HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-10-12, Page 8TCS LUCKNOW SEWN
Thu tkiayt Octob4,1. I2tlh l 9it
N ,J•tnuary tet the regular mail subscription prion of the Designer will
be ,$'t.00,,a year. But darting the month of October we are .offering
2,consecutivre numbers t
• � Designerdelivered, monthly at
f c� books to be' .
'our pattern, dept., and a copy of the current issue of the Standard Quarterly
containing certificate clod for anyStandard pattern, all fir - c. Fair the
�• :g P 5
ridieulously . small swat- of -.55 cents womat1 secures a whole year of enter-,
taining .reading, :a whole years of up-to-the-minute fashions, ,a whole year :of
instructive and helpful h':usehold suggestions,- the standard Quarterly
illustrating over five hundred styles and any. Standard pattern..
Men's Overcoats, 'n ail
thstyles e new'an
• ..d
.... cloths.•
We : have a large range at
$15., sized•. fcoat, 36 to 44.
oys' Fleece Lined
derwear at 55c a garment.
Chi.dre'n'ss ,Crib, 'Blax�l a
ets, stamped for embrpider
ing.W -Special price'35c
Boys' Ringiwood Gloves
greys and heather' mixtures.
Special 40c..
'Ladles' and :° Children's
Fall and Winter. Underwear
—Watson's, Turnbull's and
Stanfield's. prices from25c
to $1:75..
Mens He vy Wool. and.
All:Wool Cashmere Socks-
a big• shipment at almost the
old prices:* These lines are
certainly extra value: "
Men's &•; Boys' Sweater
Coats,.: from Canada's best
makers, in a large assort-
cifcolors. Prices rang-
ing from 90c to .$6.00.
Children's, Hats .Caps •
*.t..$0. c, 75c 'arid $1.00: .
;1f This store is always on the alert to get what is new. This.• week we
;•opened' up a sh'l: melt of New Neckwear and Ties for Ladies.: These',are
very chick and dainty. 25o to 75c.
Children's White
CorduroyCordui-oy Coats
These make a very seasonable
c')at as they :.bash beautifully.,
Prices from 5.50 to $4.00.
Shoes and Rubbers
Wehave the new high cut .shoes
for ladies, button and -laced styles,'..
patent or plain kid. Price $5.00. ,
O;.r stock of Rabers• is, complete
tot -men, 'women or children.: We
can fit all shoes. • •
llolyrl> ti
M'ouday. 0i. 6.''
Mi s T°w. Howie spent -the hello ► ut
her hoarse in Walkerton. ,
A number froni here attended the .an•
ni3ersary services at. Bethany. on Sutt-
Mrs. Ruynard,,.of: thee,has returned
home after visiting her two daughters
lilies, Brenta..Ackert, of Lucknow, is
spending the holiday visiting; friends
A few from, :here took• in the Teeswater
TA* :on Wedpesda7, ;tend report an Al
Miss Myrtle C:ongrnm• is spending a,
coupleof weeks with; friends in Dun..
gamer,. ;
Messrs, D. Stattera, T: Henry., .Mrs, W.
liodgius, Miss A: Starters' and Master
Gordon, motored to •M'itchell,Loudon.
a,'ad Fullerton for thisrecent holiday. ' '7
Posters are out announcing that •, the
drama„ "Under Two.Flags'; will: be pre-
sented in. the Town Bap; Iauckriow, on
the evening of the 13th. ` A number
from. here who: missed it,ast bine, wit;
be there..
G4wr To Orz SSOI,DIER4.-.-Dn'Monday
last, Mrs. Abner Ackert. urad'Miss Evelyn
White tioeompanied`by Mrs.' J. McGarryt
Miss Susie Pur siieend Mr. John Purvis,
motored to Londonwhere they present•
ed. Pte. A. Hughes,•Bugler H. A. Wil-
liains and.. Pte. F. Rising with. ten -dol.
lar gold pieced with- fob attached, and
the following address: .
Pte. Allister Hughes, Bugler Harry.
Williams and. Yate. Frank Rising.
Your friends and iminedlate'neighbors
have heard with regret of the near ap-
proach of the time of your going to the
front, in defence of all we hold dear---'
our liberty,. and all the free .•rnstitutwns
of our Dominion and our•Empire.
