The Lucknow Sentinel, 1916-07-20, Page 6Rents :,;:ossw..s.ssiereemerseniesessess.stsc
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• Ily Clsitvit PfilisLIPPO ItttOWEY'
(Anther Of "Geld, Oold in 04trilseets" Etc..)1
CHAP= XXIII.-(Corit'd.) wards the Franklyn Ilan*, to bring
To this uncomfortable cellm # helP if poarible,
things Diek Itolt returned, aCqUieSe. "We are In a Serious position, `c014
int inallthe arrangements Willett they' were the hest Men to Send," was
• combo bad made. ' , the explanation Awldcb. Rat Veneh-
ol did not tor down the $tahieu pss, safea, anil thereafter, for twenty-four
til you came, 1,14 they ought, to go hours, Anstruth, barely.. opened his
along with the other buildings if you mouth to aurno,
think thet the India= are still likely
to make trouble" CHAPTK/t
may here aer- /1141113"' A Sullen. gloom settled upon the
'Kiley are too strong to sit down 131-i- lama and on the prairie outside the
der the dressing we gave them. There house, s jhn Ana A/1st/1101er barely
Must be fifty armed xnen at least, and spoke to one iluothor, a nabob.of
them did their hest to avoid Kitty,,
they know that there are only four of
us, and one Of us wounded.. °Hew IS whirst the pines in the brute etetal
Al now?" , waist deep in the -fog and, long col.
"Ob. he Will "d0 all right. It was %nuns of nose *so' TrOill amongst the
only a flesh wound. He has lost d trees like VaPera from 0. witch's calils
dron, . • ' •
But. for two whole days no Dianne
appeared, and Rolt was beginning to
hope that -when the beiP sent for ar-
rived. thereWould be no weris for the
' let of .bloecl, but the old chap says:
that be bas•plenty more. But if we
tear down the stableWhat are we
going to do about the horses?"
"Tturn there loose to rustle • for
therneelves, send take their change -44
i.�lpers to do.•
.,hemg shot. We can do nething cPo• .Mrs, Reit was the life of the-nartY;
!,"It won't do to leave Ourselves with. but though she 'rallied the -Men on
out beree, We 'night have to 4:ide their silence and insisted upon songs
for our lives, after ; , ; the arewiSegsroom at night, And,
"It can't ,come to that." thOinth. Dr. Protherop and her husband
"It mightsltelt. Tin* of the Ave.did on that bh,y couldto aid and abet
'n1"'" • her lier attempts were net ordWilerd
Rah groaned, "Pre never thinking sueees,
of anything Ie1se. Jim, What do you
• advise?
"Well, if you. ask me, I ehould
knock out a partition or two,- and
Make the dining -room and one' of the
ethers into a. stable. It will play the
devil with the house, but we can fix
that up again Wilde the trouble is
over. If you say the word have
feed brought in, and horse for the
ladies and half the men."
' "Why half'Z"
• "We can't mannge more, and we
shouldn't want them. If it comes to
a show down seme of us will have to
stay to hold the Indians whilst the
others get through,"
"Which horses shall We bring in?"
"Mrs. Bolt's, MSS Kitty's, your
own, that stallion (he will have mend-
ed by now), and two more. Tile two
sorrels I shots's' think are best". ,
"What about Mr: Anstrueber's Jinn -
"His looks won't pay fel': his keep
He ain't the horse for this job. We
aren't going fox hunting or hurdle
ionising, arid; he'd play out before he
got hell way. • The country bred:,
are the only ones. that 'could stay the
• distance." '
"I think Yon Underrate` my horse's led she way into a small, room which
staYiog powers.,
' - jutted out from the lace of the house.
Anstruther 'had come in unobserved
and heardthe'last remark, and though
very calm in Speech, he was very white
and his eyes glittered angrily.
• "Maybe, but I wouldn't have
thought him any more good for this
job than them things you was hauling
, out of your trunk for Miss icitty to
Every night, at least three differ-
ent inmates of the ranch stole out to
go over the defences. There Was al-
ways seine one missing from the
group around the piano, trying the
doers and re -arranging the barricades
whilst no one was looking.__ '
'The blow fell in third night.
The whole, prairie land had been
swallowed up in gloone in which no
star showed; no wind "moved,' When
Mrs. Rolf) woke her husband- with a
gentle pressure of his arm:
"Don't make a noise, dear," she
whispered„ "but listen. I suppose it
is only is sat." ,
"Not even that, Pony. It must
have beenyour fancy. • Go to sleep,
little Woman, and don't worry."
But at that mement a low knock
sudendly on the bed -room door... In-
43tantly Bolt rose and opened it. Jim
Combe was there With his rifle in his
band. ,
"Bring your gun along; Rola , They
are trying to fire the house."
