HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-09-07, Page 7v -
England's licilros. by bursting. Into'
Serbia. When such t4.11,Ottaelt ws100'
expected. Eut the 'Salta Canal .tild
not fall, nor did England's nerve Ant-
ta,.. She WW1 Aroused instead, ,and
gave 'Mitchel= the 4.000,10. JAP;
had eased
AN AMERICAN ARRAIGNMENT • Strange to say, this Caaa the effect.nT-
of .Yrightftliness everYWhere.
liblc Efficiency foretold that an ..at.
tack on, a fishing village, a Zeppelin
raid. over London, the .sinhing of a.
liner, the Shooting :of an Englisk
nurse, must shutter England's nerves...
Instead,. it Mled the plow Englishman
with fury., and he entered the army
first. two years ef the war in 4 -strik- hundreds of •thonsands of Englishmen
.Ti(1,4ay there -aro'
' The NOW York TiMee reViews the bY. the 131114(41".
intiele, which la here. given 11'1 in the armlea that are l'eanchng
:abbreviated form; cieney to7pleces pn. the Somme Wise
•, ie Empire. of xffieleaey, began the. would. not be there. if it .hati not been
. War a .Frightfulness. on. August /, EffielerleY's nlasterPlees'"-4ea,r"
1914. On August 1, 1915, the outlookbororigh, the Luaitania, the Zeppelins,
for. liberty. and denweraey was. at its' Louvain, Edith - Cavell. Once, this
darkest. The. first year ended with , year, 'Efficiency sent her ships, out to
•• the Synermen: everywhere in. the as_ tight manfully, not murderottaly.'
ter .the battle 'was over, nothing was
Cendaut; Pio 'second . year ends with
• .• changed; the sea was still a foe. And
at home' Efficiency is busy, arranging,
not conquest, but xesistance.
•'Liberty, menaced in 1914,, in
Berate dangea,in• 1Q15, holds am her
long. -endangered faith in. 1916, and,
seesin the future the salvation of
faith. • 'Some. things are plain
enough already:. - The .old things are
tyranny •cannot',conquer the wort& apt so easily des•tractible. The twci-
• A• year age - Efficiency' waa driving he ed god is a false god.. Fallible,
Ettzczency, Frightfulness, unfeared,
constitute tagether, no Superman at
whose coming the 'World must .fall on
its face.
• .
.13glir1sx sAmons.,SUFFER.
After Two Years of. Arregence, gag*
,tisn$ and FrightfulneSst ind
laginlValltare. "
Promptly moo to
Storage Batteriew
ti r ter 0,
AND .C.0)711E,'
,onsnorns o 4. o •
maTxxxx CO. "Ammon
947 filiM009t., Toroato.
10E444 aaralatte
thecommon Men and 'the 1ittI� people
cpating toward their osirn: On the'
,•eve of August 1,106,, what had been
'the gtneyal faith on the eve. of Aug:
1, nu, what -had 'seemed a' bral*n
creed on August 1, 1916, Is Corning
out plain again from • the murk• --4
.that. arrogance, 'egptisin, 'cruelty, and
. :Russians pell,mell before ;it, held
the Westiiin allies helpless, was about
• '. to begin the destraction of Serbia.and
•• the 'Working of British disaster in tli"e'
. OtOman:Erripire. •Only at ,pea and in.
Africa were the allies dominant. To-
• day Efficiency and Frightfulnese ate
• a surrounded and • beleaguered; they.
Poor leaid Supplied.Theta. in (ler:na.n
have no longer .any chance of resum- •
ing their offensive, and • their only ,.. . Prison Camps. ' •• .
• =
'• hope now is to resist.„s6" stubbornly The Hon. Mrs. Neeld, of Twatley,
. that the result Will be a draw--a,Malinesbury, ,England, who as we
. •
' peace Of .exhaustion,! a. Wile of • re- know,. , 4 •Lord , Fishers daughter,
,. •,- .
• i• • • • .
etiperation,. and the 'whole' thing to be. i writes • in connectiort.with the 1V.Lerch-
foright out.. again, whea the ,wounds •ant Seamen Satiety that at present
. are healed. • . • .. - • . ' there.are in Ruhleben. 400 prisoners.
•• • ' The two-headiacid of Effielaid- f these above 1000.are supplied with
, .. 'and. Frightfulnees' is not, eater . all, 'paatels• from friendsat heine. The
4 . .. superhuman., inviarierable,„tfitylacible, I other '3000 are ' dependent . ler their
• • or -what is more to the Point--infal- ' for their food supply •on the various
. . able. :Efficiency blunders'Frightful- organizations at home. .
