HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-09-07, Page 5w
'hurlsd4yf lioptentlAr f the 19x6
Pop :.
larf t111'lk.?.tt; eliwtli of stecrDA dacaa a;$y
bt'ed tlaa3 spot where the t'btllobo of the
.yr' r r .) .
1 ;. ''aux el i 1
S b e with i - .at while �AVy'��' . 0� Cr�lelt' • �i' �oS .>l � v► . .� dit3tirn�tti:�laed' pnei eor a t . , i the
o.cess� em -'Steel ' fire -box lirin,(s, Beifig. 1.: five pieces ravages of wind and weather have al.
a It or cement.' t e d, the lettering r on, the
theyare Gaq,Sily#Cdillot4WedoTt'repiaMllt� With...... bolts _ naod. a�blat sats: a� e h
Before you investin a new range let Me show you the
Pandora's sensible ideas for saving time and labor. an
•So1d. ay Bell & Joyn7:t
tomb. When this discovery was made
- byso me u rts re Pa
i s who taco
pride ingeniously ;u rdann
and pres
lug for the, benefit of fi tn.•o generations
• all such historic sites,.tl.oy 51•t to 'T
to improve the coaaditiours,f the plot
Whenaa11: tine,, weeds and deaf ' grass
were removed, a petition, signed by
Rev. W, H Sedgwick, Rev. Dr. Dickie,
Mass K. F. Jafl'rav, and .others, froirrf•
the Park, was forwarded to the Col -
kerne township comical, asking Haat
body to improve'the appearance of the
place sous to make it one of the beau
ty spots of the neighborhood The
petition will come up „for caanside a
n the r
tion at the meeting of council h e a. 1 o n
'Tuesday, September 121h.
HatsALI MEN» TnoU13LE.-Charges.
leave been laid against Thomas Berry,.
a prominent horseman., and Reeve
Fred .Smallicomhe, both of'-[3ensa1lp as
a result of a visit by County Constables.
Wallis•and Pell'ow, who had 'been sent
by' the Temperance organization -to
search the driving 'shed and office of
Mr. Berry, The reeve is charged with
unlawful interference, and M'r. Berry
with a violation of the C. T. A. : It is
claimed that after, the constables- had
seized 24 gallons of bottled beer, ten
quart bottles of whiskey, also a ten-
gallon;keg of whiskey, .and had it lead
ed into two auto cars, the Reeve ar-
rived;-and'.statted that he held the pos.•;
ition of" "justice 'of the peace," and
gave orders that the goods should". be
at once unloaded, and returned to Mr.
Berry. The constables claim that
when they refused to ,take the, reeve's'
instru tions he assumed a threatening
attitude, and o.
ffered the auto driver e
more money to put the car back in the
garage than he was proffered to take
the liquor to the cold storage plant sof
Inspector Torrance at Clinton. When
The Clinton Eilty Brass and Pipers
Band is booked for a days perform-
ance at the Western Fair, on Septem-
ber 14th.., when they will play bath
afternoon and evening., .
Tt,is reported that Ser*t; W. Chap.
roan,, one of Seaforth's boys, has boen-
appointed to the post of Bandmaster.
of the 1St st.,Huron Batt. Band; Band-
master Grant, the former leader, hav-
ing beentransfet'red to the London
Amon; those . reported as having
died of wounds at the front recently
Was Pte. J. J. Hutchison, a former
Seaforth young man: He had enlist-
ed -with the first Contingent and after
spending some time in Bermuda;' was
sent to Fi'taaee a, few, months ago.
William Wheatley, a general con•
tractor. of Clinton,. died suddelly at
his. home on the evening of Sunday,
'Aug. 27. Heart failure evidently was
the cause, as he had bsen quite well
until retiring for the ;night. Ile leaves
a widow, one son and one daughter.
"Your friend is wall' bat is''a little
too wise." This is the message which
a Goderich lady received a few days.
ago from. the trenches. 'The lto envelope
was directed to laer by• a soldier' friend
but the cruel censor had removed the
contents and in its place inserted the
note given above.,
A RASCAL TO Pnlsow.—Geq: Steep,
evidently a knight of the road, was
Sentenced to seven months in Central
Prison• by Police Magistrate Kelly, of'.
