HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-09-07, Page 4rs 1410014011 ei
.Thurobli Reptober /111,
sad' gift b SONS. 144.Ethielota.
Tire av4,
itgrz.LiNDea.1 Leonine'. thit.
varier** Mies of losaialicw. rira slag ws
oompgalea guareta (WY
tagentle Lachupw at t "idea
WAAL 4 Wm et village a farm
for selo.
1. 0, O. r,Lueltrooll 1gudie meets ovary Friday
veningsa 0.'Clock a their Hall, Camp.
11 str,et. brellircu cordially invited.
litami. F. T. Aruistrougi
oitr.4.1*.oht hFilter; Treas., Alm
O‘v. bee.i. 4.11. Willi Fin. Seer., Dr.
Vurksittu fogittinet
liablirwhott, olio Thursday AMU*
Luchaew, Qatari%
.4, b. 144CRVOIN. Froaiii4r„
and, k,filtor.
TOMO OF $1.7ssemprioN.--To eni address
in Canada or Woof lkitaln. ono seer $1.69.
Ontits75c., throe mouthsific, Te tbe United.
atstestaite year flak These at tho paid in
advaneo rates. 'too Paid in P.W,Sr4 the rate
C4lc. Per year WOO.
Stihscribers who fall tome -tiro The Seatioel
regalarix bir Iliad will corder a Savor ht. ac-
quainting us of ti. o fact ,%. 144$ early oda.% tis
t% Old laglat Lodge meets When change ef address is (Weed, hotli old.
AGsrF t oa oe before the ten ' and the new address should he given,
410‘0110.alige Hateis•
Desenav Aavantriancolt*ras-madoketrwn
Sraav ANistat.sr-Ono isisettion9Seltbreeln-
FarmsarlteallFitatofor sa1e5Odencli laser -
Horn Miscellaneous :Articles For Sale. To Rent,
Wanted Lot.Yound, eta, each- insertion _ie„.
Load Waders-. Notices. etc.. 1!k per peeper in.
sertiop. Sc each sosequeet insertion; speeial
rate of Soto regular displo.y advertisers •Card
" .0.11, W. Lneknow Imam. No. 137. meets So of Thanks 2se. Condos °Events and 5o per
• saco..i Monday of each:mouth in the Oddline, no notioolesa than 256. 14egaladvertising
tegowe Halt .11,1aste1 Workman, 4. Mac. mc and Sc. per ling. Auction.Sales, brief notice
1Maz-n*1; Secy. . Machitositt Bee. sec:longer notice lOci per lino for ilrst insertion.
. "Secy.., Goo. PoltertTrena.. Alex. Rasa , So for each subsequent insert:len. Back -faced.
• *Walla the
Lechnaw.I.V. 8. W.-.
0. Manta 4. 4114v isop; eecy4 W.
CoiL F. Court 'tzsroad„ ;f4,:o. 50, Lucknow.
meets every last, Monday of the mth
on* in
'n the OidrellowellalL 'Validate hrethern
cordially invited toast:tend. Chief Banr,
• John Socy„, Doht, urahani
1414 Bahl. 40Mistaii, Treas.1) If.
' Web
11014 1411, IlOresti/tation to Ivan as to
wlietior the prOfitol ef the coraparde a ire
reaeonah/e. If they do uot appear to he
S0 t ma iacrease ill the rates will be
allowed. 3 .•
.•, '.Deatal .
D. SL Oilleoup
• stairs in Button, Block.,Teeswater. Spec
• lel &Malkin to_sold plates, crowning and
work. • vial* Wroxeter ist, and Sed.'
• W esdaraleacirmontin, Uorrie Thur,
NEwToN, D, D 0.; Dentist. .0111ce
• Allio Block. latclinow, Ont. All ,,modern
methods used. Rest materials furnished.
CrowaAnd Bridge work. Painless extract,
ion by the pot 01the latest., .simplest and.
safeat =toady, ,SONENCFOBM :Newest.