„ •., ness flees. On pap'er, in advance, Ef- The. ration',; provided by the Ger-
' fidency , was'• all -Wise, Frightfulness man Gov..ernment • are neither stiffi•
• ' irresistible. • Efficiency labached the cient• nor wholesome. The raw ma -
war of the Superman against. the terial is handed over to a committee
. • :common man at the..perfeet moment; of priooners who. do. the best they
seen unerringly. Its infallible secret, can with it, but that best is meager.
4, • service reported to ‚it that England .Virtually one meal ca•ri be supplied-
• • "would not enter thewar, for fear of that is, dinner. It consists .of a stew
• an ,Irish revolutionand an 'industrial made of potatoes, mangel-wurzel and
• revolt; .that Russia could not 'lumber carrots, thickened . with bean Meal,
$50,000 PER 'ANN
.Fifty-five .Years of.Ae,. and Famous.
For His Energy and .
•. ful Appearance.
• Lord •Buelunaster, the Lord Chan-
cellor, who has been, urging every-
• body to economize and. save alt they
can in war time, is one of the most
important men in athe cabinet, for it
is through him that King George Sig-
ninifihet bis consent to 'anything signed
• The -Lord Chancellor . is technically
• "the Keeper a the, King's con-
science," advising his Maiesty' in ire-
gard to signing all State' documents.
Furthermoreithe Lord Chancellor is
• the custodian of .the Great Seal which
figures on these documents.. The Seal.
'•is kept in an elaborate purse made of,
the finest purple velvet, heavily em-
breidered in. colored silks with the
Arras •of England -the lion and the
unicorn, surmounted by the Imperial
crown. Below' is wOrked in silk a
motto in Latin meaning 4, 'For God and
My Country."
. A "Queenle.Chanceller.
It is an interesting fact that the
Lord Chancellor takes precedence of the East China Sea, the Straits
of, of Korea, and the Sea of Japan.
every temporal Lord and anyone who These are the waters separating
is not a member of he Royal family, Japan from Russia and the Asiatic
and of all Bishops except the Arch-
bishop of Canterbury. mairiland, and the routes ovPr them,
commercial and military, are open
• An interesting confession Was made' and without menace. '
by Lord Buckmaster on one occasion • • . , , ..
Furnish Deadly Gun.
to Mrs. Alex Tweedie, ,who relates .•
the ineidentain her recently -published
untforins, itidtes, 'Guns and Ammunt-
tlan Saaalled to Cho
• CZar'a AntlieS,
th he ig4:it eltS:12 e°st4es:ti Russian amt ror viti 14 71 :aa observer
e 7wilalo:
h na a zn ag mnt
has lust return to Paris from a triP
along the Russian front. —
• "I was astonished," be said, "to
An.d gr,eat numbers of aussian sol-
diers_ clothed ,frorii head to foot in
unifernis nrade in .7apan".':net only the
tunic and trousers, bat eaen.the leg-
Ongs. •They carried on their shoal-
del's Japanese guns. Their cartridge
belts were filled with cartridges made
int Japan. •Their leather belts and
• buctcles, Were: from Japan. And the
stout hobnail Chops they , wear are
from hides gathered' in`KOrea and
made into shoes in Japan. So that
there you,you see a Auesian soldier"
in Japanese clothes, Japanese shoes,
witli Japanese gun, a elation and
Japanese aceoutrern
Sup'plies- From Korea..
Time for Peaches and
Cream!, To get full palate.
joy with Maximum of until.
went for the day's work
eat them on shredded wheat
biscuit—a complete, perfect
meal, easy to prepare, elope-,
'doing and satisfying. In
Wedded Wheat all the
body-building material in the
whole wheal:. grain. is re-
ifichldirlF the bran
coat, which is so useful in
promoting bowel, exercise.
',ft; •
•mg0,414$ Nikisj
Taght.7.$12; ir400 MVO Already Bien
itwar400. • •
A, ptatemeut *melt by the BriUch
Wor Office shows.that up to the Pre*
sent the 'folioNviog niedals have. boon
alverqe4 to warraut Wimp, nen..
• eeparrassibue4. effieersA - end men;
80 Vietor4.•Crosses, 130 Nilituz'y
Crosses, 0,115p DAM% 1,700 Dann -
to* Medals-.
made by the SecretarY of tlee W
The text of the enneuneement
(Mee is: ,
A: ilvdr9 having been fa:pre:Nett for
•the Wale, a information as to the ,
medals which may be earned by sol-
diers for war service, the Secretary'
.of the :War Office announces that
the Medals In cpiestiOn are • the fol-,
loVring: , •
The Victoria Cross -,-The conditions
under 'which this is awarded are Well
• known. Up to the •present • date
eighty-six Victoria Crosses have been.
rant officers non-comraieeloned 'Of -
awarded iri the 'present war to war.
fieers and soldiers. . ..
