The Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-09-21, Page 1•
• r.
x:;50 p yearp g. t of e vise:
Kincardine's Ifall''I''air will be held
Thursday and Friday of this week,
Dins„ Trevett bae-soldber residence to
• Mr. A, Barbour, G. T R. section boas.
Mrs 'Mulholland and 'little' daughter
, of Qoderich, are poste of Mrs, A. Mc.
• Carrol.
The Luc...n• w Pipe Band 'furni
a_ e
music at the: Atwood Fall Far r san.Wed-
• Youartinvited to call at iirmstrtingPs
Jewelry Store and'see the different types
,. of Vtctrolas mid dear the 13test.records.
riasEleanpr Dope of , Kirkton, is
viluting at the :homy of her brother, Mr.
A, ,T)ogpe, this week. •
!Thisweejc gave us the iir;it fall -like.
weather of the' season, and `Tuesday.
'Inorning the firstheavy frost,
Pte. Clarence MacDonald, of the Lon-
don Camp, and Pte, Telford., Aitcheson,
• of Borden (Camp, were, home over Sun-
On and after Thursday, Sept. 21st; we
will have'.on display a fullline of hats
of the moment—all the new shades and
shapes. Miss ARMSTRONG.'
Lieut. Ewart Cameron, of the 160th.
Batt., was •home over Sunday and Mon-
. day, this being'his first visit in Lucknow
in four, months:'
';Mrs. A. Cox, of Detroit, hasreturned
home afterspending a week here'. visit-
ing her father, Mr. Angus Beaton, and
. •. Lucknow friends.,
On accottut Of ' the death of Geo. D.
Lees; of the Woollen: Mills, 'Lucknow,,
all debts owitlg to •hi •n are now due and.
Payable at the Bank of Hamilton, Luck-
tow, s'•
MrhDonald Mackenzie, formerly of
• ' the 2nd Con. Kinloss, now of Calumet,
Mich., called on relations and a few.
• ' former acquaintances 'here last week. It
• is 28 years.since Mr. Mackenzie went to
•..Calumet, and during all of that time he
bas. been employed with one ni the big.
copper mining; companies in Northern
two Pens
Self - Filler
and Safe-
ty Pen.
Thea Pen of
highest efficiency •
(1 simply press the
. button.had filt•my
self in two seconds)
• Weft
Dr, D, A. 4eOt'imnaon and wife, of
Ripley, are home. from a trip to the.
B.O. Factfie n'agt. The Dr. Met a
number *fernier frtends at Vapcouv,
er; alnoig them being J- Iluinberstone,
Rod. MacKenzie and James Byran.
Their daughter,. Miss Kate. McCriiu-
mon, accompanied them home, •
' Members of the Bruce Battalion be-
lieve that the battalion will' besent. to
Bermudain the course of'a, few weeks:
They will do 'garrisoq duty there fora
few months beforegoing to • England.
That will be. a fine place to spend a few
of the winter months Byall: accounts
the'Bruce bids fair to become one of the
crack regiments of the Canadian army.
The price musicians demand usually
depends -on the opinion people have of
their ability to sing or`play, and in seler-'
ting' a talking Machine for which to sing
or play they naturally select .. the one
which will give the Most perfect repro-
duction, se that the public will foriu the
most favorable opinion of their: talent.
This is why with a Victrola-youcan get
the best musical talent in the world.
Give me one drink of ink
AndI'll 'write ten thou-
sand words for you. I
can lie .flat, right side
tip or stand on my
head formySnfe-
tyy Cap keeps
the ink
You :will be interested to hear J.
Lockte-Wilson-and 0.. F. Bailey ' in the
Agricultural Hall the first evening of
the fair. •
Make your entries early and avoid the
rush at the last. All entries should be
in on the 27th.
The picture films to be shown on the
evening of the 28th and afternoon of the
29th, ,are everywhere pronounced excel-
lent.. No extra' charge on the afternoon
of,tbe 29th.
The secretary already' has ,received
quite a number of entries for the show
and indications are that the number of
entries will be larger than ever. before:
Talent for the concert Friday et ening
comprises the following artists: Joe
Williams, singing' comedian; Ive• Des-
mond Burnley, . imperaonater; Willie
Bennett, the boy soprano. A humorous,
entertaining, yetclean program will be
given. Seats on sale at J. Garnet Arm-
strong's. • .