Goderich, last week, for obtaining an
pato ride to •Goderich Frew a liveryman'
at Eldiira by ,false pretenses. "steep
represented himself to be the proprie-
tor of the British Exchange hotel in
Goderich and stated that he would pay
for the ride in Goderich. Arrived in
Goderich he gave the drivel. 'the slip
and the liveryman" is still out the cost
of the trip. Stepp was arrested in
Clinton by Chief Postlewaite, he, hav-
repeated, the trick in getting a ride
from Seaforth ‘to °Clinton.
Ter'i DUNLOP ToMi3.-+-It has remain•
ed for summer visitor's at Menesetung
Park to inaugurate what it • is 'hoped
will be a successful movement to, safe
guard ,from destruction the historic
Dunlop tomb in CQlborne township.
For years nothing has been done to
keep the plot in a resile\ table condition.
To "he 1201011y at seventy, prepare at
forty,, is sound, advice, • ba:etuse aro tire;
Strength of ,middle life. we too often forget
that neglected colds, or careless treat
erit of alight aches• end �rraaiiae, siinpflyD
Undermine: a3.trength And ping. cnron:a
se. fora rs
wr�up later .
�o be .stronger when older; keep your
blood pure and rich and actives with the
strength- bailding •ansl bflood..anapurpshing
properties of a3cott's Emulsion which is rt.
food, a.toriic and a medicine to keep your
Blood; richt', alleviate ncqunnatisa:c. and.
avoid sickness. At. any drug otore,,
Scott& nowt. T ronto..Ont.
le ti fitkilgttblll •sf.lttthCO to 06 r turners
tins; tlrp 1;011 itt the -Ooasideling litage.
The numbers of the latter"who .aro in
this way :being won over to the- ranks
auto users are not few. Many :a avian,
after baying driven for years, mile upon
mile over dusty roads behind as team of
but slow orgenerar
l purpose
horses is now at the point where he is
considering the purchase of something
with a little snore speed' and appearance,
the keg was discovered 13erry is sand to -
brave told the constables that it was
"vinegar", and pleaded'. with thein not
to take it, but to make sure they
ed a brace and bit, and aro convinced
tha!et their, suspicions were well found-
Western Farmers and°
Tneir Automobiles
(Western paper).
A striking feature, of a 'large number
of our small local as well as our larger
fairs this year is .the great number of
,automobiles that chase one another along
the roads . and' stand ' parked often in
countless numbers aboutthe.:fair grounds.
Many who previously either did not•at-
tendat all or did so under trying condi-
tions, are now fiudipg it easy to chine in
for ono or niore days. Atmore.than one
small Western fair this year, there have
been more cars than heads of livestock
and the' chief subject of conversation has
been automobiles and nothorses, cattle,
sheen or hogs. `"How..iin..nu.like -your
car?" "How long have you run her?" are
the first questions, and discussions and
comparisons•on the amount of gas used,
tire mileage„ repair tiifl's, etc.;, invariably
follow. • -
Having the material at hand these are.
no. academic discussions -lacking in'con-
ereto illustration but not unfreejuently
are they demonstrations of great edrica-
tional value. A good many farmers are
getting valuable infermatiod that not.
'only helps hi conserving their cars but
—Monday, Sept, 4.
Pte: Varela Walden spent Labor Day
at his home here.
Ails 'Dorothy Sawyer visited her
friend,' Bessie• McTavish last Sunday.
Miss Elsie Steele left Friday ,morning.
to spend a few days with her sister in
Mrs. McKenzie and Mrs. Johnston,
,both of Dungannon, spent a day last
week as the guests of Rev. C. M. Ruther-
We are glad to report that the little
sop of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbell,
who has been seriously ill, is improving
Some of our boys looked rather - blue
on Sunday evening. The only way we
can accotant for it is the re -opening of
the Schools.
A Chanee to Save Money
We have a large stock of Bicycle - d-
Bieycle Supplies. We will oclosethese
out at greatly reduced prices.