The Military Crops is, aWardedsfor•
"distinguished services in time . of
war," and may be won by warrant at,
• lidera, as well as by eernmissioined
. .
SAVE THE ,WFaTEItli CROP. , 'officers of rank . net above that, of
_ • . , captairi. One. hundred and thirty war.
No Lack of Men to Gathet in Can - rent officer§ have received the Mill-
. tara Cress up to date•.
, ada'a Greatest Asset
• • The Distinguished C0ndatt ' Medal
Statistics from the Gefverameht is awarded for individual act $ of dis-
• autlioritids show that • the'.wheat -crop tiziguislied core:Wet and for devotion
• "It is strange/' 'he went On, • ."that this year promises to be greaterthan
Russia Went to War with Japan over ever but the problem that is troub-
ling the minds of the ,farmers -in
Korea and new Korea, the source of
all the trouble,; is suPplying Russia Western' Canada Is how can the prop%
be harvested ? That is - the predate -
with the shoes in which her soldiers inent problein of to -day in Canada.
are marching to victory. Korea is a apart.'from recruiting for overseas.
great grazing Country, aand Is Prov- The railwayi are providing special'
ing a vast reservoir of .raw hides exeursieas to carry the men. to their
which the Jepanese are rapidly tern- destinations but the effort 'will almpst
ing into boots, •• shoes, saddles %and
leather furnishings." • , ' . he Irtiltless 'if the labor does not
come forward Or the work in view.
"How • did 'these supplies. get from There as no disguising the aerious-
Japan to the Rustian front?" the
observer was asked. • nese of the situation thisyear, so
,,a. many men having oneto the:front
"It was noted," he `said, that or are on their way. DeSpite ' this
about the only vital point where the •
Germans had not . been able to sena fact, however, there should 'be no
lack of men to gather in Canada's DABY• 'S GREAT DANGER
their submarines was -in .the waters greatest asset if the- cOantry is to DURING HOT WEATHER.
still continue the, good work of the• .
past twO :years in helping the Mother More little ones die .daring the hot
Country. in the . greatest war the weather than at any other tune of
world has ever known. While Canada the year, Diarrhima, dysentery, chol-
has'ient some hundred thousand men era infantum and stomach troubles
to the war there are still hundreds of come 'without warning, and *hen% a
thousands rnorealeft who have not en- medicine is • not at hand to eye
listed and who are not assisting in promptly the 'short • delay •too fre-
• 'the making of munitions. These have q'uently, means that the child has
• • . ' e .
• now an excellent Opportunity of do- passed beyorid all aid. Baby's Qwn
Paris was in Efficiency's hands; ,that of meat of lew gradeTwice a "ThMost interesting thing about the asked war abroadCanada's crop is of Vital homes where there are Young chit -
S. up ,upon her peaderouS feet before and about once •in two weeks a bit reminiscences, • "My Tablecloths." is Russia getting from Japan?" wasing a little bit at home to help the Tablets should alwaysbe kept in
. • France as populated by nerveless. week , the entire German people go office," said Lord Buckmaster, in a "All sorts," was the reply, "from . necessity to Great Britain and hal: Al- di en An occasional dose of the
wdecedents-here is where Efficieney's Meatless. At Ruhleben those days note to Mrs. Tweedie, "is that it was the service rifle and amen field pieces .
lies so that. everyone who helps in Tablets will prevent stcireach and
scientists gave ,their' amniscierit evi- ere observed by the prisoners ,by held by -a woman, Queen !Eleanor, up to the big .12 -inch guns. The Jap- .
Power than Paraguay; that Belgiuma "rather smelling, bad fish, as few are The result was disastrous, ' as .eini a. anese 12 -inch is a terrible weapon, gathering in the harvest will in some bowel trOribles, or if the,. trouble
denceL-and had no ' more resisting eating -or, as Mrs. Neeld ' says- when her • husband went to the wars.
`would not resist the 'eritranee of ,Ef7 foolhardy, enough to. .do- more." The •inc justice did not appear. to. agree and they are content not to Make any I
, measure be .. assisting in carrying
ficienc3N armies, that . Italy would midday meal is net sufficient for half with the treed stomachs Of the city." of the 14 -inch and 16 inch guns, asa on the war to a successful issue.
fight for Efficiency, and that the of the prisoners in the camp, and le The appointment of Lord Buck- they consider from e military stand- i
. 4The effort will not only be a health Teblets are sold by medicine dealers •
point that the immobility of the mon- .