We are sorry t� bid farewell to you;
but not one of us would • Wibh' you to: ba
anywhere except where duty calls you,
for we believe that he map is so happy,
so noble, and elo weir deservingof his
God and his fellowmen as that. man,
who, whereverhe':may be, ahvays strives
to•do his best in the place where. duty
has placed him. . '•
' We esteem you very much; and;think
you worthy of all the honor ,we cart be-
stow upon you, for we seein'you'men"of
a high type. Of who' who''are
willing, to sacrifice all, even life itself, at,
the call of Your, God, your King, and.
your Country. ' ,
We feel sure that you will always do
your best to act in accordance will the
three -fold, duty you owe to ..your God,
your :long . and your Country, Our
prayers and best wishes'•' go with you,
and we ask you to accept the ,enclosed
little token of our respect, for you W.
wish you, from our hearts,. farewell
May God bless you, and bring you safe
home, again: '
Si3ned.on behalf of -your fitends 'and
• Monday, Oct 9.
1 iiss S. Kirke spent•theholtday at her
.home Dungannon. >
" Mr, Art. Craig, of., Toronto, spent
Thanksgiving at his home here •
Miss Edith Campbell, of Wirf'gham,•
spent -Sunday -et -her -home -here. '.
Miss Lillian Longman, of Stratford,
spent Thanksgiving at her home. i
Miss Edna Musgrove, of',:Wingham,
, spent the holiday at Mr. F. Henry's. •
Miss Annie Henderson, of Michigan,
is visiting at the home of Mr. D. McKay.,
Mr. and Mrs. Dan McKay and family
.•spent a few days in Brussels last week.
Quite a number .from here attended
anniversary services atyBethel last Sun-
day. •
Mrs. Geo. Busehlen and children, of
Arthur, are visiting at the home of K.
Paterson. ° ••
Miss Nettie Cottle and Master Ernest;
Sperlingspent afew days visiting friends
in Toronto.
Pies. Chas. Gillespie and Roy, Case
. more, of London, were home on their
last leavethis week.
Pte. Thos. Penrose, of Camp Borden,
spent a few days at thehome of iGavin
Middleton, on hie -last leave.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Paterson, of Galt,
and.Miss Lillie Paterson, of .Toronto,
visited Mille home:of K. Paterson. _this
week. .
Mr. Wilfred Arscett spent a few,:days
atqhis home in Teeswater last : week, as
--the creamery is'only mining thr
a week 'now. . •
While +taking down the roof of the.
Methodist Church sheds last' Saturday
part of It fell on Mr. Cottle and injured
his spine.. He is still in a serious condi
Zion, but there is hope that he will re-
The Guild meetingSunder evening
was led by J. P. Davidson, the aubject
being "The Grate of Gratitude.” The
topic for' next Sunday, evening .
p g is "The
• Consecratinn of ' School Life." The
leader is Wilfred Jacques.
Dgs.t1'r or Pxt:. Cht ttax.--O'n Thurs.
Mair afternoon there was flashed over the
vvfres• the sad news that Pte. Thomas
attan, who was wounded on Sept. 24th,
s Pat lied away, It is hard; -only those
who have passed' through the' Geth-
semane know how hard—for the friends.
at, home to bear up under.the'grief, which
is almost •overwhelming, liut there is
great satisfactionin the .knowledge that
the dear son and brother died the death
of,s: hero, and that his is the crown -of.
vicitory in the deathless -beyond.
lie is not dead, but o y Heti sleeping
In the sweet refuge ef•his Master's breast,
Andfar away from. sorrow, toil and
He is not dead, but only taking rest.
What though the highest hopes lie dearly
• • cherished ,
All faded gently as the setting sun;
What though our own fond expectations
. perished •
Ere yet life's noblest labors seemed be-
, gun.
O glorious end of life's short day of
sadness! .
O blessed courseso well and nobly run!
0 home of true and everlasting gladness!
0 crown •tfnfadingand so early won! .
Though tears will fall, we bless Thee, 0
__our Fathert�
For the dear one forever with the blest,
And wait the Easter dawn when thou
shalt gather
'Thine own long parted to their endless
Courey's Conlrers
• (tntended.for last week)
Mise NT. McDonald is visiting her els-
ter, Mrs. K Farrisn.
Mrs. Wilson, of Ripley,is visiting her
sister; Mrs. John Johnston.
Boum.-To Mr. and Mrs. 'John John-
ston, on Friday, Sept..2kb,, a sou.
