HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-07-20, Page 8No. x836, Pure Linen Huck. Towels, extra good,
size .18x36. Reg, 5oc a pair, Sale price, pair
No. 2245, Huckaback Towels, plain with fancy
white ,border, size 22x45, Sale;price, pair
White Turkish Bath Towels, a few dozen to go 5U,c _...
on sale at only pair. , ,............, ,• ..• .... , .., , , .
Plain White 'rowels nice. .large size, extra "special 21c pr.
About 4o pairs Men's Oxfords in tan, 'patent and gun-
metal, worth . up to 5.00, marked for the, 7 days at
Shoe Specials
Women's Oxfords; Pumps and Boots, inlatent ; leather,
dongola' and gunmetal, all sizes and good styles, reg.
up to 4.5o, to clear at 2.29. .
McPherson's` Shoe Polish, 3 boxes for 10c..
A box of Women's Pumps. and Oxford's will beplaced at
the door. The price is 98c. .
Serges at :$i.48
All wool Serges, colors -Navy, Copenhagen, red, brown
and black, 52 and 54 . inches wide, good heavy qual-
ity, worth 2,00, for 7 days at 1.48.
Large Size Carriage Umbrellas, Special 89c.
Corsets 'at 98c
D. - & A. and Crompton Corsets, clearing lines, all gpod
models, reg. 1.25 to 2.0o, Sale Price' Per pair 98c.
Hosiery Specials~ O;r-Women
Black. Cotton Hose, extra heavy, sizes 8% to xo, Special;
2 ,pair '`for 35c. .
Penman's Soiesette Hose, wear . guaranteed, black 'or
white, all sizes,' special 39c.
Silkette Gloves, assorted colors, sizes 6 4. to-8,,regtilar
35c Pair kr 18c.
tomen's .Auto. Coats,' reg. price 2.5o, special for 7
days at half price, 1.25.
3 Pair Lisle . Socks for 500\
Black and colored lisle Socks, reg.. 25 and 35c
Special '3 pair for 50c.
3 Pair Lisle Socks for $1.00-
1.00-Fancy lisle, Socks, colors-Copen,' tan, grey dndb green,•
reg. 5oc pair, our seveneday price, '3 pair for. 1.00.
Black cashmere Soaps- at a special . price. of 25c.
Heavy black and colored. cotton Socks, special 2 pr. 25c.
Collar and Cuff Sets for 25c.
White Linen Collar and Cuff Sets, nice large size, reg.
5oc set, sevendays at 25c.
Womien's'Picnic or Outing Hats at 50c.
Large. Size Overall Aprons for 50c. .__
at Iles' Fancy Colored Parasols marked to clear
at 25cp.
Rare Opportunity is 0fered you
o buy Seasonable. •Goods�►IG
Lines being , 'at Less than To -day's
Wbolesale 'Prices. 4
We are not having a 30 daysAugust Sale this year, but -
we aim at this Sppecial 7 Days' Sale to do the biggest 7
days' business in thehistory ofthis �... y t is store4 READ THE
in Forenoons . if. possible.
• .possible. __-Bring a list Made gout of your:
needs with. you. Tell your friends about the bargains and,
values you get. Note the date -JULY 22 TO JULY 29.
r Case, 30 pieces', snow white. Cotton, fine even: thread,
linen finish,; good firth quality. 'This cotton 'was bought
in anticipation of This sale and the present price is 12%c.
yard. Seven -Day Price 1or
No more than 22' yds, to a. Customer , i y s. for * i s
, 5 pieces,. 42 in. Circular Pillow .Cotton, nice even thread,
heavy quality, good value • at 2k0 yard, Sale price 22c.
$1.00 Farmers' Satin for 84c.
2 pieces heavy black Farmers' Satin, 54 in. wide, our reg
ular r.00 line for 7 days we Willsell it at 84c yd. -
8-4 Sheeting 33c yd.
4 Pieces 8-4 Bleached ,Sheeting; good heavy quality, free
from filling or starch, reg: 4oc yd., sale. price , 55c"
6 dozen's eeial . shirts, extra well" made pockets, brass '
P 7� 2
b xt ns_,.._large. and-rodmy„ -regzalue, Our
Seven -Day Price 79c.
5 pieces genuine oxford shirting. These goods can
hardly be bought. to -day.. A late shipment came to
band and we are putting them on sale at 18e..
1YIen s Ties
A big lot of'• Men's regular .5oc Ties, on sale at 40c.
Men's Fine Cambric Handkerchiefs, reg. 15c
each, Special Sale Price 3 for 25c.