'giver but give excellent remuneration. or by mail at 25 cents a box frozn
sympathy and moral support of the so unappetizing that no man who has matter to the. Chancellorship in 1914 eter ., gan ., offsets its adyantages, I You who afe not helping your gum- The Dr. Williams 1Viedicine co.,
try•directly are invited •to take the Brockville, Ont.
We; 0.110
Made in Canada
to duty in the, field.. This medal has
been earned by About' 0,150 wartant
officers, nob-ceminisoioned officers
and sOldiers, daring the present war
up to date.• •
• The Military Medal, which •Ni,as in-
stituted 'same two 'months ago, is
•awarded to non-commissioned offi-
cers and soldiers far individual .or
associated acts of bravery_ in the
field.. About 1,70 of. these have
been conferred up to date.
• The General War Medal, the issue -
of whichN is -not decided until tease
has been concluded. •
"What sort of 'arms and munition
• .
SOLDw(•• Au, eopo, $119g IOW,* ..
Ms Need.
For three successive nights WO:,
pop had walked „„the iloor
baby.. On. the 'fourth night he '
earne desperate, and boaght a bottle
of soothing eYrulz, •
"Why, 4fines,' exclaimed his Wife*
when she saw the bottle. "WIxat• did
you buy that for?, „Don't yrinitnew it •
Is very dangerous to give a child any,
thing like that ?"
• "Don't worry.", was her busbazid'S
reply. ' "I'M going to take' it myself?
Liniment cures' Mutsu', .Eta.
,•' Dna, Anyway.
don't believe that the Wrangles
-have one thought aor Wish in ' cora- a
moil." • ,
"Oh, Yes, they have, Both of them
wish they hadn't otaaried each Other."
biers, Deleware. Carman. ,Order
at once. Supply limited. Write for quo-
tations. H. W. Dawson. Brampton.
zriowsre.Pmais PDX BALE
Offices for sale in good Ontario
tow:as. The most useful and interesting.•
of all businesses. Pull information on
application to Wilson Publishing Com •
pany, 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto.
and light sewing at home, whole
or spare tixne k good pay; work sent
any • distance, • charae's paid; send
stamp for particulars. National
Manufacturing Company, Montreal. •
1.,/ internal and external, cured with..
•out pain by our home. treatment. Write •
as before too late. Dr:Betimes Medical.
Linfited. CollingwOod. Ont. •
conies suddenly the prompt Use of;
the T • ablets will cure • the baby. Thei
, 'United States We're certain. ' It was a parcel touches itastonished a good m,eny people, for -
the divinely right moment. Effi- It is ,cleztia therefore, that the his promotion to the highest position:.
whereas the 12 -inch 'gun is a very
mobile gun and very deadly," • ' trip West for a :couple' of menthe and
.,,, "It 'is said that French and Janan not only earn three dollars a day and • ' • Left-handed Flattery,
O'eieney's methods were as. certain as more parcels .that are .sent, to the on.the Bench 'With' $5 ,000 a year i
a, •
- , • Who • have received nothing. from
those came after only two years as one of e officers .
the Law Officers of the Ci own land . se are now urms mg e • ;„,„ ,
' f ' h' th '
-- --- board but alsp fed that you are help- -- =
'he poWer '
- to end the war suc- - '
, sighed artfullY,• • . .
"Oh . II i were only, heautiffil," -she Ontario Votorinatr CollegO .
aritbrnetie.. . • ' ' camp the more food there i§ for tha
Effieieney's Blundert. . • ' home. One need not fear the over-' expert direction .of the Russian artil..,!--ae.• - ...a • •
, , ery eawhich a,s made a so e ec- cestfully for our side. AnyarailwaY1,
Lapping winch: efie hears,, as there ' appointment as Solicitor -General in li't ff "I wouldn't Care if 1;were you," he
. . Buckmaster, however, was before his 'l - ' ea.
• Brit tlie moment 'Belgium's soil 'was 1 . agent will furbish you with all the in- . .