Iri .silence the two crept down the
Stairs, at the foot of whichsstood'An-
struther, Old AI and Jack Fairclough,
with their Winchesters in their hands.
The doctor. vrassnot.sthere,_laut Jim
a room which they had laughingly
christened the excrescence. Bolt had
/built it on as a.,conservathry for his
wife, to connecb*ith his own study.
Both sides of it, as well is the top,
being of glass, it was the weakest.
point in their defences, and in sit,
therefore, had been piled more than
look- at, , All right in the' shires, nu its share of • furn
iture bansicacIds. It
''‘ "d pa- formed I f letterL '
deubt; horses and pink eeetr a -the• oot o a , of winch.
tent leather pumps but not built for the main front of the house was the
business," retorted Combe coldly. stem.
Anstruther flushed and bit. is , ms. This room was in absolute darkness
To Pass the time thirbig the silence when the men entered it, but it seem -
be had been oVerhauling his trunk, ed to Bolt that something stirred
and at the moment when jim eame feehis,,in_the_enrner_of, lt_______-_
upon them he had heeii showing -Kitt -Y. Presently a voice; barely mrlible
Clifford a red coat wniseh he had even to their straining ears wilts -
brought with him • at hsr -reoueSt, • l'er 1 pered:;
the fancY-dress bail at Victoria. I "Are you there, .l'im?"- .
But he left Cornbe's remark unan- 1'
, , . .
- Clo, mi be moved • ,etlently - ,across to-
swered. Instead of a direct reply lie wards the voice. •
asked Rolt if,,as no Iwtians mere. in - "Put that in your pocket for me.
sight, he did net„,think seineene Plight will you, old chap, until we've played
get throligh to Soda ` Creek to. send
, this' hand ? Are You. ready, now? Has
down the road ler help. - 1 each, men picked % his panel? Never
"I was thinking of it, and mean ka mind the!glass. ReadY1
Sencl some one as soon as it grow 1 There fellowed a faint seratehing.
dark if the aaast is Still Clear." and then a feeble blue flame appear -
'Then, sir. if you will allow me, I'
- ed for a second, after which a great
C81) save.stable remit ler Ruddy -gore, •
and lurid red light lit the
i winstake myself to Soda Creek. to-
, whole conservatory, and • flooded the
right*" -1 ' • ' ' front of the house, 'showing up with -
"Non ense Ansbruther. - You could . . .
• ' the utmost distinctness the piled.furn-
, 1 iture, the crowded and, broken
-is aecidentl ; I b • • , Mrs Rolt's fatiorites, and' he figure of up disabled and crippled men. Lee- President- 'of the . Insalment and.. In -
ingenious arrangements for patching formed in C a, Y P that it wiltsring at or near the, end you have to buy enough o therri to do
of the time prescribed for cookingst e .the summer's cam -ling. A good way
turing at 13ulach - on cases that had vestment Co., 207 Transportation different articles of food, and she ,• to keep the jars from Cracking when
the hot preserves are put into -them is
actually come under . his personal Bldg.., Montreal, will be glad tareceive
notice in Germany, Surgeon -Major subscriptions from Canadians in order go abut another task with'afree'and
undivided mind, knowing that watch- the old method of using a silver knife.
Gamper declares that he saw such • . '
wonderful 'artificiel legs of 9erman in-:
vention thet soldiers fittect with them
were able to rejoin the cavalry . for
active sex -vies - , , , -
They sat on their horses as well and, ' None Grew Before. , of the clocks .The slip calling
fashion over the little ring at the top
for the .potato peelings? There is, and the
Did you ever think there is a use for
as easily Ste if they' still possessed a Wh do cocoanuts. have '" eyes r earliest attention is placed ,on top, or, reason. that it isn't known is that most
sound pair of legs and could do as . Y . "*. . • . • ,. •
ttickl in ti• I ' This, say the naturalists, is the rea- 1 e , A ,penciled
f the time 's en each slip, the American housewives are too wasteful
One-third "1,41y White" la
; thirds §ugar, by weight.
; •"Lily White" Corn Syrup pres
veins fermentation aod ;none-. _
bsilese out the natura1:11avoer of
- fruits and berriee,-and•. makes .
• nitwit more deliciousPreerves,
Jame, and Jelliee thaa /mt. oatt
. nielte with alisugars ,
. ditg. lOsssi 20110ilialina
‘--atiilldnalera; •
SIONTHEAlt • 278
..42q VIRM01014.
Appeal], to 1,1! ter As.
roue is not yet yet in sight, but
it is not toe° soon PrePsret to deal.
