rroducta laboratery has et:inducted ek- something to the future welfare Of .Of interest The committee will con- When war Was declared and the tongue. . - • ' pei'iments to determine the availabil. that the lase shot the whr thould ! directly into the teat clips,' holding:the •t f h , . manhood of England rushed to the . Smashed Itis.Toes ' be fired by the French. • -. • • thia great Country. , ' sider this as a possible part Of their le , We should realize.keenlyrthorOugh- syStem. The campaign, When per- colors,. a number of tattooists ,oneried . A party of 'Germans Who captured I Accordingly, shortly before mid - hr and .practically, the value of the fected, must be advertised „in eyed' little shims in working-class districts Vasili Ivanov Anpilogv, crushed hisoi eie-ht Bismarck and the rest left the chme to milk the cow dry. 1915 the Value el the blanks shipped a/3;1;f c the needabove points nett japrpei.nogb.s e r VTei The and • , and in addition alarge nuinber of fin - to this 'country Nivea almost $300,000, ' operator Soon learns "from. the amount ished Pipes. were. imPOrted. • . , of milk, and froni the looks of the ' • 0 t • f th and it will take -them twenty-five : Merck gaVe a supper to :lretie c.o.w's udder whether the'eow is milked. an high price' C.f french briar, a cups m the left hand and strifl'ihg the mountain laurel root •bPu°r%es ouat, . er . . . with the right; or it may. be clone by rnore readily -than 'briar, but forest ' stripping into the pail. • . service experts ere trying to find a greater thrift and 'the necessity of town and village in the Dominion as 'tad started tattooing the names o 9. The different arts ,of the mila-. the r custornerantheir arms for e chest so that it pained him to.: supper room in ' the Hotel du Reset -3C° P - method a hardening the wood, and 1 f th . „ teaching thrift' in its broadest sense no scheine has been advertised before..breathe, and then smashed the toes of i von, VerSiiilles; and waited outside in I log machine should be kept sanitary • small sum of eti centa. Originally . ha:ire succeeded tIV an appreciable ex- -lb th rou hl cleanin and by keen- ' - in our schoOls and of adding, charac- Plans for this are as yet. immature, • his left foot se that later it was ne- the courtYard. Soon a single cannon ; Y 9 g Y .2 this was done as a precaution, as they - --: - -• • - tent. They have also found that a -ter building to our curriculum. • If we but it may be inatigurated by mass 1 cessary to amputate theni. They tied , shot Sounded from the direction . of ing th p _ e arts in a. disinfectant•selu- fi hi nurnher of the various kinda of chap- arral which are abundant in the West. give ptomise of yielding Material which will be the equal of French, briar in every vvay. Other woods now ' widely' used for 'pipe -making are ap- ' Ple, red. gum, ebony, and birch, to- - bend our efforts to this end, if ,we meetings. The country will probably • make up our minds that it'shall be ac- be eircularized,las was the case in complished, then it will be done, and Britain. In Britain dodgers are dis- ;posterity will benefit. No nation can tribilted broadcast, attractive butle- ever be greater than .its individual tins are posted 'up and various other citizens; There is much-talk--today'means eke adopted to popularize prac- • of national hon, of • patriotic- duties, tidal thrift Whieh war pi -eve of -Ur& .to•be met by t eiaplividual. Canadian versal benefit.' When all the people tion . between millopgs such as pre- iiippened to them at 'the •font. Tho . • • • his arms behind, ins back with, a belt:, the German' lines, followed after a viOusly described, .. '-.. • •• ' ,, , , , and threw him; into the water. at the few secends Witerval by an answering craze soon 'spread. through having the names of their ing him there to get ,away the best he . afterward the clocks. started to thime ' Deep Stirring v. Deep' Plowing. . Duleineas . tattooed - on %di eir wrists. could. Some blialiful • youtbe propose 1 bottom of'i ditch. in