$1,00 Middy Blouses -for 79e---
A nice, assortment of -Middy Blouses, plain white or white
- with blue trimming, 'reg. .i.00 for 79c..
Ladies' Cotton Vests, short sleeves or sleeve-
less extra value at 15c. each. T .
Ladies' :white-W-ai-sts
On this sale we offer a goodassortment
of Ladies', White' Waists, with ' fine lace
and 'tnsertion.trimming: . Some of these.
are ;loW neck and short sleeves. and some
are high neck with lace collar. and long
sleeves. Special 55, 75 and. 95o. :
W --Goods'-Snap---at--121c-We h we arranged- a table of.' Crepes,
Repps, 1Vlusims and Linen Suitings, a •
splendid assortment of eolofs and pat:
terns. Reg, up to tor -yard, onsale for,
7 days only at 12 11,421.
14 pieces Silk Taffeta Ribbons, full 4
• inches wide, all colors'. and -black and
white, reg. 15c value, Seven
nay Price per yd 1n
: Girls' Sailor- Blouses
I I re -is 4 big 25c snap in Girls�i-` hits
Sailor 4louses, trimmed with navy, reg.
75c and '1.0o lines to clear at 2.5c.
Remnants.I Remnants 1 •
Big . Pile of Remnants to. be ,cleared_ vitt
during this great 7• Days', Sale. ,-atr low '
remnantprices will interest you and
Orders� :. -save you -money: '
14 patterns • English Worsted and Fancy Scotch Tweed
.Stiitings,•reg.price rfLoo, zo.00 and $22.00, made $15
to your measure by any tailor you like for.:
Boys' Jerseys for 23e
A big lot of Men's Fine Cambric Shirts,
neat patterns in stripes and.plaii eolors,
.sizes 14 to 171 reg•: 75C to 125, Sale
Price 55c oir 3 for $.1.50,'
Bogs' Cotton Jersey's, lortg, or short
,'sleeves, Just die thing for 'the hot
Weather, on sale for 7 days only.. at 23c.,
Bargains inFloor Coverings,
3 only, 1Vfikara Wool Squares, splendid for. bedrooms, 1 size 2 ' x3 yds, reg 4,co, kr
$8,29, ''x size :3x4:4 yds, .reg, 5.,75 for $4,95, r size 3X3 yds reg. G.00 for:$4.95.
Shelf Oil Cloth, 12 in. wide, 'white.with blue border: for. 90 per yd,
25e Art Sateens for 18e
--8- precec English Art Sateens;'' nice as-
sortment of patterns, suitable for com-
forters ard3 coverings, 3o in. wide, reg.
zo and /5c yd., -special 18e.
Men's 75c and $1., Caps 25c
About. '40: Capsin this lofand all are
good ones. The reason of the big re
d i&ion us that we Have too many. You
can have your.pialt of the lot. -All are
reg. 50, 75 and t.00, for 7 days at'.25c.
• Cambric Corset Covers' at 25c
Prints, Chaiubrays, 'etc., sizes 21 44,'6, 8 yrs.; special 48c.
,Wash Dresses for Girls of from 8 to. 14 years, reg. up..to,
Y.so, .sale price 95c.
This . is very suitable for Boys' Suits' or Pants.
Special 32c.
Flannelette Blankets for $1.47
15 pair cotton Blankets, white or grey, good large size, -
special $1.47.
Boys' Shirts tor 43c
'Boys' Chambray Shirts,' in -plain- whirs; -blue, tan and
\grey, sizes 1.2%, to 14, reg. 75c, Seven -Day Price
.. 43c. Y
pVancy Goods
`Table. Mats and Doylies,' reg, 12%
and r5c,'for 5u.
Small Centre Pieces and Doylies, reg. 20, 25 and 3oc, 1\7c.
Large Centre Pieces, nice designs, reg. 35"and'5oc, 29c.
Large Centre Pieces, Tray Cloths and Sideboard Drapes,
regi 1:60, /45 and i:5o, your choice for 69c.-
Td clear' out the balance " of 'our stock we willsell any
Hard Straw.„ Hat we have in:;the:storey ..reg ,, y
_.4- A
2.00 or .Sit Hat far.. ► .......• . .... ;� .• . •........ .
Vacuum Cleaners and Carpet Sweepers
3 Combination Vacuum.. Cleaners and Carpet Sweepers, satisfaction guara steed or your
money : re'funded.:,_leg. z i.5o, Sale Price $7 95,
House Dresses ,at 69e each
The balance of our Ladies' 'Hs use Dresses to go ati sale. at 690.