.with, =tofu problemo which will Woe
on ito gonelusion and directly affect
the Welfare of those who have taught
for Us. When peace does, come: One, At,
of the first thoughts sif gratefel.pee. TastY Sandwiches,
ple will be as to some Memorial to sardine sandwich...4w° hard,holie &U• T:1144rd 11,MuoVatsallonlly°"aefte'vregpttraaboti
'its heroes, to those 'who have .4lien cd, inspeetiell.-..,-;-.:..pot-evcr tbotolephene4A
The eueleue such a Memorial nurr#90,°°r‘y7;11'hgclit.ligber144:1X.j:&ae.lille4nbinleicaY' Dk1414(10,,":".04: athn914°1341147 feafmailthatvryltot 1141.111*
and to those who survive, - tho
ready exists exiete in the Veterans* club, paft, mince, whites; free sardines Third-Inferier brands of :food do
Hand Court, High Holborn, X.0114014a from skin auft bone; cut orange into
Club which very dear to the hearts' dee, add At few drops of IMAM PICO
of many BOW fighting M the trenches to 1.44,70nuaiseil .work in the zreuce,
orkeeping watch upon *ha seas. Th9 Awn. the whites, Sardines and lagt the
original Club was opened five Yegia ,erauge,, sprea4 carefully over whole
ago to fill the Want Often eXpresSed
, wheat bred very lightly buttered.
bY the ex'aerviee P'Ph a; a P'aFe ' Cream ste Chicken $0114Wiebo-,-04e-
bwehteterre,ahueae4Ulladi•liZet Old comrades Br half' cup diced white *own mow
surroundings than teaspoon powdered ,golatine, cUp
a Public house, or such other resorts
as wpm within nieoot.,. oteec % Pint cream, salt, Pells
where he now ,geh bed, write his per,•celery salt. • White bread. Die -
save the, gelatine' in. the cold letters, and obtain help o4viee*. p°und. ellieken. fine and season; place
PeolollY with regard, ,t° ciuPloYmeut milk with gelatine' and chicken '0,Ver
As this latter luatter'the Veterans' loW fire until dissolved and
Corps (founded Minneciten With the
thick;. re-
ing from s the ftnang of the elleaateala• (1°11`e invaluable work ami -venlh9iYis'eperedtiffn?.lalltehwe.t,f'qecalnooliPw.theevin°nc:113; is harmfal to silk. stockings Club) has Useful Hints;
0104111:1 a Imo tg„ dear away these its uniform is !t66,11 ma, resPe.eteq spread thls'ehiciten paste on the bread, iron them.
• 4.
'faggots. We Can't leave them there." everYWeeret • • Wing letteca lea, and ton* of snaY-
ertresienio:miooxvohclie.,th eessfam:eieott4,...tthooya then. war,
wokeere..a7r,e9a0t0 ain4 oeur tbey rosf .7:11A:4e cpirn:coahie:eeileetfatn-, eds:•eetpdsi:is,enti Sandwich.-
isiwbeTt with roast cs4hileirceul.s% delicious served
scrambled, out, and swiftly arid in all- register of the Veterans! Club ..hatare
taficS •• .110* Xe.-ininad the in pimento, .1 (Plait Spanish onion, 14 Willt° lace j?e aw84%.!11
The f98, shrouded ,thsm,antloas• 04e view of- the, gnomons inereese of, our. cup pecan wfaxinb.. yeast,- sweet
molested naval. and raillery ferees and, the vast' Marermaiee, brown tread, round
• o.t`
Method; Were Z01140Yed
'Considering the amennt.of thong
'and attention • bestowed On tha• art of
*ay by the ancients; it is strange thii
r 'so little information regarclin0 tT
teethed's of transmitting Orders 01100
.11otetiir 4374,-nythIno bodes:, hi nono. tee geed fe
Fourth -Buy /Meltable tltingS I
tlahrinie:na.ntities.• Let it be detailed, bu
Sixth -Never buy unnecessary
Fifth -Keep eYsteraatic accaunt
Seventh -Patronize reliable dealers.,
:They will appreciate you if yell Pay
cash, and: if they feel you appreciate
their reliability they will never fall
you. • .
. . •
"'• ,WaNV get/hack, and don't, pull int
, the barrieade till 1 tone * .
• As the others obeyed Jim went on
his knees and laid a fire with more
rapidity than he had ever laid one in
his life., .
• Another man Might have struck
match after mateh and trusted to shiP, Mereover it ike ALSO thought that
chatCe, but even then Jim was meth- branches sheuld be established not
'odical, breaking the little tsirigs and ellilY-iA the PrilleiPal cep*" of . the
mother cop./try, but also in the Horn-,
laying them fic.-elose Paeked bundles,
so that when the -small star of light
• appeared it grew Ateadily, and still
the watchers could see Jim feeding his
fire and Malting sure that the flames
had made good their hold.