• thiamin artificial teeth.- Alumium platesel
1 FPO Wait 2 lines Joel.
Au extraordiaary feature of the whole
titatterle that t4 President and Oengress
were forced to pass a law of which St.hey
did amirove. At any to they did
aot pass It not because they approved of
it,but heerMee the uniousdetartuded it. It
was as though the railway unions pot a
pistol to the head of OppgreSS 404
pelted it to yield.In this wetter the
railway unions and not the President and
Congrese became the government of the
United States.
•,tay spectra intim the Ohlect el which is Me
!creakily benefit sissy hunvillital or associi-
-devote be reesiderell an adver.,fiseigeat- sat
dialled accordingly,• •
'•Ittisiness Cards or six lines and under PA.
per year.•
TEITRSDAT, SEPT. 704,,1916..
Commercial, Shorthand and
Telegraphy Departments
Sthdente may ente.r at any time. We
;place graduates in positionspining
ja,1y and August we received applica-
thins for over 263. office assistants we
could not supply, Write for our free
'catalogue at once. •
• 'IX;A. lacl-il.C1ILAN, Principal.
, One of the first acts of the Rumanian
polite department following the declara-
tion of war, was The passing of an orderf
forbidding the sale or consumption Of
alcelielic liquors; in otherwordsnatiOn-
al prohibition Of the liquor traffic Was at
11000 proelaimed. Themilitaryauthori-
ties evidently felt that they .could not
fight the Austriansand John Barleycorn
at the same time. •
Judging by the course of events • in
Russia, France and Britain the Ruman-
ian authorities doubtless saw -that if the
nation Was to be efficient the use of
coholic beverages would have. to be stopp-
ed. Britain has not enacted national
prohibition, but the tale Of intoxicating
'liquors has been so far' restricted as to
greatly add to the efficiency of the Work -
;pea and theiseldiers. There the sale of
Rev. W. 0. Langtonovho, foithree -liquors in: itemised houses' is, permitted
years bas been, pad* of the Baptist for only fOur hours per day; and there
church at 01,e:46y; \his accepted a.Call are large areart about the munition fac-.
to the.BWist Ch°r°11 Paris, Pnt. Vales in which the traffic• is forbidden
.Frank Cuyler, u weal -man at -the altisgether, *violation of the regulations
Hunter shell ,factory, Kincardine,: stif is punishableby six omonth imprison-
' fered &Compound fracture of the right ment and a fine Of Sago. , • •
foreeroi while tit WorkIti the' factory lit anssii :the prohibition edict has
been Very effective. Within a year atter
ita iassgge. the sale of intoxicants fell to
about four percent,of what it had been,
and this small percentage, Was chiefly
• • the arm can be Saved.• sales -for medical purposes.• :Joseph Goetz, butcher, . of 04 /Jidgingby the exPeience of _Europe,
'.••••-• worth; was last Week fined $3-00 ;and one of the greatest enemies of men and
costs for having , Abe* his premises of nations is this John Barleycorn.
• !more liquor than the law allows a Per -
r. son .to have for his own use. In all THE GREAT.RAIL*AY.STRIRE
be had about $120 wertkauti.quiten WHICH BIM!? COME or*
'Variety toe: Scotch whiskey, beer, gin,
• . porter, etc
'seV'eral weeks the- people of the
‘', .
.putting in a •supply in preparatiou for 'United States have been in . dread, of a
Sept. lfith, and after. •' threatened strike of:railway employees,
. C _.ogsmoir.7..„Rsopurroi....;.on wa. whicb should it inaugurated,, would
alrug. 30t1r, shappY eventtook paralyse the business of the country, and
place at the home of Mrs: Gee. Buttner- perhaps reduce many in the large „ cities'
ton, Kincardine; when her Yoingeit to starvation. ".
daughter, Mabe] P, was unitedin the The strike was 'called to go into effect
7....bande Of holy'. wedlock'tO ' • '
son of
ias.. Cameron. taken
4t,k, but owing to, Sbops.
