The Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-09-07, Page 1— -`11••- e G;+ • lt,r.A9 per year, in advance; $0.00 cliberwise W, (4NT„ FHURSDAX, SEPTEMBER 701g 1916,, ' . Lanes • • .-Monday', Sept,.4. ... Alias Annie Scott, of Laurier; is v}sit- ing Frank Scott, • . •• 'Mrs. 0, W. Alton- attended the Ex-` hibition in'.l'ilropto. Mrs. John King„ bf Culross„ is visiting her sister; Mrs. Ilenry Y Kogan. Mikgi Pneningham, of fort Albert, is visit ing.lht r sister, Mrs, Cleo Lane. ,,Ore, Hairy P. Hagan is visiting ,her brother, Joseph Carroll, of • W ttwanosth. ', Y • The Laney School .has'ro-opened with • Aliss Nina Woods, of St.. as,l readier, • Miss Nora"WestYr'opo loft for Detroit • after' a visit with her sister„ Mrs. •Jose'ph Courtney. , ' • Mr. A, 'Pt filierneron,D. tity'•Sheriff ,of Huron, anal°Mrs. Camei'oii visited at Henry 'P. Ilogan's recently. . Second. Con.,. Kinloss, ."—Tuesday, Sept.; 5. Miss Annie Rnss is working for Mac. ••111'cG'tttre•, near; Olivet. Mr: iand.Mrs. laTei1 •Campbetll are -spend-- -ing si. rely days With friends'in ;Toronto. 'Messrs. Willie Grtflin'and Frank Mil- • ler were among , those • leading for the .West. •.. Mr. .and 'M,rs.' Hluntlton spent the week -end with friends near port Alberta :Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elliott, of Holy; rood, were guests at• Mrs. Geo. Irwin•'s Test Thiu•sday. • ,Kinlough —.Tuesday, Sept. kb. • Rev, C: N. Mackenzie is•away to the , 'Toronto Exhibition. • .-•- :I1,ev.'Hugh AIathieson condueted .the serviee:in.the Presbyterian ,Church &fn- �. flay merning a. . School opens to-dey,•and w,e• are- all glad.to.have Miss Stewart back,in, the • vtliage once; more ' • , Alis: Will Scott ..and. Miss Mayville 11•L.Ve returned home after a week's visit t with friends in'Totonto- Mt. and. ..Mre.• lMallough• arra `Miss. Bessie; Of Tt;ca,}vriter,,gpent-Su'nday aritl w Monday, et'11xi11 1I.4S"colt's; • School Opening LOCAL .AND uENERAL .,,.,ate.,,,.—~ -+-n. MT, W. R Treleaven ttnd'son,. Ilarold, visited in Toronto last week. `Miss E. Howey bee returned to Hunts- ville to resthue her (Nties as teacher. Mr, Joe McClure has gone to Palmer. stoic, where he has secured a position, Bev. Mr. T3ridfi ette is ,.spending. his' vacation at his'former borne in ' Quebec, Miss Agnes :Cliff spent a few' day . this week with her.sister, -Mts, A. 'Cowan, in 'Troi•onte. Miss .(.nnio Boyd returned home on Saturday after spantlin,a'inonth.at Fort' William. The Godgricli tax rate is 36 mills this. year—township residents note arid be .Ehank'ful. ' : •` Mr. T. S. held and a, /rumbas of Mends made anauto"'trip to Eugenia Falls. on Labor Pay. .• •, •• Mrs. Geo. Whiles has returned , home after a three. weeks' visit with her daugh- ters in„Toronta. • . - Mrs:- Thomas Irwin -and Mrs. : •D, It� Webster spent last'weelt at: the Exhibi- tion in Toronto. 14r. Jack Tennant and. family have re•. turned to London after two weeks' visit with his mother. Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Smith and son, Jack, are spending this week withrela- tives in Toronto. We have a full stock :•of supplies for Public and High Schools. If you need nice Stat- ionery ora Fountain Pen examine -our stock, ' A splendid sell filling pen for $1 A line of Parker Pens up to 3.50 if you. like the •best. DR. SPENCE'S Drug Store • Mr. Thomas Reid -end .sister, Aliss Eunice, of Varna, are visiting" (?lends on the boundary. went,. Miss Bell Murdie, 'Mrs. Jack . Sherriff and Miss Irene Sherriff spent a few days in.'Toronto this week. ' Mr. anMrs. drs. J'..0.'Atinstrong and family spent the.holiday with the form;- er's parents in Gerrie. ` .Dr., 'Alfa Newton, of 'Detroit, spent the early days of the week' with hie' father and Lucknow friends, , The date 