Mr. David Taylor, of „Detroit; was
home attending his. father's funeral.
blondaywas a holiday in ourschool,
owing to the funeral of an old resident,
Mr., D. L. Taylor. • -
Mrss Rae Jamieson was called to Lon-
don Friday last on account of the sudden
death of a cousin there. ,
A good number from here attended
anniversary services in Calvin Church,
St. Helens, on Sunday last.
Dere, --At• his hone in Ashfield, on
Sept. 29th., there entered. into teat the
late -Mr. D. L. Taylor, aged 83 years and
5 months., The funeral' was held :NM'
the hme- Mr..
a of N. elle
Dona '
m ld, Kintail,
awing to the serious condition of Miss
-Tuesday, Oct. 10.
bias Margaret •Woods spent Saturday
at Auburn.
Mrs..I3lair, of .Nipegeon, is- visiting
friends in this vicinity.
Miss Hazel Gardner visited.her uncle,
Robert Henry, on Friday.
This locality was well representedp
Dungannon fair on Friday.''
Bob 'Johnston, of Ripley, was a Sun-
day visitor with relatives here. t.
Rev. Hardy, of Exeter, will preachon
Missions here Sunday evening.
Mrs., Charles McDonagh visited with
friends in Toronto the week=end.
Mr. and Mrs. -Peter .Watson, of St.
Helens, ,visited with Mrs. Robt. Hunter
on Sunday. . • •
Miss Margaret Ritchie, of Ravens-
wood, : spent -Thanksgiving, under the
parental roof.::
' Messrs. John and Wesley McIntosh,
df dile ,-v%sited-with thein ti ic1ei
Stroud; en Wednesday.
Mrs. D. Stroud, sr., has returned liome
after spending a few years with her
daughters in Dakota and Nipegeon. '
The members of the W. M. S. will
hold a , •Thanksgiying concert' in Zion.
church Friday.."evening at 8 o'clock. The
program will consist 'of. 'talent froin
Ltiiwki ow`and Dungannon. Admission
26e and 15c.. -
Fourth Lon. Kinloss
-Monday, Oct. 9.
gt Mr: I•I• 13, Ingram; of London, spent
the Thanksghring•eeason with friends on
the 4th.
A very pleasant evening was spent on.
Friday last at the home of Mr, 1'i. Mar-
tin, when very comfortable old, lady's
chair was presented to his mother and a
beautiful writing -desk to his sister. They
are about to make their future nerve in
Lucknow: 'At the :same time a valnabie
bcdrocm Butte was presented to Mr..
Martin and his newlymade bride. , A
well-prepared .address was read to the
rodipients by Mr. W. 5, McDonald, and
suitably replied to by the. .brother -and
sister. The 'remainder •.of • the evening
The boys gave a touching reply as to
their. appreciation of the gift; ant•asked
to be remenrbered'to,their many friends..
-Monday, Oct. 9.
Miss Marie Welsh was home for: the_:
Mr. and Mrs.,,11. Brown, of Amberley,
spent. Sunday at Capt. Brown's,
Mrs. Wes. Ough, of Toronto, spent a
few days last week. with her sister, ars.,
Capt. Brown. ' •
Mr and Mrs. :Wilmot Mahood and
son. of Kincardine, spent a few days'•at
John Mahood's. •
Pte. Wilbert Walden spent a few 'days
at his•home here ' He expects to leave
soon for. overseas: • ,
• ' Mr. and Mrs. W. Summers came from
1 nderwood' for the funeral of the late
Robert Henderson.-
�+'?lnslley lade, Strong By V OI,."
Bove' 17, Kans. — "4 The Gripe e;leftmea
in a w. eak, nervone Tun -down condition.
I was too weak to do my .housework and
could not sleep. Afton trying diifferent,
medicinea without benefitVinoi restored
My health, strength and appetite. Vinol
is a grand medicine and every weak,
nervous, run-down woman should talto
it." --Mrs. GFO. IND +EX:.
Vivol :our delicious cad liver and iron
tonie,-sharhpena the appetite,, aids diges-
tion, enriches the blood, and 13121 ds:.up
natural strength and energy.
Sepoot.. REPQR'I$
,S..S, No, 1,•
Jr. IV.: faleOl`m McDonald,. N'orma'l
, Sr. Zl 1—..Margaret Campbell, Len.werd
Hewitt. ° •
Junior III --Ethel 13annerman, bele
' Campbell; Meril Kaalie Edith..,OOeddes,.