taken-hy the4reeident-.-of-Ahe;-Zeited
The, ceremony Was performed:. by the
States and Congress! the strike order has
• Rev. 31r.. Brett, Ripley. ` A I
gathering of friende were present and •lec4110'
a splendid wedding banquet was served Fonrorgardiations of railway employ -
at the eovidtision of the edemenY., The. the E. ngriaeersj*JoRI GOodactota
young people wee tmatteiaded except, and Rilway Trailurierinnited in their
lty a little flower girl; fritsret F.nureerton, I dernanda and their . threat to Strike
lila% Of the W., -,11e;• ITZ6t2Zalti gittli'meiir demands amonnted.to tins; " That
• to the briie liras a F.' ir'1"71117- .ga-Nr: eight, 4aarA iiistead of ten hours consti-
• yea acute, tzt, k d 'that hereafter , and Winnipeg, the -value, of a angle acre .. erg, $3.60 to •
k s, wet: an
1622g3 14"4.--g "•1541^2-f • ai Much for. eight *hears' riban that' of
thefarw 7:*12.2.5.
Sober Writers' 0n: ".miestiOns
point oat that the incident works 'an.
epochiu the bietory of the United. States.
it is the Aro three that (,)ongress has
passed a. law raider compulsion.
Though the Lotanificance and the duu
ger leevident encnigh to thanY,
the aVerage American! likely 'will be
pleased that the calamity of strike has
• been Wetted, just as he is pleased that
war with Germany was %Vetted. • With
the average American it is a matter of
"saveco'S from financial lose awl trouble
ittany cost in dignity and pelf reapect.".
Citizens of the United States may • be
robbed, in Mexico, or imirdered upon the•
high seas or Congresi may be forced to
pass a law of which it does not approve;*
but if' for the present the country is
kept out of trouble and business is un-
disturbed it is all right.
• last week. Ills hand :Was Caught nnd
drawn inits Machine; The Pones
were badly shattered, lint it is then&
AND DI.4 Paorrts
4".4•441"fis-sii--1°11ARKEI MA 1
° Toronto Cattle Maiissie
Steers. choiee weighty..;8.20 te Vt. 5•4
do. medium weighty. 7.45 7,80
Wolters% choice bandy. 7.40 7.80
40, *094 ,..,,1,1L80 7,16
. do. medilint 6.60 4.60
do.'cOmMen 0.00 0.40
Butchers( cow*. •choice- 4.25 , 6.60
do. good .......... I 5.40 6.00
•do, medlunt ..,,,,.440 • 5.00
Butchers' hulla. choice.. 7.00, • 7.40
Me4luni to good, 6.00 4.50'
do, bologna, .......... 4,25 5.30 -
Feeder, 006 t. LOW lbs. 4.40 6.80
• 40. hulls 5.00 5,40
•Stockers, 000 to 900 lbs, $.00 6.60
•do. . common. light..4 5.00 0.40
Cutters „ 4.46 4,75
Comers 3.75 4.26
Milkera. frood to cholce,75.00 100,00
• 'The annual report of the Ford Motor
;Co. of Detroit, for the year ending July
.81, 1916, was made .publie a few days
ago, • Among other informationgiven in
the 'report it is shown that the total bus-
iness done amounted to 8206.867,347.46.
The profit on this business was°$50,004.,-
118:01-nearly sixty million dollars, and
they have it figurecl.right down to a cent.
The••number of men eniployed in all
plants Of the company was 49,870. • Of
these the number who received 85.00
per „day or more Was 36,626. All em-
ployees work on the eight-hour per day
basis •The Detroit factories run contin-
uously -nights, days,and Sundays, 1(lt
is said that' the company has a number
,Of large new factories in course of eree-
tion, and that when the:Se are completed
the number, of.employees will reach one
hundred thougaild. • • • .
Farm Lands and the Single Tax
(Pam and Dairy.) '
-The •statement ts sometithes made
that the single tax 'would bear more.
heavily on farmers than on those living
ID towns and cities.. , Since by it all im-
provements would be; exempted from
taxation it they be made to appear that
in centres of population, where these;
_ .