'ofTbanksgiving D:ty•for this • •year has been fixed for October 9th, .the second Monday of the month. • 4r, George Matheson;. returned home 'on. Thursday of last week after a -pleasant trip .about. the Bruce Peninsula and .a, ylsit'to' Brantford: • D. A. :MacDonald will.have an'auction' sale of:yoting-cattle and'tn'ileh .cows at the Cain Jouso en „ the afternoon : of urday,_Se_pt:9th. ° Mr..Wilf Anderson has enlisted" ,with the Canadian°overseas forces. At present he hes a position With ,the Headquarters' Staff at'Oamp.I3orden, ' . • ' The Wingliatn Overland Sales Co. is • desirous of appointing a sub -dealer • for Lucknow and vicinity for the 'sale of'tbe Overland products. For further' infor- mation apply to L. Kennedy., Winghain. Mrs. 1)r. Tennant and da'eghter; .,and Mr. and Mrs. Snelgrovve, of Vancouv who at present are -guests -'of Mrs._ -Te - sant, motored to Goderich On Friday. On account of We death of Geo. D. Lees, of the Woollen Mills, Lucknow, all debts Owing to hi,n are now due and payable at the Bank of Hamilton, Luck. - now. Studio, luck -now:, Open ,Monday, Tuesday ad Wednesday and. Saturday sly � Groups re inthe • Views and, Fam • taken anywha country. • Mise Jeanette Houston,, who recently met .with; a'h accident: resulting in• a brokers- artel, lilts -returned to Mazanord, I Sask., 'where otic wwill resume school' teaching. • Mr. ,Fred Johnston . was a Toronto ' risitor -the past week. . - Mfies'Baycroft, of Becton, is again as • - sisting In Miss Arniatrong's millinery shop. Mies Dean Geddes has gone to Bay- • • field.wbere,:sba Will have charge, of 'the PltbllcCnedl, - ' • Mr, andMr . Alex. Ross and Mr. and s .A<e_ b1rs�'P, Smith niade en auto trill. to' Tara on Labor Day,. Klee Williajjison, of Atillhrook; is •,in charge .of Mr.. Con.nell'd, nlillinery,•de- Pertinent fur the•fall season.. • Judging by that big advertisement, on, :page ri of this issue, it -looks as though tit' • automobile business Was going to. be pushed in this Hart of the ;province. `Mr. Jack Newton left. on Saturday for Maple;, a few •miles' out of Tdionte, .where lie will have -charge of the' -Public :School.' •0er Millinery Departniettt . openso.•on Friday of tk s week under the.. manage nient of- Miss Williamson, who collies to .us well. recomureuded by her former employees. Customers wvill :.find our stock up-to-d•tte•.-Wit. COI,TNnt:r,.• Miss Boyd, Mrs, W. C. 'Johnstone, and Mr.- Maclean Johnston, of Lucknow; • and Mr. Donald MacLean, of; Lothian,. at- tend the funeral. of the late Mrs. ,Far quharsou, at Walkerton on Saturday. •The•regular rneeting.of the Lucknow branch of •the'.Women's Institute will be field in the Council Chamber on Friday, Sept,' 8, at•the usual hour. There.will be `'an interesting,add,ress on Personal Mag.' n�tism, recitations and music, Visitors welcome.—Secy: - • • After 'serving for -eighteen • months in the trenches, and seeing ,ranch hard ser- vice, Major •Emrnerten, of •K•incardine, .has returned to Canada... He has been sent to 'the miiitary' camp at, Lend'on,. :where the men in training will. havetne benefi`t-of Ms experiences. •.• f' WEDDING BELLS . • DAvlesofa-FORA, - ` Tlie following account of a• marriage which will be of :•interest•, to '.Lucknow 'people is trpm'the 'Goderich Star: "The marriage of Msss Williernine Monroo Ford, daughter of Rev: and Mrs. J. 'E. Ford; of.tlie Victoria • Street . Methodist . parsonage, to Robert David Percy David- son, B. A, science master of • Cobourg Collegiate Institute, took place on.Wed- 'neaday morning of.laat week. The'.event took place -at 11• o'clock, -the bride's -father LABOR ride's father The Western. Fair Association at Lon- clanare putting on a "l3rtice' County Day" at their Exhibition this year. Tho da�'Sept. 1.2thh. See announcement. er-e.