the :forest,', ,froth the French. Immediately r • , • 1 the hour and the Franco-Gernian War I Deep plowing. is pot so Much Thie strange ...method .or love•making • Neal the town of Mitau, 'Kende had become an event of the past.. preached. now, since tile bringing up • , • given the "third! A dinner given by • General Nogi was descrlhed-by a "profener,--1010, Ectro- Was _at one tithe used to 'practice at Coney degr.ce," and • three. tiMes his captors and his ..offkirs -the-tustion, -Heath national life was, never .so clearly do- of 'Caps& .start in to. save a part of cut' into his ear till it was left hang- quarters Staff celebrated the eonclu- Istand,.NeW York.: • • ' Put. "I love sweet Lily and ing like a • piece of rag" . • • • I sion of the Russo Japanese War. of . • fined as it is to day We have come their earnings or income..every week tb' understand .that ,one an'el: all, or mouth it Will he 'a great surprise, 'a youth saY, "On where every- I • Early, in the Winter of 1915, 'near .1906, and a similar • eichange of of • the substratum to • the sliffece is gether with smaller amounts of olive however, is another thing -and this is encouraged to give air to the roots, hente the success or 'dynamiting. . At 'are firsts arid Above all things eise, for it is doubtful if the marvelous tic one can see it He lays down six ' the village of Dimisegich, .a Russian o ceurtesies also took piece between the the. same time, as pointed out by the purchased by the Government in the . . Armistice Commissioners of . both "Field," London, the fact that deep 8 th A 1 h' ' Canadians. • The events of, the 'past cumuiatiVe power of • money when cents and. the job is done. • . : officer with four men, while ,, recon- ' ' not -altogether :wise- Deep! „stirring,. wood, ratimictod and osage orange. - Considerable amounts of the laurel roots are being used, and officials ex- pect to make further sales. The lands two years have stimulated' Our . pat- 'placed at interest, is intelligently ap- Then he puts his hand .on a 'minter •:. , ., ,riotiam-and in these days ,of increass predated by the ••publie. Saving for •sothewhere, where Lily can.hee it, .ed devotion tO our Country, let Us not would be more , popular . otherwise., and if she wishes to •accept hint she . neglect our duty to.the.Canada of to. When interest on money is cosi:pan:Ms- coeies to , the tattao. expeit and .ha's . morr'olk. Canada of to ori will ed the principal' grows rapidly.•..., -. .. ,-"I loVe brave 'Jack Jones" . tattooed have tremendous problems of . which . . . * * '* .* ' ' .. ' .to the back of ber hand and lets Jack.. • We do not dreani to day, just .as *e The iiest.artiele the writer 'offered read IS. That breaks the ice and the -,• ' . I have problems to day of which ' our for poblicat oi n in . a - weekly . Paper' courtship. proceeds . 'fathers and our forefathers wet "Spare to The ig. was. headed . Spend". • , • - .... . - - norantBritish appeal is "Saving • Ler ViCtery, . . Toeo Close Automaticaily. ' . , , • * * 44 44 '• • • •„- r ,-.--,41iVinat,mast work hard; spend.i..., Buds caiinet'open the Soot Whenthe• itranch." .This would prove'. , .,_ , , leg is. hent, •*thet is the reason they "Ilia cenclusion of the .whole matter ltle; save , a timely and excellent niotto.tor the ! do not fall off their. perch. If. you . lefiows.. Reader,' has your soul lid - . . been stirred to ; thrift be more than a osiph.e new rift campaign being hunched watch h hen .walking, i701.1 will notice .•., in thie country's life. and' activities •in;Canada • that it clOsei its tees as it raises the ....if the .6niadian uhlic respond te„ ' • oot and: pens them as. it touches the and thriftiness,,too, by reading these appeads to your better: nature . and the impending "thrrft" scheme as the'" gtrouind .9 German people have done to 'calls ; promptings to greater .actiVity and . from the Berlin Government, perhapss s - "nsefulneas thao have, . characterized . no further slotneStie loan would be ' • . yourlife and conduct' So.Mote.it. he., necessfiry. Some $0,000 Canadians Bead this closing excerpt:. , • 1 ' subseribect to the- latest bend issue. I • • 13ut whatever comes, the Canada. of. To the :previoes'.German).war• issue 5,-1 • ' the future must be individually pre-. 