,ttnprovements ate concentrated, suchiT 05
emption would result in lighteningtaxa-
tier' aii unwarrantable extent, and
that the harden would -therefore be
shifted to those' outside thoie centres'
that 'b to the farmers This statement
is tendered the niore plausible becau;e,
under single tasf,public -revenues would
be *seri bY,takation levied- upon land
-values only, and, .since :the ,amount. 'of
land upon which towns- and-eities are
built it inconsiderable when compared
with that devoted to farming, as-
sumed that farmers Would be 'compelled
o time ,';alto Wrote
a the province went (Iowa tlite aame
sulject. • it is evidently the polity of
the rthauttioual Department to have the
'High 8ohools. of this. pnivitice give con
sifierable attention. to it which the be.
•Partinctite Fonsiders 4s)f such treat value
helphig senr yeAng- nleEl 414 young
woweo toilsitt the -battle of life. Nirt
will gives a synopsis, of this wondeafte
subject that is being Used by our ednea
tional aittocr4a in Toronto:p.-6 keep hop
ima girls another year in the secongl
form Of Or Ifigh School. It is really
marvellousliow -melt ,and, women who
have beea promineut in the edneational
affairs of. this province Finge the days of
ggel ton Ryerson have been ableto gel
along without being able tA glieteli and
paint. There not one in a hundred
dm common to med,'.50,00 • 70,00", who has natural ability in Ar!, nevertlia.
Springers: .......', 400.00 lees* the students are to/T.000d to go.
over their whole eouree of studies a sec-
ond year because they 'haven't developed
the artist's lonch., Here's, a• sample of
Dr..Pyne's ,and Dr.'Seath's ideals of a
secondary eduoation in Art. ,
• oDraw and paint a Aicor of „onions."
How does that look to the gartienail,
We meanhow does it. sinelll Wouldn't
it be.of,tuore.practical Use: to learn •to
grow onions7 Oh, you. simple voters,
• bow long are yoa going io-stand for this
fool stufft 'The onions can't Stink in
our nostrils worse than -the names of
Pyne and Beath. Here's another "Draw
and paint. the wild pa.rrot in flower."
Wouldn't it be in the beet interests of
clean farina if the time•need in drawing
the wild carrot wereused in pulling up
this noxious weed.: What does James
Robinson; weed inspector for Elderslie,
think' of draviing and painting- weeds as
aaneans towards eradicating thend An-
other stunt is for the students to niake
a pencil sketch of "Milking Time" and
the "Old Swimming Hole." • How touch
better tlie•time &mid be employed in
actually learning to milli or taking an-
other bath at 'the. old siviniming hole.
Still anot,her. "Make a pencil or Water
cblor sketch on "Return 'to the Farm"
by Troyoa." . After a year spent in a
school taking up this kind \Of., work for
about half an hour each day for 5 days a
week,'boys• and girls who'eame from the
old farm to get a I:Ugh School education
ought to he glad to return to the. farm,
to say there. In the menths of April,
May or June our Righ School boys and
girls ares.tpe.cted to make an illustrat-
ma of "The noisy. geese that gabbled o'er
the -poor. it doesn't. require a liberal
education to see that some trg goose pn
the Education Department Wants the
picturS Olother gabbling geese drawa„
Ia three days when the kodak. comes in
so,. bendy for scenes our. • ttavelS,
wouldn't it be Vetter to teach. the boys
and girls how tolocus the 'Kodak for a
snapshotof gabbling geese or the kind
who set Art examination.papera
.In this year's Art•examitiatioo the in
structiont to presiding officers. were to
place upon supportaor cross boards- in
the alternate aisles and On a with
theiop orthe-,iteskouproMeets
arranged as nearly as possible in the en
graving, consisting of a tumbler half full
faf water; a. teaspoon in the •turnblet; a
Calves, Veal. ChOtce.... i..11.00 11.70
dm medium, 6.00 10.00
do, common, . . .. 4.00 7.60
do. grrxsa- , 5,60 6.60'
Lambs, cwt. ,....,.. . • . 2.00 11.00
Sheep, ewes, light .--- 8.00 , 8,50
. do. ileavy and bucks 5.00 6.06
• dm culls , 3,00 - 4.00
Hoge, weighed Off cars.I.2.00 0.00
do, fed and watered..11.75 0.00
do. X° b 11.15
• . •
Torolito Grabs Markets
Manitoba, wheat -Track, by bort&
No. 1 northern, 41.63; NO. 2 northern,
0.41; No. northern.' 3I-66.• ••
Manitoba, oate-Track, bay n'orts,
No. '2 C.W., Mc; Nct. „ 3 06'rie;
extra No. 1 teed, 56%c; No. 1 feed,
American cern . No. 3 yellow, 9614c,
• track, Toronto.