'Then a shot was fired from the fog;
the faggots rattled and flew in all
directions. and Combe came, running, A, Central Veterans' -Club in Lon -
almost en his hands and knees, to the don coneeived on generous lines with
barricade. But the fire had eaught its annexes wherever required would
hold, and as soon as the men in the constitute a noble, visihle and. lasting
excerscence , replaced the furniture proof that .the, services of the sailor
and made, good the gaps, •great ton-
gues' of flame roared as they climb-
ed upwards. , ' .
"We can't help that., They eau see
be shoot now as well as we can, but great but it should.. be &me at once.
tthh:tyt rigohnt't. iompreelicItohsee. wwohmilenst wt: khostostipe < The Veterans' clnh, Association --has
been formed to carry it out, and pat-
aWay from the windows, and let each rietie individuals in the mother. cOun-
Man -witch "from behind soinething try • awl Overseas are invited to join
solid. . Don't spare the cartridges the Association and subscribe to it ac -
Al ?" . . . cording to their means.
"Inlet lironiutd" to the back' and watch to an adequate building in London,.
\ To purchase and transfer the Club
out there. 1 -gtiese you can. see in now in the market, and permantely
the dark better than most: 'Where's to endow it as a great Imperial
the doctor?"
No. one answered. , Memorial„ to endow a splendid court-
- ,
try house (which has been. offered to
"Doe Ho! Doe!" Jim cried, but the Committee) as a convedencent
there was no reply . home for the use of members who sufs
"Did any of you see him putskie? fer from their 'wounds or from sick --
We haven't left him out, have we?" ness, to carry oil the ' other activities
"He wasn't outside. Perhapg he of the Chit, and the existing Club
'mew enough to keep in out of the meanwhile, it is estimated that the
ram," sneered Fairclough, who detest- sum of f200,000 will be needed;
ed the doctor, whose butt he had al, When . peace is. declared and men
ways been. ' • . are dischargek that discharge must
"Ile knows a good deal , now, necessarily evercro he 'abet -mar-
'inorigst other things, what a blanked ket ; this is the t e when men will
leek you...ere .....,P.00r _ olds chapISS___-__ _wanf. help„Seve.....1 efore-eonfide
There was a serious choking sound appeal to the B itish public for as -
in Jim's savage, voice, as .he groped
about in the dark and turned some-
thing over on the floor. .
• (To be continuei.) ,7
'tn4uembeeervraicoefe veett7thraensexpwihrao411114.6ra4hv: itohnelebuiecees.erzwiththt:rieditniets through
war, it is necessary that the whole the nut faiife of- the chopper;add to
scene of the "Veteran's Club" should previous mixture with enough mayons
be\ enlarged if -it is to be of adequata naiee to make a smooth, velvety eon.
gnu% inadequate 4PreStiOnrt aglInal4heurnildeiningbet wsililetrjr sgrronwat 91 bread,gh twlYithbutten Lewd
sprigs of water 'cress, if desired.
Chicken -Tomato.. Sandwich. --Thin
rings of ripeltornetes breast chic*
cucumber, White pepper, mustard;
mayonnaise, lettuce arid brown bread.
Slice the chicken in tvafer-like slices;
also the peeled, crisp cucumber; but-
ter the brown bread lightly, lay onlet-
Miens, for the use of the large xturns
bee of men frets) those Dominions who
• have fought for the Empire, which
would also constitute centres to ,which
men could turn for help or , advice
when they transferred their labor 'ter
our Empire beYoud the seas,
b• lue yellow pa.Per.' „
'Alcohol vvill remove ink, stains from
light ,ssige5; material", •
AlWaYs, thoroughly iicub a geoh of
'bacon before. it ii sliced, ' '
.Cream soups are more nourishing
than StOek e0Upa.
Before belting ie sewed in awash
• shirt it should l)t) shrunk. •
All Wooden puckets when not in use\
should, have two inches of water left
in them.
-MlsbnoonsinsiMproved by haVirig
'boiling water Pciured • over it before
It is better to wash table linen by
• itself. Handkerchiefs should be
tuce, then cucumber. Spread the waarldeallilduneni and eadnamicaldes,
encturnher with thin mayonnaise to
sett ie stewed figs and boiled • rice
which a little mustard has been ad -
served together.'
ded; on Op of the cucuniber place the There is more nourishmenb in the
chicken, then lay the teenato rings on
top of the. chicken; add a little more of lutnepkoilnisdh.ecl -rice than in the
• A small piece of camphor in • the
water, in which cit flowers are put
will make them last longer.
Always have your scales handy in
• the kitchen: It is a good idea le keep
a check on your tradespeoftle:
A knife kept in the sewing: basket
will he found useful for ripping
seams, hems, buttons, etc, from
d°Wtilhe:Aishes are .to be heated place
them in hot water for a few minutes.
This is less to crack the glaze.
• The short end of candles melted and
miked with equal. parts of tupentime
Make it fine polish for hardwood floors.