290,000 people 'subscribed.. This ': re-.'• • *mired.- Hinu e St be strong in cluirac- ,prei.lnts oneselnenth of. the. •popitia, ' ___t_'• li 1' ,. ep e • n.oitring, ' attempted to - cross the armies at Shanotsu. • But4 as as a - cultivation .is not always adv'antage- , . to contam unlimited quantities of lan- , i- ° enemy killed the men. end .wounded any similar civilities will mark the, 4t ohs should not be regarded as jitstifi- cation for going too far in the OPPO- rel which is widely known for the deli - river on the ice. ' The fire of the ' ready been said, it is improbable that eate beauty of its flowers, In placejtit . the• officer. The.Germans carried the I ' close of the present world War. site direction, as unqueitionably timer . ' .a litter a' straw, leaving him without - " headquarterS, and . Outlined • him un ! ' . ' . . Draining' Belgium of Mari:: - , observe the distinction between .deep . . ' .do: • In this connection.it is well to; a ; .plowiiig and deep . stirring. - ,. The, these orin • mountains say that. in the Spring almost impenetrable i''.rriepnesnie, thickets or "pink' bis. se, idt . osw: shai sct ho t htareehthey tera..bieV attention and talking and:toughing as i horror The . 'The 'agony ;of Belgium continues ' former is often -A risky proceeding,' , - and even deepens In ... . i are called by the s mountaineers, are tholigh pleased .with 'his siifferings. , '• put the 'latter hardly ever, and the :. ' latest news .fs. of the gradual evaena- - . . . . - . , • . ' • indescribably beautiful and form one ' . I flan' et" a alt. men Irem Ghent and eal 'he - th r t* ' . d th ore it iv perseverer with the great- ,. - . - ...- . Wore Red Crese..,, • . • . d ' r comes e no mg • area ,an e of the Main attractions of the region. 'A German officer wearing a ,Red other plindelr's towns and the vinagesi• .offider to .a house, where they ,had • . Cross badge on his .arrn wentT . td the, along • the Dutch frontier. hey aee icropping capabilities of the, soil. The ' sales ofatnel, root mil not be made at :places frequented by tour- . • • . prisoner and started to drop a rv'vhite deported leto Gennany; there to be inw'tant '01:44 to avoid, end which rdthe undoiri of thedee ists, Or 'wherelta remove' Will detract v " - row theory, is she transposition of from the.beauty a the landscape. • powder into the prisoner's Mouth. He forted to Work for the enemy states ; writhed and tried to 'avoid it, but a and 'a lesseraini1 doubtlese,. Is. fn cane GerMan silting on a chair put his feet of a retreat, to 'leave •behind no Male on thevictim's min, while .two more Pessination capableof bearing arms. " top and under soils. As far as praeel ticable the latter should be kept at ' , Shell Spells German Beer. ' • the bottom of the tilled stratum until ' Lieut.- Fischbach, the. adjutant of it.is improved mechanicallY and elie.,1tone of the Pin:whin regiments -on the ... : 0 • mica y., . roug, i .. ac e la ec. 71, eastern front, '‘Nrritei; home to Berlin: .,:.mpla.oAniibutorteinexclgaii•nbpyle:t.oil..fie .11":1i6i117'1.-panies. reCently. One of . the 'soldiers ' 'Th. • • ' • ' . ' ' ' ' thee ra.ilii..0.'lla • that Ob- had received a large barnel of.genuine . •-. ere, was joy in one of out 'ea:1- ,, ) .tains for discretion in regarding thae„ depth of farrow , is provided by • • Bavarian bee: -1,ionis"atlitisi ;l78father,a%tee __,.... ____ . ----'--•'----'---''--tCr1-4- fnlists2 -14e-f-rugall -11e-r434'beTtion. 'Were iliat proportion or t -he pop- ; . sensiiii. ' Ile. must be. able 'not ,only .1.11aion• of Canada to invest ;n a doinel:•.'•-•• to •nave nihney, but to spend ,it wisely. tic loan ' they would 'nuint;er 70;000. . He mist be:educated in the whys or .