Ontario Wheat -New wheat, No. 2,
31.25 to $1,28; No, 1 commercial. per
car lot, according to. freight outside,
0.18 to 31.20; No. 2 cOmmercial, 31.14
to 31.16; No. a ioramercial, 41.10 to
Ontario oath -No, 3•white, according
• to freight outside, 51.c to 52c. •
9e -No. 2 new. 31.10 to' 31.12.
Manitoba flour -First ' patents, in
Jute bags, 38,40; seconds, in jute bags.
37.00; strong bakers', in Jute, 37.70,
• ' Ontario flour -Whiter, track, Toron-
• to, prompt shipment, according to
Sample,'45.45 to $6.55,, in jute bags;
bulk, seaboard, 35.35, to 16.46. ‘,
Millfeed-Car lots, pr ton, deliver-
ed, Montreal: Shorts,. Pa; bran,. 326;
good feed dour, per bag, 42.15; mid-
• dlings, 330.
• Bay -Baled, No. 1 track, . Toronto.
• new, 310 to .312; car lots; No. 2, 44
to 19.50; straw, 36 to 37.
• Sutter and 'Cheese Market*
Brockville -The offerings were 1.594
colored and 1,205 white; Wheat bid.
• 19c, refused. NO sales. , • '
• Kingstou-450 , boxes white and 494
• colored were boarded; all sold at
• Alexandria -821 boxes of white and
246 boxes ot Colored were offered. All
Bold, white at 19 15-16c ..and tolored
at 19%e. . -
„Pitton-18 factories boarded 1,550
boxes. All Sold at 19. 7-16t.
Kapang e• -••=Cheese: boarded: 880
white, 675 colored: All 'sold at 1.9%c:
Perth -900 boxes of white and 200:
boxes. of colored cheese sold at
• Iroquois -790 boxes of cheese were
• boarded; 750 'boxes of colored and 40
boxes of white: No sales on bbard.
_ but all sold on. curb' at 1.96.• . A
Corawall-0fferings, 2,137 colored
and. SO *like.' selling at 19%e.
WhSalesale' Produce -
taronto .'* wholesale prices to the
trade:• . •
• Special candled (cart's,$' .25 ta$ .37
• Candled; (ex -cartons) .. .30 .3.1
Butter-.• , , •
Creamery, Plinth: • • ••••' '35 • -36 half lemon leaning whist the tumbler,
Creamery, solids ' .33 .34 •
.10 three brciWo ginger snaps to the. left. of
OChrdintdcaerY• drayiryprintliPtinta- ..2613. .27 the group,-ann as small table ,..napkin tip-.
Bakers ' • • •24 on which these objects. are arranged.
cheesse-New, large,201/20 to 21c;
t2Winlu,cs.; 20%cJune toan2d1Usee;pttriemPbleetan, Ithicrgtesc, Asiabtoeurt.aohalkfrswoorhk'o,uarnwd•aathSellnioLed*fhoor this
22C; old, 2214c; triplets, 22%c.
'Foultri- Livol• lamas thepriper -could scarcely .iii) the work in.
Spring broilers 19c 20c 26e 28o an hOurand initke a goo-cr.-Oft-1'C it . • A
.01d,fowl, lb-- 3-6c 16e 32.• • 20° note ih-4ite exaniination r • • •
1)4611ings • ' ' ; 12c 13c ' 1" 2" sqVbere the lighti• ng:is poor pi:Ptieme7sytns-.
• • Bean6=-15And-picked, 35.60; printes.
Michigan, hand-picked, $5.50; inatioti hall, candidates May imagioe the
to contribute more than their. share to 157
• .. prinies.\ .34.50 to .34.76. light to be coming in from ti window to.
the publio treasury: - '` .