-.. LABOR DAY Labor, D;.iy was decidedly quiet in Lucknow. It was a delightful' day for outing and quire a number took advan- tage of the hhlfday to make out-of-town trips by train Or auto. Two rinks of local bowlers: W. A11in,'T. Watson, xl Johnston, Rev. W. J. Eccleston, • and. Robert Brown, W. 1lorn, A. 'Huston,. MacLean Johnstone, went to Hanover to take part in a tournament. They gave a good account of •chenlaelves; Mr. Allhn's'ritik being in the semi-finals for the trophy, but did iiot'succeed in .win- ning a prize. •Forty rinks were entered, An Entirely Ne.w '.Feature,• The secretary of the Luoknow, -Agri- eultural :Society tilts succeeded in mak- ing arrangements fqr a few features for the" Fair days; Sept. 213th. and 29th., which should prove very attractive. One of thew which is entirely new is a mo•v ing•pieture exhibit which will be pat 'On in. the. Agricultural Hall the evening of the. fiiist day' and' the • afternoon of the second. The filar will be both entertain- ing•and instructive as well las being in. 'keeping with the aiuts anti spirit of the fall fair. ' One feature will • be a; search past pf the prize-winning stock `at'this. year's Toronto Exhibition. . ' The 'secretary also has assurance that Mr. 'C. F,' Bailie, Deputy -Minister. of Agriculture, and Mr. J; Leckie Wilson, Superintendent of ,Fairs, will be present On both days •of the show. It will .be. remembered that these mess were' to have been here' last year, but, were unable • to come. Theyw ill ,doubtless make good this year. - .'T'here will be the usual concert on the evening of -the second day, and for • this excllent talent has been secured. Bills, ' niaking announcement wilt 'be -,out shortly. ' If you want.•' a .Prize list • and +entry • ;form, apply to the secretary... • School Re•=Opens - There wasunusual eommotion, on'tlie village streets Tuesday morning as scores ofyoung hopefuls with books•and bags •in their 'feuds. scurried "abort, f,enerally making' in the direction of Station street. The sunnner vacation was over: School had re -opened, and the harrying little people — and the older ones' too- all Zion seemed happy to get back, to work again, -The-first darwas easy, the classes -be- —Tuesday,• -Sept •e. - officiating. The bridal gown was a very ing dismissed at 11••a:.ni. to get required Ada Helm is attending Lucknow High pretty4rr'ss of arlk ere 1"-da_chhne—rnd—boolts-ant ether-equl}i nt,- There -mss= Se}lool. a full seesion.in'the afternoon. l;Jnfor turiately a few of, the necessary- books cannot.be bought this week, the publish- ers having failed to get tbeiu out in time for the re -opening.. . • The school rooms are all well filled {Lgain, but there is not thi. overcrowding in the High School Dep. which marked the past two years.- The fact that St. Helens, Sehool is this'year .taking . up a measure of high schoolwork, helping.to relieve the congestion: Fifty-nine reg lstered for Continuation work on Tues- day,, but a, few more will be on the ' roll before the end of the - week. There. are two changes in the teaching: staff. Miss MacLean has •• been granted. leave of .absence until Christmas, ' when she sex eetod-to return-. Her work, in the meantime is being taken by Miss Rutherford, of St4Helens. ' The second room, which, last •year,, was .taught by Miss Cummings,'is this Year.