- The prePosed scheme is not a bond • . . ' • correct living. And: we should add to 4 ' ,,_ iSSUe. ' It • is ' a campaign to- interest • , • -tre ci-itl'icli itirelst—ouli- selweine the people in .an organized system' 'Of ' 'broad. principles . ofthe groater thrift, thrift, whish will at, the 'same. time ' -- enable nominion- fievereineat: 0 . • of seietitifle. tdatisecter Irilding,, of the ' persdpal . eConoinief,4' in their . ms..,..:..meet necessary expenditur-.4 to carry • • • comprelieneive sense. on the. War. , This is the patrietiim of the greMer . * ' 4, . * s• thrift. This is the duty that the Can- We •commend to all Young people ada of to-intirrose is dolling to. tie to this thrift policySit -works splendid-. 46 I.,et us not fail! Let us be loyal isr,. ..It is' an excellent method to keep , .. ,. arid true, and feel that as this hatiOP an accurate 'account .froni the Very , • 4;44 gees -forward in its' ieftlr misAon We beginning of earning moneys of eVery. shall be known throughout the world five cents received and paid out daily, as a people who are moral and clean or as often as money is' hatidled, .11 sand right-vvho waste not their -sub- taloa st little time, of course, but the stance in debauchery, nor save to the • poiht of miserlinese-a nation of men 4m1 women who are tiappy In the . peace and prosperity and Joy that • come to those who live the lives of he greater thrift. s Valk en Thrift last• week- scents to * * plan religiously followed'. will pay handsome dividends. Most of us work day in and day, Out for thomoney we can make, then why should We net take -the best dare of what we Work. hard said regularly to get/ 'A cath aecoutit is very easily kept. Get a prosier cash book of a site according . „ ite 4 . • simple experifnent carried out in-lie-1:1111-thl lit' tires:Jetts ,beverage with; hini. As the . . Morayshire in connection•with the Ab- I barrel contained sixty-eight gallons erdeen College.of AgricuItilre. A field every men of the company woUld havi 4 --1.•tbnt 11" 4 been tw° Years hi' gratiS'' received abet* 'i (mart, but the Rus - :•,P. chosen fey. its suitAbiline foi• the pur-.; owls, spoo.do the fea.tt:Trust ...iy tat__ pose, was plowed' at depths of 44 in.'s' barrel,Svaesattent to be. tapped a shell 6 in.. and .71, in., land sown with (mite,. struck the cask and the beer squirted the treatment in evefy other WaY oc- kind',altitddirtri• 4,, - ing the same throughout. It is in-; teieonost.beTr:vosemveerneleryeNry%kmill-_, terestihg, old may evil' be a little s '' puzzling, to notei the influeneeS of•the ,Qt'' varying depths upon the crop: • Tha • • : best return both of grain- and ,strawl ' s :IlandsU'inest Cathedral. 'was obtained from the 6' in. furrow,' 'Mateo City, the capital of Mexico,• . the deeper furrow being it good see- , is a town of some hietorle interest,- ond, while it was evident that .41/2 in. while its cathedral is regarded as the • wets an insufficient depth for that fild. handsomest church on the American The wily point in 'favor. a. the A al- continent. The foundation stone of . lowest furrow was that the-4mo rip- this edifice -'vas laid in ifiti -ort- the ened, rather earlier than 011theother site of as former' heftthen temple: The portions. Titis advantage, however, national museum is filled' With treat - was gained at too big ft sacrifice of urea of Aztec civilization; and various quantity and quality of yield. All meinoriels „of the hapless MaxiMiliint• , the samples gave the seine veight oer and the beautiful. Carlotta lend :it bushel, 44 Ilse. of,dressed grain. Tho lustre to this attractive City. The ell. •••• returnsof dressed grain were seventy- mate Is quite good end the population onobushoilisushesibs8.; allb.; oe. 4itigthytiytitfitoab tee Aintsuerticilalt100 18,anitia Gmearnnyinnzf whom Oa , er otipa cl. Sanetuafry n ottor of ing .etbr ,P11IP troops of the reorganised Serbian army north of salaam recently emoted a eanotuary with their own bands intonor bf Riser Peter, this Shows mulls being hot4 Just before the troops are going forth to bottlio. . , • 4" .0