• A teaspoonful of Vinegar plated In
a paraffin, larnp ' that smells or
smokes Will ,cause a clear • light Med
•prevent an unpleasant odor and Smoke.,
The appearance 'of' a low-ceilinged
rooni can: be much counteracted by
hanging the curtains from the top of
the _window Straight down to the floor.
To remove tar stains rub the spot
the mayonnaise on the tomato and last
the' slice of brown broad. This has
and Soldier were aPPreciatecr and th.e effect of , a club sandwieh. It
that a generous -,British .public had slaould be placed on a very large
taken its gallant, protectors under its square of bread, later cut diagonally.
own' cats The work to be done is It Must be 'seeved thoroughly mild and
the eticumber and tomatoes both. must
be fully ripe and juicy. Garnish with
elives and Cress. 'This, with a re-
freshing '•beverage, makes a Most ac-
ceptable, substantial, lot weather sm.-
vice.° . ' •
Toothatinie Sweet Sandwich. -One-
half .vounkl AgS, 1/4 pound chopped
dates, 1 eup grated fresh cocoanut, 1
tablespoon grated sweet chocolate, 1
scant eup sugar, 1 cup finely broken
pecan meats; large Soda crackers,. or
white bread; Melt the chocolate ma
double boiler; add remaining ingredi-
ents and 'allow to simmer about 10
minutes, or until the Mixture is a
will-Smoothed.e.reamy mass. ' ,itemove
from fire; cool slightly, then beat un-
til creamy. ,SSpread . on crackers or
on lightly buttered Small squhres of
bread. A Op piece may be added if .first • with lard and then with- soap,
deaired. This ;makes an excellent Leave for an hours and then wash in
-iiindwic.h for the top off of the chit. hot water' softened with ammonia. If
dimes meal, for the luncheon basket traces still remain rub with turpen-
instesicloteandysserser.ved on the finer bine
sistance in the reat work outlined afternoon tea creasy of crackers it is suitable for sprTionkkleeepwemnewthisthfrsoamlt,ruthgesno'vt6pcaeieis
in this letter. a cloth dampened with *twin water
be sent to the Duke • Of Bedford or
, Donations a d subscriptions should
• Alarm Clock System , • proportion of a spoonful to every
having spirits of turpentine added in
- • the Lord Mayor of London, c/o Measre. The alatni clock's possibilities for Vett af Weter. '' • '
When You Cook fish, meat- or seges
. . Cox & Co., Bankes and Army Agents,
16 Charing ,Cross, SON. ; or to Most Women leek 'upon it ae a neeeSs
helpfulneSs- aren't fullii appreciated.
tables remember this: The _flavor is
Two Instances of Mechanical Surgery Messrs. Drummond, 49 Charing Cross, saty. evil, a disturber of the gray best Preserved by steaming or roasts
, .
' Are Told. ,
• S.W. ; or to !Messrs Holt & CoS;
(Woodhead's Branch), Navy Agents, it is only waiting to exidOit ;its ver -
dawn; and lete it go at that; whereas, Ing.: Simmer bedg n
ing. -SuWe. boiling is more economi-
cal; as it does net require so much
in the Manufacture of mechanical been the enormously, improved method Count of the "Veterans' tlubeAs-
One 'of the respite Of the war hoe 44 Charing Cross, S.W.., for the ace satile
guardian, disciplinarian, memorandum'.
qualifications as cook, nurse
gentafukerlaisw,ebxuptenstraeantiahl; is
sociation," or to the Organizing Secre7 alid asaisb,nt housekeeper in general.
the coolest and cheapest method for
and Germeny. ' - •
limbs, both in England arid in France tarysat-the-offices of the Association,
1 Adelphi 'terrace Houee, Adelphi„ tious cools. The housewife has but to
The alarm clock is a most conSeien-
surnmer foods, because several articles
According to Surgeon -Major Gam- W.C. - place her pies roast, turkey, -etc., in
may . be steanied over a burner
.notride half the distance. /*Our ace's . ,
limbi crt per of the Swiss army, it is a fact that
the Germans have deVisediremarkably Club Association has alread3r been
A Canadian branch of the Veterans' the
beans .on the stove set the stiarm so
oven, ,
I: potatoes, beets
d wtitints7resthiconsgt else 'is -
anad and GOdfre Bird . r
the doctor behind a soup plate filled
parden, Mr. Bolt, but I cannot be an with some stuff to whieh he had set
, invalid forever, am perfectly able to fill,.
ride -if I cannot do anything else, and
But the five men had no eyes for
would rather °ride my horse .to -Soda these things. .In front of them, all
Creek than abandon him."
aiong the face • of the ranch house
For a moment Rolt's ha -agorae' face
they Saw bundles of faggots piled, anci
elouded. 'He was him:self allot:tem-
pared man, but he had leossa. sts631„, animist them a score .of • figures mo-
mentarily arrested in their _work by
hiS marriage to held himself in check the sudden illumination.