- in charge of Mies Frances Spence..; • The school grounds have, been-. enlarg , ed- by an extenlionof'fifteen-feet to the north, and new concrete steps have been' Kinlollgh put at all the outside doors. Single Copes 3 cents CtIURCli 11WS• - Rev, John Reid is home, after a lnontlr's vacation and occupied the ^Ilul• pit of-.6.4uth If inloss church last Sunday. A special Rally Day ,service ' for the Sabbath Sehool and Bible Classes of Luokngw Presbyterian church 18 being' prepared for • next •Sunday afternoon. Everybody'welcome. - tev, D W. Snider, of .the ' Ontario Lord's Day Alliance, will tell. -of : the splendid work of that ^organization in the,2dethodist and Presbyterian dui -relies. next Sunday. He will speak ,in the Methodist church in' the iuorning..and the Iresbyterian church at night, „ A number °of Luoknow people were • last week pleased tc receive copies of a "Pastoral Letter" recently issued to the Soldiers' and Sailor" pf„ the Empire by authority of the, General Assembly of the Free- Church • of Scotland. Local interest was given to the "letter" by, the fact that it was..sigded^on. behalf of the Assembly by Rev. Angus MacKay, -Moderator. ` BORN .. Fiollrr,—In ' Luoknow, on Sept. 1st., - 19+6, to Mr.•and Mrs. Leroy Horn, ,a daughter., .' ' • KEA1tNEY.—In • Lucknow, on Saturday, Sept. •2nd,, 1916, to Mr. and Mrs,' Win. Kearney. a son. N•olyrood ATonday, Sept, 4.. , 'Miss Evelyn White spent ;the week- end with Miss Ina Culbert. •• ' Messrs. Harry and George Elliott,- of Huron, spent Sunday at R. Elliott's. . Mr.. and 1lrs.. J, H. Ackert and Pte. Harold spent Sunday with friends here. Mr. George Haines has -gone away for. a, month's -visit' to Hamilton and St. ' Marys Misr Ruth Howie, of Walkerton; has commenced her ditties here .as school. teacher. .. • • Misses Helen and Martha Sutherland were the guests: of Miss Mae Henry Fri- day afternoon. ° 11I+rs. •1l. Hamilton has been renewing old acquaintances on the nth. before' moving -from here. - Whitechurch '--51onday, Sept, 4, Miss Lil. Paterson and little' Helm are visiting friends. In Gait, • Miss Nettie Cottle, of Wingham; Gen- eral Hospital; is vise ing at her lhbwe. Miss Lillian Lillian Long nleft for Strat- ford t - ford Monday morning to attend the Normal,. . . ' Paul Gillespie, 'of. Wingbarrl, • spent" Sunday with his cousin, 'Pte. Charles Gilleapia. ' • Mrs:Robert Henderson, of Chicago, is visiting at the home of. yrs. . IiL:.D: Hehderson, - • Mrs: F. Henrrand Mise Pena Laidlaw attended the Red Cross ' O`onvention in (Clinton on Monday. • Rev. N.. R.'D. Sinclair, of Cochrane, ebn'ducted services in 'the Presbyterian church •last Sunday. - `,° • Miss Ellen. Phillips and Miss Alma. Youngblut, of Auburn, are -visiting at. home of Andrew Fox. Miss Kirke, of Dungannon, returned' on Monday to take up her duties. again as school teacher at No: 10. . Misses Mary and. Sarah Sharpe,- of Teeswater, spent a few daYs with their aunt; Mrs. H. D. Henderson. , Sergt.-Major 'Carrick, "Rea Charles Gillespie, David Kennedy and Alex. Kennedy, of London, spent a fen, days at .their horses this week. ,. • The Guild . meeting Sunday evening ryas led by. Marjorie . Gordon, the topic, being "The Consecration of Home Life.'' A duet was rendered by the Misses Greta and -Alba Fox. There will be no uild meeting.next Sunday evening owintn the Methodist anniversary. • ,The subject fora week from Sunday is "Christianity Compared with Other 'Religions:" The leader is 'Lulu Conn.- - MARKET'.. -. �y t`Correcte4: uptoWednesday noon T$Iitter'' ,,,,, ,,e.. fib' Eggs, newlaid. ....,,..,.►.. . 4(1 flogs. _ ,• Crewe,. • —Monday, Sept. Mr. and Mrs. S. Rivett left last week for the West., „ Mr. T'effer, of Auburn,•ocenpied tire' 'pulpit here last Sunday.: •Miss Bertha Shackleton returned tch Toronto on Tuesday ..last, , , Mr. and M'f'rs. Ben Taehaherry made a . business trip to Goderich last week. Misseh Irene McQuoid and Violet anel. Ruby Kilpatrick have returned to ilia Mrs. Sid. Gibson and family, of Stmt. ,. ford, calledon friends and relatives herd last week. . • Mr. and Mrs. Ted McTavish and son, ' of Ripley, spent Sunday at the home of • Mrs. John Menary. . Miss Lillian Curran, of 'Hamilton • spent the holiday at 'the home --of -lave •.. - mother, Mrs. Mena**. EVERYBODY'S , COLUMN' . FOUND.