. 13 • a ' • 1 al . a lad never •enough food sent to the, camp 1913, ofie of the leaders of the Chan- .tive. Did you see any of these offi- formation to enable you to go • to .said, "you . are very intellectual, aria
. . '• • •
from honie, and os time gees on pria cers?" was asked. ' • . • ' . you •ha.ve ' a sweet disposibien. Be-
. the ,sea was closed to Effieiency: Ef- eery Bar, where he had a very larrge 1 • Weetern Canada and do your little
soners teport diminution in the food tideS, you are hice to your ' mother;
-*.ficieney must feed • hefeelf • 'unaided. priattice. For Some Yrs511i:1 .49ait"-bal-helping. the farmers to hay-
• •,, her diplomats and spies had misin-• The so-called coffee is a. brown; not appeal- for a loWer fee . than 100 said the • obterVer. -".The Illissian ,ar-,•
was a ' • • ' • Operated, by, ittiesiens. a
much depends. ,
-Sinnehow, Efficienca had' blundered; stit3P/Y• - • .. . Chancery "special." "Specials" '
"No, and the report. is not correct," vest' the great ,crop • on. which. . sp and all that is mach better than •be -
Muddy cempeued made of burnt ing beautiful"
And be was never invited to see. her
fornied her, , their salaries and ,• ex- guineas. • ,-tillery officers cliiecting their own'. ' .
. nianner . that s.melled,. somehow, 1- of . . I The only Japanese. and • French offi- KRUPP GUN HOSPITAL: again. .
pease aecourts had ben wasted in a ' lire, and are g_ettiag_aplendid yesults. .
acorns, but it is hot and might be • .
made drinkable with milk and sugar. ' • Yeuthfel Dignity., '
prisoners in Germany are not al- • • His Lordship,who is fifty-five years I cere' are those temporarily • assigned ,
•• •Inefficieneyea4or-aviatatathey-haLama.1.11t
o litrY-thesta-aalthongh they -a -of -age, lb fa -mons -fox his eaergy and ; toeaphtitrthe-=.workings--ctfaa-anew-alleaair Works-Are--Locrited-Behi
ported to her- was what any n•Tei-i•-•e .',1
. Ineffident, With eyes in his head, whoa alaY receive them from home. • ' Youthful aapearanee.. ye only. looks : pieee,' just as an expert 's sent. along '
. . . Isidore, .Q., Aug -1 ,
1 Half a pouad of war bread per diem about thirty-five, and it is related. to explain any cemplicaa_a piece of Frozit Line Trendies. .
had ,spent• a menth in England 'could ,. Minerals Liniment Co., Limitea.
t f F • a ma I it is made of rye with 25 per cent: of ed,nice thing to azaai a boy corramnied , the 'bi 12 • h t
. _ Quite ne.ar the weste.rn front in Gentlernen,-I have frequently used • A Gold M ine. On
Flanders the Germans. have establish- MINA.RDAS LINIMENT and also
have told her•was not true,. No m,at- I Your Farm
its the ration of a prisoner.' Officially that on mie occasion a client' reinaek- machinery: japanese• experts
i ac
' t • Kru un factor -a prescribe it for niy patients . always
storing up good 'green feed in a ;
d bl tit b
Dog Romeillor
And How to Feed
ara9ed free to any address by
the Author
118 West 31st Street, New York
' ."•••
Under the Cuntrol of the Depart-'
anent of Agriculture of Ontario
Affiliated with \ the Univer-
sity of Toronto.
• College will re -open oh Monday.
• the and of October, 19143.
110 University Ave., Toronto, Can.
• 1,.half-cooked potatoes It It is a .beavy,. like that such a big fee." But after. to maaoeuvre them. in action,. but to . . .
. . Ressia teeld• not fully.' mebilize be-, , .. •
" -
' fpre she would be.grappled With, and '
. 'Britain; With her "Contemptible slittle ramie that. nia,F•of the Men go hurigry• for his client, the latter Made a fur., I That is the' .ektent of -their help, and "cannon.hospital,",es it has been dub- with the most gratifying results, and
fiours trulY, '
. . .
putty coloured Mixture, so unwhole,- Lord Beektnaster had won .his case'' eAzlain how it Was to be manoeuvred.
rather than risk the results Of eating ther :observation.: "There's no. know- I the Russians should. .get full credit bed by the soldiers -where guns 'Worn r tonsiaer it the best all-aoued .Lini-
, .. .. _ it. • The scanty evening meal is Made. ing .•arhat foe that young. man •will ' for what they have atcapiplished in by; constant action 'or injured by en- Ment extant ' •
enly ehells, are treated, 'retested ' and . a
armyr Could 'be ferced to a favorable
Belgium ueexpec e y resis e , a thee tent back to the: fighting - Hee.. ...D.t. -Jel. AUG. SIROIS..