) • their left" To get the Prom.: shadings
This miscinic.cptibt of the case is due • '' Chicago `Live Stock
to the 'corifusioant land with land values Cattle -Recel
When we•Censider that .in any of .our ' lieak; beeves., $
• larger class, seal aSsMentreal, . Toronto ef-ZdslerTrs' 1651:1°
this would remiire quite a streteli of itn-
Pts. 14.000;•Market
$9-25; stockers old ton there:ivaiiirtlitin. while
objects ta be draws. • In view, of. this
.60 to $1L20; mixed.
ihr67g, 0031d0 to to $lehl.01k5e; ctoOntedititnrethieenpieenptairntintbeneirt wzrrkcjilinage;, but
" -25; Pl°8' 31.76 t° no attention was paid to it.
les, 310,50 to 311.
t •
s. 12.000; market • We -have given our readers a ' fair idea"
6:25 to 31.50; lanaba,
6.00 to 412..25; west- agination: ,In•phesley, Tara and Wier -
37.70; cows and heif-•
4it eiairnnauon was, in gr
39.40; calves, 34 W .
. ess
land the students scarcely see the
1 • Hess - Receipts, 60,000; ntarket-
way greate
Wbo played raw. ves 4d...1-,,,-,1, =3-4, ;a via • • • , lauds of a whole .c.outity, it is easily seen., weak- Liglit. 310
k as forinerivIthev were naid for that 'brae*, . TV4e bA/31,‘ -was talt„- rip!1',..=i; .srr'2-- . . I . - palo - ,- i thunder single tax such centres would310.10 to 31')...15;
. of many .ater,4.4=2„, and otiet:Tpnseuta.l, looms. ., • . ' , . . . ' I not escape theiriustmeasure of taxation. ! ;.;30tIgT,l' a° to II
teStirryingittEi. egtee:it in *lath* A.,.: TiaTallr'W4.::133scagais found then); I 'As. was •clearly brought out at district 'i 19.70; bulk of SR
„' is 1104 The 30=g crinpk,_ are ,14.4.1bpofition. The rates conventions of the I, 1.0., held. a few , ' Sheep=itecein
I weak- native s
wen known aud -wit begin- ,i,..,,im. they char carrying passengers and i weeks ago, the vAlue of landAsed by the i ---ti *6 -
tb'ar „ . , ge for
iiiiiinrAio .iontrnel. vita3 the he_,:t 7 . fzeight are fixed by the Interstate 'Cord= ; cities, towns and villages of Ontario ex- , 4a ve. 50 tc)
, le istg: , i'hes, will rema-ion\ii;:g____ 8 :Iiiistie Canitnia70 but the wages the i otedi that -of all the land uteri for farm- , ' East 13
'''''.`"+" thall pay to teen are notso fixed. 1 The Ling purposes in the Province., •• Add ti.),•] CattleReeeip
. -rtoreio.; lake shore south fromerly own -ml : • • • , - • ' 25e lowe •
- 3 - nocreastk 01.14 asked for.oy the unions the revenue that would be secured by
, 1 • Hogs-R.ecelp
offal° Cattle
'av Astr, • j," Hato*.
of the:paper in A:it that plucked second
form pupils itlI over -this province. But
the sign a are net lacking that Dr Pyne,
ts, 20 cars; market 1 the incompetent Minister of Echication,
"•'•' • • will hail. to bring about' Vile downfall cf
Ut, 20 cars; . • market •
eol, of Vs Laub he haa-1) n
to 31L813; pigs; 39,511. Very w.ealt and wobbly metaber by allow.
vy, ., . • ove. oat . ee a.
• • mg the educational affairs'of thia liov-
96 Branches in Carmel* ,
A General banking Business Transacted
circuhir Letters of Credit. .
-Bank Money Orders
Intereet allowed at highest Current rate-
- T. s. REID, Manager*
Deering. Harvesting Machinety
The Deering New Idea Binder, Mowers and
Rakes .are strong, durable and serviceable.
Special Prices on Deering Manure Spreaders
. during t,S,e month of July. o. • -
Buy a supportandsave your .horses' necks while work;
ing the mower and 'binder.