—On Friday, Aug. 18th., on the Boun- dary East, a Lady:s Coat. Owner can have same by ualling at Sentinel Office, and pay- ing for this advertisement. - 7 9.3; • the bride carried °a . bouquet • of white reses:and lily-of•theValley. MHelen elen Ford, sister of the bride, was br'idesinatd,, and wore embroidered voile and: carried pink roses. ;'Murray Cameron, B.A., . of Strathroy, was groomsman. ' After the Wedding repast the .bride and.groom left.. for Toronto and the Falls; after . which tbey go to'Cobourg to make their home. The bride travelled in a costutneof; navy. blue with giey felt hat 'The out of=town guests present were the groom's father and -sister, Mr. and Miss Davidson, Co- bourg; Mrs. • Jr F E, Dixon; 'Toronto; ,'Mrs. Mann, Windsor; Mrs. J. A. Bean, Ilderten; and• Miss Stanley, Lucan, The best wishes of many friends of the bride follow her to her new hoiue. • RE SCHOOL ACCOMMODATION Tile School 'bard would like. to:: have the nacres; at once, of all The students for the . High" School 'Depart- ment, ,as'they Have to ¢Consider the niat- ter of accommodation. ' . After next week the 13o'artl will net. feel bound • to admit any dilatory applicants. • . G. A. Newton, Secy. War-torn Belgium' Will be described at a; meeting in tha Town Hall on ' Fri- day (to -morrow) evening.. The speaker, Mir. Howell, of Toronto, is well qualified. to deal with the subject; - Live POiIitPy Wa$e d e 1W1 • a car olive: poultry at the knOv' Station (Ali Day) on . ' 1 TUESDAY; 'SEPTEMBER 12th And will paythe foll-owin �' C4tSH rices: g ,.; p Old !tens —.a'. per lb.: Duclt5....,......1tic, per 1b. Old Rnostets . 7.c,• per lb, Geese ...-. v... gc.'per lb. Chickens... a :13e,' per lb, .Cropb enlist Ise empty. .•. ' `1. p tr and take i'dwtnta re''of 'early Bring in your .p ,ml Y €� . Y prices' which are Always the highest,• Please tell .your neighbors and ,friends. We uarant 'e, s liars' weights. T " Si-iiicoe. Pouitr .Co,,' Agents. 27-t1droSS Centre --Tuesday, Sept. 5, Joe Kep nedy left for the West on Satur lay°last. . Miss .Isabelle ' Nixon • is visiting .in Toronto: • Russel Ritchie left for Swift .Current on Saturday.; • Earl Hunter, of .Holstein, called on friends here the past week., Mrs, John Helin left Monday to •.epend.a'nronth at Kincardine. •- Raymond Patterson, of Ripley, . was the guest of Willie Stroud .the, week; en•$. Miss Ruby Ritchie_sneni. a few days_ last week with 'her cousin,;Lottie Henry. I.M'' iss' 1-ar Hackett has commenced" � y. liar dutiesas teacher in the home school. . Reeve Stewart and Councillors :Alton and.Flackett Motored to Walkerton on Thursday._ - • _ Mrs. Sproul and family, of Goderich, visited" with , her sister.; Mrs. Albert Balm, during the 'week. "Mr and Mrs. Herb. Eilber and daugh- ter, Bernice, of Creditors, visited friends in this vicinity last week: ' ' Mr, Jori Pinnell, of Brantford, is,visit- ing-fr-ienda:andrelatio mherte,, ' Itt'v. Mr. r. Bradley,' of Teeswater,. visit- ed an Con: G,, west, Tuesday`nf this week. Mrs.. John McGeorge, of . S„ratford,:18 visiting friends here and in Teeswater. -Mr. and Mrs. Jolie Rtis.s, con. 10, Kin- 1'nsa; Snndoyed at .the. lion•e. 