HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-07-27, Page 8••••• t -m,-••••••••-.4,.. 4 n 1.144. airbiy th 1, • :..tyAvRooc. NIERQN O. nly T*0Days :MOre -010017-GreAt vett Dare:Midsummei Sale • ¶Ihe Opening days of our Clearing SummeiSalebrought many Custom,* ers to our store who have taken advantage of the many bargains offered and many have expressed their satisfaction» at the opportunity offered by this sale in its money -saving possibilities to them i4 purchashig slimmer goods at 'such low priees"so early in the season, Besides the Special bar. gains mentioned in oar circulars we are- adding many others- for the last two days of- this sale, .If you have „already 'been here you know the splendid values we are giving, and if not • don't miss what is offered fo. Friday and Saturday, Bleached Cotton Snap This regular 1234C Cotton ati 1 yds. • for.$1,00 is one of 'the" biggest bar- -gai:is awaiting yoti. •See this Co. - ton, examine its fine even thread and , • good firm quality. (Not more than 22 yds. to one customer. • Men.'s Straw flats at $1.01) • We have had a big •sale of Straw Hats-, and no wonder as the low price is very "attractive. Reg. LP) 2.00 and 2.5o StrHats for only Sr.00if you are not hatted for the summer get one., Fancy Ninslins .• , • • Fang Silk Stripe Muslin% in light blue and pink shades, extra fine ,quality, reg. price 5 , Sale Price Ac yd. Ask to see these, Circular Pillow Cotton A bargain opportunity to purchase 42 • in. Pillow Cotton' , nice• even thread, heavy qual- ity worth 28e, Sale Price 22c per yd. ,„ Corsets at 39c. 7Special fdrFridayPend sat'ird,aY`ACtesll;ft various kinds and styles ofCorsets.. lot of t of • *163. This is a • 39c. A good assortinen Big Bargain Snap , MEN"S 14'.4.1•4163t STRJ.PE WASH VESTS - Reg. to 2 CO Sale Price 75e.' Wash Goods Special 1254c. S -e the Table of Extra Values in Crepes, 11 uslins, Repps and Linen Suitin,„.s, a splen. did assortment of COIOT8 and patterns. Your choice for 12ic per yd. • • . Ladies' White Waists ..As we donot wish 'to carry over on Friday and. Saturday we ' clear out the,balaace afoul' fine lace, trinimed Waists 'in- 2 lots at. 25 and 5oc. Also Girls' White Sailor Blonses;trimined with blue, at isct Ladies' White Dresses To clear 'thebalance of our Lace Trimmed, White Muslin Dresses '\ the.nprices for Vriclar and Saturd•ty • selling are marked very,Iow. Reg. 3.00 to 3.50, for $1.90 ; reg. 4.00 to 5,..00. for $1.75, and reg, 8.00 to 8.5o for only $2.95, z only Ladies' White Repp Wash Suit, trtmtned with insertion and•crochet buttons, to clear at $/.95. •/ only Ladiei' Whit 8 Linen Coat, inser- non trimmed, to clear at 95c, Remnants With big 'selling these days rem. nants of 'various hinds - are accumulating., ‘• These are placed, on our . Bargain ,Table at ,low clearing prices, New Goods for "Men's -Wear Gymkhana Shirt* splendid assortment of those cool, comfort able Gymkhana Negli gee Shirts for men and ' boys. -; just, what is needed during this: list weather.. Men's at 1.00, 45 and $L50 • Boys,lal90 lii:'81:.es• 13; 13 1.2 and i Boys' Blouses. with Collets, at 75c. 'Negligee Ties. •• The new Summer Tie forYegligee- Shirts, in , very pretty stripes and 4:becks, with interwoven .