Andre's*: 40c4Now
The Inviotui shoe, manufactured by the Gem A, Slater, Limited, '
needs ne introduction into this community. For quality of nutter ,
ia and expert workmanship they aro Unsurpassed. We have them
in 'box calf, gunmetal calf and patent colt. Price um
Aviation quality -Submarine prices -is our School Shoes for
the boys and girls. A Special lice of Boys'" Sox Kip Blucher
at $2.25: Act quickly as the supply is limited. • "
Small amounts deposited regu-
larly in the Bank of. Hamilton
quickly accumulate and form a
substantial bank accOuat. Start a
Savings Account now. Amounts
of One Dollar and upward re-
Capital .AuthorIzed $5,000,000
• Capital Pald-up . $3,000.000
• Surplus $3,475.000
IThe School of Commerte I
• • 015;,....of-,-thoy-r/ovw-g-alnyt.t!sx ,g-amouift-T-Tge-rolvez-rnre-g-
.yorkers. 311.75
w'zzt reravi,ng.,. and would 'nest the rad- ,that would; be taistd, by taxiug thevalue
' &Is Id olative pit es•"•.° 50'59'
• ritsa coMPames sevetaI •reillion dollars of a e for spec nos
, Shed)-Iteceints,•243 cars; marke• t •
A Vo sep _Yearly. What they ,anuld get ' out of and of water lowelrfi tlAning' properties, isc Meter; top lambs, 311.25 to ince terfall int 0.the lisnds of faddists.
- • Y1, 1:-.4
' • • • to/elating the rOade would be rerineeklay, public franchises and all stich Common- ' l'1130-; 'Yearlings: ig to 89; , v4tlitra. -
JrinceS Anderssialost 4altuitu th ,
• ofigh*cl eel! ISst tve'"-k• , •• . . -,• ' retnnPing theteselves by raising the ratek. that the .freeing•of . improveinerits . frod 04.50 to
P'01.rititea 'with -frigtifis They. qata t.eY" SlionlElhe =idea titei tiiXatl6ti would not '4iscrintinate•igainstl. "
. •
• Lothian
, trt"., that. AutolUt, as they had on means of ity-,ereated values, and it will. be isms ;11:Tettilata g$!;toepicsei, g'11725t4); fait37.513-tn; tealcZneos:
• 1 5 fed cal es', 35 to
. .
granted the demand; and they prepared the fainter. • • • ••' ' • • Meats- Atheiesate ,
Aiteheion Went Out West Un_Ltheitoligit the nniones •. •• b the _eontrav; the 431),We-tax Toronto: Wi:eiessele, houses are lino
2s joU0w8: emenrsion Sfaterdey: • The President of the State3 'WOZild materially: benefit' the firmer iS• 1-b.P trade
3Ita. %.1;:.-r _Eluting aitende0 the fnea. enitleavored tOstrania for an arbitration . evidenced by the fact that simile of, the ' hio'Ant.iters ...: .14,50 10.0
' refttsell '-arbittate..•. Saying, 'effect., are definitely corn Mitred to•iieveiTit 0001.‘ OrntPloP ;.• • '•-•
Clinton, Ontario.
Guarantees to you •a Commercial- or-StenoRraphie,
Course equal to that gicren by any School itr the
Province and a POSITION When you GRADUATE,
Individual Instruction. Students may enter
any time. Pall Term Opens Sept. 5th.
Canada needs YOU. What are you doitig to fill the
place Of °tie of The boys at the front?
• B. F. WARD B.A. M. Accts.
Phone 208. ' Principal.
-Monday, Sept. -4.
• Russel . Ritchie. left for .. the West on
,Saterday Tenting. ' : . ,_...7.... ._...•-_ ,_ . .L.
' Nt. Le Et a . . . ' .