" beside ,-whiele the antagonism between the Chilcotene had seen this chi. -
the 'tar's" Mello Whilst it. annoyed him.
was iesenwbie enough. ' .,;.;16 ,.. nese fire the Christmas before, but it
"VerY well, Anstruther. PH consi; had been lighte0 then to amuse them;
. . t Y son : Cocoanuts generallY grow at Phiss may be filed upon the tang res., to 'bother to save peelings, The fresh
' feat . required of a perfectly, able-
fig- bodied man. the edge of seas or rivers, and a good gardless �f ()eider. The alarm is then Peelings; boiled Make excellent chicken
der what yon say. We shall not be now it clung to their crouching
and betraying them to the I A well-known 'case in Engl nd is many of the nuts as they become ripe set far the earliest time Marked upon food The • The dried swellings May be
fall into the water. The nuts are
sending anyone' Air an hour or tin). 'tires, bathing them in its hideous glow,
the one of the slipes and reset when burned in the stove. They are . a
Let Mr. Anstrather's horse be brouah rifles, that of Lord Lucas, who buns wounded one retainder is conceled awl the next good starter for the 'fire if charcoal
s____shrisstead_asi_sofaerssitiassatat_s_withistvh"Ch suddenly opened fire anon them. early in the war in Flanders, with covered with a thick husk, which has
that), be tarried bio.baok on die pail: of When . the roar of the Winchesters the result that he lost i leg. --AIT inio,rder of time takes its place. • or wood is riot at hand, and they help
__a_waserpsooeseeveriods_ses_tbsati they
ischeas and the crashing of the glaSs had sills- will float As they float, the three . lie-wighltnuastviressetssersideseseees-•eensidatahlYsinscattingstlissinetsinsthe
,thein arid went ititetairs te the artificial limb; was fitted so' success -
down to a dtill red glow, Vlach Ining fully that Lord Lucas was able ' th eyes,swhkh. are all at One end of
i Whether it be phyeical relaxation and that these may be forwarded to head -
the tain time each day for recreation. nine and chimneys.
. Whet transpired there is not • re- sided, and the Chinese fire hail died
corded; but whilst ;Anstruther was transfer his service nut are alwayS on thp.
And How the Palm C(rows Where
fur alarm win summon her in time to, while the Pteserves are being pour -
prevent the food from burning. . ed in; when the jar is,quite re's
Write the reminders upon_ small move it The heat is.absorbed by the
slips of paper, to be stuck, "stick -file" knife and the jar remains quite coel.
,aking his preparations the fog be-
, for a time on thce face of the fog, • c
ying orps an is now serving with
d es to the Royal
ill b..
s Once in the water, nature goes to sleep, reading; embroidering, garden- quarters: inLondon
acknowledged in the public press front
time to -.time. .
• g 1). to i a', erc•Ivere .11 -dozen "of the •Chileotens work. Froxn one of the eyes there ng, •or even . next- oor-neighboring contributions w e gratefully
.-Buddy was 'odor -Ito the disman-
tled dining room; "-arid •-twe 'figurca,
thoee of old 'Tema and the elder Fait-
. a,diose noon . e • ranc
that -sortieu us u fUllY is t f h br • she may enjoy the rec •eatio h
who ould h
leaves that net as sails The wind i with untroubled mind if the faithful
catches these sails and wafts the ; alarm clock s,dt to ring forth its
many miles longs. As it sails, 'the neAssnmd nt,§ht•eenedfiieien-t .tila• rm
cocoanut on a journey that may be warning' wisest- her well-deserved idle -
clock can
atiler two eyes send out roots, which .
at first groin among the -1 res o e
Many a housewife is discouraged 'be -
woody husk.
In time the Cocoanut is swept on an- cause she doesn't seem to be able to
• the housekeeping plans which
other shore, perhaps on another, iss follow
„lantl,The roots, embed themselves in she has laid out for each day with the
the soft earth, the sail beeomes tre---drigited dispatch:- -This is -where -the
trunk, and very shortly a thrifty co- alarm clock turns -disciplinarian'. Re.
coanut palm igroWing where none gigter upen it the t'artp that the dishes
grew before. • ahould begun, the bedmaking. started,
c nobave crawled .away to
Save themselves from the minflegra.
lion stilfsh they had .crorne to kindle. •
"Let:s get out of this colds, for
...- -Clough, rode quietly away, the one .to-
stiatds-Seda-Cteeks-and,:thossithoisst-s I heaven s sake!" oried Corribe, cough-
comeg; oothatsends ort mai n . our
Doctor TeitsI-Iow.ToStrength
qualified pilot somewhere in Egy•itt.