‘corcl ring at 50e: • Balbriggan • Underwear• k Cool, Comfortable' Un- • derwear 'for' hot days. Price 50e. • • 0mo. i e " , ' . ,. .. . ... I have secured the agency - for Maxwell Automo- biles for .1..ucknow and District. I' Would' ask • anybody thinkingof, getting an Auto to seeIthis car and 'get a demonstration with one. If you liVe'at a distance drop me a card and arrange for . a demonstration, which will be cheerfully pgiven at any thue. I will also stock Oils, Grease, Tires, and Vulcanize Tires and Tubes. My experience • in autotuobiles justifies me in saying that I will look after all adjustments that may be required to • keep your car in, first-class running order. Call • at R. Webster's' blacksmith shopfor further in- formation, . • • •. "Yours truly, • • jotio G. ,KVNT2„ . , Ilolyrood July 26. Mis Elvy Hatrisonia visiting -friends • itroUnd hers. • • / • • . • • . • • Mair Itairnard mid family :spent Sun.'. day at Chas, dongram'e, • .0pent Stintlay at Wm. Meltenzie'e• Attchoori, Matti is -f orking for it fewdays with it iteaty. Mr 3. ILAaliort, Whet liaajustreirtrn-. ea trent the Vi)'tit„ spent the week -end • . • • . Owing.absenceof to the the pastor, • , :Mt Denzil. Statters conducted the tier- • inet4 thir3frithodis Church hare: On • ••• • ' • •• The itomeit'ir.rietitutowlithold their. nett meeting:et the.lionie of: Miss Mae Henry,• August3rd. at 040 'eelock. ' lira. lIerrillton $4,recit paper. .40 • 'Old ItemmiSeenCert .3firs, W. T. Well. Insets togs* &taper glitaty dishes fte; '00110100tombe taken, **lb* weionne.-431Kte.0004 • Kinlough • „ -Tuesday, July 25: Nehlon Bushell•hruut nay( auto: and its's•A dandy.. • Cary& Fitzeli, of Toronte, is visiting •her Mother, Mrs. Amos Fitzell. gter--W.--MeGonnell; of-iher-toothi• • London, was in Our burg on Sunday. Mr, and Mra, Blue, of AmberleY, Wed the old homestead On Monday , Mr. and Mrs, James Itay, of Detroit, are visiting her slater, Mrs. Ed.Pery, 6f this place. _ . . Pte. Scott of tlioinOtli„ London, Was home visiting his friends on. Saturday and Sunday. " , • lames Carleton, wlioheetwen visiting frimids'around Kincardine for. a . or two, has returned home, •-• he iiteibyterian Sunday School is having del* annual Picnic on Aug: • 6rtl rn riyatt's Grove, 'Silver Lake. foto, lee au& deorge Kaman, Of. the 160tht.Lotidon, ere home Oa leave for month to help the :farmers with barvest- - mg. James Hodgkinson, our village blaelt- • Smith, has bought out 'the shop from Geo. -Colwell, of this lace.• We all wish I NTR41400 liegULTS iN WEST 111.1Witi iiany o cuti tioilQQ Is were clesed for . . .Fiudj,y, July 26. Mr. Roberti% of Winghain, visited Le r brother,; Mr. Neil Murdoch, hot l'Nek• , • '• NM CPA% McDonald, of Con. 4, Kinloss, spent a couple of days at A, l'eLfiarinid's. M. Kerry,elan, of Molesworth, and 1 lila wife and ur 'a )tored up on Sunday to See friends( ere. Mr, and 'Mrs. Washburn, i)f, Detroit who Oscine ovUl' in their car, are visiting 'friends around here, Mrs. :Washburn is sister of Mrs A, McDiarmitt, • . Mrs. Shiflett, of Erie, North ,Dakota, is visitirl• !dads and rehitives around hereShe is accompanied by her hue. band and daughter. ; She left heti for the West 34 Years ago' and la now back to the old familiar scenes, df her 'child- hood for the first timesince leaving., Rio 'llespT.HWIrile. Mr, end Mrs. Rob. Struthers and Albert were going to town Saturday evening, an auto rearing down hill at a high; rate of speed met them where the road Was narrow. The hose jumped, upsetting the rig. Albeit • was hurt, and though not seriously,*:he is still unable toviOrk.- A little eotreid- eration on tlie .parc of the Man who drove. the auto- Would have prevented this accident., Welvant..balf . the road, and fair yarning, ,- •• ' . 