Ralph' .Ruston, Maty "McDonald, 'denn:i4 '
M9Dehald, Jack Nesbit. •
[I—Wilda, -McLean, ,Belle Hewitt,
Mary( Nesbit, Hazel Bannerman, Tor-
ranee Guest, Reta .Barnes.
I -(lea i 'sake, Edna Gltiest) ties.
Sr, Pr, ---Allan MToKenz e, Kathieee
Huston;, Ruby Cole,. Tom: iM )onaid;
Gordon McDonald; Wilbert' Caskinette.
• Jr. Pr. --Mamie AleLenn, Verna Lee-
son, Mary Sta.utfer,.Emma ;Bonnet, An-
nie Stauffer, Eric Caskinotte. '
No: on roll, 32; aver. attendance, 2'8,5,
JQRN A. LooKaut'r Teacher.
. Crewe
—'donday,.Oct. 9..
bliss Violet Finnigan, of Seaforth, is
spending a for days at her home here
Mr. and.M•rs. Thomas Culbert spent
Sunday at:the home if Arthur Culbert,.
Quite a number froie arsund•, here•
attended the fair at Dungannon on '.Fri-•
day, -
"Pte. George Rivett, of. the 10180'Batt.,
is home en lastleave before going user-
seas. ,
Mrs. Wm. Hasty .and tiny Maize are
spending; a few .days wltli•;friends . in
• J.(4McQuoid, who has been spend
,ing a few rtionthe in the -West, .retnrned
oft. Frialay. • .:. • .
Misses Irene McQuoid and Ruby and
Violet Kilpatrick spent the week -end at'
their homes. here.. • .
Mr. and liars.. Jesse Gray„.of Clinton,
are spending a 'few days at the honie' of
Matthew Shaekhton,
Anniversary services held . here last
Sunday were a: decided success; as there
were large crowds both afteruuoe and
evening,. '.Mr. Conway; frmu Auburn,
preached two very good'. sermons,1.4)4Aitcheson'duartette,,frow Luek.nnw, r'e=
lightedd everyone with their Lingi.ng. The
free-will offering and .eoflect tons antouot-
xa s5
,Kinlojigh •
"hone NO.,
tN►'e 5icll' for ohoh- Wt
0 is at ,Your Service
Sell Cheaper' `Theis; The tedit Stores.
Cit liegter,
Is:a lost convenient 'thing.
'Heat at any, titremanywbere-
Ott .small .cost and ma trouble,_°. 'If
kept clean and trimmed like a
lamp :there is no'o:lor from then.
"hats just what you 'need to take.
the chill "off a ro^n1, iii the cool
evenings. We handle* the
"'P elf e+etion"T–the best Oil
Neater on the market.
Seq Our lee of �..
, , Ranges. and
Coal Heaters
The seism of the ,Year is fast :.tp- ..
,proacbing when you need to' have
your lamps 'iia 'good trim. ' Get a
. ,Ile-. burner and new wick and fit •
your lamps up right, ' '
I;f you want a ' lamp .for . reading
cir •sewi•nI buy a rtayop•-either in
a Table Lamp or, Hanging Lamp.
It is without doubt the 'lest oil
lamp'•= -shows a beautiful w bite limit
,around the room.
We, have also a,
' nice. assortment ,
of decorated.
We see Royalite
t, •
A Carlqad of Fresh Cement on hand.
GASOLINE 33c.' per gallon. .
The Lucknow Hardware & CoalCo
'mg fittanmogn
Tuesday, Oct; 10,
Wm. Guest is visiting around Brawp-
top, Milton, Ternnto ani other points,.
Mr. and .Mrs. .R, F. Hodgkinson visit-
ed at Kingarf on F'ri'day. and Saturday.
L Pinnell spent Thursday afternoon
with Dan McDonald on the 2nd -of Kin -
Mr and Mrs. I. Pinnell and Mrs.. vd:
Alcock visited at R. bleCennetl',, Ber-..
vie,. on Monday. • • p •
Pte. Walter Percy,,of. the -101st Batt.,
(:amp Borden,':on his last leave,:left`for:
camp on Monday.' ,
Mrs. F. Cole, of ,Kinloss, and lint.
Husk,- of Tiverttin, visited at' kI:' 11.