Come to r itcltnow on the : 29th.
Ii you don't, you'll wish you had.
On and after the 1st. day of Novem-
ber, Treleaven Bros, purpose putting
their businass on a cash basis. This im-
plies that all book accounts are to be,
settled not later than Nov. 1st.
• The 161st., Huron, Batta'liorr recently
underwent "General Inspection" ,and
came -through the test very credibly.
The inspection is very thorough and ex
acting. Every officer, non-commissioned
officer and man is examined separately.
At the conclusion of •the inspection , Lt.
Col. Campbell, in addressing the battal
"faint well pleased with. what I have
seen to -day: • You have a fine,. soldiorly
body of men. With only three exceptions,
they were in splendid condition. Your
officers are a splendidbody of men, and
know their work well: Your nom-com•
missioned officers are exceptionally
bright and efficient, and you are to be
congratulated on havingswill credit-
able battalion." • • -
Drug Store
• Lothian
--TuOday, Sept, 19:
P. R. McNay was a visitor at the
MeatWestern Falx. .arkst
—11)o Not Fah to Take
dva,ntage of -the
1 still' find it easier to buy and
retail prices. Z also handle
all kinds of CURED MATS,
R. J Button
Mise Mary Cook, . of Wawanosh, is
assisting her. aunt; Mrs. Geb.'Swan, who
is somewhat indisposed. ,
Mrs. John Brady and children, of
Strathroy; spent several weeks here•visit-
ing her,gnother, Mrs• Hogan.
-;---1/fi ted iii Mahoney-, fi rinerly-M-iss-
ear_Gilmore„ of_:.Retroit,:visited he
there for a couple of
mother and brothers o p
weeks; r '
A week or so ago we received a Glias.
• : • arge-f t tn1
trait of Major -Gen. Sir Sam Hughes;
and saying that he is a Kitchener and a
Lord Roberts rolled itito'one. We had
to rub our'eyes and ask where it drew
its deductions to make the claitir. "A
prophet is not without honor, save in
his own country.", ,
One of the casualty lists issued during
this week contains the nacre of Arthur
Levis," of St. HOME, sarong the "killed
in'action.'i Aethur was but.a young lad,
barer old eneugh'to enlist., He was , a
strong, manly fellow, however, and s x•
ceeded in getting throught all right. Fie
went overseas with the 71st. , The Lavis,
fa ily have denea good deal^for
Mr. Lavie, Sr:,' is with the
161st; two sons Who were in England
enlisted there and one is in the navy,
haying been'through the, battle, off the
F+alkl'and Islands. - ,
Kee; .:This in .Mind
At a tweeting of the I'atriot'aaaague.
held Monday evening, • it w'ts decided to
:arrange a suitable reception for Pte. Dan
MacDonald; wbo is on his way homet.
partially recovered from 'severe wounds,
received some montes ago at the front.
Owing to the uncertainty of the. date of
arrival. It is impossible to snake definite
arrangements, and the League, therefore,
ask that citizens act, in a measure, on
their own initiative when theyhear that
Pte.' Ma ;Donald is to arrive. Itis hoped
that as .many as possible shall make a
point of meeting the train, and that as
many ascan do so should take their
Woe . to the station,in order that a suit
able procession_be formed. Pte. Mac-
Donald was one of the first of the Luck -
now boys to volunteer his services for
Kiug and Country, and he is the first to
return disabled. ,It is, therefore, alto-
gether fitting that he should be tender-
ed a suitable -reception on his arrival.
Later on the Patriotic 'League hope ,to
recognize Pte, MacDonald's services and
eacrifiwe in a more• substantial way.—
Sec'y. •
St: Helens •
e .S
1uesdaY, i� t, 19:
Wedding bells are' ringing 'around St.'
Helens. • •
, Mr. Gedrge Stewart is 'sportipg,a new
buggy those days. ;
Mr. ' E. Jamieson, of Lanes, spent
;Sunday at Mr. A. Anderson's.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Webster spent Sun-
day at. Mr. R. Taylor's, Auburn, "- .
Mrs. Peter .Clark returned Home after
spendinga week •visiting friends around.
Kintail. •• .