'of • Walter Day. . . Our school re -opened on Tuesday of this weelc„ iMiss Bradley, of:Tees:Water, resuming her duties. Mr,'Goo. Nelson, wife and family,- Of Leridon, called itt the. honilo of --Gen, Richardson on Monday last. LATE WAR NEWS...: Every day brings us a' big budget of news from the various battle fronts in Europe, Asia and Africa. Boiled down it..fltitounts td tills: On every front thc1 Allies are snaking slnw,but sure progress againat the German aggregation. Guns, trenches and prisonera are being won °Very day. Nowhere can the Kaiser -and his brutal associates loop again • for even a gleam of Montt, - • . Mirth Loh. Kinloss . ='—Tuesday; Sept'5. Mrs. FI. B. Ingram, of London, passed, the week among- bet friends in and around Lucknow. Ti and Mrs.Tas. Struthers and child- ren; of Paramount, visited at Russ. Mid- dleton's this week. • . • a• Miss -Jeanette Houston, wbrr.has been at home -for sole's time, returned to .her school in Saslc., last, week. .' Fainters are busy. pitting in tleir.fa'll wheat this week; sone are througle,' It is said that potatoes are. likely • to be - very small, and ''`seldom in the drill," VIM moo 111•111110111111•111111111Mil mom FRUIT 'BUL'LETIN' PEACHES The PopCrawford •Peach. 3tet1pw free sto ve, 'lbw at, its Lest. �. fartlett -•P e a r.s + ARpp - and (seen gage PElV1 SUtd it p1auie a1s.o ready. ' Ilotteewives' are, ;t rakalen advised t o see R•Wgrts.nb.1: their grocers at 0110as tire' crop will be taken quickly • this year, book for the Map. It is yourr guarautee of quality .front top to bottom. • Goderich fownship —Monday, Sept. 4. Miss Annie Cooper, nurse, -spent the week end at the parental home., Mrs. John O: Elliott isvisiting her sister, Mrs. Webster, of Ashfield. Mr.- and Mrs. Carl Heuston spent Sunday at. the home of Mrs. Geo. Hudie. The Young Ladies' Patriotic Society met at the, home of Miss Alma Elliott, last •week , " Tlie many' 'friends of Mrs. Stephen Halstead will be srry. to hear of her serious illness. Misses Gladys Lantelon and M. Pin- ing, of Clinton, spent the, week -end and Labor Day with friends on the 7th. eon. Mr&' Eldred Yeo and babe 'halve` re- turned home 'after a two weeks' visit with her father, Rev. Mr: Snowden, of, Ailsa Craig. Mrs. Walter Yates' and two daughters, of Waterbury, who spent -the last month With Mrs,'Yates'sister, Mrs. 'J.G. Steeple returned to theirhome'last week Reit. Mr. Brook,'. of S'otribra, who has • 'taken charge cf the :Bayfield Circuit work for the last month, returns home this week Mr. 'Brook has been, supply- • ing while .Rev.. Mr, Jones lila been on a vacation.. . FOUND.—On the 4th Con„ 1'1.4 miles west of Gravel Road, a litdies' raincoat. Owner may have same by calling at the Sentihel Office, Ind paying for this ad. 7-9,60 u. FOUND.—On the Holyrood' Gravel Road, on August' 26, 916,' a nrati's raincoat. ' Ov.ner- may have same on calling at The Sentinel °dioe and paying for this ad,- 7-949 u MONEY TO LOAN.—On mortgages and notes at reasonable rates. Fire Insurance, hot • Stook and Mutual Companies. peavey- ancing done with neatness and despatch. GEO. A.SIDDALL. Broker, Lucknow PIG ASTRAY:—Strayed troilism premises . • the underigned. about Ad t 4th, 1916 • white pig.. Party giving information load- ing to its recovery will be suitably reward • . ed. J. GAMBLE{Luoknow. Phone R4 en. ' 7-il-P- DR. PARKER, OSTEOPATH, at Cain House • Lucknow, every Wednesday afternoon. All chronic diseases successfully treated. Os teapathy removes the 'physical causes A -disease.. Adjustment of the spine is moro • quickly secured and with fewer treatments by Osteopathy than by any other method. 31-7-p. .. Notice • . For all matters regarding Greenhill cemoter• refer to D. C. Taylor, Secretary, . For Sale —Tuesday't;'Sept, 5,. Jim anal Miss, Mary Thompson were 'in our burg on Monday. , . . Mr, and 1rs; Wnt: Arrsold,.of ICtncar• - were in our •burgon Friday. ' �Joltti McLean ''and' John Thompson went to the West on Saturday. Mrs. Wes. Boyle and •two shiughters returned .hie from the West on'Satur -day, _• - _ . ' Mrs. jamas -Percy and 'Alta:Ali. Hal- denby are atterirlitig the .Exhtbition in• Toronto, • ' °• John and Pat Amboy, of Kincardine, visited their