Pinnell's on Friday. " •
'Mrs. Wm. Alcock .and ,'daughter ire.-•
•law;"of Algoma, are visiting -her brothers
Henry and Iaaac•Pinnell. ' '
-Rev. Mr. Henderson, missionary -frons
Vancouver, occupied the pulpit in.:the
Presbyterian church here on Sunday.
"Under Two.Flags,"'the drama which,
so pleased audiences at Lucknow, Wing`
hans"and Kincardiie, is to be again pie-
sented by the,Lucknow bramatiecSociety
at Lu'clinow on the evening of ' October
13th.The proceeds go to the Rod Cross
Eighth Con.. .Kinloss
• ------+--srMonday; 0
Robert • Harris • spent • the week -end
with relatives. at. Tiverton. • '
Earl -and Leslie. Harris spent -Sunday
.at Mrs Culbert's on the lath.
' We are glad to repot t that lira. Thos.
Harris is able to be abbut again.
The Women's Institute •of .Holyrood
met at John Purvis'. on Thursday',
• Miss Myrtle•Congranr is apsnding a
week witli.tter aunt, Mrs Culbert, of
Mrs. Murdock ItcPherson a
spent Sunday afternoon at the home of
Robert Harris.
A nu'uiber of the 8th ,, Con'era ".attend-
ed Tees water an'1 Dungannon (sirs, which
were -favored with very fine Weather.
Mr. Donald and Miss Katherine and
Mrs, Mac.'Smith and Mrs. McLean, of
Itiploy, snot fired to Lucknow on.; Thurs-
day night,
Mrs. 0. Raynard, who has been visit-
ing her daughters, Mrs. Chas. Congram
and are. Ernest Ackert, returned to her
Monte in Ethel on Saturday,
Mr. Donald aid Miss Katherine Smith'
and Mr..and Mrs. Joseph and Mrs. John
and ].ail Culbert Motored to Kincardine
on Saturday to attend the funeral of the
was spent in an olMrtne country, dance. lane lira. O. Waite!, • • ti
rlalliis. "
u.14.Fa1l Stock is nog
omplete in all i,ines
The' values are the best that _ can, be
procured. . We are always glad to
show goods and. `do our \,best to; suit -
i�,•r customers.
°len .the Millinery Department
you will find the newest and
most up=to=date styles i n
Hats and Trimmings. Early
buyers will secure the best.
Mr. and 11rs. 4 E. Pear-oels and fem.• On Monday•evening of last •wwek the
ily, of,Meaford,. were week•erd• visitors. community here 'entertained the home
at het halite." boys of the 100th: to a social evening its
the basentent of.St, Paul's Church,. thiis•-
• being their final leave before going over:.
seas. -Games were played followed by `
refreshments, 'atter which an impru'inpttr
program was given. ' Ail enjoyed the
evening spent, together. Among the
boys who were hoitie on leave were: Ptes.
John rThonipson,• Edgar McAfee, Neil
McDermid, •Archie• Matheson, :;;James.:
. Thompson, Hutch Sproule;•i ,n •Patter..`. .:
son, Torrance McLennan,. Jos. Sproule,
Albert Groves, Lorne Reid, James Sy:
mon, •ArcliieMcLeod, and Corp.' Kitchen;, -•
all of who'll 'returned to ' London ons
Wednesday.....All join in shing all our
boys a safe,joumailing
rne�%, and a safe 'return
Home again., • -
On Saturday night; Sept. 30th., a `
gloom was ,east over thisCommunity,
when it was learned, that Mr. Allanr.Me- •
-Kinnon had passed away at his home,
Lot 2f), con: 11, Klhcartline Twp,, at the
age •of S2' years. Mr. M•eKin•non under.
went an; operation about three weeksbe-
fore his death. The operation Was a
clifielifine and no ltopes were held .for —.
his recovery, hut, lingering so long, all ,.•
were in•hopes he might rally, The de
ceased has been a resident of the 10th.:
Mrs. Thos. ti° ,Purdy has returned
home from an, -extended •visit with To.
ronto friends, -
Miss Ada Cunnin ghant is spending
soine time with Mrs. Dan. Cameron, 5th -
,con, Kincardine.
Corp. Mac McKinnon and Pte. Wil
'beet McNally were home .on last • leave
the .end; 'at the week,
ars. Donald McIntyre, Master Caps-
bell and blue`, -Jean . have ,returned to'
heir hone in Toronto; ,• . ' -
1l4ss 1fc'Giregot, nurse in atteudaiaco
with the late Mr. Allan 1l:cKinnon,'has
etnrndd to Kincardine. ..