, •Rev. Mr. Little- attended:the meeting
of Maitland Presbytery at 'Wingham on
Tuesday. ' . •
Mr EHiett-Mrller,-who-has-been-ons
the sick list:I've .are glad to say, :is ; re-
Miss Salkeld, of Goderich, spent a few_
days with ber.sister, Mrs.'Ii,.'K. 11 tiller,
-last week:
• Misses' "Hazel Palmer", Chris Miller,
Annie Curran, Isabelle Ramsey, and:
Nina Woods motored to Goderich with
W. L Miller on •Thursday attend
the Teachers'. Oonvention held. there:
The ,,Harvel Thanksgiving services,
Which were heldin the..Anglican Church,.
Sti Helens, on Sunday last,' were very
successful.., ` Rev; C.' H. • P. Owen, of
Glencoe, a former pastor, preached both
afternoon and evening
We are sorry to report the death of.
Pte. Arthur -L -avis, •ot,tlle #i-st.'•Overseas-
Batt., who was killed in action on the
7th. of'• September. • Arthur was a St,
Helens boy, and," will be gfeatly,"missed.'
by bis parents and all who knew hien.
Anniversary Services and a Tea Meet=
ing are to be held In the Presbyterian
Church, St. Helens, a week from next,
Sunday and' Monday. evening, October
the Tst../md-2m1-.- - Iiev: S iii'. - Whaley
is to take the services oh the Sunday.
;The St. Helens Women's Institute
will meet on Thursday; Sept. 28. 'at ,2:30.
o clock, at::the home of Mrs. Geo. Webb.
The subject --"Our Army Nurses", ` and
"Helpful Hints from Hospital Methods."
Question Drawers. A good' attendance
is requested o p an ou a rio le' war
liti• 4916,
`ailag e` :opies .3 -104
There are manly amusing steriee as to
the provision made by devotees, of the
lowing bawl against, the day when,
-throughout Ontario' the bar rooms • atad
liquor stores should close their doors, as
they did' last Saturday evening.
F.roni all over the province accounts•
are„ much the same,. Heavy purchases
of liquor;;stocks sold out beforethe.time
fixed for closing; large quantities ship-
ped by express; big supplies -laid in, etc,.
Though in Lucknow and vicinity folk
had 'leen , prepared for the provincial
measure by local opt;on and Scott Act,
•there was a good deal of activity in the.
,wa'y of putting away a supply. Prior to
the provincial measure conning into eff et
a case or 'a keg 'coup be had by express
from "wet" territory any time on a few
hours' notice. ;That source , of supply. is
now shut off, and, of course, provision
had tobe: made against the "evil 'day.
For several days the wet -goods pack=
Ages coming in by the night express had
been incteasing,'and at .tines as many
as ten or a dozen cases of the hard stuff
and a few Begs or barrels' of beer were
received from sue train. •,
Il, capital story was recently going the
rounds of'the town as to. how one man,
or a number of men, tobt their store.
Like most other good -stories there's a
,woman in' it.. •' •
This 'woman, according to the story,
had noticed some of the men folk acting
in an unaccountable manner, about the
ice house. They were visiting the place
oftener than, usual and there was 'sortie-
, thing` about' their .movements during
those extra visits which suggested secrecy
and an uneasy conscience..
Naturally' the woman's curiosity and
suspicions -Were aroused•and she decided.
to investigate. The cause of the unusual`
visits was soon discovered in the form
of a number. • of boxes which did :not
appear tobe a necessary .part of the ice
-house•equipment... Oneof these which
had been opened disclosed the whole,
se„ ret. It contained the familiar wet
goods of the brewery.
The wciiran recognized the stuff as the
arch enemy of home and country, and,
having the courage of her convictions,
a'he',:made an `imtnetliate --attack. The
cases were taken from their cool resting -
place to the Vicinity of a good sized rock.
They were broken open, and the bottles
went.:bapg, bang, bang upon the, rock.
until not one was left..' Seine say' there
were 36; others put the number as high
as 96. -. But whatever the number,' the
performance called for a good deal of
courage, determination and muscle.
Another story; tells 'of* an automobile
which'' had.occasion to halt intown; and
: was found to carry not only the usual
ifive passengers, but several bags. filled
-with bottles fastened on the fenders and.
other bags and kegs crowded in about
the passengers' feet. • .
• . These are hut trifling. ..incidents'of the -
great .change. It is said that in the
, larger centres; where a good deal of
drunkenness,::by way of a final blow-out,
was .ex Pecten; the law' came into force
with' little disturbance. The•public mind
:Was.prepared for it. Nearly'all the bet-
ter class hotels have fallen in line wi :h
the new conditions and • taken ort Stan;
dard hotel licenses.