4 • OBI I UARY • A Flower Plucked la Bloom from one to AM' Wddke *Nona of meieles, Tarnopol or chickerivex.Thlb •Itiedeied the work of all tile eiasees and reduced the number memo the #. $, • • i'ts '•• Entrance :Examination. • . DIONOASMAI •- none Jean. INtiber Fier. *nee. Dnraint Melcelvey„ *Muriel. 0reer,141., reetlarid, Bello Brriestoo. AsariEto Sion`ose.• IsTo, 4 -Alberta Beckett MOW Jobu- stop, Lottie McKenzie (honors),. AlbertTbaia • * • ' • No. 5-44 Rohn, Verna Strond, No. 7-Vrelbostdullentleison. No id-sjarjorie Johnston.. PoligheitY, No 12 -Jessie 13iickingbarn, ; • , No. 11 -Lila UnnaPhrey. • • Coriantif$ Sxatronfi • Unr,115.--Meksie daughter of Uri. aryl- Mrs. Henri:Mullin, of Ashfield, 'departed tbis life on July I ION at: the early age of 12 years She .lived a happy• child, life, finding great enjoyment in cOmpanionship thechildren who knew her. °•Slie loved Jesus, and took great delight in, thnSunds.y School and the singing of the children's hyinns. , 'Al- though :young in years, she was possess- ed with more than ordinaiy, wisdoin and loved to tee eh the yenriger children about. Jesus and the way to Heaven, She Was very inn* endeared to all around here. Her life was woven into ours withsilketi cords -of tenderness finer - and stronger than the ordinary. It wrenched 90 heartgi'when. she was taken, but knew it best, and we said; "Fatbel'ilbk will he done". She went sweetly a:Sleep in the arias' of Jesus; blessed idt101) kohl -which ,none ever wakes to Weep.' - • The 'antral was held on thontliq to Greenhill cemetery, The funeral eery - ides viers conducted by ,„the Rev. J. Little, of St. Helens. Miss • Little also sang svieetly,,a 1:OJor., °The City Four Square." Abe, wok.carried to her last resting place by ix Public School ,and Sunday Schddlp4ibit aataelY: • John Scott; Thomasiyittle, Dren nem' Sidney reiguson:Ahnir and Lorne -Far-• ash. Mr. and Mrs. Mullin•Aave the sympathy of thdoontrannity in their sad bereavement. . • • • "Say not 'herciwork don, , • NO deed of !dye or:goodness ever dies But in the lives of others multiplies, Say it is just begun.". • , - St. Helens -Wednesday, July 20. Miss Ethel Anderson .spent Stinday in him suteehs. • ' -Mr, Jek--Webhieftt t- week fora •trip ont'West. Pte. Rose Migray, of the 134th, Cain)) Borden, was home over Sandy.' Miss Laura Currie, of Wingbam, Spending a few days with Miss Chris. 3ililler. . • Haying is aboutecimpleted here and an abundant crop, has been harvest-' ed, one farmer in this vicinity having over 125 loads. The wheat is a fairly good crop and is ready to cut, • Mutual The Kintail Branch of the Women's Institute will hold their annual picnic at Lake View Park, Kintail, on Friday, July 28. We trust that friends will be prepared to enjoy a day at the lake. - Secy.. Verdun . . • - .......... • L -Monday, July 24: Miss Norma McLennan is the 'guest of Missitosie Nesbitt ••••• ' Mr.'Merton Fraser, Kincardine; spent Sunday at his home here. • ' Mrs...T. Reid -Spent a day last week Iwith her sister, Mrs, J, •Farrell. ' Miss Rebecoa Smith was the guest of .Mias Nellie McMullen, on tundaY• Miss Dorothy Sawyers called on Mise •Ella Armarong one evening` last' Week. Miss Helen Blair nasi arrived %bine rafter spending a few_liveeka, _with.: her sitter in Appin. •, ' The hot weather leads to a number Of • picnics being held at the lake. It's the •hest place tole_on_a, hot day. • Our boys in khaki, frona the London calm; ate Irnmn on a 111ntIN furlough. We are pleased to have them With, us • , • son. , • • • Aire, A. D. MeCosh entertained her • Bible Claes at. Bruce Beach last Thurs- day eVening. Quite a number gathered „and the night wee spent in'. every kind of enjoyment. Delightful refreshments 'ivere served in the way of sandwithes, ice create and cake. A five.tent piece Watt baked in with .6ne of the -dikes and the pram byttuflate enough. to receive ths4 ticker wasio be married within a yea's tme. M. Wm. OanwrOn waS the favored one, and all the girls are anxious- ly "waiting, Dill, to see who will he the lucky ono.