'Miss Lena en erson was home froni
. s.
fe're-rultters. ' " '$' 00 v° 3101 Wirighatn fora few 'days last week. '
0 .... ' . ,
• go Alex. Metean. and Jim Barnby are
0 taking in the -'' Tbrooto Exhibition tins
e0.13 of :her niege irk toreetet.ieit ,p;eek,, the oonfficting dolma, tint the unions most progres4ie farther*. Movements:• areases. cko:ce• 12:00 13.0
t s .3, ?Llug fan* tc; get tht.irtleinanda in fill! of tlie Statia granges on .the other Sided du, . . la .50 13.
her son, 31in ove Ma a
• they . wctild paralyse the Country' by the line are mit-gull:out for the riogie do. prime '26.00 17.0
10 swatir-r-sansited - ea s COMT12.1Un. S.66 le 6
'11:brir Turbh.ta, e6n. Stopping ail railWay traffic., tax. • The Grain Groivens. Associations.: nt'a‘7,,h•,•.cgsr .. . • !; • 135
tInited Servievat Bethel en .SOndily •pa, • t • - -ro • • .h ; TI°P ••• • ' '-6-59 • 4. •.°
preeentatives o • the companies an !o astern .... rovinces avor .t 4.attp,1,.. 1,44 „ „ „ .1 ..50 14 ,0
• t.i}e unions Were celled ie. Washington, ',Manitoba. Assiteiation .sending it"preel. ; LePittai: • • • - 10.0 1
14.‘93 13.4
Mra. Tibbeit H es and .daughter, but no agreement could be arranged be dent ta*the recent Single tak, conferinee • -
noriar0 vzstel at George itcfloberei tweet) thein. The -unions, reftiSed• even., at Niagara Pails With instructions to
knise tigt,:week. • e the date Of the Strike While trapport resolution nailing:for special
0 ', •
6 it aria Mrs. John McLean, Of GtielPlo
0 r•
are apencl'eg their vacation .visitirig their
, '
Qo 'nude and aunt, lir. • and SI rts. • Alex
M." • Calu'tnet..1 vfait-
ed his old friend, Alex. l'tletan, for
Onple Of daya last week. This is the
first time Mr. Mc.Nasb • has beea hack
here:for over thirty -slit yeala.
'A marriage that may 'he of interest to
many of our reader took pitice in Detr. tit
•on Wedne.sday, Ang. 30th, When Miss
Willem) Grant' becathe the bride of Dr.
John McLean, of Cliicitgo fotverly
Lothian. • "
The Plucking -Subject
• aid ti'd to rtpart that James etuntaission. triEgle no investigatiore tax.on land values for 'the •purpose of, *
"Atellegipa, Sr, is ablet,ohenstOund again, With a *ie.! tO • advising the Fret -idea raising money to pay off the debt incurr- I • ffrniti The Chesley taterprise, -which
'astir his asment ' ;and dmagram.• • . ' ed by the War Many of the leading::isownedand eared by Win. MacDonald,:.
,fin4 Nag; johil iltddChes. ,fertle President Wilson theutook the extra- .forin:papers, both in Parade and the ; M.„ P. for North Bruce, Mr. lige-
Alittnea '16* ST attended ,the orclinarY step of advising GongresS to Crated $tates, are advocates 'of this :1)0nd:a it; an et. schoolteacher, and be-
torathio vit."( treek • , • past a tal* esbiisbilrig late hinits au meaSlue of tex, refortn. 'The support ' cense of that talcoi 'special ititerest in
• ". . • ft•LAIA
the rate Of 11-4.,Y demanded by the ImintS that it teeeives fiotn Who have tbe erlUcatiOna matters.) • '
e.re WM: ,DP no • tierVipsi • rit •,
ton stindny, next. , arittatyt ,t,f, as lawful and forcing the tempaniesto best interest of the farmer at heart to of the 13 candidates' from Chealey
syven nMe roe -It -be pill The now rates carof..., int; eirant afea hew beneficial: it *Maid .be a. High Scheel WIPO wirote on the Middle
Sehool.taautination 10 Iv* plucked' la
olas4 1st, aud. b, bottaission will
IN ,
at the Western
Great Military_and_eatriotic t.t inAddition
to the Regu'ar Progromme.
win be put on by the troops now in London. The 160th Battalion,
111 th Battalion, 153rd Battalion, the 63rd and 64 ,Battery
'' and tho •Astiny Medical Oorps.
L.T. COL. W. k atirrstiont, m. mist,
Vice -President.• „Secretary.
0.. :