The Presbytery of Maitland held a
regular ineeting at" VIrinsbtuu on Tues-
day. •
Bev.. Mr:Boyle, of Belgrave and. Cal,
vin, occupied the pulpit of the • Presby
teriau•church;here. ou, Rev. Jr
$. Duncan being at Calvin conducting
anniversary services.
• The Sabbath School' of the Methodist
s. in readiness with a good prd-
gramme, for the:crnwd that is expected
forRally Day 2:,0 p.m. is the time..
All the other services of the day will be
in accord with the thoughtof the School.
Tug GviLD.-•-The'Lluild had a- very
•.successful meeting on Monday evening,
when 'ate High School 'students'. were
guests of the Society. The Literary and
Social Committees had charge of the
program. 4 delightful spirit 'of Mend -
ship, freedom and 'good will; prevailed,
the'Guildites apparently being; glad to
,have the meetings again under way,after
the summer recess. A. feature of the
program was an address by Lieut. E.
Cameron, who gave a lucid and interest-
ing account of the work of the Signaling
Corps of•.which he has charge. There
was an excellent program of.vocal•music,•
recitations and readings,' and Rev. J:,',S.
Duncan and the 'president, 'Mr:' A: D.
Mackenzte, gave short, addresses•of wel-
come to the guests of the evening. 'Re-
freshments served after the program
'were greatly. enjoyed.., • ,
The Women's Institute
A special call has -come for Jellies,•
Pre'ser'ves, &e., for our eoldiers. All
who wish may contribute.
The Women's institute Sewing Circle
has resumed work etch Tuesday after-
noon, in the Town Hall at 2 p.m. •
The Wonien's Institute are having
their usual booth at' the Lucknow Fair,
Sept. 28 and 29.. Besides serving lunch
on both evening of 28th. and afternoon
of 29th., there can be bought at the
booth home. fnade bread, • pies, -cakes,
candy, and ice cream. A special feature
on exhibition will be the "Autograph
Quilt", on which those who contributed
willfind their names, which, with alb -
Other "Quilt" donatedto the Institute,
will' be :coldon the afternoon of the 29th.
Proceeds for patriotic purposes.
There is mush beipg•said tliis season
. about the short apple crop and especially
the shortage of lat grade apples; but one
,visiting the orchard of Mr, IC. Cameron
'sees no scarcity there. Looking at the
orchard from the road, one observes that
there are a .good many apples on. the
trees, and they appear to be of. good,
quality,but Line munit walk up and down
between the many 'rows of heavily laden
trees to get any appreciation of the crop.
Because ofthevery dry season the fruit•
is not quite so large as it was some pre-
vious years; •but never before were -the
numbers on the. trees greater, nor the
crop so regular .throughout the whole
`orchard. • The trees in the 'greater -part
'of the.orchard are about_ twenty years
old, and from year to year quite an in-
crease in' Size, is noticeable,. They now
carry from seven to nine barrels of apples,
and one would- think that with 'such a
load of fruit it would be . impossible : for,
the plant to make any growth. • The
condition is accounted for by the fact
that the trees are kept inperfect health
by constant spraying, which destroys all
insect pests and fungus growths: there
are those who say' that this orchard is
healthy and productive because it is
young; but in disproof of this air. Cam-
•eron will show a few spy trees which
were planted 60 years ago and are this
year carrying a heavy load' of . very fine
Though there are -Many • 1st' grade,
apples in the orchard thinyear, the num-
ber entirely free from spot or blemish of
any kind is not great.' The excessive;•
moisture in. the early summer was par-
ticularly favorable to the development
of fungus, and it was ii npassible,to keep
• spot altogether under.
Itis difficult to value an apple crop
before it is picked and packed, but good
guessers put the, value Of the apples ' in
Mr. Cameron'sorchard at lose on $3,000. -
That is on the tree. ` It *111 take nine
or, ten experienced workers It, month to
pick and pack the fruits which will •add
considerably tothe value. That is not
bad for an orchard that• eceupies • less
than ten acres.
Messrs. Anderson and Me.Qitillin have
bought the fruit this year, and will look
after the picking and shipping. . .
—Tuesday, Sept..19
` Joi1n r a'tite is at present - visiting
friends in London.