11r., and,lf'ey :V'orrnan 31e�-- L:eod,• f
Niaigara}• ills, apentatfew days last week
with their_prarents on 2nd. con., 'Bruce.
Mrs. ,I; Master Camp -
ell and Miss f.'zzir' (;ainpbcll spent the
w eekend
with lies -know � and Ashfield
riends, . :
Mrs- •l oega:d If Gilchrist ((nes Miss.
Kat}i�rnr 8lrl:�rl�,f• I3r<trr,ity__li�irf►,
pent afr:w days last vessk at her•hornc;
sad Om., Bose,
l i,;s. 1)'n b y f;sugei s, r f (.;abet; S;,tsk.
Monday; .Oct :o
°• ,frs. Neil. Gilchrist is vitii,ting;elat i vet
: rn'the States. • - t
Mr, Atkins, of Toronto, is visiting at .
• W.. J 'Graham's. •
Rev De'Mille purchased a fee driver -r
.firiliiiiWalast week: •
• Pte. C. McICeeran is • !ion,ic from -
London for a few days.
Miss Dora Oliver has returned to her
duties in Winnipeg. Man.
Dr. Fortune; of Walkerton, was a•bus-
iness •caller here list -week.. : f
les,John Deehan spent ThankNgiv-
. ing.lir ithreliitiyes_iuD,etrsott,,:
MissKate'A. McLean,,:of'rurontr,, 8
sp3nt the holiday at her home, 2
Mrs McDonald; .of Detroit, ;Mich., he
iting at r,-T-Isos:;Sedilst
Mr. ' Wm.' -Cunningftant rc:,turned • to
his hcnne iia Alltstob ion Siturdny
ic,nthe with h .0 Kean"'dvarcnts, •M`re and
1'rs: J's. Cunningham. '•
bliss, Jean McDernjid, of Loixrifta,i :4lrs, ('siftirinre MelSinfien hats receti
spent,a few days witil'b. r math'=r, rvI tis=old freer hr�r tavrlsons'(whnse Warnes
Rev, and Mrs,.1)e Mille have °o . axr,pu•:trerli11 thrr''r°r;Aasualty fist; a het'
oti ►let,of
` r -ince -_ f
ed. from visiting'Iiamilton fr••iepds, . � u e °sn ago) that they are not . eeriously
Miss. Flossie MoLen , , tri: phased "for this re-
ran sp'e.nt 1•han•ks•.r pnrt `
giving with her sisters tn' Detroit; 1fcels • , '
.• i ...Or Monday Messrs, Richard *Greg.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert,I ickard enil frt-. g
it ! or, Ilan. A. f eriban, and Chriss Young,
y, of Wiarton,. were week -end- .visitors:
Hero. took tlie:;follnw}ng delegates to
:11rs. Gleor ti I e na
• • Ilallv Convention. in, .Wingatjs; .1l ssrai
g i Y .ids anal' No/11,V, of , Margaret argaret M kinnon•
Torontai, are visiting at Lat . : •� °Sara" McIntyre,
g ream Mc: t ICate McKinnon Mar and
Loan's Y u 1 I'larence
Webb; Laura and Ta1. Corring ha
Corp: Mac and hiss Kate Jf a , • r ��..
.,IKt»n sn Messrs r
� Z, ,t
(� rile
. Hector
visited their sisters near ).ueknotiv.. en ; lfatit,
NieGrcgora Walter Webb and /.A J racy.
con., er a grea num . er o years. ea
was always found to be a true, .Christian
roan, and kind neighbor and• friend; al-
ways ready to help anyone in time of
need. Ite will be very much .missed in
the home, also in the neighborhood, as
well as in the Baptist Chlirch, where he
w.asin'higlt standing, •and faithful at.
tendant,: Besides ii sorrowing wife he
,leaves to mourn his loss one son, Charles,
tivo daughters Misaea Mayr
and Lily,, all . .
of whom reside at home. Two brothers
John; of.tlre 10th, can., Kincardine, and•
:Hugh, of Minto, Man, The furor
-Bich waa hold•orl Motiday afternoon to' .
Tiverton Cemetery, Was largelyattended:
showing the high esteem i.
.gin, which be '..
',was held. • To all the bereaved beeirt, • -
(kopek, heartfelt sympathy is ,exteliclesls
�•t .ter°!-