en. "
The London Daily Chronicle pub-
lishes the following from its Liver-
s ondent :
Week's ritni in Many .1nstances braces yon up and makes. a max) of
, • "The British army is visullyr-11
A Free rfccfcriptioit You Can /rave
° Filled.anil litte"at Ilona&
IThiledelphil Pa. Do you wear glasses?
reee Ou a vie in er eye strain or other eye
enkne0Seig? r so, you will be ,glad to
linii#' that according .to Dr. Lew'. othere is
l Wipe for you. Many wh011e eye -were
failing sny they have bad. their eras,. re-
, Iltored throughthe principle sr Ws Won=
derrizi free, pregerlption. One Mali says,
after ctrying its 01 was • almost blind;
,could not nee to read at nil. Now 1 earl
read -iiiferytbitig Without taw iflasseo and
in Ode do not water any more. At night
they would pale dreadfflUy t now they reel
Ilan all
the time. it wan like a miracle, to
me." A lady' who used it sagas "The at.
inesphero Reetiitif beer With or without
tiaaao, hitt atter Jiang thie. Preildfl9Hua
for Ancor', d$41 everythint fteeMS dear. A
tan ntiOn read fine print' withoin
ont es.
• it to belfairOd that thousanda 'Who wear
%Medea OW iinVi, digeard theta, in a rem:01;-
11We Milo 404 MU) abides more will be able
It id, told in Weenio.
you, and I dont regret joining it a
• .
bit. I have1 enjoyed the experience,
and it has done in good." In these
words an American boy- of seventeen,
Who has just been discharged from
the army, with, which he has been
gallantly fighting in France for
eleven montlia, . closed the story of
his" doir(gs hi the trenchee.
The youth, whese name is Harold
-Phillips has had a stirring career.
Although 'sceyoung, he is five feet ten,
inches in height, and well built in pro-
portion. For three years he had
been sailing on English vessels, but
in May of last year, on returning
from a' voyage from Chili, he &tided
to jointhe army leith a chum and was'
accepted for the noyal Field Artillery.
He described himself as a Canadian,
to ntrengthen their eyes en as to be spared
the trouble and expense of ever gettAa
glaasea. pyo troubles of many deed
tione may be wonderfully benefited by. •
lowing the Edropie rules.. Hare is •tho 0.;
scription: (lo to any atilt% drug i ga
and •geke bottle of ilon.Opte tablete. Drop
one Bon-Opt0 tablet in 4 fourth or it meal
liquid bathe the 'eyes t*o ,to fou.t. el
ivaer and allow to didflolva. wathirs
deny. you peottla notice your eyes b as*
flunimation will duickly disappear. yOur
tip pereepubly right from tho start Ft in4
steps to env° ttein now before it la too
es AO bothering you, Ogee it Mt di titke
late. Wan/ hopelessly blind might have
been „eared it they bad,eared for that eyes
In time.
Mont Another nrointnent Photetee to whem the ah,eeel
*Alen vas' sonated, "Olt "Bon•Opto la 4 +my rernarksibto
tonirdfc Its constituent Inttredtenfo orto*ell known to end/tent
greer gionr:stetsg roildsgo=b4'eydf?Pfh;ir ; 114:1101UrdAg
Vittri tklid lit thguirmitAntreepren7no ind nooreA 0 tin he
pretnionicons r ton eti......11,E10 no $8I 53 mot gft,,
atmolmicreyfAhier -
Cbtaned renn swo irefod &tined Ithol 4 orkkO filo _vett id,i
•n3e Yakima Drag V•o‘
• Russian Army .1tations.
"Kasha," dry buCkwheat and cold
gour milk, is said to be a favorite
staple food of the Russian troop;
While another is 4`stchee," a soup of
which the chief ingredients are cab-
bage, potatoes, oatmeal and at rrieat,
pork being preferred.
• Paralyzes Fish.
Madagascar fishermen sprinkle a
poisonous 'substance on rivers and
lakes which paralyzen , the fish, and
sauses their bodies to tise, wben they
are caught by hand and eaten withouil
harming their captors.
the baking hour, mending hour, sweep-
ing, etc. Thus a 4:ort of competition
Is started between 'the alarm and the
house -Wife and races must be run for
one or the other to ,win out, .
The Right Way to Huy,
An experieneei housekeeper has.
drawn up her rules for buying pre;
Visions. She is famoua for her sys-
tem in all things timeestie, and the
declares that it is by ,stiekitig tothest)
faithf _Ily'that she knows how to save
' 11 nd there from the fam-
ily Mee e. Here they are, and all
ivho:run may read and profit thereby.