•• . ., . • •• . ••••Iti• • . • . , . ' . • ' • . . • . . , . • . • , . . . . , " ,, . . . . . , ,. . ,. • . . „ . ' •. , • • . , ;1; Master Horace MeGuire. retaraed, on Saturday after 'spending a week at Camp Borden. Miss Jean Webb, who has been home from London for a. vaeation,.returned on • Wednesday last., The Misses tuella and Bernice Shaw, of Binevale; are spending , a • few days visiting friends armindlhe burg: • Pte, Robt. McGuire, of the Hist,. • Camp Borden, anitilfs, Robt. Buchanan and James Baker, of the 1430th., Lenclen, are home for a few.ateeks to help with the harvest. '• • ;`. • The • bricklayers are getting along splendidly with the work on the new school house •Therare making a good job, and expect to be through -in about a week. To all appearance it is .to be • one of thetest country‘schoot }loured in the province. We 'understand that Miss Chris Miller has been engaged to teach in the mnior room. • Lothian • • • • • • -Tuesday,, July26. --Mrs • McPhee, of itp1ey,is Visiting at McDonald's. • Miss Min'rde 'Sandy, Of Toronto, is spending her vacation here. . • Miss Ace. Morrison, Of. Iowa Falls,' Iowa, and Dave Falconer, of Langside, motored td3AcLerui's on Sunday Mrs; Chas. *Lean and two Children, Mies Sara McLean and Master Ilayinorid Seghet,of Chicago, hie spending a month or so Vitnting at A. McLean's. . • . MATLEIED.-- On Monday,. the 17tIt inst , at the Alaimo, Ashfield, by the Re% J.'S. Hardie, &inlet (4 Swan to Laura, eldest datigh'ter of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Johnston, of Arillield. • A long, happy and prosperous married life is the wish .of Vhjrpiny P ' . . IsTp:1-Westaitriiher,- Emma Snell, isre. g-7.-GertrUde Gledhill. No, 34-Aleartie Levy, Grace Hamilion, Isabel Young, No..5,--Philip Bogie. ,/,‘• No. 0-Annie.Raxter, Mary Gliddon, Hazel Symonds.' No fa-Lsora 'Treble; . , • Gobteraa•Te, SEQTIoliE , • • No. Rutledge (honer a), Marion Rtitleclge. • , No. 8--irenn McClure• . , • ,f WEST WAWANOSil SECTIMIS No. 2 -Olive Craig, Olive Finnigan, Ethel Washington. • No. 3 -Willie Thimipson, Andre* No. 4-,Toseillt Forester, John -Gaunt, , N9,15-49000 Jefferson, Ida .111011/P Separate SchOol-Ethel CuMmins. ' No. 7 -Melville .Beecroft, BAewecArl.fts7A-tary leon, Lyla No..8-linnie Page. No. 11: -Alba Walker, Grace Wight- 11 , THE, STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS maa, Annie. Page. Phone No. .Your SOrvic, We sett tor gash--Ve .sett Cheaper TiPit Credit Step?* If The extremely heavy* crop of bay necessitates mower • knives being kept very sharp We have a ' Mower Knife •Grinder that would just suit you. Bevelled cut gears, 111017 speeded. It is fitted. with two stones mid is an ee14 lent article which. will last for years. . Price $6.00. e Preserving Season is on- and we have the most. varied line of' Preserving. liettles ver shown ityLucknow, If you want a cheap kettle we have- them.. One Coated Ware ranging in price &OM 25c to 4•Qc, .111 the medium quality we ` ve them from sac to..4/.00. • But we would call your attention particularly to our Moonstone line, This is the smoothest and best wearing graniteware on the market. We have a full line of it. The preserving