Miss Agnes Elliott spent Friday after-
noon with hersister, Mrs. R. Cole.
A.number from around here attended
thi anniversary services at Zion'on Sun-
day last.
• Mrs. G. Bannerman entertained her
Sunday School Cilia's at her- Home on
Saturday. ' '
Messrs. °.Diehard Guest,' Ailan . Kaake
and Tom 'Kaake motored to the London
-Fair last week. • •
he.•lce Cream Social held --by ee•
winter.=Secy: : Medias-tsf-Jfitrinss; 'proved -'d-eorded sec-
,cess the procee s in $13,50. -.
Messrs. John Pierce and W. J, Mc
Nab, of Owen Sound, spent a day last
week at the Iiotne of W. J. Geddes
Miss Laura Griffith has returned to
her.honie Orethe seventh of Kincardine,
after ' visiting :lien sister, Mrs, Allan
Kaake. .
_ri'nesrlayi-Sept 1 J ,
This SKN'1'INEL would like to have a
regular correspondent at Langside: • it
is a good field for the exercise of a talent
that way.
BACK TO Et1Itopil.--Mr, Wm. Mac-
-Kinnon, after a short visit with his par,,
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Angus. MacKinnon,
left Wednesday .morning. for Europe,
where he hasbeen the past two years,
Mr, MacKinnon is an 'expert accountant
and is engaged with a London; Eng,
firjn which has representatives' in all the
large business centres throughout the
World. They are about to open a'brancii
office in 1'aris,'Trance, and of this ofliee
young MacKinnon will }lave chargee He
°visited the offices in • Toronto, 'Montreal
and New York on his.pteemit trip. He
will sail from NO Xerit on Friday.
Free Br"o.' • Studio
Open Show
Friday .Se.. t. 29th
rot Fatally Groups
or anyclais of work
that may come in.
IBogl1•avr.y'rr,,,,�,•tr..••.• ,12 10
(Corrected up to Wedneaday.hoon)
Wheat .•,. •'• • 1 30
•..,•.•. ,,, 45 50
,•narley.:.,re r Mi
Teas 50
Butter ... '•'• • .. . 27
Eggs, new laid... .... . • 30 31
1-Ioiisewives will do well to cut
down' a large. quantity of Canadian
Blbert • peaccltes
whicthheir areb et*. P ' 1111AGAENIN5tiQ
J ''r
Vim should' see ”: ��g'`
your grocer at M�Azq aha
onto anda•.
tit ^
p ► v . , rr ..
/146'* %I
down an• • extra it •tiV6tttt t�io.e'
supply o, f Nla-
l;ara I'cnivattla Crown Pruin. Fruit
rs good 'food and. is healthful. Ask
your trrocer for the Niagara Grown,
kind. Look for this label on basket,
Then and Now
From its issue of August 27th, le96,
just 20 years ago, the Acton Free Press
reproduces • the following_paragraph.
"Rather than take ten cents per bag for
a load of early apples in Walkerton, a
Cargill farmer took them and emptied
them along the road on his return home,
a bagful every, mileor so, so people :could
.help themselves," "'Nobody is spilling
apples by the .waggon -load along the
roadsides in these days," adds an ex-
change, and we shall add: • "No, but in
many orchards, hogsare feedingto their
hearts' content on -fairly good-apples,-"-
Hensall Men. Fined '
Recently we published the account of
Thomas Berry, a' Hensall loan, „being
charged with having liquor on his- prem-
ises contrary 't'o law, and . of how Mr,
Smallaconibe,'reeve of-Hensall; lied in-
terfered:with the officer; who was taking
the liquor from Berry's pretenses. The
cases against both Berry ancil Smalla-
combe were tried at Clinton on, Satur-'
day and resulted in Berry being fined
$50 and. Smallacpmbe $I0.
-The case against Mr Berry was ad-
journed from last week, when County
b • It ' and W
Gonsta les Fellow e ally, : % c
that: they had searched the stable and
office of Mr. Berry and found consider-,
able liquor, and among the lot was a keg
that •Mr. Berry stated waa. vinegar, but
on investigation by' the officers proved
to ice -whiskey.
The 'charge against Reeve. Fred Small-
abotfhbe, Iiensall; teas, i n... Lhe
Crown, -Attorney -Seager,.- •-'i most dia.
graccftil affair."