-peace.. • . • , • • :
• . . UP *of salted 'herrings; or other 'fish, want When he reaches -sixty." ' . : operating their ' artillery.' •No, the
' and potatoes, if any are left•frein..the . Lord BIZekniaster" hewever, . has Japanese have done remarkably well : Two :1:1P i e, n Y • . ...
was slaughtered; And the sympathy 1
dinnei kriewei the rough and ready life of the in 'arining; clothirig, And anunitionjug -in ., this . hospital, an , .interesthig...ad-
United ,,States,, but of nearly every i ,
•from yided they do ..not contain . -prohibited county courta. for .small. fees. When a chance to do the fighting." • ,..count of Which is given 'by a German
. and . mpraL' support, not only of the
pi • • I f home, junior barrister who practices in the, the Russians, but they have not had
...Effieiency, by, . that act InefficientylMli*s,
• • .eines.Or newspapers, reach their des7. Med" for busier friends, dohig their
such as alcohol, patent mediapriefs, of his own. acre scarce; he'"de-,
. .•.. . jaernalist who was afforded an tip.'
pottunity..ea .visiting it. • Ile relates
The onion differs.
„other . coantrY;..were sundered
. •could have done no worse.' The old- I .' ' hew,. when ',looking at the havoc
•• Froza the. peach.
- • t.. .. always been so, end in the various ac- edly .file, energy and industry. have . . '
' • • • Wroaght-by enemy shells on the gene,'
i--- -The „onion' sareeela. •
i filiation now; it is Said. This has not work .cheerfully and Well. Undouht-, ., GAY SHAWLS FEWER. a .
Few people' of
. •
please . men' a . p 0 -
• it .is difficult: to imagine howa they can
' fashioned' hit-and-misar)-• .go -as -you- :
• gountspublishealait comes out strong,a_b_een the _his_wonderful sue- Effects of the '. War ail • Breton ;
that before the Amerieen Embassy cess.. Fiirtherinere, he is held. in high . ever' be tepaired: ..
-------•-to-be -stipersecied -13-yinfallibility. nev ,_, .In 'rhyme.. or eong. • -
took hold , Of this much -vexed. eues- eateem for.his personal qutalities, and, • .,Country. . •
• France
. Very. often daniageaoccurs to • the
. .
' •Bub Fortune always •
.. .
•:' • er stumbled into such a blnnder as '7, ..
this. .Efficiency carried her arnitee
. . . • tibia not only were the cOziditions far when .his idol 'duties permit hum to A war correspondent. ,woodeti , pelts, especially to the
.Makes amends
, worse than they are at - paeseet, but. do AA, there is ,npthing gives . the wr. wheels. 'In the woodwork' department
' even the relief sent the men fro ites: • • . a
are stocked size,s of•garawhee sato
almost to arise An . en_ 4.c .a ... .. .
arrested. her descending arm at the At. St Thegonnec,. aa village'- Of • Alidtheaa whoare7 -
y .proved to 'thee): a hue himself to the country With a ,fish- Finnisterre,' I stood by the famous old that in case of quiek needaa gun can
Marne. That blow 'has never 'f•allen i ,-: TO. Chancellor greater pleasure than • to
to this day; and the' whole infallible ' home , comment churchthe peasants. coin's be made Serviceable in a very short
• ^ The onion's friends .
plan , Was split and shatteredbY the 48°P°i-ntin•et'aplIcl-ailie. 'efp-re;an- .. g toclaancl-.-aperid hoursaon th . ut 'from -high Mass- on a Sundaytinl. e !at the• 'spot where the accudent.1 Are for it streng,
. . .
•. . .• • Aalmirat ,and Mrs. Neeld happened --a-----aaa.•• . The region, is noted for the'. gay' eccureed:* , I •
:•in the di-
- .-- , 3/Einar:vs. Liniment for sale every.whero. but now 'only, a' few young girl
side... „ •
__. shawls the •Women wear On- holidays.
e ilea thoroughly extunioed the guns are •
Aftee being repaired, cleaned' and
ciency, in Frightfulness, or
ordinary human mind Of a French ded misgrY•• .
genei-il who no e e ..,
to be in Germany at the outbreak of . . „
- vine ,right. of one nation to ' rifle en colored shawls. All the rest were taken to a apecially built 'proving
the war, and, in Noaernber, 1914, were • , . ..