Return- tickets at reduced
fare to London, Ont., from
stations in Ontario: Belle-
ville, Scotia Tct., and south
or west thereof. Special
trkin service, and low •rate.
excursions from principal
points on certain dates. For ,
full particulars, regarding
train service, fares, tickets,
etc, consult Grand Trunk
Railway Agents.
Regular 530.00 Bicycles, Sale Price, $25.50 -
Regular $.1o.00 Bicycles, Sale Price, $33,50
Rear Wheel and Hercules Coaster, Regular $5.50,
Sale Price, $4.35
Rear Wheel,, Plain Reg. $3.75, Sale $5.15
Bicycle Tires, Regular '$3.50, Sale Price $2.75
Bicycle . Tires, Regular. $2:7s;' Sale Price $2.00
1=2 Ton Nails--101bs.. for 1.5c.
We have a lot of odd sizes of nails, some are slightly
rusty but good- enough for repairing around the house or
• barn. We offer these nails while ,our stork'
lasts all
sizes, 2c per lb. or 10 lbs. for 15c. We will not
sell more thanso lbs. to one person: • .
• 'I
• We will give 14 per cent. discount on Hay Fork Cars,
Slings, and interlocking Pulleys: Our stock is limited
so du not put off until to -morrow for anything -you need
in this line as we will only fill orders .from what we have
in stock at these prices.
We have just received a large shipment of over soh'
pieces of Grey Enamelware which we offer at greatly
reduced prices. -It will pay you to see these goods if you
are needing anything in this line. .
JUST ARRIVED --A Fresh Car of Portland Cement
The Store Where Your Money Goes Farthest
O. MARTIN, Agent, Lucknow.
Phone 2
New Prices August 1, 1916.
(IIIIII011 Illilllll
tJ1tl 01140111
g ' 1 •,
Huulnnnnuanu unulmnmul
The following prices for Fora cars will
bs effective on and after 4ug- 1, 1916
Chassis - - $450.00
Runabout - 475.00
T-our-ing—C r 495.00•
Coupelet -.
Town Car
f.o.b. Ford, Ontario.
These prices.are positively guaranteed frgttinst any re=
duction before August._lst; 1917., but .there is no guar.
aniee against an°advance in price at any time.
pular stock Maxwell engine!
34 actual, brake horsepower!•
i Proved by an accurate.; dynamometer)
test, made in the Maxwell laboratories
August .10, 1916: tl
There has been a lot of talk about
horse -power, and we just want to let
Maxwell owners and prospective owners
know that in respect to horse -power, as,
-_ in most other respects, the Maxwell
leads by a comfortable margin. Nbt
that we attach such great importance to
horse -power. We don't. We never have.
I-lorse-power --- abundant horse -power
,r—is only one of many superior features
.of the Maxwe 1.
W -e are -selling motor -ars—com plete 1 -
&motor cars—not engines or horse -power.
' Horse -power is a matter that is second -I,
`urs ,•to_ oa- eft iendy . sad .corp.+ ...-
A giant has no advantage if he does nQ1
'apply, or wrongly applies, his strength.,
Maxwell cars have horse -power -=a111.
you want or need—probably more peri
pound . of car weight than any_: other
Lautomobilein the world.
But we don't make any loud cry
;about it.
Because :we have._ more than horse-
power to sell you.
Because you are, and should be, inter-
ested in results, the net effectiveness of :•
We challenge competitive tests. We
-invite comparison.
Because we absolutely know that no
car of its class or weight can surpass"
the Maxwell on' speedways, on rough
roads, through. sand or mud-, -anywhere.1-
And because we know, and you will
know, that, everything considered, the
- cawe/ h - rl C- r-eatest-M--otor,
Car Value !
T kE SE1 TINES - takes
Subscriptions and Re-
nevval-of-Su-bseriptions •
. �.
to all Daily and Weekly City
We can save you time,•
postage, war tax stamps .and
stationery b. ylooking after'
your orders. LEAVE YOUR
x sit =--r-.-�►,
.�Laaq�p, , .. '
° •'