kettles range in price from 55c to $i.00. • " This is the weather for Oil Stovesr .We have many pleased women using the "Florence" A tomatic. No wicks to clean, no valves to leak. We sell Premier Gasoline and Royalite 011, the/best products on the market. ..The LOcknoWliardware Coaleci Mani Michigio , Visitors Reciprocity in'aiitnniohile lieeiiSei be- tween 'Ontario and the State of Michi- " n has resulted in an; unusuk-Mtinber. d Bruce and Huron "old bortand girls" -Visiting' these counties this season. Formerly, till crossing the international boundary, the wirer ,of• automobile had to take'Ont hcense to run his car in the couniry.iisited. This season the .governinence of Ontario and Michigan have recognize he licenses each of. thirother for 30 dayednring the seation. This be great convenience and will greatly Promote the visiting back and forth of the people of the pro- vince and state„ The arrangernent. doubtless, will be continued and extend- ed toothei states. The anto-owntr is. !flaking himself felt.. , • 4 •-• .••••••,,, LUIrosU centre •-Moriday, July 24. 'Miss Isla,Clarke, of Teeswater; called on friends litre on Fridayof last week. A number from here attended the funeral of thejate thre William., Case • On Tuesday of last week. • • Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hemieglay, of Brussels, formerly of Oen. 6, called on friendehere on•Sunda,y last. Miss Mary Stohe has passed her exam- ination and has .been engaged is. tettehet for COn. 8: West school for ti; coining Mi. and Dirs. Thomas Eskrick and faiinly and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gnest, •of Kingarf, at the home of Glee. Richardson on Sunday. Kingsbridge. • •• -Monday, July 24. •• • • • Gonda Sullivan has. arrived' honiti • • ' z from DetrOit • - .' Miss. Mabel •Clancy, of' Cargill,. spent . the past week with cousins here. • • ' Mr, and••Mrs. Pon. Poing and child, • . • of Wnwa.nosh,• Mr: and Mrs. Pettrir and, • Child, 'of London, and Michael Fermi, of • 'Saskatchewan, visited 'Aid!fteld friends1 • • : • . 'on kliiiiday. • . • • • , • tasee Mergaret. Dalton, Marie and • • Eileeu $011Ven arid Irene McCarthy and • .• Messrs. •SulliVari, J.' P. Sullivan, • John 5 and .Walter Dalton 'and, Gus'• McCarty vialtedin• St: Augustine and Dungannon -on Sunday last: . • • -5 141. • the purchase price otthis,farripusi 1881. Rogers Ai Plate E give coupons with every 25C. pur: chase of all the high grade Varga- • teed products made by .the United Drug Company. We are willing to lose • money on the silierw,are to get yew ac. (maimed with these goods. .which are, sten, • • (lard in _their line. •- 1texall ItOined" _ Liggett's Candies, Peit,ies, Toilet Article, Brushes, Stationeiy,_ Rubber Goods, and %hundreds of other iteMs, househbrd' prepare - 'tions, etc. You cannot afford not to Se':' cure this popular silverware, when you can• - get it on Our half bought plan, As an ex- , aamnpleee, tthfiosioteiascr monithc2, thatS;011nssfor g you c With every purch,ase of goods .amounting to 25c. we will give --OneCoupon.- Niifith-verr purchme-alleitall goods we will give Two Coupons. Get a list at store showing illustrations of x8 different pieces of Silverware --- and telling how many coupons are required for each of the 24 pieces offered on, this plan. • 22 SILVER TEASPOON FREE On Saturday, July 29th We Will Give Absolutely Free to.each customermahing a purchase of oik‘e dollar or over. SEE IIIE SII.VERWARE IN OCR wiNDowl, WE MAIL ANYTHING.YOU WANT PosTpAto FORGET NoriN "HONE 3 E ARE HERE TO SERVE. YOU • . . ' , ; s