Eno proposed that in future in any
cases of Phis kind 'which dance before
the cour~ in whis1_o f t-th,.- Kl„^
were . interfered avitb, that the .most
severe penalty world, Abe • recommended;
r The magistrate said lie was very sorry
to have tb punish a brother' ,l r t'., but as
it was a most serious offence; he could
not help doing so.
He told Smallacombe that1iis•position
demanded his assistance to enforcing the
laws of'the4land, rather th a obstrusting
officers in carrying out thea instructions
and that he should not .have lent 'nim -
self to such proceedings.
Mr. Dancy, of Goderieh, actiti for
that athe agreed ed lth the crown attorney
• Mess. Barry Snalaconlbe, stated
that the officers of he law should°lie at
all times protected when, on the King's
busineasr bat pleaded for leniency .on .the
Bart of the defendants,
'Council met on. Monday of last . week
pursuant to adjournment,members all
present and Reeve Wilkinson in the
chair. Quite a large number Of accounts
were passed for payment, and a number
of orders, made on the treasurer for pay-
ment of gravel furnished•to pathmacters,
as follows: John Smeltzer, $3 48; Robt.
Chaplin;.3 28; John Gamble, 1 16; John
Smeltzec, 8 40; Gilbert Barkwell, •4 =08;
Jas. ljardie, 2 56; Albert Brown, 8bc ;
Mrs. Porter, 2 24; Y. E. Cawley; r 02;
Robert Chaplin, 4 ' 40; Malcolm Smith,, ,
4.00; M. McKay,' 1 12; John;. McKay,
8.24; 'Mrs,--Portet,L 68; William Bell,
1 92; ' Sam Congram, 5 92;. Thoinas
Harris, 5 12. '
Fraser-Wilkinson—That this Coun-
cil requests the Hydro -Electric Power
Comniission-of'Ontario and Sir Adam
Beck to complete the estimates on the
cost of constructing the • Hydro -Electric'
Radial frem Kincardine to I irktewn,
via Goderieh; andthat these estimates
be submitted to the 'interested tnunici-
-palities-at-fare-earliest possible .date
Carried. • • .
By -lair No. 531 to' authorize the bor-
rowing of one thousand dollars from. the
Royal Bamik of Canada to meet' the cur-
rent expenditure of the Corporation of
..the Township of Huron for. the year 1916,
was duly passed, signed and sealed.
Council adjourned to meets on Sept.'
30th at '3 o'clock p. m.' •
• A. MARTYN, Clerk. '..
Come to Us to Have
That. Examination
your,eyesmade' as,•We test •
• "by the most approyed'
and know that olir results are.
scientifically accurate.
A short sighted •person' is one
who, neglects to give the at
tention to his or her eyes
that they .fully realize should
-be given.
"See Armstrong and See Better"
Jeweler and Optician
\ Phone 9g
BOY WANTED. -To handle ,express, with +"
chance to learn. telegraphy. Apply. at the , .
Expresa.Oftico, Luoknow.. 21-9-e..
LOST. -On i'riday: Sept. ,15th. between Dun-
gannon and°Lucknow,.• Gentleman's Fawn
Raincoat, nearly new. Finder will be suit- •
ably rewarded on leaving sane, at The Sea-
tinol.Ofttce. , ' • • . 21-9.59. •
-MONEY TO LOAN. -On mortgages and notoa
sabie rtes: dire itltltranf., hat
8 ok and. Mutual. Companies.' ponvey- ,
P: arcing done with aeatness and despatch.
' GEO. A.•SIDDA',T.. Broker, Lucknow '
' Luoknow. every Wednesday attornoon. Al ' ` ,
chronio.diseases successfully treated. Os- -
teopathy removes' the physical causes :
disease. Ad,•iostment of the spine is more '.
quickly secured and 'with fewer treatments
• by Osteopathy than by any other method. • .
3r'7 -p. •
. Notice
For all matters regarding Greenhill eemeter- -
refer to D. C. Taylor Secretary. ' „
For Sale
FOR SALB.-Two houses and lots atlow orices.
- 'Owners leaving Lucknoat. For further in-
formation, apply to Gro. A. 8IL: D AL1:.
