The Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-09-28, Page 1"N « r.5o: per year,,iip, ,aavancei a.00 othe wase 14UCKNOW9 011T., THURSDAY SEPTEiVI►BER° 28th., Ike, a Single Copies 3 cents '4UND. 'PRAISE .• q fl pimply Des ahr � b l :S twice 0 511 mi. , • , iia <wv 4cr„gndo) r`*' r,�,..t�,,*. GENERAL, LOCAL AND. GENER • A , . AGS'' AGAIN I W'O FL• IIIGH MAiT ANPRESBYTERY FORTHE L D l IU•LROWD ATKIN. • ; o In response to. many . requests MO . '" -"'," BRUCE BA'1"TALION A ineetieg: of .the Presbytery of Malt+ " CARDINE FALL FAIR , TVA ' •• 1-n Oneattracted . Self- Filler and.. Safe- ... ty Pen, • .. • . The .Peen• o .4 highest effclolnC tecee Currie ser.F+}rfLt.iNo. SA,pETY FOUNTAIN REQ. • Give 'me one drink of and IT write .,ten thou. Band words far you. car►.lie llait,ri Fat side '-.• • G ', ,' ' ue or wand on my head for my Safe- , , ,•/ ty Capkeeps /.' the ink ,/ locked e ;.. i n y • ' ! \ ,l . v s . i ink,' . '' L� �� [ ti� - �, l • '� . .- , �_, ,.• F=• • \ ,r f �4f�1 9• _ „� L ,know a big' ran g.ibitiUn to, morrow, Mrs, T. Watson and son. eco visiting. friends n Oelt, . . Lucknow 'was well representeda •t.. ,• p.ey o , ora ...Section Ripley Show Wednesda .~ - y • • ilea Lea Smith I6 visiting with Mise el g ° • Mee in 'Toronto ' . , ' ,. , . Mrs A. 1. Mortis and children are spending the week In Win hare., • , g g . . M'ss . Ca he11 inloss is' home a M �n t,. K + i ' . after'visiting with. friends at Kincardine. • a ranch and received, the other daycess, A .. C. i d frond Pte, 'Arthur Newman reports him °' well. The Lucknow. Pipe Band went to,llip- ley, ' esterda to hel entertain the Fair Y Y Y p crowd, '. : "Under Trvo Flee be egein presented - in Lucknow, the Drainage Society has consented teas of gut on the• flay. here ' • the Friday, Uct. 13. The . ., land was held in, St. Andrew's Pre�by•- Will Be. Giusti NinetyNlne .Per, > _ erre, church, Winghtm, on Sept, 19th, . elll Oft-1nSp4Ctiou afternoon: and evening. A large. repce- : Rev. liar. goinm, Flraaneially and in the size() crowd it :, :G li incardtne A riciiltural, ,So- . S may,. last Friday, had oris of the most " r- 4'.'•':-"Z•:,.--,.. ;•-.•,� ` .� a� ' on. evening of • play will be. given under auspices acid in sentation'waii resent. .. r, WILL 00 TO ENGLAND SOON ' the moderator of the resbytery, successful fair days in iia history, The • fi , . .. presid- 16.Oth: Battalion Bandand.?ltachine Gun, s . .. the interests. of the Islcal lied Cross ctetYt all proceeds: above necessary ex, ` eases o • p g int to rail fund. Further an.r nouneemajnt will, be made .in the• never _ future, T t ' re a t' to ur . l,he drama was hrs..,p ,s n ed • ,, in Lucknow,: ore November •25, iJ15, and since then the company have played,be- fore Wingitaili and Kineiirdine audience's, ' on, both occasions with eery great sue- . Witn this experience the'present ataon of Q.ct. 13, should be even better tan. that of a • ear ago. li Y •proud . �-- ail,; and Rev. bar. Bradley, of Teeswater, ' .T l 0 B c . `o he ,6 th (. rn.e) l;3attaltgn under, acted�n his' capacity as cl rk of the w nn • ' a final ins egtion a Carta:. Ileighte, session. 1? on onw .L - , d , on baouda and Carrie talion h Whitechurch and Lan side ' congrega- S. . _'the ordeal with fl n Coln s g y f{. r , .. tions. eXtended'a call' to Rev. Dick- en Fen:wick,' i General Lessard, who made the In-. con, of Fenwick, in the Presbytery, •of speptiun, stated that Ile "had never .seen .Hamilton, Provisionary arrangements '' ner machin than that oft '"Yoat d :, r g habe ] 6Qth.,, were made for his induction, Lieut -Col. W the• In speaking to. Lieut C sir, Rev. Mr: _Gibatln, of McIntosh • and • ins e ' g sting Officer said that the battalion iielmore, has resigned his charge and, Might . " t .rght expect 99 pet cont, .on the inspec has accepted a call to Sunderland in the tion, 7'liat.surel.'' is enough to locks Y g 1'resb ter -of Lindsay. The translation risen ofColonel Weir and all 1118 y Y Y T���-- pxovedgoad drawing eafids, L n- - fortunately yarn began to fall soon. after the crowd' got to the park, and as there were frequent showers during. •the after- , noon and evening the 'visitor$ did not featly enjoy • the day.. the Ticlid did play as much it otherwise • would have and the show was. necessarily hur- • reed through, There were a lot of good • , --• • . liOrseq Qrl'exhibitl0n and B�Chiblts'gener•' ally were up to a hrg` i standard, Gate r ecefpts amounted .toy $710. and to this .�'" . Come. to Us. T. hat. Examinati'oh U Of our a es ma y Y by the most approved •, :