' .others. . • • • . . • taken to 'a military prison . eaMp. FIRE 3;000 SHOTS •A MINUTE. black:, It is the custom'for the entire gEmna.' •Here the rifling of. the gun
• .. The *system of Frightfulnessaia not ThelYwere not.held there long, hear- congregation to stroll. down the main barrels is .also looked .after, and : if
.„ . •• .. •
alone a system of ,atroalties; it is not
Nauheim, and iziaDecember; Were . re- part Played• by. Famoula.."76" Gua in street after church and Once around necessary their are reground Arid re-,
ever, .but •were. sent hack to Bad
. limited. to the. slaughter ' of women . • . . - Defence of Vermin.; • he graveyard before going, honie, At cilibred: • Here .also guns Captured'on•
• ,
, The Hon...Mrs. Neeld organized a: . The' famous "7\5," as. the gun is i the field ere remade for' usea •
. . and children by Zeppelins, submar-• I watched them Pass, the innkeeper's
. . • • leased 'to'u to' Ezigland. . . ,
Ines, and indiVidual enterprise. It is. . . . On machine guns, for which all ex -
the sYstem .of warfare by which you
the suffering Whieh she had thus wit-. clea, 10 manufattured•at the Schoeider wife aaid to me:
Ala no, monsienr, if is ' not like tre parts are made And stored un
Society • for the purpose of relieving generally designated in French cur- ...
:•continually •appall your .opporteet; it
'neesea, if not shared; • for 'a brief. Works, a private enterprise, at Le ' the old days. HardlY u family here- ,
, readiness, the co.61ing jackets seem to USING. MORE :COCAINE; ..
period. She also •started the system Crelizet. France. • The 'Schneiders' are abouts but is :in mourning. Some ___,
be the most vulnerable to rifle bullets. . . •
„ nees and its violence: ' I: . have lost one son 'smile have lost see- .With .oxygen welding apparatus these
destroy'- his nerve by its unexpected- •
e al. And. how will it all end? Who 0 • Soldiers and Women Rapidly Asquir-
• a '`iadinition17. • through which indi- to France what • the krupps• are te a. . ' • • ... a 'pairs and' even Whole renewal Of
viduai aneechant ' ‘seamen witheut Germany..• ing the Drug,Habit,
friends euffitientlywell4o-to ,provide , The hydraulic brake prevents ' Any
ger. them -lave been-giverr-the Lem traciable-recoil 'of the tun, which
fart of knowing that they 'are the •ob- nutotnatieally returns. to its normal
jeet of some ind
ividual -solicitude.. • • position; once. it is set fpr' the right
aiin, net time 1s lest in.. the.. .. firin,g,
The position of 'the gun is not
•changed, and an unlimited number of
shots may be fired. The gun fires up
• 01 Spring. Metal and Wire is'a rieW
to 30 shots to the 'minute: That ac,-
devide to encircle a ,person's feet' 'and
counts for that ,"etirtairt of fire "
prevent:the tons of ail evet.shue.' '• .
,dgpression figures-, so Ma-
: • What as,,tlaimed to be a •Satisfae- Whia
spicuouelY in the daily . official . but -
tory. Method lot plating. alurninimn
. iri .letins er communiques issued by the
- ,.). npon iron has : been. invented
French War Office. ' • .• : •
France; • : • . . Protecting Verdun are one hunared
• • An. Englithitan has invented a. cal-- '
• •of thosagunb ready to .pour put three
lapsible lifeboat with a rubber skio
thousand shots to the minute at the
that . atiteniatietilly doses' punctures.
least attempt of an attack ' by the.
-Ail &Chard ladder has been. mount.7,
invaders. 1 incleseribable: -hav-on ,,on. -
ed on .a Wheele.d frame for .cenvent;
tanned' by sueli an Outpouring „‘of
once in nuMng and tea be taleteller' at
shots 'aniorig the ,Geeman forces,
any angle, •, •• ., .• ... , • • . .....,......--......*ratiplom• •
A, ' •
A recently patented sanitary shay..
: But .it'S as well to forget Most pf
,Ing brush, has a sponge instead, of
the prornises :made to you. .•
bristles' and the: handle ,is Made'. 'to
e • The ' TirUgnAyan '...governinent .. is
contain soap, - • '.
planning. the ponntruction' Of a'. dry
dock large .enough to °hold the,greata
est sseetrq liners. . , • '
• A new kitchen utensil is u Putter
for ronioving the .tores :from yors-
.....1.-. tables in ,the form et a'• long Spiral
. En. ..1 ' IS'SIJE 346,,..-'11 that. can be used if Wished. !, ' • .
-Just So.
"Summer reed all Winter Long"
Seientifically • built
to keep silage fresh;
sweet and good to the
last., Built- of select=
ed timber treated With
wood- preservatives
that prevent deca.y •
has 'strong. • rigid
walls, air -tight doors.
. hoops of heavy
' Sold by dealers -or
address us direct.. Get
free • folder, • Write.
BthSoii -oo4-Iste;'
Dept. IS •
.Elora, -Ontario.