21•9-t•f-a1 -
:FOR SALE.-Soven•room Cottage good' stable
and garden.- Soft water in. hoose. Con
venientiy ..situated. Apply to Mrs,, h. -
Imile,•ILuoknow,.. • • •7.9-t 4 c
FOR SALE. -In the Village of Lucknow, one
acre .lot fruit' bearing orohard; 10 -room
frame house -good Well,' and: ent•building,°
corrnection; Apiary of 175. hives, supers.
etc.. extractoy, honey_h.ons bee cellar. all
in good condition', Will sell bees separate- .•
Roason for selling, owners
Write or apply to
• •
MI8s LEES. Box 244, • .
• • , • Lucknow, Ont.
Auction Sales
D, .A. MAgDONALD, Wingham, will Iiavo nn , •
- Auction Salo. of Young Cattle and Cows. At
the Cain Horse, Lucknow, on Saturday.
' Sept: 30,, oonimencini_at 2:30 o cloi;k. '• •
,_ J., URVIS,, Auctioneer. •• ' •
"-- -.
Thnebalanc4 ot•the McGa}'ry House, furniture.
et ., vih•be sold at the. house on the after-
'" noon of Sat.,_Sept. 30. There are a number
of good articles yet unsold -a new, kitchen
range and.'a. number of badroom suites.
• Teimb—Cash.
J..Pz Ii}I9, Auctioneer. • .
fax Saleopf Lands
Notice is hereby given, as .directed by the .
Assessment Act. R.S.O.. 1914, , ee. 149. s R..1, . .
that a saib of hands for arrears of taxes •will ba
held at the town of 'tV'alkerton, on' Friday,:
October 6th; 1917, •in the Council Roorn,•'f than.
County Buildings; at the hour of twelve o'clock
noon when the•foiloivindescribed lands will •
be offered for !ale hypublic auction unless the
taxes and charges have boon sooner paid: • •
6 in sub. Pk. lots 21, 22, 23 and 24, Village
of Lucknow, taxes and charges 86.13.
7 in sub. Pk. lots 21 22;23 and °24 Village
• of•Luokuow; taxes and charges $12:43.•
A complete list of lands to. be sold for taxes.
is published;l'n "Tho Ontario Gazette" in„jt,' •
Jul 1 t• to 22nd,inclusive.
is tine of sand also n
' 'th: •'Cafndian Echo of SViarton in its issues
of July sir to September 27th Tnctusive
an aNdurned stile: is remitted it Will bo
held on .}rider. October, 20th ht the above;
inontioned place and hour.
• • Neil ?; Ro9i aTSON.
• firoasnros Co; Bruce,
\t•itlkor"t'gh, Sept. 71h, 1016. 5.10
—.Monday. Sept. 18.
.Torii Isis attended the Loddon Fair.``
We are sorry to hear that Mr. George
Page is'siek°•thiii week with tonailitis.'
Mr. George Murray, of Detroit; motor -
r r a • : r :. • ,
All parties holding due bilis for goods
at the Lucknow Woollen Mills are re- . ,
`gtit■stedttoprescnt thetratthe ttr'11 Tie -- -~
tweeu-Mouday, Sept 18th:, and :,Satur-
day, the 23rd. inst.
• 1 1
days with his uncle,-11i"r. Donald Murray.
•The hum of the threshing machine's
heard on every side these days, • ' Mr..
McKenzie, of Los:halsh;: Mr. Nelson, of
Lanes; and Mr. :Ritchie, .of •l.on, also:
the McGuire pros., of Clover Valley;
have all taken a hand in doing 'some of
the threshing in ,Paramount,
Mi. Donald McKenzie,.' of Calumet,
Mich., and Mr Vin. 'McKinnon, of Ann
Arbdr, Mich., called to see ,soh, Mc-
Kenzie last Friday. Mr. McKenzie has
a br,onze medal Winch he received from
the president of the Co. he works with,
for faithful and efficient . service for a
period of 27 years. There is some, ex�
ease for a man % eing litoud of such a :to-
ward, • • �'
—Monday, Seat.
Bob Scott spent last Sttnday' the Uest •
of Tom liay.
•Mr. and Mrs. M. Armstrong, visited• at
Mr.' George $hielis on Sunday.
' We ate sorry to rep rt that lir. • Will
,: feijullen is under the weather at pies
Mr. M. Welsh eiid
spent the week
with his daughter, Mrs. T.' Elliott, Len.
don, • •
Miss Elsie Steele returned 'mite
Saturday after spending a few days in
Mrs. and Miss Henderson, of .St. 114.
ens, Were the guests of Rev. Mr. Blither\
`cord one day lust week.