. ,•
... I First -Pay cash for all Putauvaq0.
their armies and fleets Sh(11.114 hav
Altered down to Modern OM% Vier; .
as the Oro* historian, Rolybius, wii?‘
lived in the Seeeeld. centnry, vetit
justly observe., (It OpportnuitY IS of
great advantage .in all things, but
especially in war; and among the
Several things. which, hone. been .1a4
vented to (mettle .men to seize it, noth4
ing can be more conductive to that end ,
• I:
than signals.'
The recorded means Of Celi
ming rapidly oyer Fe,
distances vein) by the IniMaa y„
Thus, when ho W00 9; li.PrOlf.14
ed Cirecce (00 „.04 49 is sta, ze
lailer4 t • wbo 1111$y f0P.1
Imre Pooli•On nelk . sUitPle dli
. Stunt -a Stsvhiell meithe %OW
could ba.tfanipa tted at the rate hf
400 miTea in fortyeeight hOup. •
Atheerding Nosiv, the
Method wage hi use among. the Goi
who, he tells Ifs,' when desirewl 6
transMitting iniPertsuit intelligence,
la need Of help, shouted tta news frog'
Place to 14404 and that thus the'
maseacre of the tiomans in Orleans, at
stirtrise, wail` knew)). at, Auvergne, 120 -
Mike -away, between, 8 and 9 o'clock:*
the same evening. •
°biliously, such a mother' Would be'
liable to interruption by weather. But,
.as-humae life -VMS little, •-ageounted-
alutiong the ancients the normal 'line
of shouters would, doubtless, be sup- :
planted when need arose.
A 'proposal is said to have been
made to Alexander the Great (856-028. •
B.C.) by a natitte of 'Sidon for estabs' ,•
'Ming an "infallible method" of
communication between Greece and
his remote conquests in India withilA
the space of flee days. The King,
however, regarding the proposer as an
invoster:Sdeclined even to consider it; •
the fate of many a valuable sugges-
tine in our own times.
Another method, ' which originated
in the mists of antiquity, was bf
"means of pigeons. It is related by
Pliny that when the sky of Moder*
was besieged by Anthony he sought to
.present all coMmtinication With . the
outside world by drawing lines ar6Und •
it and stretching nets across the river,'
Decimtni, Brutus (d 48 B.C.) who swath
in charge of the defence, was able to
laugh at thcise precautions by using
pigeons; to whose feet letters were
fastened; which duly reached their
destinations. "Of What use were Ab-; •
ton's entreriehmenta and sentinels,
and of what service were all the nets ;
he. epread;',' asked Pliny, "when the •
tieve courier took his route through
the air'?"
. •
. •
France 'to ,Send-i•our -Pounds a ;mai - •
..„ • Weekly to:Germany..
- -The despatch-ofbread-to- French
prisciners of war in Oermany has just
bent centralized in a national fedetas
tion which undertakes to send two.;
kilos (a little over. four,,pounds) of -
•biead weekly to every French -Prisoner_
in Germany. • '
The new organization thcludes. the_
provincial societies previously formed
for aiding the prisoners.. It has the •
active support of the French Govern:.
ment, and of the International Red
Cross Bureau of Gezimia. • As a _result
of the .arrengemente" Made French
prisoners in all the German.- cereps -
will find ,their broad rations doublet'
by these parcels from home. •
Certain guarantees have been - -
Mined for the proper distribution of -
the parcels. Germany, has agreed to
allow in each camp a French delegate.
to correspond freely with the lettere-
tion in order to inform it of the re-; ,
gularity of the deliveries. -
Neutral Ambassadors will also exer-
Ose • control. The German Gevern-
inent has consented to reveal' the exaCt
number of prisoners in each .eurnp,
• o
The best sugar for
the sugar bowi. is
Ketolt-th-Otrman Prisoner Si! nces
.. Caustic Taunts.
• /
Frederick Palmer, the war corres-
pendent, was talking about Englatul.
" Everythieg--isestears-svars-war, over
there," he said. " Dear help the young
Man who is eot in khaki, He has n
l time," then,
• though, one of
these slackers -as they aro Called--
gedt,sAa tibl al bit koeft ,hfisoro.wexiiambareilet:
ing a prison camp near London when
an !Method Gertilan shouted at him
from the barbed wire fence :
" Hey, ,kitehener vaets ,you 1"
. "The blacker 'frowned: What ?"
seid. • ' •
"Kitchener Yenta you," dui Gerinan
" Well; by Jove," mid the sleeker,
" he's got ye% all right 1" ,
Its ritritylird-"fine'!--
• granulation. give it
the highly sweeten:;
iiig4mter. Jt dis.
solves instantly in
your teacup or on ,..
yourkeakfast cereal;
• 2 and 54b
10 and 204b
tio you ,bolievis all dui good bhings
yott hear of yourself 2
Pura e,
es se,
"Tito All-Purpo6 Sugar"