Eicsinflamed by expo -
Granulated Eyell4i,
aure.to Sun,Dust and Wind
ye s y.
d NoSmarting,
just Eye Comfort. At
Your Druggist's 505 per Bottle. Murine Eya
SalveinTubes 25c. Forilook oirbeEyerreeask
Druggists oridurineEyeRemedyCo..Chicoll
IMr. Dairyman
'See our Exhibit ,of
Cream Separators
• What Frightfulness Did.
Frightfulness, like Effieieney, is in.
, fallible. All you• have to do in to
• keep it up, and the inferior race is
sure to get into a panic. It was part
'of the -Air of Frightfulness, therefere
to launch Ireland at England's back,
,,,to attack,the Suez Canal, to set India
and Egypt afire at a moment when
Fag -land was expectinganothing but
• an nttempt to attack Paris again. So,
suddenly, .Frightfulness atteetted
.• knows? , There is the Kerlennec fam- ths jackets are effected witheut diffi-,
ily. They had four as fine sons as "ditty, each machine gun being theta Startling 'statements as to the in,
aae 'eau -0 -wish, made aye- ae.ae.Tnna aoughly teated at the, „Proving _groands crease of the drug habit among sol -
G.C.Briggs &Sons
1 ' • diers and •cerfain Woinen have :been
one is a cripple for life. How. are 'before it leaves the ,hospital.
-now-?-„-Theyhtive_a_hig farm, but_the ___-,
they going to go on working the land 7,-- . • I* • 1. made in a case aganiat a porter of '
i ory For ofj
fatber'iS gettihg feeble, and no help GET THIS Soho, says tha- Lond.ort Globe.
5.1. .1C h .11
He was charged_with the Ainlawful 1 ght.
is to be had. The only thing they can possession of cocaine, and for selling
-P' '''s*1"1M- " that drug in • boxes not distinctly ' .., - • . • ..,._
do is sell the farm. Ah, oui, mon- Wheelock Engine ISO
,'.;. labelled with the name of the article
sieur! And they will not be the may •
the word "poison," and the name arid. 42 ivith double
I tried to overcame the woman's! i
v . •••
depression by telling her of the heroic e es ver It is declared to be highly desirable main driving belt 24 insa,
name that the 'Breton regiments have '-`-a.'•.... iisued; Culls's ',' 'fiesta that special legislation should be in -
won foa themselveS-how they are ii Aminuilition, Fishing, trodeced to tope with what hat be- • widevand Dynamo 30 K W
known and hotiOred 'throughout Taeklet Fas6bill,,Golf, come. a, seriausiseeitil evil. The•use . a ak
France -hut she only said: , • Tenitia, Lacrosse, ef cocaine is mat' largely on the in, belt driven. .' Ail in first
"Yes, the 13reton., regiments, have Camping Outfits, all crease Athena Women and soldiers,
Sumaier and Winter
class conOtion,. Would be.
suffered terribly." • Sports. We want r, ' particulerly those behinging to over -
'lost ,.a son at *Dixtriude• eorly in ,,the Every Alan sea, continonts.
Sept. 8th to 1.6th
4 King Separator' Works
of Canada
Bridgeburg, '
I leatned later that she herself had sold together or separate.
war... • . .. viio Runts, Fishes, or ; laTinardis Liniment Believes Neuralgia. .ly ; .also a 1.tot of shafting:
India's Rice •Crop. Game to get,Our lurge
playe any Outdoor
How Did itIlappertf .•
a a very\great bargain as
•- India's rice crop of this Year; ii ,iree Catalogue. Frites
, a .
estliziataPat 76792,000 Acres", slightly rightoiatisittetio it,
guaranteed, Inimense Mra. Clarke came rtrimirig hurried -
room Is required •i nmecila
in excess of the acreage of the year , /stook, promptshipmetit ..1Y to her husband one meaning.
before. The total yield is expected volt WM M011ey btfriCillg ' 1,0h; Dick," ;Iiiedrcoirliclde;ianslyildieilignInnpd- •
to bo 21 :per tent. greater than 'last
year. Estimates for botli area and
(i catalogue toaray.
T.W.Boyd 4ic.Soor,• l'e-iangfcla.ifil•ln.elayblini'y finger and I can't find
8 Frailk Wilson
tording .to an ,exchange. (40 iCtl a11:1tY:es‘v. hit°111,:ii'ete li eaCrIous sr e PRI i eitti; Ty.
yield are the greatest oziareeord, ae- Wastes lame Saltiest. tattered
78 Adelaide Street We4t,
trousers pociwt," • Toronto.
... .. . .
*15-1011tatiat , tainarele taiiimeat auted thuidrna.
• "ay .
.. a
• a •