r.ousi•n, Mrs, Hodgkinson, on Sunday. ' • Mrs. B't, ?tIc1 can and MM.': W,' Lean took in the Toronto Fair -on Wed- nesday of last week_ Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Flodgl:in§on visit- ed. Mr. Martin oh t.110' 401 of Moron on Friday and Sa'ttl rd ay. • The union picnic' by' kinlough and Kingarf Anglican,, httrches was,held On v Lake n • was very Monday at Silver ,d a ty suceessful. ' ' - . Fred Clements, of London, is ylsiting his. brother, Harry Clements. ' He • is his brother clean with him, tatting. h Harry will be missed by his. litany friends, ear a.aw.)Mti rsi . here, 5' Olivet FOR SALE:—Good Brood Sow, fork. 2 years old, farrow about Sept. 18th.. • 7 9•C' . G'. A. GitEER, Lucknow, • FOR'SA,LE:—Seven-room cottage good ,stable and garden. Soft water' in house. Con veniontly situated. Apply' to. Mrs, It. Imriel Lucknow 7-9-t•f-e. • ; FORRSALE.—In the Village of Lucknow. one - acre lot fault bearing orchard; 10 -room . fralno.house, good well, and out -building, in connection; Apiary of 175' hives, supers etc.. extractor, honey house bee cellar. all . in good condition. • Will sell bees separate. Reason for selling; owners leaving town. Write or apply to • MISS.LEEs, Box 244, - f -9 -t -f c. • Lucknow, Ont: • .—Monday, Sept. 4. Roy and Howard McGuire cijmneno: ed threshing last week.... ' . - Miss Beatrice Ross, of Detroit, visited at W. B. Wilkinson's recently, Mr. and Mrs.'Chanrbers, of Alviston, visited friends In this vicinity last week. ,School opened at Clover 'Valley on Tuesday with Miss Lizzie MacTavislt .as • teacher. " We are glad to report that Mrs. Mal- colm :McGluire's ,' condition is • •somejvhat improved. J1r. and:.111rs,Tola'n I3rrdg'e and'.soil, -Mervin, and •Mr.••nnd Mrs. Ed. Mitchell and daughter,..E va, of Palmerston., epee at V. L. Smith's - aday. 1 •. Auction Sale • AUCTIO\ S LE: -At the: residence. of Mrs'. Trevett, Victoria St.,'l,ucirnow. on Satur- day, Sept. 18th, at 2. o'clock p. m., the fund- ' ' tura of the lata Mr. Robertson: Vory godd stock, see bills for description, Terms; ` Cash. ` _ _R..McCbarles,.kuotionecr�_ ._• 40 Head of Y earling•lieifers and • Steers, and a number of,Milch Cows_ d iii besolby i'iib . iso duction at the Cain Hotise,Lucknovy on •.Saturday, Sept. 9th.. sale at 2:30 p.m. Six. motrrthti credit allowed purchasers furnish- ' ing approved. joint notes bearing bank' in- ' iciest, ' • D. A. M aCDONama, Pro,S. 7'6.101). • J. Pc kvis; AnetioneCr' Notice • Geo A •Siddsll has 'tiPei' ?ppoiutert • • agent to receive applications for shares in the new War Loan, and will be pleas- • ed to give any desired information. • ; • Notice The annual meeting of. the. Lucknow. , klel or oinpanyT1iini{etT;, will be helm inthe Council Chambers, Carnegie Hall,•' Lucknow; en Saturday, Septeiuber 9th. • next. . ' ,. , T. F. • CAIN, I'resiile'itt, Lurgan •—Monday, Sept. 4. Wedding • bells are`ringirig ftitntly in tier burg. '• iiistr,Hazel .Palmer visited. her cousin, Miss Ethel Bell, one day last weak,: • • Mise Edna Stntt.h;•of 1'3•fiiigliain, .street a couple of• weeks: • at Capt. Brown's.' Bliss ' Hattie Henderson vas•- -'•home from• ,Fergus for a, few days last week. . Miss Marie Welsh left to day,for Dur- ' ham to take charge of her 'school' there. Miss Irene' Walden has returned to London•'after apendin - .tiro Holidays at 1 g J. S. Walden's.. ' . ' Mrs. Jas..Knaptnn and children have returned • to. Parkhill after visiting at Leslie ltulr'e, MEAT' MARKET Owing Co the drop iin the - cattle market in the •past few days 1 am prepared to sett meats at 2 to 3 cents • per lhi. lower than formerly. Reduction on Large Quantities This will give farmers a • chanceto btytheir'thresh.. ing. 'meat at lowest pcinsibht rices. • - p•. J, BUTTON :i ,• _a